SHARP GRÜSS-TYPE INEQUALITIES FOR FUNCTIONS WHOSE DERIVATIVES ARE OF BOUNDED VARIATION Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 SEVER S. DRAGOMIR School of Computer Science and Mathematics Victoria University PO Box 14428, Melbourne City VIC 8001, Australia. EMail: Received: 05 June, 2007 Accepted: 31 October, 2007 Communicated by: G. Milovanović 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: 26D15, 26D10, 41A55. Key words: Riemann-Stieltjes integral, Functions of bounded variation, Lipschitzian functions, Integral inequalities, Čebyšev, Grüss, Ostrowski and Lupaş type inequalities. Abstract: Sharp Grüss-type inequalities for functions whose derivatives are of bounded variation (Lipschitzian or monotonic) are given. Applications in relation with the well-known Čebyšev, Grüss, Ostrowski and Lupaş inequalities are provided as well. Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 1 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Preliminary Results 7 3 Bounds in the Case when u0 is of Bounded Variation 13 Grüss-type Inequalities 4 0 Bounds in the Case when u is Lipschitzian 17 Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 5 Applications for the Čebyšev Functional 21 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 2 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction In 1998, S.S. Dragomir and I. Fedotov [10] introduced the following Grüss type error functional Z b Z b 1 D (f ; u) := f (t) du (t) − [u (a) − u (b)] · f (t) dt b−a a a Rb in order to approximate the Riemann-Stieltjes integral a f (t) du (t) by the simpler quantity Z b 1 [u (a) − u (b)] · f (t) dt. b−a a In the same paper the authors have shown that 1 · L (M − m) (b − a) , 2 provided that u is L−Lipschitzian, i.e., |u (t) − u (s)| ≤ L |t − x| for any t, s ∈ [a, b] and f is Riemann integrable and satisfies the condition (1.1) |D (f ; u)| ≤ −∞ < m ≤ f (t) ≤ M < ∞ The constant 21 is best possible in (1.1) in the sense that it cannot be replaced by a smaller quantity. In [11], the same authors established another result for D (f ; u) , namely (1.2) 1 |D (f ; u)| ≤ K (b − a) 2 (u) , a provided that u is of bounded variation on [a, b] with the total variation f is K−Lipschitzian. Here 21 is also best possible. Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 3 of 28 for any t ∈ [a, b] . b _ Grüss-type Inequalities Wb a (u) and Go Back Full Screen Close In [8], by introducing the kernel Φu : [a, b] → R given by 1 [(t − a) u (b) + (b − t) u (a)] − u (t) , (1.3) Φu (t) := b−a the author has obtained the following integral representation Z b (1.4) D (f ; u) = Φu (t) df (t) , t ∈ [a, b] , a where u, f : [a, b] → R are bounded functions such that the Riemann-Stieltjes inRb Rb tegral a f (t) du (t) and the Riemann integral a f (t) dt exist. By the use of this representation he also obtained the following bounds for D (f ; u) , (1.5) |D (f ; u)| W sup |Φu (t)| · ba (f ) if u is continuous and f is of bounded variation; t∈[a,b] Rb ≤ L a |Φu (t)| dt if u is Riemann integrable and f is L-Lipschitzian; Rb |Φu (t)| dt if u is continuous and f is monotonic nondecreasing. a If u is monotonic nondecreasing and K (u) is defined by Z b 4 a+b K (u) := t− u (t) dt (≥ 0) , 2 (b − a)2 a then (1.6) 1 |D (f ; u)| ≤ L (b − a) [u (b) − u (a) − K (u)] 2 1 ≤ L (b − a) [u (b) − u (a)] , 2 Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close provided that f is L−Lipschitzian on [a, b] . Here 21 is best possible in both