Iowa State University: A Natural Place for Wind Energy

Iowa State University:
A Natural Place for Wind Energy
Iowa State University:
A Natural Place for Wind Energy
Submitted to:
Dr. James Bloedel
Vice Provost for Research
Iowa State University
2610 Beardshear Hall
Ames, IA 50011-2036
Prepared by:
Paul Chiaramonte
Mechanical Engineering, Student
Spencer Geisler
Industrial Engineering, Student
Geoffrey Grochocinski
Meteorology, Student
Daniel Schrader
Computer Science, Student
April 14, 2005
2321 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311
Dr. James Bloedel
Vice Provost for Research
Iowa State University
2610 Beardshear Hall
Ames, IA 50011-2036
April 14, 2005
Dear Dr. Bloedel,
The state of Iowa is currently one of the leaders in wind energy production. Expanding
wind energy in Iowa would work towards creating a more self-sustaining state, one not
reliant on the nonrenewable resources imported from other states. But a roadblock
hinders wind energy’s rapid expansion within Iowa — the fact that wind power is not yet
advanced enough to successfully compete with nonrenewable energy sources.
Iowa is in need of its universities to conduct research into an energy source that offers
Iowa an industry that will provide local energy sources. That university can and should
be Iowa State. Iowa State already has the facilities to conduct the research needed to
enhance the system of both creating and storing wind energy. Taking advantage of
opportunities offered by organizations and programs explored throughout this proposal
may alleviate costs of the program.
As you shall read, our proposal is a step towards a viable solution to Iowa’s energy needs.
Iowa State University, through acting to improve the state of Iowa, will improve itself as
well. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Paul Chiaramonte at the above
Spencer Geisler
Paul Chiaramonte
Daniel Schrader
Geoffrey Grochocinski
Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................... iv
Problem ........................................................................................ 1
Solution ........................................................................................ 1
Sources of Information .................................................................. 2
Wind Turbines - Room for Improvement ......................................... 2
Turbine Types ............................................................................... 2
How it Works...............................................................................................3
Rotor Problems ............................................................................................4
Iowa State University and Wind Energy .......................................... 5
Iowa State’s Current Role in Wind Energy .....................................................5
Expanding Iowa State’s Role ........................................................................5
Gearbox Design........................................................................................6
Energy Storage ........................................................................................6
Blade Design ............................................................................................7
Iowa, a Natural Place for Wind Production ...................................... 7
Iowa’s Wind Climate ....................................................................................7
Iowa’s Current Wind Energy Production ........................................................9
Cost Considerations ..................................................................... 10
Current ISU Energy Costs ........................................................................... 11
Wind Energy Costs..................................................................................... 11
Turbine .................................................................................................. 12
Tax Incentives ....................................................................................... 13
Funding Sources ........................................................................................ 14
Benefits ...................................................................................... 15
Benefits to Iowa State University ................................................................ 15
Regional Benefits ....................................................................................... 16
Colorado State University: Example of Success ............................................ 17
How Colorado State’s Program Works ...................................................... 17
What Iowa State Can Do ............................................................................ 18
Conclusion .................................................................................. 18
Bibliography ................................................................................ 19
Appendix A ................................................................................. 21
Appendix B.................................................................................. 22
- iii -
Traditional forms of fuels used for energy production leave much to be desired. In
addition to their rising costs, their burning pollutes the earth and they can never be
replaced once they have been depleted.
We propose that Iowa State University develop a wind energy research program
and build a wind turbine which will be used to conduct tests and analysis. The
proposition is supported by considering the turbine’s mechanical systems and
points for improvement, feasibility and cost analysis of the turbine project, Iowa’s
suitability for wind energy production, and the benefits to Iowa State University
and the region after successful development of the project.
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The world runs on energy; without it the majority of current technology would be
worthless. The electricity, which powers our lives, can be created in a number of
ways. In Iowa, most electricity is either created by burning petroleum (which
usually comes from foreign countries) or by burning coal. While there is currently
an adequate amount of these materials available for Iowa’s consumption, there is
a limit to how long these types of non-renewable energy resources can last. While
there is an abundant amount of coal available for mining in the United States, it
too is limited. Our country must concentrate on creating plans to make renewable
energy before supplies do run out. We must become less dependent on oil and
coal as prices continue to rise and the availability continues to decrease.
