www.rsc.org/analyst | The Analyst i-SECTION: CRITICAL REVIEW Microcantilever biosensors based on conformational change of proteins Hai-Feng Ji,*a Hongyan Gao,a Koutilya R. Buchapudi,a Xin Yang,a Xiaohe Xua and Marvin K. Schulteb DOI: 10.1039/b713330h Microcantilevers (MCLs) hold a position as a cost-effective and highly sensitive sensor platform for medical diagnostics, environmental analysis and fast throughput analysis. MCLs are unique in that adsorption of analytes on the microcantilever (MCL) surface changes the surface characteristics of the MCL and results in bending of the MCL. Surface stress due to conformation change of proteins and other polymers has been a recent focus of MCL research. Since conformational changes in proteins can be produced through binding of anylates at specific receptor sites, MCLs that respond to conformational change induced surface stress are promising as transducers of chemical information and are ideal for developing microcantilever-based biosensors. The MCL can also potentially be used to investigate conformational change of proteins induced by non-binding events such as post-translational modification and changes in temperature or pH. This review will provide an overview of MCL biosensors based on conformational change of proteins bound to the MCL surface. The models include conformational change of proteins, proteins on membranes, enzymes, DNA and other polymers. 1. Introduction to microcantilever technology and conformational changes of proteins Advances in the field of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) and their a Institute for Micromanufacturing, Louisiana Tech University, Ruston, LA, 71272, USA. E-mail: hji@chem.latech.edu; Fax: 01-318-257-5104; Tel: 01-318-257-5125 b Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK, 99775-6160, USA uses offer unique opportunities in the design of small-size and cost-effective analytical methods. In 1994, it was realized that microcantilevers (MCLs) could be made extremely sensitive to chemical and physical changes.1–3 To date, physical sensing has been demonstrated by detecting thermal energy, strain, magnetic field, electric charge, viscosity, density and infrared radiation. Extremely sensitive chemical and biological sensors based on microcantilevers, for analytes including DNA, alcohol, mercury, antigens, metal ions, organophosphates, bacteria, pathogens, etc., have been reviewed.4–8 Electron micrographs of MCLs are shown in Fig. 1. The low cost and disposable characters of MCL chips make the MCL sensing platform appropriate for developing biological based sensor arrays. Two characteristics of an MCL can be used to detect chemicals. a. Resonance frequency: the resonance frequency of a MCL can be used to detect chemical species in air due to changes in mass as well as changes in spring constants due to adsorption. b. Bending: MCLs undergo bending due to molecular adsorption by confining the adsorption to one side of the Dr Hai-Feng Ji (second from right) received his PhD degree of chemistry from the Chinese Academy of Science, China, in 1996. In 2000, he joined the faculty in the Institute for Micromanufacturing at Louisiana Tech University. His research interests focus on MEMS devices, surface modification for sensors, and nanoassembly of organic molecules. He is currently a co-author of 80 peerviewed journal articles and book chapters. Dr Xin Yang (far left) is currently a postdoctoral associate in Dr Ji’s lab. Dr Xiaohe Xu (second from left) is a research engineer at Louisiana Tech University. Mr Koutilya R. Buchapudi (far right) is pursuing his master degree in Dr Ji’s lab. Ms Hongyan Gao (not in the picture) is currently a professor at Yili Normal University, Xin Jiang, China. Dr Marvin Schulte (not in the picture) received his PhD at the University of Minnesota in 1992 and is currently an associate professor of Biochemistry at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. 434 | Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 Fig. 1 Electron micrographs of several MCLs. The sizes of MCLs on the right vary from 5 lm to 200 lm in extent from the support. The far left micrograph shows a piezoresistive cantilever. cantilever. Adsorption or intercalation of the analyte will change the surface characteristics of the MCL or the film volume on the cantilever, and results in bending of the MCL. Using Stoney’s formula,9 the radius of curvature of bending of the cantilever due to adsorption can be written as: 3(1 − m)L2 ds (1) DZ = ET 2 where Dz is the observed deflection at the end of the cantilever, m and E are Poisson’s ratio (0.2152) and Young’s modulus (156 GPa for silicon) for the substrate, respectively, T and L are the thickness and length of the cantilevers, respectively, and ds is the differential stress on the cantilever. MCLs can bend down10 or up11 on binding of specific species in the environment depending on different