1433 REPORT To THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR I ~I CITY OF CAPE TOWN IISIXEKO SASEKAPA I STAD KAAPSTAO Me 49/06/09 1 ITEM NUMBER: 2 200912010 SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) AND BUSINESS PLANS: Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department DIENSLEWERINGS- EN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIPs) EN SAKEPLANNE VIR 2009/2010: Kaapstad Metropolitaanse Polisiedepartement UNIKEZELO LWEENKONZO LWANGO-2009/2010 KUNYE NEZICWANGCISO ZOKUMISELWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPs) NEZICWANGCISO ZOSHISHINO: Isebe Lamapolisa Kamasipala WaseKapa LSU8340 It was indicated that on page 232 as per Annexure attached to the report, the 1st indicator regarding the increase in arrests in drug related crimes should be amended to 10%. It was advised that the Annexure attached to the report regarding the Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department for 2009/2010 CCTV Business Plan should be held back. RECOMMENDATION FROM SAFETY AND SECURITY PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE HELD ON 04 JUNE 2009 RECOMMENDED that the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans be supported. AANBEVELING VAN DIE PORTEFEULJEKOMITEE OOR VEILIGHEID EN SEKURITEIT GEHOU OP 04 JUNIE 2009 AANBEVEEL dat die dienslewerlngs- en begrotlngsimplementerlngsplanne en sakeplanne van directorate vir 2009/2010 ondersteun word. ISINDULULO ESIFUNYENWE KWIKOMITI YEMICIMBI YESEBE LEZOKHUSELO NOKHUSELEKO EYAYICHOTSHELWE NGOMHLA WE04 JUNI2009 KUNDULULWE ukuba maluxhaswe uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo loLawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi. 1435 REPORT To SAFETY & SECURITY PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE MAYCO COUNCIL 1. ITEM NUMBER: 2. SUBJECT em Of CAPE TOWN IISIXEKO SASEKAPA STAD KAAPSTAD SAFS 18/06/09 Itive SUPp'ort (LSU - 8340) 2009/2010 SERVICE DELIVERY AND BUDGET IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (SDBIPs) AND BUSINESS PLANS: Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department 2. ISIHLOKO UNIKEZELO LWEENKONZO LWANGO-2009/2010 KUNYE NEZICWANGCISO ZOKlIMISELWA KWEBHAJETHI (SDBIPs) NEZICWANGCISO ZOSHISHINO: Isebe Lamapolisa Kamasipala Wasekapa 2. ONDERWERP DIENSLEWERINGSEN BEGROTINGSIMPLEMENTERINGSPLANNE (SDBIPs) EN SAKEPLANNE VIR 2009/2010: Kaapstad Metropolitaanse Polisiedepartement 3. PURPOSE To submit to the Portfolio Committee for their consideration and recommendation, the 2009/2010 Directorate SDBIP information pack which contain the: • Directorate SDBIP • Departmental Business Plans - narrative ; and • Departmental SDBIPs. These documents underpin the 2009/2010 Corporate SDBIP that will be submitted to the Executive Mayor for approval in terms of Section 53(1)(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a} of Act No. 56 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). 09_10 Metro Police SDBIP COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 1 of6 4. STRATEGIC INTENT 1436 The SDBIP is a detailed plan for implementing the municipality's service delivery as outlined in the Integrated Development Plan (lOP) and budget. It includes the service delivery targets and performance indicators for each quarter which should be linked to the performance agreements for senior management. The performance criteria contained in the SDBIP are designed to achieve Good Governance and Regulatory Reform, as well as facilitating the accomplishment of Council's other strategic focus areas i.e. • • • • • • • 5. Shared Economic Growth and Development Sustainable Urban Infrastructure and Services Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future Public Transport Systems Integrated Human Settlements Safety and Security Health, Social and Community Development FOR DECISION BY Portfolio Committee, Mayco and Council. 6. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2009/2010 Directorate and Departments SDBIPs contain the objectives, indicators and quarterly targets by which progress will be measured during the 2009/2010 financial year. These are derived from the Integrated Development Plan of the City, which serves before Council on 27 May 2009, and are an elaboration of the Five Year Corporate Scorecard contained in the lOP. The Departmental Business Plans provides the narrative to understanding the SDBIPs. The purpose of this report is to submit the 2009/2010 Directorate's SDBIP information packs to the Portfolio Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Executive Mayor. The Directorate SDBIP information pack is attached as Annexure A. The electronic versions will be placed on the city website at www.capetown.gov.za/idp after it has been noted by Council. 09_' 0 Metro Polioe SDBI P COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 2 of6 7. 7. 7. 1437 RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1. That the Portfolio Committee makes recommendation to the Executive Mayor on the contents of the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.2. That the Mayoral Committee approves the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. 7.3 That Council notes the 2009/2010 Directorate Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Business Plans. ISINDULULO 7.1 Ukuba iKomiti yeMicimbi yeSebe yenze isindululo kuSodolophu weSigqeba ngokumalunga neziqulatho zoNikezelo IweeNkonzo lowama2009/2010 kunye neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.2 Ukuba iKomiti kaSodolophu/yoLawulo mayiphumeze uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. 7.3 Ukuba iBhunga maliqaphele uNikezelo IweeNkonzo IweCandelo 10Lawulo lowama-2009/2010 neziCwangciso zokuMiselwa kweBhajethi kunye neziCwangciso zoShishino. AANBEVELING 7.1 Dat die portefeuljekomitee aanbevelings by die uitvoerende burgemeester en maak oor die inhoud van die diensleweringsbegrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 7.2 Dat die burgemeesterskomitee die diensleweringsen begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010 goedkeur. 7.3 raad kennis neem van die dienslewerings- en Dat die begrotingsimplementeringsplanne en sakeplanne van direktorate vir 2009/2010. 09_10 Metro Police SDBIP COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 3 of6 1438 8. DISCUSSION/CONTENTS 8.1. Constitutional and Policy Implications The process is driven by legislation. 8.2. Environmental implications Does your report result in any of the following: No Yes (if yes, please complete the section below by clicking on the relevant tick boxes) Loss of or negative impact on natural space and/or natural vegetation, rivers, vleis or wetlands? An increase in waste production or concentration, pollution or water usage? D Loss of or negative impact on the city's heritage, cultural and scenic resources? D Development or any construction within SOOm of the coastline? D Does your activity comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA)? (mark by clicking on the tick box) Yes D No Does your report complement and support the City's approved IMEP strategies? (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Biodiversity Strategy and Biodiversity Network Environmental Education and Training Strategy Integrated Waste Management Strategy D D D Coastal Zone Management Strategy Heritage Management Strategy Invasive SpeCies Strategy Energy and Climate Change Strategy Air Quality Management Plan D Do the activities/actions arising from your report: (if yes, please select from list below by clicking on the relevant tick box) Enhance Cape Town's unique environmental assets? 8.3. Negatively impact on Cape Town's unique environmental assets? Legal Implications The process of preparing a Service Delivery and Budget implementation plans must inter alia, comply with: Section 53 (1)(c)(ii) and 69(3)(a) of Act No. 53 of 2003: Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act. 09_10 Metro Police SDBIP COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 4 of6 1439 8.4. Staff Implications Does your report impact on staff resources or result in any additional staffing resources being required? 