Application for Admission Checklist for Undergraduate Admission n Submit application for admission. n Pay $40 application fee. Paper applicants should submit their payment by check or money order. Online applicants may submit their $40 application fee one of two ways: 1) Submit payment by credit card after completing the electronic application or 2) Send a check or money order made payable to the University of Northern Iowa. Must include the student’s name and date of birth (month/day/year) to match to the electronic application. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic funds transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction. For inquiries please call 319-273-2628. When we use information from your check to make an electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day you make your payment, and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution. n S ubmit your ACT or SAT scores to the Office of Admissions. We will also accept scores listed on an official* high school transcript. If you have not already taken the ACT or SAT, please arrange to do so. This is not required of transfer students with 24 or more semester hours of acceptable college credit. n Request your senior year schedule be sent to UNI by your high school (for high school students only). n S end ALL transcripts to the Office of Admissions. High School Students: If earning college credit while in high school, please send official* college transcripts in addition to high school transcripts. Transfer Students: Please include high school transcripts and official* transcripts from ALL colleges attended. n A fter graduation, please ask your high school to send your FINAL official* transcript. Your final transcript will include date of graduation and rank in class. Mail this application to: Office of Admissions University of Northern Iowa 002 Gilchrist Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0018. Information requested on this and subsequent forms is required (except for items marked “optional”) for the purpose of determining admission and/or advance standing, classification, residency, or special awards. Failure to provide this information makes such determination impossible. This information is not routinely provided outside the university, except for purposes of directory information. Applicants with physical or mental disabilities, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, who wish to request accommodations should contact the Office of Disability Services at 319-273-2676 (voice) or 319-273-3011(TTY). Definitions for question #14 Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community attachment. Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian Subcontinent, including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Nonresident alien: A person who is not a citizen or national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely. n *To be official a transcript must be sent in a sealed envelope directly from an institution to the Office of Admissions. To be considered for many University of Northern Iowa scholarships, you need to complete the application for admission, the UNIversity Scholarship Application and the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). For full scholarship consideration, students must be admitted to the university and submit the FAFSA as soon as possible after January 1. Colleges and departments within the university have separate application procedures, deadlines and interviews that may be required for scholarship consideration. For a detailed listing of all scholarships available for new students, go to the online scholarship directory at Undergraduate Majors Code Major 152 Accounting - B.A. 87A Air Quality - B.S. 913 American Studies - B.A. 990 Anthropology - B.A. 990 Anthropology: Teaching- B.A. 60H Art: History Emphasis - B.A. 605 Art: Studio B.F.A. 60S Art: Studio Emphasis - B.A. E mphasis areas include: ceramics, drawing, graphic design, jewelry/metals, painting, photography, printmaking or sculpture. 