Document 10717728

8. P. Matzinger, Scand. J. Immunol. 54, 4 (2001).
9. S. Gallucci, P. Matzinger, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 13,
114 (2001).
10. Supplementary material is available on Science Online at
11. F. M. Burnet, The Clonal Selection Theory of Acquired
Immunity (Vanderbilt Univ. Press, Nashville, TN,
12. R. Owen, Science 102, 400 (1945).
13. R. E. Billingham, L. Brent, P. B. Medawar, Nature 172,
603 (1953).
14. P. Bretscher, M. Cohn, Science 169, 1042 (1970).
15. K. J. Lafferty, A. Cunningham, Aust. J. Exp. Biol. Med.
Sci. 53, 27 (1975).
16. M. K. Jenkins, R. H. Schwartz, J. Exp. Med. 165, 302
17. C. A. Janeway Jr., Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant.
Biol. 54, 1 (1989).
, Immunol. Today 13, 11 (1992).
19. R. Medzhitov, C. A. Janeway Jr., Science 296, 298 (2001).
20. Like physicists, who deduced the need for a new particle
based on the behavior of the system, Bretscher and
Cohn (14) and Lafferty and Cunningham (15) postulated cells and/or signals for which, at the time, there was
no evidence. Later experiments showed resoundingly
that they were correct. In a similar vein, Janeway postulated a new state for a previously known cell, the APC.
Up to that time, APCs were thought to be constitutively
active, but a seemingly small glitch in the behavior of
the system (the need for adjuvant) led him to suggest
that they were normally quiescent and needed to be
activated. These insights showed that theoretical biology and physics may have more in common than is
sometimes thought.
21. Allergy, for example, is a partial conundrum. Many allergens are dangerous substances. Der-p1, the major aller-
gen in house dust mite, is a protease that attacks the
surface of B cells and lung epithelium. Likewise, bee
venom is not an innocuous substance. From the standpoint of the Danger model, it is not surprising that the
immune system responds to allergens. What is not clear,
however, is why some individuals make IgG whereas
others make IgE (the antibody associated with allergy).
B. Lemaitre, E. Nicolas, L. Michaut, J. M. Reichhart,
J. A. Hoffmann, Cell 86, 973 (1996).
R. Medzhitov, P. Preston-Hurlburt, C. A. Janeway Jr.,
Nature 388, 394 (1997).
R. Medzhitov, C. Janeway Jr., Trends Microbiol. 8, 452
D. A. Kimbrell, B. Beutler, Nature Rev. Genet. 2, 256
A. Aderem, R. J. Ulevitch, Nature 406, 782 (2000).
S. Akira, K. Takeda, T. Kaisho, Nature Immunol. 2, 675
K. Ishii et al., J. Immunol. 167, 2602 (2001).
N. Inohara, G. Nunez, Oncogene 20, 6473 (2001).
J. Aliberti et al., Nature Immunol. 1, 83 (2000).
A. Devitt et al., Nature 392, 505 (1998).
J. Pugin et al., Immunity 1, 509 (1994).
A. Haziot et al., Immunity 4, 407 (1996).
S. Y. Seong, personal communication.
C. Fuqua, M. R. Parsek, E. P. Greenberg, Annu. Rev.
Genet. 35, 439 (2001).
C. P. Larsen et al., Nature 381, 434 (1996).
D. J. Lenschow et al., Transplantation 60, 1171 (1995).
A. D. Kirk et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 8789
J. C. J Thomas et al., Transplantation 68, 1660 (1999).
J. Lindenmann, P. A. Klein, J. Exp. Med. 126, 93
W. B. Coley, JAMA (20 August 1898), p. 389.
S. S. Hall, A Commotion in the Blood (Holt, NY, 1998),
p. 198.