For Iowa, wind power is becoming a feasible alternative to traditional electricity
production methods. This has been shown by the fact that Iowa is currently one of
the leaders in wind production. Research into making wind energy more
affordable is essential if Iowa wishes to continue to be a leader in pursuing
alternative energy solutions. Our proposal is to establish a research program to
further the development of wind energy production by utilizing the current
resources on campus and possibly installing a wind turbine to contribute to the
power needs of Iowa State University. In accordance with its mission statement,
“Iowa State University of Science and Technology is a public land-grant
institution serving the people of Iowa… With an institutional emphasis upon areas
related to science and technology…” The pursuit of this program directly affects
both the economy and the socio-ecological state of Iowa. According to Tim Seck
of TPM Energy, “There is a lot of potential for wind [energy] in the upper
Sources of Information
Tim Seck is the Manager of Midwest Renewables for TPM energy. He formally
worked for Great River Energy and has worked in the energy industry since 1994.
Rick Lancaster is the Vice President of Corporate Services for Great River
Energy in Elk River, Minnesota. Rick has worked for Great River energy for 11
years and in the energy industry for 25 years.
Keith Kutz is an Administrative Specialist with the Iowa Energy Center located
at Iowa State University. Keith has worked for the Iowa Energy Center for 9
years and in the energy field for 18 years.
Wind Turbines - Room for Improvement
Presently, there are endless opportunities for advancement in the field of wind
energy. The industry is currently in its teenage years and in order for wind power
to continue developing key players, such as Iowa State University, need to step up
and assist. Companies in the wind energy industry are optimistic about the
continued development and the advancement of technology. For example, in the
Midwest, TPM Energy is “bullish on Midwest opportunities” for wind energy
potential. Compared to the costs of energy in coastal cities, Midwest energy prices
are relatively low. This creates more intense competition between nonrenewable
methods of energy production and renewable energy resources. Before wind
energy production can become a viable alternative in the Midwest, the cost of
production must be lowered.
Turbine Types
When talking about wind turbines, it is necessary to note that there are two types,
one being a propeller type turbine, and the other being a vertical axis turbine. The
major mechanical difference between the two is that the horizontal or propeller
type turbine is moved by lift (like an airplane) while the vertical turbine is moved
by drag (the air pushes the blades out of the way causing it to turn). The propeller
type turbine is characterized by less torque output and higher rotational speeds
which makes it ideal for use with a high speed generator. This is the proposed
type of turbine to build and conduct research on due to its superior energy
creation potential. The turbine would be a small commercial one, large enough so
that any research would benefit local energy providers such as Alliant Energy and
MidAmerican Energy, yet small enough so that test parts such as rotor blades can
be interchanged with relative ease.
How it Works
In wind power, the energy is created
from the wind by converting the kinetic
energy of the wind (speed and mass
flow) to a rotational motion of a
propeller blade. As the propeller blade
turns, a system of gears (gearbox) supply
the generator with the rotational speed
that it needs to perform efficiently.
There has been research into creating a
direct drive system where the rotation of
the rotors would directly turn the
generator shaft. This would involve less
Figure 1. Wind Turbine Nomenclature
moving parts, which would make the
turbines easier to maintain and would lower costs. There is much potential for
Iowa State University to develop this kind of system. Perhaps upper level
engineering students who are taking an electrical or mechanical course focusing
on energy generation could even do this type of research in class.
In industrial situations a large turbine is used—100+ feet in diameter—and the
electricity is routed to power transformers, which add to the other power already
being distributed to homes and businesses. The proposed size of the turbine is
50KW with blades of approximately 50 feet in diameter. The power created from
this turbine would be fed into the electricity system already in place on campus.
While the amount of energy created would help alleviate some of the University’s
energy costs, the real benefit of the turbine would be in the discoveries that come
with research.
In order for the turbine to create a large amount of power, the wind turbine would
need to be hundreds of feet in the air to capture the best wind flow. At lower
elevations, trees, hills and buildings will slow incoming wind speed. Large towers
are used to suspend the turbines. These towers often constitute more than half of
the weight of the wind turbine and a considerable percent of the cost. Currently,
most wind turbines use a steel type tower, usually one long post that keeps the
turbine erect. However, a cheaper tower can be
created by using hollow piping for the tower,
just strong enough to support the weight and
using guy wires to keep the tower from
swaying. Additionally, researchers have
attempted a concrete support tower; however
almost the same amount of metal used in a
traditional tower is needed for steel supports
within the concrete slabs. Again, research into
newer, lightweight and less costly materials is
needed to develop wind energy into a viable
Figure 2. Guy Wire Supported Tower
enterprise and Iowa State University has the resources necessary to investigate
and research these ideas further.
