Representative Kelly M. Alexander, Jr.
Senator Bob Atwater
Mr. Jim Barber, Director Emeritus, LEARN NC
Ms. Marjorie T. Benbow, Director, Greater Charlotte Office, NC Biotechnical Office
Mr. Leslie Boney, Associate Vice President for Economic Development Research, Policy & Planning,
UNC General Administration
Mr. Rob Boyce, Assistant Superintendent, Chowan County Schools
Senator Harry Brown
Mr. Newell Clark, President, Standell Properties
Mr. Gary Cooper, Chief of Staff, Fayetteville-Cumberland County, Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Joe Crocker, Assistant Secretary, Community Development, NC Department of Commerce
Dr. J. Donald deBethizy, President and CEO, Targacept, Inc.
Mr. Al Delia, Policy Director, Office of the Governor
Mr. Paul Dordal, Executive Director, BRAC Regional Task Force
Mr. John Dornan, President, Executive Director, Public School Forum of North Carolina
Ms. Ann Goodnight, Director of Community Relations, SAS
Ms. Becki Gray, Vice President for Outreach, John Locke Foundation
Mr. Tom Haffner, President, P.T. International Corporation
Ms. Venessa Harrison, Legislative and External Affairs, AT&T of North Carolina
Mr. Charles A. Hayes, President and CEO, Research Triangle Regional Partnership
Mr. Clyde Higgs, Vice President, Castle & Cooke
Dr. Ashley Hinson, Superintendent, Surry County Schools
Mr. Gary Hobbs, Sales Manager, Long and Foster Real Estate
Mr. David Hollars, Executive Director, Centralina Workforce Development Board, Inc.
Ms. Meredythe Holmes, Owner, Monarch Services
Dr. Kathleen E. Kennedy, Vice President, Education and Training Program, NC Biotechnology Center
Ms. Beth Lucas, Director, Policy and Governance, NC Department of Commerce
Mr. Ken Ludwig, Vice President, Human Resources, Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc.
Mr. Luis Maldonado, III, Teacher, Middle Creek High School
Ms. Caroline McCullen, Director of Education Initiatives, SAS Institute Inc.
Ms. Joan McGinnis, Director, Career/Secondary Schools, Onslow County Schools
Mr. John P. Metcalf, Sr. Partner, Strategic Community Planning, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce
Dr. Jeff Moss, Superintendent, Lee County Schools
Dr. Scott Ralls, President, NC Community College System
Ms. Nancy Raynor, Director, Institutional Effectiveness, Peace College
Ms. Elaine C. Rideout, President, Economic Investment Strategies (EIS), Associates
Ms. Susanne Sartelle, President, Greenville Pitt County Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Bill Seyler, Senior Project Manager, Bovis Lend Lease, Inc.
Mr. Bill Shore, North American Community Partnership, GlaxoSmithKline
Mr. Mark Sorrells, SR. Vice President, Golden Leaf Foundation
Mr. Joe Stewart, Associate Vice President of Government Affairs, NC Chamber
Dr. Donna Tipton-Rogers, President, Tri-County Community College
Ms. Patricia Willoughby, Executive Director, NC Business Committee for Education
Representative Douglas Y. Yongue
February 25, 2010