43. J. Stavnezer, J. Immunol. 155, 1647 (1997).
44. H. Kimata, M. Fujimoto, Eur. J. Immunol. 24, 2262
45. K. Benlagha, A. Bendelac, Semin. Immunol. 12, 537
46. R. Boismenu, W. L. Havran, Curr. Opin. Immunol. 9,
57 (1997).
47. M. Girardi et al., Science 294, 605 (2001).
48. V. Groh et al., Science 279, 1737 (1998).
49. A. Bendelac et al., Annu. Rev. Immunol. 15, 535 (1997).
50. M. Schwartz, J. Mol. Med. 78, 594 (2001).
51. C. T. Morita et al., Res. Immunol. 147, 347 (1996).
52. P. Constant et al., Science 264, 267 (1994).
53. The Network model, which proposed that “self ” is
defined in a positive way, also emphasized the idea of
connectedness. The idea was that lymphocytes react
against each other’s antigen-specific receptors and
maintain a balance of self-reactive and foreign-reactive
cells (55). The proponents of the network have been
arguing for years that the study of single lymphocytes
is an inappropriate way to study the immune system,
but that we should study the connectivity between cells
(56) Finally, after years of finding the model intriguing,
but narrow, I agree. However, I think that we should not
limit the study to interactions between lymphocytes
but expand it to include their conversations with all the
bodily tissues, which have the ultimate say.
54. M. Matzinger, E. Fuchs, J. NIH Res. 8, 35 (1996).
55. N. Jerne, Ann. Immunol. (Paris) 125C, 373 (1974).
56. A. Coutinho, Scand. J. Immunol. 42, 3 (1995).
57. I thank past and present members of the ghost lab (S.
Gallucci, J. Wright, S. Wolf, K. Abdi, E. Bachelder, O.
Alpan, P. Rohwer-Nutter, A. Perez, R. Massey, and D.
Culp), as well as H. Arnheiter and Y. Rosenberg for
comments on the manuscript. I would also like to
send a kiss to the anonymous referee who placed a
heavy but appropriate boot in the right place.
Recognition and Rejection of Self
in Plant Reproduction
June B. Nasrallah
Plant self-incompatibility (SI) systems are unique among self/nonself
recognition systems in being based on the recognition of self rather than
nonself. SI in crucifer species is controlled by highly polymorphic and
co-evolving genes linked in a complex. Self recognition is based on
allele-specific interactions between stigma receptors and pollen ligands
that result in the arrest of pollen tube development. Commonalities and
differences between SI and other self/nonself discrimination systems are
The concept of self/nonself discrimination
was elaborated by Burnet (1) as a way to
describe specificity in the immune response
and is most often associated with the field of
immunology. It is perhaps less well known
that, in the plant kingdom, sophisticated selfrecognition systems have evolved that allow
plants with perfect (hermaphroditic) flowers
to avoid inbreeding. These intraspecific
prefertilization mating barriers are collectively known as self-incompatibility (SI). This
term encompasses several systems that are
mechanistically distinct but have the same
Department of Plant Biology, Cornell University,
Ithaca, NY 14853, USA. *E-mail:
outcome, namely the inhibition of self-related
pollen tube development and, consequently,
the prevention of sperm cell delivery to the
SI systems are said to discriminate between self and nonself because they produce different outcomes in self- and crosspollinations. Specificity in SI is typically
controlled by one or more highly polymorphic genetic loci. In the context of SI, self
and nonself mean, respectively, genetic
identity and nonidentity at the SI locus (or
loci) in pistils and pollen. The outcome of
this discrimination is the converse of that of
the immune response, in which case self
has been classically defined as those ele-
ments that are tolerated and do not elicit a
response. In SI, self is the condition that
elicits the response and is inhibited, whereas nonself is the condition that is ignored
and does not elicit a response.