Rotor Problems
A significant reason for wind energy’s lack of widespread use is the large costs of
the turbine blades, which for commercial turbines, can be up to 148 feet long. The
rotors currently in use are sufficiently strong and have an acceptable fatigue life,
but the costs of production are massive. Most rotors are hand-laid using glassreinforced plastic, a very time consuming and costly process. To allow for greater
energy production, new materials need to be developed to make the rotor more
lightweight and increase the speed which can be developed from the turbine. The
types of materials which are hoped to bring about change in the industry include
carbon fiber, glass-reinforced plastics, carbon filament reinforced plastic, and
poly resin materials. The benefits of these materials are that they are very light
and also very strong.
A main focus for improving current wind turbines would be the advancement of
the manufacturing techniques used to make the rotor blades. As was noted,
current techniques are very time consuming. Efforts have been taken to automate
the process and attempt to use molding techniques to move away from hand built
rotors. As wind energy continues to develop into a viable and profitable source of
energy, wind farms will begin to grow in Iowa and rotors will be needed in
greater quantities. Mass producing blades is the only cost efficient way of making
this possible.
Iowa State University and Wind Energy
Iowa State’s Current Role in Wind Energy
The current role of Iowa State in the wind energy field is to provide information
to the people of Iowa through extension, the Pappajohn Center for
Entrepreneurship, and agricultural education. Iowa State equips citizens with the
information necessary to make a decision about purchasing a wind power system.
Iowa State should take on a more direct role by researching and improving the
current methods of harvesting wind energy.
Expanding Iowa State’s Role
According to Keith Kutz, of the Iowa Energy Center, the wind energy field offers
a wide variety of research possibilities and each area can benefit from
advancements in technology. There are opportunities to use many of the
universities current resources to improve wind energy in areas such as, gearbox
design and generator efficiencies, energy storage and conversion techniques, and
blade design. The preceding objectives could use the mechanical, electrical, and
materials engineering departments, as well as the virtual reality lab, just to name a
few. The research potential for aiding in the advancement of wind power are
endless and could also be developed into new courses as wind power systems
continue to grow.
Gearbox Design
The subject of gearbox design and generator efficiency is a great opportunity for
the mechanical engineering department to recruit both new faculty and graduate
students to research this area. Gearbox design incorporates the transfer of power
from the rotor to the electric generator, which then creates the electricity. It is
important to have a very efficient system of converting the kinetic energy of the
blades to electrical energy to be successful with wind energy. With innovative
research available, more professors and researchers would be attracted to join the
Iowa State mechanical engineering department.
Energy Storage
Energy storage is another subject that has become very important in the field of
wind energy. Since the wind speed is variable and does not blow at a constant
rate, there are times when the turbine will not spin at all and there are times when
it creates energy in excess. Currently, extra electricity can be directed back into
the grid and sold to electrical companies, but at a minimal return. The goal is to
develop a method of storing the large amounts of excess electricity produced on
days with above average wind speed. If the turbine is not connected to a grid—a
small-scale farm turbine to provide the farmer with electricity— the extra energy
that could not be used in a given day must be dumped and provides no benefit.
Keith Kutz expressed that large-scale storage is not currently feasible and needs to
be developed. One possible avenue is using the excess energy to obtain hydrogen
through the hydrolysis of water, and then using the hydrogen later in a fuel cell.
The electrical engineering department at Iowa State could benefit from a project
in developing a method to store large amounts of excess energy produced by the
turbines. The department could research means to convert the electrical energy to
different, more storage friendly forms.
Blade Design
Perhaps the best opportunity Iowa State has to improve the field of wind energy is
through research in the area of blade design. Iowa State’s current facilities cater to
this type of research. Keith Kutz suggested that Iowa State could use its “strong
engineering materials development,” group to conduct research in this area. As
outlined before, blade materials have become increasingly important as the need
for larger, lighter and stronger blades grows. As for blade design, Iowa State has
wind tunnels that could be used to conduct scaled model research on new design.
