390 REPORT To EXECUTIVE MAYOR 17 JUNE 2009 CITY OF CAPE TOWN i ISIXEKO SASEKAPA I STAD KAAPSTAD 1 ITEM NUMBER: 2 SUBJECT Me 39/06/09 COMMUNITY SERVICES: 200912010 SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) AND BUSINESS PLANS ISIHLOKO liN KONZO ZOLUNTU: UNIKEZELO LWEENKONZO LWANGO-2009/2010 KUNYE NEZICWANGCISO ZOKUMISELWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPs) NEZICWANGCISO ZOSHISHINO ONDERWERP GEMEENSKAPSDIENSTE: DIENSLEWERINGS- EN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIPs) EN SAKEPLANNE VIR 2009/2010 3 RECOMMENDATION OF THE COMMUNITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 04 JUNE 2009 RECOMMENDED that (a) the Mayoral Committee approves the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. (b) Council notes the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. ISINDULULO SEKOMITI YEENKONZO ZOLUNTU SOMHLA WE-04 JUNI 2009: KUNDULULWE ukuba (a) iKomiti kaSodolophu/yoLawulo mayiphumeze uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo loLawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. SUMMARY PAGE - REPORT TO MAyea [Template updated August 2005] Page 1 of 2 391 (b) Ukuba iBhunga maliqaphele uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo loLawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. AANBEVEEL PORTEFEULJEKOMITEE OOR GEMEENSKAPSOIENSTE: 04 JUNIE 2009 AANBEVEEL OAT (a) die burgemeesterskomitee die dienslewerings- en begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010 goedkeur. (b) die raad kennis neem van die dienslewerings- en begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. SUMMARY PAGE - REPORT TO MAyeO [Template updated August 2005] Page 2 of 2 392 REPORT To COMMUNITY SERVICES PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE MAYCO COUNCIL 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUB ..IECT CITY DF CAPE TOWN! ISlmo SASEKAPA I STAD KAAPSTAD (LSU - 8340) COMMUNITY SERVICES: 2009/2010 SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) AND BUSINESS PLANS 2. ISIHLOKO IINKONZO ZOLUNTU: UNIKEZELO LWEENKONZO LWANGO-2009/2010 KUNYE NEZICWANGCISO ZOKUMISELWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPs) NEZICWANGCISO ZOSHISHINO 2. ONDERWERP GEMEENSKAPSDIENSTE: DIENSLEWERINGSEN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIPs) EN SAKEPLANNE VIR 2009/2010 3. PURPOSE To submit to the Portfolio Committee for their consideration and recommendation, the 2009/2010 Directorate SDBIP information pack which contain the: • Directorate SDBIP • Departmental Business Plans - narrative; and • Departmental SDBIPs. These documents underpin the 2009/2010 Corporate SDBIP that will be submitted to the Executive Mayor for approval in terms of Section 53(1 )(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). 09_10 Com Serv DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April 2009] Page 1 of 6 393 4. STRATEGIC INTENT The SDBIP is a detailed plan for implementing the municipality's service delivery as outlined in the Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and budget. It includes the service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter which should be linked to the performance agreements for senior management. The performance criteria contained in the SDBIP are designed to achieve Good Governance and Regulatory Reform, as well as facilitating the accomplishment of Council's other strategic focus areas i.e. • • • • • • • 5. Shared Economic Growth and Development Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Public Transport Systems Integrated Human Settlements Safety and Security Health, Social and Community Development FOR DECISION BY Portfolio Committee, Mayco and Council. 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2009/2010 Directorate and Departments SDBIPs contain the objectives, indicators and quarterly targets by which progress will be measured during the 2009/2010 financial year. These are derived from the Integrated Development Plan of the City, which serves before Council on 27 May 2009, and are an elaboration of the Five Year Corporate Scorecard contained in the IDP. The Departmental Business Plans provides the narrative to understanding the SDBIPs. The purpose of this report is to submit the 2009/2010 Directorate's SDBIP information packs to the Portfolio Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Executive Mayor. The Directorate SDBIP information pack is attached as Annexure A. The electronic versions will be placed on the city website at www.capetown.gov.za/idp after it has been noted by Council. 09_10 Com Serv DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April 2009] Page 2 of 6 7. 7. RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1. That the Portfolio Committee makes recommendation to the Executive Mayor on the contents of the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.2. That the Mayoral Committee approves the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.3 That Council notes the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. ISINDULULO 7.1 Ukuba iKomiti yeMicimbi yeSebe yenze isindululo kuSodolophu weSigqeba ngokumalunga neziqulatho zoNikezelo IweeNkonzo lowama2009/2010 kunye neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.2 Ukuba iKomiti kaSodolophu/yoLawulo mayiphumeze uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.3 Ukuba iBhunga maliqaphele uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. lowama-2009/2010 7. AANBEVELING 7.1 Dat die portefeuljekomitee aanbevelings by die uitvoerende burgemeester en maak oor die inhoud van die diensleweringsbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 7.2 en die diensleweringsDat die burgemeesterskomitee begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010 goedkeur. 7.3 raad kennis neem van die diensleweringsen Dat die begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 09_10 Com Serv DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April 2009] Page 3 of 6 395 8. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 8.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process is driven by legislation. 8.2. Environmental implications Does your report result in any of the following: No [8J Yes (if yes, please complete the section below by clicking on the relevant tick boxes) Loss of or negative impact on natural space and/or natural vegetation, rivers, vleis or wetlands? An increase in waste production or concentration, pollution or water usage? 0 Loss of or negative impact on the city's heritage, cultural and scenic resources? 0 Development or any construction within 500m of the coastline? 0 Does your activity comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA)? (mark by clicking on the tick box) Yes 0 No o Does your report complement and support the City's approved IMEP strategies? (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Biodiversity Strategy and Biodiversity Network Environmental Education and Training Strategy Integrated Waste Management Strategy 0 0 0 Coastal Zone Management Strategy Heritage Management Strategy Invasive Species Strategy 0 0 Energy and Climate Change Strategy Air Quality Management Plan 0 0 0 Do the activities/actions arising from your report: (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Enhance Cape Town's unique environmental assets? 8.3. 0 Negatively impact on Cape Town's unique environmental assets? 0 Legal Implications The process of preparing a Service Delivery and Budget implementation plans must inter alia, comply with: Section 53 (1)(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 53 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act. 09_10 Com Serv DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April2009j Page 4 of 6 396 8.4. Staff Implications Does your report impact on staff resources or result in any additional staffing resources being required? 8.5. No [l;J Yes D Risk Implications Does this report and/or its recommendations expose the City to any risk? (Le. does it have any adverse influence on service delivery?) No [l;J Yes 8.S. D Other Services Consulted All relevant Directorates 09_10 Com Serv DIR_DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April2009j Page 5 of 6 397 ANNEXURES Annexure A: Directorate and Department Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Departmental Business Plans FOR FURTHER OET AILS CONTACT: NAME CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS . DIRECTORA TE Mark Trieod .0214002947/0843000251 Mark. trieod@capetown.gov.za Community Services FILE REF No SIGNATURE: DIRECTOR ~ i""4d::/ [J1" REPORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, By-LAws AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. o LEGAL COMPLIANCE NON-COMPLIANT (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) COMMENT: DATE Comment: ame] efore submission to DATE to 09~ 10 Com Serv DIR~DEPT SDBIP REPORT 19 May [Template updated April 2009J Page 6 of 6 398 CITY OF CAPE TDWN ANNEXURE A eSfXEKO SASEKAPA i HAD t<AAPSTAD THIS CITY WORKS FOR YOU 2009/201 0 Service Delivery .and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans Directorate: Community Services 399 SDBIP Information Pack Index 1. Community Services Directorate SDBIP 2. Department: City Parks 2.1 Departmental Business Plan 2.2 Departmental SDBIP 3. Department: Library Information Services 3.1 Departmental Business Plan 3.2 Departmental SDBIP 4. Department: Sport, Recreation and Amenities 4.1 Departmental Business Plan 4.2 Departmental SDBIP 0910 ComServ SDBIP 070509 for PC B 1 I I C D I E I I F I G I H I I K I J I I L I M R I W Community Services 2009/2010 SDBIP > Link to lOP SFA&' DifObj, Lillklo ; corp, Scoreca d I"""';': 3 15 ' , NA Q iil " l)' i Com Serv '5i' 'C . ! ~ 'C' ~ :- " ~ ..',; ;i. , Parks SR&A Cust AG Annexure A 1 "', ' " , ,?t'~)ii"J "';'~OP 'Il I AB Unlt-6f Indicator ·',·;~,c',\. Meuure ' . » ' ; "", '."",, Priolitise skills development based on the needs of the local economy, . i~,r ~~~ .•.•Ii1.{~~~I~~---)" ' . ! I~~~~,~~U), ',' < ; "",! SR&A: 618 # of job opportunities created, # :;~~.,c;··'\ r:!' '. tYi, ITarget Ifa;g~2-!~J ',.,' ,:' i'" ';"I,C" ", Total: 1622 SR&A: 622 Parks: 968 City Parks: 1000 ,', " i"•."',( ,>,;,.,\;' ,/' , ,,' ,c'.". 3rt! Quart Mareh 2010 Target ,,' ,;', "),;' il'·. ~t~~~~9~iI ';~,;2~~.:;;,;' ,.. .."'~c:~;;~~. t~Qi~i-; -I '> ""ii\ ...." City Parks: 150 City Parks: 450 City Parks, 750 SR&A:O SR&A:622 SR&A: 0 Quart to AnnuatTarget (e.U~~lst:f.lntBrventl(ms, projects, fdcuitlil.$tbat tll~ target applies to) .c~'r, ",•• ,;.'. SR&A, Lifeguards: 259 Clerks: 7 Acress controllers' 42 City Parksc 1000 Workers: 217 Play leaders: 97 SR&A: 0 Parks: (labor brokers; community park workers; contractors) 4 1.8 NA 5 Com Serv . , - 2,6 NA Com Serv Parks SR&A Cust 'SR&A --- Prepare for hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the City of Cape Town in accordance w~h FIFA's requirements and the City's developmental objectives ,~-- Cust Manage and maintain the Citys beach nodes, # of Community Services 5 programs 5 2010 soccer world cup programmes I initiatives implemented according to the planned mileslones, # --- Programme City Parks: 1 s SR&A: 4 ~ # of beaches awarded blue # flag status, Quart -- I'~' 7 Beaches 6 Blue Flag awarded Blue Beaches Flag Status: Quart 5 programs developed according to planned milestones 5 programs developed according to planned milestones 5 programs developed according to planned milestones 5 programs developed according to planned milestones City Parks: 1 1, Eastern Boulevard SR&AProject 5000 (Spectator development), International PSL Club tournament, Metropolitan Premier Cup Bayhill toumament, Volunteer Plan -- 7 beaches 7 beaches 7 beaches 7 beaches awarded Blue flag awarded Blue flag awarded Blue flag awarded Blue flag Big Bay, Clifton 4th; Muizenberg, status according status according status according status according Mnandi; Camps Bay; Strandfontien; to planned to planned to planned to planned Bikini milestones milestones milestones milestones . " --- f---- 6 58 NA 7 Com Serv f----- 5.8 NA Com Serv 8 NA NA Com Serv Develop and implement community services faCility Investment framework Development of a community facility investment framework according to planned milestones, Project Phase lA & Phases lB ofa 5 (Milestones phase plan completed) completed --- ~- Lib Parks SR&A --- .