effects, as shown in Fig. 2. From a molecular point of view, binding results in electrostatic repulsion,12 attraction,10 steric effects,13 intermolecular interactions, or a combination of these that alter the surface stresses on the cantilever. Both frequency and bending approaches have been demonstrated to de- tect chemicals with sensitivity as high as parts-per-trillion to parts-per-quadrillion range.13–15 Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages and each will be used for specific applications. The frequency method is limited to measuring mass increase on the sensor surface and can fail if the potential ligand has a low molecular weight. The bending approach based on adsorption-induced surface stress is of particular interest in the study of conformational change in proteins that is the subject of this review. Overall, MCLs are cost-effective, sensitive sensors that could be used for numerous biomedical, industrial, diagnostic and homeland security applications. The surface stress resulting from conformation change of proteins has been a recent focus of MCL research. Conformational changes are capable of altering orientation of molecules on the surface, distances between molecules, and surface interactions, thus it is reasonable that conformational changes will alter MCL bending. Surface stress changes due to protein conformational change on interaction with analytes could act as transducers of chemical information. MCLs respond- Fig. 2 Two mechanisms of binding-induced surface stress in different types of responsive coatings. (Top) Expansive stresses for antigen–antibody interaction. (Bottom) Compressive stress due to neutralization of excessive charge on the surface. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 ing to these stresses would be ideal for high sensitivity detection of the small dimensional changes expected. These MCLs could also be used to investigate conformational changes that do not involve analyte interactions. Configuration and conformational changes in biomolecules, including phase transitions, play a critical role in many biological processes. Traditional methods employed for studying conformational changes in proteins have included optical rotation, immunoassays, SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, spectrophotometry, X-ray crystallography, viscometry, fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), hydrogen exchange, thermodynamics and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).16 More novel methods include electrospray ionization mass spectrometry,17 hot tritium bombardment technique,18 surface plasmon resonance (SPR),19 atomic force microscopy (AFM),20 Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy,21 fast photochemical oxidation of proteins (FPOP),22 quartz crystal microbalance (QCM),23 molecular simulation, molecular simulation combined with experimental measurements,24 small angle X-ray scattering25 and synchrotron radiation Xray resolution scattering.26 While these techniques are useful in the detailed characterization of protein conformation and the protein folding and unfolding process, all require instrumentation that is expensive and complex. If conformation changes in proteins can be detected with MCL sensors, they could be used to study differences in conformational effects of ligands, receptor mechanism or conformational stability of proteins. This would provide unique opportunities for protein structure/function studies in a small, inexpensive instrument. The cost of MCLs in comparison to other available techniques would place the MCL Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 | 435 technology on the benchtop of a much larger pool of investigators, increasing the rate of discovery. The MCL technique would permit rapid investigations of protein conformation, compounds that alter conformation and conformational stability. 2. Surface stress changes induced by conformational changes in proteins The surface stress induced by conformational changes in proteins was first reported by Welland’s group in 1999.10 In this work, the surface stress induced by protein adsorption onto a gold surface was measured. Two proteins, immunoglobulin G (IgG) and albumin (BSA), were studied. Each protein produced a different surface stress change on adsorption. IgG produced a compressive stress, which may be due to expansion of the proteins on the gold surface, whereas BSA produced tensile stress, which might be due to contraction of protein molecules (Fig. 3). In this case, the MCL technique provided a sensitive tool to probe the adsorption of proteins onto solid surfaces, particularly over long time scales. This method could provide important information in biotechnology applications involving protein-functionalized surfaces. Several other examples of surfacerelated conformational changes of proteins on MCLs have been demonstrated and the