2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing –... General Information about ACT WorkKeys Website: Contact Information:

2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
Contact Information:
Phone: 800.WORKKEY (800.967.5539)
Email: workkeys-nc@act.org
DPI school contact: Marchelle Horner (Marchelle.Horner@dpi.nc.gov)
General Information about ACT WorkKeys
1. What is ACT WorkKeys?
2. How can test coordinators get more information
about ACT WorkKeys?
ACT WorkKeys is a job skills assessment system measuring “real world” skills that
employers believe are critical to job success. These skills are valuable for any
occupation being considered and at any level of education. For more information, visit:
Test coordinators can visit www.act.org/products/workforce-act-workkeys/ and click on
the “Educators” tab to learn more about ACT WorkKeys.
Note: For specific ACT WorkKeys test administration guidelines for North Carolina,
visit: www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html.
3. Are there resources available for students and
Parents can encourage their students to browse the ACT WorkKeys scores needed for
different careers on ACT’s website at profiles.keytrain.com/profile_search/. This can
help students understand how their ACT WorkKeys scores relate to the skills they'll
need for many jobs.
4. Where do I obtain information about my ACT
WorkKeys scores?
See Using Your WorkKeys Scores at:
5. Will students receive a National Career Readiness
Certificate (NCRC)?
Yes. Students who meet the certificate eligibility requirements will receive a National
Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC), which will be produced and distributed by the
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). For certificate eligibility
requirements, go to: www.act.org/certificate/about.html.
1. How will ACT WorkKeys communicate with schools,
districts, etc.?
ACT WorkKeys will communicate directly with the ACT WorkKeys test coordinator and
will provide the communications to the NCDPI to distribute to district testing
coordinators, regional accountability coordinators (RACS), and Career and Technical
Education (CTE) representatives.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
Student Test Preparation
Review the assessment characteristics and sample questions at:
Purchase an online practice test at: www.act.org/workkeys/practice.
1. How can I help students prepare and improve their
ACT WorkKeys scores?
Use paper test preparation booklets. Information is available at:
Provide KeyTrain curriculum. For more information, visit:
Student Eligibility
Identify all public school students who are projected to graduate in the 2014-15 school
year and are identified as CTE concentrators or are expected to be concentrators.
These students are required to complete the ACT WorkKeys assessments. The
following conditions constitute the only exceptions:
1. Who is required to take ACT WorkKeys
Students with a significant cognitive disability who receive instruction in the
Extended Content Standards.
Students deemed medically fragile because of a significant medical emergency
and/or condition and are unable to participate in testing. All medical exceptions
must be approved by the Division of Accountability Services/North Carolina
Testing Program.
Students who previously took ACT WorkKeys assessments and earned a NCRC
issued at the Silver, Gold, or Platinum level.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
2. Must students who have already taken the same
three ACT WorkKeys assessments take the
assessments again?
If students have previously taken WorkKeys and earned a Silver, Gold, or Platinum
NCRC, they do not have to participate in the WorkKeys administration. However, it is
the students’ responsibility to notify the school that they do not wish to participate in the
test administration. Contact Shannon.jordan@dpi.nc.gov for additional information on
how students may request a testing exception.
Yes. The 95% participation rule for the state accountability program applies. Failure to
obtain 95% participation will result in the following:
Year 1 consequence for not meeting participation rate requirements:
Within 30 days after the accountability results are approved by the State Board of
Education (SBE), the school must send a letter (text provided by the NCDPI) to all
parents informing them of the inadequate participation rate. Each letter must also
provide a plan of action for ensuring full participation for all subgroups, specifically
targeting those that did not have adequate participation.
3. Must a minimum percentage (i.e., 95%) of students
who are projected to graduate as CTE concentrators
be tested?
Year 2 consequence for not meeting participation rate requirements:
The school will be designated as a “consistently low‐participating school” and will be
required to create and implement an intensive intervention plan aligned with ensuring
the participation rate for all sub‐groups reaches 95%. At the state level, these schools
will receive appropriate support with the issue of participation rates.
Year 3 consequence of not meeting participation rate requirements:
The NCDPI will count non‐participating students as not proficient. The number of
additional students who will be counted as not proficient will be equal to the number of
students who are needed to achieve a 95% participation rate in any subgroup. An
additional letter to parents (text provided by the NCDPI) must be sent by the school
indicating a third year of inadequate participation and providing a plan to ensure full
participation for all subgroups.
4. Are students who are enrolled in the Occupational
Course of Study (OCS) required to take ACT
WorkKeys assessments?
Yes. OCS students who meet ACT WorkKeys eligibility criteria are required to
participate in the statewide administration of ACT WorkKeys, per federal requirements
in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
5. Are Limited English Proficient (LEP) students who
are enrolled in their first year in U.S. schools required
to take ACT WorkKeys assessments?
Yes. These LEP students will be counted as part of the 95% participation requirement,
but they will not be included in the state accountability model.
Planning Test Administration
1. Which ACT WorkKeys assessments are required?
2. How long does it take to administer each of the
required ACT WorkKeys assessments?
• Applied Mathematics
• Locating Information
• Reading for Information
• Internet version:
55 minutes (recommend scheduling 75 minutes)
• Paper testing:
45 minutes (75 minutes for the first assessment to allow time to
complete all demographics). After the first administration, the
answer document is reused.
3. Are any breaks allowed between ACT WorkKeys
The amount of time for a break between each of the three ACT WorkKeys assessments
depends on the schedule developed by the ACT WorkKeys test coordinator. Breaks
cannot be given during an assessment but are allowed between assessments. See the
ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet
Version Test Administration and User Guide for more information.
4. Are schools required to administer the Internet
Version of ACT WorkKeys assessments?
The ACT WorkKeys Internet Version (WKIV) testing administration is preferred and
strongly recommended. Paper testing is available for schools that might lack sufficient
bandwidth and/or technical facilities (or for accommodation-eligible students).
Administration Dates and Times
• November 17, 2014– February 20, 2015 for ACT WorkKeys Internet Version
1. What are the administration dates for ACT WorkKeys
• December 1–5, 2014, for early graduates, early colleges, and designated western
high schools. (Only WKIV testing. Paper testing is available for accommodations
testing only.)
• February 9–20, 2015, for paper testing, including accommodations.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
2. Will adjustments be made to the ACT WorkKeys
3. What happens if a student is absent on test day?
No. ACT and the NCDPI have confirmed the timeline for this year.
The ACT WorkKeys test coordinator will schedule makeup dates for students who are
absent on test day. Makeup testing must occur during the testing window as noted
Administrator Training
1. What type of training is required for ACT WorkKeys
test coordinators and proctors?
ACT WorkKeys test coordinators and proctors are required to view a recorded training
session for either ACT WorkKeys Internet Version (WKIV) or ACT WorkKeys paper test
administration, or both, as needed. After viewing a recorded session, test coordinators
and proctors may attend any of the three live question-and-answer sessions and/or the
WKIV batch loading webinar. Recorded training and a schedule of the question-andanswer sessions and the WKIV batch loading webinar will be posted to
www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html by October 3, 2014.
Testing Materials
1. How do I access ACT WorkKeys Internet Version
An email will be sent to ACT WorkKeys test coordinators starting the week of
September 29, 2014 with the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version information.
2. Are districts permitted to order, receive, and manage
ACT WorkKeys testing materials on behalf of their
No. All ACT WorkKeys materials must be shipped directly to each high school’s ACT
WorkKeys test coordinator. Test coordinators have been identified in the Educational
Directory and Demographical Information Exchange (EDDIE).
3. Who should order materials for my school?
The ACT WorkKeys test coordinator that has been identified in EDDIE should order
assessment materials for your school.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
4. How do I order accommodations materials for early
graduates testing December 1-5, 2014?
5. How do I order paper materials for students testing
February 9-20, 2015?
6. How many test booklets should I order?
Use the online order form available at: www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html.
The ordering window for accommodated materials is September 29–October 3, 2014.
Note: Paper testing for the December 1––5, 2014, administration is limited to
accommodation testing materials only.
The school ACT WorkKeys test coordinator should use the online order form available
at: www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html.
The ordering window for paper testing and accommodation testing materials is
November 17–21, 2014.
You should order, as closely as possible, the exact number of test booklets needed.
• Materials for early graduates will be shipped the week of November 3, 2014.
• Materials for the February testing window will be shipped the week of January 19.
7. When should I expect my materials to arrive?
8. I received my initial order of materials, but I did not
order enough. How do I order additional materials?
• Within 24 hours of receipt, the test coordinator MUST check the materials
thoroughly to ensure that all items listed on the packing list have been received.
Once the materials are checked in, they must be kept in a secure, locked location
with limited access following instructions in the ACT WorkKeys Administration
Manual for Paper Testing.
Call 800.WORKKEY (800.967.5539) to place your additional order. Express/overnight
shipping will result in a shipping fee charged to the site placing the order.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
• All answer documents, which must be returned to ACT for scoring, are to be
returned following the instructions in the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for
Paper Testing. Exception: ACT will arrange pickup of answer documents.
• With the return of answer documents, include completed administration forms.
9. How are materials returned to ACT for scoring after
testing is completed?
• All other testing materials are to be returned in cartons by reversing the flaps to
expose a pre-printed address on the flap. Follow the instructions in the ACT
WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper Testing. Exception: ACT will arrange
pickup of testing materials.
