Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council Article I

Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and Scientific Council
Article I
Governance. The Constitution of the Council of Professional and Scientific Employees of
Iowa State University defines the purpose and functions of the council and its membership
and election procedures. These Rules and Bylaws are adopted according to Article XVI of the
Article II
Section 1
Definition. The officers of the council shall be a president, a vice-president, and a
secretary, each of whom shall be a representative.
Section 2
Term. The term of office for officers shall be one year. No officer shall serve more than
two consecutive terms in the same office.
Section 3
Election. Nominations for office shall be made at the two regular meetings prior to the last
regular meeting of Iowa State University's fiscal year. At the last regular meeting of the
Council prior to the last regular meeting of the Iowa State University fiscal year,
additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor. The names of all nominees for
each office that indicate a willingness to serve shall be placed on the ballot. Election shall
be by secret ballot at that meeting. The current officers shall serve until the completion of
the last regular meeting of Iowa State University's fiscal year.
Election shall be by a majority vote of the representatives present. If a first ballot fails to
produce a majority of votes for any candidate, the names of the two candidates receiving
the most votes on that ballot shall be placed on another ballot for a final determination. In
the event of a tie on the first round of officer voting, a second vote shall be held. If a tie is
still the result, a coin shall be tossed as the deciding action.
Section 4
In The Event of Officer Vacancy. If the president is unable to complete the term of
office, the Vice-President shall fill the role of President, completing the official term. If the
Vice-President is unable to serve as President, the Secretary/Treasurer shall fill the role of
President, completing the official term. If the Secretary Treasurer is unable to fill the role
of President, the at-large member with the longest tenure shall fill the role of President,
completing the official term. If the at-large member with the longest tenure is unable to
serve, the at-large member with the least tenure shall fill the role of President, completing
the official term. If the at-large member with the least tenure is unable to serve, the
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Council may nominate a chairperson from one of the standing committees to fill the role
of President, completing the official term. The vote on this nomination shall follow
election of officer guidelines as established in the Bylaws.
In the event of vacancy in the office of Vice-President or Secretary/Treasurer, the
aforementioned succession of office shall be followed.
Article III
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall be composed of the three officers of
the council, two non-officer representatives and the Past President who serves as an exofficio member. The two non-officer members of the executive committee shall be elected by
the council as the next order of business after the election of officers at the regular meeting
prior to the last meeting of the Iowa State University fiscal year.
Nominations shall be made, and the two representatives receiving the highest number of votes
of those nominated shall be declared elected. Elections shall be by secret ballot.
At the discretion of the council president, chairs of standing committees may be invited to
attend executive committee meetings in a nonvoting capacity.
Article IV
Powers and Duties of Officers and the Executive Committee
Section 1
The President. The president shall call the representatives to special meetings of the
council, shall appoint members to standing and ad hoc committees, shall designate chairs
of such committees, shall appoint members to university councils and committees where
official representation is designated, shall nominate members to university councils and
committees where appointment thereof rests with other individuals, and shall be the
official spokesperson for the council.
The President, with the approval of the executive committee, may create ad hoc
committees where deemed necessary and shall report promptly the creation of such
committees to the council. The president, with the approval of the Executive Committee,
may assign to standing and ad hoc committees, items for study and recommendation to
the council. The council may also assign items to committee. The President, in the
absence of the Vice-President, will chair the Council meeting.
Section 2
The Vice-President. The vice-president shall, in the absence or incapacity of the
president, assume as necessary the duties of the president, and shall, at the request of the
president, share in administering the council.
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The Vice-President shall schedule regular meetings of the Council and the Executive
Committee, subject to Council approval; shall call the representatives to regular meetings
and preside over each meeting of the Council and the Executive Committee; and shall
notify University Relations of dates and sites of future meetings. The vice-president
shall be responsible for monitoring items of continuing council business and shall report
to council on a regular basis regarding the status of council actions.
