ON SOME WEIGHTED MIXED NORM HARDY-TYPE INTEGRAL INEQUALITIES Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. IMORU AND A.G. ADEAGBO-SHEIKH Department of Mathematics Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife, Nigeria EMail: cimoru@oauife.edu.ng C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 adesheikh2000@yahoo.co.uk Title Page Contents Received: 07 May, 2007 Accepted: 24 August, 2007 Communicated by: B. Opić 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: 26D15. Key words: Hardy-type inequality, Weighted norm. Abstract: In this paper, we establish a weighted mixed norm integral inequality of Hardy’s type. This inequality features a free constant term and extends earlier results on weighted norm Hardy-type inequalities. It contains, as special cases, some earlier inequalities established by the authors and also provides an improvement over them. JJ II J I Page 1 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Main Result 5 Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 2 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction In a recent paper [2], the authors proved the following result. Theorem 1.1. Let g be continuous and non-decreasing on [a, b], 0 ≤ a ≤ b ≤ ∞ with g(x) > 0, x > 0, r 6= 1 and let f (x) be non-negative Rand Lebesgue-Stieltjes x integrable with respect to g(x) on [a, b]. Suppose Fa (x) = a f (t)dg(t), Fb (x) = Rb , r 6= 1. Then f (t)dg(t) and δ = 1−r p x Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh Z b (1.1) a Z 1−p g(x)δ−1 g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (x)p dg(x) + K1 (p, δ, a, b) p Z b p ≤ g(x)δp−1 [g(x)f (x)]p dg(x), r−1 a b δ−1 g(x) (1.2) a 1−p g(x)−δ − g(b)−δ Fb (x)p dg(x) + K2 (p, δ, a, b) p Z b p ≤ g(x)δp−1 [g(x)f (x)]p dg(x), 1−r a vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 r > 1, Contents r < 1, where JJ II J I Page 3 of 12 Go Back Full Screen 1−p p K1 (p, δ, a, b) = g(b)δ g(b)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (b)p , r−1 δ < 0, i.e. r > 1 and K2 (p, δ, a, b) = Title Page 1−p p g(a)δ g(a)−δ − g(b)−δ Fb (a)p , 1−r δ > 0, i.e. r < 1. Close The above result generalizes Imoru [1] and therefore Shum [3]. The purpose of the present work is to obtain a weighted norm Hardy-type inequality involving mixed norms which contains the above result as a special case and also provides an improvement over it. Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close 2. Main Result The main result of this paper is the following theorem: Theorem 2.1. Let g be a continuous function which is non-decreasing on [a, b], 0 ≤ a ≤ b < ∞, with g(x) > 0 for x > 0. Suppose that q ≥ p ≥ 1 and f (x) is non-negative and Lebesgue-Stieltjes integrable with respect to g(x) on [a, b]. Let Z x Z x (2.1) Fa (x) = f (t)dg(t), θa (x) = g(t)(p−1)(1+δ) f (t)p dg(t), a Z Fb (x) = (2.2) a b and δ = 1−r ,r p Z b (2.3) C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 b Z g(t)(p−1)(1+δ) f (t)p dg(t) f (t)dg(t), θb (x) = x Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities Title Page x Contents 6= 1. Then if r > 1, i.e. δ < 0, 1q q δq (p−1) g(x) p −1 g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ p Faq (x)dg(x) + A1 (p, q, a, b, δ) a Z b ≤ C1 (p, q, δ) p1 p δp−1 