SPANISH for Why Offer Spanish for Native Speakers Courses?

Why Offer Spanish
for Native Speakers Courses?
Increase in Hispanic population in NC
In the fall of 2002, close to 68,000 Spanish speakers
attended North Carolina’s schools, but many do not
have literacy skills in their native language. If they
are limited English proficient, they receive instruction
in English as a Second Language, but few receive
instruction in their native/heritage language.
Different language learner needs
Heritage language speakers are raised in a home
where a non-English language is spoken and possess
a level of foreign language competence that far
exceeds the level of typical students in foreign
language courses. They have already attained some
oral proficiency and internalized basic grammatical
structures. Although they speak and understand the
language, many heritage language learners have
difficulty reading and writing Spanish; therefore, their
language needs differ vastly from those of their
peers learning Spanish for the first time.
Whom Should I Contact
If I Have Questions?
Department of Public Instruction
Second Language Studies Section
Fran Hoch, Section Chief
(919) 807-3864
Helga Fasciano, Second Language Consultant
(919) 807-3865
High dropout rate
Students have been conditioned to believe that
being Hispanic is a liability in the U.S. school system
(Scarlera, 1994-1999). In 1996, the average NAEP
scores of Hispanic students age 17 were well below
those of their white peers in reading, mathematics,
and science. Documented evidence shows that
minorities who feel no connection to the school
because their language and culture are not valued
have a high dropout rate. “The dropout rate for
Latinos is much higher than for other groups. In 1998,
30% of all Latino were dropouts, whereas the
dropout rate was 14% for African Americans and
8% for whites. The high Latino dropout rate is partly
attributable to the relatively greater dropout rate for
Hispanic immigrants: 44%, as compared with 21%
of the U.S. born” (“Latinos in School: Some Facts and
Findings”, ERIC Digest, Number 162, February 2001).
Department of Public Instruction
State Board of Education
Why Offer Spanish
for Native Speakers Courses?
Increase in Hispanic population in NC
In the fall of 2002, close to 68,000 Spanish speakers
attended North Carolina’s schools, but many do not
have literacy skills in their native language. If they
are limited English proficient, they receive instruction
in English as a Second Language, but few receive
instruction in their native/heritage language.
Different language learner needs
Heritage language speakers are raised in a home
where a non-English language is spoken and possess
a level of foreign language competence that far
exceeds the level of typical students in foreign
language courses. They have already attained some
oral proficiency and internalized basic grammatical
structures. Although they speak and understand the
language, many heritage language learners have
difficulty reading and writing Spanish; therefore, their
language needs differ vastly from those of their
peers learning Spanish for the first time.
Whom Should I Contact
If I Have Questions?
Department of Public Instruction
Second Language Studies Section
Fran Hoch, Section Chief
(919) 807-3864
Helga Fasciano, Second Language Consultant
(919) 807-3865
High dropout rate
Students have been conditioned to believe that
being Hispanic is a liability in the U.S. school system
(Scarlera, 1994-1999). In 1996, the average NAEP
scores of Hispanic students age 17 were well below
those of their white peers in reading, mathematics,
and science. Documented evidence shows that
minorities who feel no connection to the school
because their language and culture are not valued
have a high dropout rate. “The dropout rate for
Latinos is much higher than for other groups. In 1998,
30% of all Latino were dropouts, whereas the
dropout rate was 14% for African Americans and
8% for whites. The high Latino dropout rate is partly
attributable to the relatively greater dropout rate for
Hispanic immigrants: 44%, as compared with 21%
of the U.S. born” (“Latinos in School: Some Facts and
Findings”, ERIC Digest, Number 162, February 2001).
Department of Public Instruction
State Board of Education
What Are the Benefits?
Students who are raised in a home where Spanish
is spoken and who possess receptive (comprehension)
and productive (speaking) skills in the language
can take Spanish for Native Speakers. These students
may be immigrants with limited literacy due to limited
schooling or first- or second-generation heritage
speakers who are bilingual in Spanish and English,
with limited literacy skills in Spanish.
