Citations and Sources Table of Contents

Citations and Sources
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 1
Creating a Source and Inserting a Citation ................................................................................................... 2
Editing a Citation ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Moving a Citation .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Editing a Source ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Creating a Works Cited or Bibliography Page ............................................................................................... 5
MLA and APA requires that any information taken from articles, websites, videos, or other works
you didn’t author have must have a citation and a source. The citation is placed at the end of a sentence,
and it usually contains the author’s name and/or the copyright date. The source goes into the list on the
Works Cited page.
Before beginning, it’s a good idea to collect as much information as you can about your source.
Why is this Important?
To use someone else’s words, ideas, or created productions without giving them the credit is
plagiarism. Essentially, it’s literary theft. Even if you don’t intend to steal, if you do not give credit to
other authors when you quote or reference them, that’s plagiarism. In addition, plagiarism is sufficient
grounds for an instructor to give a failing grade on an assignment. Citations and a Work
Cited/Bibliography page is a way to give credit where credit is due and support the points in your paper
with outside material. Proper, well-done citations and a Works Cited Page not only can earn you a better
grade but also can safeguard you from failing an assignment completely.
Include (if available):
Full name of all the authors
Complete title of the book, article or website
City of publication
Copyright year
Magazine title
Date Magazine was issued
Pages referenced
Title of the website
Date website was last viewed
Web address
Creating a Source and Inserting a Citation
1. To begin, click on
the References tab
Citations must be placed after the
sentence that quotes or references
another author’s material.
2. Click the Style
drop down arrow
and pick the kind of
citation you need
from the list.
3. Click on
Insert Citation
and then on
Add New
This will open a window where you can type the
information from your source.
4. Select the
Type of Source
5. Fill in the
available info
from the
6. Click Okay. This will
create your source
and insert the citation
Editing a Citation
1. Click the
citation to
select it.
2. A drop-down
arrow appears.
Click this.
3. Click Edit
4. Fill in your page
numbers and
select whether
you want the
author, year, or
title to be hidden.
Click Okay when
you’re finished.
Moving a Citation
2. Click and
hold on the
tab on the left.
1. Click the
citation to
select it.
3. Still holding down the mouse
button, move the cursor to a new
location and release it to place the
citation there.
Editing a Source
1. Click the
citation to
select it.
2. A drop-down
arrow appears.
Click this.
3. Click Edit
4. Fill in or
whatever info
Creating a Works Cited or Bibliography Page
1. To begin, click on
the References tab
A Bibliography or Works Cited Page must
be on a separate page. Type Ctrl and Enter
at the same time to begin a new page.
2. Click the drop
down arrow next to
3. Select either
Bibliography or
Works Cited
depending on your
4. Microsoft Word will take all the sources you’ve
added and automatically arrange them.