372 REPORT To MAYCO I till OF tAPE TOWN IISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD HAPSTAD 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT Me 38/06/09 I (LSU - 8340) 200912010 SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) AND BUSINESS PLANS 2. ISIHLOKO UNIKEZELO LWEENKONZO LWANGO-2009/2010 KUNYE NEZICWANGCISO ZOKUMISELWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPs) NEZICWANGCISO ZOSHISHINO 2. ONDERWERP DIENSLEWERINGSEN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIPs) EN SAKEPLANNE VIR 2009/2010 3. PURPOSE To submit to the Committee for their consideration and recommendation, the 2009/2010 Directorate SDBIP information pack which contain the: • • Directorate SDBIP Departmental SDBIPs. These documents underpin the 2009/2010 Corporate SDBIP that will be submitted to the Executive Mayor for approval in terms of Section 53(1)(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc [Template updated April2009j Page 1 of6 373 4. STRATEGIC INTENT The SDBIP is a detailed plan for implementing the municipality's service delivery as outlined in the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget. It includes the service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter which should be linked to the performance agreements for senior management. The performance criteria contained in the SDBIP are designed to achieve Good Governance and Regulatory Reform, as well as facilitating the accomplishment of Council's other strategic focus areas i.e. • • • • • • • 5. Shared Economic Growth and Development Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Public Transport Systems Integrated Human Settlements Safety and Security Health,Social and Community Development FOR DECISION BY Audit Committee, Mayco 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2009/2010 Directorate and Departments SDBIPs contain the objectives, indicators and quarterly targets by which progress will be measured during the 2009/2010 financial year. These are derived from the Integrated Development Plan of the City, which serves before Council on 27 May 2009, and are an elaboration of the Five Year Corporate Scorecard contained in the IDP. The Departmental Business Plans provides the narrative to understanding the SDBIPs. The purpose of this report is to submit the 2009/2010 Directorate's SDBIP information packs to the Audit Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Executive Mayor. The Directorate SDBIP information pack is attached as Annexure A. The electronic versions will be placed on the city website at www.capetown.gov.za/idp after it has been noted by Council. 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc (Template updated April2009j Page 2 of6 7. 7. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 374 7.1. That the Audit Committee makes recommendation to the Executive Mayor on the contents of the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.2. That the Mayoral Committee approves the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.3 That Council notes the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. ISINDULULO 7.1 Ukuba iKomiti yeMicimbi yeSebe yenze isindululo kuSodolophu weSigqeba ngokumalunga neziqulatho zoNikezelo IweeNkonzo lowama2009/2010 kunye neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.2 Ukuba iKomiti kaSodolophu/yoLawulo mayiphumeze uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.3 Ukuba iBhunga maliqaphele uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. AANBEVELING 7.1 Oat die ouditkomitee aanbevelings by die uitvoerende burgemeester maak en oor die inhoud van die diensleweringsbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 7.2 Oat die burgemeesterskomitee en die diensleweringsbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010 goedkeur. 7.3 Oat die raad kennis neem van die dienslewerings- en begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc [Template updated April 2009) Page 3 of6 375 8. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 8.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process is driven by legislation. 8.2. Environmental implications Does your report result in any of the following: No [gI Yes (if yes, please complete the section below by clicking on the relevant tick boxes) Loss of or negative impact on natural space and/or natural vegetation, rivers, vleis or wetlands? An increase in waste production or concentration, pollution or water usage? D Loss of or negative impact on the city's heritage, cultural and scenic resources? D D Development or any construction within 500m of the coastline? D Does your activity comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA)? (mark by clicking on the tick box) Yes D No D Does your report complement and support the City's approved IMEP strategies? (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Biodiversity Strategy and Biodiversity Network Environmental Education and Training Strategy Integrated Waste Management Strategy D D D Coastal Zone Management Strategy Heritage Management Strategy Invasive Species Strategy D D Energy and Climate Change Strategy Air Quality Management Plan D D D Do the activities/actions arising from your report: (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Enhance Cape Town's unique environmental assets? 8.3. D Negatively impact on Cape Town's unique environmental assets? D Legal Implications The process of preparing a Service Delivery and Budget implementation plans must inter alia, comply with: Section 53 (1 ) (c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 53 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act. 