8.5. No ISJ Yes D Risk Implications Does this report and/or its recommendations expose the City to any risk? (i.e. does it have any adverse influence on service delivery?) No ISJ Yes 8.S. D Other Services Consulted All relevant Directorates 09_10 Metro Police SDBIP COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 5 af6 ANNEXURES Annexure A: Directorate and Department Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plans and Departmental Business Plans FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: Andre Josias 0214001405 • AndF!f.1osias&aDetown. aov. za i JlBtety & Security NAME . CONTACT NUMBERS E-MAIL ADDRESS DIRECTORA TE FILE REF No . SIGNATURE : DIRECT~R II \ V ~ J . V LEGAL COMPLIANCE @ REPORT COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF COUNCIL'S DELEGATIONS, POLICIES, BY-LAws AND ALL LEGISLATION RELATING TO THE MATTER UNDER CONSIDERATION. D NON-COMPLIANT (Author to obtain signature before submiSSion to Executive Support) COMMENT: Comment: EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR [Compulsory to Insert name} (Author to obtain signature before submission to Executive Support) DATE ,-: Q I0)[ 69 (Author to obtain all signatures before submission to Executive Support) 09_10 Metro Police SDBIP COVER REPORT [Template updated April 2009] Page 6 of6 Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department 2009/2010 Directorate SDBIP , ............... ...- Metro Police 2009 f 2010 DIRECTORATE SDBIP SFA & Dircc;tor-ate Objective No I Corporate Scorecard Number I I fi Metro Police I Central Operation' j I Interna! Genef.1 COmmen! Icrime preventions in such I and dru9 confiscations I % 008 % 12% % 34694 hOUTS 972 3% 6% 9% 12% 3% "% 9% 12% Defintions a manner thot It eomnbute to the safety and security {It till residents ~- 1. Orchestrate, direc C t I Metro POlice 'o;e~;t;:n~ Metro Polioe Cenlre:1 Operations Metro Police Metro Police Centruf I Operalfons I Central Operations manage the serv! operatlDn&1 function: Internal crime preventions in such lall categories by means/ lntcmal I ! 1 Interns Internal I I h law offences 10 ensure ~ ____ ~ .... _. " ___ .~~.~._ I""",.,,"".' ,,,,_u,,,,. ' ' '1 crime preventiuos m $l.ich •• - - - - - ~ ... - . " _ _ _ "''''' ..... h . , 12% Decrease 10% inCrQ;;iISQ t() 36183 hOUfS Ii of joint operaVotls I wlth other'aw 9540.75 Hours (200%) 1O%m~aseto 5352 enforcement agenCies to ensure crime I 1471 5688 5% increase to 642 612 160 9540.75 Hours 1471 (:1942 (4413 (5888 Accumulative) Accvmulativel Accumula~) 1471 '475 161 (321 160 (461 161 (642 Acromulative) ACl:::umulatlve) A.ccumulative} preventmn MohO Police l Central Operatioll$ "'''''',''''''''1 Internal cen:J In"mol Metro Police I OpflTlItlonS Metro Pollee I CCTV Metro Police I Civilian & lrrt9rna! AffaifS Internal Metro Police I Civih&n& internal Affairs Internal '""~ j ~~,~e: ~~~~~~,::~~d!~_~f J v,' Llle " ' .. 'v,'-"~ 'v ~danoo of Senior members at 3U active I Civilian & Internal Intemai Afu\lr~ .... I~··· MetmPolir;:e I CIv,li_n& Internal Affairs Internal ~ % HID.,. 100% % 100% 100% % % ~~ 9428 100% 100% I % 100% 100.... % reduction 1. To ensure servlce compfaint1: of the pUbficl delivery, excellence in line egainst enforcement with Stllho Pele principles staff, % 56 % 1QO% Q)mmunily PoliCil! Forums in the Metropole 3. Enhanct'! operation"l effectiveness and Degree of aUgr efficiency of the Service to deliver on its maMate of the..~~:~~~ ;~~:.:~ ,.." [ I ................... -.... Vlotat!()ns by-law ()fTencC!$, cnme and other emergencies where the CCTV network camerAS are mstalled .. 1 To ensure service % or effiCient responses delivery, excellence In Ime to complaints Within e delivery, excellence In line and efficiunUy fmalised with Btlthe Pele principles within ..... MetfO Police I '" Cons;,'en' j a EnSUflll u{hice! police conduct ~ I I N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% '% ,,% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 110% rl!!dvdion tO I 50 2.50% 5% 75% 10% 100% 25% 50% 75% 100% ,. t ~~ ~ ..... Imp!ementatlon 01 the departmental accident reporting policy .... ~ I SFA& Directtmrte Objective No Iem••,"'al Scorecard Number I 'E I Metro Porice I Mvtro Pulice I Metro Police I ~ I 0 -- lJ CMlle, & Inlemal Affaire. I Civilian & Internal Affairs Oeflntlons Comment InternAl Inlernal 1 Ensure development or Integrated Information CivIlian & Internal Inlernal Affairs s::!