Section 3
The Secretary/Treasurer. The secretary/treasurer shall supervise the recording and
distribution of the minutes of each regular and special meeting of the council and of the
Executive Committee, and shall maintain a permanent record of these minutes and
proceedings. Copies of the council minutes of each meeting shall be sent to each member
of the council prior to the next meeting and a summary of actions shall be sent to the
Inside Iowa State. The Secretary/Treasurer shall supervise the acquisition, budgeting, and
disbursement of all Council funds via appropriate University channels. In the event that
the President and Vice-President are unable to attend, the Secretary/Treasurer shall
officiate at the Executive Committee Meeting.
Section 4
Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall accept items of business to bring
before the Council and act for the Council between regular meetings. The Executive
Committee also acts as a Cabinet for the President in an advisory capacity. If the P&S
Council President is unable to attend a meeting or event at which P&S Council
representation has been requested, he/she shall turn the request over to the Vice President. If the P&S Council Vice-President is also unable to attend, he/she shall turn the
request over to the Secretary/Treasurer. If the Secretary/Treasurer is unable to attend, one
of the two at-large members of the Executive Committee, he/she shall turn the request
over to an at-large member (and to the extent possible, alternate between the two at-large
members for each request). It is then the responsibility of the at-large member of the
Executive Committee to either: a) attend the meeting or event or b) find another member
of Council who is able to attend. The Council President shall be responsible for reporting
all information back to the full Council by the next meeting of the full Council.
Article V
Section 1
Committee Structure and Non-Council Members on All Committees: Council
representatives shall constitute a majority of each standing committee. A representative
shall chair each standing or ad hoc committee. Non-Council membership on all committees
may be open to only P&S staff as classified by Human Resources.
Section 2
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Standing Committees. The following standing committees, which must meet once a month
or at the discretion of the chair, shall be established:
Policies and Procedures. At least five council representatives, one of whom shall be chair.
The province of the committee shall be all university administrative policies and
procedures that affect professional and scientific employees. The committee shall
regularly assess the value and effectiveness of university policies and procedures and their
implementation, and shall work with appropriate administrators to develop and
recommend any revisions or alternative approaches that will best serve the interests of
the employees.
Communication. Membership of at least three council representatives, one of whom shall
be chair. The committee shall facilitate communication between Council and Professional
and Scientific staff. The committee shall recommend, develop, design, and implement
activities to provide the Council an awareness and understanding of employee’s interests
and concerns. The committee shall also disseminate information from Council to
Professional and Scientific staff.
The Committee shall recommend forum topics, and schedule and facilitate open forums.
Representation and Awards. A majority of the committee shall be composed of council
representatives, one of whom shall be chair. Non-council representatives shall be added to
provide representation from all P&S areas. The committee shall organize and implement
all election activities of the council. The committee shall publicize the names of the
successful candidates. Popular vote counts shall be available upon request form the
committee chair.
At the direction of the president of the council and when council involvement is
appropriate, the committee shall evaluate and recommend to the president of the council
candidates for honors and for positions on other university councils and committees.
Peer Advisory. At least three council representatives, one of whom shall be chair. The
function of the committee will be to provide information to P&S employees concerning
employment and/or grievance issues. This committee will provide a means for an
employee to obtain a perspective about employment concerns from peers familiar with
the policies and practices of the university. The committee will also seek to ensure that
the employee is aware of her/his rights and obligations and of the various processes
available for the resolution of the concern.
Compensation and Benefits. Composed of at least five Council representatives, one of
whom shall be chair. The Committee shall work to assure a fair and equitable financial
reward system for Professional and Scientific staff. The committee's responsibility shall
be to assess the effectiveness of the University's classification and compensation system.
The Committee shall develop and recommend revisions to the plan as well as to provide
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counsel to the Professional and Scientific Council in the University's annual budgeting
process. Recommendations shall pertain to issues such as budget requests for salary,
salary distribution, and adjustments to the pay structure, and other compensation
The Committee shall also assess and make recommendations to the Council on issues
dealing with staff benefits including leaves, professional development, insurance, and
Retention and Recruitment Committee. Membership shall be composed of at least three
Council representatives, one of whom shall be chair. Non-Council representatives may be
added but the number of non-council representatives shall not exceed the number of P&S
Council members The Retention and Recruitment committee has the responsibility of
fostering and assisting the development of retention and recruitment initiatives
coordinated by Professional and Scientific employees. The committee is also responsible
for administering funding provided for that purpose. The Committee establishes criteria
for retention and recruitment grants, reviews applications, and determines which will be
funded. The committee shall provide accountability for each program receiving a grant,
requiring mid-year and year-end status reports from each project.