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc [Template updated April 2009) Page 4 of 6 8.4. Staff Implications 376 Does your report impact on staff resources or result in any additional staffing resources being required? 8.5. No [8J Yes 0 Risk Implications Does this report and/or its recommendations expose the City to any risk? (Le. does it have any adverse influence on service delivery?) No [8J Yes 8.S. 0 Other Services Consulted All relevant Directorates 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc [Template updated April2009j Page 5 of6 377 ANNEXURES Annexure A: Directorate and Department Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Departmental Business Plans FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: NAME CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS DIRECTORA TE FILE REF No SIGNATURE: DIRECTOR I Riaan Vosloo 0214003879 Riaan. vosloo@capetown.gov.za Internal Audit 0' o LEGAL COMPLIANCE REPORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, By-LAWS AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. NON-COMPLIANT (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) COMMENT: DATE Comment: CHIE.F f+v.crr~~ EXECtl [Compulso to Insert name] (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) DATE 0'3 ~-=+=~~~----------~ ,",OT'",rc> 09_10 DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT.doc [Template updated April2009j submission to Executive Support) Page 6 of6 ('II GF UPE lGlIN ISlm~ 5~SHm mD UHmi DIRECTORATE BUSINESS PLAN 2009/2010 DIRECTORATE : INTERNAL AUDIT CHIEF AUDIT EXECUTIVE: ZULPHA ABRAMS Contact Person : Riaan Vosloo Page 1 of 8, Business Plan dept 0910 doc. doc ~ 00 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Directorate: Internal Audit's mission is to provide independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the organisation's operations. It helps the organisation accomplish its objectives by bringing about a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. 2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES The Directorate: Internal Audit's vision is to be recognised by the City and the audit industry as a unit adding value and contributing to the achievement of the City's goals. To assist the City to become known for its effective and equitable service delivery and to distinguish itself as a well governed and efficiently run administration. 3. LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES In terms of the Municipal Finance Management Act No 56 of 2003 (UMFMA") as amended, the City Manager must ensurethat the CoCT has and maintains inter alia effective, efficient and transparent systems of financial and risk management and internal controls. -....l Section 165 of the MFMA prescribes that an internal audit unit must: t:.c (a) prepare a risk-based audit plan and an internal audit program for each financial year; (b) advise the accounting officer and report to the audit committee on the implementation of the internal audit plan and matters relating to(i) internal audit; (ii) internal controls; (iii) accounting procedures and practices; (iv) risk and risk management; W Page 2 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc.doc (v) (c) performance management; (vi) loss control; and (vii) compliance with the MFMA, the Annual Division of Revenue Act and any other applicable legislation; and perform such duties as may be assigned to it by the accounting officer. S62(1)(c)(ii) of the MFMA also states that the accounting officer of a municipality must ensure that the municipality has and maintains effective, efficient and transparent systems of internal audit operating in accordance with any prescribed norms and standards. The Directorate: Internal Audit operates in terms of and is governed by the International Standards of the Institute of Intemal Auditors (IIA). an international professional body. 4. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan (key stakeholders of the plan) Partnersl Stakeholders City Manager and all Executive Directors Roles and Responsibilities ~ t:X') • acknowledges responsibility for the implementation of corrective action; or • is of the opinion that the effects of the findings from the audits are immaterial or the risk is too low to warrant implementation of the recommendation and that management accepts responsibility to take no action; or resolution on the decision of residual risk acceptance if level of risk deemed unacceptable to the organization by the Chief Audit Executive. Audit Committee An independent oversight body which must advise the City of Cape Town, its political office bearers, the Chief Finance Officer and management staff of the Page 3 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc.doc ~ [SCOPA Council on matters relating to internal financial control and internal audits, risk management, accounting policies, the adequacy, reliability and accuracy of financial reporting and information, performance management, effective governance, compliance with relevant legislation, performance evaluation and any other issues referred to it by Council from time to time within the ambit of their Terms of Reference. Committee established in terms of S79 of the Municipal Structures Act 117 of 1998. SCOPA is the mechanism through which Council exercises oversight over the expenditure of public funds within the ambit of their Terms of Reference. ------ Risk Management Risk Management relates to how an organisation identifies analyses and responds to those risks that could potentially impact its ability to realise its objectives. The City's Risk Management