ARMY FM 4-20.116 (FM 10-516) AIR FORCE TO 13C7-1-13 AIRDROP OF SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT: Reference Data for Airdrop Platform Loads DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE This publication is available on the General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library at FM 4-20.116 (FM 10-516) TO 13C7-1-13 Field Manual NO 4-20.116 Technical Order NO 13C7-1-13 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENTS OF THE ARMY AND THE AIR FORCE Washington, DC, 20 August 2001 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment Reference Data for Airdrop Platform Loads TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS .................................................................................. iii LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................. v PREFACE............................................................................................................ vii Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION General...............................................................................................................1-1 Special Considerations ....................................................................................1-1 Chapter 2 REFERENCE TABLES General...............................................................................................................2-1 Textile Terminology ..........................................................................................2-1 Chapter 3 RIGGED LOAD REFERENCE DATA Section - I Introduction General...............................................................................................................3-1 Type V Platform Low-Velocity Airdrop ...........................................................3-1 Combat-Expendable Platform Low-Velocity Airdrop ....................................3-1 Maritime Aerial Delivery Systems Platform Low-Velocity Airdrop........................................................................................3-1 Type V Platform Low-Velocity Airdrop ...........................................................3-2 Combat-Expendable Platform Low-Velocity Airdrop ................................3-121 Maritime Aerial Delivery Systems Platform ...............................................3-130 Section - II Section - III Section - IV * This publication supersedes FM 10-516/TO 13C7-1-13, 31 October 1983 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Page Chapter 4 AIRCRAFT CAPABILITIES General ............................................................................................................ 4-1 C-130 Hercules ................................................................................................. 4-1 C-141 Starlifter ................................................................................................. 4-1 C-17 Globemaster ........................................................................................... 4-2 C-5 Galaxy ....................................................................................................... 4-2 Glossary ......................................................................................................................... Glossary-1 References ............................................................................................................... References-1 ii FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-45 3-46 3-47 3-48 3-49 3-50 Page One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) on an 8-Foot Platform .................................. Two Military Utility Vehicles (M-Gator) and Equipment Box Rigged on a 20-Foot Platform ..................................................................................................... One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) and an A-22 Cargo Bag on a 12-Foot Platform ..................................................................................................... Bulk Supplies on an 8-Foot Platform ...................................................................... Bulk Supplies in A-22 Cargo Bags on an 8-Foot Platform ..................................... Bulk Supplies on a 12-Foot Platform ...................................................................... FAST Equipment on a 12-Foot Platform ................................................................. Bulk Supplies on a 16-Foot Platform ...................................................................... 155-Millimeter Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform ................................................ 20-mm Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform ............................................................ Mass Supply Boxes on a 16-Foot Platform ............................................................ Mass Supply Boxes on a 20-Foot Platform ............................................................ PLS Pallet with 105-Millimeter Ammunition on a 24-Foot Platform ....................... PLS Pallet with A-22 Containers on a 24-Foot Platform ........................................ 3/4-Ton Cargo Trailer .............................................................................................. M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier ..................................................................................... M1025 Armament Carrier ....................................................................................... M1025 Armament Carrier with Additional Accompanying Ammuntion Load ........ M56 Smoke Generator Rigged in M1113 HMMWV ............................................... Two M998 Trucks .................................................................................................... M102 Howitzer Rigged with 17 Boxes of Ammunition ........................................... M102 Howitzer Rigged with 23 Boxes of Ammunition ........................................... M102 Howitzer with 1 1/4-Ton Truck ....................................................................... M119 Howitzer Rigged with 30 Boxes of Ammunition ........................................... M119 Howitzer with 1 1/4-Ton Truck ....................................................................... M119 Howitzer rigged with 81-Millimeter Mortar ................................................... Two M119 Howitzers .............................................................................................. Two M119 Howitzers with Light Ammunition ......................................................... Two M119 Howitzers Rigged with Two 81-Millimeter Mortars ............................... M101A1 Howitzer ................................................................................................... Type 1 D-5B Tractor Dozer ...................................................................................... John Deere 450G Lt Full-Tracked Bulldozer .......................................................... Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover (DEUCE) ........................................... Three 250-Gallon Water Drums on 8-Foot Platform .............................................. Three 250-Gallon Water Drums on 12-Foot Platform ............................................ MMLS in an M998 and a 3/4-Ton Trailer ................................................................ SICPS with the CHS-2 ............................................................................................ CAV ......................................................................................................................... M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Two Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet .............. M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Four Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet ............. S-318/G Shelter with AN/GRC-122 Communications Equipment ......................... S-502 Shelter with AN/GRC-142 Communications Equipment ............................. PU-619M Power Unit .............................................................................................. PU-620M Power Unit .............................................................................................. M198 155-Millimeter Howitzer ............................................................................... M198 155-Millimeter Howitzer with Accompanying Ammunition .......................... Type 1 Towed Roller ............................................................................................... M435 Towed Roller ................................................................................................. 13-Wheeled Towed Roller ...................................................................................... 11-Wheeled Towed Roller ...................................................................................... 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-19 3-20 3-21 3-22 3-23 3-24 3-25 3-26 3-27 3-28 3-29 3-30 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-34 3-35 3-36 3-37 3-38 3-39 3-40 3-41 3-42 3-43 3-44 3-45 3-46 3-47 3-48 3-49 3-50 3-51 iii FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) Figure 3-51 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-55 3-56 3-57 3-58 3-59 3-60 3-61 3-62 3-63 3-64 3-65 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-72 3-73 3-74 3-75 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 3-82 3-83 3-84 3-85 3-86 3-87 3-88 3-89 3-90 3-91 3-92 3-93 3-94 3-95 3-96 3-97 3-98 3-99 iv Page MDG 96 Sheepsfoot Roller .................................................................................... Thirteen Wheel (Model PT-13) Towed Roller ......................................................... Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433C) ................................................................. Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433P) ................................................................. M416 Trailer with Eight TOW Missiles ..................................................................... TOW Missiles Rigged in A-22 Cargo Bags ............................................................ TOW Missiles .......................................................................................................... M966 TOW Carrier .................................................................................................. M4K 4,000 Pound Capacity Forklift ........................................................................ 6,000-Pound Capacity Forklift ................................................................................ M270 4,000-Pound Capacity Forklift ...................................................................... 1 1/2-Ton Trailer ...................................................................................................... M149A1 400-Gallon Water Trailer .......................................................................... M167A1 Gun ........................................................................................................... M167A2 Gun with 1 1/4-Ton Truck .......................................................................... FARE with Two 500-gallon Fuel Drums .................................................................. FARE Rigged in an M101A1 3/4-Ton Trailer .......................................................... FARE with Seven 500-Gallon Fuel Drums ............................................................. 350-GPM Wheel-Mounted Pumping Assembly with Filter/Separator .................... Three 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator ............................................. Four 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator ................................................ Five 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator ................................................ Six 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator .................................................. SEE ......................................................................................................................... JD410 Tractor .......................................................................................................... Fifteen-Ton Tilt Bed Trailer ...................................................................................... Five-Bay, Single-Story, Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge .......................................... Two-Bay Components for the Seven-Bay, Single-Story Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge ......................................................................................................... Mobile Over Snow Transport (MOST) ..................................................................... M1025 or M1026 Armanent Carrier with TDARS .................................................. 120-Millimeter Mortar and 1 1/4-Ton Truck ............................................................. 1 1/4-Ton HMMWV Truck with 120-Millimeter Mortar ............................................. Koehring 7 1/2-Ton Crane ...................................................................................... M998 1 1/4-Ton Truck with Six Stinger Weapon Systems ...................................... Avenger Air Defense Weapons System with ECU and M1097A2 Truck ............... Thirty-six Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-Round Containers ....................... Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Containers ................................. Four A-22 Cargo Bags with Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-round Containers .............................................................................................................. Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Container Rigged in Four A-22 Cargo Slings ........................................................................................................... Thirty-six Javelin Rounds as a Mass Supply Load ................................................ 1 1/2-Ton Ammunition Trailer .................................................................................. Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) on 2 1/2-Ton Trailer .................................... 600-GPH ROWPU .................................................................................................. Whole Blood ........................................................................................................... Two Drums without Pumping Assembly ................................................................. Three Drums without Pumping Assembly .............................................................. Three Drums with Pumping Assembly ................................................................... Four Drums without Pumping Assembly ................................................................ Five Drums without Pumping Assembly ................................................................. 3-52 3-53 3-54 3-55 3-56 3-57 3-58 3-59 3-60 3-61 3-62 3-63 3-64 3-65 3-66 3-67 3-68 3-69 3-70 3-71 3-72 3-73 3-74 3-75 3-76 3-77 3-78 3-79 3-80 3-81 3-82 3-83 3-84 3-85 3-86 3-87 3-88 3-89 3-90 3-91 3-92 3-93 3-94 3-95 3-96 3-97 3-98 3-99 3-100 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (CONTINUED) Figure 3-100 3-101 3-102 3-103 3-104 3-105 3-106 3-107 3-108 3-109 3-110 3-111 3-112 3-113 3-114 3-115 3-116 3-117 3-118 3-119 3-120 3-121 3-122 3-123 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-127 3-128 3-129 Table 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 Page Six Drums without Pumping Assembly .................................................................. Six Drums with Pumping Assembly ........................................................................ Seven Drums without Pumping Assembly ............................................................. Seven Drums with Pumping Assembly .................................................................. M996 2-Litter Armored Ambulance ........................................................................ M973A 1 1/2-Ton Cargo Carrier Small Unit Support Vehicle (SUSV) .................... M113 Armored Personnel Carrier .......................................................................... Ingersol-Rand Model 250-CFM Trailer-Mounted Air Compressor ......................... M1081 2 1/2-Ton Cargo Truck ................................................................................ M1081 2 1/2-Ton Cargo Truck with Accompanying Load ...................................... M1093 5-Ton 6x6 Standard Cargo Truck ............................................................... 130G Motor Grader ................................................................................................. 950B Scoop-Loader ............................................................................................... 950B Scoop-Loader with Forklift Attachment ......................................................... 613WD Water Distributor ........................................................................................ 613S Type I Scraper ................................................................................................ Rapid Runway Repair Kit on 24-Foot Platform ...................................................... Rapid Runway Repair Kit on 20-Foot Platform ...................................................... Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit-ALPHA .............................................................. Trailer-Mounted Engineer Electrical Tool Outfit ...................................................... Zodiac Mark III Rubber Raiding Craft ..................................................................... Zodiac Mark III Futura Rubber Raiding Craft ......................................................... Z-Bird Rubber Raiding Craft ................................................................................... Zodiac K40 Rubber Raiding Craft .......................................................................... Zodiac K50 Rubber Raiding Craft .......................................................................... Double Zodiac F470U Boat .................................................................................... One Motorcycle ....................................................................................................... Two Motorcycles ..................................................................................................... Four Wheeled Quad-Runner .................................................................................. Naval Special Warfare Rigid Inflatable Boat (NSW RIB) ....................................... LIST OF TABLES 3-101 3-102 3-103 3-104 3-105 3-106 3-107 3-108 3-109 3-110 3-111 3-112 3-113 3-114 3-115 3-116 3-117 3-118 3-119 3-120 3-121 3-122 3-123 3-124 3-125 3-126 3-127 3-128 3-129 3-130 Page Chains ..................................................................................................................... Cloth, duck, cotton, type III-Army duck .................................................................... Cloth, duck, nylon ................................................................................................... Cloth, duck, nylon, parachute packs ...................................................................... Cloth, muslin, cotton ............................................................................................... Cloth, muslin, cotton (parachute canopy) ............................................................... Cloth, nylon, parachute, cargo ............................................................................... Cloth, parachute, nylon, cargo, and deceleration .................................................. Cloth, parachute, nylon .......................................................................................... Cloth, sateen, cotton ............................................................................................... Cord, nylon ............................................................................................................. 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-4 2-5 v FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 2-19 2-20 2-21 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-26 2-27 2-28 2-29 2-30 2-31 2-32 2-33 2-34 2-35 2-36 2-37 2-38 2-39 2-40 2-41 2-42 vi Page Cord, nylon, coreless .............................................................................................. Cord, elastic, exerciser and shock absorber for aeronautical use ........................ Cord, rayon, without core, braided ......................................................................... Cord, cotton, general-purpose, type I ..................................................................... Felt sheet (hair) and felt roll (hair) .......................................................................... Grommet, metallic ................................................................................................... Lumber .................................................................................................................... Nails ........................................................................................................................ Parachute, cargo .................................................................................................... Parachute, cargo extraction .................................................................................... Platform, cargo airdrop, type V ............................................................................... Plywood, flat panel ................................................................................................. Ribbon, nylon, parachute ....................................................................................... Rope, manila and sisal ........................................................................................... Sling, cargo, airdrop ............................................................................................... Sling, endless ......................................................................................................... Tape, textile, cotton, general-purpose ................................................................... Tape, textile, nylon .................................................................................................. Tape and webbing, textile, rayon ........................................................................... Tape, textile and webbing, textile, reinforcing, nylon ............................................. Tape and webbing, textile, cotton reinforcing, woven ............................................ Thread, nylon .......................................................................................................... Thread, cotton ......................................................................................................... Webbing, textile, woven nylon ................................................................................ Webbing, textile, nylon, tubular .............................................................................. Webbing, textile, cotton warp ................................................................................. Webbing, textile, elastic, cotton ............................................................................. Webbing, textile, cotton, general-purpose ............................................................. Wire strand (6 x 19) ................................................................................................ Wire strand, steel (corrosion resistant), preformed (aircraft application) ............... Miscellaneous hardware and equipment ............................................................... 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-13 2-15 2-17 2-17 2-18 2-18 2-19 2-19 2-20 2-20 2-21 2-21 2-22 2-22 2-23 2-24 2-25 2-29 2-30 2-30 2-31 2-31 2-33 2-33 2-34 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 PREFACE SCOPE This manual provides a ready-reference planning guide for loads rigged for airdrop. It illustrates the rigged load and contains dimensional data, weight, and center of balance (CB) for each load. Information is also provided on aircraft, extraction parachutes and reference tables of miscellaneous information on materials used to fabricate and maintain air items and to rig airdrop equipment. USER INFORMATION The proponent of this publication is HQ TRADOC. You are encouraged to report any errors or omissions and to suggest ways of making this a better manual. Army personnel, send your comments on DA Form 2028 directly to: Director Aerial Delivery and Field Services Department USA Quartermaster Center and School 1010 Shop Road Fort Lee, Virginia 23801-1502 Air Force personnel, send your reports on AFTO Form 22 through your respective command Weapons and Tactics to: Headquarters Air Mobility Command (AMC/DOKT) 402 Scott Drive, Unit 3AI Scott AFB, Illinois 62225-5302 Air Force personnel in Special Operations Command, send your reports on AFTO Form 22 HQ AMC/DOK will consolidate and forward changes to: Director Aerial Delivery and Field Services Department USA Quartermaster Center and School 1010 Shop Road Fort Lee, Virginia 23801-1502 Also send an information copy of AFTO Form 22 to: WR-ALC/LKCB 460 Richard Ray Blvd. Robins AFB, Georgia 31098-1640 vii FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Chapter 1 Introduction GENERAL 1-1. The information in this manual may be used to compute aircraft requirements and to assist the rigger and loadmaster during joint inspection of airdrop loads. The publication containing the procedure for preparing and rigging each load is indicated with the data for the load. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 1-2. The special considerations applicable to the specific loads are given in the appropriate field manual/technical order. 1-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Chapter 2 Reference Tables GENERAL 2-1. This chapter contains reference tables of miscellaneous information on materials used to fabricate and maintain air items and to rig airdrop equipment. If detailed information, other than that listed in these tables, is required on specific materials, the DOD Index of Specifications and Standards should be consulted. TEXTILE TERMINOLOGY 2-2. The textile products listed in this chapter are defined as follows: a. CORD. Cord is a fibrous, braided, cordage item of any diameter. b. TAPE. Tape is a narrow fabric, woven or knitted, produced in widths up to and including 8 inches and in weights up to but not including 0.42 ounces per linear yard of 1-inch width. c. THREAD. Thread is a thin, twisted, smooth strand or filament of vegetable, animal, mineral, or synthetic material, spun out to considerable length, used mainly for hand sewing and machine sewing. The use of thread is determined by a letter or numerical designation which is synonymous. d. WEBBING. Webbing is a narrow fabric, woven or knitted, produced in widths up to and including 12 inches and in weights of 0.42 ounces or over per linear yard of 1-inch width. Table 2-1. Chains Safe working load (lb) Size (in) Weight (lb per lin ft) Common iron High-grade iron Soft steel Special steel 1/4 0.8 512 563 619 1,240 3/8 1.7 1,350 1,490 1,650 3,200 1/2 2.5 2,250 2,480 2,630 5,250 5/8 4.3 3,470 3,810 4,230 7,600 3/4 5.8 5,070 5,580 6,000 10,500 7/8 8.0 7,000 7,700 8,250 14,330 1 10.7 9,300 10,230 10,600 18,200 1 1/8 12.5 9,871 10,858 11,944 21,500 1 1/4 16.0 12,186 13,304 14,634 26,300 1 3/8 18.3 14,717 16,188 17,807 32,051 2-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-2. Cloth, duck, cotton, type III- Army duck Wieght Yarn ply Yarns per in Breaking strength (lb) (oz per yd) Warp Fill Warp Fill Warp Fill 8.25 2 2 60 58 125 120 9.85 2 2 52 40 160 110 12.29 3 2 44 34 210 130 14.77 3 3 44 28 235 175 15.90 3 3 45 34 245 200 18.48 4 4 42 28 315 200 Table 2-3. Cloth, duck, nylon Weight Yarns per in Breaking strength (lb) Elongation (%) (oz per sq yd) 20.5 Tearing strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill Warp Fill Warp Fill 62 60 1,100 1,100 30 30 135 135 Table 2-4. Cloth, duck, nylon, parachute packs Type 2-2 Weight (oz per sq yd) Breaking strength (lb) Tearing strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill I 9.50 400 300 35 45 II 8.75 400 150 35 20 III 7.25 325 275 20 20 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-5. Cloth, muslin, cotton Type I Yarns per in (oz per Class Weight sq yd) Breaking strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill Note 1 2.7 64 58 37 26 2 2.4 66 52 34 20 1-Unbleached 3 2.5 68 56 36 22 2-Bleached or dyed 1 3.1 68 70 42 34 3-Bleached or dyed pre-shrunk 2 2.7 70 64 38 281 3 2.8 72 68 40 30 1 3.4 78 76 46 39 2 2.9 80 70 45 32 3 3.0 83 74 44 34 IV 1 2.4 38 36 37 20 V 1 3.9 56 60 44 50 VI 2 2.4 64 56 35 25 VI I 2 3.1 85 72 45 30 II III Classes: Table 2-6. Cloth, muslin, cotton (parachute canopy) Type Yarns per in Breaking strength (lb) Weight (oz per sq yd) Air permeability (cu ft per sq ft) Tearing strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill Warp Fill Min Max I 3.7 54 56 48 42 3.0 2.5 170 230 II 3.8 56 58 50 50 3.0 2.5 130 190 Table 2-7. Cloth, nylon, parachute, cargo Type Breaking strength (lb) Weight (oz per sq yd) Warp Fill I 2.25 90 90 II 3.50 135 125 2-3 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-8. Cloth, parachute, nylon, cargo, and deceleration Type Weight Thickness (oz per sq yd) (in) I 4.75 II Breaking strength (lb) Tearing strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill .020 200 200 15 15 7.00 .024 300 300 20 20 IIa 10.50 .025 500 500 75 75 III 14.00 .035 600 600 75 75 Table 2-9. Cloth, parachute, nylon Type Breaking strength (lb) Tearing strength (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill .033 42 42 5 5 1.6 .004 50 50 5 5 I I -Twill weave 1.6 .004 50 50 4 4 I I I -Rip-stop weave Weight Thickness (oz per sq yd) (in) I 1.1 II III Note Types: I -Rip-stop weave Table 2-10. Cloth, sateen, cotton C lass Weig ht (oz per sq y d) 1 2 2-4 8.2 8.2 Yarns per in Breaking streng th (lb) Warp Fill Warp Fill 85 85 48 48 140 115 118 100 Note C lasses: 1-Dy ed 2-White FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-11. Cord, nylon Type Breaking strength (lb) Elongation (%) Weight (yd per lb) I IA 100 100 30 30 350 350 II 375 30 105 III 550 30 75 Note One red thread in sleeve One black thread in sleeve Table 2-12. Cord, nylon, coreless Type Breaking strength (lb) Length (ft per lb) I IA II III IV V VI VI I VI I I IX X XI XI I XI I a XI I I XI V XV XVI XVI I XVI I I XI X XX XXI XXI I 100 100 400 550 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 4,000 5,000 300 10,000 10,000 50 100 200 1,250 1,750 2,250 3,500 4,500 5,500 6,000 330 330 255 150 120 90 60 45 36 27 22 480 12 12 2,700 1,200 675 105 75 51 30 24 18 15 2-5 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-13. Cord, elastic, exerciser and shock absorber for aeronautical use Diameter (in) Load for 100% elongation (lb) Breaking strength (lb) Weight (lb per 100 ft) I 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 16-28 90-150 175-250 250-350 400-650 120 300 400 500 1,000 2.4 5.5 9.0 14 22 II 1/4 3/8 7/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 11/16 3/4 1 3/16 32-56 180-300 260-400 350-500 425-600 500-700 650-850 800-1,300 1,100-1,500 3/16 5/16 6-10 8-15 Type III 45 75 1.3 3.1 Note Types: I - Straight cord with double-braided cover (shock-absorber) I I - Endless ring (Bungee) with double-braided cover (shock-absorber) I I I - Straight cord with single-braided cover (exerciser) Table 2-14. Cord, rayon, without core, braided 2-6 Type Length (ft per lb) Breaking strength (lb) I II III 126 60 39 400 1,000 1,500 Elongation (%) 14 12 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-15. Cord, cotton, general-purpose, type I Size Diameter (in) Breaking strength (lb) Number of strands Length (ft per lb) 4 5 6 7 8 10 12 16 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 100 160 240 300 370 560 720 1,250 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 18 171 85 55 45 37 23 17 10 Notes Classification Types: I - General purpose cord I I - Sash cord I I I - Venetian blind cord I V- Special purpose cord Classes: 1- Natural 2- Polished finish 3- Water and mildewresistant finish 4- Polished and waterresistant finish 2-7 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-16. Felt sheet (hair) and felt roll (hair) Thickness Weig ht Type Nominal (in) Limits (in) Nominal (oz per yd) Limits (oz per yd) I I I I I I I I I I 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 .112-.137 .169-.205 .225-.275 .450-.550 .675-.825 .900-1.1 1.125-1.375 1.350-1.650 1.575-1.925 1.8-2.2 19 27 35 56 79 105 130 156 180 207 16-22 23-31 29-41 50-62 70-88 90-120 112-148 135-177 156-204 180-234 Type I - Platen or needle loom process, without backing II II II II II II II II II II 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 .112-.137 .169-.205 .225-.275 .450-.550 .675-.825 .900-1.1 1.125-1.375 1.350-1.650 1.575-1.925 1.8-2.2 19 27 35 56 79 105 130 156 180 207 16-22 23-31 29-41 50-62 70-88 90-120 112-148 135-177 156-204 180-234 Type I I - Punched or needle loom process, with tobacco cloth center reinforcement III III III III III III III III III III 1/8 3/16 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 .112-.137 .169-.205 .225-.275 .450-.550 .675-.825 .900-1.1 1.125-1.375 1.350-1.650 1.575-1.925 1.8-2.2 21 29 37 58 81 107 132 158 182 209 18-24 25-33 31-42 52-64 72-90 92-124 114-150 137-179 158-206 182-236 Type I I I - Punched or needle loom process, with tobacco cloth center reinforcement (breaking streng th requirement) IV IV IV IV IV IV IV IV 1/8 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 .112-.137 .169-.205 .225-.275 .280-.312 .338-.412 .450-.550 .675-.825 .900-.1.1 31 46 62 77 103 124 206 248 27-35 40-52 54-70 67-87 81-125 108-140 162-210 216-280 Type I V- Felted and fully processed: Class I - Untreated Class I I - Neutralized V V V V 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 .169-.205 .225-.275 .338-.412 .450-.550 32 40 48 64 29-34 36-44 43-53 57-71 2-8 Notes Type V- Felted process, burlap core FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-17. Grommet, metallic A- Type I, plain grommet with plain washer Plain grommet Size I D end of bbl OD under head Diameter of head Height overall 00 0 1 1-J 2 2-J 3 4 5 6 .176 .240 .286 .298 .362 .394 .433 .486 .594 .810 .218 .290 .375 .375 .475 .490 .545 .630 .785 .885 .425 .545 .687 .680 .815 .840 .970 1.050 1.220 1.750 .170 .210 .220 .295 .250 .295 .345 .420 .375 .312 Thickness Tolerances Nominal of head (plus or thickness of minus) basic metal .035 .035 .035 .032 .035 .035 .050 .046 .045 .080 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0075 .009 .011 .0126 .0126 .0126 .016 .014 .016 .016 .0201 Plain washer Diameter of hole .218 .286 .359 .359 .453 .453 .530 .585 .740 .875 OD of washer Height overall Tolerances (plus or minus) Nominal thickness of basic metal .460 .546 .700 .700 .835 .835 .955 .1.062 1.205 1.828 .029 .030 .041 .041 .045 .045 .050 .050 .055 .070 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0075 .009 .010 .0126 .0126 .0126 .0126 .013 .013 .0135 .0201 2-9 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-17. Grommet, metallic- Continued B- Type II, plain grommet with toothed washer Plain grommet Size I D end of bbl OD under head Diameter of head Height overall 00 0 1 1-J 2 2-J 3 4 5 6 .176 .240 .286 .298 .362 .394 .433 .486 .594 .810 .218 .290 .375 .375 .475 .490 .545 .630 .785 .885 .425 .545 .687 .680 .815 .840 .970 1.050 1.220 1.750 .170 .210 .220 .295 .250 .295 .345 .420 .375 .312 Thickness Tolerances Nominal of head (plus or thickness of minus) basic metal .035 .035 .035 .032 .035 .035 .050 .046 .045 .080 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0075 .009 .011 .0126 .0126 .0126 .016 .014 .016 .016 .0201 Toothed washer Diameter of hole .290 .350 .350 .468 .468 .545 .593 .720 2-10 OD of washer Height overall Thickness of head Tolerances (plus or minus) Nominal thickness of basic metal .570 .680 .680 .840 .840 .945 1.050 1.190 .125 .140 .140 .180 .180 .180 .250 .288 .035 .040 .040 .040 .040 .040 .045 .050 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0115 .014 .014 .0126 .016 .0126 .018 .017 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-17. Grommet, metallic- Continued C- Type III, rolled rim grommet with spur washer Rolled rim grommet Size I D end OD under Diameter of bbl head of head 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .270 .380 .425 .430 .560 .600 .735 .883 1.040 .375 .480 .532 .545 .695 .800 .935 1.080 1.300 Height overall .235 .270 .325 .330 .400 .465 .510 .536 .555 .670 .790 .890 .970 1.120 1.285 1.535 1.725 1.865 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thickness Tolerances Nominal of head (plus or thickness of minus) basic metal .60 .065 .070 .075 .080 .085 .090 .090 .090 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 See Notes 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 4 5 .016 .016 .019 .020 .020 .021 .0253 .020 .0253 Washers have one row of 6 teeth. Washers have one row of 7 teeth. Washers have one row of 8 teeth. Washers have two rows of 9 teeth each. Washers have two rows of 20 teeth each. Spur washer Diameter of hole .345 .455 .512 .537 .645 .777 .875 1.062 1.195 OD of washer Height overall Thickness of head Tolerances (plus or minus) Nominal thickness of basic metal .645 .790 .890 .970 1.120 1.270 1.505 1.725 1.910 .150 .150 .156 .190 .205 .225 .225 .225 .240 .060 .065 .070 .075 .080 .085 .090 .090 .090 .005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .0075 .0075 .0075 .0075 .016 .016 .020 .020 .020 .021 .0253 .020 .020 2-11 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-17. Grommet, metallic- Continued D- Oblong grommet with flat washer Oblong grommet Width of hole Width under head Width of head Height overall Length of hole Length under head Length overall Corner radius 0.1875 + .000 .002 0.221 + .000 - .003 0.406 + .005 - 0.235 + .005 - 1.24 + .000 - .002 1.284 + .003 - 1.470 + .005 - 0.03125 + .003 - Flat washer Nominal basic-metal thickness Width of hole Width of washer Length of hole Length overall 0.013 0.25 + .003 - 0.4375 + .003 - 1.312 + .003 - 1.50 + .003 - Nominal thickness of basic metal 0.0201 E- Type V oblong grommet with raised washer Type V oblong grommet Width of hole Width under head Width of head Height overall Length of hole Length Length Corner under overall radius head 1 0.290 (3/8 x 1 1/2) + .000 .002 0.395 + .002 - 0.915 + .005 - 0.360 + .005 - 1.406 + .000 - .002 1.515 + .002 - 2.015 0.03125 + .005 + .003 - .175 + .000 .002 .249 + .003 - .665 + .005 - .245 + .005 - .830 + .000 - .002 .910 + .002 - .0468 1.315 + .005 + .003 - Size 2 (5/16 x 1) R aised washer Width of hole Width of washer Heig ht ov erall Leng th of hole Leng th ov erall C orner radius Nominal thickness of basic metal 0.028 0.420 + .003 - 0.915 + .003 - 0.125 + .003 - 1.532 + .003 - 2.010 + .003 - 0.03215 + .003 - 0.028 .003 .0201 .275 + .003 - .625 + .003 - .100 + .003 - .950 + .003 - 1.290 + .003 - .0156 .003 0.0201 Nominal thickness of basic metal 2-12 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-17. Grommet, metallic- Continued F- Type VIII eyelet grommet with ring Type VI I I eyelet grommet Size 6 8 10 11 15 Ring Weight per gross (approx) (oz*) "A" diameter after insertion (in) Size 30 36 70 84 150 0.750 .825 1.250 1.500 2.000 6 8 10 11 15 *Brass grommets only Weight per gross (app rox) (lb) (oz) 3 7 10 16 39 "A"diameter (in) 7 6 5 14 14 1.000 1.250 1.500 1.750 2.250 Table 2-18. Lumber A- Minimum dressed sizes of boards (up to 2 inches thick) Thickness (in) Face widths (in) Minimum size dressed Size ordered Seasoned Unseasoned 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 2 1 1/2 Minimum size dressed Size ordered Seasoned Unseasoned 25/32 1 1/32 1 9/32 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 1 1/2 2 9/16 3 9/16 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 1/2 7 1/2 8 1/2 9 1/2 10 1/2 11 1/2 13 1/2 15 1/2 1 9/16 2 5/8 3 5/8 4 5/8 5 5/8 6 5/8 7 5/8 8 3/4 9 3/4 10 3/4 11 3/4 13 3/4 15 3/4 1 9/16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 1 1/2 2 9/16 3 9/16 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 1/2 7 1/2 8 1/2 9 1/2 10 1/2 11 1/2 13 1/2 15 1/2 1 9/16 2 5/8 3 5/8 4 5/8 5 5/8 6 5/8 7 5/8 8 3/4 9 3/4 10 3/4 11 3/4 13 3/4 15 3/4 2-13 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-18. Lumber- Continued B- Minimum dressed sizes of boards (over 2 inches thick) and timbers Thickness (in) Minimum size dressed I tems Size ordered 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 Boards Timbers Face widths (in) 5 an d thicker Minimum size dressed Size ordered Seasoned or Unseasoned 2 2 3 3 Seasoned or Unseasoned 1/8 1/8 1/8 5/8 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2 5/8 3 5/8 5 1/2 7 1/2 9 1/2 11 1/2 13 1/2 15 1/2 1/2 off 5 an d thicker 1/2 off C- Finished dressed sizes of seasoned worked lumber Thickness (in) 2-14 Face widths (in) Minimum size dressed Size ordered Size ordered Minimum size dressed 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 5/16 7/16 9/16 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 3/8 1 1/2 2 2 9/16 3 1/16 3 9/16 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 1 1/2 2 9/16 3 9/16 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 1/2 7 1/4 8 1/4 9 1/4 10 1/4 11 1/4 13 1/4 15 1/4 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-19. Nails A- Brads Dash no Leng th (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx ) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 .0348 .0348 .0348 .0348 .0348 .054 .0625 .0625 .080 .0625 .080 .080 .080 .080 9520 7060 5680 4800 4220 1502 1120 940 470 672 400 350 320 290 B- Nails, casing Dash no Common designation Length (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx) - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 4d 6d 8d 10d 12d 16d 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 .080 .099 .113 .128 .128 .135 489 244 147 96 88 74 C- Nails, finishing Dash no Common designation Length (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx) - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 10d 12d 16d 20d 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 4 .067 .072 .072 .0915 .0915 .099 .099 .113 .113 .1205 .135 880 630 535 288 254 196 178 124 113 93 65 2-15 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-19. Nails- Continued D- Nails, bright Dash no Common designation Length (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx) -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 2d 3d 4d 5d 6d 7d 8d 9d 10d 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d 50d 60d 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/4 2 1/2 2 3/4 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 .072 .080 .099 .099 .113 .113 .131 .131 .1483 .1483 .162 .192 .207 .2253 .2437 .2625 810 540 300 255 170 150 95 90 65 60 46 28 20 17 13 10 E- Nails, zinc-coated 2-16 Dash no Common designation Length (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx) - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 2d 4d 6d 8d 10d 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d 50d 60d 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 5 1/2 6 .072 .099 .113 .131 .1483 .1483 .162 .192 .207 .2253 .2437 .2625 789 274 155 91 61 57 44 26 20 17 13 10 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-19. Nails- Continued F- Nails, copper Dash no Length (in) Diameter (in) No per lb (approx) - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 3 1/2 4 4 1/2 5 .072 .109 .120 .134 .148 .165 .203 .220 .238 704 208 130 86 56 40 23 18 14 Table 2-20. Parachute, cargo Type Weight (lb) Maximum load limit (lb) 68" pilot chute T-10 modified cargo 15' cargo extraction G-14 G-13 12' high velocity 22' cargo extraction 26' high velocity G-12E G-11 3 25 19 37 45 7.75 33.5 22 128 250 50 500 500 500 500 500 2,200 2,200 2,200 5,000 Table 2-21. Parachute, cargo extraction Weight (lb) Size (ft) 15 22 28 Canopy Packed 8.0 27.5 36.5 19.0 33.5 38.5 2-17 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-22. Platform, cargo airdrop, type V Length (ft) Width (in) Weight (lb) Platform surface (sq ft) Minimum rigged weight (lb) 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 108 108 108 108 108 108 108 820 1,220 1,590 1,950 2,280 2,820 3,056 72 108 144 180 216 252 288 2,520 3,780 5,040 6,300 7,560 8,820 10,080 Table 2-23. Plywood, flat panel Thickness (in) Width (in) Leng th (in) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 48 48 48 48 48 48 96 96 96 96 96 96 2-18 Note Ty pes: Ex terior: Ty pe I - The g lue line is water proof and unaffected by microorg anisms. *Minimum g rade standard for airdrop is AC Ex terior Ty pe I I nterior: Ty pe I I - The g lue line will withstand occasional wetting and dry ing . Ty pe I I I - The g lue is suitable only for use where the ply wood will not be subjected to water, dampness, or hig h humidity . C lasses: A- Hardwood B- Doug las fir C - Pine D- Western softwood E- Southern pine FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-24. Ribbon, nylon, parachute Class Type Width (in) Weight (yd per lb) Breaking Strength (lb) A Extra lightweight I II III IV V .250 .375 .625 1.250 2.000 1300 875 440 260 165 13 18 43 65 96 I II II IV V VI .250 .375 .625 1.250 2.000 5.000 970 650 360 210 120 50 22 33 70 120 200 100 I II III IV V .250 .375 .625 1.250 2.000 770 520 335 160 100 39 58 90 185 300 I II 1.250 2.000 80 45 280 1,000 I 1.250 50 II 2.000 30 Table 2-25. Rope, manila and sisal 650 1,000 B Lightweight C Mediumweight D Heavyweight E Extra heavyweight No 1 Manila Nominal diameter (in) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 2 1/2 3 Sisal Circumference (in) Weight per 100 ft (lb) Weight (yd per lb) Safe load (lb) Breaking strength (lb) Safe load (lb) 3/4 1 1/8 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 2 3/4 3 3 1/2 3 3/4 4 1/2 5 1/2 6 7 1/2 9 1.71 3.45 7.36 13.1 16.4 22.0 26.0 35.2 40.8 58.8 87.7 105.0 163.0 237.0 550 1,275 2,650 4,400 5,400 7,700 9,000 12,000 13,500 18,500 26,500 31,000 46,500 64,000 150 325 660 1,100 1,350 1,920 2,250 3,000 3,380 4,620 6,625 7,750 11,620 16,000 440 1,020 2,120 3,520 4,320 6,160 7,200 9,600 10,800 14,800 21,200 24,800 37,200 51,200 120 260 520 880 1,080 1,540 1,800 2,400 2,700 3,700 5,300 6,200 9,300 12,800 2-19 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-26. Sling, cargo, airdrop No per suspension point No of loops per sling Safe load 2 4 0 to 14,000 1,401 to 40,000 1 Table 2-27. Sling, endless Fiber Rope Type Rope circumference (in) I nside perimeter (ft) Safe working load (lb) Breaking strength (lb) I II II IV 3 3 1/4 3 1/2 4 24 40 80 80 1,800 2,100 2,400 3,000 9,000 10,500 12,000 15,000 Proof load vertical hitch Breaking strength (lb) Wire Rope, grommet Safe working load (lb) Diameter (in) Veritcal hitch Choker hitch (lb) 3/4 15,200 11,400 30,400 2-20 76,000 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-28. Tape, textile, cotton, general-purpose Type Width (in) Warp strength (lb) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II II II III III III III III III 1/4 3/8 7/16 1/2 5/8 11/16 3/4 13/16 7/8 1 1 1/16 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/2 3/16 1/2 5/8 3/16 1/4 3/8 1/2 9/16 1 25 30 35 42 50 58 65 72 80 85 90 95 115 130 22 50 60 14 18 24 35 36 65 Table 2-29. Tape, textile, nylon Type Width Thickness Weight Breaking Elongation (in) (in) (oz per lin yd) strength (lb) (%) Parachute Construction I 1 .025-.045 .40 525 16 II 1 .010-.030 .145 300 14 Multiple tubular 1 5/16 .020 .40 500 20 Notes One black thread in center Use: Type I - Skirt bands Type I I - Reinforcing bands 2-21 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-30. Tape and webbing, textile, rayon Type Width (in) Length (lin yd per lb) Breaking strength (lb) I I I Ia Ia Ia Ia II II II II II 9/16 1 1/8 1 1/4 3/8 9/16 1 1 5/8 1/8 3/16 1/2 9/16 5/8 200 100 80 100 40 32 15 125 100 40 40 23 50 100 140 160 500 500 750 150 200 500 500 900 Notes When specified, all rayon tape and webbing will contain one red thread in center. Types: I - Flat-weave tape I a - Flat-weave webbing I I - Tubular-weave webbing Table 2-31. Tape, textile and webbing, textile, reinforcing, nylon Width (in) Thickness ( in) Weight (oz per yd) Breaking strength (lb) V 1 1 1/2 2 3/8 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/2 1/2 5/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/2 9/16 .025-.035 .025-.035 .025-.035 .015-.025 .015-.025 .015-.025 .015-.025 .015-.025 .030-.040 .030-.040 .030-.040 .030-.040 .030-.040 .020-.030 .40 .60 .80 .12 .15 .20 .30 .40 .35 .40 .50 .60 .75 .20 900 1,300 1,700 200 250 400 525 900 550 625 1,000 1,100 1,500 500 VI 3/4 .020-.030 .20 425 Type II III IV 2-22 Notes Types: I I - Tape, herringbone twill weave I I I - Tape, plain weave I V- Webbing, plain weave V- Tape, herringbone twill weave VI - Tape, herringbone twill weave FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-32. Tape and webbing, textile, cotton reinforcing, woven Type I II III V VI Width (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1/2 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 1 3/4 2 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 2 5/8 1 .11 .15 .22 .28 .33 .47 .15 .22 .29 .36 .43 .50 .57 .10 .12 .14 .65 1.30 .23 .98 80 120 150 170 200 250 110 165 220 275 330 375 425 45 55 75 350 650 80 375 Notes Types: I - Plain I I - Double herringbone I I I - Twill V- Plain (traverse cord) VI - Nonelastic 2-23 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-33. Thread, nylon A- Type I - Twisted, soft, multiple cord Size Ply Length (yd per lb) Breaking strength (lb) 0000 000 00 A AA B E F FF FFF 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 2 3 3 2 or 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 45,200 29,500 25,800 16,900 12,600 8,200 5,600 3,750 2,725 2,900 1,800 1,300 1,000 850 725 625 550 450 .85 1.30 1.85 2.75 4.5 5.50 8.50 11.0 16.0 17.