%~ ~:e~~~c~);~r I % ":::~~:~~:~'" VI I % 100% 100& 25% 50% 75% 100% % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% % 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% " 100% '00% 100% 100% 100% 100% seNice delivery and re50urCil'$ Metro Police Metfo Poliee I f Internal Interne! Affairs M""I'V ess ¢ftne n..>'u."" 'v meet the Ensure toO% attendance of e!l GIl/DC meetings objectives of the Civilian Oversight Committee :::'ivrlhm & Interns! Affairs Internal B. Ensure reediness of the Metfo Police to meel Ute ...1., ..... ;, ....,"'111., .. ,...":1:,, .. % adhertmre it ~"... _~~~~~~ ~~"M.'H I Support Servft;es Met,o PoliCe .... Metro Police (4 Accumulalive} ~ I (6 Af;t;umiJlatiw) I (8 Accumulative) ttf;IIa 1\1\3 "".4 SA.S Directorate & Departmental Staffing Sirategit:s developed, approved and % implementation of Ihe action plan CORPORATE SERVICES (Lead Directorate) CORPORATE I SERVICES (Lead Directorate) I CORPORATE SERVICES (u.ad Directorate) arrangements I I : I Fina:ncad I"" '~,";i,g. enha,."'" I Pore.,,'a,. serv~ce d.elLvery. with SA Ensuring anha:nced s:ervit:e delivery WIth eme;ent mstltutional arrangem€'f1ts budg., spent on $0% of a.ction plans lmptemented 1 rmplemenlabon of efflclont !n$htuhonsl arrangement$ W 90% of curr(!(lt years action 9D% 30% 50% 10% 90% . Ql i cul"hol1 The cnnfeftmces afe not recognised by 1he SETA as claimable from 1he 1% of the wage bill as per the Ac1 r I positive employee I 28% NIA NlA 2"'" 28% SFA& Directorate Objective No I I i i Corporate Storeeard Number o aA6 General Comment SA Ensuring enhaneed service delivery with Internal Percentage of capilt'll project'S meeting orig~nal efficient institutional arrangements planned milealone5 New 80% N12 80% Hit 80% 1\112 80%1\112 100% 8A 7 .......... \"" ......... I Internal I "~~y' .."'."'''''''<'''~ ,...."'~ I ""f' .... ,'''''''~"... nl\ilU~!IIS I ofC3 notification process I lInplemented Including geecoding and corresponden c. functionalily 86_3 FIANANCE (Lead IF . I InsnCla Directorate) Ic~trOI' "...cash ,u~ flow, .. mcom·1 indigent support, alternative 95% Finam:ial 98% 100% of C3 notificatlon Z5% 50% 01 process implemented TIG~oo 8a!te<lon l?irlDept now FINANCE 884 I projected casfl mrome oDportunities. 80%,m Based on DirlDept. projed~ now cnb now Based on now 75% 01 process fmplement..-o Ham on Ok/Dept projected cash 95" flow Based on Dlr/Dept projected cash 98% now management 8 B Management of key financial und governance S8] INTERNAL AUDIT (Lead Internal 60% Directorate) management '0% 60% 60% 60" DeftntlOM E I., I SFA& Directorate tlB 10 i General Comment ! FINANCE (Lead Directorate) Percentage annual asset venficatlon OefinUons 100% process complet8d CORPORATE SERVICES SA Ensurrng enhanced lolemsl service delrvery Wllh efficient IflsUb.lllOnal SA3. Staff availability as measured by % absenteeism ~% % aflangem~nts New Benchmark) Annual Target Annual Target Annual Target ...... ~ ~ C'.J1 .. -~~w "re:'-E~~\~~ Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department 2009/2010 Central Operations Business Plan ...... ~ w:;::... ~ I:l1'T OF UP! IOIIN i ISIIUG USEl.APl i SUO ~UHrJ' DEPARTMENTAL BUSINESS PLAN 2009/2010 DEPARTMENT : Central Operations DIRECTOR ..... : Acting Chief M Mfeketo ~ Contact Person : Mr. M. Mfeketo Page 1 of 13. CTMPO_ 1st Orafe Central Operation: 2009/2010 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Central Operations is the Division within the Cape Town Metropolitan Police Department, which is tasked with the day to day policing of the Cape Town Metropolitan Area, thereby making it safer for all who live, work and play there, whether resident, domestic tourist or international tourist. Crime in any City has a very real link to the economy of that City not only due to the loss of revenue caused directly by crime but also due to the potential loss due to the reluctance of foreign investment. It is for this reason that the importance of the functions and mandate of this Division cannot be under estimated. 