Writer’s Draft v1.0 – 4 February 2000
FM 34-10-6/ST
Chapter 8
Imagery intelligence in support of the maneuver elements of the JCF will be a combination of
organic collection assets and imagery feeds from higher echelons. Imagery allows the ground
maneuver commander to better understand his battlespace and gain dominant situational
awareness on the Army XXI battlefield through near real time observation of areas that
inaccessible to ground reconnaissance assets or whose coverage would pose a risk to ground
assets or manned aerial vehicles. Organic brigade IMINT assets are limited to the Tactical
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TUAV). The TUAV is a dedicated, rapidly taskable asset that is fully
integrated with and cued by the other collection systems and Intelligence Preparation of the
Battlefield (IPB) in a synchronized effort to support the Warfighter.
8-1. The mission of the TUAV units is to provide the brigade commander with a real-time,
responsive, day and night imagery surveillance and reconnaissance capability to support
situational awareness, a target acquisition, battle damage assessment (BDA), and enhanced
battle management capabilities (friendly situation and battlefield visualization).
8-2. The maneuver brigade’s TUAVs are in the Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon of the DS MI
Company. (Figure 8-1). Based on METT-TC, the DS Company operates its TUAVs out to 50 km
for periods up to 4 hours. In addition, The divisional Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon in the GS
MI Company can provides General Support to the JCF out to 50 kilometers (200 for the
objective system) beyond the FLOT.
8-3. The DS Aerial Reconnaissance platoon consists of a platoon headquarters, a launch and
recovery section and a ground control section. Each section is divided into two teams.
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FM 34-10-6/ST
Figure 8-1. Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon, DS Company, MI Bn, Force XXI Division
8-4. The Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon Headquarters collocates with the DS MI company
command post. The platoon leader and platoon sergeant work together to ensure the
subordinate teams are deployed, employed, and supported in accordance with the battalion
operations order and the company commander’s guidance. The platoon leader is responsible
for coordinating the movement and link up of platoon elements deploying into a maneuver
brigade’s forward area. The platoon leader uses his aviation subject matter expertise as conduct
mission planning and identify airspace coordination requirements. The Platoon Leader forwards
the mission plan to the brigade S2 for approval and subsequently requests airspace
coordination/deconfliction through the brigade S3.
8-5. One Ground Control Station is normally collocated with the brigade main command post to
allow dynamic retasking of the UAV assets by the brigade commander. The second GCS is
normally located near the Launch and Recovery Section. The Ground Control Station (GCS)
has two primary functions. First, it is the primary means to control, track, and operate the UAV.
Second, it is used to manipulate the payload and receive and process telemetry and video
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FM 34-10-6/ST
downlinks. The GCS will adjust the preplanned mission parameters to allow for dynamic
retasking to include the ability to call for and adjust indirect fire
8-6. The Launch and Recovery Section is normally located at a site (road, soccer field etc)
suitable for the launch and recovery of the UAVs. They perform all tasks and procedures
necessary for the successful launch and recovery of the air vehicle. They assemble and
disassemble the air vehicle coming out of or going into the storage containers. They perform the
daily air vehicle inspections and perform preflight inspections and accomplish required
procedures prior to launch. The section performs normal rail launches as well as normal
recovery operations and maintenance of the runway areas and arresting cables. They perform
rolling take off procedures in the event the rail launcher is inoperable. The launch and recovery
personnel will also operate the Tactical Automated Landing System (TALS) when it becomes
integrated into the TUAV system. Upon successful return of the air vehicle after a mission, the
section performs all post flight inspections and readies the air vehicle for another flight or for the
storage container. The Launch and Recovery Section has limited maintenance capability.
8-7. The TUAV is dedicated to the close battle. The brigade commander's TUAV focuses on
decisive operations in the brigade battlespace. It gives maneuver commander the ability to look
into areas that are inaccessible to ground reconnaissance assets and can also provide
coverage of large areas more rapidly than ground reconnaissance. It can observe heavily
protected areas where commanders are hesitant to commit manned aerial platforms. It allows
them to "see critical elements of the battlespace” and support the increased demand for
immediate situational awareness on the Army XXI battlefield.