A Variety of Plant SI Systems
As an advantageous outbreeding device, SI
is widely distributed in flowering plants
(2). It evolved independently in several
lineages, and the SI systems adopted by
different plant families vary with respect to
site and mechanism of self inhibition. In
self-incompatible species of the crucifer
family (e.g., Brassica species and close
relatives of Arabidopsis thaliana), SI disrupts hydration and germination of a pollen
grain on the stigma epidermis, thus preventing growth of pollen tubes into the
subepidermal tissues of the pistil. In other
families, SI acts after pollen germination
and pollen tube ingress into the pistil, either
within the stigmatic zone (as in the poppy
family), or later, within the style (as in the
tobacco, rose, and snapdragon families). SCIENCE VOL 296 12 APRIL 2002
These differences are reflected in drastically different mechanisms of recognition
and of pollen or pollen tube arrest. In the
early-acting SI system of crucifers, recognition of pollen is mediated by a receptor/
ligand system, with a signaling cascade
being triggered within the stigma epidermis. In late-acting SI systems, the invading
pollen tubes are actively destroyed. In the
poppy, a glycoprotein secreted by cells of
the stigma somehow induces within self
pollen tubes a signal transduction cascade
manifested by increases in cytosolic calcium, disruption of the cytoskeleton, and cessation of growth (3). In plant species with
stylar inhibition, an RNase (4 ) secreted by
cells of the style enters pollen tubes and
degrades cytoplasmic RNA selectively in
self tubes. Only in the SI system of crucifers has the molecule expressed in pollen
that identifies it as self and invites destruction been identified.
tides exhibit some resemblance, but not
sequence identity, to defensins, a ubiquitous class of small cysteine-rich antimicrobial peptides found in mammals, insects,
and plants that function primarily in innate
immunity, although some have functions
unrelated to defense (16, 17 ). Defensin-like
proteins are grouped into highly diverged
classes whose evolutionary relationships
have been difficult to resolve (16 ), and it
will be even more difficult to retrace the
evolutionary path connecting the rapidly
evolving SCR gene to defensins. Nevertheless, we speculate that a function directed
at recognizing nonself patterns in microbial
pathogens was co-opted for self recognition
in the SI response.
Receptor/Ligand Interactions and
Activation of the SI Response
Maturation of the flower in self-incompatible
crucifers is accompanied by the insertion of
SRK into the plasma membrane of stigma
epidermal cells and of SCR into the pollen
coat (7, 10). By the time anthers release their
pollen and the flower opens to receive pollinators laden with pollen, the stigma epidermal cell has its SRK sentinel and SI surveillance system in place and is poised to screen
among pollen grains. For their part, mature
pollen grains carry specific SCR variants that
identify them as self or nonself, thus marking
them for rejection or acceptance. SRK interacts with SCR (10, 11), and this interaction
occurs only between receptor and ligand vari-
The Self-Recognition Genes
of Crucifers
The SI (S) locus of crucifers is highly
polymorphic, with the number of variants
estimated at more than 100 in some species
(5). This locus behaves genetically as a
single Mendelian locus, but it is in fact
molecularly complex and contains two unrelated highly polymorphic recognition
genes that are in tight genetic and physical
linkage (Fig. 1). Transgenic (6–9) and biochemical (10, 11) studies have shown that
the products of these genes function as
receptors and ligands that determine specificity in the stigma epidermis and pollen,
respectively. The products of these genes
also are the primary determinants of the
outbreeding mating habit in crucifers. Deletion or inactivation of one or both genes
is the principle mutation underlying the
evolutionary switch from an outbreeding to
an inbreeding mating system in this family
In the stigma epidermis, the determinant
of SI specificity is the S-locus receptor
protein kinase (SRK), a single-pass transmembrane serine/threonine kinase (13). In
pollen, SI specificity is determined by the
S-locus cysteine-rich protein gene SCR
[(6 ); also designated SP-11 (7, 11, 14 )],
which encodes small secreted hydrophilic
and positively charged proteins of 50 to 59
amino acids. Both SRK and SCR are members of large families of genes that are
expressed in a variety of plant tissues but
have unknown functions, which suggests
that they were recruited from genes for
receptors and ligands that function in plant
processes unrelated to reproduction. SRK is
the prototypic member of a family of plant
receptor-like protein kinases defined by a
distinctive ectodomain (15). The SCR pep-
Fig. 1. Recognition and inhibition of self pollen in crucifers. The outcomes on an S1S2 stigma of
self-pollination (left) and cross-pollination with pollen from an S3S4 heterozygote (right) are shown.
