Superintendent’s Quarterly Meeting Agenda Wednesday, April 13, 2016 Wilmington Convention Center 12:00 noon – 3:50 pm Meeting Objectives • Consider and discuss student growth over time • Discuss ESSA implementation • Receive updates on testing pilot and standards revision • Discuss other items as desired Lunch 12:00 – 12:30 pm 12:30 – 1:00 pm Welcome June Atkinson Superintendent State committees Superintendent Announcements State Board Policy Update FIRST VOTE sults?search_query=M6Sv NJjUN4Q Idea Bill Law Bill Law Polling Question: What do North Carolinians think education? 66% of all respondents said that K-12 education receives inadequate funding -WRAL Poll, Winter, 2016 Polling Question: What do North Carolinians think education? Education is the most important problem facing our state—want to see it addressed by our leaders -High Point University Poll, 3/2/16 Polling Question: What do North Carolinians think education? 51% think North Carolina lawmakers should increase teacher pay by up to 10 percent -WRAL Poll, Winter, 2016 Polling Question: What do North Carolinians think education? A majority of our state think we need more resources—to pay teachers better and to support classrooms more -WRAL Poll, Winter, 2016 1:00 – 1:20 pm Student Growth Gary Williamson over Time Metametrics 1:20 – 2:15 pm ESSA Discussion Lou Fabrizio Director, Data, Research and Federal Policy 2:15 – 2:30 pm BREAK Pre-function area 2:30 – 2:50 pm Testing Pilot Update Tammy Howard Director, Accountability Services 2:50 – 3:20 pm Standards Review and Revision Tiffany Perkins Director, K-12 Curriculum and Instruction Content Standards G.S. 115C-12 (9c) (i)-(vi) “Power to Develop Content Standards…The Board shall develop a comprehensive plan to revise content standards and the standard course of study in the core academic areas of reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, geography, and civics. The Board shall involve and survey a representative sample of parents, teachers, and the public to help determine academic content standard priorities and usefulness of the content standards. A full review of available and relevant academic content standards that are rigorous, specific, sequenced, clear, focused, and measurable, whenever possible, shall be a part of the process of the development of content standards. The revised content standards developed in the core academic areas shall” Content Standards G.S. 115C-12 (9c) (i)-(vi) Continued • Reflect high expectations for students and in-depth mastery of the content; • Be clearly grounded in the content of each academic area; • Be defined grade-by-grade and course-by-course • Be understandable to parents and teachers • Be developed in full recognition of time available to teach the core academic areas at each grade level; • Be measurable, whenever possible, in a reliable, valid, and efficient manner for accountability purposes State Board of Education Policy GCS-F-012: Policy delineating the Standard Course of Study Development Process Content Standards Session Law 2014-78 Section 6 “The current Standard Course of Study remains in effect until official notice is provided to all public school teachers, administrators, and parents or guardians of students enrolled in the public schools of any changes made in the Standard Course of Study by the State Board of Education.” Curriculum Session Law 2014-78 Section 6 “Local boards of education shall continue to provide for the efficient teaching of the course content required by the Standard Course of Study as provided under G.S. 115C-47(12).” Standards Review Process Research Data *Teachers, District Content Experts, Higher Education and Business Representatives Surveys Data Analysis Committee Develops Initial Recommendations* When Revisions are Recommended • Convene a writing team – teachers, district content experts, higher education • Drafts for public review and feedback • Drafts revised, if needed • Drafts presented to SBE for discussion • Drafts revised, if needed • Drafts presented to SBE for discussion/approval • Notify all public school teachers, administrators, and parents or guardians of students • Provide professional development for teachers 23 Determining the Scope of Work Educator Feedback • Approximately 5,000 responses to the educator ELA survey • 283 educators provided feedback at ELA focus groups • Collected feedback regarding ELA resource and professional development (PD) needs during 36 ELA PD offerings and 4 webinars since June 2015 ELA Educator Survey • Approval rating percentages for the 481 ELA Standards: ➢321 standards – 90% or more ➢143 standards – 80-89% ➢16 standards – 70-79% ➢1 standard – less than 70% ➢17 out of 481 standards K-12 fell below an 80% approval rating. • Most common request - clarity with certain standards In Response to the Data • Offered professional development “Are We Asking the Right Questions” that focused on alignment of standards –> desired student outcomes –> instruction –> teacher assessments • Surveyed the field to improve ELA LiveBinder and other resources • Created a plan to update ELA Wiki page to include resources specific to elementary, middle, and high needs In Response to the Data • Increased ELA ListServe membership • Preparing new professional development for April: Providing Clarity: A Close Look at the ELA Standards Committee findings compiled July - Nov. 2016 Data Review Committe e meets July 2016 June 2016 Proposed ELA Standards Review Timeline Writing Teams meet Release drafts for public comment February 2017 Share ELA drafts January 2017 December 2016 Proposed ELA Standards Review Timeline, cont. Writing Teams review feedback Present ELA drafts to SBE May 2017 Present comments and ELA drafts to SBE April 2017 March 2017 Proposed ELA Standards Review Timeline, cont. Create ELA professional development and resources 2017 - 2018 Regional professional development