8-8. Information derived from TUAV surveillance and reconnaissance provides substantial
support to Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (IPB), situation development, battlefield
management, and rear area security. TUAVs can be used to:
Conduct area, route, and point reconnaissance
Provide limited battlefield surveillance
Provide commanders with improved situational awareness.
Provide improved wide-area target acquisition and tracking of high value targets (HVT)
Facilitate the rapid and precise movement of maneuver units
Facilitate the use of direct and indirect fires to seize and hold terrain or destroy enemy
Provide commanders with real time BDA
Quickly assess critical terrain components such as trafficability, suitability for logistical and
fire support assets, and activities of civilians on the battlefield
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Contribute to economy of force operations by providing surveillance of flank areas.
Enhance the effectiveness of the commander’s counter-reconnaissance effort.
Regardless of the TUAV's role, the S3 ensures that the UAV is synchronized with all of the other
assets within the battlespace. Collected combat information is provided directly to the brigade
commander as well as being forwarded to the MI analytical elements.
8-9. The TUAV helps determine maneuver options/friendly courses of action. As an example, it
helps answer the question, “Is that truly an assailable (or unassailable) flank?” Another
example: As the brigade penetrates the enemy defense, the commander may want the TUAV
over the enemy reserves, to determine when and where they are moving. The brigade
commander may use a TUAV capability to simultaneously look deep into his battlespace while
his ground reconnaissance assets and maneuver units observe closer NAIs.
8-10. In summary, the TUAV is a versatile confirming sensor the responds directly to the
brigade commander’s requirements. To optimize its capabilities and responsiveness to the
commander, it is linked to/cued by sound IPB and wide area sensors, such as the direct feed to
the JSTARS CGS when collocated with the GCS, and as an objective, direct live feed from the
TUAV to the CGS. Additionally, it is interoperable with C4ISR systems and linked into the
Army’s Battle Command System, in particular ASAS, AFATDS, and FAADS for distribution via
intelligence channels, targeting, and to meet air defense identification requirements. Due to the
complexities of airspace management (ASM), even at the brigade, it needs to feed into the
A2C2 system.
8-11. The TUAV baseline is capable of 12 hours of continuous operations on station within a
24-hour period. The system has the capability of surge operations for 18 hours within a 24-hour
period for no more than three consecutive days. The following day being limited to eight hours
of operation. Although the system has the capability to surge for 18 hours of 24 hours for 72
hours, the TUAV baseline and its parent unit may be reconstituted after 36 hours.
8-12. The Air Vehicle (AV) can operate during less than ideal weather conditions (operates in
environments similar to a small light aircraft) with a range of 50 kms from the launch and
recovery site, flying at altitudes of 14,000 feet Mean Sea Level (MSL) or greater. Nominal
operating altitudes/survivable altitudes are from 8,000 to 10,000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL)
for day operations and between 6,000 to 8,000 feet AGL for night operations. The TUAV
system will have an endurance of four hours on station at 50 kms. It can launch and recover in
crosswinds from 0 to 20 knots and operate in moderate precipitation conditions (up to 2" per
8-13. The TUAV system mobility and rapid set up and tear down times allow the TUAV platoon
to keep pace with the brigade's movement. To facilitate rapid movement, the control of the UAV
may be passed to other control stations or launch/recovery stations to allow continuous flight
operations to meet the commander's requirements. The minimal TUAV system, to include all
personal gear, and sufficient Class I, Class III, Class IX supplies for the initial 72 hours of
operations at a minimum of 12 flight hours on station in a 24 hour period, fits into two High
Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs) with shelters, two Cargo/Troop carrying
HMMWVs, and two trailers deployable in a single C-130 sortie. The complete baseline TUAV
system with all personnel and equipment is transportable in no more than two C-130 sorties.
