Masters of Fine Arts in Design Student Handbook

Masters of Fine Arts in Design
Student Handbook
Learn more about what it means to become a master of design! This handbook will give students the
inside story on all things UW-Stout.
MASTERS OF FINE ARTS IN DESIGN PROGRAM .............................................................. 4
A. Introduction to UW-Stout ................................................................................... 4
B. Program goals................................................................................................... 4
C. Curriculum ....................................................................................................... 5
Core Curriculum ............................................................................................... 5
Focus Curriculum ............................................................................................. 5
D. Recommended program progression and timeline ................................................. 6
E. Creative Thesis ................................................................................................. 7
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS............................................................................................ 9
A. Academic performance ....................................................................................... 9
B. Professional Dispositions and Academic Conduct ................................................... 9
C. Professional Development .................................................................................. 9
ADVISING AND GUIDELINES ....................................................................................... 9
A. Advisement Center ............................................................................................ 9
B. Adding/Dropping Courses ................................................................................. 10
C. Class Attendance Policy .................................................................................... 10
D. Internship or Assistantship Opportunities ........................................................... 10
E. Graduate Students’ Rights and Responsibilities.................................................... 10
RESOURCES ............................................................................................................ 11
A. Graduate Student Studio and Office Space ......................................................... 11
B. Exhibition Spaces on Campus ........................................................................... 11
C. Financial Aid Office .......................................................................................... 11
D. Process Lab…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
E. Registration for courses.................................................................................... 11
Access Stout ................................................................................................ 12
Registration and Records ............................................................................... 12
Student Services Coordinator ......................................................................... 12
F. Graduate School .............................................................................................. 12
G. Career Services .............................................................................................. 12
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGIES ............................................................................... 13
A. Access Stout ................................................................................................... 13
B. D2L (Desire 2 Learn) ....................................................................................... 13
C. UW-Stout Logins ............................................................................................. 13
D. ASK 5000 ....................................................................................................... 14
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
RESEARCH, INQUIRY, AND CREATIVE SCHOLARSHIP .................................................... 14
A.Planning, Assessment, Reseach & Quality (PARQ) ............................................... 14
B. Research Services .......................................................................................... 14
C. University Library ........................................................................................... 14
D. Resource Labs ............................................................................................... 15
E. Tutoring ........................................................................................................ 15
COMMUNICATIONS OPPORTUNITIES .......................................................................... 15
A. UW-Stout MFAID eNewsletters ......................................................................... 16
B. UW-Stout MFAID Social Media ......................................................................... 16
GRADUATION/COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY ................................................................ 16
MFA IN DESIGN FACULTY TEAM ................................................................................. 17
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
A. Welcome to UW-Stout!
The MFA in Design provides a unique and collaborative program that engages students
across a wide range of disciplines. The MFA is a terminal degree that qualifies graduates for
promotion and advancement in industry and tenure track teaching positions in most
educational institutions.
B. Program Goals
Graduates of this degree program will: demonstrate professional competence in the creation
of works in art and design, produce work that shows the integration of knowledge and skills
in a selected area of research, complete studies associated with an area of study, and
produce a final project that demonstrates mastery of the field/discipline.
At the completion of course work, the graduates of MFA in Design will be able to achieve the
following Program Learning Objectives:
Demonstrate an understanding of the global, cultural, and technological context of
Engage in collaboration across disciplines to address advanced design problems and
create innovation.
Critique processes and methodologies used in contemporary design practice.
Evaluate design perspectives and precedents related to process, aesthetics,
creativity, and societal need.
Explore and utilize appropriate design methods and tools to support creative and
theoretical research.
Implement ethical research, leadership, and business methods in personal design
Practice sustainable and responsible design.
Identify and apply appropriate methodologies to design education, practice, and
Create and evaluate advanced design solutions.
Disseminate novel design-related knowledge.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
C. Curriculum
Core Curriculum
Students are required to take 30 credits in Core Curriculum courses. The majority of these
courses are three credits with the exception of the six credit creative thesis.
The required courses are:
DES-700 Design Seminar I (3 cr.)
DES-710 Ethics in Design (3 cr.)
DES-712 Sustainable Design Practice (3 cr.)
ARTH-720 History of Design Seminar (3 cr.)
DES-725 Research Strategies in Design (3 cr.)
DES-730 Design Education and Practice (3 cr.)
ARTH-756 Special Topics in Design History (3 cr.)
DES-800 Design Seminar II (3 cr.)
DES-870 Creative Thesis in Design (6 cr.)
Focus Area
Students will earn 30 credits in the Focus Area courses divided into:
21 credits in art/design studio electives that are 500 level or higher. Following are examples
of dual-listed courses (typically taken with undergraduate students). In addition, arranged
independent study courses can also be utilized after a student’s first year in the program.