molecular interaction kinetics was recently studied.27 Although the paper cited above on conformational change of proteins on MCL surfaces was published in 1999, the use of conformational change in proteins on MCLs did not receive much attention as a sensing concept until 2004.28 A MCL modified with a layer of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) underwent bending due to the inhibition of AChE by paraoxon; a compound that slightly changes the conformation of AChE. The AChE was immobilized on the MCL through a cross-linker to a monolayer on the gold surface of the MCL. Numerous reports and the X-ray crystallographic structure of AChE and conjugates show that AChE changes its structure on binding of organophosphorus compounds (OPs) at the catalytic serine site.29,30 Studies with mouse AChE revealed that the inhibitor produces a conformational change at the omega loop 69–96, far away from the active site. The CD spectra of stabilized AChE displayed two parameters which can be influenced independently from each other: the magnitude of the ellipticity bands and the accentuation of the bands at 220 and 208 nm. The inhibition by many OPs, including paraoxon, of AChE is irreversible. Since OPs are electrically neutral molecules and the bound OPs do not have interactions each other, the bending of the MCL was most probably generated from the slight Fig. 3 Left: (a) the compressive change in surface stress induced by a 10 ll injection of IgG on a gold surface. The inset shows the response immediately after IgG injection. The experimental drift was subtracted (5 × 10−5 N m−1 min−1 ) from the response shown in the inset in order to observe the initial change of slope due to the adsorption of proteins. (b) Schematic diagram showing how protein–surface interactions may cause the proteins to unfold. The proteins try to “spread” or expand on the surface, and since they are confined within the monolayer a compressive surface stress occurs. (c) Schematic diagram showing how attractive (hydrophobic) protein–protein interactions may cause the proteins to rearrange. Since the proteins are relatively immobile within the monolayer surface, rearrangement results in deformation of the proteins (i.e. the biomolecules tend to “flatten”) and a compressive surface stress results. Right: (a) the tensile change in surface stress induced by a 10 ll injection of BSA on a gold surface. The inset shows the response immediately after BSA injection. (b) Schematic diagram showing that if the proteins are relatively mobile on the surface, attractive (hydrophobic) protein–protein forces could cause the biomolecules to pack together. Since the proteins are trying to contract, a tensile surface stress results. Reprinted from ref. 10 with permission from the American Chemical Society. 436 | Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 conformational change in AChE. Because AChE only slightly changes its conformation on complexation with organophosphates, the change in surface stress on the MCL was small (0.014 N m−1 surface stress). This work demonstrated that the slight conformational change in AChE produced by OP inhibition could be used to detect OPs by confining AChE on an MCL. The same concept can be expanded through the use of other proteins to develop new MCL biosensors. Since the bending amplitude of a MCL generated by inhibition of AChE was relatively small, this MCL sensor would not be useful as a real time sensor for field detection of organophosphates. The role of conformational change in MCL bending was addressed again in later studies using calmodulin (CaM), haemoglobin and myoglobin.31 Calmodulin (CaM) is a small (17kD), heat stable acidic protein with approximately 148 amino acids residues and is an abundant and ubiquitous calcium binding protein that serves as an activator of numerous cellular enzymes. In the absence of Ca2+ , CaM consists of a short dumbbell structure with two globular domains connected by a helical linker. Each of the globular domains contains two EF hands (helix–12-residue-loop–helix motif) which bind to a Ca2+ ion at the loop region with intermediate affinity (K D from 1 to 10 lM).32 Upon binding of four Ca2+ per molecule of calmodulin, CaM undergoes large conformational changes, and becomes more elongated.32 This altered conformation of the Ca2+ –CaM complex enables it to interact with other proteins, and this action is critical to various aspects of cell metabolism. If conformational change contributes to MCL bending, then an analyte–protein interaction such as Ca2+ /calmodulin that generates a large conformational change in the protein would be expected to generate larger bending of an MCL compared to proteins that do not show large conformational changes. On the other hand, if conformational changes play little or no role in bending then the assay will not be able to distinguish between two analytes via response