600 Art: Teaching - B.A. 912 Asian Studies - B.A. 42A Athletic Training - B.A. 86C Biochemistry -B.S. 86D Biochemistry -B.A. 81B Bioinformatics - B.S. 84K Biology - B.A. 84A Biology - B.S 84M Biology: Biomedical - B.A. 84U Biology: Biomedical: Honors Research - B.A. 84C Biology: Ecology & Systematics - B.A. 84Q Biology: Ecology & Systematics-Honors Research B.A. 84R Biology: Honors Research - B.A. 84H Biology: Honors Research - B.S. 84I Biology: Microbiology - B.A. 84V Biology: Microbiology-Honors Research - B.A. 84P Biology: Plant Bioscience - B.A. 84W Biology: Plant Bioscience-Honors Research - B.A. 844 Biology: Teaching - B.A. 848 Biotechnology - B.A. 84T Biotechnology-Honors Research - B.A. 15X Business: Potential - B.A. 143 Business: Teaching - B.A. 865 Chemistry - B.A. 863 Chemistry - B.S. 86E Chemistry: Environmental Emphasis - B.S. 862 Chemistry: Marketing - B.A. 865 Chemistry: Teaching - B.A. 48T Communication - Theatre: Teaching - B.A.. 48H Communication: Community & Communication - B.A. 48C Communication: Culture & Communication - B.A. 48E Communication: Electronic Media - B.A. 48G Communication: General Communication - B.A. 48I Communication: Interpersonal Communication - B.A. 48O Communication: Organizational Communication - B.A. 48P Communication: Public Relations - B.A. 510 Communicative Disorders - B.A. 815 Computer Information Systems - B.A. 810 Computer Science - B.A. 81S Computer Science - B.S. 33S Construction Management - B.S. 982 Criminology - B.A. 210 Early Childhood Education - B.A. 870 Earth Science - B.A. 87N Earth Science: Interpretive Naturalist - B.A. 870 Earth Science: Teaching - B.A. 923 Economics: Business Analysis - B.A. 921 Economics: General Economics - B.A. 922 Economics: Quantitative Techniques - B.A. 35G Electrical Engineering Technology (EET) - B.S. 212 Elementary Education - B.A. 620 English - B.A. 620 English: Teaching - B.A. 965 European Studies - B.A. 31F Family Services - B.A. 16F Finance: Financial Management - B.A. 16S Finance: Financial Services - B.A. 16I Finance: Investments - B.A. 16P Finance: Potential - B.A. 72L French Studies - B.A. 72B French Studies: Business - B.A. 005 General Studies - B.A. 970 Geography - B.A. 971 Geography: Environmental - B.A. 972 Geography: Geographic Information Science - B.A. 970 Geography: Teaching - B.A. 871 Geology - B.A. 872 Geology - B.S. 87E Geology: Environmental Science - B.A. 74B German: Business - B.A. 74L German Liberal Arts - B.A. 2 Code Major Code Major 740 31L 31S 33G 411 41F 888 880 94C 940 940 400 400 94G German: Teaching - B.A. Gerontology: Long Term Care - B.A. Gerontology: Social Sciences - B.A. Graphic Communications - B.A. Health Education: Teaching - B.A. Health Promotion: Global Health & Health Disparities - B.A. 41P Health Promotion: Health Promotions - B.A. 41E Health Promotion: Science Intensive-Environmental Health- B.A. 41H Health Promotion: Women’s Health - B.A. 960 History - B.A. 960 History: Teaching - B.A. 680 Humanities - B.A. 001 Individual Studies - B.A. 32I Interior Design - B.A. 43J Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Nonprofit Youth Administration - B.A. 43G Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Outdoor Recreation B.A. 43H Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Programming Services Administration - B.A. 43U Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Therapeutic Recreation - B.A. 43E Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Tourism - B.A. 43W Leisure/Youth/Human Services: Youth Services - B.A. 009 Liberal Studies - B.L.S. 141 Management Information Systems - B.A. 15D Management: Business Administration - B.A. 15C Management: Human Resource - B.A. 15S Management: Supply Chain & Operations - B.A. 34J Manufacturing Technology: Advanced ManufacturingB.S. 34H Manufacturing Technology: Design - B.S. 34G Manufacturing Technology: Metal Casting - B.S. 13E Marketing Advertising – B.A. 13G Marketing Distribution and Logistics – B.A. 13B Marketing: Management - B.A. 13L Marketing: Sales – B.A. 80H Mathematics: Computer Science Emphasis – B.A. 80D Mathematics: Statistics & Actuarial Science - B.A. 800 Mathematics: Teaching - B.A. 21D Middle Level Education Dual Major: Teaching - B.A. 70A Modern Languages: French/German - B.A. 70K Modern Languages: French/German: Teaching - B.A. 70B Modern Languages: French/Portuguese - B.A. 70L Modern Languages: French/Portuguese: Teaching B.A. 70C Modern Languages: French/Russian - B.A. 70M Modern Languages: French/Russian: Teaching - B.A. 70D Modern Languages: French/Spanish - B.A. 70N Modern Languages: French/Spanish: Teaching - B.A. 70E Modern Languages: German/Portuguese - B.A. 70O Modern Languages: German/Portuguese: Teaching B.A. 70F Modern Languages: German/Russian - B.A. 70P Modern Languages: German/Russian: Teaching - B.A. 70G Modern Languages: German/Spanish - B.A. 70Q Modern Languages: German/Spanish: Teaching - B.A. 70H Modern Languages: Portuguese/Russian - B.A. 70I Modern Languages: Portuguese/Spanish - B.A. 70J Modern Languages: Russian/Spanish - B.A. 70V Modern Languages: Spanish/French: Teaching - B.A. 70W Modern Languages: Spanish/German: Teaching - B.A. 70S Modern Languages: Spanish/Portuguese: Teaching B.A. 70T Modern Languages: Spanish/Russian: Teaching - B.A. 42B Movement & Exercise Science: Dance Education - B.A. 42F Movement & Exercise Science: Exercise Science - B.A. 42H Movement & Exercise Science: Sport Psychology - B.A. 520 Music - B.A. 522 Music Composition: Theory - B.M 52A Music Education: Choral/General - B.M. 52B Music Education: Instrumental - B.M. 52E Music Education: Jazz - B.M. 52H Music Performance: Track A (Instrumental) - B.M. 52L Music Performance: Track B (Vocal) - B.M. 81N Networking & System Administration - B.S. 650 Philosophy - B.A. 420 Physical Education - B.A. 880 Physics - B.A. 885 Physics - B.S. 886 Physics/ Applied - B.S. 94E 94H 166 641 770 82A 82J 90A 90B 450 980 780 780 629 629 33N 33R 34T 692 694 697 698 32T 490 49P 49F 49A 000 Physics/Engineering/ Applied - B.S. Physics: Teaching - B.A. Political Communication - B.A. Political Science - B.A. Political Science: Teaching - B.A. Psychology - B.A. Psychology: Teaching - B.A. Public Administration: Community & Regional Development - B.A. Public Administration: Economics & Finance - B.A. Public Administration: Human Resources - B.A. Real Estate - B.A. Religion, The Study of - B.A. Russian - B.A. Science, All Science: Teaching High School - B.A.. Science: Middle/Junior High School - B.A. Social Science: Teaching-Plan A Specialist - B.A. Social Science: Teaching-Plan B All Social Science B.A. Social Work - B.A. Sociology - B.A. Spanish - B.A. Spanish: Teaching - B.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages B.A. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Teaching- B.A. Technology Education & Training: Teaching - B.A. Technology Education & Training: Training - B.A. Technology Management - B.A. TESOL/French: Teaching - B.A. TESOL/German: Teaching - B.A. TESOL/Russian: Teaching - B.A. TESOL/Spanish: Teaching - B.A. Textile and Apparel - B.A. Theatre - B.A. Theatre: Design & Production - B.A. Theatre: Drama & Theatre Youth - B.A. Theatre: Performance - Acting - B.A. Undecided/Deciding Pre-Professional: Many UNI programs provide excellent preparation for these pre-professional areas, although they are not majors at UNI. Please use the code provided when asked for the major code (on the following page) to indicate your area of interest. OPD Pre-Chiropractic OPC Pre-Dentistry OPF Pre-Engineering OPG Pre-Forestry OPH Pre-Hospital & Health Administration OPK Pre-Occupational Therapy OPM Pre-Law OPP Pre-Medicine OPR Pre-Mortuary Science OPN Pre-Nursing Home Administration OPT Pre-Optometry OPU Pre-Pharmacy 84K Pre-Physical Therapy OPA Pre-Podiatry OPY Pre-Theology OPZ Pre-Veterinary Nursing/Radiology: UNI does not offer undergraduate degrees in these fields, but provides excellent preparation for transferring to a specialized institution. OPS Pre-Nursing RAD Pre-Radiological Technology B.A. = Bachelor of Arts B.S. = Bachelor of Science B.M. = Bachelor of Music B.F.A. = Bachelor of Fine Arts B.L.S. = Bachelor of Liberal Studies # = For transfer students participating in an articulated program. The University of Northern Iowa is an equal opportunity educator and employer with a comprehensive plan for affirmative action. University of Northern Iowa Do not write in this space Cedar Falls, Iowa 50614-0018 I Application for Admission - Undergraduate P 1. Social Security Number ___ ___ ___- ___ ___-___ ___ ___ ___ Mkt Seg___________ Tracking___________ ETerm_____________ 2. Attendance beginning: n Fall n Spring n Summer n Summer Only Year_________ Ac Type______________ 3. Print: Last Name ____________________________________________________________ Fee ____________________ Do not write in this space Source____________ First _________________________________________ Middle ___________________________ HS Grad Yr_________ Res_______________ Res ______ Non Res ______ 4. Other names under which your record might appear _______________________________________ RF______________________ 