At the top, the S haplotypes carried by each plant are shown with their SRK (closed rectangles) and
SCR (crosshatched rectangles) genes. Variable distances and arrangements of the genes illustrate
the structural heteromorphism of the S locus. SRK and SCR genes and gene products derived from
the same S haplotype are drawn in the same color. Microscopic analysis shows inhibition of self
pollen at the stigma surface as a result of the binding of the SCR ligand to its cognate SRK receptor,
SRK activation, and phosphorylation of ARC1 (37). Nonself pollen forms pollen tubes, because
nonself SCR neither binds nor activates SRK.
ants encoded by the same S haplotype (10).
The allele-specific binding of SCR to the
SRK ectodomain explains the high degree of
specificity in the SI response. After pollination, the SCR protein is delivered to the
surface of a stigma epidermal cell as the
pollen coat flows over the surface at the site
of pollen contact (18). We believe it would
then be rapidly translocated toward the plasma membrane within the region of the stigma
epidermal cell wall subtending the zone of
pollen contact. In a pollination with self pollen, SCR would interact with its cognate
SRK, leading to receptor activation and the
triggering within the stigma epidermal cell of
a signaling cascade that culminates in the
arrest of self pollen tube development (Fig.
1). In a cross-pollination, nonself SCR would
not bind SRK, the signaling pathway would
not be activated, and pollen tube development would proceed unhindered (Fig. 1). The
SCR peptide is the only pollen factor required
for SRK activation, because the SI response
can be reproduced by addition to the stigma
surface of self SCR expressed in bacteria or
produced synthetically (10, 11, 14).
The binding of self SCR to the SRK ectodomain apparently causes oligomerization, transphosphorylation of the receptor (19, 20), and
phosphorylation of specific substrates. One
such substrate is the arm repeat–containing protein ARC1 (21). A U-box motif in ARC1 (22)
suggests a role for ubiquitination in the SI
response, but the immediate cause of inhibition
of self pollen remains unknown. Nor is it
known if events downstream of SRK activation
are mediated by components shared with other
signaling pathways.
Receptor/Ligand Polymorphisms and
the Evolution of New SI Specificities
The S haplotype specificity of SRK-SCR
binding is not surprising given the extraordinarily high levels of allelic polymorphism
attained by SRK and SCR. SRK ectodomains
can diverge by as much as 35%. Alignment of
SRK sequences reveals numerous base pair
substitutions over the length of the domain as
well as insertions and deletions and suggests
that intragenic recombination has shuffled
hypervariable regions among alleles (13, 23).
For their part, SCR alleles are so diverged (6,
12, 24) that unambiguous alignment of SCR
DNA sequences is not possible. Only seven
cysteine residues and one glycine residue are
conserved among the 22 SCR sequences isolated to date, and the spacing between the
cysteines is also variable. A challenge for the
future is to sift through this variability and
identify the specific residues or domains that
form the points of contact between SRK and
SCR and consequently determine specificity
in receptor-ligand binding.
