Des Moines Register 10-08-06 Grassroots REGISTER NEWS SERVICES Ag Decision Maker available on CD-ROM Current farm management and marketing information on the Ag Decision Maker Web site can be purchased from Iowa State University Extension. The CD-ROM contains the entire Web site, including more than 300 information files, more than 70 decision tool spreadsheets, 50 teaching aids and all Ag Decision Maker newsletters. The CD is for farmers, lenders, farm managers, agricultural instructors and others in agricultural management. It provides information from agricultural economists at Iowa State University and other universities. A one-year subscription to the Ag Decision Maker CD-ROM costs $80. Requests should be sent to Ag Decision Maker, Iowa State University, 483 Heady Hall, Ames, IA 50011. Checks should be made payable to Iowa State University. The subscription includes a current CD-ROM and an updated version of the CDROM in six months. Visit the Ag Decision Maker Web site at www.extension