inequalities. Also, for u monotonic nondecreasing on [a, b] and by defining Q (u) as Z b 1 a+b Q (u) := u (t) sgn t − dt (≥ 0) , b−a a 2 we have b b _ _ (1.7) |D (f ; u)| ≤ [u (b) − u (a) − Q (u)] · (f ) ≤ [u (b) − u (a)] · (f ) , a a with 41 the best constant (when u0− (b) and u0+ (a) are finite) and if f is monotonic nondecreasing and u is convex on [a, b] , then 0 ≤ D (f ; u) u0− Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 provided that f is of bounded variation on [a, b] . The first inequality in (1.7) is sharp. Finally, the case when u is convex and f is of bounded variation produces the bound b _ 1 0 0 (1.8) |D (f ; u)| ≤ u (b) − u+ (a) (b − a) (f ) , 4 − a (1.9) Grüss-type Inequalities Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 5 of 28 Go Back u0+ Z b (b) − (a) a+b ≤2· · t− f (t) dt b−a 2 a 1 0 0 u (b) − u (a) max {|f (a)| , |f (b)|} (b − a) − + 2 0 1/q 1 0 if p > 1, ≤ 1/q u− (b) − u+ (a) kf kp (b − a) (q+1) 0 u− (b) − u0+ (a) kf k1 , Full Screen Close 1 p + 1 q = 1; are sharp constants (when u0− (b) and u0+ (a) are finite) and k·kp are R p1 b p the usual Lebesgue norms, i.e., kf kp := a |f (t)| dt , p ≥ 1. The main aim of the present paper is to provide sharp upper bounds for the absolute value of D (f ; u) under various conditions for u0 , the derivative of an absolutely continuous function u, and f of bounded variation (Lipschitzian or monotonic). Natural applications for the Čebyšev functional that complement the classical results due to Čebyšev, Grüss, Ostrowski and Lupaş are also given. where 2 and 1 2 Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 6 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 2. Preliminary Results We have the following integral representation of Φu . Lemma 2.1. Assume that u : [a, b] → R is absolutely continuous on [a, b] and such that the derivative u0 exists on [a, b] (eventually except at a finite number of points). If u0 is Riemann integrable on [a, b] , then Z b 1 (2.1) Φu (t) := K (t, s) du0 (s) , t ∈ [a, b] , b−a a where the kernel K : [a, b]2 → R is given by ( (b − t) (s − a) if s ∈ [a, t] , (2.2) K (t, s) := (t − a) (b − s) if s ∈ (t, b]. Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents Proof. We give, for simplicity, a proof only in the case when u0 is defined on the entire interval, and for which we have used the usual convention that u0 (a) := u0+ (a) , u0 (b) := u0− (b) and the lateral derivatives are finite. Since u0 is assumed to be Riemann integrable on [a, b] , it follows that the RiemannRt Rb Stieltjes integrals a (s − a) du0 (s) and t (b − s) du0 (s) exist for each t ∈ [a, b] . Now, integrating by parts in the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, we have successively Z b Z t Z b 0 0 K (t, s) du (s) = (b − t) (s − a) du (s) + (t − a) (b − s) du0 (s) a t a t Z t 0 0 = (b − t) (s − a) u (s) − u (s) ds a a b Z b 0 0 + (t − a) (b − s) u (s) − u (s) ds t Grüss-type Inequalities t JJ II J I Page 7 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close = (b − t) [(t − a) u0 (t) − (u (t) − u (a))] + (t − a) [− (b − t) u0 (t) + u (b) − u (t)] = (t − a) [u (b) − u (t)] − (b − t) [u (t) − u (a)] = (b − a) Φu (t) , for any t ∈ [a, b] , and the representation (2.1) is proved. The following result provides a sharp bound for |Φu | in the case when u0 is of bounded variation. Theorem 2.2. Assume that u : [a, b] → R is as in Lemma 2.1. If u0 is of bounded variation on [a, b] , then (t − a) (b − t) b−a |Φu (t)| ≤ (2.3) b _ (u0 ) ≤ a 1 (b − a) 4 b _ Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents (u0 ) , a Wb where a (u0 ) denotes the total variation of u0 on [a, b] . The inequalities are sharp and the constant 14 is best possible. Proof. It is well known that, if p : [α, β] → R is continuous and v : [α, β] → R is of Rβ bounded variation, then the Riemann-Stieltjes integral α p (s) dv (s) exists and JJ II J I Page 8 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Z β α β _ p (s) dv (s) ≤ sup |p (s)| (v) . s∈[α,β] α Close Now, utilising the representation (2.1) we have successively: (2.4) |Φu (t)| Z t Z b 1 0 0 ≤ (b − t) (s − a) du (s) + (t − a) (b − s) du (s) b−a a t " # t b _ _ 1 ≤ (b − t) sup (s − a) · (u0 ) + (t − a) sup (b − s) · (u0 ) b−a s∈[a,t] s∈[t,b] a t " t # b b _ (t − a) (b − t) _ 0 (t − a) (b − t) _ 0 (u ) + (u0 ) = (u ) . = b−a b − a a t a The second inequality is obvious by the fact that (t − a) (b − t) ≤ 41 (b − a)2 , t ∈ [a, b] . For the sharpness of the inequalities, assume that there exist A, B > 0 so that (2.5) |Φu (t)| ≤ A · b (t − a) (b − t) _ b−a a (u0 ) ≤ B (b − a) b _ (u0 ) , a with u as in the assumption of the theorem. Then, for t = a+b , we get from (2.5) 2 that b b _ _ u (a) + u (b) a + b 1 0 0 (2.6) −u ≤ 4 A (b − a) (u ) ≤ B (b − a) (u ) . 2 2 a a a+b Consider the function u : [a, b] → R, u (t) = t − 2 . This function is absolutely a+b W continuous, u0 (t) = sgn t − a+b , t ∈ [a, b] \ and ba (u0 ) = 2. Then (2.6) 2 2 becomes b−a ≤ 12 A (b − a) ≤ 2B (b − a) , which implies that A ≥ 1 and B ≥ 2 1 . 4 Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 9 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close Corollary 2.3. With the assumptions of Theorem 2.2, we have b _ 1 u (a) + u (b) a + b ≤ (b − a) (u0 ) . (2.7) − u 4 2 2 a The constant 1 4 is best possible. The Lipschitzian case is incorporated in the following result. Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir Theorem 2.4. Assume that u : [a, b] → R is absolutely continuous on [a, b] with the property that u0 is K−Lipschitzian on (a, b) . Then |Φu (t)| ≤ (2.8) The constants 1 2 and 1 8 1 1 (t − a) (b − t) K ≤ (b − a)2 K. 2 8 Title Page Contents are best possible. Proof. We utilise the fact that, for an L−Lipschitzian function p : [α, β] → R and a Riemann integrable function v : [α, β] → R, the Riemann-Stieltjes integral Rβ p (s) dv (s) exists and α Z β Z β p (s) dv (s) ≤ L |p (s)| ds. α α Then, by (2.1), we have that (2.9) vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 |Φu (t)| Z t Z b 1 0 0 ≤ (b − t) (s − a) du (s) + (t − a) (b − s) du (s) b−a a t JJ II J I Page 10 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 1 1 1 2 2 ≤ K (b − t) (t − a) + K (t − a) (b − t) b−a 2 2 1 = (t − a) (b − t) K, 2 which proves the first part of (2.8). The second part is obvious. Now, for the sharpness of the constants, assume that there exist the constants C, D > 0 such that Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir |Φu (t)| ≤ C (b − t) (t − a) K ≤ D (b − a)2 K, (2.10) provided that u is as in the hypothesis of the theorem. For t = a+b , we get from 2 (2.10) that u (a) + u (b) a + b 1 (2.11) −u ≤ CK (b − a)2 ≤ D (b − a)2 K. 2 2 4 2 . Then u0 (t) = t − a+b is Lipschitzian Consider u : [a, b] → R, u (t) = 12 t − a+b 2 2 with the constant K = 1 and (2.11) becomes 1 1 (b − a)2 ≤ C (b − a)2 ≤ D (b − a)2 , 8 4 which implies that C ≥ 1 2 and D ≥ 18 . Corollary 2.5. With the assumptions of Theorem 2.4, we have u (a) + u (b) 1 a + b ≤ (b − a)2 K. −u (2.12) 8 2 2 The constant 1 8 is best possible. vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 11 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close Remark 1. If u0 is absolutely continuous and ku00 k∞ := ess supt∈[a,b] |u00 (t)| < ∞, then we can take K = ku00 k∞ , and we have from (2.8) that |Φu (t)| ≤ (2.13) 1 1 (t − a) (b − t) ku00 k∞ ≤ (b − a)2 ku00 k∞ . 