2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 VISION: To adopt a pro-active stance to crime prevention by means of planned intelligence driven joint operations, whilst winning public trust through professional and transparent behaviour. ....... w::. 2.2 MISSION STATEMENT: ~ 00 Ensuring effective and efficient visible policing towards enforcement of Traffic Laws, Municipal By-laws and prevention of crime through a sustainable enforcement and integrated operational strategy based on Community Policing, Batho Pele and Good Governance Principles, Service Excellence and Professionalism, in partnership with SAPS, other external and internal stakeholders and role-players. 2.3 OBJECTIVES: o Optimise service delivery at ALL times o Provide a professional and effective service to all residents and visitors o Maintain operational readiness and effectiveness Page 2 of 13. CTMPD_ 1"' Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 o Continually conduct SWOT analysis in an effort for continuous growth and improvement o Decrease crime through pro-active policing initiatives o Improve compliance to the National Road Traffic Act, by adopting a zero tolerance approach to offenders o Decrease violations of City By-Laws o Regain the trust of the community through professional and transparent behaviour o Continued training and preparation for the 2010 world soccer cup. Build productive relationships with internal and external stakeholders I role-players o 2.4 CUSTOMERS: Internal External o The City of Cape Town o All residents of the City of Cape Town o Safety and Security Portfolio Committee o All visitors to the City of Cape Town o The Civilian Oversight Committee o The South African Police Services o City of Cape Town ...... Traffic Services o The Department of Community Services o City of Cape Town ....... Law Enforcement o Department of Transport o City of Cape Town ....... Specialist Services o Department of Immigration o Telkom o Department of Education o Community Police Forums ...... ~ w;;::. <:.0 Page 3 ot 13. CTMPO_ 1't Orate Central Operation: 2009/2010 2.5 DEMANDS I EXPECTATIONS: o Reduce crime o Improve safety o Improve response times o High Visibility Patrols o Reduce Traffic accidents and infringements o Provide a professional, efficient and transparent service o Build relationships in order to enhance capability to fight crime o Prepare for 2010 o Adopt Batho Pele principals o Enhance operations, patrols etc during festive and peak seasons o Policing of public transport interchanges and routes 2.6 o Policing of public amenities o Policing of clinics, libraries and pension payout points ....... ~ I:..n c;, AIM: Central Operations aims to ensure a safe and secure environment for ALL residents and visitors to the City by embarking on a no nonsense approach, yet fair and transparent approach to it's three legislative mandates; namely Crime Prevention, Law Enforcement and Traffic Policing. Page 4 of 13. CTMPD_ 1"' Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 3. Legal Requirements for the Plan (if applicable) o The Constitution o SA Police Act and SAPS Amendment Act o Municipal Systems Act o Municipal Structures Act o Municipal Finance Act o National Road Traffic Act o By-law Regulations o The Criminal Procedure Act o Drug and Drug Trafficking Act .....:.. o ..r:::-. Marine and Coastal Management Act c:.n to- o Domestic Violence Act o Bathe Pele Principals o Events Bill Act o White paper on Safety and Security o National Crime Prevention Strategy st Page 5 of 13. CTMPO_ 1 Orafe Central Operation: 2009/2010 4. Partners and Stakeholders in the Strategy Plan (key stakeholders of the plan) Partnersl Stakeholders South African Police Services Department of Transport Roles and Respo nsibilities 0 Provision of Crime Threat and Crime Pattern Analysis, in conjunction with Metro Police information management. 0 Joint planning for operations 0 Leading role with regards to planning for 201 o 0 Remains the leading agency with regards to Crime Prevention and will be supported by other services such as Metro Police 0 Issue instructions via the office of the Comm ssioner 0 Initiate traffic enforcement and education pro grammes throughout the year but with emphasis during the festive and peak seasor s. 0 Coordination of above at local, provincial anc national level. ,..