While Iowa State does not have the capability to conduct full-scale wind tunnel
experiments, with the aid of the C6 virtual reality laboratory, these simulations
can be run in a virtual world. There are definite advantages to being able to
simulate these experiments; it provides immediate feedback and allows
researchers to change the design before money is spent to construct the blades.
Iowa, a Natural Place for Wind Production
Iowa’s Wind Climate
Iowa’s wind climate makes it a viable location for wind power production. The
state of Iowa is ranked number ten in the amount of potential wind energy within
the nation, enough to produce five percent of the nation’s energy needs. A source
of free energy is available fifty meters above the surface. All that must be done is
to tap into that free energy.
The Iowa Wind Energy Institute (IWEA) conducted a wind assessment study
from 1994 to 1999 by measuring wind speeds at a height of 50 meters above
ground at 16 sites throughout Iowa (Appendix B). The IWEA’s results found that
northern Iowa, especially northwestern Iowa, is an excellent location for wind
turbines, and Iowa as a whole is well suited for wind energy production. Story
County’s annual average wind speed of 13.4 – 15.7 mph is sufficiently above the
13 mph requirement for many wind turbines to make wind energy production
Another study by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, a division within the
U.S. Department of Energy, produced a national map of wind power suitability
based on data collected from well-exposed sites throughout the nation. The map
is divided into seven categories based on average wind speeds, with seven (the
darkest color) being the greatest. Locations that fall in at least category three are
suited for most wind energy applications. Results show nearly all of Iowa falling
under category three with northwestern Iowa under category four. Although other
states may have regions of greater wind suitability, Iowa is among the few
Midwest states that fall under category three or greater over such wide areas of
the state.
Category 4 of northwest Iowa is
Iowa’s best region for wind power.
Figure 3: U.S. annual average wind power provided by Pacific Northwest National
Most of Iowa is under category three and suitable
for most wind power systems.
In comparison to the rest of the nation, Iowa’s relatively above average annual
wind climate makes Iowa a very suitable place to produce wind energy.
Iowa’s Current Wind Energy Production
Iowa is already one of the leaders in wind energy production. Therefore, why not
take advantage of and build upon Iowa’s already large production base to keep
Iowa in the forefront of wind energy production.
A branch of the U.S. Department of Energy, the National Renewable Energy
Laboratory, provides a map depicting the total power generated by wind projects
or planned projects within each state as of December 2004. Iowa is third in
energy production at 632 megawatts, but is closely trailed by Minnesota. Iowa
must remain competitive to remain in the lead.
Iowa is 3rd
in the
nation in
Figure 4: U.S. wind power capacity (in megawatts) of current or planned wind energy
systems as of December of 2004.
But even more is at stake than Iowa’s rank of third in wind power capacity within
the nation. Further analysis of wind power capacity and mid 2004 state
population estimates provided by the U.S. Census Bureau reveal Iowa is in second
in the nation in wind power capacity per capita (see Appendix B). Essentially, the
chart shows Iowa as one of the role models in wind power production. Iowa must
build upon its status to remain a role model for the future of the Nation’s energy
Cost Considerations
Before launching wind energy research or the installation of a turbine on campus,
the project must be proven to be economically feasible. If the costs outweigh the
benefits, there is no reason to spend time and money on the project. One of the
biggest concerns with wind energy is that the cost to produce it is higher than the
cost to produce energy in other forms, such as fossil fuel burning. When asked if
a wind energy project is economically feasible for Iowa State University, Keith
Kutz said “yes, in the right circumstances.” These circumstances include: an
acceptable payback period, suitable useful life, the intended use of the energy, and
an alignment with the university’s mission statement. His estimate of current
payback period for a wind energy system is 7-12 years with a useful life of 20-30
years. It is economically favorable to use all of the energy that is produced from
the turbine on campus so there are no energy storage issues. The turbines would
only contribute to a fraction of the campus’s energy needs, so all the energy
would be used. The proposed project agrees with Iowa State’s mission statement;
it reads, “Iowa State University fosters the discovery and dissemination of new
knowledge by supporting research, scholarship, and creative activity.”
- 10 -
Current ISU Energy Costs
Cost of Electricity to ISU From FY 95 - FY 04
Electricity Cost per kWh
Cost per kWh
Inflation @ 3%
FY 04
FY 03
FY 02
FY 01
FY 00
FY 99
FY 98
FY 97
FY 96
FY 95
Fiscal Year
Figure 5. Electricity costs to Iowa State University since Fiscal Year 95.