Graduation Requirements
Enrollment in and successful completion of
Spanish for Native Speakers I and II meets
the North Carolina high school graduation
requirements for students following the
college/university prep course of study, as
well as minimum course requirements for
admission to the UNC system.
Transfer of literacy skills
Research has demonstrated the need for
students to develop not only their oral skills,
but also their literacy skills in Spanish.
Students who are literate in their first
language learn English more quickly and
easily. Students who develop literacy skills
in Spanish enhance their English literacy
development, thus helping with academic
achievement in English and other disciplines.
Reduction of dropout rates
Many heritage language learners deal with
issues of identity. They feel at odds with
English and with their own language and
culture. By establishing or re-establishing
some connections to the language and culture
of the home, schools can develop in students
a sense of worth and validation. By doing
so, heritage language learners will be more
likely to participate in school and in the
“mainstream culture” (Wang, and Green, 2001).
Preserving home language and culture
is an asset, which should be fostered.
Students who have retained the ability to
communicate well with their parents and
grandparents develop a strong sense of
well-being. Furthermore, speaking, reading
and writing another language will be an
invaluable resource to them and to society.
What Are the Benefits?
Transfer of literacy skills
Research has demonstrated the need for
students to develop not only their oral skills,
but also their literacy skills in Spanish.
Students who are literate in their first
language learn English more quickly and
easily. Students who develop literacy skills
in Spanish enhance their English literacy
development, thus helping with academic
achievement in English and other disciplines.
Who Can Teach
Spanish for Native Speakers?
Teachers who are native speakers and/or teachers
of Spanish with advanced or superior proficiency
can be assigned to teach Spanish for Native
Speakers courses. They must have a high degree
of proficiency in Spanish and extensive knowledge
about first and second language acquisition. They
must understand that the teaching of Spanish as a
heritage language is different from the teaching
of Spanish as a foreign language, and so must be
trained in appropriate methodology.
Are There Instructional Materials?
A North Carolina Spanish for Native Speakers
Curriculum, Levels I and II was developed and piloted
during the 2002-2003 school year. This document
includes an extensive list of resources for use in the
Spanish for Native Speakers classes. The document
is available on the Web by scrolling to “Curriculum
and Assessment” at the following address:
Who Can Take
Spanish for Native Speakers?
Students who are raised in a home where Spanish
is spoken and who possess receptive (comprehension)
and productive (speaking) skills in the language
can take Spanish for Native Speakers. These students
may be immigrants with limited literacy due to limited
schooling or first- or second-generation heritage
speakers who are bilingual in Spanish and English,
with limited literacy skills in Spanish.
Graduation Requirements
Enrollment in and successful completion of
Spanish for Native Speakers I and II meets
the North Carolina high school graduation
requirements for students following the
college/university prep course of study, as
well as minimum course requirements for
admission to the UNC system.
Who Can Take
Spanish for Native Speakers?
Reduction of dropout rates
Many heritage language learners deal with
issues of identity. They feel at odds with
English and with their own language and
culture. By establishing or re-establishing
some connections to the language and culture
of the home, schools can develop in students
a sense of worth and validation. By doing
so, heritage language learners will be more
likely to participate in school and in the
“mainstream culture” (Wang, and Green, 2001).
Preserving home language and culture
is an asset, which should be fostered.
Students who have retained the ability to
communicate well with their parents and
grandparents develop a strong sense of
well-being. Furthermore, speaking, reading
and writing another language will be an
invaluable resource to them and to society.
Who Can Teach
Spanish for Native Speakers?
Teachers who are native speakers and/or teachers
of Spanish with advanced or superior proficiency
can be assigned to teach Spanish for Native
Speakers courses. They must have a high degree
of proficiency in Spanish and extensive knowledge
about first and second language acquisition. They
must understand that the teaching of Spanish as a
heritage language is different from the teaching
of Spanish as a foreign language, and so must be
trained in appropriate methodology.
Are There Instructional Materials?
A North Carolina Spanish for Native Speakers
Curriculum, Levels I and II was developed and piloted
during the 2002-2003 school year. This document
includes an extensive list of resources for use in the
Spanish for Native Speakers classes. The document
is available on the Web by scrolling to “Curriculum
and Assessment” at the following address: