university offices THAT CAN HELP Human Resources 203 Administration Building 715-232-2149 Dean of Students 130 Bowman Hall 715-232-1181 University Police University Services Building, Room 110 715-232-2222 SEXUAL MISCONDUCT Counseling Center 410 Bowman Hall 715-232-2468 Human Resources Dean of Students University of Wisconsin-Stout P.O. Box 790 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790 For more detailed information on any of the information included in this brochure, visit: HUMAN RESOURCES & DEAN OF STUDENTS what is SEXUAL MISCONDUCT? Sexual misconduct is a term used to describe many behaviors including sexual harassment, sexual violence and discrimination or harassment based on sex or gender identity. Examples of actions that constitute sexual misconduct include, but are not limited to: • • • • • • • Unwelcome sexual advances Unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature Coercion of others Sexual exploitation Stalking Sexual assault Rape In addition to being prohibited by University policy and state law, sexual misconduct is also prohibited by a federal law known as Title IX which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. In accordance with these requirements, UW-Stout takes immediate and effective steps to respond to sexual misconduct. HOW TO RESPOND HOW TO REPORT sexual misconduct to complaints UW-Stout provides informal and formal processes for resolving sexual misconduct complaints. Complaints that contain the following information are most helpful: the name of the alleged victim, the name of the alleged offender, a factual description of the incident(s) including dates, times, places and names of any witnesses. INFORMAL MEDIATION AND FORMAL REPORTING: In many instances, informal discussion and mediation may be useful in resolving some types of sexual misconduct complaints. A complainant will not be required to engage in an informal process, and a complainant may end the informal process at any time to begin the formal process. Any process will include appropriate involvement by UW-Stout. Please contact your supervisor or Title IX Coordinator for consultation and advisement on formal or informal resolution. APPLICABILITY TO VISITORS AND OUTSIDE VENDORS: Consistent with the University’s Sexual Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy, complaints against outside contractors, vendors, program participants and other visitors should be reported and will be investigated pursuant to the investigative process, to the extent possible, depending on the particular circumstance. Incidents of sexual misconduct can be reported in a number of ways. The first and most important thing is to make sure that you or the person who has experienced sexual misconduct is safe and not in immediate danger. If you or someone is in danger, call 911 immediately. If you have been informed, witnessed, or suspect a student, faculty or staff member who believes they are the subject of sexual misconduct, please assist them in seeking guidance from the Title IX Coordinator/Deputies. TITLE IX COORDINATOR The Title IX Coordinator has primary responsibility for coordinating University Title IX compliance efforts, including oversight of implementation and monitoring of the Sexual Harassment and the employee and student Non-Discrimination Policies; coordination of training and communications; and administration of grievance procedures. For complaints against students Sandi Scott Duex | Interim Dean of Students and Director of University Housing 130 Bowman Hall 715-232-1181 | DEPUTY TITLE IX COORDINATORS The Title IX Coordinator has appointed the following Deputy Title IX Coordinators to receive complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault, sexual violence or other sexual misconduct, against students and employees. For complaints against employees Kristi Krimpelbein | Special Assistant and Director of Human Resources 203 Administration Building 715-232-2443 | Erin Dunbar | Assistant Director of Recruitment and Selection 203 Administration Building 715-232-2314 |