- 5.9 Cust 1,-- - Lib Parks SR&A Cust Develop and implement community services facility Investment framework # of departmental Draft Investment Plans, containing priolities signed olf, 1---. - 1----' Cust Improve service delivery standards toward s comparable international slandards, # New Completed by March 2010 Phase 3 completed Phase 4 & 5 completed r--- --- 3 Departmental Investment Plans signed oft ( one per Department) Quart - - 8 # of key Departmental New City Parks: 3 SR&A: 3 LIS: 2 Quart Project plan contains 5 high level phases (milestones), ~ Last phase is planned to be ~ completed by March 2010 ,---, -- 3 Draft 3 departmental Departmental investment plans Investment Plans in process of signed olf, ( one being developed per Department) 8 Service Delivery 8 Service Delivef)/ 8 Service Delivery 8 Service Delivef)/ Strategies Strategies Strategies Strategies developed developed developed developed according to according to according to according to planned planned planned planned milestones milestones milestones milestones <::::';) Investment plan must include both facilities that need to be established (growth) as well as those that need to be closed (retraction), ---- 1-- -- # - Project Completed --- Service Delivery Strategies developed, Phase 2 completed, Quart -- , - City Parks: Facility management, Stakeholder management, Planning & Development strategy SR&A: Booking, Resorl management, IMS LIS, Collection Dev. One ICT system ~ ---I....- 0910 ComServ SDBIP 070509 for PC G H AG 2009/2010 SDBIP Annexure A 1 Linll to lOP SFA& DirObj. of!ilterventior,s. projects, .·that .the target applies to) 3 12 5.9 NA Com IParks & Serv SR&A Cust Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. # of.!l!Y! major community facilities developed according to planned capital budget milestones. # 7 City Parks: 6 (1 District Parks 5 Cemeteries) SR&A: 5 LIS: 1 Housing Project New: Parkwood Sports Complex: Devetop New: Bardale: Develop MPC LIS: Harare 10 5.9 NA Com IParkS & Serv SR&A Cust Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. # of selected major community facilities (over R300.000) to be upgraded according to planned capital budget mileslones. 14 # 15 City Parks: 5 District Parks 2 Cemeteries SR&A: 7 11 Quart 12 New major 12 New major 12 New major facilities facilities facilities developed developed devetoped accordll1g to according to according to planned capital planned capital planned capital budget milestones budget milestones budget milestone City Parks: 6 1 District Parle Jack Muller Park 5 Cemeteries: Wallacedene, Welgemoed, Khayelitsha, Maitland Mausoleum Phase 1, Metro SouthEast 12 New major SR&A: 5 facilities New: Construct Sport Complexdeveloped Witsands Atl according to New: Eerste River New Sports planned capital Complex: Housing milestones New: Eerste River New MPC: SR&A: 7 1. Upgrade: Sea Winds Sports Complex Phase 3 2. Upgrade: Kogel bay Resort: 3. Upgrade: Hartleyvale Stadium: Floodlights 4. Upgrade: Vygieskraal Stadium. 14 Major 14 Major 14 Major 14 Major Upg Athletics Track 5. Upgrade: Soetwafer Resol'!: community community community community Q rt I facilities upgraded facilities upgraded facilities upgraded facilities upgraded 6. Upgrade: Turfhall Stadium· ua according to according to according to according to 7, Upgrade: Khayelitsha Athletics planned capital planned capital planned capital planned capital Spectator Stand budget milestones budget milestones budget milestones budget milestones _ City Parks: 7 --District Parks: Company Gard~ DurtJanville Rose Gardens, Khayelitsha Wetlands, Westridge Park, Maynard Park Cemeteries: Maitland, Sir lowry's Pass w:::.. 0910 ComServ SDBIP 070509 for PC B G H AG R 2009/2010 SDBIP Annexure A 1 (e.g, list Ofintar\fenti()nl!!Pt9j!lt~, facilitIes that the farlIet appllell:to) 3 11 5.9 NA Com Serv lib Parks SR&A Cust improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. # of flagship facilities to be develo pod to agreed standards. City Parks: 3 # New Quart I LIS: 1 SR&A 7 facilities developed to flagship slatus according to planned milestones 11 facilities developed to flagship status according 10 planned milestones 11 facilities developed to flagshIp slatus according to planned milestones 11 facilities developed 10 flagship status according to planned milestones 12 5.9 13 NA Com Serv lib Parks SR&A Cust Improve service delivery standards towards comparable intemational standards. 10 # of flagship facilities maintained to agreed standards. # New City Parl<s' LIS: 1 SR&A: 8 Quart I 10 facilities maintained to flagship standard I 10 facilities maintained to flagship standard I 10 facilities maintained 10 flagship standard SR&A: 7 Targets (Project Structure) not yet defined, awaiting finalise business plan as requested by EO 1. To be developed: Sport Venue: Stephen Reagan 2. To be developed: Sport Venue: Malibu 3. To be developed: Community Centre: Strand Town Hall 4. To be developed Resort: Soetwater 5. To be developed: Resort: Hendon Park 6. To be developed: Swimming Pool: Strand 7 To be developed' Swimming Pool: Sea Point lIS:1 Bellville City Park.:3 Cemeteries: MaItland, Guguletu Parks: Khayelilsha Wetland Park SR&A:8 Targets {project Structurel not yet defined, awaiting finalise business plan as requested by ED 1. Flagship facilities: Sport Venue: Belhar Indoor Centre 2. Flagship facilities: Sport Venue PP Smit 3. Flagship faCilities' Stadia: Veladrome 10 facilities ( Flagship facilrties Stadia: Alhlone maintained to Stadium nagship standard 5. Hagship facilities: Beach: Mnandl Beach 6. Flagship facilities: Swimming Pool: Bellville Pool 7. Flagship facilrtles: Public Toilet: Big Bay 8. Flagship facilities Calegory TBD: Pnncessvlei Eco Centre City Park.: 1 District Parl<s: Company:Gardens . LIS: 1 Central I ~ Q N 0910 ComServ SDBIP 070509 for PC B I C I 0 I I E I F G H K M L W R AB Community Services 2009/2010 SDBIP I AG Annexure A 1 Link to lOP SFA& Target PlrObj. ,,·1I 31 :'1" '; There will be bolh an increase and decrease in open hours but this will ultimately result in 63 libraries Improve service delivery 5,9 NA Lib I Cust Istandards towards , comparable rntematlonal standards, I I No of Libraries open according to minimum set open hours # 66 63 of 98 I Quart I 63 63 63 63 I reaching minimum open hours, This is a direct result of the vacancy budget being cut Ollen hour standards: Community libraries: 35 hrS/Wk Regional libraries' 45 hrslpwk 63 hrslwk SG.1 5.9 I Com Serv I I Parks C t us I Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. I Number of community parks I mowed and cleared according to minimum standard 2829 of 4006 # 3058 I Quart I 2t41 2446 2752 3058 measured according to the mowing cycles (6 weeks) established as part of the City Parks maintenance standards, During this period, the cleaning of the facilities in terms of litter pickIng and dumping removal also has to be done in terms of the sel maintenance I standard. The total figure excludes the total number of Road reserves that are mowed by City Parks Annual target equates to 100% (3058 of 3058). Spatial errors have been identified and rectified and this has resulted in the reduction in the number of spatial features listed as community parks (Le, 4006 to 3058). No community I parks have been removed. 1s1 This indicator will be measured according to the mOwing cycles(6 5.9 5C.l I ~~~ I I Com Serv SR&A Cust Parks I Improve service delivery Cust standards towards < comparable ",[ematronal standards. I No of cemeteries cleaned and mowed according to minimum standards I cemeteries # of I 31 37 (of 37) New 360 (of 513) New 121 (of 202) I Quart I IweekS) established as part of the City Parks maintenance standards. During this period, the cleaning of the facilities in terms of litler picking and dumping removal also has to be done in terms of the set maintenance standard. 37 37 37 37 140 180 270 360 Equates to 70% (360 of 513) Sport fields with complete grass cover 80 95 110 121 Equates to 60% (121 of 202) halls that are open, safe and clean (ablution/toilets, hall an~ kitchen), 161 17 --<>r««< 5C.1 5.9 181 I I Com Serv SR&A Cusl Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. Improve service delivery standards towards comparable intemational standards< Number of fenced formal Sport fields with complete grass cover Number of open. safe and clean halls (ablution/toilets, hall and kitchen) # of sport fields I # of halls I Quart I Quart I ~ = r:.....:> 1 B I C G I D I E I F I I Community Services 2009/2010 SDBIP I:: .•... ". , '.'. Link td: Link to lii' . ,' h'.;: •. I; -g : Corp, ' , lOP k :1 Ii ibjlD~ }. -~' SFA& Sco~«;al 3 2 DirObJ. at d 3 5.9 19 ". Com Serv 5C.1 ----- SR&A Cust " '" Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards, I J .... ...... " " '.' ". I I ". , I',: : %. ... ',. I H Unltof ' Measure Ballll1line., I: . 'Jc~:r;_,;:c;.i:'.".'_c" ~j~~;:~Stel 1 :. ',< '" Number of open swimming pools that meet water quality standards throughout the season # of swimming pools New I K 34 (of 36) L I I M I~~t ". "Il iii .Q c. '" '" :> n Quart 1---- I-------- 1,stQuart .' Sept,l!o~:'f. .... Target . ..... ~ ;,\ I R W I AS ~ AG Annexure A 1 . . ,. ,. . '~.;.i-::rH I~r ... i;.'/~.;», 3rdQuart . Mardi 2010 Target ••.;:it.;~li~j~i~:,·:: f!ppp~~ng~e~alltoAnnualrarget 1~:~~~~1,~;:;:~f~~ ~:gi~i:~ih~rVentiOflS '~:;1~I;l;,:~:; 34 34 ----- 5 . •. projects. fa~~lmes.thaHhe target applies to) ; 5 '." , ..,.; . Equates to 95% (34 of 36) of swimming pools that meet water quality standards throughout the season. Pools open all year around: Long street Pool. Sea Point Pool, Mnandi Pool and strand Pool (Blue Downs Pool will be ope, ational in July 2009) ----- ------ Parks: Cemetery signage boards to be offered lor advertising space # of departm.",tal initiatives 5,9 Com Serv NA 20 ,-, 72 Lib Parks SR&A Cust NA Lib Parks SR&A Cust Cust Promotion 01 sustainable communHies and healthy lilestyles through the promotion of community based sport, recreation and library services, programmes and initiatives. Com Serv SR&A Cust Promotion 01 sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles through the promotion of c.ommunity based sport, recreation and library services, programmes and initiatives. 23 % 01 Municipal Facilities Committees (previOUSly called Facilities Management Committees) operational (developed & maintained) ------ NA Com Serv SR&A New _ Parks: 1 LIS: 1 SR&A: 12 Quart % of Local Councils 01 Sport that present programmes in identified High Youth at Risk areas targeting youth not involved in organised sport. Parks: 1 LIS: 1 SR&A: 12 initiatives implemented (2 per distri<:-1) according to planned milestones. Parks: 1 LIS: 1 SR&A: 12 initiatives implemented (2 per district) according to planned milestones Parks: 1 LIS: 1 SR&A: 12 initiatives implemented (2 per district) acc.ording 10 planned milestones. SR&A. 12 initiatives- 2 per district. These will inctude partnerships with external international donors e.g, Principaity of Monaco as well as commercial partners who will provide services andlor equipment in lieu 01 advertising space LIS: Entering into MOU's with Friend! of the Libraries; Pursuing sponsorships in support of outreach programmes .. ----- 85% % 95% Quart 10% 30% ---- 22 7.3 # ' , - Provide developmental programmes and events that % ward allocation projects impact positively on the social completed, fabric 01 communities and visitors in the City .- ;---. 7.3 implemented generating additional external & internal resources lor service delivered '-' 7A.4 21 Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards. Parks: 1 LIS: 1 SR&A: 12 initiatives implemented (2 per district) according to planned milestones. 1---- ----- 60% f---. 95% ----- ------ ~- r::.