Another Approach to the Proficiencies

Another Approach to the
"I really enjoy forgetting.
When I first come to a place
I notice all the little details
I notice the way the sky looks
The color of white paper
The way people walk
Then I get used to the place
And I don't notice them anymore
So only by forgetting
Can I see the place again
As it really is."
-David Byrne, True Stories (The Movie)
What is a Proficiency?
• Common grouping of the Competencies:
– Cognitive
– Psychomotor
– Affective
• All Proficiencies have related Competencies
• Not all Competencies have related
Spread(sheet)ing Yourself Thin
While models such as this meet the intent of the model and conform to the JRC-AT
standards, they are overly work-intensive.
Alternate Premise
• Emphasis on the outcomes
• Finite evaluation performed in laboratories
• Decision making and application are
emphasis during Clinical Education
Evaluating the Proficiencies
• Classroom
• Laboratory
• Clinical Education
Classroom Evaluation
• What:
– Cognitive and affective competencies
• Methodology:
– Written examinations
– Case studies
• Documentation:
– Course syllabus
– Examinations
– Case study reports
Laboratory Evaluation
• What:
– Psychomotor competencies
– Developing the proficiencies
• Methodology:
– Practical examinations
– Role playing
• Documentation:
– Course syllabus
– Psychomotor evaluation tools
Clinical Assignment
• What:
– Clinical application
• Methodology:
– Actual patient care
– Scenarios
• Documentation:
– Syllabus
– Clinical Evaluation Forms
Sample Application
Cognitive #12
“Describes the physical properties, biophysics, setup,
indications, contraindications, and specific
physiological effects associated with the application of
therapeutic heat and cold.”
Speak specifically about (and evaluate via written
a. cold whirlpool
b. CCT
c. ice pack
d. vapo-coolant spray
e. ice immersion
f. ice massage
g. cryokinetics
Psychomotor #5
Teaching Objective #2
“Performs the appropriate
setup for therapeutic
“… demonstrate the ability
to select the appropriate
parameters for, prepare,
and apply the following:
Specifically practice and evaluate:
a. cold whirlpool
b. CCT
c. ice pack
d. vapo-coolant spray
e. ice immersion
f. ice massage
g. cryokinetics
• Can the student identify the indications,
contraindications to the use of the modality?
• Can the student integrate the use of cold into the
patient’s treatment routine?
• Does the student demonstrate proper application
and decision-making skills?
• Note: Each of the seven cold modalities does NOT
have to be evaluated in this setting.
Lest We Forget….
• Professional assimilation
• Teaching pre-professionals how to be
• Practice-oriented education
• Content experts can evaluate proficiencies
and/or psychomotor skills that fall within
their realm of expertise.
• The student’s ability to apply or integrate the
skill is then evaluated by an ACI.
• Example:
– Blood pressure assessment evaluated in Ex Phys
– ACI evaluates the student’s ability to integrate
Course Sequencing
• Curriculum structure must match clinical
• Classroom comes before Clinical
• Rotations should describe which
proficiencies will be evaluated
• SYLLABUS for clinical courses!
A New View Review
• If students demonstrate competence on each
the the sub-tasks, finite re-evaluation is not
• Clinical outcomes should focus on the “big
• Should (could) lighten the load for clinical
Common Pitfalls
Courses without labs
Under-credited courses
Lack of adequate teaching faculty
Lack of adequate documentation
– e.g., Portfolios
• Athletic Training Education programs being
held to Physical Education FTE models