amplitude. Experimental results showed that the modified MCL bent when calmodulins change their conformation on binding of Ca2+ . Different degrees of conformational change induced by altering the ionic strength Fig. 4 Bending responses of a (PEI/CaM)3 multilayer modified MCL to a 10−5 M concentration of Ca2+ in 0.01 M, 0.001 M, and 1 M of NaCl solutions. Reprinted from ref. 31 with permission from the American Chemical Society. of the solution produced different deflection amplitudes (Fig. 4). The maximum surface stress generated was 0.098 N m−1 . No surface stress induced cantilever bending was observed for proteins that do not show significant conformational changes (such as haemoglobin or myoglobin with oxygen). While not conclusive, these data suggest that conformational changes in proteins contribute to MCL bending. Another report in 2005 used a different approach to detect specific protein conformations.33 In this work, oestradiol (E2) was pre-bound on a human oestrogen receptor (EPa-LBD) protein, which changes the conformation of the protein. The EPa-LBD and EPa-LBD-E2 complex were distinguished by MCLs modified by conformation-specific peptides a/bI (SerSer-Asn-His-Gln-Ser-Ser-Arg-Leu-Ile-GluLeu-Leu-Ser-Arg), which recognizes EPaLBD-E2 complex, and a/bII (Ser-AlaPro-Arg-Ala-Thr-Ile-Ser-His-Tyr-Leu-MetGly-Gly), which recognizes EPa-LBD (Fig. 5). This is an indirect and complementary approach for studying conformational change in proteins. It could be used when the conformational change of the protein is too small and does not produce detectable bending of the MCL. The number of publications reporting the detection of conformational change in proteins using microcanti- This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 levers has significantly increased since 2006, and more analysis and calculations have been discussed. Promising proteins suitable for MCL-based sensors are stimulus-responsive, elastin-like polypeptides (ELPs).34 Conformational changes of grafted ELPs, included by a phase transition or changes in osmotic pressure, lead to significant changes in surface stress in the ELP graft layer and translate into changes in MCL deflection. The conformational mechanics of ELPs in response to changes in solution pH and ionic strength have been investigated. In an ionic strength study, the ELPs modified MCLs produced a downward deflection in response to changes in salt concentrations (Fig. 6), suggesting that the grafted ELPs on the top surface of a MCL cause lateral steric interactions (driven by the osmotic swelling pressure of the grafted ELP layer). These interactions led to increases in the cantilever surface and increased cantilever deflection compared to that of unmodified control cantilevers. The pH effect showed that the cantilever deflection decreases (becomes less negative) with increasing solution pH in the range from 6 to 11, a result of ELP collapse with increasing solvent pH caused by decreasing ionization of the NH3 + group on the lysine side chain. The ELP surface conformation thus depends on a balance between restoring elastic forces in the hydrated graft layer Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 | 437 Fig. 5 (a) Schematic drawing showing a two-cantilever configuration, the a/bI attached on one cantilever and the a/bII on the other, and the preferential binding of ERa-LBD, E2-bound or free, onto the a/bI and a/bII, respectively. (b) A cartoon showing the sensor layer on top of the surface and the blocking layer at the bottom surface of a cantilever and its bending upon target binding onto the top sensing surface. Reprinted from ref. 34 with permission from the American Chemical Society. Fig. 6 Net microcantilever deflection plotted as a function of time for two different ionic strengths (PBS and PBS + 1.5 M NaCl). Net deflection is determined as the difference between the deflection of a microcantilever with end-grafted ELP1-180 in PBS or in PBS + 1.5 M NaCl and deflections of a bare reference microcantilever under the same solution conditions. Dd indicates the effective difference in cantilever deflection at steady state. Reprinted from ref. 35 with permission from the American Chemical Society. and repulsive electrostatic forces (ionic osmotic pressure). The change in integral surface stress associated with cycling the solution pH between 5.9 and 11.9 was 438 | Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 Dd ∼ 0.055 N m−1 . These results showed that reversible switching of ELP conformation on a cantilever surface leads to reversible cantilever bending, and the magnitude of cantilever actuation can be modulated by the level of the applied external stimulus. In an MCL sensing assay for detecting activated cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cyclic AMP)-dependent protein kinase (PKA) using a peptide derived from the heat-stable protein kinase inhibitor (PKI), Kown et al. compared the interaction of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and the peptide inhibitor with the kinase by a solution phase capillary electrophoretic assay, by surface plasmon resonance technology, and by the MCL method.35 The MCL method exhibited much higher sensitivity and wider dynamic range than the conventional activity assay. The resonant frequency shifted more dramatically than expected from theoretical calculations, likely resulting from the compressive stress exerted by repulsive electrostatic intermolecular interactions or changes in the hydrophobicity on the functionalized side of the cantilever. 