function assists Council and management in developing systems to identify, assess, mitigate and report material risks. Forensics Responsible for fraud prevention and investigations. AG Provides an audit opinion on the fair presentation of the annual financial statements of the City and the consolidated annual financial statements. Coordination of audit work would facilitate efficient service delivery. Mayco and Council Mayco risk identification and decisions are considered in determining the scope of the audit plan. Mayco and Council note significant issues raised by Internal audit and the impact on the organisation. ~ (.)0 ..... Page 4 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc.doc 5. RESOURCES (Financial and Staff) The budget and resources for the directorate for 09/10(08/09) is as follows: ,-~ ~ ~ ~ ----~ ------- ~ Capital budget 09110 08109 %CIhange 425,727 198,415 11 4% 31,760,716.14 28,432,143 11 .7% 57 52 9. 6% ---- Operating budget I---~ ~ Posts as per approved organogram at 1 July ------ , 6. Current vacancies (May 09) 2 ------ 9 BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS (if applicable) Critical success factors • • • • • c:,...:) Efficiency of the Corporate HR Recruitment and Selection process in the filling of critical vacancies; A policy developed and implemented around continuity and succession planning; Successful establishment and use of the Enterprise Risk Function at the City; Attraction and retention of professionally qualified internal auditors Implementation of corrective action by relevant Directorates. 00 ~ Key challenges • • • • • Remain relevant in changing circumstances Up-skill staff Awareness and importance of job descriptions Performance assessments of staff Implementation and enforcement of audit methodology Page 5 of 8~ Business Plan dept 0910 doc. doc • • • • • • • • • Additional staff capacity to enhance service delivery Improve staff morale Create Personal development Plans for staff Development and retention of specialised knowledge Co-ordination of cross functional audit approach Change management Integrated assurance with other service providers Stakeholder relationships Timeliness of audit deliverables Developing and retaining staff • Providing challenging, varied assignments • Ensuring quality supervision and communication • Ensuring staff participates in projects from start to finish, to learn all phases of the audit process • Providing opportunities to lead (in-charge) projects • Rotation through various audit teams and/or audits of various business units • Providing continuous professional development opportunities ~ 00 ('J.;;I 7. ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS A risk workshop was held in April 2009 with the Internal Audit Management Team. The workshop was facilitated by the risk section at the City. The existing inherent risk register drafted in March 2008 was revisited by plotting both current controls and actions to improve with related target dates and actions owners. Page 6 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc.doc Priority 1 Inherent risks identified as per Directorate: Internal Audit Risk Register • • • • • • • 8. Resource 1 Skills capacity constraints Lack of co-ordinated assurance effort Inadequate Performance Management monitoring IT Down-time Dependence on IT for audit process Ineffective Risk Management structures in the City Lack of achievement of the internal audit plan expectations Limitation on access to information, premises and staff STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE IDP Strategic Focus Area 8: Good governance and regulatory reform refers. Internal Audit will assist management by providing independent reviews on the governance, control and risk environment and help determine compliance to legislation. A corporate scorecard indicator c,....:) 00 Indicator - 8B.7 Percentage audit findings resolved as per follow up audits ~ A corporate scorecard indicator was introduced to the corporate scorecard in the 2007/2008 financial year. This indicator measures implementation of controls to address the audit findings and resulting risk areas once follow up audits are performed. These are control issues that require monitoring and implementation across the City. This indicator therefore provides evidence of improvement in the control environment. Internal Audit will be responsible for the monitoring and reporting of the number of recurring findings to ensure that risk areas identified in audit reports are adequately addressed and mitigated by management. . Page 7 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc. doc 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE STRATEGY I OPERATIONAL PLAN Refer to attached 2009/2010 Directorate Internal Audit scorecard. (Appendix 1) 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Date ~~____~I~r ~~ :27!c&jOj Chief Audit Executive Senior Audit Manager C -he..111t! t;siuvr s. Senior Audit Manager Iv_'~ 1~/v'..T~ iN~ J.-1/or/01 ---------t-I Senior Audit Manager Rp····1?rlWn-t/)t/l- ~---------II--=------ Senior Audit Manager Senior Audit Manager 11. w -~ K·~ 00 (,J"~ I~-- R.'jof-T W} APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Scorecard 09/10 Page 8 of 8. Business Plan dept 0910 doc.doc A I B C I I D E F I G J H I I J K I L M I 2009/2010 DIRECTORATE INTERNAL AUDIT SDBIP 1 ----- -. I .!!!. ALIGNMENT TO lOP .... 