Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 1 Verilog HDL ☞ What is Verilog? ➥ Verilog HDL is a Hardware Description Language (HDL) ➥ Verilog HDL allows describe designs at a high level of abstraction as well as the lower implementation levels ➥ Primary use of HDLs is the simulation of designs ➥ Verilog is a discrete event time simulator ☞ What is VeriWell? ➥ VeriWell is a comprehensive implementation of Verilog HDL Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 2 Program Structure in Verilog ☞ Verilog allows hierarchy in a design using modules and ports System ➣ Module_1 Module_2 System instantiates Module_1 and Module_2 ➣ Module_2 instantiates Sub_Mod Sub_Mod Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 3 Modules ☞ Verilog language describes a digital system as a set of modules ➥ Each of these modules has an interface to other modules to describe how they are interconnected ➥ Modules represent pieces of hardware ranging from simple gates to complete systems ➥ Modules can either be specified behaviorally or structurally (or a combination of the two) ➫ A behavioral model of a module is an abstraction of how the module works ✔ Useful in early design process to simulate the intended behavior ➫ A structural specification expresses the behavior of a digital system as a hierarchical interconnection of sub modules Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 4 Structure of a module module <module name> (<port list>); <declares> <module items> endmodule Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 5 Data Types ☞ Physical Data Types ➥ For modeling registers (reg) wires (wire) ➫ The reg variables store the last value that was procedurally assigned to them ➫ The wire variables represent physical connections between structural entities such as gates ➥ Memories are specified as vectors of registers ☞ Abstract Data Types ➥ These data types include: integer, real, time Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 6 Operators ☞ Binary Arithmetic Operators ➥ + - * / % ☞ Unary Arithmetic Operators ➥ - Unary Minus Changes sign of its operand ☞ Relational Operators ➥ > >= < <= == != ☞ Logical Operators ➥ ! && || ☞ Bitwise Operators ➥ ~ & | ^ Sunil Maloo ~& ~| ~^ Verilog Presentation 7 Operators ☞ Unary Reduction Operators ➥ ~ & | ^ ~& ~| ~^ ☞ Other Operators ➥ === Case equality ➥ !== Case inequality ➥ { , } Concatenation ➥ << Shift left ➥ >> Shift right ➥ ?: Conditional Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 8 Tasks and Functions ☞ Tasks are like procedures in other programming languages ☞ Functions act like function subprograms in other languages, except ➥ A Verilog function must execute during one simulation time unit, i.e., no time controlling statements ➥ A task may contain time controlled statements. ➥ A Verilog function can not invoke (call, enable) a task; whereas a task may call other tasks and functions. Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 9 Control Constructs ☞ Selection - if and case Statements ☞ Repetition - for, while and repeat Statements Timing Control ☞ Verilog language provides two types of explicit timing control over when simulation time procedural statements are to occur ➥ Delay control ➥ Event expression ☞ If there is no timing control, simulation time does not advance Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 10 Example bIn x1 cOut x8 x7 x5 aIn cIn x2 x4 x3 x9 sum x6 A One-Bit Full Adder Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 11 module fullAdder(cOut, sum, aIn, bIn, cIn) output cOut, sum; input aIn, bIn, cIn; wire x2; nand xnor nor or not (x2, aIn, bIn), (cOut, x2, x8); (x9, x5, x6); (x5, x1, x3), (x1, aIn, bIn); (x8, x1, x7); (sum, x9), (x6, x4), (x4, cIn), (x7, x6); endmodule Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 12 /* A 4 bit ripple carry adder is implemented using structural Verilog HDL */ /* code. a and b are 4 bit inputs and s and c_out are ouputs. s is a 4 bit */ /* sum output and c_out is a 1 bit carry output. */ module adder (); reg[3:0] a, b; wire[3:0] s; wire c_out; /* declare data types of inputs a and b */ /* declare data type of ouput s */ /* declare data type of output c_out */ /* Instantiate the 1 bit full adder module defined below to form the */ /* 4 blocks of ripple carry adder. The input carry is assumed to be zero. */ fulladder FA0(c1, s[0], a[0], b[0], 1’b0); fulladder FA1(c2, s[1], a[1], b[1], c1); fulladder FA2(c3, s[2], a[2], b[2], c2); fulladder