g(x) [g(x)f (x)] dg(x) , JJ II J I Page 5 of 12 Go Back a Full Screen and for r < 1, i.e. δ > 0, Z (2.4) b δq g(x) p −1 g(x)−δ − g(b)−δ q (p−1) p 1q Fbq (x)dg(x) + A2 (p, q, a, b, δ) a Z ≤ C2 (p, q, δ) b δp−1 g(x) a p1 [g(x)f (x)] dg(x) , p Close where q δq q p (−δ) p (1−p)−1 g(b) p θa (b) p , q 1q q p (1−p)−1 C1 (p, q, δ) = (−δ) p , q δq q p q A2 (p, q, a, b, δ) = (δ) p (1−p)−1 g(a) p θb (a) p , q 1 p pq (1−p)−1 q . C2 (p, q, δ) = δ q A1 (p, q, a, b, δ) = δ < 0, δ>0 Proof. For the proof of Theorem 2.1 we will use the following adaptations of Jensen’s inequality for convex functions, Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents x Z 1 x Z h(x, t) pq dλ(t) ≤ (2.5) 1− p1 Z dλ(t) a a x p1 1 h(x, t) q dλ(t) a and II J I Page 6 of 12 Z b 1 Z h(x, t) pq dλ(t) ≤ (2.6) x b 1− p1 Z b p1 1 dλ(t) h(x, t) q dλ(t) , x x where h(x, t) ≥ 0 for x ≥ 0, t ≥ 0, λ is non-decreasing and q ≥ p ≥ 1. Let (2.7) JJ h(x, t) = g(x)δq g(t)pq(1+δ) f (t)pq , q q dλ(t) = g(t)−(1+δ) dg(t), ∆q1 = (−δ) p (1−p) , if δ < 0 and ∆q2 = (δ) p (1−p) , if δ > 0. Go Back Full Screen Close Using (2.7) in (2.5), we get Z x δ p g(x) f (t)dg(t) a ≤ (−δ) 1 (1−p) p 1 (p−1) δ g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ p g(x) p x Z (p−1)(1+δ) g(t) p1 f (t) dg(t) . p a Raising both sides of the above inequalities to power q and using (2.1), we obtain δq p q (p−1) p δq p q p g(x) Fa (x)q ≤ ∆q1 ga (x) g(x) θa (x) , where ga (x) = g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ . Integrating over (a, b) with respect to g(x)−1 dg(x) gives Z b Z b q δq q δq q −1 (1−p) q p p (2.8) g(x) ga (x) Fa (x) dg(x) ≤ ∆1 g(x) p −1 θa (x) p dg(x) = J. a a Now integrate the right side of (2.8) by parts to obtain Z b δq q q J = ∆1 g(x) p −1 θa (x) p dg(x) = a ∆q1 δq q g(x) p θa (x) p |ba + (−δ −1 )∆q1 (δq/p) Z b δq q × g(x) p g(x)(p−1)(1+δ) f (x)p θa (x) p −1 dg(x). a Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 7 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close However, Z b q δq −1 I= g(x) p g(x)(p−1)(1+δ) f (x)p θap (x)dg(x) a b Z = δq p (p−1)(1+δ) g(x) g(x) g(t) pq −1 f (t) dg(t) dg(x) p a b = δp+p−1−δ f (x) a Z x Z p x Z δp+p−1 p δ g(x) f (x) g(x) a pq −1 δp+p−1−δ p dg(x). g(t) f (t) dg(t) a Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Since δ < 0, we have g(x)−δ ≥ g(t)−δ ∀t ∈ [a, x]. Consequently Z x pq −1 Z b δp+p−1 p δp+p−1 p I≤ g(x) f (t) g(t) f (t) dg(t) dg(x) a a Z b Z x δp+p−1 = g(t) a p = q pq −1 g(x)δp+p−1 f (t)p dg(x) f (t) dg(t) p a b Z δp−1 g(x) pq [f (x)g(x)] dg(x) . p a Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 8 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Thus (2.8) becomes Close Z b g(x) (2.9) a δq −1 p q (1−p) g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ p Fa (x)q dg(x) δq q p + ∆q1 (−δ −1 )g(b) p θa (b) p q p ≤ (−δ −1 )∆q1 q Z b δp−1 g(x) pq [f (x)g(x)] dg(x) . p a Taking the q th root of both sides yields assertion (2.3) of the theorem. To prove (2.4), we start with inequality (2.6) and use (2.7) with (2.2) to obtain δ 1 1 δ 1 g(x) p Fb (x) ≤ (−δ) p (1−p) gb (x) p (p−1) g(x) p θb (x) p −1 1 (p−1) p 1 (p−1) p δ p 1 p = (δ ) (−gb (x)) g(x) θb (x) , where gb (x) = g(b)−δ − g(x)−δ . On rearranging and raising to power q and then integrating both