> ~ % ------ % 75% 1-" 85% Quart 75% 80% 85% 85% .----. New ----- 60% Quart 20% 40% 50% 60% High Youth at Risk Areas: Bellville, Blaauwberg North, Harare, Lentegeur. Mandela Peace Park, Manenberg. Samora Machel, Sile C, Site: B, Tatelsig, Scottsdenel Wallacedene 0910 ComServ SDBIP 070509 for PC B 1 I C I I D E I F I I G I H I I K I J I 1- l R I M I I W I AB ,;, ' Lirlk~o, Link to IDP SFA& ScorKji DirObj. d; I',·" , .~! " corp.' , 11";; : I· :' A 3 , 7,3 ;' !,' i Ii. "l;,! ',,' W,• • •:. -"; I~' t. .,.:l',jif • 7~*;}[ , NA Com Serv 8B,3 Com Serv SR&A Cust (-'--" All Fin ~~f"" 1'hl;'~>::'! 'c'" ,.'""",, 24 8,5 ~. Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles through the promotion of community based sport. recreation and library services, programmes and initiatives '-' ;'" 26 Com Serv All 27 ,-, 8A 28 Com Serv All 1--- ,,- 8B,1O 8A,6 ,- 8.4 8A7 Unitof " Measure I'la~l~t" ,/,c<.'. ~rcJune . 2010) • No of sustainable programs presented in partnership with local Councils of Sport targeting youth not involved in organized sport 6 -~ % Expenditure on Capltat Budget % 85% g:" ,,' "" , ,',' New G ~ ;.... 1/ ",';.;;,,,"".~ 11 c, .g;""".,'',' il --C---' 95% Management of key financial % Expenditure on Operating areas. Budget % ""·'d·.~" 3!l!QiJart Maroh2010 ,Z" 2;;:;;'," ~"l !TlI;oti ';~F~ft~;~ .~%:., 6 Quart Target ",,' 6 Com Serv All Fin Management of key financial areas. 6 98% 40% Improve the organisational and regutatory environment % assets validated, (% items on the GAMAP Comptiant register verified) ---- % Capital projects meeting original planned milestones. -"~ Com Serv All IP Improve the organisational and regUlatory environment I 65% 95% Corporate indicator & target ,-, 23% Quart Programmes will include: • Capacity building e,g, training in sports administration and financial management. • Volunteer recnuitment and management. • learn to swim and water safety programmes, • Recreation festivals • Holiday programmes • Sport against crime programs 6 ---- 95% % improvement in the time taken to close notiflcations in terms of the Corporate Works Management process % 97% 100% assets verified, Annuat Annul exercise completed in 4th Quarter --,,- 75% 50% 85% " - Baseline to i2o/~-iedudion in % Annul exercise completed in 4th Quarter ---- % time taken to be determined close notifications on 30,6,09 (measured against the baseline) Quart Supporting DetaU 10 AnnUlilorll,?et .',' II~~~;~~·~'i'>.' (e.g. list of in~entions, pri,lects.1 Ta~t.',j;;,;>,,~, facUities that the target applies toll 98% ,,-, 85% 85% ,- Annul exercise completed in 4th Quarter C--"'- Corporate indicator & target --, ,-, ' ' ' - ' IP II~.:- '{"'Xi,; -------- C----' " - " - ' , 12% '- , :"::::.:. Quart 1---' ~f~ ~'].:·'{~,~lc ,J~ r---' ,r---' "85 FlO ' " ---- 8BA '·:Hr~f·~t .u~~lIfTatget ;' ; , Management of key financial areas, 25 85 AG Annexure A 1 Community Services 2009/2010 SDBIP 100% Corporate indicator & target . ---- 85% 85% Departments will only be able to report on this indicator once the corporate measuring tool is operational, Corporate indicator & target ---- 3% redudion On 6% reduclio;;O;;- 9% reduction' on 2008/2009 200812009 2008/2009 baseline baseline baseline Quart 12% reduction in-' time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) 1--'- .,p.. C' I:.J'! fhe 4 month rolling average age of atl notification ctosed within the preceding 4 month period will be to measure performance, Corporate indicator & targel 29 --, ,-, 8,1 8AA Com Serv All O&l Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff %of Ir ainil1g budget spent alignment to business needs and improve staff morale and performance O&l Implement human capitat management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business needs and improve staff morale and performance 30 % 95% --, 90% Quart --" « 30% 50% ---- 70% 90% Corporate indicator & target --, City~25% 8.1 31 8A.5 Com Serv All %improvement in the ,positive employee climate as per annual culture climate survey. % Com Dey ~ 30% Parks 32% US = 24% SR&A= 33% 3% year on year improvement - " Annual City = 31% Baselines and targets to be updated Com Dev = 33% once results are received in June 09 Parks 35% LIS = 28% Corporate indicator & target SR&A = 36% 09 lor PC 1 B G t C t D I E I F I Community Services 2009/2010 SDBIP Link to Link to lOP SFA& oirobj. Corp. Scorecar d S! OJ a iil li 3 8,1 NA Com Serv .. 0" L' rr I I':,i~~,~ ~ All .... I I H ~ .-~ 8.1 34 35 r-- ~ 37 7a NA NA Com Serv All 1---- - - Com Serv All '. '. ,;.?1[ii¥: '.<. O!~torate ObjeCtive in lOP .. .... .~'~~::J. O&L O&L Implement human capital management syslems and x, absenteeism due to sick processes 10 enhance staff alignment to business needs leave. and improve staff morale and lpertormance O&L I K I L I M I R w I I AB AG , Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance slaff alignment 10 business needs and improve slaff morale and performance _. I J . ." :::""n~;=~'(~~~'·~~z; Annual Target Baseline. (by June 201 II) . i . ., 1$tQulirl: I.r , <II .'. 2i).~ .Quart S,pt2009 Pe<;2QO!l Target,. '. t~llIet # 130 City Parks: 20 SR&A: 18 LIS: 92 New Com Serv Annual Av =4.6% % Quart supporting o~biiiio Annua! TIIl'9etJ . ..•. proJectS. \e,g. List of In~~tions, facilities thai the urget applies toj . " . ... Parks' 20; lIS.92; Parks' 15; US:45; SR&A: 18 SR&A: ?? 130 Area 60 Area managers City Parks: 20 managers attended phase 1 attended phase 1 01 "Management SR&A: 18 of "Management Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Program" as per US 92 Program" as per planned planned milestones milestones Directora!e Av of <4% (based on 12 month period) Quart Average: SR&A: 3.40% LIS: 3,50% Parks: 5.7% Average: SR&A: 3.23% LIS: 3.50% Parks: 5.5% Average' SR&A: 3.06% LIS: 3,50% Parks: 5.3% Average: SR&A: 2.89% LIS: 3.50% Parks: 4,9% Information sourced from SAP BI based on a moving annual average I.e. a 12 months period Directorate Av of <0.6% (based on 12 monlh period) Quart Average: SR&A: 0.58% Parks: 1,5% LIS: 0.15% Average: SR&A: 0.57% Parks: 1.3% LIS: 0.15% Average: SR&A: 0.54% Parks: U)",{, LIS: 0.15% Average' SR&A: 0.51% Parks: 0 7% LIS: 0.15% Information sourced from SAP BI based on a moving annual average i e. a 12 months period ----Com Serv Annual Av = 1.0% % - 1\ ~- . Target June 2010 -- - - - - - r-- --- .····""···..I.·K./.~~.·!.P.·1····· ~- 4th.Quait 3(tl Quart .' Mai'Ch 2010 ...•....... rarg~t Parks:5; LlS;O Parks: 10; lIS.O; SR&A: ?? SR&A: ?? 5 Area managers 10 Area managers attended phase 1 attended phase 1 of "Management of "Management Rejuvenation Rejuvenation Program" as per Program" as per planned planned milestones milestones ~~~~~.~~;;,:j;;~-:;,~;~.~;~ . . . -- :.: ...... # of Area Managers that have attended phase 1 of "Management Rejuvenation Programme" Implement human capital management systems and % absenteeism due to processes 10 enhance staff alignment to business needs unauthorised teave. and improve staff morale and performance . . ' . , I·,,;, i ,',.,a ..... UniiOf '. M~lIure 32 8.1 I I -_._._-_._ ~ .:; c:::r'J ...... __ ._ ...... _._ ............. __ ............ - - - - -....... - - C!1T or CAl'! IIIlIK IS!XtK6 S~3Um. stu P.AAfSl$j DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2009/2010 Department : City Parks Acting Director: Chantal Hanslo ~ c=> -.l Contact Person: Ms Y Colley Page 1 of 5. 0910 City Parks Business Plan 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Parks develops and manages most of Cape Town's public open spaces, including its parks, cemeteries, natural areas, recreation areas on water bodies, informal sports fields and landscaped road reserves. It aims to protect the City's wealth of biodiversity and further 'green' it via various tree planting initiatives. Together with the Water Services Directorate, it also assists with the implementation of the City's water demand strategy. The Department plays an important role in job creation by initiating community partnerships and in raising public environmental awareness to ensure the continued protection of our natural surroundings. 2 PURPOSE AND SERVICE MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT Purpose Vision To be recognised as a leading provider of quality parks and dignified cemeteries there by contributing towards a better life for all. Aims/Objectives • To provide quality and accessible zoned public open spaces • To create and manage biodiversity and greening projects in a sustainable manner • To provide a dignified and efficient burial service • To foster effective community consultation and engagement .,;:::. Q 00 Customers • Communities Customer Demands/Expectation • Efficient and effective service delivery Page 2 of 5. 0910 City Parks Business Plan Aim of the Department • 3. To provide quality zoned public open spaces and dignified cemeteries LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES: Legal Requirements/Regulatory Environment impacting on the Department include: 4. • The National Environmental Management Act • The Constitution of SA (Act 108 of 1996) • Section 24 of the Bill of Rights and Schedule 4 and 5 which indicate that everyone has the right to an environment that is not harmful to their health and wellbeing and their right to have the environment protected through reasonable legislative and other measures. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan I Partnersl Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities f--.. - Individual community members Community buy-in, partnerships ~ Non Governmental Organisations Partnerships Private sector Involvement, support, inputs ,- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . Various City Departments ~ c:.o Integrated projects, consultation and collaboration \-- Provincial Departments Partnerships and involvement Page 3 of 5. 0910 City Parks Business Plan 5. 6. RESOURCES • Capital Budget: R 32 202 282.00 • Operating Budget: R 495 937 074.00 • Staff Compliment: 1504 BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS A lack of human and capital resources inhibits the implementation of the prescribed minimum maintenance standard as determined by the department. 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions That City Parks will continue to be resourced at adequate levels to meet service delivery standards 7.2 Risks The department has a comprehensive Risk Register in place. Of most concern are the risks mentioned beneath: r N~iSks~ti-on --1 . Loss of institutional memory I , Implement a mentorship program by identifying mentors and coaches in the department ~ ~ 2~ -LaCk of critical skills to pertorm specialized areas-c-Recruit and select suitably skilled e.g. tree climbing, horticulturists, landscaping ._,.i personnel. R~sponSibility All, with Support Manager to manage Support Manager and Recruitment & Selection ._. . _----------- 3 Talent management Ongoing supervisory training Support Manager 4 Impact of climate change Manage changes in weather patterns affecting maintenance cycles All District Managers I Page 4 of 5. 0910 City Parks Business Plan )f.::.. ;-.. c:.':I 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP 8.1 Identify and describe the linkages to the strategic Focus Areas and Objectives in the lOP. • 8.2 9. Strategic Focus Area 5C: Parks and Cemeteries maintained according to defined minimum maintenance standards. KEY PROGRAMMES • City Parks 2010 Soccer World Cup programmes: Partial upgrade of Eastern Boulevard. • Conserving biodiversity by implementing deliverables identified in the City Parks Greening Strategy. • Improvement of delivery standards in City Parks through the development of strategies which include Facility Management, Communication Management, Business Improvement and Planning & Development. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) Attached the 2009/10 City Parks SDBIP. 10. AUTHORISATION .r.:. The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. ..... ...... ~C~ing ~ -- Name Director c:::': n~'v~C\ Date \1+0 lA So (CJ I =- &:'., ~•.~ " ,:)0 '\ ,-,"_,J Page 5 of 5. 