Another challenge is to explain how allelic polymorphisms in SRK and SCR translate
into the puzzling interactions of co-dominance, dominance, incomplete dominance, or
mutual weakening that are exhibited by different S haplotypes. These interactions occur
not only in stigmas but also in pollen, because in crucifers the SI specificity of a pollen grain is determined by the diploid genotype of the plant that produced it rather than
by its own genotype. Importantly, these allelic interactions can affect the distribution of SI
alleles in populations. For example, recessiveness in pollen confers an advantage on an
S haplotype by allowing pollen carrying it to
evade the SRK-mediated stigmatic surveillance. S haplotypes are arranged in dominance hierarchies that can differ in stigma
and pollen, consistent with the activity of
distinct specificity determinants in stigma
and pollen. As more SRK and SCR alleles are
being isolated, investigations into mechanisms of dominance are becoming possible
(25, 26), and these studies are beginning to
reveal the unusual ways in which SI alleles
have diverged. In a study of a dominantrecessive interaction in pollen, recessiveness
was ascribed to allelic differences in the pattern of SCR transcript accumulation and silencing of the recessive allele (26). Future
studies of other allelic interactions are likely
Fig. 2. Recognition of self in SI and of nonself in fungal mating systems. The left panel [adapted
from (30)] shows the B locus of Coprinus cinereus, which contains three groups of genes, with each
group encoding a G protein–coupled pheromone receptor (closed rectangles) and two pheromones
(crosshatched rectangles). In contrast to crucifer SI (right) (Fig.1), productive interactions occur
only between receptors and pheromones encoded by genes in the same group but in different loci.
to uncover allelic differences in the relative
affinities of different SCRs for their cognate
SRKs or the relative efficiencies with which
SRK variants recruit downstream targets.
An even more difficult issue to resolve is
how multiple SI specificities evolve. In this
two-gene system, SRK and SCR proteins encoded in one S haplotype must co-evolve to
maintain their interaction. Therefore, a mutation in one component that disrupts their
interaction will lead to the loss of SI, and a
new specificity can arise only if a compensatory mutation in the second component within the same S haplotype restores the interaction. Schemes outlining how this process
might have occurred repeatedly to evolve a
multiplicity of SI specificities usually involve
sequential mutations through a self-compatible intermediate (27). Evolution through a
dual-specificity intermediate has also been
proposed (28), but this scheme has been criticized because it requires at least three mutations in a single S haplotype for each new
specificity (29).
Commonalities with Other
Self/Nonself Recognition Phenomena
A unique feature of plant SI systems is that
they are based on the recognition of self,
whereas all other known recognition systems
are based on the recognition of nonself. This
distinction holds true, even in comparisons to
other mate recognition systems that also prevent self-mating. For example, in basidiomycete fungi, multiallelic genes at two unlinked
loci specify a large number of different mating types, and mating can only occur between
individuals that differ at both loci (30). One
of these loci contains genes for lipopeptide
pheromone ligands and pheromone receptors
and is therefore at least superficially analogous to the crucifer S locus (Fig. 2). A major
difference, however, is that a given pheromone can only activate receptors encoded in
a different haplotype and not a receptor encoded in the same haplotype (Fig. 2). Additionally, a pheromone can activate several
different receptors, and one receptor can be
activated by more than one pheromone. This
relaxed specificity is essential in such a nonself recognition system, because a one-to-one
correspondence between receptor and ligand,
which maximizes the number of compatible
mates in self-incompatible crucifer populations, would instead have the unfavorable
effect of severely restricting flexibility in
mate choice in the fungal system.
Despite their unique features, plant SI systems share important similarities with other eukaryotic self/nonself recognition systems, such
as the vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC), histocompatibility in colonial marine invertebrates, and mating type in Chlamydomonas and fungi. The striking parallels
among these disparate systems, which have SCIENCE VOL 296 12 APRIL 2002
been noted by immunologists grappling with
the origin of adaptive immunity (1, 31), are a
consequence of similar selective pressures for
diversification and co-evolution of recognition
functions to retain affinity between interaction
A hallmark of these specific recognition
systems is that their genes are subject to
intense diversifying selection. Large numbers
of alleles are commonly found, and extraordinarily high levels of intraspecific polymorphism are typically achieved, in some cases
resulting from accelerated rates of evolution
(18, 32). Due to balancing selection, polymorphisms in these genes can persist for long
periods of time and often predate species
diversification. Trans-species polymorphisms
have been described in the MHC (33) and in
SI systems (34), and in both cases, divergence of some allelic lineages appears to
have occurred at least 20 million years ago.