Note: Testing materials, including answer documents, must be ready by the arranged
pickup time.
Administration Details
Yes, a proctor may be used to assist a room supervisor or the test coordinator if fewer
than 25 examinees are testing. A proctor is required (in addition to the room
supervisor) for every 25 examinees (or portion thereof) after the first 25 in the room.
1. Are proctors required for ACT WorkKeys
Use the following scale to determine the minimum number of proctors required in each
Number of each additional 25 (or portion thereof):
2. May a proctor be used in a situation where the
number of students in an administration site does
not dictate that one be present?
Students per room:
Proctors per room:
151-200 each additional 25
A school district may elect to assign a proctor to a room in which fewer than
25 students are testing.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
3. Who is eligible to serve as a room supervisor or a
4. Are cell phones allowed in the testing rooms?
Each school’s ACT WorkKeys test coordinator is responsible for choosing personnel for
these roles in accordance with the requirements stated in the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test
Administration and User Guide.
Students are not allowed to have cell phones or any other electronic devices other than
an approved calculator at any time during testing or during breaks. Please refer to the
Prohibited Behavior section in the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper
Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration and User Guide for
more information.
Note: ACT recommends that you warn students prior to testing that they will be
dismissed and their test will not be scored if they bring cell phones, media players, or
any electronic device (other than an approved calculator) into the test room or if they
use one during break.
5. What do we do if we find a student in possession of
a cell phone, if his/her cell phone rings during
testing, or if a student is texting?
This is prohibited behavior and you must dismiss the student from testing and void
his/her answer document (paper testing). Please refer to the Dismissal for Prohibited
Behavior and Voiding Answer Documents sections of the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the Dismissal for Prohibited Behavior
section in the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration and User Guide for
more information. Also, remember to file an Irregularity Report.
6. If a student is dismissed for prohibited behavior,
should they take the makeup test?
Students dismissed for prohibited behavior must not be scheduled for makeup testing.
Please refer to the Dismissal for Prohibited Behavior section of the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test
Administration and User Guide for more information.
7. Will alternate assessments be administered for ACT
WorkKeys assessments?
No, an alternate assessment is not available for ACT WorkKeys.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the procedure for accommodations
ACT WorkKeys accommodations do not require ACT approval. All ACT WorkKeys
accommodations are determined locally, based on needs documented in a student’s
Individualized Education Program (IEP), Section 504 Plan, or based on needs
associated with a student’s LEP documentation. Refer to the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test
Administration and User Guide for further information.
For paper testing: After determining which accommodations to administer, you must
order the appropriate testing materials from ACT.
2. What testing times are used for students with the
extended time accommodation for the ACT
WorkKeys assessments?
Specific timing information for students testing with extended time is included in the
ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper Testing and the ACT WorkKeys
Internet Version Test Administration and User Guide. For paper testing, the appropriate
administration code must be recorded on the student’s answer document to report the
test format and timing used.
See the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper Testing at:
3. How do I determine the appropriate Administration
Code to be used for a student testing with
Things to keep in mind:
• The administration code should be determined prior to testing and followed—it
cannot be adjusted during testing.
• It is a local decision generally made based on the student’s IEP or 504 Plan—no
pre-approval is required.
• In some situations more than one administration code might seem appropriate—
you should record the highest code.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
4. Are accommodations for students with disabilities
and students identified as Limited English Proficient
(LEP) permitted for ACT WorkKeys assessments?
Accommodations for students with disabilities are explained in the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing and the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test
Administration and User Guide. English as a Second Language (ESL) is not considered
a disability by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and does not warrant
accommodations. Examinees for whom English is a second language may use a wordto-word foreign language glossary only (refer to the ACT WorkKeys Administration
Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration
and User Guide).
IEPs: Accommodations for ACT WorkKeys should be added to students’ IEPs as
annual reviews occur. ACT WorkKeys has specific accommodations policies that may
differ from those of the North Carolina state-developed assessments, and IEP teams
must take these policies into consideration when making accommodation decisions.
5. Must students’ IEPs and/or Section 504 Plans
include accommodations for the ACT WorkKeys
6. Does the IEP form address participation and
accommodations for the administration of ACT
Until accommodations are documented for ACT WorkKeys at annual reviews,
accommodation decisions for the assessments should be supported by classroom and
testing accommodations documentation existing in the students’ current IEPs.
Section 504 Plans: Section 504 committees may address ACT WorkKeys
accommodations on students’ Section 504 Plans or may use existing classroom and
testing accommodations documentation to support testing accommodation decisions
for ACT WorkKeys. ACT WorkKeys has specific accommodations policies that may
differ from those of the North Carolina state-developed assessments, and Section 504
committees must take these policies into consideration when making accommodation
Yes, the IEP DEC4 form provides space for IEP Teams to address participation and
accommodations for the ACT WorkKeys assessments. These accommodations may
also be documented in CECAS. ACT WorkKeys has specific accommodations policies
that may differ from those of the North Carolina state-developed assessments, and IEP
teams must take these policies into consideration when making accommodation
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
7. Must test coordinators notify ACT WorkKeys about
approved accommodations?