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 68.0 80.0 90.0 Notes Classes: 1- Low elongation 2- Normal elongation B- Type I I - Twisted, bonded, multiple cord 2-24 Size Ply Length (yd per lb) Breaking strength (lb) 0000 000 00 A AA B E F FF 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 2 3 3 2 or 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 40,000 26,000 23,000 15,000 11,800 7,375 5,000 3,350 2,450 1,600 1,200 950 775 650 575 500 450 .85 1.30 1.85 2.75 4.5 5.50 8.50 11.0 16.0 24.0 32.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 68.0 80.0 90.0 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-34. Thread, cotton A- Type I I - Twisted, bonded, multiple cord Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 60 70 80 90 *140 20 24 30 36 40 50 60 70 80 70s 80s 90 30/2 34/2 40/2 44/2 58/2 20/3 22/3 28/3 32/3 34/3 40/3 44/3 52/3 60/3 58/3 66/3 76/3 12,145 14,065 16,400 17,945 23,000 5,040 5,720 7,275 8,535 9,404 10,800 12,125 14,065 16,400 15,700 17,900 21,000 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.1 4.0 3.6 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.1 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.6 1.4 1.1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 12 16 20 24 30 36 40 50 20 24 30 36 40 50 60 70 80 14/4 20/4 26/4 28/4 36/4 42/4 46/4 58/4 36/2/3 44/2/3 52/2/3 60/2/3 70/2/3 86/2/3 96/2/3 104/2/3 115/2/3 2,810 3,880 5,040 5,720 7,275 8,535 9,405 11,835 4,850 5,915 7,225 8,340 9,600 12,025 13,285 14,450 16,005 8.0 6.0 4.7 4.1 3.2 2.7 2.5 2.0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.6 2.3 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 Notes Finish: 1A- Soft finish Types: 1A1- Unbleached 1A2- White and tints 1A3- Black and colors S- twist S- twist * A special high-grade thread which must be made from fine, strong cotton. 2-25 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-34. Thread, cotton- Continued B- Machine thread (types 1B1, 1B2, and 1B3) Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 70 80 90 20 24 30 36 40 50 60 70 80 12 16 20 24 30 36 40 50 28/2 32/2 38/2 42/2 18/3 20/3 26/3 32/3 34/3 38/3 42/3 50/3 58/3 14/4 20/4 24/4 28/4 34/4 40/4 44/4 56/4 11,520 13,360 15,580 17,050 4,790 5,435 6,910 8,110 8,935 10,260 11,520 13,360 15,580 2,670 3,685 4,790 5,435 6,910 8,110 8,935 11,245 1.5 1.3 1.1 1.0 4.3 3.9 3.2 2.8 2.4 2.2 2.0 1.6 1.4 8.8 6.4 5.1 4.4 3.5 2.9 2.7 2.1 Notes Finish: 1B- Glazed finish Types: 1B1- Unbleached 1B2- White and tints 1B3- Black and colors C- Machine thread (types 1C1 and 1C2) Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 20 24 30 36 40 50 60 C B A 0 00 000 0000 20/2 24/2 30/2 36/2 40/2 48/2 60/2 22/3 28/3 34/3 38/3 44/3 56/3 76/3 8,000 9,600 11,000 14,400 16,000 19,200 24,400 6,010 7,760 9,215 10,280 12,220 15,520 21,340 2.6 2.2 1.65 1.5 1.3 1.2 0.9 4.2 3.4 2.9 2.6 2.1 1.7 1.2 2-26 Notes Finish: 1C- Mercerized finish Types: 1C1- White and tints 1C2- Black and colors FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-34. Thread, cotton- Continued D- Blasting thread (types I I A1 and I I A2) Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) Notes Finish: I I A- Glazed finish 3 30 28/3 7,530 25 Types: I I A1- White I I A2- Black E-Heavy thread (type I I I A - soft finish) Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 3 3 4 4 4 5 6 8/3 10/3 8/4 9/4 10/4 10/5 10/6 --------------- 2,150 2,660 1,600 1,830 1,990 1,590 1,330 9 8 13 12 11 14 17 Notes I I I - Heavy thread I I I A- Glazed finish F-Heavy thread (type I I I B- glazed finish) Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) 3 3 4 4 5 6 8/3 10/3 8/4 10/4 10/5 10/6 ------------- 1,935 2,395 1,440 1,790 1,430 1,195 Min breaking strength (lb) 10 9 14 12 15 18 2-27 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-34. Thread, cotton- Continued G-Shoe thread (type I VA- soft finish)** Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 ------------------- 1,600 1,275 1,060 910 800 705 640 580 530 15 22 27 30 34 39 44 48 54 H-Shoe thread (type I VB- glazed finish)** Ply Ticket no Yarn size Minimum length (yd per lb) Min breaking strength (lb) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8/4 8/5 8/6 8/7 8/8 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 ------------------- 1,520 1,210 1,000 865 760 670 605 550 505 16 23 29 32 36 41 46 51 57 **It is recommended that applicable threads covered in these tables be used as substitutes for threads that were covered by MIL-T-5660, threads, cotton, high tenacity. On the basis of practical equivalency, the following substitutes are recommended: For MIL-T-5660 Style A, ticket no 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Type I (soft) Type II (polished) 2-28 Use V-T-276 Type IV, ticket no 8/4 8/5 8/7 8/9 8/10 8/11 8/12 Finish A (soft) Finish B (glazed) FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-35. Webbing, textile, woven nylon Type Width (in) Thickness (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) I Ia II III IV VI VI I VI I I VI I I a VI I I b VI I I c IX X XI I XI I I XI V XV XVI XVI I XVI I I XI X XX XXI XXI I XXI I I XXI V XXV XXVI XXVI I XXVI I I 9/16 3/4 1 1 1/4 3 1 23/32 1 23/32 1 23/32 3 2 2 1/4 3 1 23/32 1 23/32 1 23/32 1/12 2 1 23/32 1 1 1 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 23/32 1 1/8 1 15/16 1 1 3/4 1 23/32 2 1/4 .025-.04 .025-.035 .025-.040 .025-.040 .025-.040 .030-.050 .060-.100 .040-.070 .040-.070 .040-.070 .040-.070 .065-.100 .105-.140 .025-.040 .080-.120 .070-.100 .035-.050 .045-.080 .045-.070 .100-.160 .100-.130 .180-.220 .065-.085 .090-.120 .200-.300 .055-.075 .080-.125 .150-.180 .085-.110 .080-.110 0.28 0.32 0.42 0.52 1.20 1.15 2.35 1.60 2.80 1.80 2.10 4.00 3.70 0.85 2.90 0.80 1.25 2.00 1.15 2.05 4.10 3.25 1.70 3.50 3.70 2.25 1.50 4.90 2.90 3.80 500 600 600 800 1,800 2,500 5,500 3,600 6,300 4,500 5,300 9,000 8,700 1,200 6,500 1,200 1,500 4,500 2,500 6,000 10,000 9,000 3,600 9,500 12,000 5,000 4,500 15,000 6,500 8,700 Notes I dentifying threads: Two red threads in center Two yellow threads at each edge Two black threads in center One red thread at each edge Two black threads at each edge Two green threads in center Two black threads at each edge and in center Two yellow threads in center One black thread at each edge 2-29 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-36. Webbing, textile, nylon, tubular Width (in) Thickness (in) Weight (oz per yd) Breaking strength (lb) 1/2 0.090 0.50 1,000 9/16 0.090 0.60 1,500 5/8 0.100 0.75 2,250 3/4 0.120 1.05 2,300 7/8 1 0.120 0.120 1.00 1.70 3,100 4,000 Notes I dentifying threads: One black thread in centered (dyed) Three black threads - one at each edge and in center (dyed) Two black threads in center (dyed) One black thread in center (dyed) None One black thread in center (dyed) Table 2-37. Webbing, textile, cotton warp Type Width Thickness Weight Breaking (in) (in) (oz per yd) strength (lb) I II II IV V VI 9/16 1 1 1/4 3 5 1 3/4 .040-.050 .040-.050 .040-.050 .050-.100 .050-.100 .070-.090 0.40 0.75 0.90 2.50 4.30 2.10 350 575 750 1,900 3,100 1,800 VI I VI I I IX X XI I XI I I XV XVI XVI I XVI I I XI X 1 3/4 1 3/4 3 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 3/4 1 2 1/2 2 .140-.170 .075-.095 .090-.115 .130-.150 .040-.050 .100-.130 .130-.150 .095-.115 .075-.095 .050-.060 .13-.01 3.00 3.00 4.65 3.50 1.25 3.40 3.50 2.60 1.25 1.40 3.68 2,600 2,900 4,500 5,000 1,000 3,400 4,500 2,700 1,000 1,250 2,500 2-30 Notes Classes: 1A- Undyed and not fungus proofed 1B- Undyed and fungus proofed 2A- Dyed and not fungus proofed 2B- Dyed and fungus proofed 3- Resin dyed and fungus proofed during dyeing I dentifying threads: Two black threads at each edge Two black threads in center Two red threads in center Two red threads at each edge Two yellow threads in center FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-38. Webbing, textile, elastic, cotton Class Width (in) Thickness (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Load range to produce 50% elongation (lb) 3/8 1/2 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 1 1/2 1 1/2 .016-.046 .016-.046 .016-.046 .016-.046 .016-.046 .016-.046 .031-.061 .031-.061 .094-.156 .094-.156 0.28 0.38 0.53 0.55 0.73 1.00 1.60 2.00 2.30 2.35 1.15-.3.25 1.35-.3.75 1.80-.5.00 0.90-.4.37 3.00-.5.50 5.00-.7.00 6.00-.11.00 8.00-.12.50 7.20-.17.50 15.30-31.25 1 2 3* *Used for parachute packs and ripcord grip pockets Table 2-39. Webbing, textile, cotton, general-purpose A-Type I I , medium- weight webbing (hard texture) Width (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 3/4 3 3 3/4 5 5 5/8 0.20 0.32 0.40 0.48 0.65 0.81 0.97 1.30 1.78 1.95 2.43 3.25 3.65 100 160 200 235 315 385 460 585 760 810 Notes Classes: 1- Natural 1a- Natural, water-repellent, mildewresistant, 2,2' methylenebis (4chlorophenol) 1b- Natural, water-repellent, mildewresistant, (copper 8-quinolinolate) 2- Bleached 2a- Bleached, water-repellent, mildewresistant, 2,2' methylenebis (4chlorophenol) 3- Dyed 4- Dyed, water-repellent, mildewresistant, (copper 8-quinolate) 7- Dyed, water-repellent, mildewresistant, 2,2' methylenebis (4chlorophenol) 8- Dyed, water-repellent 2-31 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-39. Webbing, textile, cotton, general-purpose- Continued B- Type I I a, medium- weight webbing (soft texture) Width (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 0.25 0.33 0.41 0.49 0.65 0.81 0.97 1.30 1.47 130 160 195 230 300 370 440 580 645 C-Type I I b, medium heavy weight webbing Width (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/4 3 0.60 0.72 0.96 1.20 1.44 1.92 2.25 2.88 310 365 475 590 700 925 1,050 1,375 D-Type I I I , heavy weight webbing 2-32 Width (in) Weight (oz per lin yd) Breaking strength (lb) 5/8 3/4 1 1 1/4 1 1/4 1 1/2 2 2 1/2 3 1.00 1.20 1.33 1.50 2.00 2.40 2.65 4.00 4.80 380 460 550 650 720 860 1,100 1,360 1,560 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-40. Wire strand (6 x 19) Breaking strength (tn) Diameter (in) Weight (lb per 100 ft) Mild plow steel Plow steel I mproved plow steel 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 1 1 1/8 1 1/4 1 1/2 10 23 40 63 90 123 160 203 250 360 2.07 5.0 8.5 13.1 18.7 25.4 33.0 41.5 51.0 72.5 2.39 5.5 9.4 14.4 20.6 28.0 36.5 46.0 56.5 80.5 2.74 6.3 10.8 16.6 23.7 32.2 42.0 53.0 65.0 92.5 Table 2-41. Wire strand, steel (corrosion resistant), preformed (aircraft application) Cable type Nominal diameter (in) Breaking strength (lb) Weight (lb per 100 ft) I 1/32 3/64 150 375 .025 0.55 II 1/16 5/64 3/32 7/64 1/8 5/32 3/16 7/32 1/4 5/16 500 800 1,200 1,600 2,100 3,300 4,700 6,300 8,200 12,500 0.85 1.40 2.00 2.70 3.50 5.50 7.70 10.20 13.50 21.00 Notes Types: I - Nonflexible 1x7, with wire center I I - Nonflexible 1x19, with wire center 2-33 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Table 2-42. Miscellaneous hardware and equipment I tem Adapter, parachute harness, quick-fit Adapter, parachute harness, reversible, quick-fit Clevis, riser, airdrop, type I I I Clevis, platform, type V Clevis, suspension, airdrop, type I : 1- inch diameter (large suspension clevis) 3/4- inch diameter (cargo suspension clevis) 5/8- inch diameter (small suspension clevis) Clevis, tiedown, airdrop, type I I : 5/8- inch diameter 1/2- inch diameter Container kits, airdrop: A-7A, Sling A-21, Bag A-22, Bag Two point link assembly, 3 3/4 Two point link assembly, 5 1/2 Link, parachute, connector, L- bar type Ring, parachute harness "D" Ring, parachute harness "V" Ring, parachute harness, quick-fit, "V" type Snap, parachute harness, ejector Snap, parachute harness, quick-fit, ejector Strapping, steel, 5/8-in wide, 0.02-in thick (safe load per double thickness: 250 lb) Tiedown, cargo, aircraft: Type CGU-1B Type MB-1 or CGU-4/E Type MB-2 or CGU-3/E Tiedown, cargo, aircraft, nylon web net: Type MA-2 (15' x 15') Type MA-3 (20' x 15') 2-34 Working strength (lb) 2,500 2,500 2,000 10,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 15,000 7,000 500 500 2,200 30,000 30,000 3,000 5,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 1,000 5,000 10,000 25,000 10,000 10,000 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Chapter 3 Rigged Load Reference Data SECTION I- INTRODUCTION GENERAL 3-1. This chapter contains illustrations and reference data on completely rigged airdrop platforms. TYPE V PLATFORM LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP 3-2. Loads rigged on type V platform for low-velocity airdrop are contained in section II. COMBAT-EXPENDABLE PLATFORM LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP 3-3. Loads rigged on combat-expendable platform for low-velocity airdrop are contained in section III. MARITIME AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEMS PLATFORM LOWVELOCITY AIRDROP 3-4. Loads rigged on maritime aerial delivery systems platform for low-velocity airdrop are contained in section IV. 3-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 SECTION II- TYPE V PLATFORM LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) Rigged on an 8-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 4-20.108/TO 13C7-2-491 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of Vehicle) ..................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,120 pounds 78 inches 108 inches 125 inches 11 inches 18 inches 49 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-1. One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) Rigged on an 8-Foot Platform 3-2 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two Military Utility Vehicles (M-Gator) and Equipment Box Rigged on a 20-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 4-20.108/TO 13C7-2-491 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,520 pounds 78 inches 108 inches 260 1/2 inches 2 1/2 inches 18 inches 124 inches Accompanying Load: Equipment box weighing 2,000 pounds is rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-2. Two Military Utility Vehicles (M-Gator) and Equipment Box Rigged on a 20-Foot Platform 3-3 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) and an A-22 Cargo Bag on a 12-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 4-20.108/TO 13C7-2-491 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,630 pounds 78 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 68 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-3. One Military Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) and an A-22 Cargo Bag on a 12-Foot Platform 3-4 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Bulk Supplies on an 8-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 6,344 pounds 56 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 50 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-4. Bulk Supplies on an 8-Foot Platform 3-5 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Bulk Supplies in A-22 Cargo Bags on an 8-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 6,750 pounds 71 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 50 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-5. Bulk Supplies in A-22 Cargo Bags on an 8-Foot Platform 3-6 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Bulk Supplies on a 12-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,904 pounds 56 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 74 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-6. Bulk Supplies on a 12-Foot Platform 3-7 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Forward Area Surgical Team (FAST) Equipment on a 12-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 12,000 pounds 92 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 84 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-7. Forward Area Surgical Team (FAST) Equipment on a 12-Foot Platform 3-8 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Bulk Supplies on a 16-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 18,560 pounds 97 1/2 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 106 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-8. Bulk Supplies on a 16-Foot Platform 3-9 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 155-mm Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 13,300 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 101 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-9. 