0910 City Parks Business Plan CITY PARKS 0910 SDBIP Updated 190509 yc C J 0 I E J I F H I .1 J K I I L I U AE I AO I I AY CITY PARKS 2009/2010 SOBIP Annexure A: 2.2 1 .\2 iil n 8' liriktO 2 Link to tOPi' Corp. SFA·& . Scorecard tllfo.bj, 1,5 iii tt NA Com Dev - I~~.; j,: r~ . I' I,:..;._~.,. I'-.~- ~" /; I ." BC '., .. '. •..•.••.. ' . . ~. r.:.·.. :.,~~·~;~~';.::••. ~}; ;>:.~;;fj.;•.;:· : ... ..,.... >, Baseline Annual. Tal'jJirt" (by June 20tO) ..' . Prioritise skills development based Parks on the needs of the local # of temporary job economy, opportunities created -' I~~~ ~t2 1000 968 ". ~tri<~llart. '~"~;i';~ •. ' '. I.··..." intiQuali k..;: .... tltit.09· . ." Tal'jJet~-t;). I:;:~~:: 'v • I': ' I}a~~~., •.• . . . . . 150 450 J!llle10 ~#Uet 750 General •. '. " ' ; , '.. . . . . . ; CQmment . . ...';\>"';.' Suppoliiog Detail to Aonu~IT~~~et . '" {e,g.list of InterventloJjs.f~I'()J~tS; fac:;lllti"s thattl!e target applies tob':' . . ' •..•. .' .•.. Targets made up from labor brokers; community park workers; contractors ( Include volunteers ). 1000 3 -- 1,8 NA Com Dev Prepare for hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the City of Cape Town in accordance with Parks FIFA's requirements and the City'! developmental objectives ,±- -NA 2.2 Parks I ,2- # of planned Greening Strategy deliverables to be implemented 4 planned 1 funded 1 initiative implemented 1 New ---c--- NA 5.8 6 Com Serv Develop and implement Parks community services facility investment framework - - , - - r----- 5,8 NA 7 Com Serv NA 8 --- NA 5.9 Com Serv Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones 1. Prioritise the assessed Site for Submit the Management Greening Strategy Plans to the EMT and 2, Revieew and Portfolio update the current Committee, Minimum Standard Development of a City Parks facility investment framework according to planned milestones New Initiative developed and implemented CSIR Framework according to planned milestones -- Develop and implement Parks community services facility investment framework City Parks Draft Investment Plan containing priorities signed off. New A Draft Departmental Investment Plan signed off, # of key Departmental Service Delivery Strategies to be developed, New Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones ,IU''''UlY prioritize projects fro Water Strategy 2. Investigate and implement altemative funding for Water Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones Initiative. Eastern Boulevard 1-- --- Identify the deiiverables for the next financial year. ~ ,....,.. l'o..!l Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones City Parks: 5 New 3 I Page 1 Part of larger project. Investment plan could be Capital budget plan Investment plan deferred to March 10. Apply what you know. Investment plan must include both facilities that need to be established (growth) as well as those that need to be closed (retraction), -t------- -- 1-# of strategies being implemented according to roleout plan, Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones ,- Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones 5 Service Delivery 5 Service Delivery Strategies Strategies developed developed according to according to planned planned milestones. milestones, -~- Improve service delivery Parks standards towards comparable international standards Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones - _ . , - -Improve service delivery Parks standards towards comparable international standards, Initiative developed and implemented according to planned milestones - -- 5,9 9 Conserving biodiversity and improving quality living environments through greening, education and access, # of City Parks 2010 soccer world cup programmes/initiatives implemented according to the planned milestones, 3 3 5 Service Delivery Strategies developed according to planned milestones, ,- 3 5 Service Delivery Strategies developed according to planned milestones, Ust of strategies to be developed: Facility Management -DG Communication Management· NM Planning and Development - JB Business Improvement - DG HR Improvement· NM --- 3 List of approved strategies. Finance Burial Greening Strategy CP 2009-10 Dir Com Dev CITY PARKS 0910 SDBIP Updated 190509 yc I C D I I E F I H K AE U L AO AY BC CITY PARKS 2009/2010 SDBIP ,I. " LInk to lOP SFA& J• 2 (irOb 10 I I NA I I I I I I 5.9 I NA I 5.9 131 I I Improve service delivery Parks Istandards towards comparable international standards I I I Com Dev NA I I Com Dev I NA I I I I D Com ev I Improve service delivery Parks I standards towards comparable international standards I Improve service delivery Parks Istandards towards comparable international standards I P k Improve service delivery ar s I standards towards comparable international standards Workshop An amended parks bylaw promulgated 1 document \ I Com Dev NA 5.9 I I Public Participation process comments with Councillors and Stakeholders Comments I R P b t t l Submit amended by·law to Council omm. for Adoption. r:s~ ~,o a a M3 Draft M4 M3 Draft amendments Approval and amendments to Stakeholder An amended cemetery to By·law and promulgation of by By-law and review consultation and by·law promulgated review process law process review process ,0 Improve service delivery Parks standards towards comparable international standards M5 Final reports to committees and rei view process -- I Parks facilities being developed according to capital budget milestones 1 District Park 2 Cemeteries I 1 District Park 5 Cemeteries 4 Cemeteries 5 District Parks 7 District Parks 2 Cemeteries I I 6 New major facilites developed according to planned capital budget milestones 7 major faciijies 7 major facilties upgraded upgraded according to accordi ng to planned capital planned capital budget milestones budget milestones 7 major facilties 7 major facilties upgraded upgraded according to according to planned capital planned capital budget budget milestones milestones I # of City Parks facilities 3 District to be developed 1 District Park Parks towards flagship 2 Cemeteries 2 Cemetereies status. I I e New major e New major facilites facilites developed developed according to according to planned capital planned capital budget milestones budget milestones I ( of major City Parks facilities upgraded according to capital budget milestones Me Approvals and , . I R,sk: delays .may be experienced resulting 0 , promu ga f ,onf from the publ1c consultation process. b I y·aw -- -----1t 15 );0:,'-:;';:::::;( - I I 1 5.9 Inft"';'.J..I~· I I NA Improve service delivery Parks Istandards towards comparable international standards # of new major City 121 . ,1 ,I I +-i-t-i~ 5.9 ,,'.;-' I I 5.9 Annexure A: 2.2 I , # of City Parks facilities maintained to 3 Distnct Park 1 District Park flagship status. Page 2 6 New maJor facilites developed according to planned capital budget milestones District Parks: Jack Muller Park (phase 1 as pe plan) Cemeteries: Wallacedene, Welmoed, Khayelitsha, Maitland Mausoleum, Metro South East District Parks: Durbanville Rose Garden, Khayelitsha Wetlands Park, Company's Garden, Westridge Park, Maynardville Park, Cemeteries: Maitland, Sir Lowry's Pass .....- -- 3 facilities developed to ftageship status according to planned milestones I 3 facilities developed to flageship status according to planned milestones I 3 facilities developed to flageship status according to planned milestones I 3 facilities developed to ftageship status District Parks: Khayelitsha Wetlands Park according to Cemeteries: Maitland & Guguletu planned milestones I I 1 facility 1 facility 1 facility 1 facility maintained to maintained to maintained to maintained to ,District Parks: Company's Garden flagship standard flagship standard flagship standard flagship standard CP 2009·10 Dir Com Dev CITY PARKS 0910 SDBIP Updated 190509 yc C I I DIE F I H K l U AE AO AY CITY PARKS 2009/2010 SDBIP BC Annexure A: 2.2 I ~. 1_ Link to lOP SFA.& 2 IDirObj• I~._.. I. • 5.9 5C.1 I Com Dev I .. Improve service delivery Parks Istandards towards comparable international standards I # of community parks mowe d an d cIeaned . . . g accodrdrd,n to minimum stan a 2829 of 4006 3058 (of 3058) 2141 2446 2752 3058 'This indicator will be measured according to th mowing cycles (6 weeks) established as part of the City Parks maintenance standards. Dunng this period, the cleaning of the facilities in terms of litter picking and dumping removal also has to be done in terms of the set maintenance standard. The total figure excludes the total number of Road reserves that are mowed by . City Parks. Annual target equates to 100% (3058 of 3058) Spatial errors have been identified and rectified and this has resulted in the reduction in the number of spatial features listed as communtty parks (ie 4006 to 3058). No community parks have been removed. I(Cleaned = Litterpicking.) 161 '. 5.9 5C.1 \ Com Dev 4-+. I Improve service delivery Parks Istandards towards comparable international standards I' # of cemeteries d d c ean:. an mowe d 31 acco~ ~g to minimum 35 (of 37) 35 35 35 35 stan a s I-I This indicator will be measured according to th mowing cycl e S(6 ~eeks) established as part of the City Parks maintenance standards. Dunng this period, the cleaning of the facilities In terms of litter picking and dumping removal also has to be done in terms of the set maintenance ' j s t a n d a r d ... ----- ~ % of community parks 59 . 1m rove service delive p ry Parks Istandards towards comparable . Ii I ta d d mterna ona s n ar s NA t--'" and ce;neteries maintained to 40% I f II t . f ",ve 0 a ca agones 0 defined maintenance 1,_ New 14---1 59 ~ 19 20 100% I 100% I - 100% I 100% I C 5 .1 Com D ev P rk ~~~ d rd t d bl a s stan a . s owar s compara e mternalional standards I .. # of VISits per quarter by district managers I . ~ Lost 194 osts throu h vacanc c R" Pth 9 Y eVlewlng e monttormg process. ~ ,~." New 11 11 11 11 11 20 80 20 40 60 80 I 1 5.9 I • olD"'''" I . del' . t - d tM, 100% Ivery mam alOe a . mprove service Parks Istandards towards comparable /Ievel of ancatagones of . t' I d d d f' d . t Interna lona stan ar s e i n e main enance standards. NA 100% North Park. Com"", •• ••, ,,,' 0Waal Central:GDurbanville Rose Garden East Kha elitsha Wetlands Park Y S th'Ad G rd W b P k ou . rene a en, yn erg ar, M d 'II P k R d b h P rk aynar VI e ar, on e osc a, Westndge Park. Zandv!el Park. I' Cumulative: 4 DMs x 5 areas quarterx4=80 .. 20 VISits per I Page 3 CP 2009·10 Dir Com Dev CITY PARKS 0910 SDBIP Updated 190509 yc DEI C I F H I I I K 1 L I U I AE I AO I I AY CITY PARKS 2009/2010 SDBIP Link l/). . ~ II~P;··..· . SFA.&' 2 ,DlfObj, f ... Llnkto.·; . Corp.' ScoreCard Annexure A: 2.2 4t~ Q~rt :~~;'i ~~~. . '.' . . . . . . .. .. ·w. June)O~;i( *.;l~~~j:lqffingDetailtcl AnilUaITraget,';' Indicator 'Target'c~?;j ;:b,(It;g~,~llIfofinterventions, projectS, facmties . ".; .. tllat the tatge~ appllfttcl) i 11 Improve service delivery Com Serv 1 Parks Istandards towards comparrable international standards. NA 5.9 _ .. ---+-- 21 BC 01 aepartmental initiatives implemented generating additional external & internal resources for service delivery New Initiative implemented accordi ng to planned milestones Initiative implemented according to planned milestones Initiative implemented according to planned milestones Initiative implemented according to planned milestones Parks: Cemetery sign age boards to be offered for advertising space Provide developmental 7.2 7A 8.5 86.3 programme~ and events that 1% of ward allocation Parks "mpact posi!lvely on the social fabric of communities and visitors projects completed. in the City. Com Dev 221 1 Com Dev 1 parkj:anagement of key financial areas. %expenditure on Capital Budget New 95% 20% 45% 65% 95% Late approvals may influence achievements of Quarterly targets. 188% (2007/08) 95% 12% 40% 65% 95% Late approvals of Urban Ren';'al funding may influence achievements of Quarterly targets. t..