3. Surface stress resulting from conformational change of proteins on membranes Recent work on membrane modified cantilevers shows that conformational change of proteins in membranes can also produce microcantilever bending and could be used for drug screening and other applications. A membrane preparation containing serotonin 5-HT3AS receptors was used to modify an MCL.36 The 5-HT3AS receptor is a membrane bound, centrally and peripherally localized, ligand-gated ion channel mediating membrane depolarization and neuronal excitation. The modified MCL was found to bend on application of the naturally occurring 5-HT3 receptor agonist (5-hydroxytryptamine, which is also called serotonin) or the antagonist MDL-72222, due to the conformational change of the proteins in the membrane. Application of other similar, but non-interacting molecules, such as tryptophan produced no bending of the MCL. K d values obtained for serotonin and MDL-72222 are identical to those obtained from radio-ligand binding assays. These results suggest that the MCL system has potential for use in labelfree, drug screening applications involving membrane bound receptors. In another study,37 bacteriorhodopsin (BR) proteoliposomes were used as a This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 model system to explore the applicability of micromechanical MCL arrays to detect conformational changes in membrane protein patches. BR assembles in its native form as a two-dimensional (2D) crystal leading to the highest possible density at the cell surface. The hydrolysis of the retinal of BR can be emulated by the addition of hydroxylamine to form retinaloxime. This chemical removal of photoactivated retinal is accompanied by structural changes in the BR protein and to the loss of the crystallinity of the BR 2D crystals. Visualization of the BR proteoliposomes on the MCLs was performed using a tapping mode AFM (Fig. 7). Based on these, the authors demonstrated that the MCL can quantitatively detect retinal removal from BR. The data analysis showed that the MCL bending is caused from the conformational change of the protein. The authors concluded that the cantilever-based technique would be able to detect structural changes of these membrane proteins on ligand binding or unbinding. These results show this technique to be a potential tool to measure membrane protein-based receptor–ligand interactions and conformational changes of proteins on membranes. 4. Photon-induced conformational change of proteins Another two interesting examples demonstrated the photon-induced conformational change of the proteins on MCL surfaces. In one example,38 purple membranes from Halobacterium salinarum were deposited electrophoretically on platinumcoated MCLs. By illuminating the bacteriorhodopsin (BR)-containing purple membranes, the protein undergoes its photochemical reaction cycle, during which a conformational change occurs in the protein, changing its shape and size. The on–off change occurs in millisecond. The shape of the signal, the action spectrum of the deflection amplitude, and the blue light inhibition of the deflection all prove that the origin of the signal is the conformational change arising in the bacteriorhodopsin during the photocycle. From the size of the signal, the magnitude of the protein motion could be established. Using polarized light, the orientation of the motion was detected, relative to the transition moment of the retinal. In air, Fig. 7 Functionalization of the upper cantilever surface with BR membrane patches visualized by tapping mode AFM. The scale bar corresponds to 1 mm. The dashed line, also indicated by two arrowheads in panel A, corresponds to the position of the captured height profile (B). (C) Nonlabeled BR membrane patches immobilized on ultraflat gold (in air, tapping mode). (D) Immunoassayed BR patches. Antibodies are specific against the extracellular side of BR, indicating a preferential orientation of BR with the cytoplasmatic side facing the cantilever. Scale bar, 500 nm. Reprinted from ref. 38 with permission from the Biophysical Society. the smaller dilatation of the protein could be explained as a smaller conformational change than that in water because the dried protein is more rigid. The average energy per BR molecule