Internal resistance of a voltage source Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Terry Sturtevant Wilfrid Laurier University June 13, 2014 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies function generators Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies function generators amplifiers Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies function generators amplifiers logic gates Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies function generators amplifiers logic gates and so on Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source Any device which produces a voltage output has a limit to the current it can provide. This includes batteries power supplies function generators amplifiers logic gates and so on This can be represented as a resistance in series with the ideal voltage output of the device. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri 6 V0 VT ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri 6 V0 VT “ideal” voltage ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri internal resistance 6 V0 VT ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri 6 V0 VT terminal voltage ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri 6 V0 VT ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example The potential difference between the terminals of a battery, VT , decreases as the current supplied by the battery increases. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example The potential difference between the terminals of a battery, VT , decreases as the current supplied by the battery increases. This is due to the potential drop which appears across the battery’s internal resistance ri . Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example The potential difference between the terminals of a battery, VT , decreases as the current supplied by the battery increases. This is due to the potential drop which appears across the battery’s internal resistance ri . Thus the maximum potential difference is attained only with zero output current. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example We can see the effect of this by watching how the measured voltage changes if we put a resistance across the terminals of the device. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source ri 6 V0 VT R ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Notice that what we’ve done is to create a voltage divider with ri and R. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example ri V0 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source ri 6 V0 VT ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source ri 6 V0 VT R ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source ri I 6 V0 VT R ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source ri I 6 V0 VT VT = V0 R R+ri R ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 Terry Sturtevant R R + ri Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 VT = V0 Terry Sturtevant R R + ri R R + ri Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 R R + ri VT = V0 R R + ri V0 = VT R + ri R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 R R + ri VT = V0 R R + ri V0 = VT R + ri R V0 ri =1+ VT R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 R R + ri VT = V0 R R + ri V0 = VT R + ri R V0 ri =1+ VT R V0 ri −1= VT R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Internal resistance of a voltage source VT = V0 R R + ri VT = V0 R R + ri V0 = VT R + ri R V0 ri =1+ VT R V0 ri −1= VT R ri = V0 −1 R VT Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example So if we can measure the voltage with no load; (i.e. essentially V0 ), and then the voltage VT with some resistance R, then we can determine ri . Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example So if we can measure the voltage with no load; (i.e. essentially V0 ), and then the voltage VT with some resistance R, then we can determine ri . ri = V0 VT −1 R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example So if we can measure the voltage with no load; (i.e. essentially V0 ), and then the voltage VT with some resistance R, then we can determine ri . ri = V0 VT −1 R Note that the bigger the drop with load, the bigger ri is, which makes sense. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example So if we can measure the voltage with no load; (i.e. essentially V0 ), and then the voltage VT with some resistance R, then we can determine ri . ri = V0 VT −1 R Note that the bigger the drop with load, the bigger ri is, which makes sense. Question: If R is chosen to equal ri , what will be the value of VT ? Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: V0 ri =1+ VT R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: V0 ri =1+ VT R Dividing both sides by V0 gives Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: V0 ri =1+ VT R Dividing both sides by V0 gives 1 1 ri = + VT V0 V0 R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: V0 ri =1+ VT R Dividing both sides by V0 gives 1 1 ri = + VT V0 V0 R or Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Graphical analysis To graph this, it makes sense to linearize the equation: V0 ri =1+ VT R Dividing both sides by V0 gives 1 1 ri = + VT V0 V0 R or 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot 1 VT Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot 1 VT versus Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot 1 VT versus 1 R Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot 1 VT versus 1 R then we will get a straight line Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot of 1 VT versus 1 R then we will get a straight line with a slope Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot of Vri0 1 VT versus 1 R then we will get a straight line with a slope Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot V1T versus R1 then we will get a straight line with a slope of Vri0 and a y -intercept of Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot V1T versus R1 then we will get a straight line with a slope of Vri0 and a y -intercept of V10 . Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 1 1 ri 1 = + VT V0 V0 R If we plot V1T versus R1 then we will get a straight line with a slope of Vri0 and a y -intercept of V10 . We can get ri by dividing the slope by the y -intercept. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Here’s the setup: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Here’s the setup: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Here are the data collected for a new 9 volt battery. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 9.27 9.27 9.27 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 9.24 9.22 9.20 9.17 9.14 9.08 9.01 8.80 8.40 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source The graph of 1 VT versus 1 R Theory Example looks like this: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit to the data gives: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit to the data gives: V0 = 9.246 ± 0.006V Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit to the data gives: V0 = 9.246 ± 0.006V Imax = 1.89 ± 0.05A Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit to the data gives: V0 = 9.246 ± 0.006V Imax = 1.89 ± 0.05A ri = 4.8 ± 0.1Ω Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example Here are the data collected for a used 9 volt battery. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example External resistance R (Ω) ∞ 1000000 680000 .. . Terminal voltage VT (V ) 7.32 7.32 7.32 .. . 6800 3300 2200 1000 680 330 220 100 47 7.11 7.01 6.93 6.71 6.56 6.10 5.72 4.71 3.55 Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source The graph of 1 VT versus 1 R Theory Example looks like this: Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example 0.25 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 0.005 0.000 0.015 0.010 Terry Sturtevant 0.025 0.020 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example The steeper slope of this graph compared to the last one indicates that the internal resistance is much higher; in other words, the output voltage changes much more as current increases compared to the new battery. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit was produced, as before, but only the last five points were used due to the curve at the left of the graph. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit was produced, as before, but only the last five points were used due to the curve at the left of the graph. V0 = 6.78 ± 0.08V Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit was produced, as before, but only the last five points were used due to the curve at the left of the graph. V0 = 6.78 ± 0.08V Imax = 0.33 ± 0.02A Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit was produced, as before, but only the last five points were used due to the curve at the left of the graph. V0 = 6.78 ± 0.08V Imax = 0.33 ± 0.02A ri = 20 ± 1Ω Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Theory Example A least squares fit was produced, as before, but only the last five points were used due to the curve at the left of the graph. V0 = 6.78 ± 0.08V Imax = 0.33 ± 0.02A ri = 20 ± 1Ω (Using all of the data points gives slightly different results, but ones that are still much different than those for the new battery.) Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Parameter V0 (V ) Imax (A) ri (Ω) Theory Example New battery 9.246 ± 0.006 1.89 ± 0.05 4.8 ± 0.1 Terry Sturtevant Old battery 6.78 ± 0.08 0.33 ± 0.02 20 ± 1 Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source Internal resistance of a voltage source Parameter V0 (V ) Imax (A) ri (Ω) Theory Example New battery 9.246 ± 0.006 1.89 ± 0.05 4.8 ± 0.1 Old battery 6.78 ± 0.08 0.33 ± 0.02 20 ± 1 Even though the nominal battery voltage is only 27% lower, the internal resistance is 5 times as high, and the maximum current available is only 1/6 of what it is for the new battery. Terry Sturtevant Electronics Internal resistance of a voltage source