~ ---l'~-"Com Dev 8BA 8.5 All Management of key financial areas. % Expenditure on Operating Budget ~ 95% (2007/08) 98% 23% 50% 75% 98% 24 ----t-B.5 NA I 251 Com Dev I All Management of key finanCial areas All IImprove the organisational and regulatory environment --l- 261 -~ 27 , 8.1 Com Dell 8A.7 84 All 8AA 1 1 Com Dev 1 ,Improve the organisational and regulatory environment +- m 1 % Assets validated. 93% (2007/08) 100% Annual exercise completed in 4th Quarter --- Com Dell 1 BA.G 8A 281 (;..n All Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff Ialignment to business systems andf improve staff morale and performance. % Capital projects meeting original planned milestones. BO% (2007/08) 85% 85% Annual exercise completed in 4th Quarter Annual exercise completed in 4th Quarter I 100% (% items on the GAMAP Compliant register verified) - B5% 85% 85% Departments will only be able to report on this indicator once the corporate measuring tool is operational. Corporate indicator & target % improvement in the time taken to close C3 notifications in terms 100% process of the Corporate Works implemented Management process 12% reduction in 3% reduction on time taken to close 2008/2009 notifications baseline (measured against the baseline) 30h,reduction on 2008/2009 baseline 9% reduction on 2008/2009 baseline 12% reduction in time taken to close notifications (measured against the baseline) Corporate indicator The 4 month rolling average age of all notification closed within the preceding 4 month period will be used to measure performance --- % of trainln!! budget spent (on implementing work place skills plan.' 95% 95% 20% 50% 80% 95% I Page 4 CP 2009·10 Dir Com Dev CITY PARKS 0910 SDBIP Updated 190509 yc C L H U AE AO AY CITY PARKS 2009/2010 SDBIP BC Annexure A: 2.2 Link to lOP 2 $FA&' ,DlrObj, Target . 8A.5 8.1 Com Dev All Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business systems and! improve staff morale and performance % improvement in the positive employee climate as per annual culture climate survey. All Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business systems andf improve staff morale and performance. # of Area Managers that have attended Phase 1 of Management Rejuvenation Programme. All Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business systems andf improve staff morale and performance. % Absenteeism due sick leave. 32% 3% year on year improvement New 20 5 10 15 20 20 Area Managers targeted Corporate driven project has not been rolled out yet 5.97% 4.9% 5.7% 5.5% 5.3% 4.9% Ibased on a moving annual average I.e. a 12 35% Targets will be reviewed once the results of th annual survey have been received. 29 8.1 NA Com Dev 30 NA 8.1 Com Dev to Information sourced from SAP BI months period 31 ---------- 8.1 NA_I ~~ All Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business systems andf improve staff morale and performance. ~ % Absenteeism due to unauthorised leave. Information sourced from SAP BI 1.78% 0.7% 1.5% 1.3% 1.0% 0.7% Ibased on a moving annual average i.e months period 32 'l_ 'i1 35 $;."-0' b, Support MaMa'" Date: 37 38 39 Acting Director: 40 Date: O.Jb !);""""~ __ =. . . .:.2,Q.C). . q . .:=. . Q . s.-:. ~ ?? Q_O - Executive Director: ·····~····~-·aCD~_ Date: Page 5 O'',} [J . r '--"-'" I\W c:' .~LL~I ~ CP 2009-10 Dtr Com Dev a 12 [·nOFOPI win ISIXEKOSA1HIPl mQuns'~t DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2009/2010 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR : Library & Information Services : Ms N. Steyn ~ I-"" ............z Contact Person : Ms S. van der Schyff Page 1 of 6 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to report on the library & Information Services' bUSiness activities as contained in the Department's 2009/2010 SDBIP. 2 PURPOSE AND SERVICE MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT The objective of the City Of Cape Town library and Information Services Department is to empower the citizens of Cape Town through providing access to the services and resources required for their informational, educational, cultural and recreational needs. This objective will be achieved by providing a free public library service in line with the UNESCO Public library Manifesto. The library service aims for excellence in providing a highly professional and cost-effective lending, reference and community information service. 3. LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES: There is currently no legal requirement as the unresolved Constitutional position assigns the function of libraries to Provincial level, thus making libraries an unfunded mandate. ~ I--Ao. 00 4. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan Partnersl Stakeholders Roles and Responsibilities . PGWC : library Service Co-ordinates the procurement and supply of the majority of library materials (books, audio-visual materials, etc.) for the libraries in the City Of Cape Town; Provides promotional materials. SmartCape Responsible for the maintenance of the SmartCape facilities/service in public libraries. ~ Friends of libraries Provides assistance in terms of fundraising, advocacy, services (assisting with Page 2 of 6 mending, shelving of library materials, providing funding for the acquisition of additional library materials, etc.) 5. RESOURCES 2009/2010 Capital Budget (Draft Budget) R22 530487 Salaries, Wages and Allowances (Draft Budget) R165 275312 Staff Complement (filled positions) 765 Professionals (Chief, Principal and Senior Librarians, Librarians, Other) 259 Non-professionals (Assistant Librarians, Fulltime and Part-time) 333 Library Aids 96 Cleaners/Workers 29 CourierslDrivers 6 Admin Staff 42 ~ J--'"o e:.o I Operating Budget (less Salaries, Wages and Allowances) (Draft Budget) R146 397 760 Revenue (Draft Budget) R31 622293 ----- Page 3 of 6 6. BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS Insufficient funding impacts on the ability of the Department to achieve minimum service delivery standards in terms of facilities, staffing and collections. The continuation of and increase in the Provincial Conditional Grant is considered critical to maintain current assets and achieve standards. 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions • Unfunded mandate unresolved, impacting on the Department's ability to sustain service levels, maintain assets and address additional service demands • Implementation of minimum service levels (open hours) • Development of a Facilities Development Plan Maintenance plan • 7.2 Address security needs at all libraries ~ • Two incompatible library management systems - urgent replacement of old systems required i'-..:i C!l • ManagelRe-affirm/lncrease Partnerships Risk Assessment No B!!Is! Action Aeseonsibil it~ 1 Unfunded mandate Continue to rally with Provincial and City politicians. ED, Director and MAYCa member. 2 Inadequate budgetary capacity ED held discussions with MEC regarding additional funding. ED, Director and MAYCa member. -------- Page 4 of 6 I No Risks Action Resl20nsibilitx 3 Human Resource capacity constraints Continue with current discussions with PGWC on current and future funding of library service. ED, Director and MAYCO member. 4 Inadequate ICT infrastructure ED met with MEC to discuss additional funding required to migrate to a new automated library management system (National pilot project driven by SIT A). ED. Director and MAYCO member. , 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE IDP 8.1 lOP Objective 7.3: Promotion of sustainable communities and healthx lifestyles through the promotion of community based sPOrt. recreation and library services. programmes and initiatives Business Strategy: Library Facilities Development Plan Minimum Service Level Strategy based on Minimum Opening Hours per category of Library Libraries Maintenance Plan ~ f'\.:; 1--- Collection Development Plan 8.2 LINK TO PROGRAMMES • Library orientation programmes • Reading programmes • Story-telling programmes Page 5 of 6 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (SDBIP) See attached LIS SDBIP 2009/2010. 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Director: Library & Information Services 11. Ms Ninnie Steyn Signature Date 2/. 5. ';<009' APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Library & Information Services SDBIP 2009/2010 ~ ~ ~ Page 6 of 6 Com Serv NA NA NA I I I LIS I Lib Develop and implement Icommunitv services facility framewcrk 1Improve service delivery ~: ~~r:~ ~llmda~ds t~rd~ c~parable I I % progress towards developing a US provision I Final Facili~es Plan developed by Master Plan June 2010 master Dian 1# of key Departmenlal Service 1 Delivery Strategies plan must include both facilities that to be estalished (growth) as well as those need to be closed (retraction). New # # New 12 Service Delivery strategies I I Receive Repot1 fromCSIR 2 Service Delivery Strategies developed according to planned milestones Submit report to Cooncil Finalised Plan for implementation Subject to the conclusion of CSIR investigation and the submission of a report for approval by Cooncil (3·tier service delivery strategy) 2 Service Delivery 2 Service Delivery 2 Service Delivery Strategies Strategies Strategies developed developed developed IColiection Dev. One ICT system according to according to according to planned planned planned milestones milestones milestones flalistiip Com 5,9 NA IS orv I r Ub I'm prove service delivery of flagship facilities to be Parks standards lowards comparable develoll9d to agreed SR&A international standards, standards. I beg:e::'l~c I 1 Fla # New 1 developed to 1 flagship facility agreed standards 1 flagship facility developed to according to developed to agreed standards planned agreed standards according to milestones accOfding to planned planned milestones 1, Physical milestones Infrastructure 1 Ph ' I improvement Inf;asl~~~re 1,Physical plan : G neral. improvement plan ,Infrastructure h' f 1m I techmcal 'Ass t Improvement plan Y ed 0 assessment. : Source funding buildll1g and 'th lim I P 2 and commence p conlents, WI e~t a es" the quotation k 2, Stock ' oc t I initiation process, improvemenl ~~r~;~~3PI~~, 2, Stock I: ROO 000, 3, • R130 000 to add Improvement plan • Rl30 000 t o . . • : R100 000, 3, ICT add additional 10 addlti;;nal10 cs : R130 000 to add PC's Request 'fr ~q~es I b addilional10 PC's: furniture to I~S~:lIe:I f~o~r8e pro~ure PC accommodate 10 0 ( ' ~,,'~~a". eqUlpment PC's & procure 7 ex~rcis:s:.:nlete r 1 flagship facility developed to agreed standards according to planned milestones I ~ 1,Physical , Infrastructure Improvement plan: AppOintment of Bellville library contractors 10 do the upgrade required, 2, Stock improvement plan: R50 000, 3, ICT· R130 000 to add additional 10 PC's: Request instaHation of desktops (PC) <:--....:> C;...;l ~tructu(1 5,9 I NA Com IS erv I r US rmprove service delive". of flagship facUlties Parks standards towards comparable maintained 10 agreed SR&A international slandards, standards, 11 New I 1 Hagship facility maintained Page 1 I 1 flagship facility 1 flagship facifity 1 flagship facility maintained to maintained to maintained to agreed standards agreed standards agreed standards according to according to according to planned planned planned milestones milestones milestones 1 nagship facility maintained to agreed standards IC tr I L'b according 10 en a I rary planned milestones LIS 0910 SDBIP,xis lhere will be both an increase and decrease in open llours bul tllis will u\limalely result in 63 iraries reaching minImum open hours. This is a 5,9 NA ! Com Serv I US IImprove gelViee delivery direct resu~ of the vacancy budget being cut. INa. of Libraries open ~t:'nda~ds I~w:'rd~ -"-~mparable according to minimlm set # 66 63 of 98 63 63 63 Open hour standards: Community libraries: 3511rs/wk Regionallibranes: 45 hrsfpwl<. City wide libraries: 63 hrs/wk 63 Corporate indicator 5,9 I 5.9 NA I I LIS ltd d t d bl san ar S owaf 5 compara e I # New It New 20 I LIS I standards lowards comparable in!ernational standards (collections) librari~l- ~1:T.51 1 initiative Implemenled for service delivery Improve service delivery NA to minimum standards Com Serv NA 5,9 I % Library