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Sustainment beyond the initial 72 hours is supported with a divisional mobile maintenance
facility (MMF) consisting of a HMMWV and trailer. The addition of a mobile maintenance facility
(HMMWV with shelter and trailer) will require an additional C-130.
8-14. The TUAV is dynamically retaskable in flight to ensure it is responsive to the commander’s
immediate information requirements. The TUAV is fully integrated with and cued by other
collection systems such as JSTARS, Guardrail Common Sensor (GRCS), Artillery Counter
Mortar/Battery Radars and FAADC2, in a synchronized effort to support the Warfighter.
8-15. There are a variety of imagery sensors available for use on unmanned aerial vehicles
(TUAVs). Each sensor has a unique capability, with distinct advantages and disadvantages for
each sensor. Sensors are currently limited to electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR). Additional
payloads are currently under development and may be fielded as payload technology matures.
Table 8-61 is a matrix of sensor characteristics for the type sensors currently available on the
Best tool for daytime, clear
weather, detailed analysis
Affords a familiar view of a scene
Can be deceived by employment of
camouflage and concealment
Restricted by weather conditions;
visible light cannot penetrate clouds or
Restricted by terrain and vegetation
Offers system resolution that cannot
be achieved in other optical systems
or in thermal images and radars
Preferred for detailed analysis and
Offers stereoscopic viewing
Best tool for night time, clear
weather, detailed analysis
A passive sensor and is impossible
to jam
Offers camouflage penetration
Provides good resolution
Night time imaging capability
Limited to daytime use only
Not effective during thermal crossover
(1 to 1.5 hours after sunrise or sunset).
Tactical platforms threatened by
enemy air defenses
Bad weather degrades quality
Table 8-61. UAV Sensor Character Matrix
8-16. There are four types of legacy sensor packages in use or proposed to be in use on the
TUAV. The currently fielded day/night EO and IR sensors support the commander’s intelligence
needs by providing imagery in response to his priority intelligence requirements (PIR). Field
Manual 34-56 provides in-depth information on the technical parameters and reporting
requirements of Imagery Intelligence as part of the all-source intelligence capability at strategic,
operational and tactical echelons. The TUAV can support both offensive and defensive
operations in a variety of missions. In the following diagrams, TUAV missions are shown in a
route reconnaissance, and an area reconnaissance. It should be noted that in both cases the
TUAV does not fly over the specified target area but flies in an “offset” mode several hundred
meters from the target area to avoid being engaged by small arms fire or threat anti-UAV
8-17. The system’s ground components have standard electrical power available within the
Department of Defense (DOD) family of mobile electric power sources (objective) (i.e. mobile
tactical generators). The system is capable of providing continuous power to avoid loss of all
system data or loss of AV control during prime power outages. The system does not rely on the
prime movers as a primary power source; however, they can be used as an emergency or
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FM 34-10-6/ST
backup power source. Operators will be able to adapt the system to standard worldwide
commercial alternating current power (120 volts/60 hertz and 220 volts/50 hertz).
Figure 8-2. Possible flight path for a route reconnaissance
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Launch and recovery
Figure 8-3. Possible flight path for an area Reconnaissance
at the intersection of two highways
8-18. Figure 8-2 depicts a possible flight path of the Divisional TUAV as it would fly a route
reconnaissance along a highway across brigade boundaries deep into the Divisions’ area of
interest. Again, care is taken to fly at a safe distance from the actual target area to preclude
being engaged by threat weapons systems.
8-19. There are several significant limitations to the TUAV. They include:
Unique Operational Signature. Due to the signature associated with the launch and
recovery (L/R) of the UAV, the L/R area will normally not be collocated with the brigade/JCF
TOC. The high operational signature also means that the TUAV launch site must be
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periodically in environments in which the threat can acquire and attack the site. The Launch
and recovery team has little or no capability to provide its own security.
