NTLC Reports
Teaching &
Learning Center
at UW-Stout
The Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center is pleased to bring you the fall 2009
newsletter. The NTLC is devoted to the support of teaching and learning in the
academic community.
The goal of the NTLC is to encourage sharing and valuing teaching and learning
by all members of the University of Wisconsin-Stout community. NTLC fosters
collaboration, creates programs for professional development, and facilitates the
use of technology in teaching and learning.
Instructor Interviews
NTLC Vision
Statement . . .
The Nakatani Teaching and
Learning Center nourishes a
campus culture of learning and
teaching characterized by
discovery, curiosity, innovation,
collaboration and research.
The NTLC has been very interested in how UW-Stout instructors are adapting or have
adapted to teaching with laptops, Desire2Learn, and other various technologies. Further, we are
interested in whether the use of these technologies helps facilitate a deeper, easier, or better way
for students to learn. To gain some further insight on the topic at hand, instructors Kevin Tharp
and Glendali Rodriguez share their teaching experiences and techniques you may find useful.
To view the interview, go to:
NTLC Mission
Statement . . .
NTLC is on Facebook
The mission of the Nakatani
Teaching and Learning Center
is to share and value teaching
and learning. Programs
sponsored by the NTLC will
especially support the
university’s priorities, its
Enduring Goals, and the
mission of the NTLC.
The popular success of Facebook inspired NTLC to jump on the site and create a page for
the people who are interested in what we are doing. This social networking site allows
collaboration among educators. Users are able to read blogs and watch videos, and also have
the option to comment on such things. Some blog topics already on the site include Naked
Teaching, Presentations Around the World, and Using Technology in the Classroom. This site
provides an easy way to stay updated with NTLC and allows users to provide us with
feedback. Check it out at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Menomonie-WI/NakataniTeaching-and-Learning-Center-UW-Stout/135389623480
NTLC Web site:
Phone: 715-232-1131 or
Email: tlcenter@uwstout.edu
January Professional Development Day . . .
As part of Professional Development Week, NTLC
will sponsor Professional Development Day on
Thursday, January 21, 9 am- 1 pm in the Memorial
Student Center. Our program will focus on Naked
Teaching. Participants in last summer’s Walvoord
Assessment Institute, sponsored by Title III, will explain
how they have moved ‘first exposure’ outside of class
and have focused on helping students understand the
material. For more information, please contact Dan
Riordan, riordand@uwstout.edu.
January 21, 2010
2009 Fall Newsletter
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Critical Thinking Summary
During the 2009-2010 academic year, seven UW-Stout instructors are exploring student critical thinking in their
classes. Supported by grants from OPID (Office of Professional and Instructional Development), the Provost and the
NTLC, instructors are working to define critical thinking in their disciplines, including rubric creation for evaluating
students’ critical thinking, and creating course plans that focus on developing critical thinking.
A key feature of the project is that each participant will have his/her work reviewed by outside experts who will
critique the definitions, rubrics, and course plans that are created. The group plans to present results of their work at the
annual MayDay Conference, May 24, 2010. The participating instructors are Sadguna Anasuri (SOE), David Ding
(COM), Sally Dresdow (COM), Sue King (CSTEM), Jill Klefstad (SOE), Michael Pickart (CSTEM), and Debbie
Stanislawski (SOE).
Using Research in Scholarship
of Teaching and Learning
Promotion/Tenure Decisions
Although we did not survey the faculty, we did
read the reports that a faculty senate committee
compiled a while back, and we created our own report
based on those results and survey of department
chairs. Here is what we found out—Scholarship of
Teaching and Learning Research can be used as
evidence to support applications for promotion and
tenure. UW-Stout is at the forefront nationally in
supporting SoTL research.
The full report is available at:
What Happens to All Those
NTLC often asks faculty and staff to respond to
surveys. What happens to them? We put the results on
our website, but just to let you know, we read them and
plan workshops to address needs. So, here are a few of
the results. . .
Teaching Snapshot and NTLC’s Mission
Impact of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Online Teaching Needs
NTLC Supports Travel for Learning . . .
NTLC offers support for researchers in issues of teaching and learning through grants
and Travelships. To apply, go to:
To view a partial list of the many NTLC Travelships awarded, go to:
Nakatani Teaching and Learning Center • U W‐Stout • tlcenter@uwstout.edu • 715‐232‐5196 or 715‐232‐1131 