facilities maintained llnlUative Implemented 1 initla!lve Implemented 11niliative Implemented L 20 1 inlliative Implemented Into MOU'. witll Friends of the libraries; _ sponsorships in support of outreacll (ornnr,:)mmp5:; I Establlish collection standards and assess curren! collections I against established standards (3 categories of libraries) • New • . . . . . • . . . . . ~· . . . .H . f t n . ~ 5,9 NA I I LIS Improve service delivery ,stan,dards lowards comparable International standards (collections) 5.9 NA I I LIS I standards towards comparable Improve service delivery internalional standards l~ I Development of detailed collection development plans f 6 't lib ' or communi y rafles Number Develop 4 Entry Level (User Frlendly)"Toois and Trlcks"ICT Manuals for LIS Staff to I effectively utilise relevant ICT software # I ±-~~ New 4 Manuals community data flies & design collecNon analysis tool & identify libraries IMS Outlook Analyse colI~tions of 3 "branes against standards and identify gaps MS Excel ~ I of 3 libraries against standards d id ti1y an en gaps MSWord I CompileS business plans MS Powerpoinl I IuS: District Mngrs Inspect all their libraries over 5.9 I NA I I Improve service delivery LIS I standards lowards comparable international standards °/0 facilities I areas visited by District Managers within tile defined cycle. % 100% of Libraries visited per dislrlct New 100% 100% 100% 100% ---1District Managers to submil, for the cycle period, list of their facilities Indicaling date visited. ----5.9 I NA I I LIS Improve service delivery # of arneles publislled in Ille , I slandards towards comparable Listener and otller US Journals international standards ---~ Number New 22 7 11 18 22 7 14 21 28 .. ----- --~- --- # of ma"'eting opportunities Improve service delivery 5,9 I NA I I LIS I standards towards comparable international standards) created via articles appearing in newspapers about libraries and library activities, inlervlews I Number , New I 28 I on radios, etc. Page 2 US 0910 SDBIP.xls 7A.4 NA I ~om efV I I Provide developmental LIS programmes and events Ihal Parks impact positively on th esocial j"" ........~~-... - •• e' -,------- -~SR&A fabric of communities and visitors In the City I I Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles throught the US I promotion of community based # of literacy sessions facilitated sport. recreation and library I I % 85% 91% 0% 20% 50% 91% Number New 1497 423 751 1080 1497 Number 342 857 280 563 626 857 Number New 197 61 104 140 197 servcices, programmes and initiatives Promotion of sustainable 7A I I communKles and heallhy lifestyles through! Ihe LIS I promotion of community based sport. recreation and library I # of holiday programme activlUes held servcices, programmes and initiatives Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles through! the 7A.2 I I LIS Ipromotion of community based I # of reading programmes held I sport, recreation and library servclces. programmes and initiatIves ,_",,,,,m•• I 7.3 I 7A.2 I I communiUes and healthy IWestyies Ihrought the LIS I promotion of community based sport. recrealion and library servcices. programmes and initiatives .. communities and healthy lifestyles throught the I 7A.2 I I LIS (internal to Ihe libraries) l'-.:I Number 1357 3781 1083 2036 2639 3781 Number 359 1185 293 376 851 1185 Number 119 3t6 63 205 261 316 Number 47 158 32 107 134 158 c..n _--- Promotion of sustainable 7.3 ~ # of storylelling sessions Ipromotion of community based I . Refe.renceflnf()(l11at1on ~elrleval skills de~~~~=;~ -library . 51 sport, recreation and library SGlvcices, programmes and initiatives I seSSion programmes Promotion of sustainable 7.3 I 7A.2 I I LIS communities and healthy lifestyles throught the Ipromotion of community based sport, recreation and library I # of HIVIAIDS displays I # of HIVIAIDS programmes selvcices, programmes and initiatives 7.3 I 7A.2 I I Promotion of sustainable communijies and healthy lifestyles throught the US I promotion of community based sport. recreation and library held 1Not c()(e business so fewer resources devoted to this activity. servcices. programmes and iniUatives Page 3 LIS 0910 SOBIP .xls Promotion of sustainable 7.3 I NA I communities and healthy IIfeslyles throughl the LIS I promotion of community based sport, recreation and library I I # of displays al libraries Number 2045 3389 956 1842 2524 3389 I # of new members registered Number 61400 90257 22052 42420 67972 90257 I Number I 12.5 million I 12954493 3372572 6470429 9655867 12954493 Number New 746 219 403 538 746 servcices, programmes and initiatives 7.3 I NA I Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles throughl the US I promotion of community based sport. recreation and library I servcices. programmes and initiatives 7.3 I NA I Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy lifestyles throughl the US I promotion of community based I sport, recreation and library servcices, programmes and # of cirCUlation of library materials initiatives 7.3 NA I ustainable nd healthy )U9"t the LIS I promotion of community based I # of formal book discussion meetings held w:::;.. 8.1 I Com 8A.4 I Serv LIS I~~r. ~ k l",n"Q""",O"",><o"" ""y processes to enhance staff alionment to business needs 1% of training budget spent % 95% 90% 10% 30 % 70% 90% % spend on following categories (Internal 1& external funding): learnershlp; Bursaries; ABET; WSP09; r-... i"\f.oran ....,."'· other -T-=1 Corporate Indicator & target ~-~-TT City =25% 8.1 I 8.1 SA 5 , NA I I Com p~r~s I~;~'~;:;~~o;~, ;;h~o~; ;;~ff Serv Com I Serv SR&A ah~nment 10 b~s~ess needs. pLI~ I~;~~;;;;~~t~';~;;~'~;;;~ff I. . :r.. ~ aliQnment to business needs Com Dev ~ 30 % , Parks ~ 32% LIS ~ 24% SR&A .. 1% Improvement in the positive 1 1 employee climate as per annual cultlfffl dlmat@wrvp.v. I 3% year on year Improvement - - 28% - Corporate indicator & target 'c' # of Area Managers that have attended ph.se 1 of Management Rejuvenation Number New % AnnualAv 92 45 92 3.50% 3.50% Programme 8.1 I NA Corn I Serv l__~~~ F;;;~;:;~';~.;~;;~-;;~; ;i~ff r. ali!lnment to business needs Baselines and targelS must be updated once results are received in June 09 /% absenteeism due to sick leave. Com Serv ~4.6% Direclorate Av of <: 4%12 month (based on period) Page 4 I I Training to be Implemented during 03 and 04. Area Manager. not a deSignation, but rather officials in a supervisory capacity Informaljon sourced from SAP Bl 3.50% 3.50% based on a moving annual average i.e. a 12 months period LIS 0910 SDBIP.xls ~ c::r:: NA NA 8.2 I 8.3 "'k Com I P Iprocesses to ennance staff I Serv ... ~r.. ~ aJiQnment to business needs morale and I I Replacing 60% of ICT U'lrough alternate service hardware older than 4 years in delivery mechanisms (lCT) 7 libraries I I LIS I NA I I LIS I Improve the service cullure and workplace ethics 8.4 I 8A6 I ~orn NA I I LIS I % unauthorised leave, Enhanced service delivery NA I 8.5 I Enhanced service delivery through alternate service delivery mechanisms 8.3 8.4 LIS % absenteeism due to I Operational, current website = 1.0% # I Icalls % ReducUon in controllable IT from LIS staff logged per % Develop mechanisms and manage interllaison between LIS & Districts "';th SubCouncils Number LIS Improve Ihe organisational and % Capital projects meeljng Parks original planned milestones. erv SR&A regutatoryenv,ronment I I .. I Management of key financial areas such as income controt. cash flow, indigent support, LIS som Parks alternative income 8B.3 I C erv SR&A opportuniHes, asset I I I % Expenditure on Capital Budget 0.6% (based on 12 month I New 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% Benville; Milnerton Fish Hoek; Mitchelrs Plain Ryiands; Brackenfell Somerset-West Assess & wo"'shOp !he framev.ork conlent "';!h relevant stakeholders Implement amendments and develop, workshop and implement process for capturing of information 3% 23 Quarterly reports to be submitted to Subcouncils period) 7 Libraries I Operational websile I ~,.~,t~.J logged 0.15% e uc n 192 Quarterly reports to be submitted to Subcouncils I Monitor participation of Identified offICialS 7 libraries - 1 City Wide & 6 highest circulating libraries in respective districts Monitor information & conlenlof information & rectify problems "';!h respect to process participation of identified officia in capturing information & content of information & rectify problems .,.;tll respectlo process 6% 9% 12% 46 Quarterly reports to be submitted to Subcouncils 69 Quarterly reports to be submitted to Subcouncils 92 Quart",ly reports to be submitted to Subcouncils in capturing Information sourced from SAP BI based on a moving annual average i.e. a 12 months period Mechanism is reports to Subcouncils t- Departments "';11 only be able to report on this indicator once the corporate measuring tool is I )(ovement in the Ume to close notifications in terms of the Corporate Works LIS Improve the organisational and Management process SA.7 I ~om Parks erv SR&A regulatory environment Directorate Av of < New New monUl Improve the service culture and workplace ethics Com Ser. AnnualAv % I 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 95% 12% 40% 65% 95% % % 85% I Corporate indicator & target management ami risk management PageS LIS 0910 SDBlP.xls Management of key financial 8BA Com Serv I~' I US Parks SR&A areas such as income control, cash flow, indigent support, alternative income opportunities, asset management and risk % Expenditure on Operating Budget (95% - 100%) % 95% 98% 23% 50% % 97% 100% assets verified. Annut exercise completed in 4th Quarter Annul exercise completed in 4th 75% 98% Corporate indicator &target 100% Corporate indicator & ta'gst , Management 01 key financial areas sUch as income control, 8B.10 Com Serv All cash flow, indigent support, alternative income opportunities, asset % assets verified (% ilems on GAMAP compliant I register verified) Quarter Annul exercise completed in 4th Quarter management and risk management Sign-off by Manager. Support Services: Coenle Thlart ~~lv~ Sign-off by Director: Nlnnle Sleyn Executive Director: Loklwe Mtwazl ~ v Date: IGf l0-sf~ I . r//05Ij2<:::J:::::J'1 Date: I Date ~{ , oS' [ 2ci.?~ ~ ~ (X) Page 6 LIS 0910 SDBIP.xls NY or em lOW. !SIXEKO SnHm SUD ~,UmJ~ DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2009/2010 DEPARTMENT: Sport, Recreation and Amenities DIRECTOR: Mr. Gert Bam ~ c:.o Contact Person: Mr. A. Julies Page 1 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This document is intended to set out the Departmental Business Plan for Sport Recreation and Amenities. An overview of the Department is given below as well as the clients that it serves. Lastly there is an explanation of the IDP Objectives and what Strategic Deliverables this department will implement during the coming year. 2 PURPOSE AND SERVICE MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT The Sport, Recreation and Amenities Department strives to enhance the quality of life of communities through the provision of world-class facilities and programmes, contributing to Cape Town being a recognised sport and recreation destination. The department provides opportunities for community involvement and shared management of resources. It contributes to building a nation, and strives to have a positive impact on the general fibre of society through: • Effective Service Delivery and Communities • Management of facilities • Programmes • Partnerships Core functions ~ Facilities Management and Maintenance CA..'