Aug. - May June - August 2017 Proposed ELA Standards Review Timeline, cont. Implement Standards If assessment changes are needed: 2017 – 2018 August – May Test development, Yearlong PD, resources creation, and revision of all support materials June – August Summer PD delivery 2018 – 2019 New Standards Implemented Goals Provide updates specific to Math I, II & III review and revision process to include: ● Detail each step of the process including timeline ● Outline potential action steps for spring and summer ● Discuss roles LEAs play in feedback and implementation ● Answer questions and solicit input Provide timeline for K - 8 review and revision process Update on Overall Process • ASRC final report December 2015 • Materials prep - Data Review and Analysis portion of Standards Review January 2016 • February-March 2016 Data Review Committee • March-April 15, 2016 Writing Groups Convene using guidance from Review Group Attachment 5 Overall Process Continued • • • • • April 18 - April 26, 2016 LEA receive draft April 26, 2016 Feedback due May 4, 2016 SBE receives draft & feedback June 1-2, 2016 SBE votes on revisions *June 6 - July 30, 2016 Regional meetings with district leaders and high school math teachers to communicate revisions * Pending SBE approval Types of Data Used by Data Review Committee Teacher Survey 3314 Teacher Responses K-Math III 591 Teacher Responses Math I, II & III Community Survey January - April 2015 Teacher Focus Groups Held in 8 Regions, every LEA Represented Over 200 teachers by grade band Leader Focus Group NCCTM (NC Council Teachers of Mathematics) Leader Session Focus Group - over 150 Academic Standards Review Commission Final Report Submitted December 31, 2015 Data Review Committee Members VideoEstablish mathematics goals Thoughts…. to focus learning A glimpse of the process... Collaboration Who was in the room? Sharon Ashe Henderson County District Math Leader Kelsey Ballard Nash-Rocky Mount Math Teacher Lauren Baucom Union County Math Teacher Stefanie Buckner Buncombe County Math Teacher Jeff Crayton Guildford County Math Teacher Debbie Crocker Appalachian State Professor Sonia Dupree Wake County District Math Leader Peter Eley Fayetteville State Professor Suzanne Gibbons Wake County Math Teacher Julie Graves NC School of Science & Math Math Teacher Tim Hendrix Meredith Professor Erica Isabella Person County Math Teacher Michael Jones Nash-Rocky Mount District Math Leader Michael Kestner AB Technical Community College Professor Allison Landry Carteret County District Math Leader Robert Leichner Charlotte-Mecklenburg Math Teacher Katie Mawhinney Appalachian State Professor Deborah Murray Franklin County District Math Leader Katie Salter Carteret County Math Teacher Velvet Simonton Forsyth County District Math Leader Michelle Stephan UNC Charlotte Professor Brittany Taylor Johnston County Math Teacher Joanne Whitley Charlotte-Mecklenburg District Math Leader Considered Feedback on EVERY Standard Consensus for Writers Committed Educators! Writing Groups • By conceptual category (Functions, Algebra, Geometry, etc.) • Working across all 3 courses • Meeting in Greensboro to finalize drafts April 14-15 • Applying guidance from Data Review Committee Writing Groups Continued • Examine and revise all standards for clarity* • Move Geometry standards according to topic • Delete/Move identified standards to fourth math courses • Limit overly broad standards by rewriting and renaming with clearer direction for teachers based on functions/systems * • Remove identified standards that span 2-3 courses that were viewed as duplicative * Testing Thoughts Testing/Accountability and the Math Curriculum & Instructional teams will review drafts against current forms of Math I EOC and Math II & III Final Exams LEA Feedback • April 18 - 26th Tentative Window depending on Writing Teams’ Progress • Superintendents receiving same information at their Quarterly Meeting April 13th • C & I Leaders in LEA were asked to begin forming feedback teams LEA Feedback Continued • Feedback will be guided using a framework to allow for quick turnaround to present to SBE at May 45 meeting • Draft and Feedback anticipated for May meeting are dependent upon progress of writers K-8 Timeline • Will follow similar process beginning with Data Review Committee in SeptOct 2016 • Refer to attachment 6 K-8 Timeline 2016 Date Action Description 2016 SeptemberOctober K- 8 Math Data Review Committee Meets DecemberJanuary Math Data Review Committee findings compiled and shared Group will conduct a thorough analysis of all feedback from teacher surveys, community surveys, teacher focus groups, leader focus group, and the ASRC . Updates presented at December 2016 and January 2017 SBE meeting. Results from SeptemberOctober Data Review Committee meetings shared including how the results and data from ASRC, parent and community survey, teacher survey, math leader focus group and teacher focus groups were organized and prioritized for K-8 to identify priorities, concerns and changes. K-8 Timeline 2017 2017 JanuaryFebruary Writing Teams Convene March Drafts K – 8 Released April Update on Drafts May K-8 Math Drafts Presented June K-8 Math Drafts Action Present K-8 Math standards draft for action. June - Aug Regional PD sessions Host regional professional development and information sessions on revisions to K-8 Math standards by grade bands of K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 for teachers and district leadership. Aug Implement Standards Districts implement new standards. Continue support. Writing teams convene to create drafts of K-8 standards. K-8 Math drafts released to public for comments and shared with SBE. Update provided to SBE on data collection from public comment. Final drafts with comments shared with SBE. NC Math Standards Video • 3:20 – 3:50 pm Questions and June Atkinson Closing and Staff Remarks