--~~ --. ~ Department of education Traffic Services 0 c..n Planned searches at schools l'.:1 0 Planned education drives with regards to dru gs, sexual offences etc 0 Security at schools 0 Traffic Management around events, marches film shoots, beaches, sport facilities etc 0 Planning of arrive alive roadblocks, public tre nsport enforcement and education etc 0 Attendance of Community Police Forums 0 Reduction of traffic accidents and road death s 0 Su~~ort to other services during ~Ianned o~e rations such as Roadblocks, Vehicle Check Page 6 of 13. CTMPD_ 1st Drafe Central Operation: 2009/2010 l Points, Joint Operations, Public Transport Enforcement etc Law Enforcement I 0 Management of by-law enforcement 0 Coordination of joint operations aimed at by-law enforcement 0 Custodian of festive and peak season by-law enforcement programmes 0 Anti land invasion operations 0 Illegal traders operations 0 Substance Abuse Unit: To address drug related issues 0 Metal Theft Unit: To address issues around metal theft such a cable theft 0 Displace person Unit: To address Displace person issues 0 K- 9 Unit: To address drug related issues with SAU 0 Anti Land Invasion: To address illegal Land invasion issues -- ----- Specialised Services ---- i Department of Immigration 0 Department of Community Safety 0 Training and provision of Bambanani members 0 Training of neighbourhood watch members 0 Oversight on Service Delivery complaints 0 Coordination between SAPS, Local authorities departments 0 Traffic policing of provincial owned road 0 Planning of K 78 Roadblocks Assisting with joint operations involving undocumented foreigners . . ...... ~ c..n ~ ----- Provincial Traffic Page 7 of 13. CTMPD_ 1st Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 o 5. 6. Reduction of traffic accidents and road deaths RESOURCES (Financial and Staff) CAPITAL BUDGET: R 1,589,562 OPERATING BUDGER: R 187,557.259 BACKLOGS AND RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS (if applicable) r~ ~~- ~-~ AREA NORTH ~- SOUTH EAST wEST ----- r~ DEPUTY CHIEF 0 -~~ o 0 TRU/CRU ~~~~ HEAD OFFICE TO TAL ----- 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 5 -~ r DIRECTOR 1 SNR SUPERINTENDENT 2 ~ SUPERINTENDENT 1 1 2 2 2 1 SERGEANTS 1 o 2 3 0 i-------~- 7 l'1 12 7 ~ ~ 70 8o 83 0 19 7 0 6 ~-- 1 •42 41 0 3 59 2 0 ----- 85 ~- SECONDED 9 ~- 4 ~~~ CONSTABLES 0 -~~ ~~- I .... ~ 0 l-~- 28 ~~- TOTAL 81 5 100 103 49 2 i. 50 ~~ ---~ s1 Page 8 of 13. CTMPD_ 1 Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 7 ASSUMPTIONS AND RISKS 7.1 Assumptions The envisaged structure for Central Operations is 1 400 members, there are currently 450 members in Central Operations. 7.2 riSK NO. Risk Assessment IHEADING ACTIONS TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT OF THE RISK ACTION TAKEN ~~--~----t ~- 1 Poor reputation of the Metro Police I eroding of public confidence in Metro Police, largely due to drop in service delivery as a result of decrease Human Resources • • • The strategic focus to be taken into consideration ;jn Define services to be met Set mechanism in place to facilitate I order to facilitate the redeployment of staff in orde~ to meet operational challenges ' ~ redeployment of staff c..n Redeploy current staff to meet service <:.n compliance to National Policing Standards; • requirements • review the current shift system in order to meet with Council's strategic intention of ensuring equitable service delivery. • Proposal of the new shift system. --------------------- ----r 2 Poor staff management (Service operationalisation • Formulation of management procedures with specific outcomes and targets operationalisation service. -------------------~l To ensure that an effective functional mechanism and efficient co - operation and co - ordination will be implemented through liaison with other policing agencies and other departments via: • • • Weekly OMF (Operational Management Forum); Review of operations once a month with other stakeholders; Monthly meeting with Sub - Councils; Monthlv meetinQ with CPF chairoersons. st Page 9 of 13. CTMPD_ 1 Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 These meetings are chaired by the Deputy Chief: Central Operations. 