Limited operational capability. The TUAV is not yet capable of 24-hour operations. For
sustained operations it can operate 12 hours per day with a 3-day surge capability of up to
18 hours per day.
Limited loiter time. At a 50 km range, the TUAV has a four hour loiter time. This reduces its
effectiveness as a long-term surveillance system.
Limited Air vehicles. The TUAV has only three Air vehicles, which restricts its employment
and limits the number of NAIs that it can cover. Although missions can sometimes be
combined, the dedication of TUAV to BDA, for example, would necessarily reduce its use in
missions such as flank security.
Limited payload. The TUAV has a limit of 60 pounds of usable payload capacity.
Altitude limited to 15,000 feet MSL. More vulnerable to threat weapons systems in higher
terrain elevations.
Survivability. The TUAV flies slow and relatively low and is an inviting target for enemy air
defense systems. The TUAV system will operate in close proximity to heavily defended
areas. It will be subject to hostile air defenses that may include the full range of antiaircraft
systems including conventional small arms, automatic antiaircraft weapons, Man Portable
Air Defenses (MANPADs), and crew-served systems using radar, optics, and electro-optics
for detection, tracking, and engagement. The threat will also include shoulder-fired Surfaceto-Air Missiles (SAMs), launcher mounted SAMs, and air-to-air weapons launched by fixed
wing aircraft, helicopters, counter-UAVs, anti-radiation missiles, and directed energy
weapons. Airborne and ground components will be susceptible to the same threat as the
unit they support. Airborne and ground computers, communications/data links (networks)
may be subjected to enemy electronic warfare (EW) and signals intelligence (SIGINT)
exploitation and attack as well as computer network attack (CNA).
8-20. A TUAV system consists of two basic components, the Ground Control Stations (GCS)
and related equipment; and the air vehicles and their related equipment
8-21. The TUAV system has two GCSs, two Ground Data Terminals (GDTs), one Portable
Ground Control Station (PGCS) and one Portable Ground Data Terminal (PGDT) with line of
sight (LOS) command and control links to, and receipt for telemetry and imagery from, the Air
Vehicle (AV). Additionally, it has four Remote Video Terminals (RVT) to provide payload
information in the area of operations. The system’s four RVTs that receive NRT video/telemetry
from the AV can be used by: the brigade in the Tactical Operations Center (TOC) (if a GCS is
not collocated), the brigade’s subordinate maneuver battalions, or by direct support artillery or
supporting aviation assets. The commander will allocate RVTs based on METT-TC and his
scheme of maneuver.
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FM 34-10-6/ST
8-22. The system has three AVs, as well as a means of launch and recovery, and the necessary
transportation and ground support equipment for the operations and maintenance of the system.
The system is designed to be easy to launch, operate, recover, and maintain with a minimum of
training, logistics, and personnel. The air vehicles are capable of autonomous navigation and
flight between multiple, selected way points; the capability of updating or reprogramming way
points from controlling GCS or Launch and Recovery (L/R) equipment. During flight, the AV
may perform automatic loiter (adjustable by the AVO for radius, pattern, standoff distance and
azimuth) on command, execute lost-link procedures to attempt to reacquire the link in the event
of data link loss, are capable of returning to preplanned recovery areas in the event of failure of
reacquisition of data link, and are capable of executing autonomous emergency recovery
procedures (such as parachute deployment)
8-23. Effective IMINT operations require the clear designation of the leaders, facilities and
communication channels that support dissemination of IMINT products and enhance effective
command and control of the Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon.
8-24. The Brigade Commander through the DS MI Company directs the deployment,
operations, and redeployment of the Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon. The Aerial
Reconnaissance Platoon’s command post consists of the platoon headquarters and the
collocated GCS. The command post is normally collocated with the brigade TOC. The location
of the command post must support continuous mission management of Aerial Reconnaissance
assets. The location must also support the dissemination of tasking, reports, and technical data
between the ACE and the Aerial Reconnaissance Platoon.