Section 3
Ad Hoc Committees. Ad hoc committees may be created or dissolved by the President of
the Council. The President shall report back on the creation or dissolution of these
committees to the Council.
Section 4
Subcommittees. Committee chairs shall be responsible for the creation of subcommittees,
for the appointment of subcommittee chairs and other subcommittee members, and shall
encourage the participation of non-council P&S representatives on committees and
subcommittees. Non-council P&S representatives may serve as chairs of subcommittees.
Article VI
Election Procedure for Representatives
Section 1
The Representation and Awards Committee shall report to the council by January its
recommendations for the next regular election. The report for council approval shall
include the positions to be filled and the procedure for filling the positions.
Section 2
Representation on the council shall be from the following organizational areas within the
university: Academic and Research, Business and Finance, Extension, External Affairs,
IPRT/Ames Laboratory, and Student Affairs.
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Section 3
In accordance with pertinent articles of the constitution, the Representation and Awards
Committee shall report to the council any adjustments that are necessary to maintain an
orderly turnover of approximately one-third of the members of the council each year. The
committee shall likewise report any adjustments necessary to ensure continuity of
representation in each area.
Article VII
Filling Vacancies. When a vacancy is created:
1. As soon as possible, the Representation and Awards Committee, with the assistance of
the remaining representatives in the area in which the vacancy has occurred, shall report
to the president a list of one or more candidates for appointment to fill the vacancy.
2. At the next regular meeting following the report, the president shall nominate a
representative to fill the vacancy. The term of the appointed representative shall be until
the next regular election. Except for length of term, the appointed representative shall
have the same duties and responsibilities of an elected Council representative. The
appointment of the representative by the president shall be with the approval of the
council by majority vote.
3. The position filled by appointment shall be filled by election at the next regular
election. Ordinarily the term of the position to be filled by election shall be the balance of
the original term or a full term if no balance remains. The term may be altered in
accordance with pertinent articles of the Constitution and Article VI of the Rules and
Article VIII
Conduct of Meetings
Section 1
Rules of Order. Meetings of the council shall be conducted informally. The authority in
questions of proper procedure shall be Robert's Rules of Order.
Section 2
Roll Call Votes. Any representative may request a roll call vote, which shall be recorded
in the minutes.
Section 3
Quorum. A quorum of the council shall be a majority of the elected representatives.
Section 4
Agenda. The Vice-President, with the approval of the President, shall circulate an agenda
at least one day prior to each regular meeting. The agenda shall be subject to amendment
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and shall be approved by the Council at the beginning of the meeting. Although
circumstances may dictate a change in order, the agenda shall normally include the
following: Open Forum; Call to Order; Seating of Substitute Representatives;
Presentation of Committee Motions to Come Before the Council; Approval of the
Agenda; Approval of the Minutes; Report from the Faculty Senate; Report from the
Provost’s Office; Report from Human Resources; Report from the President; Council
Secretary/Treasurer Report; Committee Reports; Old Business; New Business; For The
Good of the Order; Adjournment.
Open Forums are normally held in conjunction with Council meetings. Standing
Committees shall normally meet the hour before the Council meeting. A listing of standing
committees, and Open Forum topics shall be included in the agenda.
Section 5
Speaking Before the Council. Any Council representative may speak on any issue before
the Council.
Anyone may speak upon the invitation of the President, Vice-President, or the Executive
Committee. Or, if they come to the Council, be approved by a majority of the Council
representatives present. The request, when approved, shall be added to a meeting agenda.
Section 6
Eligible Voters. All elected Council members, or their approved substitutes, who are in
attendance at Council meeting, including the meeting'’ chair, are eligible to vote on motions
and other voting matters before Council. Simple majority voting will carry the motion or
voting matter, unless specified otherwise in the Rules and Bylaws of the Professional and
Scientific Council.
Section 7
All P&S Council members should expect to represent the Council at one or more meetings
or events outside the regular Council and standing committee meetings during each
Council year.