contributing to MCL bending was estimated to be 195kT (in terms of the Boltzmann energy at 295 K). This calculated energy provides an estimate of the order of magnitude and compares to the energy of a photon of 84kT with a wavelength of 580 nm, which triggers the photocycle of BR. In another paper,39 the same BR protein model was used for the photocycle and the author This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 attributed the MCL bending to proton release caused by the conformational change in BR. 5. Surface stress change resulted from conformational change of enzymes In addition to conformation changes of stimulus responsive proteins and membranes, it has been shown that the conformational changes of enzymes also contribute to the surface stress change and Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 | 439 subsequent MCL bending. In 2005, Ji and Yan reported a glucose oxidase (GOx) functionalized MCL sensor for glucose measurement.40 The results showed that the MCL underwent bending when it was exposed to glucose. The possible contributions to MCL bending include heat release, pH change, H2 O2 production, and the conformational change of the enzymes. The basis these effects is the oxidation of glucose, as shown in the following equation: D-glucose + O2 + H2 O GOx −→ gluconic acid + H2 O2 (2) The reaction results in a decrease in pH and O2 , and increase in H2 O2 , which has been monitored as an indirect measurement of glucose concentration. The calculations show that the heat release would produce only a very small amount of bending (∼7.45 × 10−3 nm). This is only about 0.03% of the observed 20 nm deflection. pH change only contributes a 10 nm cantilever bending. Furthermore, the MCL bending vs. pH change does not match with MCL bending on exposure to glucose. Calculations also show that the H2 O2 production does not contribute to cantilever bending. These analyses suggested that the conformational change of the GOx enzyme may contribute half of the MCL deflection. Similar phenomena have been observed on other enzymes, such as organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH)41 and horseradish peroxidase (HRP).42 In both cases, calculations showed that the conformational changes of the enzymes contribute greatly to cantilever bending. 6. Surface stress change due to conformational change of DNA and other polymers It should be noted that the concept of conformational change induced surface stress also applies to DNA and other polymers. Shu et al. reported the direct integration between an ensemble of DNA motors and an array of microfabricated silicon cantilevers.43 The forces exerted by the precise duplex to nonclassical i-motif conformational change were probed via differential measurements using an in-situ reference cantilever coated with a nonspecific sequence of DNA (Fig. 8). The open to close stroke of the motor by photons induced a 0.032 ± 0.003 N m−1 compressive surface stress, which corresponds to a single motor force of approximately 11 pN m−1 . Furthermore, the surface-tethered conformational change was highly reversible, in contrast to classical DNA motors which typically suffer rapid system poisoning. The direction and amplitude of motor-induced cantilever motion was tunable via control of buffer pH and ionic strength, indicating that electrostatic forces play an important role in stress generation. Hybrid devices which directly harness the multiple accessible conformational states of dynamic oligonucleotides and aptamers, translating biochemical energy into micromechanical work, present a radical new approach to the construction of “smart” nanoscale machinery. Surface stress changes in response to thermal dehybridization of doublestranded DNA (dsDNA) oligonucleotides that are grafted on one side of a MCL have been observed.44 Changes in surface stress occur when one complementary DNA strand melts and diffuses away from the other, resulting in alterations of the electrostatic, counterionic, Fig. 8 Harnessing duplex to i-motif conformation changes on a micromechanical cantilever array. (a) Chemical structure of a C+ :C base pair on strand X at pH 5.0 to show the three hydrogen bonds formed between a single pair of hemiprotonated cytosine bases and a schematic diagram to show the intramolecular interdigitation of strand X to form the i-motif. (b) Scanning electron microscope image of an array of eight rectangular silicon cantilevers. (c) Schematic diagram to show a cantilever functionalized on one-side with a thin film of gold and a monolayer of thiolated X. At pH > 6.7 hybridization of surface-tethered X to strand Y in solution (1 lM) forms the duplex structure. (d) At pH 5.0, X forms the self-folded i-motif and induces repulsive in-plane surface forces (compressive surface stress) which cause the cantilever to bend downward, Dz. Strand Y is shown to be present in free solution in a random coil conformation. Reprinted from ref. 44 with permission from the American Chemical Society. 