155-mm Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform 3-10 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 20-mm Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 26,060 pounds 92 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 91 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-10. 20-mm Ammunition on a 16-Foot Platform 3-11 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Mass Supply Boxes on a 16-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 15,040 pounds 88 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 97 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-11. Mass Supply Boxes on a 16-Foot Platform 3-12 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Mass Supply Boxes on a 20-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 16,300 pounds 88 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 126 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-12. Mass Supply Boxes on a 20-Foot Platform 3-13 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Palletized Load System (PLS) Pallet with 105-mm Ammunition on a 24-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (cargo parachutes) .................................. CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 33,343 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 310 inches 0 inches 22 inches 132 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Seven G-11C Figure 3-13. Palletized Load System (PLS) Pallet with 105-mm Ammunition on a 24-Foot Platform 3-14 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 PLS Pallet with A-22 Containers on a 24-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 24,278 pounds 84 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 137 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-14. PLS Pallet with A-22 Containers on a 24-Foot Platform 3-15 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 3/4-Ton Cargo Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-513/TO 13C7-3-51 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 5,880 pounds 72 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 78 inches Accompanying Load: Maximum accompanying load of 1,500 pounds stowed in trailer with additional load of 2,500 pounds stowed on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-15. 3/4-Ton Cargo Trailer 3-16 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier CB Reference: FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,750 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 95 inches Accompanying Load: Minimum accompanying load of 800 pounds and a maximum load of 2,000 pounds must be rigged in the truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-16. M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier 3-17 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1025 Armament Carrier CB Reference: FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,820 pounds 91 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 96 inches Accompanying Load: Minimum accompanying load of 800 pounds and a maximum load of 2,000 pounds must be rigged in the truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-17. M1025 Armament Carrier 3-18 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1025 Armament Carrier with Additional Accompanying Ammunition Load on a 20-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,740 pounds 90 1/2 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 112 inches Accompanying Load: Ammunition rigged on platform and any accompanying load stowed in truck must weigh no less than 3,300 pounds and no more than 4,300 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-18. M1025 Armament Carrier with Additional Accompanying Ammunition Load on a 20-Foot Platform 3-19 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M56 Smoke Generator Rigged in M1113 CB Reference: FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (rear bumper) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,960 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 218 inches 8 inches 18 inches 91 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-19. M56 Smoke Generator Rigged in M1113 3-20 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two M998 Trucks CB Reference: FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 21,200 pounds 96 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 207 inches Accompanying Load: Minimum accompanying load weighing 800 pounds and a maximum load weighing 2,000 pounds must be rigged in the truck and 20 boxes of 20-millimeter ammunition rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-20. Two M998 Trucks 3-21 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M102 Howitzer Rigged with 17 Boxes of Ammunition CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,060 pounds 88 inches 90 1/2 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 98 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 2,040 pounds rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-21. M102 Howitzer Rigged with 17 Boxes of Ammunition 3-22 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M102 Howitzer Rigged with 23 Boxes of Ammunition CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,800 pounds 90 1/2 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 98 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 2,760 pounds rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-22. M102 Howitzer Rigged with 23 Boxes of Ammunition 3-23 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M102 Howitzer with 1 1/2-ton Truck CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 17,770 pounds 83 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 196 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 800 to 2,000 pounds must be rigged in truck and 22 boxes of 105mm ammunition on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-23. M102 Howitzer with 1 1/4-ton Truck 3-24 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M119 Howitzer Rigged with 30 Boxes of Ammunition CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 10,000 pounds 75 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 100 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 3,713 pounds rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-24. M119 Howitzer Rigged with 30 Boxes of Ammunition 3-25 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M119 Howitzer with 1 1/4-Ton Truck CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 20,160 pounds 91 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 201 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 3,360 pounds is rigged on platform with additional load of 800 to 2,000 pounds rigged in truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-25. M119 Howitzer with 1 1/4-Ton Truck 3-26 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M119 Howitzer Rigged with 81-Millimeter Mortar CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,200 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 105 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 3,713 pounds rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-26. M119 Howitzer Rigged with 81-Millimeter Mortar 3-27 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two M119 Howitzers CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 22,660 pounds 98 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: 82 boxes of ammunition rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-27. Two M119 Howitzers 3-28 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two M119 Howitzers with Light Ammunition CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 19,320 pounds 99 1/2 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 112 inches Accompanying Load: 63 boxes of ammunition rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-28. Two M119 Howitzers with Light Ammunition 3-29 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two M119 Howitzers Rigged with Two 81-mm Mortars CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 21,940 pounds 98 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: 68 boxes of ammunition rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-29. Two M119 Howitzers Rigged with Two 81-mm Mortars 3-30 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M101A1 Howitzer CB Reference: FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31/FMFM 7-55 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,500 pounds 79 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 96 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load rigged on platform must weigh at least 2,000 pounds but no more than 2,400 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-30. M101A1 Howitzer 3-31 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Type 1 D-5B Tractor Dozer CB Reference: FM 10-521/TO 13C7-6-21 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-31. Type 1 D-5B Tractor Dozer 3-32 36,140 pounds 98 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 152 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 John Deere 450G Lt Full- Tracked Bulldozer CB Reference: FM 10-521/TO 13C7-6-21 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 20,960 pounds 94 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 84 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-32. John Deere 450G Lt Full- Tracked Bulldozer 3-33 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover (DEUCE) CB Reference: FM 10-521/TO 13C7-6-21 Weight ......................................................................................... 40,340 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 101 1/2 inches Width ........................................................................................... 110 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 310 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 22 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 122 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: NA Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-33. Deployable Universal Combat Earthmover (DEUCE) 3-34 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Three 250-gallon Water Drums CB Reference: FM 10-522/TO 13C7-2-1001 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,300 pounds 77 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 50 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-34. Three 250-gallon Water Drums 3-35 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Three 250-gallon Water Drums CB Reference: FM 10-522/TO 13C7-2-1001 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-35. Three 250-gallon Water Drums 3-36 8,760 pounds 60 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 73 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS) in an M998 and a 3/4-Ton Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Cargo Parachutes) ................................. CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 13,289 pounds 99 inches 108 inches 333 inches 0 inches 45 inches 140 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-36. Mobile Microwave Landing System (MMLS) in an M998 and a 3/4-Ton Trailer 3-37 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Standard Intergrated Command Post System (SICPS) with the CHS-2 CB Reference: FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 12,100 pounds 94 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-37. Standard Intergrated Command Post System (SICPS) with the CHS-2 3-38 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Command Assault Vehicle (CAV) CB Reference: FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,680 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-38. Command Assault Vehicle (CAV) 3-39 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Two Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet CB Reference: FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,480 pounds 85 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 101 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-39. M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Two Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet 3-40 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Four Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet CB Reference: FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,810 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 98 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-40. M998 Cargo/Troop Carrier (Four Seater) with GRC/206 Air Force Pallet 3-41 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 S-318/G Shelter with AN/GRC-122 Communications Equipment CB Reference: FM 10-524/TO 13C7-14-471 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,630 pounds 95 1/2 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 49 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-41. S-318/G Shelter with AN/GRC-122 Communications Equipment 3-42 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 S-502 Shelter with AN/GRC-142 Communications Equipment CB Reference: FM 10-524/TO 13C7-14-471 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,450 pounds 95 1/2 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 48 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-42. S-502 Shelter with AN/GRC-142 Communications Equipment 3-43 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 PU-619M Power Unit CB Reference: FM 10-524/TO 13C7-14-471 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-43. PU-619M Power Unit 3-44 6,680 pounds 76 inches 108 inches 174 1/2 inches 0 inches 30 1/2 inches 74 1/2 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 PU-620M Power Unit CB Reference: FM 10-524/TO 13C7-14-471 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,750 pounds 81 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 82 1/2 inches Accompanying Load: Eight fuel cans rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-44. PU-620M Power Unit 3-45 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M198 155-mm Howitzer CB Reference: FM 10-527/TO 13C7-10-191 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 21,030 pounds 96 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 126 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying equipment weighs 610 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-45. M198 155-mm Howitzer 3-46 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M198 155-mm Howitzer with Accompanying Ammunition CB Reference: FM 10-527/TO 13C7-10-191 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 23,400 pounds 94 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 128 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 1,509 pounds rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-46. M198 155-mm Howitzer with Accompanying Ammunition 3-47 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Type 1 Towed Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Parachute StowageTray)........................ CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-47. Type 1 Towed Roller 3-48 6,550 pounds 80 inches 108 inches 121 inches 0 inches 25 inches 48 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M435 Towed Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 15,440 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 260 inches 0 inches 20 inches 118 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-48. M435 Towed Roller 3-49 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 13-Wheeled Towed Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-49. 13-Wheeled Towed Roller 3-50 5,750 pounds 80 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 79 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 11-Wheeled Towed Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 5,140 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 76 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-50. 11-Wheeled Towed Roller 3-51 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 MDG 96 Sheepsfoot Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... 9,760 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 82 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 168 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 24 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 71 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-51. MDG 96 Sheepsfoot Roller 3-52 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Thirteen Wheel (Model PT-13) Towed Roller CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 6,582 pounds 75 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 68 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-52. Thirteen Wheel (Model PT-13) Towed Roller 3-53 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433C) CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... 18,890 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 99 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 262 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 22 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 74 1/2 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-53. Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433C) 3-54 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433P) CB Reference: FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Weight ......................................................................................... 19,147 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 99 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 262 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 22 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 108 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-54. Vibratory Compactor (Model CS-433P) 3-55 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M416 Trailer with Eight Tube-Lauched, Opitically Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) Missiles CB Reference: FM 10-500-29/TO 13C7-10-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,480 pounds 87 inches 108 inches 121 inches 0 inches 25 inches 51 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load consists of eight boxes of 105-mm ammunition weighing 588 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: One 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: One 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: One 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: One 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-55. M416 Trailer with Eight Tube-Lauched, Opitically Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) Missiles 3-56 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 TOW Missiles Rigged in A-22 Cargo Bags CB Reference: FM 10-500-29/TO 13C7-10-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 6,600 pounds 75 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 77 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-56. TOW Missiles Rigged in A-22 Cargo Bags 3-57 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 TOW Missiles CB Reference: FM 10-500-29/TO 13C7-10-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-57. TOW Missiles 3-58 6,650 pounds 75 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 77 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M966 TOW Carrier CB Reference: FM 10-500-29/TO 13C7-10-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,810 pounds 91 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 118 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing a minimum of 800 pounds and a maximum of 2,000 pounds must be rigged in the truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-58. M966 TOW Carrier 3-59 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M4K 4,000 Pound Capacity Forklift CB Reference: FM 10-531/TO 13C7-54-1 Weight ......................................................................................... 12,370 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 86 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 216 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 24 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 82 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-59. M4K 4,000 Pound Capacity Forklift 3-60 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 6,000-Pound Capacity Forklift CB Reference: FM 10-531/TO 13C7-54-1 Weight ......................................................................................... 28,660 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 100 3/4 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 333 inches Overhang: Front (Forks) ..................................................... 27 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 141 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-60. 6,000-Pound Capacity Forklift 3-61 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M270 4,000- Pound Capacity Forklift CB Reference: FM 10-531/TO 13C7-54-1 Weight ......................................................................................... 15,400 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 98 1/2 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 225 inches Overhang: Front (Forks) ..................................................... 15 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 83 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-61. M270 4,000- Pound Capacity Forklift 3-62 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 1 1/2-Ton Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-532/TO 13C7-3-361 Weight ......................................................................................... 7,360 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 81 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 166 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 22 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 72 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must not weigh more than 3,000 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-62. 1 1/2-Ton Trailer 3-63 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M149A1 400-Gallon Water Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-532/TO 13C7-3-361 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-63. M149A1 400-Gallon Water Trailer 3-64 7,200 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 63 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M167A1 Gun CB Reference: FM 10-534/TO 13C7-10-161 Weight ......................................................................................... 7,250 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 89 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 176 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 32 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 108 inches Accompanying Load: Stow 15 boxes of 20-mm ammunition on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-64. M167A1 Gun 3-65 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M167A2 Gun with 1 1/4-Ton Truck CB Reference: FM 10-534/TO 13C7-10-161 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 23,100 pounds 95 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 189 inches Accompanying Load: Stow 55 boxes of 20-mm ammunition on platform and a minimum of 800 pounds and a maximum of 2,000 pounds in truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-65. M167A2 Gun with 1 1/4-Ton Truck 3-66 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Forward Area Refueling Equipment (FARE) with Two 500-Gallon Fuel Drums CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,107 pounds 70 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 72 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-66. Forward Area Refueling Equipment (FARE) with Two 500-Gallon Fuel Drums 3-67 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 FARE rigged in an M101A1 3/4-Ton Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,050 pounds 83 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 72 1/2 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-67. FARE rigged in an M101A1 3/4-Ton Trailer 3-68 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 FARE with Seven 500-Gallon Fuel Drums CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 28,000 pounds 95 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 202 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-68. FARE with Seven 500-Gallon Fuel Drums 3-69 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 350-GPM Wheel-Mounted Pumping Assembly with Filter/Separator CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... 7,880 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 76 3/4 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 215 inches Overhang: Front (Lunette) .................................................. 5 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 100 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-69. 350-GPM Wheel-Mounted Pumping Assembly with Filter/Separator 3-70 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Three 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... 19,689 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 89 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 324 inches Overhang: Front (Lunette) .................................................. 18 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 144 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-70. Three 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator 3-71 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... 24,408 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 89 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 372 inches Overhang: Front (Lunette) .................................................. 18 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 172 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-71. Four 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator 3-72 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Five 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Weight ......................................................................................... 28,855 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 75 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 420 inches Overhang: Front (Lunette) .................................................. 18 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 198 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-72. Five 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator 3-73 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Six 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator CB Reference: FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-191 Weight ......................................................................................... 32,730 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 97 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 420 inches Overhang: Front (Lunette) .................................................. 18 inches Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... 18 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 201 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Seven G-11C Figure 3-73. Six 500-Gallon Drums with Pump and Separator 3-74 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Small Emplacement Excavator (SEE) CB Reference: FM 10-539/TO 13C7-1-17 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Front of vehicle) .................................... Overhang: Rear (Rear of vehicle) ....................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 21,624 pounds 99 3/4 inches 108 inches 364 inches 6 inches 22 inches 165 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-74. Small Emplacement Excavator (SEE) 3-75 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 JD410 Tractor CB Reference: FM 10-539/TO 13C7-1-17 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Front of vehicle) .................................... Overhang: Rear (Rear of vehicle) ....................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-75. JD410 Tractor 3-76 19,690 pounds 95 inches 108 inches 376 inches 6 inches 34 inches 149 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Fifteen-Ton Tilt Bed Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-540/TO 13C7-3-381 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 12,350 pounds 90 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 146 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-76. Fifteen-Ton Tilt Bed Trailer 3-77 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Five-Bay, Single-Story, Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge CB Reference: FM 10-541/TO 13C7-11-21 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 22,480 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 186 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-77. Five-Bay, Single-Story, Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge 3-78 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two-Bay Components for the Seven-Bay, Single-Story, Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge CB Reference: FM 10-541/TO 13C7-11-21 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 6,310 pounds 67 1/2 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 101 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-78. Two-Bay Components for the Seven-Bay, Single-Story, Medium Girder (Fixed) Bridge 3-79 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Mobile Over Snow Transport (MOST) CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Mobile) ................................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,460 pounds 66 inches 108 inches 220 inches 10 inches 18 inches 100 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-79. Mobile Over Snow Transport (MOST) 3-80 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1025 or M1026 Armanent Carrier with Technical Defense Alert Radar System (TDARS) CB Reference: FM 10-543/TO 13C7-2-1011 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,650 pounds 91 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 93 inches Accompanying Load: TDRS plus one box of 105-mm ammunition rigged in back of truck weighs 845 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-80. M1025 or M1026 Armanent Carrier with Technical Defense Alert Radar System (TDARS) 3-81 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 120-mm Mortar and 1 1/4-Ton Truck CB Reference: FM 10-500-45/TO 13C7-10-201 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Front of truck) ....................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 14,140 pounds 87 inches 108 inches 365 inches 11 inches 18 inches 164 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load weighing 2,700 pounds is rigged on platform and equipment weighing up to 1,800 pounds is rigged in truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-81. 120-mm Mortar and 1 1/4-Ton Truck 3-82 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 1 1/4-Ton HMMWV Truck with 120-mm Mortar CB Reference: FM 10-500-45/TO 13C7-10-201 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 9,950 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 95 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load of 120-mm mortar ammunition rigged in back of truck may not exceed 2,000 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-82. 1 1/4-Ton HMMWV Truck with 120-mm Mortar 3-83 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Koehring 7 1/2-Ton Crane CB Reference: FM 10-548/TO 13C7-24-21 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Front of crane) ....................................... Overhang: Rear (Boom) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Seven G-11C Figure 3-83. Koehring 7 1/2-Ton Crane 3-84 30,368 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 347 inches 22 inches 37 inches 123 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M998 1 1/4-Ton Truck with Six Stinger Weapon Systems CB Reference: FM 10-550/TO 13C7-22-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,830 pounds 92 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 95 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load rigged in truck weighs 1,180 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-84. M998 1 1/4-Ton Truck with Six Stinger Weapon Systems 3-85 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Avenger Air Defense Weapons System with Environmental Control Unit (ECU) and M1097A2 Truck CB Reference: FM 10-550/TO 13C7-22-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 14,182 pounds 95 inches 108 inches 354 inches 0 inches 18 inches 176 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-85. Avenger Air Defense Weapons System with Environmental Control Unit (ECU) and M1097A2 Truck 3-86 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Thirty-six Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-Round Containers CB Reference: FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,960 pounds 83 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 50 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-86. Thirty-six Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-Round Containers 3-87 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Containers CB Reference: FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Container) .............................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,400 pounds 83 inches 108 inches 115 inches 1 inches 18 inches 51 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-87. Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Containers 3-88 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four A-22 Cargo Bags with Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-Round Containers CB Reference: FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Container) .............................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,040 pounds 83 1/2 inches 108 inches 115 inches 1 inches 18 inches 50 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-88. Four A-22 Cargo Bags with Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in One-Round Containers 3-89 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Containers Rigged in Four A-22 Cargo Slings CB Reference: FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,440 pounds 83 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 51 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-89. Four Dragon or Dragon II Missiles in 15-Round Containers Rigged in Four A-22 Cargo Slings 3-90 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Thirty-six Javelin Rounds as a Mass Supply Load CB Reference: FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 5,976 pounds 86 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 76 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-92. Thirty-six Javelin Rounds as a Mass Supply Load 3-91 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 1 1/2-Ton Ammunition Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-555/TO 13C7-3-401 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,200 pounds 81 inches 108 inches 176 inches 0 inches 32 inches 71 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load in trailer may weigh a maximum of 3,000 pounds. Total weight of accompanying load in trailer and on platform must not exceed 5,090 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-91. 1 1/2-Ton Ammunition Trailer 3-92 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) on 2 1/2-Ton Trailer CB Reference: FM 10-555/TO 13C7-3-401 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 8,400 pounds 94 1/2 inches 108 inches 178 inches 0 inches 34 inches 77 inches Accompanying Load: Rocket projectile weighing 270 pounds is rigged on platform. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-92. Mine Clearing Line Charge (MICLIC) on 2 1/2-Ton Trailer 3-93 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 600-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) CB Reference: FM 10-558/TO 13C7-7-61 Weight ......................................................................................... 21,780 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 101 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 275 inches Overhang: Front .................................................................. 0 inches Overhang: Rear (Drawbar) .................................................. 35 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 130 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-93. 600-GPH Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) 3-94 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Whole Blood CB Reference: FM 10-562/TO 13C7-34-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 7,680 pounds 80 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 100 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-94. Whole Blood 3-95 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 7,320 pounds 70 inches 108 inches 114 inches 0 inches 18 inches 54 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 8-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Two G-11B Figure 3-95. Two Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-96 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Three Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 10,960 pounds 86 1/2 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 75 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-96. Three Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-97 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Three Drums with Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,200 pounds 86 1/2 inches 108 inches 162 inches 0 inches 18 inches 74 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-97. Three Drums with Pumping Assembly 3-98 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 14,426 pounds 90 1/2 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 125 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-98. Four Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-99 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Five Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 18,492 pounds 84 3/4 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 126 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-99. Five Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-100 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Six Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 22,158 pounds 85 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 153 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-100. Six Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-101 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Six Drums with Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-101. Six Drums with Pumping Assembly 3-102 22,548 pounds 92 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 150 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Seven Drums without Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 24,781 pounds 90 inches 108 inches 354 inches 0 inches 18 inches 176 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Seven G-11C Figure 3-102. Seven Drums without Pumping Assembly 3-103 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Seven Drums with Pumping Assembly CB Reference: FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 25,081 pounds 90 inches 108 inches 354 inches 0 inches 18 inches 176 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Seven G-11C Figure 3-103. Seven Drums with Pumping Assembly 3-104 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M996 2-Litter Armored Ambulance CB Reference: FM 10-500-66/TO 13C7-25-71 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 11,680 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-104. M996 2-Litter Armored Ambulance 3-105 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M973A 1 1/2-Ton Cargo Carrier Small Unit Support Vehicle (SUSV) CB Reference: FM 10-567/TO 13C7-16-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 16,500 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 354 inches 0 inches 18 inches 155 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 2,000 pounds and no more than 2,100 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-105. M973A 1 1/2-Ton Cargo Carrier Small Unit Support Vehicle (SUSV) 3-106 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M113 Armored Personnel Carrier CB Reference: FM 10-567/TO 13C7-16-171 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 24,300 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 110 inches Accompanying Load: Maximum accompanying load rigged in vehicle weighs 1,890 pounds. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-106. M113 Armored Personnel Carrier 3-107 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Ingersol-Rand Model 250-CFM Trailer-Mounted Air Compressor CB Reference: FM 10-569/TO 13C7-15-61 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 10,100 pounds 96 inches 108 inches 210 inches 0 inches 18 inches 94 1/2 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 16-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-107. Ingersol-Rand Model 250-CFM Trailer-Mounted Air Compressor 3-108 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1081 2 1/2-Ton Cargo Truck CB Reference: FM 10-500-71/TO 13C7-6-141 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Cargo Parachutes) ................................. CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 23,181 pounds 93 inches 108 inches 315 inches 0 inches 27 inches 135 inches Accompanying Load: Basic load rigged in bed of truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-108. M1081 2 1/2-Ton Cargo Truck 3-109 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1081 2 1/2-Ton Truck with Accompanying Load CB Reference: FM 10-500-71/TO 13C7-6-141 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Cargo Parachutes) ................................. CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 28,014 pounds 97 inches 108 inches 315 inches 0 inches 27 inches 137 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load consists of 42 boxes of 105-mm ammunition rigged in bed of truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-109. M1081 2 1/2-Ton Truck with Accompanying Load 3-110 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 M1093 5-Ton 6x6 Standard Cargo Truck CB Reference: FM 10-500-71/TO 13C7-6-141 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 27,318 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 354 inches 0 inches 18 inches 150 inches Accompanying Load: Basic load rigged in bed of truck. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Six G-11C Figure 3-110. M1093 5-Ton 6x6 Standard Cargo Truck 3-111 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 130G Motor Grader CB Reference: FM 10-573/TO 13C7-27-141 Weight ......................................................................................... 36,220 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 98 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 374 inches Overhang: Front (Front of Grader) .................................... 14 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 24 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 181 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-111. 130G Motor Grader 3-112 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 950B Scoop-Loader CB Reference: FM 10-574/TO 13C7-31-31 Weight ......................................................................................... 37,200 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 100 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 336 inches Overhang: Front (Front of bucket) ..................................... 27 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 21 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 135 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-112. 950B Scoop-Loader 3-113 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 950B Scoop-Loader with Forklift Attachment CB Reference: FM 10-574/TO 13C7-31-31 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Front of bucket) ..................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 39,940 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 363 inches 9 inches 18 inches 168 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130,C141,C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 28-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-113. 950B Scoop-Loader with Forklift Attachment 3-114 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 613WD Water Distributor CB Reference: FM 10-575/TO 13C7-17-11 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of vehicle) ..................................... Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 37,350 pounds 100 inches 108 inches 438 inches 36 inches 18 inches 177 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-114. 613WD Water Distributor 3-115 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 613S Type I Scraper CB Reference: FM 10-576/TO 13C7-27-151 Weight ......................................................................................... 38,880 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 98 1/2 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 354 inches Overhang: Front (Rear of vehicle) ..................................... 36 inches Overhang: Rear (Parachute Stowage Tray) ....................... 21 inches CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 181 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: Two 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: Two 28-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Eight G-11C Figure 3-115. 613S Type I Scraper 3-116 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit on 24-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-579/TO 13C7-50-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 24,360 pounds 90 inches 108 inches 306 inches 0 inches 18 inches 136 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: 24-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Five G-11C Figure 3-116. Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit on 24-Foot Platform 3-117 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit on 20-Foot Platform CB Reference: FM 10-579/TO 13C7-50-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 14,080 pounds 67 inches 108 inches 258 inches 0 inches 18 inches 124 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 20-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-117. Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit on 20-Foot Platform 3-118 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit-ALPHA CB Reference: FM 10-579/TO 13C7-50-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (EFTC) ...................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 13,260 pounds 59 1/2 inches 108 inches 402 inches 0 inches 18 inches 189 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 22-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 22-Foot Platform: 32-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: Three G-11B Figure 3-118. Rapid Runway Repair (RRR) Kit-ALPHA 3-119 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Trailer-Mounted Engineer Electrical Tool Outfit CB Reference: FM 10-591/TO 13C7-8-31 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear (Lunette) ................