Article IX
Substitute Participation. The Council members present may vote that a substitute shall not
be allowed to serve as a Council member. A two-thirds majority is required to deny
representative status to a substitute. A substitute may also be asked by the President to
assume appropriate committee duties exclusive of the chairpersonship of a committee.
Article X
Dismissal from the Council. Procedure for dismissal is authorized under Article XIV of the
Constitution. By vote of a simple majority of Council members present at any meeting of the
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Council, the name of a representative may be placed on the agenda for dismissal at the next
regular meeting.
The representative in question shall be notified in writing by the Executive Committee at least
14 days prior to the date of the meeting at which dismissal action is scheduled to be taken. Such
notification shall include a statement of charges against the representative. The representative in
question shall be notified to speak to the Council at the next meeting.
The President or Executive Committee may grant a postponement of action against a
representative, but in no case may postponement be granted for more than one meeting
following the originally scheduled dismissal action.
The name of any representative who is absent from three consecutive Council meetings without
substitute shall automatically be placed on the agenda for dismissal at the next regular meeting
following the third absence.
Dismissal action shall be by secret ballot and shall be by a two-thirds majority vote of the
representatives present.
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Article XI
Dismissal from Office. By vote of a simple majority of representatives present at any
meeting of the council, the name of an officer may be placed on the agenda for removal from
office at the next meeting.
The officer in question shall be notified in writing by the Executive Committee at least 14
days prior to the date of the meeting at which dismissal action is scheduled to be taken. Such
notification shall include a statement of charges against the officer. The officer in question
may request a postponement of action that must be upheld by a majority vote of the council,
but in no case may postponement be granted for more than one meeting following the
originally scheduled dismissal action. The officer in question shall be notified to speak to the
Council at the next meeting.
If the officer in question is the vice-president, the president shall preside during the meeting
at which dismissal action is taken. Dismissal action shall be by written secret ballot and shall
be by a two-thirds majority vote of the representatives present.
A representative who has been removed from office under the provisions of this article
retains a position on the council.
Article XII
Filling Vacancies from Office and the Executive Committee. When an office or other position
on the Executive Committee becomes vacant, the council shall hold an election to fill the
vacancy at the first council meeting after the meeting at which the vacancy is announced.
With approval by a majority vote of the council, the council may hold the election during the
council meeting at which the vacancy is announced. The election shall be held according to
appropriate provisions found in Article II and Article III.
Article XIII
Amendments. The Rules and Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the council.
Proposed amendments shall be presented in writing at the regular meeting immediately prior
to the meeting at which the amendments will be voted upon.
Article XIV
Providing Feedback and Recommendations to Administration. The Professional and Scientific
(P&S) Council has advisory responsibilities in areas of the university as they relate to the
institutional requests for feedback or recommendations from various constituents in the
University. Upon receipt of a draft policy and/or procedure document, the vice-president of
Council will:
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1. Assign the document a number to be used as a reference for future discussion (i.e. 94-1
would indicate that this was the first draft document submitted to the P&S Council for
review in 1994). The vice-president will maintain a log and file of received document and
2. Disseminate the draft document to P&S Council members in a timely manner.
3. Contact the chair of the appropriate standing committee and ask that a motion of the
standing committee's discussion regarding the draft document at the next P&S Council
The chair of the standing committee will:
1. Contact members of the committee to discuss and prepare a motion.
2. Facilitate discussion at committee meeting.
3. Present motion and report a summary of the discussion to Council.
The Council will:
1. Discuss the draft document once the committee motion has been presented. After
discussion, the motion will automatically be postponed for action until the next meeting.
The postponed motion will appear on the next meeting agenda under Old Business.
2. If the Council wishes to act upon the document immediately, a motion to suspend the
rules could be presented and seconded. Two-thirds of representatives present must vote
for the motion to suspend the rules for it to pass. Once the rules have been suspended,
the Council can then proceed to vote on the document.
3.Act on the motion.
The standing committee will then:
1. Create and submit a response to the president of Council to aid the president in
preparing the documentation to be forwarded appropriately.
2. Ask the vice-president to file the numbered document and president's response.
This procedure was established so that Council members could discuss policy or procedure
changes with constituents prior to voting on proposed changes.
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