440 | Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 and hydration interaction forces between the remaining neighboring surfacegrafted DNA molecules. As the temperature of the cantilever is raised, there is a conformational change of the DNA molecules as it undergoes a transition from double- to single-stranded, resulting in a change in the surface stress of the layer. When single strands are immobilized, the strands are in a more coiled and compact conformation. Upon introduction and subsequent hybridization of complementary target DNA strands, the double-stranded DNA takes on a rodlike conformation, which results in an increase in the DNA film thickness. The transduction of phase transitions into a mechanical signal is ubiquitous for DNA, making cantilever-based detection a widely useful and complementary alternative to calorimetric and fluorescence measurements. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAAM) alone or as a copolymer is a stimulusresponsive polymer that undergoes an inverse phase transition triggered by changes in the solvent quality, such as temperature, ionic strength, pH, or co-solvent concentration. Associated with this phase transition is a significant conformational change. Studies showed that pNIPAAM brush or poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-coN-vinylimidazole) (pNIPAAM-VI) (7 : 3) brush grafted MCLs can be used to detect and transduce this phase transition behavior. Changes in the conformational state of the brush, induced by the phase transition or changes in osmotic pressure, cause significant changes in the surface stress in the brush that leads to detectable changes in cantilever deflection.45,46 The large stress values for pNIPAAM-VI are mainly due to much thicker brushes and much higher grafting densities. 7. Perception of conformational change of protein based MCL biosensors It is noteworthy that the bending mode of MCL sensors requires two different MCL surfaces in order to differentiate the surface stress on the two surfaces. Typically, one side of a MCL had a thin film of gold coating and the other side of the MCL was made of silicon with a thin naturally grown oxide layer. In general, one of these two sides of MCLs would be modified by special coatings, such as a perfluorocarbons monolayer31,40 or BSA,33 to inhibit the protein adsorption, and thus the protein immobilization could be realized on a single side of the MCLs. The receptors have also been applied directly onto the top side of MCLs by an ink-jetspotting dispensing system (such as MDP-705-L system, Microdrop, Norderstedt, Germany).37 These results demonstrate that conformational change of proteins and other biopolymers can be used to develop surface stress change-based biosensors. Surface stress change phenomenon due to the conformational change of proteins not only offers unique opportunities in the design of small and sensitive analytical methods, but may also provides an alternative, label-free bioassay to study the protein–ligand interaction under varying conditions of ionic strength or electrolyte identity. The simplicity of such label-free methods also significantly increases the likelihood this technology will be utilized and reduces the costs. The fast throughput characteristics of these technique will facilitate studies of protein conformational change in the future. MCLs provide an unique platform for conformational change based biosensing, and conformational change-based MCL bending would dramatically broaden the usefulness of MCL sensors. We can foresee the emergence of more MCL biosensors in this field; however, it is a challenge to directly prove that the surface stress change results from the conformational change of proteins. Gaining a fundamental understanding of this particular phenomenon requires correlation of conformational change to the degree of the MCL bending. This is difficult due to the complexity involved in quantification of conformational change. So far, no other instruments, except for MCL systems, can be used for studying conformational change-induced surface stress. The conformational change of proteins on the cantilever surface may be characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), surface plasmon resonance (SPR), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and infrared reflectionabsorption spectroscopy (IRAS), etc. for limited information. These instruments may provide information on how the proteins change their conformation when compared with the MCL deflection re- This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2008 sults. Alternatively, molecular models may be extremely helpful to quantitatively correlate the conformational change in the proteins with MCL bending response. It is generally recognized that many proteins undergo conformational changes