2 8 The constants 12 and 18 are best possible in (2.13). From (2.12) we also get u (a) + u (b) a + b 1 2 00 (2.14) −u ≤ 8 (b − a) ku k∞ , 2 2 in which 1 8 is the best possible constant. Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 12 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 3. Bounds in the Case when u0 is of Bounded Variation We can start with the following result: Theorem 3.1. Assume that u : [a, b] → R is as in Lemma 2.1. If u0 and f are of bounded variation on [a, b] , then b b _ _ 1 |D (f ; u)| ≤ (b − a) (u0 ) · (f ) , 4 a a (3.1) and the constant 1 4 Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 is best possible in (3.1). Proof. We use the following representation of the functional D (f ; u) obtained in [8] (see also [9] or [6]): Z b (3.2) D (f ; u) = Φu (t) df (t) . a Then we have the bound Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 13 of 28 Z b b _ |D (f ; u)| = Φu (t) df (t) ≤ sup |Φu (t)| (f ) t∈[a,b] a 1 ≤ b−a b _ 0 a (u ) sup [(t − a) (b − t)] · t∈[a,b] a b b _ a b _ _ 1 = (b − a) (u0 ) · (f ) , 4 a a where, for the last inequality we have used (2.3). Go Back Full Screen (f ) Close To prove the sharpness of the constant 14 , assume that there is a constant E > 0 such that b b _ _ (3.3) |D (f ; u)| ≤ E (b − a) (u0 ) · (f ) . a a t − a+b . Then u0 (t) = sgn t − a+b , t ∈ Consider u : [a, b] → R, u (t) = 2 2 [a, b] \ a+b . The total variation on [a, b] is 2 and 2 Z a+b Z b Z b 2 a+b D (f ; u) = − f (t) dt + f (t) dt = sgn t − f (t) dt. a+b 2 a a 2 Now, if we choose f (t) = sgn t − a+b , then we obtain from (3.1) b − a ≤ 2 1 4E (b − a) , which implies that E ≥ 4 . The following result can be stated as well: Theorem 3.2. Assume that u : [a, b] → R is as in Lemma 2.1. If the derivative u0 is of bounded variation on [a, b] while f is L−Lipschitzian on [a, b] , then b _ 1 |D (f ; u)| ≤ L (b − a)2 (u0 ) . 6 a (3.4) Proof. We have Z b Z b |D (f ; u)| = Φu (t) df (t) ≤ L |Φu (t)| dt a a Z b b b _ L _ 0 1 2 ≤ (u ) (t − a) (b − t) dt = L (b − a) (u0 ) , b−a a 6 a a where for the second inequality we have used the inequality (2.3). Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 14 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close Remark 2. It is an open problem whether or not the constant 16 is the best possible constant in (3.4). When the integrand f is monotonic, we can state the following result as well: Theorem 3.3. Assume that u is as in Theorem 3.1. If f is monotonic nondecreasing on [a, b] , then Wb 0 Z b a + b a (u ) t − f (t) dt (3.5) |D (f ; u)| ≤ 2 · · b−a 2 a Wb 1 0 a (u ) max {|f (a)| , |f (b)|} (b − a) ; 2 Wb 0 1/q 1 if p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1; ≤ 1/q a (u ) kf kp (b − a) (q+1) Wb 0 a (u ) kf k1 , R p1 b where kf kp := a |f (t)|p dt , p ≥ 1 are the Lebesgue norms. The constants 2 and 1 2 are best possible in (3.5). Proof. It is well known that, if p : [α, β] → R is continuous and v : [α, β] → Rβ R is monotonic nondecreasing, then the Riemann-Stieltjes integral p (t) dv (t) α R Rβ β exists and