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 4,520 pounds 82 inches 108 inches 164 inches 0 inches 20 inches 72 inches Accompanying Load:None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5, and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 15-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Platform: 12-Foot Type V Cargo Parachutes: One G-11B Figure 3-119. Trailer-Mounted Engineer Electrical Tool Outfit 3-120 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 SECTION III- COMBAT-EXPENDABLE PLATFORM LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP Zodiac Mark III Rubber Raiding Craft CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 2,470 pounds 60 inches 75 inches 184 inches 17 inches 23 inches 60 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 650 pounds but no more than 1,170 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-120. Zodiac Mark III Rubber Raiding Craft 3-121 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Zodiac Mark III Futura Rubber Raiding Craft CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 2,440 pounds 67 inches 75 inches 185 inches 18 inches 23 inches 60 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 650 pounds but no more than 1,170 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 75-by 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-121. Zodiac Mark III Futura Rubber Raiding Craft 3-122 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Z-Bird Rubber Raiding Craft CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 2,470 pounds 60 inches 75 inches 184 inches 17 inches 23 inches 60 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 650 pounds but no more than 1,170 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 75-by 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-122. Z-Bird Rubber Raiding Craft 3-123 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Zodiac K40 Rubber Raiding Craft CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 2,208 pounds 70 inches 82 inches 176 inches 20 inches 12 inches 52 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 470 pounds but no more than 870 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 75-by 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-123. Zodiac K40 Rubber Raiding Craft 3-124 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Zodiac K50 Rubber Raiding Craft CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 2,218 pounds 70 inches 82 inches 194 inches 25 inches 25 inches 52 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 450 pounds but no more than 850 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 75-by 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-124. Zodiac K50 Rubber Raiding Craft 3-125 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Double Zodiac F47OU Boat CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front (Rear of boat) .......................................... Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 3,500 pounds 86 inches 75 inches 189 inches 16 inches 29 inches 60 inches Accompanying Load: Accompanying load must weigh at least 650 pounds but no more than 1,170 pounds and must be dropped with boat. Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: NA Extraction Parachute C-141: NA Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: NA Platform: Combat-Expendable 75-by 144-inches Cargo Parachutes: Two G-12E Figure 3-125. Double Zodiac F47OU Boat 3-126 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 One Motorcycle Reference: FM 10-500-77/TO 13C7-55-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear ................................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 485 pounds 71 inches 32 inches 88 inches 0 inches 0 inches 0 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: NA Extraction Parachute C-141: NA Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: NA Platform: Combat-Expendable 32-by 88-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-14 or T-10C Figure 3-126. One Motorcycle 3-127 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Two Motorcycles Reference: FM 10-500-77/TO 13C7-55-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear ................................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 48-by 96-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-127. Two Motorcycles 3-128 892 pounds 75 inches 48 inches 96 inches 0 inches 0 inches 0 inches FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Four Wheeled Quad-Runner Reference: FM 10-500-77/TO 13C7-55-1 Weight ......................................................................................... Height .......................................................................................... Width ........................................................................................... Overall Length ............................................................................ Overhang: Front .................................................................. Overhang: Rear ................................................................... CB (from front edge of platform) ............................................. 960 pounds 68 inches 48 inches 87 inches 0 inches 0 inches 0 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, and C-17 Extraction System: Gravity Extraction Parachute C-130: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-141: 15-Foot Droque Extraction Parachute C-5: NA Extraction Parachute C-17: 15-Foot Droque Platform: Combat-Expendable 48-by 87-inches Cargo Parachutes: One G-12E Figure 3-128. Four Wheeled Quad-Runner 3-129 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 SECTION IV- MARITIME AERIAL DELIVERY SYSTEMS PLATFORM LOW-VELOCITY AIRDROP Naval Special Warfare Rigid Inflatable Boat (NSW RIB) CB Reference: FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21/NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 Weight ......................................................................................... 18,500 pounds Height .......................................................................................... 100 inches Width ........................................................................................... 108 inches Overall Length ............................................................................ 432 inches Overhang: Front (Motor) ..................................................... 42 inches Overhang: Rear (Front of boat) .......................................... 138 inches CB (maximum allowable from front edge of platform) ........... 149.5 inches Accompanying Load: None Aircraft: C-130, C-141, C-5 and C-17 Extraction System: EFTC Extraction Parachute C-130: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-141: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-5: 28-Foot Extraction Parachute C-17: 28-Foot Platform: Maritime Aerial Delivery Systems Cargo Parachutes: Four G-11B Figure 3-129. Naval Special Warfare Rigid Inflatable Boat (NSW RIB) 3-130 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Chapter 4 Aircraft Capabilities GENERAL 4-1. This chapter contains information on Air Force aircraft airdrop capabilities. C-130 HERCULES 4-2. The C-130 has the capability to airdrop a maximum of 42,000 pounds using multiple airdrop platforms.The maximum weight of a single airdrop platform weight is limited to 42,000 pounds for E / H model airplanes AF 61-2358 and AF 621748 and up. The single maximum platform weight limit for MC-130 E/H airplanes is 35,000 pounds and 25,000 pounds for all other C-130 airplanes prior to AF 621784. The C-130 can airdrop loads up to 100 inches high unless otherwise certified in the specific rigging manual. The aircraft has a maximum total space available of 40 feet. The platforms will vary from 8 to 32 feet in length. For planning purposes allow a minimum of 18 inches between platforms to allow space for the Extraction Force Transfer Coupling (EFTC), three point link, and attaching the preceding extraction line. With the Extraction Parachute Jettison Device (EPJD) attached, a 30 inch space will have to be maintained for the EFTC, three point link and the EPJD with extraction line attached. The specific loading manual must be consulted when approaching maximum limits for platform space availability and weights. C-141 STARLIFTER 4-3. The C-141 has the capability to airdrop a combined total of 70,000 pounds using multiple airdrop platforms. The aircraft has a total space available of 93 feet. The platforms will vary from 8 to 32 feet in length. For planning purposes you must allow a minimum of 18 inches between platforms to allow space for the EFTC three point link and attaching the preceding extraction line. With the EPJD attached, a 30 inch space must be maintained for the EFTC, three point link and the EPJD with extraction line attached. The maximum single platform weight is limited to 38,500 pounds unless waived for contingency by the MAJCOM (HQ ).The C-130 can airdrop loads up to 100 inches high unless otherwise certified in the specific rigging manual. The maximum weight with the waiver is 42,000 pounds. The specific loading manual must be consulted when approaching maximum limits for platform space availability and weights. 4-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 C-17 GLOBEMASTER 4-4. The C-17 has the capability to airdrop a combined total of 110,000 pounds using multiple airdrop platforms. The C17 has 64 feet of space available for airdrop use. Two 32 foot platforms may be airdropped if specific guidance is followed. The platforms will vary from 8 to 32 feet in length. For planning purposes allow a minimum of 18 inches between platforms to allow space for the EFTC, three point link and attaching the preceding extraction line. With the EPJD attached, a 30 inch space must be maintained for the EFTC, three point link and the EPJD with extraction line attached.The C-17 can airdrop loads up to 118 inches high measured from the bottom of the platform. The maximum single platform weight is limited to 60,000 pounds. The specific loading manual must be consulted when approaching maximum limits for platform space availability. C-5 GALAXY 4-5. The C-5 has the capability to airdrop a combined total of 200,000 pounds using multiple airdrop platforms. The aircraft has 121 feet of space available for airdrop use, however there are restrictions. The length of the extraction line generally restricts placement of platforms and the EFTC actuator arm must not be positioned forward of fuselage station 574 (57 inches aft of the forward ramp hinge). The platforms will vary from 8 to 32 feet in length. For planning purposes you must allow a minimum of 18 inches between platforms for the EFTC, three-point link and attaching the preceding extraction line. If the EPJD is used, a minimum of 30 inches between platforms is required. The C-17 can airdrop loads up to 105 inches high measured from the bottom of the platform.The maximum single platform weight is limited to 60,000 pounds. Consult the specific loading manual when approaching maximum limits for platform weights and space availability. 4-2 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 Glossary AFB AFTO AMC approx bbl CAV CB CHS-2 CU d DA DEUCE DOD ECU EFTC EPJD FARE FAST FM ft GPH GPM HMMWV HQ ID in lb lin MAJCOM M-Gator max MICLIC min MMLS mm no OD oz PLS ROWPU RRR SEE SICPS sq Air Force Base Air Force Technical Order air mobility command approximate barrel command assault vehicle center of balance command hardware/software 2nd generation package cubic penny Department of the Army deployable universal combat earthmover Department of Defense environmental control unit extraction force transfer coupling extraction parachute jettison device forward area refueling equipment forward area surgical team field manual foot/feet gallons per hour gallons per minute high mobility,multipurpose wheeled vehicle headquarters inner diameter inch pound linear major command military utility vehicle maximum mine clearing line charge minimum mobile microwave landing system millimeter number outside diameter ounce palletized load system reverse osmosis water purification unit rapid runway repair small emplacement excavator standard intergrated command post system square Glossary-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 SUSV TDARS tn TO TOW TRADOC US w yd Glossary-2 small unit support vehicle technical defense alert radar system ton technical order tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided missile United States Army Training and Doctrine Command United States width yard FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 References FM 4-20.108/TO 13C7-2-491 FM 4-20.102/TO 13C7-1-5 FM 10-500-3/TO 13C7-1-11 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Mililtary Utility Vehicle (M-Gator) Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Airdrop Platforms Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Containers FM 10-512/TO 13C7-1-8 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Typical Supply Loads FM 10-513/TO 13C7-3-51 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 3/4 Ton Cargo Trailer M101 or M101A1 FM 10-517/TO 13C7-1-111 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 1 1/4 Ton Utility Truck (HMMWV) FM 10-519/TO 13C7-10-31 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 105mm Howitzers FM 10-521/TO 13C76-2-261 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Tractors and Tractor Dozers FM 10-522/TO 13C7-2-1001 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Potable Water FM 10-500-23/TO 13C7-14-461 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Communications Vehicles FM 10-524/TO 13C7-14-471 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Communications Shelters FM 10-527/TO 13C7-10-191 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 155mm Howitzers FM 10-528/TO 13C7-26-71 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Road Rollers FM 10-500-29/TO 13C7-10-171 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Heavy Anti-Tank Assault Weapon System (TOW) FM 10-531/TO 13C7-54-1 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Fork Lift Trucks FM 10-532/TO 13C7-3-361 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 1 1/2 Ton Trailers FM 10-534/TO 13C7-10-161 FM 10-537/TO 13C7-1-19 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Air Defense Artillery Gun Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Forward Area Refueling Equipment References-1 FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 FM 10-539/TO 13C7-1-17 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging JD410 Tractor FM 10-540/TO 13C7-3-381 Airdrop of Supplies and Equioment: Rigging Tilt Trailers FM 10-541/TO 13C7-11-21 Airdrop of Supplies and equipment: Rigging Military Bridges FM 10-542/TO 13C7-51-21 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Typical Supply FM 10-543/TO 13C7-2-1011 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 1/4 Ton Truck with 1/4 Ton Trailer NAVSEA SS400-AD-MMO-010 FM 10-500-45/TO 13C7-10-201 Loads Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Mortars FM 10-548/TO 13C7-24-21 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Airborne CraneShovel and Attachments FM 10-550/TO 13C76-22-71 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Stinger Weapon System and Missiles FM 10-552/TO 13C7-22-61 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Dragon and Javelin Missiles FM 10-555/TO 13C7-3-401 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Munitions FM 10-558/TO 13C7-7-61 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit FM 10-562/TO 13C7-34-1 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Whole Blood FM 10-564/TO 13C7-37-1 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Fuel Drums FM 10-500-66/TO 13C7-25-71 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 2 Liter Armored Ambulance FM 10-567/TO 13C7-16-171 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Tracked Personnel/ Cargo Carriers FM 10-569/TO 13C7-15-61 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Trailer- Mounted Air Compressors FM 10-500-71/TO 13C7-6-141 FM 10-573/TO 13C7-27-141 References-2 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging FMTV Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 130G Motor Grader FM 4-20.116/TO 13C7-1-13 FM 10-574/TO 13C7-31-31 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 950B Scoop Loader Tractor FM 10-575/TO 13C7-17-11 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 613B Water Distributor FM 10-576/TO 13C7-27-151 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging 613S Scrapers FM 10-500-77/TO 13C7-55-1 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Motorcycles FM 10-579/TO 13C7-50-1 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Landing Field Mat FM 10-591/TO 13C7-8-31 Airdrop of Supplies and Equipment: Rigging Trailer Mounted Engineer Electrical Tool Outfits DA Form 2028 Recommended Change to Publications and Blank Forms AFTO Form 22 Technical Order Publication Improvement Form References-3 FM 4-20.116(FM 10-516) TO 13C7-1-13 20 AUGUST 2001 By Order of the Secretary of the Army and the Air Force: ERIC K. SHINSEKI General, United States Army Chief of Staff Official: JOEL B. HUDSON Administrative Assistant to the Secretary of the Army 0122625 GEORGE T. BABBITT MICHAEL E. RYAN General, USAF Commander, AFMC General. USAF Chief of Staff DISTRIBUTION: Active Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution number 110900, requirements for FM 4-20.116.