> c::=> The span of responsibility includes; • Water based Amenities (Beaches, nodal points and resorts) • Public Amenities (Bath houses and toilets) • Halls (Halls, Committee rooms, Minor halls, Community Recreation Centres Multipurpose centres) • Stadia, Sports fields and Complexes Development Programmes • Mobile Come and Play units with core permanent staff utilising a significant amount of volunteers • Permanent staff at Community Recreation Centres and Indoor Sports Centres Page 2 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 • The provision of grassroots community outreach sports development programmes Partnership Management • Facilitation of outside service organisations using our facilities e.g. sports federations implementing grassroots development at our facilities. • Financial assistance (SLAs) Community Based Events • Support and coordination Volunteer Programmes • Volunteer development and deployment Major Events • Event coordination and support Who are your customers? • National/International Federations • Provincial Sports Federations • Local Sports Clubs • Local Community Organisations • General Public (Bookings) • Schools ~ ~ ...... The Department's Service Delivery Strategy Page 3 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 3. • To facilitate grassroots sport and recreation development programmes; • The application of international best practices, sound relationships and partnerships with role players • The effective provision and management of facilities • The maximization of income opportunities. • Promoting Cape Town as a national and international Sport and Recreation events city LEGISLATIVE IMPERATIVES • Constitution of the Republic of South Africa • White Paper on Batho Pele • National Sport and Recreation Act • City of Cape Town Sport and Recreation Policy • City of Cape Town lOP ~ ~ 4. PARTNERS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN THE STRATEGY PLAN Partners/Stakeholders ~ Roles and Responsibilities National/ International and Provincial Sports Federations Facilitation of outside service organisations using City facilities Local Sports Clubs Implementing grassroots development at facilities Local Community Organisations General Public Service provision and development Schools Service provision and development Page 4 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 ~National and International event organisers 5. Event coordination and support RESOURCES (Financial and Staff) Staff The Department has a total staff complement 1800 filled positions, (this includes 6 labour broker staff) in addition there are 195 funded vacancies. Financial R 136110502 Revenue R 61 870825.00 Expenditure R 668869947.00 Total R 730 740 772.00 CAPEX 09/10 OPEX 09/10 ~ c,....,:) C'.....:l 6. BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS Programmes • Revive recreation and community based programmes to deal with social issues. Staffing • Due to high attrition rate many facilities have staff shortages and are unable to effectively manage facilities leading to a loss of income • Effective utilisation of staff Shift work at halls Page 5 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 Facility Management • Management of aging infrastructure, fleet, staff complement • Repairs and Maintenance backlogs due to parameter based budget • Developing an effective maintenance programme e.g. cricket pitch and pre-season maintenance Service Delivery • Redress imbalances, equality in service delivery • Develop equitable service standards and procedures Finance • Effective budgeting and resourcing 7. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP 7.1 Key strategies I plans, (detail presented in Strategy Plan documents) supporting IDP objectives and Directorate strategies: ----- lOP Objective StrategiC Deliverable ~ ----- Priorities skills development based on the needs of the local economy. Empie yment Opportunities created Prepare for hosting of the FIFA 2010 World Cup in the City of Cape Town in accordance with FIFA's requirements and the City's developmental objectives Spec! ator development ~ c.,...;) Youth International Soccer Tournament Metro politan Premier Cup Volun eer Plan Manage and maintain the City's beach nodes. Beacl es meet international standards Develop and implement community services facility provision master plan Integrcated Departmental Investment Framework and Plans Page 6 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 Improve service delivery standards towards international standards. Strate!gic initiative to ensure that SR&A facilities are well maintained Initiate work on alternative means to support the resourcing of community facilities Plans that deliver mutually beneficial and economically viable resourcing ~omparable --- Provide developmental programmes and events that impact positively on the social fabric of communities and visitors in the City Ensure the mainstreaming of Youth Development, Gender and HIVI AIDS within the Directorate Implement human capital management systems and processes to enhance staff alignment to business needs and improve staff cJ'!lorale and performance 7.2 Devel opmental programmes and events and the effective spending of financial provisions Devel opmental Programmes Staffir g Strategy aligned to meet business needs and improve staff morale and performance LINK TO PROGRAMMES (Programme Layout and description linked to Directorate Objective) • w:::- See SDBIP attached Co.'" «:..n Director: Sport, Recreation & Amenities: i Date: If/-of~ Page 7 of 7. 0910 Departmental Business Plan v2.1 0910 SROepl, SR&A SOBIP SOBIP K L I M I Sport, Recreation and Amenities 09/10 SDBIP ." Unllof Measure 1.5 I NA I ; : I SR&AI Priotitise skills development based on the needs of the local economy. Cust # of jOb.opportunitles crea1ed. Baseline 618 I Annual Target (by June 2010) 622 j Ii .l!" 110t QrtJuly.s..pI2009 Quart Prepare for hosting of the FIFA 2010 Wor 1.8 I NA I ;:~ C I SR&A! Cust t 6a in t~~~nOfl # of Communily Services 2010 ~~er programme~ acc:ance with . wortd cup I I FIFA's InitiativeS Implement,ed acc:ordlOg requirements to the planned milestones # Quart and the City's developmental objectives I I 2.6 I NA I Com SefV SR&AI Cust 5.8 I NA IcomlNAI Serv Cust Manage and maintain the City's beach IC 'ty s=::'Facilitv II # of beaches awarded blue flag status 1--·"ve"_,,.ofacommuniIY facilit~ in~5trnent framewoO( to planned mIlestones. 6 Quart IProjOCIPha.e·1 PhaselA& 16 C I I db (Mileslanes of a 5 pllase M~~::' ~~10 Y completed) plan completed Quart International Youth Soccer Toumament: Meet with Event Organiser and agree on City Partnership 17 Beaches awarded Blue Flaa Status: 17 Beaches awarded Blue Flao Status: 17 Beaches awarded Blue Flag Slatus' VJ'U,"'l'H1I'H•• 6 I 58 I NA I ~: ISR&AI Cust I""""" "~--'--'""-' Sel'Vtces Facility P'an~ ~ntalnlng pmmties, n~stment slgne 0 t =-rame NEW 1 Quart delivery I NA Com I SR&A! Serv Cust standards towards comparable international 1# of Key Departmental Service 1 DeUver Strategies developed Finallnvest~nt Consultation with stakeholders internal and define priorities and de'ffllop external Pian: Final Investment Plan: Plan approved NEW Quart i standards. >18 Booking System: Deployment of booking Bookrng Syst;in: Develop Project charter for svslems al resorts (Pilot) role oul of oilallo comm ~ ..c:.,...; plan "- Improve service 59 Interim Plan: lmp1emenlation Manager Capital Protects to Interim Ptan: Workshop with DMX's and # "'1, ' ..'nIY'" Book,ng System: Bool<lng System: Develop Project charter for mle out fif oilnt to I"'.nmm O'...elop Project charter for mill! nlll of nilnt tn l"1'lmm ~ -- _. - A 1 J 0910 SADept· SR&A SDBIP SDBIP b C LInk 10 lOP SFA& OirObJ· Unkto E F .il g i' 1 1 i Corp. l} Scorec ard I ~ H iI OIte¢\Ofale Indicator ObJectlv. In lOP I. J I Unital Measure: .L _ _ K M ..."ii Annual Target (by June 2010) B....lln. Ii .l!" < 0 N 181 Ort July-Sept2Q09 ~arget Q P 2nd Ort Oct-Dec 09 Target 3rd Ort Jan-March '10 T.rget 4th 011 lIpr-J"ne '10 Target R Supportlng Delall to Annual Target (e.g. UBI 0, . Interventlono, projects. faolilties th.t the largot applies to) 3 Improve service delivery 8 5.9 NA Com Serv SAM standards towards Cust comparable internatiOnal 1. Sports Complex-Wrtsands. AUanUs 2, Eerste River Sports # of f'i6Vi major community Acrording to ptanned capital facilities developed according to planned capital budget miiestones. # 5 5 Quart budget milest~: To be advised According 10 planned capital AI;:cording to planned capital AI;:cording to planned capital Comptex: Housing Project 3. Earste River MPC: budget milestones: To be budget milestones~ To be bucJQet milestones: To be Housing Project advised advised advised 4. Parkwood Sports Compiex 5. Bardal.: MPC standards. .£Q. . -r-- ,---'- ,----- I---- -- . ---- 1. Sea Winds Sports Complex Phase 3 2. Kogel Bay Aesort Improve service delivery 9 5.9 NA Com Serv SR&A standards towards comparable Cust international # of selected major community ,.00Iitle. (over R300.(00) to be upgraded according to planned capital budget milestones. # 7 7 Quart AI;:cording to planned capital AI;:cording to planned capital According to planned capital budget milestones: To be budget milestones: To be advised budget mifestones: To be advised advised 3. Hartleyvale Stadium" According to planned capital Floodtlghts budget milestones: To be 4. Vygieskraal Stadium: advised Upgrade Athletics T rac!< 5. Soetwater Resort 6. Turfhall Stadium 7. Khayelitsha Alhletics Spectator Stand standards. ~ --- r---- - ,-------- -- 5.9 NA Corn Serv standards SAM Cust # of flagehlp 'acUities to be: towards comparable international starn:lards --- -- --- --- 1. Sport Venue. Stephan Reagan Improve service deliv8fY 10 I developed to agreed standards. , New 7 Quart flagship facilities developed to agreed standards according to planned milestones: to be advised Uagship facilities developed to agreed standards according to planned milestones: to be advised flagship facilities developed 7 lIagship facililies developed to agreed standards to agreed standards according to planned mflestone~r to be advised accordina to planned milestones: to be advised 2. Sport Venue: Malibu 3. Community Centre: Strand Town Han. 4. Resort'Sootwatef 5. Resort.Hendon Park 6. Swimming POOl' Strand 7. Swimming Pool' Sea Poinl w:::-. e,..,;; 22 ,----- ----- r----' 1----. ---- ~- - ---- --- I----- -.J ~~-- -- --- 1. Sport Venue: Belhar Indoor Centre Improve service 2. Sport Venue: PP Smit delivery 11 23 - 5.9 1--- --- ,--- NA - Com Serv SR&A CUSI standards towards comparable international standards. # of lIagshlp facilities maintained 10 agreed standards , New r---- 8 Quart ---- flagship facilities maintained to agreed standards according to planned milestones 10 be advised ,---------- flagship facilities matntained to agreed standards according to planned milestones: To be advised Uagship facilities maintained to agreed standards according to planned milestones: To be advised -- r-- --- 8 flagship facilities maintained to agreed standards according to pfanned milestones 3. Stadia' Ve4odrome 4, Stadia: Athlone 5. Beach: Mnandi 6. Swlmmrng Poot Bellville 7. Public Toilet: Big Bay 8. Princessv(ei EcoAdventure Centre - Improve service delivery 12 5.9 5C.l Com Serv standards SR&A Cust towards comparable internatlonal # ollenced lormal Sports field. with complete grass cover # New 360 (of 513) Quart 140 180 s\andarda. 24 ~- -----~. ~- ---- ---- ~- Page 2 018 ---- 270 360 Equates to 70% (360 of 513) 0910 SRDepl- SR&A SDBIP SDBIP A 1 C D Link to tlnkto Corp. lOP SFA& S _ DirObJ. ard E_ ---'=---- G ~ iii •~ f 'i I> II 9 • iiii a< H I J K M l N 0 P Q 2nd Ort Oct-llec 09 Target 3rd Ort Jan-March '10 Target 4th Ort Apr-Juno '10 Target 100% 100'''' IOO'", J ... DlrectO<llle Indicator Unit 01 Objective In lOP Meaaure Baseline I.l!" Annual Target (by Juno 2010) R 18t Ort July-5ept 2009 Target Supporting O8lalilo Annual Target (e.g. List ot InteNentions, projects. facllities lhatllle larget applies to) 3 16 5.9 NA Com Serv SR&A Cust Improve service delivery standards % faCl1ities visited by District towards Managers within a 3 month cycle comparable % 1()(f/o 1()()% Quart 100% international 28 "- 17 5.9 NA standards. ---- Com Serv ---- SR&A Cust Improve service delivery standards towards comparable international standards '---'" .. ---- - _. - ------ .. 