α p (t) dv (t) ≤ α |p (t)| dv (t) . Then, on applying this property for Rb the integral a Φu (t) df (t) , we have Z b Z b (3.6) |D (f ; u)| = Φu (t) df (t) ≤ |Φu (t)| df (t) a a Wb 0 Z b (u ) ≤ a · (t − a) (b − t) df (t) , b−a a Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 15 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close where for the last inequality we used (2.3). Integrating by parts in the Riemann-Stieltjes integral, we have Z b b Z b (t − a) (b − t) df (t) = f (t) (b − t) (t − a) − [−2t + (a + b)] f (t) dt a a a Z b a+b f (t) dt, =2 t− 2 a which together with (3.6) produces the first part of (3.5). part is obvious by the Hölder inequality applied for the integral R b The second a+b t − 2 f (t) dt and the details are omitted. a and For the sharpness of the constants we use as examples u (t) = t − a+b 2 a+b f (t) = sgn t − 2 , t ∈ [a, b] . The details are omitted. Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 16 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 4. Bounds in the Case when u0 is Lipschitzian The following result can be stated as well: Theorem 4.1. Let u : [a, b] → R be absolutely continuous on [a, b] with the property that u0 is K−Lipschitzian on (a, b) . If f is of bounded variation, then b |D (f ; u)| ≤ (4.1) The constant 1 8 _ 1 (b − a)2 K (f ) . 8 a Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 is best possible in (4.1). Proof. Utilising (2.8), we have successively: Z b b _ |D (f ; u)| = Φu (t) df (t) ≤ sup |Φu (t)| (f ) t∈[a,b] a a b _ 1 ≤ K sup [(b − t) (t − a)] (f ) 2 t∈[a,b] a b _ 1 = (b − a)2 K (f ) , 8 a (4.2) |D (f ; u)| ≤ G (b − a) K Contents JJ II J I Page 17 of 28 Go Back Full Screen and the inequality (4.1) is proved. Now, for the sharpness of the constant, assume that the inequality holds with a constant G > 0, i.e., 2 Title Page b _ a (f ) . Close for u and f as in the statement of the theorem. 2 a+b Consider u (t) := 12 t − a+b and f (t) = sgn t − , t ∈ [a, b] . Then 2 2 u0 (t) = t − a+b is K−Lipschitzian with the constant K = 1 and 2 Z b a+b (b − a)2 a+b · t− dt = . D (f ; u) = sgn t − 2 2 4 a 2 W Since ba (f ) = 2, hence from (4.2) we get (b−a) ≤ 2G (b − a)2 , which implies that 4 G ≥ 81 . Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 The following result may be stated as well: Theorem 4.2. Let v : [a, b] → R be as in Theorem 4.1. If f is L−Lipschitzian on [a, b] , then |D (f ; u)| ≤ (4.3) The constant 1 12 1 (b − a)3 KL. 12 is best possible in (4.3). Proof. We have by (2.8), that: Z b |D (f ; u)| = Φu (t) df (t) a Z b ≤L |Φu (t)| dt a Z b 1 1 ≤ LK (b − t) (t − a) dt = KL (b − a)3 , 2 12 a and the inequality is proved. Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 18 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close For the sharpness, assume that (4.3) holds with a constant F > 0. Then |D (f ; u)| ≤ F (b − a)3 KL, (4.4) provided f and u are as in the hypothesis of the theorem. 1 a+b 2 Consider f (t) = t − a+b and u (t) = t − . Then u0 is Lipschitzian with 2 2 2 the constant K = 1 and f is Lipschitzian with the constant L = 1. Also, 2 Z b a+b (b − a)3 D (f ; u) = t− dt = , 2 12 a and by (4.4) we get (b−a)3 12 ≤ F (b − a)3 which implies that F ≥ 12 . Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Finally, the case of monotonic integrands is enclosed in the following result. Theorem 4.3. Let u : [a, b] → R be as in Theorem 4.1. If f is monotonic nondecreasing, then Z b a+b (4.5) f (t) dt |D (f ; u)| ≤ K t− 2 a 1 2 4 K max {|f (a)| , |f (b)|} (b − a) ; 1+1/q 1 if p > 1, p1 + 1q = 1; ≤ 1/q K kf kp (b − a) 2(q+1) 1 (b − a) K kf k1 . 