Alternate Selection Construction Engineering 221 Economic Analysis


Alternate Selection

Construction Engineering 221

Economic Analysis

Alternate Selection

• Ranking multiple projects when funds are sufficient to invest in more than one choice

• Various ranking methods-

– Largest present worth (NPV) descending

– Lowest annual cost ascending

– Smallest capitalized cost ascending

– Can use ROR to order, but need to then do an incremental analysis

Alternate Selection

• Incremental analysis

– Calculate the rate of return on the additional investment

– Start by ordering all investments that exceed

MARR in order of increasing initial cost

– Cash flow from least cost option is subtracted from cash flows for higher priced option

– Additional cash flow is compared to additional investment and tested against MARR

Alternate Selection

• If all incremental rates or return exceed

MARR, select option(s) with highest initial investment

• Can be used in a similar way with Cost-

Benefit ratios, but is seldom done

Alternate Selection

• If alternatives have different lives, must consider the length of use (analysis horizon) and not the life of the asset.

• If asset use is completed before life is used up, must know the disposition

(salvage) value

• If asset life will not extend to asset use, then must know replacement schedules

Alternate Selection

• Multiple asset lives are just series of present value calculations set to equivalent use periods

• Infinite horizon problems are just capitalized cost problems

• Different lived assets require only minor adaptation from the types of problems we have done so far- must incorporate a salvage (P/F) or renewal (F/A*P/F) factor