2 TARGETS c: Indicator (To Include unit of measure) a. c Objective CD SFA& Corporate Directorate Scorecard Objective No. Indicator No. :i5 iii c; Baseline 08/09 ITarget In bracketa) Annual Target 2009/2010 General Comments Frequency .. l 0 30 Sept 2009 31 Dec 2009 31 Man:ll2010 30 June 2010 a. 3 To prepare and execute a risk based operational audit plan A prepared, submitted and approved risk based audit plan Approved 09110 Audit Plan by 30106/09 annually 90% completion of audit plan (10% shorHall attributed to ad-hoc assignments, changing circumstances and changes in risk rofilesl quarterly 10% 30% 60% 90% quarterly 70% 70% 70% 10% Approved audit plan 4 To prepare and execute a risk based operational audit plan % projects completed as per audit plan Monitoring of audit reports and quality control % agreement with audit findings by management Monitoring of audit reports and quality control Evidence of 100% review for all audit projects completed on TeamMate Monitoring of audit reports and quality control Achievement of "generally conformed" rating as per Internal Quality reviews 5 70% New . 6 1;.1...;1 100% quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% quarterly 100% 100% 100% 100% 00 O":.l 1 New 8 88.3 95% quarterly 15% 25% 65% 95% 9 Management of key financial and governance areas such as income control, cash flow, Percentage of Internal Audit Capital budget spent indigent support. alternative income opportunities, assets and risk management 8804 95% quarterly 24% 50% 14% 95% 10 Management of key financial and governance areas such as income control, cash flow, Percentage of Internal Audit indigent support, alternative Operating budget spent. income opportunities,assets and risk management .. Page 1 SDBIP 09 10 Dir Template.xls A . B C D E F .. Objective (To Include unit of me.sunI) 08109 (Target In brackets) c :;; Vi SFA& Corporate Dlnlctorate Scorecard Objective No. Indlcalor No. G " ..nua argel 2009/2010 H I -~ K L 31 March 2010 30 June 2010 Fnlquency c: 30 Sept 2009 &. 31 Dec 2009 M \:jenera Comments i 3 Management of key financial and governance areas such as Monitoring of resolutions of audit income control, cash flow, findings as per follow-up audits indigent support, alternative performed. income opportunltles,assets and risk management 8B.7 11 Achieved quarterly I ------ Stakeholder satisfaction 12 ----- 1--.... >60% customer satisfaction rating for completed projects 60% quarterly ._. 60% 60% 60% 60% I ._. Stakeholder satisfaction >60% Audit Committee rating for overall service delivery New 60% annually 60% Stakeholder satisfaction >60% SCOPA rating for overall service delivery New 60% annually 60% 13 14 Ensure performance of all Internal Audit staff, managed in accordance with agreed policy and procedures .. Productivity % achieved as per the approved time keeping system 60% quartel1y 60% 60% 60% 60% .15 .... Ensure performance of all Internal Audit staff, managed in accordance with agreed policy and procedu res Evidence of review of performance on projects performed per staff member 100% quartel1y 100% 100% 100% C'" ~ 00 ... -.l ---- 100% 16 ------ Ensuring enhanced service % budget spent on delivery with efficient institutional implementation of WSP arrangements 6A4 17 - ... 6B.l0 18 90% quartel1y 10% 30% 60% 90% _ .. ---- Management of key financial and governance areas such as Income control, cash flow, Percentage annual assets Indigent support, alternative verification process completed income opportunities, assets and risk management 100% Page 2 annually 0% 0% 0% ..~-- 100% completed by 30 June SDBIP 0910 DirTemplale.xls A B C D E F .. Objective (To include unit of measure) 08/09 <II c Corporata Directorate Scorecard Objective No, Indicator No. 200912010 (Targetln brackels) :;; sFA& G .....nua arge[ I J K L 30 Sept 2009 31 Dec 2009 31 March 2010 30 June 2010 H Frequency 'iii c . ag. M ",enera Commenls II: 3 Ensuring enhanced service % improvement in the positive delivery with efficient institutional employee climate as per annual arrangements Culture Climate Survey 8A.5 19 - 31 % Corporataly annually NIA NIA NIA 31 % Corporately 85% quarteny 85% 85% 85% 85% ..... __ . Ensuring enhanced service Percentage of capital projects delivery with efficient institutional meeting original planned arrangements milestones SA.S .20 % improvement in the time taken Ensuring enhanced service Baseline to be to close notifications ito the determined on delivery with efficient institutional Corporate Works Management arrangements 30.06.09 process 8A.? 21 12 % reduction in time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) quarteny - . _. . . . ---- 8A.3 Ensuring enhanced service Staff availability as measure by % delivery with efficient institutional absenteeism arrangements 8A.2 Ensuring enhanced service Retention of Skills as measured delivery with efficient institutional by staff turnover. arrangements New S 4% average for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 3% reduction in time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) ._. 6% reduction in time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) 9% reduction in time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) 12 % neduction in time taken to close notifications (measuned against the baseline} . - annually NIA NIA quarteny 5 to 8% overall turnover I 8 to 12% wilhin skilled categories NIA S 4% average for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 22 rE28 within skilled categories 'II 23 ~ ~ 26 r- New 5 to 8% overall turnover I 8 to 12% Approv." by Executive Director: Approved by Mayco Member: _ lA~tti If Date: 5 10 8% overall 5 to 8% overall 5 to 8% overall turnover I 8 to turnover I 8 to turnover I 8 to 12% Within 12% within 12% within skilled skilled categories skilled categories <:..<.,:) 00 00 categories :P(k~/07 Dale: --_ .. .. Page 3 -_ .. SDBIP 0910 Dir Template.xls