8-25. Control of the TUAV during flight is effected through the Ground Control Station (GCS). At
the launch site, the air vehicle is programmed to climb out to a specified altitude and distance
from the launcher. The TUAV is launched from inside the GCS by the AVO. The mission is
flown with the AVO controlling the TUAV via the C band maintain line of sight (LOS) between
the air vehicle and the GCS. The shelter can be located within the JCF or brigade Tactical
Operations Center (TOC), giving the supported commander the ability to immediately effect a
mission change. The GCS can also be located up to several Kilometers away from the TOC.
8-26. Ground Communications Systems: Ground components must use Service standard
tactical communications equipment and procedures. The UAV GCS system provides the
following: a minimum of 2 Very High Frequency (VHF) radios and the system is Mobile
Subscriber Equipment (MSE) compatible. TUAV communications interface with selected
standard DOD Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I)
systems, architectures, and protocols. All communications are interoperable with National
Security Agency approved encryption systems. All real time video exported to other imagery
systems is in compliance with the Department of Defense/Intelligence Community/United States
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Imagery and Geospatial System (DOD/IC/USIGS) approved Video Imagery Standards Profile
(VISP). The system has UHF communications (capable of secure operations during wartime)
with Air Traffic Control (ATC) agencies (peacetime) and AWACS and ABCCC aircraft
8-27. Communications between the GCS and the TOC is by land line or radio as provided by
the supported unit. When the GCS is not located with the TOC, a Remote Video Terminal
(RVT) is placed in the TOC. The RVT is a “receive only” terminal that allows the supported
commander to view the down linked video from the TUAV. When the GCS is not co-located with
a supported unit TOC, mission changes will normally be requested through the mission
commander via the supported unit provided communications to the GCS.
8-28. The system is capable of near real time (NRT) transmission of Electro Optic/Infrared
(EO/IR) imagery. Initially, the system will have a basic EO/IR mission payload. The TUAV will
provide products via the Tactical Common Data Link (TCDL), a secure data link. The GCS,
including TCS, gives ready interface to the existing secure Command, Control,
Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) architecture, to include CGS, AFATDS,
ASAS, FAADS, and A2C2. Intelligence reports from the GCSs include secure voice, electronic
dissemination and/or video via the various communication systems in the GCS. Secure
communications for the system are integrated into the air vehicles and ground control
components and allow for transmission and receipt of command and control data, telemetry and
imagery. Additional secure communications and intelligence dissemination are provided via the
standard DOD tactical (VHF and UHF) radios, Mobile Subscriber Equipment (MSE), and the
Tactical Local Area Network (TACLAN).
8-29. Reporting is normally performed through voice or data messages detailing observed
activity. Reports are produced in the GCS and sent via the Tactical Local Area network
(TACLAN) to the All Source Analysis System (ASAS) or other consumers as directed. The
report flow will be through normal intelligence reporting channels and will be in the size, activity,
location, unit, time and equipment (SALUTE) report format. This format is compatible with ASAS
requirements and will facilitate correlation and dissemination. JCF intelligence elements may
perform detailed analysis of UAV products as needed.
8-30. The Army Airspace Command and Control (A2C2) organization is composed of staff
elements at each command echelon from maneuver battalion through theater Army. It allows for
the safe use of the available airspace by all friendly users to maximize their combat power. It
includes air defense artillery (ADA) elements, fire support coordination (FSCOORD) elements,
Army air traffic service (ATS) facilities, and airspace control liaison personnel. The A2C2
element is located within the command post (CP) established at each tactical echelon. Only
theater, corps, and division have dedicated A2C2 tasks elements. Brigades and battalions must
establish an A2C2 element with their organic personnel and the tactical air control party (TACP).
For additional information on Army Airspace Command and Control, refer to appendix E.
Writer’s Draft v1.0 – 4 February 2000