Completion Rates and Student Success Scott Ralls North Carolina Community Colleges North Carolina Population Pyramids Percent of Total Population: Age and Gender 2030 2000 Male 5 4 3 85+ 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 5-9 0-4 Female 2 8/11/2009 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Male 5 4 Female 3 2 1 0 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 1 2 3 4 2 5 Percent of Adults with an Associate Degree or Higher by Age Group - U.S. & Leading OECD Countries Age 25-34 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 37.7 39.6 40.9 39.2 40.8 41.4 41.5 33.2 36.2 34.6 34.8 28.5 16.9 16.0 19.4 22.5 24.9 26.9 30.0 26.8 24.0 19.2 22.9 20 32.8 30.3 30 41.9 42.2 38.1 39.5 43.6 37.5 37.4 40 39.3 43.2 46.2 50 Age 35-44 53.0 54.1 50.8 54.8 60 10.6 10 0 Canada slide 3 Japan Korea New Zealand Ireland Belgium Norway France Denmark U.S. North Carolina Community Colleges Source: OECD, Education at a Glance 2008 Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs Percent of Population Age 25-64 with an Associate Degree or Higher, 2006 60 37.2 25.0 30 49.2 40 Benchmark for International Competitiveness (55%) 50 20 10 0 i nia t Virg Wes sa s n Arka i ana Louis si ppi is Miss da Nev a uck y Kent ss ee e Tenn ma a Ala b oma h Okl a na Indi a s Texa Caro li na h Sout Ohi o ur i o Mis s ing m Wyo o Idah e xico M New a n Arizo ka Alas ia g Geor an ig Mic h Carolina Nor th da Flor i yl vani a s Penn ar e w Del a e Mai n States d Uni te nsin o Wisc on Oreg Iowa rni a o Cal if Dakota h Sout tana Mon s a Kans Utah s i Il lino aska Nebr Is land e Rhod ington h Was ia n Virgi Dako ta Nor th or k Y New ii a Haw er sey J New nt o Ver m esota Minn rado re Col o ampshi H New and l Mar y ct icut e s Connachu sett Mas s North Carolina Community Colleges Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2006 ACS Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs The “Gap” - Difference in Annual Degrees Currently Produced and Annual Degrees Needed to Meet Benchmark 20,000 10,000 0 -10,000 -20,000 Massachusetts -18,389 Colorado -11,369 -8,768 New York Utah -4,028 -3,372 Rhode Island Iowa -3,195 Nebraska -2,122 North Dakota -719 290 Vermont 411 South Dakota 950 Minnesota 959 New Hampshire 1,551 Delaware 1,944 Kansas 2,392 Wyoming 3,639 Montana 3,726 Hawaii 4,232 Maine 4,262 Connecticut 6,054 Alaska 6,941 Idaho 6,948 West Virginia 7698 New Mexico 8,811 Missouri 9,465 Oklahoma 10,410 Mississippi 10,788 Illinois 11,943 Maryland 12,073 Wiscon sin 12,826 Oregon 13,675 Pennsylvania 14,090 Virginia 14,144 Washington 14,434 Indian a 14,455 Alabama 14,477 South Carolina 15,343 Arkansas 16,214 Kentucky 21,467 Michigan 23,424 New Jersey 23,777 Louisiana 24,374 Nevada 24,872 Ohio 25,227 Tennessee 28,582 North Carolina 28,846 Georgia 29,190 Arizona Florida California Texas 30,000 94,162 40,000 North Carolina Community Colleges Source: U.S. Census Bureau, PUMS and Population Projections, IPEDS Completions Survey 2004-05 Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs slide 5 Accounting for Migration 140,533 131,749 U.S. = 781,301 (a 52.8% increase in the public sector) CC Graduation Rate NC – 18% US – 20% SREB – 16% 3-yr. graduation rate for full-time freshmen who first enrolled in a CC to earn a degree in 2004 Measure only accounts for 23% of NCCCS entering students 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 6 Breaking Down Graduation Rates Certificate Diploma Assoc. Degree - 48.43% 22.83% 8.04% AAS All Others - 11.13% 4.80% 2.5 times as many students (11,758) transfer to a 4-year college from an NCCCS institution as complete a college transfer degree (4,588) 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 7 Distribution of Awards and Transfer w/o Award Outcomes (all students) 50% 40% 30% 25% 23% 22% 19% 20% 16% 14% 14% 13% 12% 10% 9% 10% 7% 6% 6% 5% 3% 2% 1% 0% CT Award of FL NC OH TX North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobsw/o Less Than AA Degree Associate's Degree Transfer VA Award Students Who Earned an Award or Transferred OR Who Are Still Enrolled with 30+ Credits (all students) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 9% 8% 40% 30% 8% 9% 20% 10% 3% 5% 36% 42% 40% 30% 35% 23% 0% CT FL NC Community Colleges OH TX North Carolina Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs VA Total Earned Award or Transfer Still Enrolled w/o Award with 30+ Credits Reasons CC Students Withdraw 1) Transfer to a 4-yr. institution 2) Lack of money 3) Pressure to work full-time 4) Child care issues 5) Lack of academic preparedness 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 10 Intermediate milestones to track students First-Year Milestones • Persisted fall to spring • Passed 80% or more of attempted hours • Earned 24 or more hours Second-Year Milestones • Persisted fall to fall • Completed developmental math by year 2 • Earned 48 or more hours Third-Year Milestones • Passed gatekeeper English or higher by year 3 • Passed gatekeeper math or higher by year 3 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs Gates Foundation – Postsecondary Success By 2025, double the number of lowincome young adults who, by age 26, earn a postsecondary credential with labor market value 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 12 Initial areas of attention Drop-outs Financial aid opportunities Developmental Programs First-year engagement Programs with labor market value 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 13 8/11/2009 North Carolina Community Colleges Fifty-eight Institutions Creating Success Through Hope, Opportunity and Jobs 14