No, notification to ACT is not required. Accommodations must be coded on the answer
documents as described in the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper
Testing. Records of all accommodations, including the ACT WorkKeys
accommodations forms, should be kept on file with the school for at least one year after
the test date.
8. When students are granted accommodations, to
which assessments do the accommodations apply?
Accommodations granted to a student can be used for any or all ACT WorkKeys
assessments, based on the student’s IEP or 504 Plan.
9. Are accommodations allowed for ACT WorkKeys
Internet Version testing?
The only accommodation allowed for ACT WorkKeys Internet Version testing is
extended time. See the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration and User
Guide at: www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html.
10. May students request that the test coordinator read
aloud the ACT WorkKeys Reading for Information
Students can request that the assessment be read aloud to them as an
accommodation. The ACT WorkKeys Reader’s Script represents the equivalent of
North Carolina’s Test Administrator Reads Test Aloud (in English) accommodation.
Approved use of the ACT WorkKeys Reader Script accommodation will result in
reportable scores.
11. Can schools order an audio DVD for individual
students with the read-aloud accommodation?
12. Must students with the read-aloud accommodation
be tested individually?
Schools can order DVDs with audio tracks for ACT WorkKeys assessments. It is the
responsibility of the test coordinator to verify that the DVD matches the test booklet
before testing.
Examinees using audio DVDs may all test in the same room as long as they wear
earphones and as long as each is in control of his or her materials and machine. As
with all testing materials, DVDs may not be copied.
If an examinee uses a reader, the assessment must be administered one-on-one in a
separate room. Prior to the exam, the reader must sign the ACT WorkKeys Special
Testing Reader’s Agreement in the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper
Testing. Readers must read from the reader script exactly as it is printed, with no
interpretation or additional information provided.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
13. Who can answer our accommodations questions
concerning the ACT WorkKeys assessments?
Prior to calling with questions about accommodations, the test coordinator should view
the recorded training webinar at www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html. If there
are still unanswered questions, please call 800.WORKKEY (800.967.5539) or e-mail
Additional information about accommodations is provided in the ACT WorkKeys
Administration Manual for Paper Testing and the ACT WorkKeys Internet Version Test
Administration and User Guide posted at www.act.org/aap/northcarolina/workkeys.html.
14. Does a student need to submit a medical exception
to NCDPI if they are required to take ACT
Requests for medical exceptions must be submitted to and approved by the Division of
Accountability Services/North Carolina Testing Program.
15. What if a student's medical condition has changed
before testing?
Students who were granted medical exceptions before the test administration should be
given the opportunity to test if their condition changed and they are able to test.
Requests for medical exceptions should be submitted for students who experience
medical emergencies before testing, even if the NCDPI is unlikely to process them
before the test event. If such a request is eventually denied, the student who made the
request will be counted as part of the 5% that is not tested.
16. What if you have a new student that requires
accommodations after the order deadline?
Call 800.WORKKEY (800.967.5539) to determine your options.
17. If accommodated testing materials are ordered for a
student who transfers to another school, should the
testing materials be transported to the other school
or can they be used by another student?
Paper testing materials are not to be transported between schools. Materials shipped to
a school for use by a student who transferred should not be used by another student.
They should be returned to ACT at the end of the testing window. If you have
questions, please call 800.WORKKEY (800.967.5539).
18. What are “locally approved” accommodations?
With a locally-approved accommodation, the student must be able to test in standard
time, with normal breaks, and need no special test format. Examples of locallyapproved accommodations include wheelchair-accessible rooms, color overlays, etc.
Refer to the ACT WorkKeys Administration Manual for Paper Testing or the ACT
WorkKeys Internet Version Test Administration and User Guide for further details.
2014-15 North Carolina DPI High Schools ACT WorkKeys Testing – Frequently Asked Questions
19. How does a school respond if a student with an IEP
who has been approved for testing with an
accommodation suddenly decides that he/she wants
to test without accommodations on the morning of
the test date?
The student may choose to test in standard time, and then MUST use the standardtime testing materials and test in a standard-time room rather than use the
accommodated materials that were assigned to him/her. Return the standard-time
answer document with the standard-time materials. Return the accommodation testing
materials with the rest of the accommodation materials.
20. Can a student be approved to test over multiple
Yes, although it is important to remember that at least one assessment must be fully
completed in one testing session. An examinee is not permitted to stop an assessment
prior to completion and finish it the next day.