DES-504 Interior Design Studio 2
DES-508 Lighting Design in the Built Environment
DES-521 Digital Imagery Studio
DES-525 Interactive Design I: Introduction to Web Design
DES-570 Interactive Design II: Principles and Methods
DES-571 Interactive Media Design
DES-572 3D Modeling & Animation I
DES-573 3D Modeling & Animation III
DES-574 3D Modeling & Animation II
DES-575 Digital Cinema Studio
DES-578 Animation Studio
DES-579 Comics and Sequential Art Studio
DES-580 Signage and Exhibition Design (Spring)
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
DES-585 Interactive Design III: Advanced Concepts (Spring)
DES-605 Advanced Design Drawing
DES-616 Interior Design Senior Studio
DES-631 ID5: Industrial Design Senior Studio I
DES-632 ID6: Industrial Design Senior Studio II
ART-507 Aesthetics in the Studio
ART-515 Metals and Jewelry II
ART-601 Life Drawing II
ART-603 Life Drawing III
ART-610 Painting III
ART-611 Contemporary Sculptural Practices III
ART-613 Ceramics III
ART-614 Color Seminar
ART-615 Metals and Jewelry III
GDD-650 Three Dimensional Game Design & Development 1 (3 cr.) (Fall only)
GDD-651 Three Dimensional Game Design & Development 2 (3 cr.) (Spring only)
ARTH-541 History of Film
Also, 9 credits of the 30 are completed in the focus elective category. These are 500 level or
higher courses from across multi-disciplinary CI (Customized Instruction) graduate
programs at UW-Stout that supports the graduate students interests and creative thesis
development. Note: Three of the nine credits need to be studio/lab/project based.
Learn more about the Program Plan here.
E. Recommended Program Progression and Timeline
Students can choose to attend full (9-12 cr.) or part time (5+cr.). Full-time or part-time
status can vary from semester to semester but graduate school policy is to complete the
program within 7 years. Courses are delivered through a variety of methods including onsite courses, online, evening, weekend and summer courses, but this is not an online only
program. See graduate school policy 2.1.6 for credit load limits.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
F. Creative Thesis Overview
To complete the Master’s in Fine Arts in Design, students are required to complete a
creative thesis. The creative thesis will primarily focus as a project-based thesis and will be
accompanied by a smaller written thesis report; public dissemination (i.e. exhibition) and a
final oral presentation are required. Download the MFA Creative Thesis Blank
Template. As students explore various classwork, it is a good idea to keep a running list of
areas of interest that might work for the creative thesis project.
Prior the creative thesis project class (6 credits, DES 870), students will enroll in Design
Seminar II (3 credits, DES 800). This class is a directed exploration through formative
stages of the creative design thesis development and includes identification of research
adviser and thesis committee, culminating in a formal thesis proposal and presentation for
approval by the committee. This course should be taken one, but not more than two,
semesters prior to registering for the creative thesis credits.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
SUGGESTED COURSE OF STUDY SEQUENCE – always refer to specific academic plan based
on year start date.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
A. Academic Standing
To maintain a full academic standing, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required. Student grades
will be monitored throughout their enrollment. Note that for graduate work a 3.0 is
considered “Satisfactory” and students should strive for much higher grades. If a student
fails to achieve a 3.0, the student will be placed on Probationary Academic Standing by the
Graduate School. See Graduate School Policy 2.2.4 Probationary Academic Standing.
B. Professional Dispositions and Academic Conduct
It is expected that students enrolled in the MFA program exemplify professional behavior
and exceptional academic conduct. This includes being prepared for every class meeting
with required assignments. In addition, participation includes active engagement within both
on-campus and online courses. Attendance and punctuality are expected. In a learning
community, collaboration and collegiality are integral to each course. It is essential that
students treat one another with respect.
Academic dishonesty is not acceptable. UW-Stout subscribes to the definitions of academic
dishonesty provided by the National Association of Student Personnel Administrators. The
University of Wisconsin System in UWS Chapter 14.03 defines academic misconduct. The
complete text of that chapter is available for students from the Dean of Students or by
visiting for more
C. Professional Development
Students are encouraged to actively and publicly disseminate their student work at
conferences, exhibitions, workshops, etc. The MFA in Design program can assist with funds
to support such dissemination. Contact the Program Director for more information.
A. Advisement
Students should meet with the MFA in Design Program Director at least once per semester
to discuss proposed coursework and review progress within the program. Timing of these
meetings (in-person, phone, skype) typically occur around the middle of each semester. It
is highly encouraged to meet with the Program Director more than twice per year. Please
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
contact the Program Director, Dr. Julie Peterson at ( to set up an
advising appointment.
B. Adding/Dropping Courses
Careful planning with your primarily advisor should lead to a course plan that is appropriate
to a student’s degree goals. A student will be financially responsible for the course
registration unless he/she notify the appropriate person to drop or withdraw.