12 injtiatives~ 2 per district It of departmental initiatives Implemenled generating additional external & inl€!fnal # New 12 Quart Roll out plan 10 be developed resources for serviCe delivery Initiatlves implemented according to rollout plan Initiatives implemented 12 initiatives implemented according to roll out plan These wltllnclude partnerships with external international donors, e.g. Principality of Monaco, commercial partners, etc. 29 ~ Eve%,,-. Wo~d Western Province Athletics: Cape Town Marathon .3.1 r--" 34 .- ~ ~ ~ ~ 18 7.3 7A.4 Com Serv SR&A Cust Promotion of sustainable communities and heallhy lilesiytes through the promotion of community based sport, recreation and library services, programmes and initiatives. - 19 19 Quart Cape Epic Imernational Mountain Bike Challenge - 4 ----- Partner.hlDS ) ., ---- WP G)1l1nastics Academy (Philllpi) WP G)1l1nastics Academy (Phililpi) WP G)1l1nastics Academy (Phillipl) Western Provioce Surf life Saving . Association f--_ . . . _ . . .- Western PrOvince SOO Ute Saving Association Western Province Surf Ute Saving Association Western Province $urlUfe ~~~i"f!9 Association SA Gymnastics Federation SA Gymnastics Federation SA G)1l1nas!ics Federation SA GymnastiCS Federation WP Boxlna \/IPBo""'ll. WP Athletics and JAG WPBoxln<l WP AthletiCS and JAG Foundation W!'Jloxln WP Athletics and JAG Foundatfon Project 5000 (Spec Develop.) (Spec. ---- .._ .. ----- ~_~~ti.~____ . _. . . . 6 . Projoot 5000 (Spec. Develop.) . ~ ... w;::.. ~ <:.0 ----- - ~ 12 events 3 ----- WP G)1l1nastics Academy (Phillipl) ----- ~ 45 ._. I~:;~) WP Athletics and JAG Foundation ~ ~ Project 5000 (Spec. Develop.) 1'---'" ~ ~ Metropolitan Premier Cup Tournament (Bayhill) . _. . ." - 4 ... L ... # ..... International YOuth Soccer Tournament 1 # of Strategic Sporting Partnerships and Events created, maintained and expanded on Jive Big Walk Gugutethu ReconciliaHon Day Pick '0 Pay Argus Cycle Tour Two Oceans Marathon Fun Run ---- . _. . . Athlone Baseball Club: International Toumament ----- .- ~ 11 Global International Triathlon ---- DIscovery Cape Times Big Watk ~ ~. Goju Kai Karate Championships 6 - World Junior Women's World Junior Women's Softball Championships 20 11 Softball Championships 2011 ._. ---1----... 7 7 7 partnerships ----- 19 events & oartnorshios Page 4 of 8 0910 SRDept· SR&A SDBtP SDBIP A ~ 1 D C Link to LInk 10 lOP Corp. E F 2 ; f ! fa s_ SFA& DlrObJ. ard it H G I J K --- M L d' iii !l g 0 P Q R 2nd art Oct·Dec 09 Target 3'" Qrt Jan-March '10 Target 4th art Apr-June '10 Targe! Supporting Detail to Annual Target (e.g. List "" In_Ilona, projects, faeilillllS thallha target appllllSto) 80"';' 85% 85% N ." Olrec\orale ObjeeIlve In lOP Indicator Unit of Messure ; Annual Target Baseline .<> I (by June 2010) 1.t art July-&ept 2009 Target ~ ~ 3 19 7.3 Com Serv NA SRM Cust Promotionaf sustainable communities and healthy liIes\!ies through the promotion of % of Local Sport. Council. community % operational 72% 85% Events. Quart based sport, recreation and library serviCes, programmes and Initiatives. 46 -- --.~ - --- 1------ ,---- --- .~ --- I --- Promotion at sustainable communities and 20 7.3 NA Com Serv SR&A Cust healthy IIles\!ies through the % 01 Municipal Faclilly pmmotion of Committee operational community (Developed.nd maintained) based sport, % 75% 85% Quart 75% 80% 85% 85% w:::.. recreation and library services. programmes and ~ c=> Initiatives 47 --- I Promotion of sustainable communities and healthy IIles\!ias % of Local Councils 01 Sport that through the 21 7.3 NA Com Serv SRM Cust promotion 01 community based sport, recreation and present programrn9S in Jdenti1ied High youth at Risk areas targeting youth not involved in High Youth at RiSk Areas: % New 60% Quart 40% 20'% 50% 60% otganised sport library ."",Ices, BeHvl1le. Blaauwherg North, Harare, LentO\}eur, Mandala Peace Park, Manenberg, Samora Moohel. Site C. Site: B. Tafalsig. SoottsdeneiW a11.eadeM programmes and initiatives 48 .~-- --- --- Promotion of sustainable COOlmunilies aM 22 7.3 NA Com Serv SRM Cust healthy lIfeslyies through the promotion of community based sporL recreation and library services, programmes and No 01 sustainable programs presented in partnership with Local Councils of Sport targellng # New 6 Quart 6 6 6 6 youth not invoived in organl2ed sport initiatives 49 1-- --- ---._- -- Programmes will include: • Capacity building e.g. training in SPOft$ administration and financfa! management • Volunlae( recruitment and management • Learn to swim and water safety programmes. • Recreation festivals .. Holiday programmes • Sport against crime programs I - Promotion of sustainable communities and 231 5.2 NA Com Serv SRM Cust healthy liles\!ies thrOUijh the promotion of % fadlitie.<; implementing the community Facl1ltles Management Plan % 60% 90% Quart 70°/<) 60% based sporL recreation and libfary services, programmes and initiatives. 50 -- - .- --- ._-- Page5018 --- --- 80% 90% ~ 0910 SRDep'- SR&A SDBIP SDBfP ~. .~ _E_ ,..-..L A C 1 Llnkto lOP SFA& OlrObl· Link to Corp. Score<: ard I II' i 11~ i a 3 23.1 7.3 NA Com Serv SRM H G I J L M Annual Targot (by Juno 2010) j Ii K 0 P Q 2nd art Oct..lJec 09 Target 3rd art Jan-Ma"'" '10 Target 4th art Apr.Ju"" '10 Target III .... ." CD i! I Cus. Indicator Directorate Objecllveln IDP Unit of Measure Promotion of sustainable communities and heal1hy lifestyles through lIle I of developmental Sport & Reo promotion of programmes held. community based sport, recreation and library S9I'VtcOO, programmes and # oI!" 4 36 1.t art July-Sopt 2009 Target Quart 4 3 4 4 Suppot1lng Detail to Annual Target (e.g. Llet of, Interventions, proJects, facllitleslhat the target epplieo to) Holiday Programme: 1 Sport AgainlS Crime: 1 Recreational Programme: 1 Peer leadership training camp: 1 The method of measuring this indicator has changed. reswting in the initiatives. 51 e ....lne R --- ----- ..~ --------- new targets. ----- Ensure the matnstreamiog 23.1 7.3 NA Com Sorv SRM Cust 52 -- of Youth Departmental Genck>r Plan Development, implemented Gender and HIVI AIDS wilhin.he Directorate --- Plan Implrunen"'" Plan Impl......nled New t------- f------- -~- -~- Quart Implementing: Awareness _shops In diSlficlS Implementing: 16 days of Activism programmes in districts --- r----~- Implementing: Training of distriCt staff ---- -~- Implementing. District feedback workshops Planning 2010111 -~- Ensure the mainstreaming 23.1 ~ f-- 23.1 54 7.3 ----- NA .. 7.5 1·-- 24 7.2 r-" ---- NA --- ._- 7A.4 Com Serv SR&A Cust 8.5 88.3 Com Serv ----- Com Serv Com SElIV ... 26 8.5 8SA SR&A Cust ~ Com Serv SR&A C\;st 88.10 Com Serv impl~men.ed. Plan Implemented SR&A -~- SR&A Fin f-----~ Fin Management of key financial areas. Management of key financlal areas. 59 .- 88.10 --- Com Serv Fin key financial areas. Fin Managemenl 01 key financial Quart % Expenditure on Caplllli Budget 95% --- % Plan implemented according Plan implemented according Plan Implemented according Plan implemented according to ptanned milostones: to be to planned mil€stones: to be to planned milestones; to be to planned milestones: 10 be advised adviseO advised advised ----- % Expendiluro on Dperatlng Budgel % 95"'/<;. I - - - - r-- Quart 60"10 95% 65% 95% Corporate indicator & target 98% Corporate indicatOf &target 40"10 12% 1----- -~- -~- 50"", 23% -1-------- 75% --- -~- --- % assets validated. (% 'IomS on the GAMA Compliant register veflfied) % Administrative: melhods undertaken to ensUre % 8S1MtS valideted % 100% 97'% f---- -~- 97'% -~ Annual AnnUl exercise completed in Annul exercise completed in Am'lul exercise completed in 4.hQuarter 4.h Quarter 411lQuarter ---._- 100% 100% Corporate indicator 8. target 100% targets/milestones to be finalised by end June 09 --- Quart lBA TBA TBA areas. ----- ~ --- Quart 98% ~ ----- 30010 10% Quart 95% 85% ;S::a. ~ 1------------- - -~- SR&A 85% f---Management 01 SRM % t------ ~- 8.5 Plan implemented according Plan Implemented according Plan implemented according Plan implemented according Milestones to be finalised by June 2009 In consullation to planned milestones: to be to planned milestones: to be to planned milestones: to be lo planned milestones: to be with stakeholders advised advised advised advised ---r------- ----- r---- developm8l11a1 programmes and events that % ward allocation projecls impacl positively completed 00 the social fabric of communities and visltOfs in the CItL-_ 58 27.1 Quarl Plan Implemented New r----- --- --- 8.5 Ensure the mainstfeamlng of Youth HIVIAlOS PI.n Development, Gander and HIV/ AIDS wi.hin the Directorate f----- -1------·Provid-e 5Zf--- 27 Plan Implamen"'" New r------------ . .- 25 Plan Implemented \------ ~ 56 of YouIh Youth Development Plan Developmen', impfemented Gender and HIVI AIDS within the Directorate L_. _____ ----- Page6of8 A 0 P Q 2nd Ort Ocl.!)ec 09 Target 3rdOrtJan-MDrch'10 Targel 4th 0rI Apr.June '10 Targel 85% 85% 85% N I 0 iii Ii' l f ia 1 SR&A R ." II Directorate II. Objective In lOP IP organisational and regulalmy tndlcator Unit of Meaaure 8 ...... lne Annual Target (by June 2010) i j ,.Iii lsi OrIJuly-s..pl2009 Target ~ Supporting Detail 10 Annual Target (e.g. list d. Interventions, projects, leclllll.... thai the larget appllee to) 3 jDepartment improvathe 28 8.4 Com Serv 8M % Capital project. meeting originaT planned milestones. % 85% Quart 85% will only be able to report on this indicator MOO the corporate environment measuring tool is operational 601 % improvement in the time taken 29 ~ aA.7 8.4 ISR&AI IP Improve the lorganiSAtiOnal and reguiatOfY envirooment to close notifications In terms of !he CQfPOfate Works Management process Baseline to be determined on 12% reduction In time taken to 30.06.09 close notificaUons (measured % 3% reducuon on 200812009 baseline 6% reduction on 2ooe12009 9"/0 mductloo on 200812009 baseiine bascllno 12% reduction in lime· taken to close notifications (measured against the Quart against the 611 baseline 30 81 ~ aAA ISRMI O&L lenhance staff ~% of training budget spent % % improvement in the positive employee climate as per annual % 95% 90% Quart 30% 50% 70"", 90"';' 62 Implement humancapilllJ management 31 63~_+_··1 32 64' , 8.1 Com Serv 8A5 8.1 , O&L SR&A I I I I I I systems and P1'ocesses to enhance staff .. .. culture cfimate survey_ 3"/0 year on year SR&A~ 33% improvement Baselines and \argets mus! Annual be updatoo OO€e results aJOoO receiVed in JuJ1e 09 SR&A=36% ~ IlmolAm ~ fI of Area Managers that have NA I ~ ISR&AI O&L l:::m~ '~t alio=n~: lattended ph... 1 of "Management Rejuvenation New 18 Quart 0 0 0 18 ISUbSequent rme out plan for SR&A business needs PrOirammeand improve staB morale and Iperlormance Page 7018 0910 SRDept- SR&A SD81P SDBIP A 0 C LInk to I~:A& If 0 L1nklo Corp. Scorec OI,ObI· erd Q E i S' 31 ...........L II I 1 8.1 1 NA 1 ~~ ; 1I ISRMI -1 K -1 h. ." II IIndlcalo, IOlroetonlle Objectl... ln lOP Unllof Meoeuro IB_llne IAnnual Targel I (by June 2010) 0 P Q 2nd art Oct-Dec 09 Target 3,d art Jon-Mo,"" '10 Target 4th ort Ap,-June '10 N M I .,. t• j 101 Ort July-Sept 2009 [Target Target R Supporting Detail \0 .. Annua! To'gel {e.g. lIol oi intarventione. projects. lacllities that the targel applies to) Ilmpiement human oapita I 34 J H management systems and O&L rocesses to enhance sta~ alignment! business n rio absenteeism due to sick leave-. % SR&A Annual ,SR&A .AV 01 All <:2.89 ~<) (based on 12 = 3.75% month period) I Quart tV.fage: SRM: 3.4()% Avefage: SAM: 3.23% AVefage: SA&A: 3.06% SRM: 2.89% Average: SRM: 0.57% Average: AVefage: SAM: 0.54% SR&A: 0.51% Average' Informanon Sou,ce: SAP 81 Based on a moving annual average, i,e. a 12 months period and improve 651 ---- 35 I 8.1 I NA I Com Serv 11=~ I I SR&A - O&L Implement human capital management systems and processes 10 enhance staff alignment to I ~ Yo absenteeism due to unauthorised leave. % buSiness need... and improve staff morale and 661 SR&AA~nUai I~~~~ ~v of ~ 061 . (based on 12 AV9(age: SRM: 0.58",. Quart month period) Information Source: SAP 81 Based on a moving annual average, 1e. a 12 months period lperformance ,-",-".~,t'~~ .( ~t:)~~'?o;;::l ~ate: ~J~fIJ..r:1 9 Date .. .. EX9CWJeDi,ector: .. ~'~ oate..~tb'i\~l<j ) ~.:? ~ ~ ~ ~ PageBof8