During the Fiscal Year 2004, Iowa State University used 184 Megawatts of
electricity at a cost of $0.0601 per Kilowatt-hour (kWh)—up 4.52 percent from
FY 03. The cost of the electricity consumption was over $11 million dollars.
Increasing costs of electricity are a continued concern as university budgets
continue to be cut by the state. As can be seen in Figure 5, electricity rates for
Iowa State are climbing and from FY 03 to FY04 this rate of increase outpaced
inflation by over 1.5 percent—increase of 4.52 percent overall. Now that the costs
of Iowa State’s current process used for making electricity has been quantified,
the cost of wind power must be considered.
Wind Energy Costs
While wind energy systems often have a larger initial cost than other sources, they
produce emission free, fuel-cost free energy throughout the life of the equipment.
Fuel costs are rising and will most likely continue to rise. Once established, wind
energy systems have no fuel cost, giving rise to the potential savings on the
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current cost of fuel. Iowa State’s main on-campus power plant consumes 135,000
tons of coal each year. Of course this cost could not be entirely avoided by the
establishment of current wind power technology. With an established research
program, the advancements could lead to an increased reliance on wind energy
and a decline in fuel consumption as time passes. Although the cost of coal
fluctuates, it too steadily rises. Coal is a limited resource fossil fuel whose price
only stands to go up as the world’s supply decreases. This scarcity of fossil fuel
will make the economic value of fuel-free wind energy greater and greater as time
goes on.
The cost of installation of these turbines varies based on the capacity of the
turbine installed. A commercial system from 10 – 100kW will cost between
$1,500 and $2,500 per installed kilowatt. Generally, the cost per kilowatt installed
decreases as the capacity of the turbine increases. Considering both the energy
needs of the university and the target of the proposed research on wind turbines, a
mid-scale commercial turbine would be the most cost effective. This will provide
a subtle contribution to the electricity needs of the campus while simultaneously
allowing the research team to make modifications and run tests on the turbine. If
too large of a turbine is purchased, it will be difficult to make modifications for
research purposes without a large investment of time, labor and money. The
research will focus on improving wind energy efficiency and lowering its costs
for commercial users in order to attract funding from industrial organizations.
The two main economic components to consider when looking at buying a wind
turbine system are the initial installation costs and the operating expenses. There
are many ways to consider these costs. For the purposes of this proposal the costs
of a (50 kW) commercial system are considered in order to obtain a cost per
kilowatt-hour (for calculation see Appendix A). The cost per kilowatt-hour of
this system turns out to be $0.05 per kWh—a full cent less per kWh than Iowa
State’s FY 04 rate.
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The economic benefit of cheaper energy shown through the use of wind turbine
power coupled with the ecological benefits of this form of energy show promise
for the future of wind power. However, this power does not come without
previously mentioned drawbacks, such as its large initial investment and
relatively long payback periods. In order to overcome these and other limitations,
a research and development program focused on making wind energy a more
viable resource is essential in making wind energy a serious competitor in the
Tax Incentives
Since there are situations where the cost of wind energy can hinder the use and
expansion of this technology, the federal government has an incentive that helps
to bring down the cost of wind energy. A federal production tax credit exists for
the production of renewable energy in the amount of 1.8 cents/kWh. With the cost
of electricity to Iowa State University at 6 cents/kWh last year, the university has
potential to save significantly with the 1.8 cent/kWh credit. According to Tim
Seck of TPM energy, wind is the cheapest form of new generation with this
federal tax credit. This tax credit is available to taxable entities only. The key in
this situation is for Iowa State to figure out how to capture the value of the tax
credit. Since Iowa State is not a taxable entity, it seems that the university could
not take advantage of this option; however, there is a way Iowa State could gain
from this cost saving legislation.
Rick Lancaster, Vice President of Corporate Services for Great River Energy
(GRE) in Minnesota, lends some very helpful advice in this situation. GRE is also
a non-taxable entity and not eligible to receive the tax credit. In order to gain the
benefit of the tax credit, GRE has contracted with TPM Energy, a smaller
independent energy producer, to own and operate wind turbines and sell the
energy to GRE. Since TPM energy is liable to pay taxes, they receive the federal
production tax credit (1.8 cents/kWh) and pass the savings on to GRE in the sale
of the energy at a reduced rate. GRE has a current project from which they pay
less than 3 cents/kWh for wind energy.