C. Class Attendance Policy
Regular attendance is the responsibility of each student, and it is assumed that students will
attend all classes for which they are enrolled. It is the student's responsibility to notify
instructors of any situation that causes the student to miss class. Learn more about UWStout class attendance policy.
D. Internship or Assistantship Opportunities
Stout Career Link is a platform that connects students with employers who offer various
internship opportunities as well as professional positions. Students can also view on-campus
jobs, graduate assistant positions or other local part-time jobs at Stout Career Link.
E. Graduate Students’ Rights and Responsibilities
A student's rights and responsibilities begin when she or he enrolls in a UW System school
and continues throughout her/his academic career. Some of the conduct rules apply even
while off campus in Menomonie, during school vacations, or away from Menomonie. This
means that a student may be held responsible for her/his conduct under these rules in the
surrounding community, while on semester or summer break, on weekends, or while away
from the campus.
Because these rules apply to all UW-System students and facilities, a UW-Stout student who
engages in misconduct (for example, against a UW-River Falls student or while visiting the
UW-Eau Claire campus) is subject to these rules as if s/he engaged in the conduct on our
campus or toward a UW-Stout student. Discipline imposed under these rules applies at all
UW System campuses. Read more about student conduct rules.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
A. Dedicated Student Studio/Office Space
A graduate student studio and group office space is provided at Applied Arts 225O. Swipe
card access is required & granted to enrolled MFA in Design students.
B. Building and Room Access
Students will have swipe card access by using their student ID to various spaces within
Applied Arts and Micheels Hall including: Micheels 176 (Computer Lab), Micheels 188
(Animation, Entertainment and Game Design Lab), Applied Arts 218 (PC Computer Lab),
Applied Arts 225O (Graduate Student Office Space which is just down from Dr. Peterson’s
office), and the Applied Arts southwest exterior building entrance. Please check out these
spaces and make sure student access works. If not, contact Mary Jo Pittman in the 2nd floor
Applied Arts office.
C. Exhibition Spaces on Campus
This facility provides an educational forum for students, faculty, staff and professionals to
enhance exchange ideas about the visual art and design objects displayed. Students can
preview some exhibitions through Exhibition Links.
D. Process Lab
The lab in Applied Arts 119 is equipped with a wide variety of woodworking and metalwork
tool and related equipment. Proper training for each certification level needs to occur before
students can use equipment individually. Contact Dean Samens, Instrument Shop
Coordinator, at to coordinate training needs.
E. Financial Aid Office
After admission, students who need assistance with financial aid; UW-Stout’s Financial Aid
Office assigns a financial aid counselor to each student to meet the needs of the adult
learner. Learn more at or Contact: or 715.232.136 with questions.
F. Registration for Courses
Students can register for courses online in three different ways:
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
1. Access Stout
In addition to other offerings, Access Stout allows students to easily self-register online.
2. Registration and Records
Registration and Records assists students throughout the registration process. Learn
more at or contact or 715.232.5167 with questions.
3. Student Services Coordinator
If students have difficulty registering, contact our Student Services Coordinator, Amy
Gullixson at
NOTE: The Program Director will contact every student each semester prior to
Advisement Day with further details on how to register for particular course
details and offerings.
G. Graduate School
The Graduate School will assist graduate students with processes for research and degree
completion. Learn more at or contact or 715.232.2211 with questions.
H. Career Services
While most of the students enrolled in distance education programs are already employed,
having access to employment opportunities through the
Career Services is an added value to their UW-Stout experience. Learn more at or
contact: or 715.232.1601 with questions.
I. Online Support for Distance Education Students
Can be found at
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
J. Textbooks
Textbooks for core curriculum courses need to be purchased individually by the graduate
student. It is expected that students purchase all required materials prior to the start of a
course. In some cases, e-textbooks are available online through D2L. For dual-listed
courses, rental textbooks are available and can be obtained from the Instructional Resource
Services (IRS - 2nd Floor of Library) and are paid for through a segregated fee in tuition, for
some focus area courses, there is no extra cost. For more information visit:
K. Counseling
Personal as well as couple counseling is offered at the Counseling Center, which addresses
successful relationships, career and personal satisfaction solutions, self-esteem and identity,
depression, anxiety and stress, eating disorders and substance abuse, among others.
A student interested in participating in counseling should call or stop by 410 Bowman Hall to
schedule an appointment. Learn more at
A. Access Stout
Access Stout is part of the ERP (internal data base) system at UW-Stout. Students can
access information about their course schedule, register for classes, retrieve grades and
print unofficial transcripts through Access Stout. Learn more at
B. D2L (Desire 2 Learn)
D2L is the University supported course management system: Course materials, assignment
drop boxes, discussion boards, and grades are useful resources for students and faculty
alike. Learn more at
C. UW-Stout Logins
Webmail and other useful links that require students to log into using their Stout I.D. can be
found at
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
D. ASK 5000
ASK 5000 is UW-Stout’s computing help desk. Students can reach ASK5000 by emailing or calling 715-232-5000, while answers to common issues can be
easily found at:
E. Digital Tutoring
Online tutoring help is also available through D2L by accessing BrainFuse.