upon complexation with analytes. Understanding how the conformational change in proteins correlated with surface stress under varying conditions is very important, since it should give new insight into improving these protein-based biosensors. Most of the conclusions in reviewed papers, however, were drawn based on calculation or indirect evidences. Due to the lack of other tools to verify this concept, these conclusions may not be precise and may conflict with each other. For instance, several researchers have observed that the MCLs have a reduced deflection in higher concentration buffer solutions. Several researchers attribute this phenomenon to less conformational change of proteins under higher ionic strength, i.e. the steric effect of the proteins plays the major role in change of surface stress,31,38 while others suggested that the surface stress change was due to the proton release or electrostatic forces that resulted from the conformational change of the proteins.39,43 Further study will be needed to further investigate the origin of surface stress, including the entropic, hydrophobic, hydration forces, orientation and the grafting density of the proteins. As discussed in the Introduction, all of the current techniques for characterization of protein conformation and protein folding are expensive and complex. MCL techniques would provide unique opportunities for protein structure/function studies in a small, inexpensive instrument. Compared to existing technologies for protein conformation studies, the MCL sensor technology has three key advantages: Low cost: electronics for operation and control for static mode (deflection) are relatively simple and inexpensive when a piezoresistive approach is used. A Wheatstone bridge electronic circuit can be used to conveniently measure the resistance change. Low-power consumption: for static mode, since the MCL bending signal is driven by molecular recognition, the only power needed is for detection and display, allowing use of light-weight battery power or photovoltaic cells. Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 | 441 Small size: the entire sensor could fit in an area with sides less than a few millimetres. The device can be readily integrated into a robot system without much increase of weight in order to protect the operator and to guarantee uniform detection strategies. However, there is still a long way to go to convert the proof-of-concept results to robust, commercially-available products. Efforts in the following areas are critical for commercialization: (1) Development of robust MCL modification procedures. In general, the critical step in developing a bioassay is the immobilization of the biological reagents to the surface of the transducer without a significant change in the nature of the reagents. The modification procedure should be easy to use and the resulting sensor should be reproducible, reusable, and reliable. The lifetime of the sensor will also be extended. For static mode, the MCL sensor procedure should be optimized to ensure significant bindinginduced surfaces stresses. (2) Optimization of the sample analysis system and MCL materials, dimensions, shapes and array for best performance. The flow conditions and the geometric variation of the MCL supporting system can affect the cantilever measurement accuracy. A specifically designed microfluidic supporting system is needed to avoid error and noise in the measurements. A reference MCL will be needed in the final product to account for non-specific medium effects. An MCL array for averaging the raw experimental data would be of great benefit to improve the accuracy and sensitivity. (3) Deflection detection system. The optical method is the most widely utilized and most sensitive method of qualifying MCL deflection.5 One limitation of this method is the complexity inherent in optical instruments, which needs laser adjustment. The advantage of piezoresistive and piezoelectric approaches47,48 is that the electronic device can be made extremely simple and cost effective, but the sensitivity is much less than that of the optical method. The electronics of the capacitive method is also simple but the parallel plates may stick together and terminate the data collection. Recently, interferometric6 and MOSFET49 methods have show certain advantages over other methods, but they suffer from light scatter442 | Analyst, 2008, 133, 434–443 ing or not enough sensitivity, respectively. Either novel or improvement of the existing methods is required for commercialization of the MCL technology for study of protein conformation change. References 1 J. K. Gimzewski, C. Gerber, E. Meyer and R. R. Schlittler, Observation of a chemical reaction using a micromechanical sensor, Chem. Phys. Lett., 1994, 217, 589–594. 2 G. Y. Chen, R. J. Warmack, T. Thundat, D. P. Allison and A. 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