5a. Permanent home address____________________________________________________________ Street and/or PO Box City___________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip ____________________ Home telephone number ( E-mail address_________________________________________________________________________________________ Ethnic_ ___________ Gender____________ Major_____________ Maj Num___________ Deg Obj___________ ) ______ - _________ Cell phone number ( ) ______ - ____________ 5b. Current mailing address, if different from permanent home address __________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip _____________________ Street and/or PO Box 6. Gender ■ Male ■ Female (from _______ to ________ ) Date Date Day Size______________ BDay_ ____________ Vet_______________ Coop______________ Year 8. Name of parent/legal guardian (not spouse) Mr./Mrs./Ms. (circle one) _ __________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________ City___________________________________________________________ State ________ Zip _____________________ E-mail address_________________________________________________________________________________________ GPA_ _____________ Prob Class_ ________ 7. Date of Birth ______/ ______/ _______ Month Interest___________ Rank______________ Teach Ed_ _________ Street and/or PO Box 9. A re either of your parents or grandparents graduates of the University of Northern Iowa, or do you have a sibling currently enrolled at UNI? ■ Yes ■ No (This information is not a factor in the admission decision.) ROTC______________ Decision___________ Reason____________ Canc Col___________ Load______________ Core Met___________ Engl______________ Math______________ 10. Name and location of high school from which you will graduate or have graduated. If you have earned a GED, please indicate SS���������������� and give last high school attended. GED ■ Yes ■ No Sci_______________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _ __________________ Name of High School City State Office use: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 11.Have you taken or are you scheduled to take the ACT or the SAT I? n Yes n No If yes, when? ACT: ____/_____ SAT I: ____/ _____ Month Year 12.List your academic interest (from pg. 2): ____________ Major code Graduation Month/Year _____ _____ _____ FL________________ Elec______________ Lab_______________ _____ LAC_______________ Month Year ACG_ _____________ _________________________________ Teaching? ■ Yes ■ No Major Title 13.Have you previously attended or are you currently enrolled in college? n Yes n No If yes, list in order of attendance. It is required that all institutions be listed and an official transcript from each institution be filed, even though credit may be summarized on one transcript or credit may not have been earned. Failure to list each college attended will be considered an adequate reason for cancellation or dismissal. a. ________________________________________________________________ Dates of Attendance_____________________________ Name of College Degree Month/Year City Degree Month/Year Degree Month/Year State Month/Year To Month/Year Month/Year Degree Month/Year c. ________________________________________________________________ Dates of Attendance_____________________________ Name of College To _ n Degree earned & date (AA, BA, etc.) _______________________ n Degree expected & date _______________________ n No degree Month/Year b. ________________________________________________________________ Dates of Attendance_____________________________ Name of College State _ n Degree earned & date (AA, BA, etc.) _______________________ n Degree expected & date _______________________ n No degree City City State Month/Year To Month/Year _ n Degree earned & date (AA, BA, etc.) _______________________ n Degree expected & date _______________________ n No degree Degree Month/Year Degree Month/Year 14.Do you consider yourself to be of Hispanic/Latino/Spanish origin? (See front page for classification definitions.) ■ Yes ■ No Please select one or more of the following racial categories to describe yourself: ■ Alaskan Native or American Indian (Tribal/nation affiliation)____________________________________ ■ African American/Black ■ Asian ■ Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ■ Nonresident alien (foreign) ■ White 15. Will you be receiving