2 The first inequality is sharp. The constant 1 4 is best possible. Contents JJ II J I Page 19 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close Proof. We have Z b |D (f ; u)| ≤ |Φu (t)| df (t) Z b 1 ≤ K (b − t) (t − a) df (t) 2 a Z b a+b =K t− f (t) dt 2 a a Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 and the first inequality is proved. The second part follows by the Hölder inequality. The sharpness of the first inequality and of the constant 14 follows by choosing and f (t) = sgn t − a+b . The details are omitted. u (t) = t − a+b 2 2 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 20 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close 5. Applications for the Čebyšev Functional The above result can naturally be applied in obtaining various sharp upper bounds for the absolute value of the Čebyšev functional C (f, g) defined by Z b Z b Z b 1 1 1 (5.1) C (f, g) := f (t) g (t) dt − f (t) dt · g (t) dt, b−a a b−a a b−a a where f, g : [a, b] → R are Lebesgue integrable functions such that f g is also Lebesgue integrable. There are various sharp upper bounds for |C (f, g)| and in the following we will recall just a few of them. In 1934, Grüss [13] showed that (5.2) |C (f, g)| ≤ 1 (M − m) (N − n) 4 under the assumptions that f and g satisfy the bounds (5.3) −∞ < m ≤ f (t) ≤ M < ∞ and − ∞ < n ≤ g (t) ≤ N < ∞ for almost every t ∈ [a, b] , where m, M, n, N are real numbers. The constant 14 is best possible in the sense that it cannot be replaced by a smaller quantity. Another less known result, even though it was established by Čebyšev in 1882 [1], states that (5.4) |C (f, g)| ≤ 1 kf 0 k∞ kg 0 k∞ (b − a)2 , 12 provided that f 0 , g 0 exist and are continuous in [a, b] and kf 0 k∞ = supt∈[a,b] |f 0 (t)| . 1 The constant 12 cannot be replaced by a smaller quantity. The Čebyšev inequality Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 21 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close also holds if f, g are absolutely continuous on [a, b] , f 0 , g 0 ∈ L∞ [a, b] and k·k∞ is replaced by the ess sup norm kf 0 k∞ = ess supt∈[a,b] |f 0 (t)| . In 1970, A. Ostrowski [16] considered a mixture between Grüss and Čebyšev inequalities by proving that (5.5) |C (f, g)| ≤ 1 (b − a) (M − m) kg 0 k∞ , 8 provided that f satisfies (5.3) and g is absolutely continuous and g 0 ∈ L∞ [a, b] . Three years after Ostrowski, A. Lupaş [14] obtained another bound for C (f, g) in terms of the Euclidean norms of the derivatives. Namely, he proved that (5.6) |C (f, g)| ≤ 1 (b − a) kf 0 k2 kg 0 k2 , π2 provided that f and g are absolutely continuous and f 0 , g 0 ∈ L2 [a, b] . Here π12 is also best possible. Recently, Cerone and Dragomir [2], proved the following result: Z b Z b 1 1 f (t) − f (s) ds dt, (5.7) |C (f, g)| ≤ inf kg − γk∞ · γ∈R b−a a b−a a provided f ∈ L [a, b] and g ∈ C [a, b] . As particular cases of (5.7), we can state the results: Z b Z b 1 1 f (t) − dt (5.8) |C (f, g)| ≤ kgk∞ f (s) ds b−a a b−a a if g ∈ C [a, b] and f ∈ L [a, b] and (5.9) 1 1 |C (f, g)| ≤ (M − m) 2 b−a Z b Z b 1 f (t) − dt, f (s) ds b−a a a Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 22 of 28 Go Back Full Screen Close where m ≤ g (x) ≤ M for x ∈ [a, b] . The constants 1 in (5.8) and 12 in (5.9) are best possible. The inequality (5.9) has been obtained before in a different way in [5]. For generalisations in abstract Lebesgue spaces, best constants and discrete versions, see [3]. For other results on the Čebyšev functional, see [6], [7] and [12]. Now, assume that R t g : [a, b] → R is Lebesgue integrable on [a, b] . Then the function u (t) := a g (s) ds is absolutely continuous on [a, b] and we can consider the function Z Z t t−a b g (s) ds, t ∈ [a, b] . (5.10) Φ̃g (t) := Φu (t) = g (s) ds − b−a a a Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Utilising Lemma 2.1, we can state the following representation result. Title Page Lemma 5.1. If g is absolutely continuous, then Z b 1 (5.11) Φ̃g (t) = K (t, s) dg (s) , b−a a Contents t ∈ [a, b] , where K is given by (2.2). As a consequence of Theorems 2.2 and 2.4, we also have the inequalities: Proposition 5.2. Assume that g is Lebesgue integrable on [a, b] . JJ II J I Page 23 of 28 Go Back Full Screen (i) If g is of bounded variation on [a, b] , then Close (5.12) b b (t − a) (b − t) _ _ 1 (g) ≤ (b − a) (g) . Φ̃g (t) ≤ b−a 4 a a The inequalities are sharp and 1 4 is best possible. (ii) If g is K−Lipschitzian on [a, b] , then 1 1 2 (5.13) Φ̃g (t) ≤ (b − t) (t − a) K ≤ (b − a) K. 2 8 The constants 1 2 and 1 8 are best possible. a+b We notice that the functions g : [a, b] → R, g (t) = sgn t − and g2 : 1 1 2 a+b [a, b] → R, g (t) = t − 2 realise equality in (5.12) and (5.13), respectively. Rt Now, we observe that for u (t) = a g (s) ds, s ∈ [a, b] , we have the identity: Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 D (f, u) = (b − a) C (f, g) . (5.14) Utilising this identity and Theorems 3.1 and 3.3, we can state the following result. Title Page Contents Proposition 5.3. Assume that g is of bounded variation on [a, b] . (i) If f is of bounded variation on [a, b] , then |C (f, g)| ≤ (5.15) The constant 1 4 1 4 b _ a (g) · b _ (f ) . a is best possible in (5.15). ≤2 a 1 (g) · (b − a)2 Z b a J I Page 24 of 28 Full Screen Close |C (f, g)| b _ II Go Back (ii) If f is monotonic nondecreasing, then (5.16) JJ a+b t− 2 f (t) dt ≤ 1 2 · Wb a (g) max {|f (a)| , |f (b)|} ; 1 (q+1)1/q 1 b−a Wb a Wb a (g) kf kp (b − a)−1/p if p > 1, 1 p + 1 q = 1; (g) kf k1 . The multiplicative constants 2 and 1 2 are best possible in (5.16). Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir Finally, by Theorems 4.1 – 4.3 we also have the following sharp bounds for the Čebyšev functional C (f, g) . Proposition 5.4. Assume that g is K−Lipschitzian on [a, b] . vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 Title Page (i) If f is of bounded variation, then Contents b _ 1 |C (f, g)| ≤ · (b − a) K (f ) . 8 a (5.17) The constant 1 8 The constant 1 12 J I Go Back (ii) If f is L−Lipschitzian, then |C (f, g)| ≤ II Page 25 of 28 is best possible. (5.18) JJ 1 (b − a)2 KL. 12 is best possible in (5.18). Full Screen Close (iii) If f is monotonic nondecreasing, then Z b 1 a+b (5.19) |C (f, g)| ≤ K · t− f (t) dt b−a a 2 1 K (b − a) max {|f (a)| , |f (b)|} ; 4 1/q 1 kf kp if p > 1, ≤ 1/q K (b − a) 2(q+1) 1 K kf k1 . 2 The first inequality is sharp. The constant 1 4 1 p + 1 q = 1; Grüss-type Inequalities Sever S. Dragomir vol. 8, iss. 4, art. 117, 2007 is best possible. Remark 3. The inequalities (5.15) and (5.17) were obtained by P. Cerone and S.S. Dragomir in [4, Corollary 3.5]. However, the sharpnes of the constants 14 and 18 were not discussed there. Inequality (5.18) is similar to the Čebyšev inequality (5.4). 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