3 Provide clarity on CPF roles and responsibilities • • Reprioritisation of the Annual Police Plan given change in resource capacity to address the three service areas Deployment of staff between areas • Workshop to be arranged with CPF on the 13 ; May 2008. 8. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT TO THE lOP 8.1 Drafting and implementation of the Annual Plan linked to the strategic Focus Areas and Objectives in the lOP. Enhance service delivery and operational effectiveness. 8.2 LINK TO PROGRAMMES (Programme Layout and description linked to Department objective) • ...... Programme name and description ~ • Outputs that you aim to achieve • Strategies that will be followed to achieve programme outcome • Diagrams and tables as illustration • Key projects and initiatives • Resources linked to the project c..n 0': * All of the above are best depicted by the table below st Page 10 of 13. CTMPO_ 1 Orafe Central Operation: 2009/2010 9. OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS OF THE STRATEGY I OPERATIONAL PLAN What do you plan to do and How do you intend to achieve this: Include the Key Objectives and Indicators and targets. No I 1 Indicator(s) of this Objective Objectives of this Plan Orchestrate, direct and I 12% increase in arrests in manage the service drug related operational functions and crimes(Possession & crime preventions in Dealing) and drug such a manner that it :onfiscations(inclusive of contribute to the safety drugs found abandoned) and security of all residents Target (by Sept 09) Target (by Dec 09) Target (by March 09) Target (by June 10) 3% 6% 9% 12% ! --- o/cI Reduction of incidences Orchestrate, direct and manage the service 0 crime in all categories by operational functions and means on collaborative crime preventions in I cr me prevention with SAPS such a manner that it contribute to the safety and security of all residents 3% Orchestrate, direct and j o/cI increase in visible patrol manage the service hours to discourage crime operational functions and crime preventions in such a manner that it contribute to the safety and security of all residents 9540.75 Hrs (2.5%) I,' 2 3 6% 9% 12% ... ~ t..n -...l 9540.75 Hrs (5% 19081.5 hrs) 9540.75 Hrs (7.5% 28622.25 hrs) -~-.- st I 9540.75 Hrs (10% 38163 hrs) - -,--_._ _-- .. ... Page 11 of 13. CTMPD_ 1 Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 ~ I I . I 4 Orchestrate, direct and manage the service operational functions and crime preventions in such a manner that it contribute to the safety and security of all residents I # of fines issued for By-Law 5 1471 offences to ensure compliance with By-Law regulations ~ Orchestrate, direct and manage the service operational fUnctions and crime preventions in such a manner that it contribute to the safety and security of all residents .. ... # of joint operations with other law enforcement agencies to ensure crime prevention 1471 (2942 Accumulative) 1471 {4413 A ccumulative ) 1471 (5888 Accumulative) 161 {481 A ccumulative ) 161 (642 Accumulative) 100% 100% ~. 160 161 (321 Accumulative) ----- I % Consistent attendance of Enhance operational effectiveness and Senior members at all efficiency of the Service :lctive Community Police 6 I to deliver on its mandate =orums in the Metropole of Crime Prevention, Road Policing and ByLaw enforcement 100% 100% .-.. .r;:. c..n 00 - .. Enhance operational effectiveness and efficiency of the Service 7 I to deliver on its mandate of Crime Prevention, Road Policing and ByLaw enforcement Degree of alignment of the A lnual Police Plan with the )P and Corporate SDBIP 100% 100% ---- 100% 100% -_. st Page 12 of 13. CTMPD_ 1 Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010 10. AUTHORISATION The undersigned do hereby indicate their agreement with the contents of this document and the outcomes. Name Director M Mfeketo Executive Director R Bosman tM;~ Member 11. Date :] jeFt _?OlCS~~ Cllr Smith APPENDICES: IF ANY Appendix 1: ..... ..... c:..n c:.o Page 13 of 13. CTMPD_ 1st Draft_ Central Operation: 2009/2010