Another emerging commonality between
recognition loci is their structural heteromorphism, which apparently reduces intralocus
recombination events and prevents disruption
of the co-adapted gene complex. The crucifer
S locus has been extensively restructured by
expansion or contraction of the physical distance between SRK and SCR, gene duplication, as well as rearrangement of these two
genes relative to each other and to flanking
markers (Fig. 1) (18, 35). Similarly, the MHC
has undergone frequent gene duplications and
deletions during its evolution (33), and the
mating-type locus of Chlamydomonas contains a highly rearranged region that causes
suppression of recombination over a 1-megabase chromosomal region (36).
Thus, in many respects, the challenges
facing research in the crucifer SI system are
similar to those facing researchers of other
recognition systems. Comparisons of these
different systems should lead to insight into
common selective pressures that drive the
diversification and co-evolution of self/nonself recognition genes and shape the structure
of their controlling loci.
References and Notes
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J. B. Nasrallah, data not shown.
Supported by grants from the NIH, NSF, and USDA.
Self-Representation in Nervous Systems
Patricia S. Churchland*
The brain’s earliest self-representational capacities arose as evolution
found neural network solutions for coordinating and regulating inner-body
signals, thereby improving behavioral strategies. Additional flexibility in
organizing coherent behavioral options emerges from neural models that
represent some of the brain’s inner states as states of its body, while
representing other signals as perceptions of the external world. Brains
manipulate inner models to predict the distinct consequences in the
external world of distinct behavioral options. The self thus turns out to be
identifiable not with a nonphysical soul, but rather with a set of representational capacities of the physical brain.
What Is “the Self ”?
Descartes proposed that the self is not identical with one’s body, or indeed, with any
physical thing. Instead, he famously concluded that the essential self—the self one means
when one thinks, “I exist”—is a nonphysical,
conscious thing. At this stage of scientific development, the Cartesian approach is unsatisfactory for three reasons: (i) psychological
Philosophy Department 0119, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email
functions generally, including conscious
thoughts such as “I exist,” are activities of the
physical brain (1, 2); (ii) aspects of self-regulation (e.g., inhibiting sexual inclinations), and
self-cognition (e.g., knowing where I stand in
my clan’s dominance hierarchy), may be nonconscious (3); and (iii) as the Scottish philosopher David Hume (1711–1776) realized, there
is in any case no introspective experience of the
“self ” as a distinct thing apart from the body
(4). Introspection, Hume concluded, reveals
only a continuously changing flux of visual
perceptions, sounds, smells, emotions, memories, thoughts, feelings of fatigue, and so forth.
To identify the phenomenon that we want
explained, it is useful to start with the idea that
one’s self-concept is a set of organizational tools
for “coherencing” the brain’s plans, decisions,
and perceptions. Thus, if a brick falls on my
foot, I know the pain is mine. I know without
pausing to figure it out that “this body is my
own,” and that a decision to fight rather than flee
is a decision affecting my body’s painful encounter with the body of another. If I scold
myself about jaywalking, I know that it is me
talking to myself. We know that if we fail to
plan for future contingencies, our future selves
may suffer, and we care now about that future
self. Sometimes we use “myself ” to mean “my
body,” as when we say “I weighed myself.” By
contrast, when we say “I deceived myself,” we
are not referring to our physical bodies. We talk
of our social and our private selves, of discovering and realizing ourselves, of self-control,
self-improvement, and self-denial (5).
This remarkably diverse range of uses of the
self-concept motivates recasting problems about
“the self ” in terms of self-representational capacities of the brain. Doing so deflates the temp-