Technical help within UW Stout access can be found through HELP5000.
Students can also utilize the full video instruction library at to learn new
programs and brush-up on technical skills. Go to and log-in through the
“organization log in”. Students can use UW Stout user name and password and will be
redirected through their access portal.
F. Research, Inquiry, and Creative Scholarship
An abundance of research, tutoring, lab and technical resources are available at UW-Stout:
A. Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality (PARQ)
The UW-Stout Planning, Assessment, Research and Quality Office offers information
and resources to help with student research needs including statistical analysis, survey
design, Qualtrics (online survey tool) and sampling. Learn more by going to and then logging in with
student username and password.
B. Research Services
Research Services houses the Institutional Review Board (IRB), Grant Proposals, and
other assistance. For more information go to: and to directly access
the Protection of Human Subjects and IRB go to:
C. University Library
An abundance of resources – print, electronic, and human expertise resides at UW-Stout’s
Library. Online, in person, chat, research guides and access to materials from around the
world can be found at our very comprehensive and student friendly library (obviously, the
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
writer of this handbook is a huge fan of the library!). Learn more at:
Note: If a distance student (CI), UW Stout will mail students requested physical material at
no charge.
E. Tutoring and Other Lab Resources
WRITING LAB. One-on-one writing assistance is available through the Writing Center.
Learn more at
PRINT LAB. Students can utilize the School of Art and Design’s Print Lab at Applied Arts
323A for any printing needed for class projects. Printers include black and white, 12 x 18
color printing as well as large format poster size printing. More info here.
FAB LAB. Students also utilize the Fab Lab on campus for 3D printing, laser
cutting/engraving and other specialty projects. Proper training needs to occur prior to
utilizing this space.
GAME LAB. Within the Stout’s Library exist the UW-Stout Gaming and Digital
Innovation Lab features a collection of more than eleven major video game consoles, four
high-end PCs loaded with productivity software, and access to a digital game catalog of
more than 250 titles.
USER EXPERIENCE (UX) LAB. (Coming Fall 2016!) The User Experience Center is the first
usability research center in the UW system, and many of the goals for this first year center
around creating a brand, designing tutorials, and developing protocols for both internal and
external projects. The UXC will be a resource for faculty and students to engage in usability
research and education through use of eye-tracking equipment, walkthrough sessions,
expert evaluations, techniques and practices education, and more. A brand new space is
currently being constructed for the UXC in the remodeled Harvey Hall with a grand opening
planned for Fall 2016.
Frequent communications are necessary to ensure the success of students. Media used for
communication includes:
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
A. UW-Stout MFA in Design & Graduate School eNewsletters
eNewsletters are sent through UW-Stout student email. Information in the newsletters
includes: Important updates about the program, registration, job openings, scholarships,
advisement, and special events.
UW-Stout MFA in Design Social Media
UW-Stout MFAID graduate students also are invited to be a part of our various social media
channels including:
LinkedIn Group
Students are encouraged to post on the MFAID Tumblr blog and leave comments to join the
It is highly recommended students utilize LinkedIn for professional networking. The group
has active members in MFAID throughout Wisconsin and frequent posts, current happenings
related to MFAID, discussions and other opportunities emerge on the LinkedIn site. Join the
group at:
For current commencement information, graduation details and upcoming UW-Stout
Graduation Fair and Ceremony, please follow this link.
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
Program Director, MFA in Design
Julie Peterson, Ph.D., WRID, NCIDQ, IDEC, IES
225B Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-3490
Director, School of Art and Design
Tamara Brantmeier, MFA
235 Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-1097 or 232-1287
Chair, Department of Design
Dave Beck, MFA
186 Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-2254
Chair, Department of Art & Art History
Cynthia Bland, Ph.D.
323F Applied Arts
Phone: 715-232-1387
School of Art and Design Department Office
235 Applied Arts Building
Mary Jo Pittman / 715-232-1097 /
Art and Design Program Office
324 Applied Arts Building
Lottie Hiben / 715-232-1477 /
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016
Financial Specialist
Cathie Weissman
323 Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-1141
Technology and Visual Resource Coordinator
Andrew McIntosh
323 Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-1532
Instrument Shop Coordinator
Dean Samens
119a Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-5302
Process Lab Assistant | Gallery 209 Manager
Nick Kovatch
119a Applied Arts Building
Phone: 715-232-5302
School of Art & Design Faculty and Staff Directory:
|University of Wisconsin-Stout MFA Design Student Handbook | Revised February 2016