FA3(c_out, s[3], a[3], b[3], c3); Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 13 /* Test bench to give the inputs and check the output values. The time */ /* variable, inputs and outputs are displayed. */ initial begin /* Beginning of initial block */ /* The monitor statement monitors the value of variables at all instants */ /* and displays the result whenever there is any change. */ $monitor ($time, “a=%b, b=%b, s=%b, cout=%b, c1=%b, c2=%b, c3=%b “, a, b, s, c_out, c1, c2, c3); a=0; b=0; /* give specific input values */ #100 $display ($time); /* display the time variable */ #900 a=15; b=15; #100 $display ($time); #900 a=0; b=15; #100 $display ($time); #900 a=15; b=1; #100 $display ($time); #900 a=5; b=7; #100 $display ($time); end /* end of the initial block */ endmodule /* end of the adder module */ Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 14 /* 1 Bit Full adder module */ module fulladder (cout, si, ai, bi, cin); parameter delay2=1, delay3=2, delay4=3; /* variables defined as parameter */ input ai, bi, cin; output cout, si; /* declaring inputs */ /* declaring ouputs */ and #delay3 (si1, ~ai, ~bi, cin), (si2, ~ai, bi, ~cin), (si3, ai, ~bi, ~cin), (si4, ai, bi, cin); or #delay3 (si, si1, si2, si3, si4); /* si1=~ai.~bi.cin */ /* */ /* si3=ai.~bi.~cin */ /* */ /* si=si1+si2+si3+si4 */ and #delay2 (ci1, ai, bi), (ci2, ai, cin), (ci3, bi, cin); or #delay3 (cout, ci1, ci2, ci3); endmodule Sunil Maloo /* */ /* ci2=ai.cin */ /* ci3=bi.cin */ /* cout=ci1+ci2+ci3 */ Verilog Presentation 15 Output 0 a=0000, b=0000, s=xxxx, cout=x, c1=x, c2=x, c3=x 3 a=0000, b=0000, s=xxxx, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 4 a=0000, b=0000, s=xxx0, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 7 a=0000, b=0000, s=0000, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 100 1000 a=1111, b=1111, s=0000, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 1003 a=1111, b=1111, s=0000, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 1007 a=1111, b=1111, s=1110, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 1100 2000 a=0000, b=1111, s=1110, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 2003 a=0000, b=1111, s=1110, cout=1, c1=0, c2=1, c3=1 2004 a=0000, b=1111, s=0001, cout=1, c1=0, c2=1, c3=1 2006 a=0000, b=1111, s=0001, cout=1, c1=0, c2=0, c3=1 2007 a=0000, b=1111, s=0011, cout=1, c1=0, c2=0, c3=1 2009 a=0000, b=1111, s=0011, cout=1, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 2010 a=0000, b=1111, s=0111, cout=1, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 2012 a=0000, b=1111, s=0111, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 2013 a=0000, b=1111, s=1111, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 2100 Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 16 3000 3003 3004 3006 3007 3009 3010 3012 3013 3100 4000 4003 4004 Sunil Maloo a=1111, b=0001, s=1111, cout=0, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0 a=1111, b=0001, s=1111, cout=0, c1=1, c2=0, c3=0 a=1111, b=0001, s=1110, cout=0, c1=1, c2=0, c3=0 a=1111, b=0001, s=1110, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=0 a=1111, b=0001, s=1100, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=0 a=1111, b=0001, s=1100, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=1111, b=0001, s=1000, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=1111, b=0001, s=1000, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=1111, b=0001, s=0000, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=0101, b=0111, s=0000, cout=1, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=0101, b=0111, s=0000, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 a=0101, b=0111, s=1100, cout=0, c1=1, c2=1, c3=1 Verilog Presentation 17 Instructions On Using The Veriwell Simulator ☞ Type your code using any text editor like emacs, vi, or pico. ➥ Name the file as <file name>.v, i.e., use .v extension for file name ☞ To simulate the code using the simulator, type “eng veriwell &” at the prompt. This will open the veriwell console. ☞ Goto menu bar and click on PROJECT. Under PROJECT, click on NEW PROJECT to create a project. Once a project has been created you can open the existing project by clicking on OPEN PROJECT. ☞ In the project window, click on PROJECT and add all your Verilog files by clicking on ADD FILE. ☞ Then simulate your code by clicking on RUN. The output will appear on the Veriwell console. ☞ For more information on Veriwell simulator, check the online manual at URL Sunil Maloo Verilog Presentation 18