sides over [a, b] with respect to g(x)−1 dg(x), we obtain Z b q (1−p) δq (2.10) g(x) p −1 g(x)−δ − g(b)−δ p Fb (x)q dg(x) a Z b δq q ≤ ∆2 g(x) p −1 θb (x)dg(x). a We denote the right side of (2.10) by H, integrate it by parts and use the fact that for δ > 0, g(x)δ ≤ g(t)δ ∀t ∈ [x, b] to obtain Z b δp q p q q b −1 H ≤ ∆2 g(x) q θb (x) p |a + (δq/p) ∆2 g(x)δp−1 [f (x)g(x)]p dg(x). δq a Using this in (2.10) we obtain Z b q (1−p) q q δq p Fb (x)q dg(x) + δ −1 ∆q2 g(a) p θb (a) p (2.11) g(x) p −1 g(x)−δ − g(b)−δ p q a Z b pq p −1 q p δp−1 ≤ δ ∆2 g(x) [f (x)g(x)] dg(x) . q a Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 9 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close We take the q th root of both sides to obtain assertion (2.4) of the theorem. Remark 1. Let p = q, and δ = Z (2.12) a b 1−r p < 0, i.e., r > 1, then (2.3) reduces to p−1 g(x)δ−1 g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (x)p dg(x) + A1 (p, p, a, b, δ) Z b p δp−1 ≤ C1 (p, p, δ) g(x) [f (x)g(x)] dg(x) , a C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh where (2.13) vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 A1 (p, p, a, b, δ) = (−δ)−p g(b)δ θa (b), δ<0 Title Page and (2.14) −p C1 (p, p, δ) = (−δ) p = r−1 p Contents . Now from (2.18) in [2] we have that, for δ < 0 1−p (2.15) g(b)δ θa (b) ≥ (−δ −1 )1−p g(b)δ g(b)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (b)p . Thus, from (2.13) and (2.15), using notations in (1.1), we have (2.16) Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities A1 (p, p, a, b, δ) = (−δ)−p g(b)δ θa (b) 1−p ≥ (−δ)−p (−δ −1 )1−p g(b)δ g(b)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (b)p 1−p = (−δ)−1 g(b)δ g(b)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (b)p 1−p p g(b)δ g(b)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (b)p = r−1 = K1 (p, δ, a, b), JJ II J I Page 10 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close i.e., A1 (p, p, a, b, δ) = K1 (p, δ, a, b) + B1 for some B1 ≥ 0. Thus we can write (2.12), using (2.14), as Z (2.17) a b p−1 g(x)δ−1 g(x)−δ − g(a)−δ Fa (x)p dg(x) + K1 (p, δ, a, b) + B1 p Z b p p δp−1 g(x) [f (x)g(x)] dg(x) . ≤ r−1 a So, when B1 = 0, (2.17) reduces to (1.1). When B1 6= 0, i.e., B1 > 0, (2.17) is an improvement of (1.1). Similarly with notations in (1.2) and (2.4) in this paper we use (2.19) in [2] to prove that A2 (p, p, a, b, δ) = K2 (p, δ, a, b) + B2 for some B2 ≥ 0. Thus, when p = q, (2.4) reduces to (1.2) if B2 = 0 and is an improvement of (1.2) when B2 6= 0, i. e., when B2 > 0. Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 11 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close References [1] C.O. IMORU, On some integral inequalities related to Hardy’s, Canadian Math. Bull., 20(3) (1977), 307–312. [2] C.O. IMORU AND A.G. ADEAGBO-SHEIKH, On an integral inequality of the Hardy-type, (accepted) Austral. J. Math. Anal. and Applics. [3] D.T. SHUM, On integral inequalities related to Hardy’s, Canadian Math. Bull., 14(2) (1971), 225–230. Weighted Mixed Norm Hardy-Type Integral Inequalities C.O. Imoru and A.G. Adeagbo-Sheikh vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 101, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 12 of 12 Go Back Full Screen Close