assistance from the Veterans Administration? ■ Yes ■ No 16. Are you interested in ROTC (optional)? ■ Yes ■ No 17. Are you a resident of Iowa? ■ Yes ■ No 18. Dates you have lived in Iowa: ■ From birth to present ■ Never ■ From ____________ to ____________ 19. Country of citizenship ■ U.S.A. ■ Other, specify ___________________________________________________ If you are not a U.S. citizen, are you a permanent resident of the U.S.? ■ Yes ■ No —If yes, print your Alien Registration Number A-___________________________________________________ (please forward a copy of both sides of your Alien Registration Card.) 20. Is English your first language? ■ Yes ■ No If no, please indicate your native language __________________________________________ 21.Give a complete chronological statement covering the period from your high school graduation until your proposed entry date to the University of Northern Iowa. This should include approximate dates, type of activity, and city and state. If you graduated from high school more than five years ago, you need to list activities only for the five year period immediately preceding your proposed entry to the university. Dates (from-to) mo./yr. mo./yr. Example: 5/08 8/08 __________ __________ Activity (employment, education, etc.) City and State Summer job Cedar Falls, IA ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________ __________ ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________ __________ ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________ __________ ________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 22.Note: You must respond to these questions, or your application will not be processed. If your answer to either of the following two questions is yes, you must submit a full statement of relevant facts on a separate sheet attached to this application. You may be required to furnish the university with copies of all official documentation explaining the final disposition of the proceedings. If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to these questions. If you are unsure whether you should answer yes to question a or b, we strongly suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents. By doing so, you can avoid any risk of disciplinary action or revocation of an offer of admission. a. Have you ever been charged with or subject to disciplinary action for scholastic or any other type of misconduct at any educational institution? ■ Yes ■ No b. Have you ever been charged with a violation of the law which resulted in probation, community service, a jail sentence, or the revocation or suspension of your driver’s license? ■ Yes ■ No 23. I am an incoming: ■ Freshman (go to question 24) ■ 2nd B.A. or other_____________(go to question 25) ■ Transfer student (go to question 25) ■ HS student Dual Enrolled at UNI (go to question 25) 24. High School Students I have requested or enclosed the following: Required: ■ Official high school transcript If Applicable: ■ AP test scores ■ Copy of my senior class schedule ■ College transcripts if you have college-level credit ■ ACT or SAT score Do you have any college level courses (PSEOA, Dual Enrollment, etc.)? ■ Yes ■ No If yes, complete Transfer Student Section (#25) 25. Transfer Students (Official High School Transcript is required.) Please indicate semester and year courses were taken. Courses in progress at _______________________________ Courses in progress at __________________________________ Course Title College Sem/ Qtr hrs College Dept/Course # Sem/ Dept/Course # Course Title Yr _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ 26. Have you ever been or are you presently on academic probation or suspension at another college? Sem/ Qtr hrs Sem/ Yr ■ Yes ■ No 27. It is hereby certified that the information given in this application is true and correct. It is understood that misrepresentation, omission of information, or failure to answer any single question may cause delay or cancellation of admission or dismissal from the university. I hereby authorize any educational institutions which I have previously attended and officials at such institutions to release academic, disciplinary, and medical records and to discuss these records with appropriate officials at the University of Northern Iowa. Date_______________ Signature_______________________________________________________________________ 6/09