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If Iowa State University could contract an outside producer in a similar manner as
GRE has done, it is possible to take advantage of the tax credit. The current tax
credit is meant to subsidize the first ten years of operation, thus shortening the
payback period of the project. It would be important to structure the contract to
allow developmental experimentation and performance analysis on the turbines
by Iowa State researchers during the ownership period by the outside company.
The contract could also allow for ownership of the wind turbines to revert back to
Iowa State University at the expiration of the tax credit period.
Funding Sources
As energy concerns are growing, so is the public sense of responsibility to the
environment. It is important to realize that Iowa is dependent on outside sources
for 98% of its energy. The state is largely dependent on Wyoming for much of its
coal. Iowa shows strong promise for providing its own energy from wind power
as shown in the climate section of the proposal. The state needs research to make
this source of energy feasible to a mass level. Iowa State University has an
opportunity to serve every Iowan through this program by developing the
necessary technology to make wind turbines a major source of energy in the state
of Iowa. It’s an opportunity to showcase the university’s worth to the people of
the state as an institution leading the way to benefit Iowans. Helping Iowa’s
citizens is only one of the benefits. As industries and power companies see the
benefits of the research development, they will want to support it and the project
will bring research money to the university.
The Iowa Energy Center has a program called the Alternative Energy Revolving
Loan Program (AERLP), which will provide up to 50% of the project’s cost or up
to $250,000. The loan is provided at a 0% interest rate for 20 years. The AERLP
is available to all individuals and groups who want to build alternate energy
facilities in Iowa. The IEC has approximately $5.9 million total funds available
for the life of the program. This is one possible option for funding such a research
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Iowa lawmakers passed measures to ensure the continued growth in the renewable
energy industry by passing a law mandating Iowa’s investor-owned utilities to
buy 105 MW of their electricity from renewable sources. The government also
shows interest in applying this renewable energy to individual citizens. They will
credit an individual’s energy bill if that person produces excess energy from their
alternative source, such as a turbine. These actions show the government of Iowa
has an interest in developing wind power and gives reason to believe that a
research effort to increase wind turbine efficiency would be well received.
The Iowa Energy Bank, which is administered by the state Department of Natural
Resources, is an example of an organization that wants to promote wind power.
They do so by funding energy projects in public and private schools and colleges,
hospitals and local government. This is one of many organizations already
developed that can help fund a wind power system at Iowa State.
Benefits to Iowa State University
Establishing a research program for developing wind power and installing the
wind turbine in a high traffic area near campus would create a progressive image
for Iowa State University. The wind turbine can be used as a recruitment device
for the university by showing students Iowa State is at the forefront of developing
new technologies and it is a great place to get their college education. The
program would also encourage graduate students and professors to consider
coming to Iowa State to teach and do research in the area of wind energy. This
research would also help draw government and private sector funding to the
university to further finance the program. The creation and continued
developmental success of a wind energy system would bring national recognition
to Iowa State and its educational departments. Sadly, the academic programs at
Iowa State devoted to advancing technology have continually fallen in the
national ranking of best engineering schools. The university must put forth a
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strong effort to increase the schools national ranking in engineering studies if they
want the best and brightest of this country’s students to attend Iowa State. This
project would add to the innovative image that Iowa State is striving to attain, by
showing that the university is aware of current issues and active in trying to
resolve them.
Create Jobs
New Research
Lower Pollution
Economic Growth
Benefits of Wind
Energy at Iowa State
Reduce Use of
Bring Research
Money to Iowa State
Recruitment Tool
Regional Benefits
Wind power systems reduce the amount of fossil fuels burned, which impacts our
environment. When fossil fuels are burned, carbon dioxide is released. Because
carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, there is concern that the burning of fossil
fuels may lead to global warming. Of the world’s energy consumption, nearly 90
percent involves fossil fuels. Petroleum is the most common and it alone accounts
for 40 percent of this total. Coal and natural gas combined account for 46 percent
of world consumption. After the construction of the turbine is complete the wind
energy system is completely nonpolluting. By establishing a wind power system
at Iowa State, the dependence on these polluting forms of energy would be
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Colorado State University: Example of Success
Currently some colleges are attempting to support renewable power sources.
Colorado State University, which was recently nationally recognized for their
attempts, developed a program in 2004 that gives students living on campus the
option of purchasing wind energy. This option enables students to have an
opportunity to support renewable energy sources. The development of this
program was encouraged by many students, staff, and faculty who wanted to
bring a new energy source to campus. A student-led campaign for this wind
energy purchasing option was held for three years until it finally saw results.
How Colorado State’s Program Works
Colorado State University’s particular program does not involve a wind turbine
system controlled by their university, like we are proposing. Instead, wind power
is purchased from a local turbine farm. Students who choose to purchase wind
power do so at a cost of $17 per year for 100 percent wind power. Currently 213
people, or 4 percent of on campus residents, are purchasing this energy option.
The support of this program is steadily increasing and some expect a good
outcome next year due to the increased awareness of the program. Some students
declared that cost was the factor keeping them from purchasing this energy
option, but the price of wind power is rapidly dropping and soon more people will
be able to afford it. It has been stated that for each student who purchases wind
energy, with a typical dorm room using 1,600 kilowatt-hours of electricity every
nine months, 2,000 pounds of coal that would expel 3,680 pounds of carbon
dioxide is not burned. This is only one example of a university which is already
taking action.
According to the April 2005 issue of Organic Style:
Wind energy is now the fastest-growing—and, in some cases, the
cheapest—source of renewable power in the world, and schools are wising
up. Nearly 25 percent of the nation's colleges already purchase renewable
energy for their campuses, and at some of these schools (including
Harvard and the University of Colorado at Boulder), students have voted
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to pay an additional fee each semester that will go toward purchasing
campus wide wind energy.
What Iowa State Can Do
With the addition of a wind power system, Iowa State’s research and development
program would benefit commercial companies, which in the long run can save the
college money, create new jobs, and foster economic growth. The area would
experience growth due to the new jobs created by the alternative power system.
As other area communities follow Iowa State with a turbine of their own, growth
would spread and the benefits of wind energy would continue to grow. Also, a
construction crew would be given the task of installing all the necessary
equipment and buildings for the large scale project, and permanent maintenance
and operation jobs would be created. By the combination of creating these jobs
and reducing the dependence on oil from other states or countries, money would
stay in Iowa. Similar to Colorado State University, Iowa State could provide the
option for on campus residents to purchase wind energy.
The preceding proposal outlines the importance of establishing a wind energy
research program at Iowa State University. As Iowa State looks to expand its
academic discipline and continually improve it national standing, new, innovative
research is imperative to attain this goal. The need, benefits and suitability of
wind energy in Iowa are clearly demonstrated. In accordance with its mission
statement, “the University [would carry] out its traditional mission of discovering,
developing, disseminating, and preserving knowledge” by the implementation of
such a program to ensure the future growth of the university.
- 18 -
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Installed U.S. Wind Capacity. 26 Jan. 2005. US Department of
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Kutz, Keith. Telephone interview. 5 Apr. 2005.
- 19 -
Lancaster, Rick. Telephone interview. 5 Apr. 2005.
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Olsen, Nikolaus. CSU is among 'green' schools. 17 Mar. 2005. Fort Colllins Coloradoan.
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Raising the Energy Bar. Organic Style. <,8028,s137-0-0-1042-5-1X2X3X4X5-6,00.html>.
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Wright, Kathryn. Small Wind Energy. Interstate Renewable Energy Council.
- 20 -
Appendix A
The cost per kWh is calculated as follows:
Initial Cost of 50kW Commercial system = $100,000
Estimated annual output = 100,000 kWh
Expected life of system = 25 years
Annual Operating and Maintenance costs estimated at 1 cent per kWh = $1,000
Annual Cost = (Initial Cost/Expected Life) + Annual Operating Costs
AnnualCost  ($100,000 / 25 years )  $1000  $5,000 / year
Cost per kWh = Annual Cost / Annual Energy Output
CostperkWh  ($5,000 / year ) / 100,000kWh / year  $0.05 per kWh
- 21 -
Appendix B
Story County
Figure 6: Estimated annual average wind speeds of the state of Iowa.
- 22 -
Wind Power Capacity per
New Mexico
North Dakota
South Dakota
West Virginia
New York
Wind Power
Capacity (MW)
State Population
Figure 7. Wind Power Capacity Per Capita
- 23 -
Resident (times 10 -7