North Carolina Positive Behavior Intervention & Support State Recognition

North Carolina
Positive Behavior Intervention &
State Recognition
Exemplar School Application
PowerPoint Presentation
NC PBIS State Recognition
• This year we are clarifying the
requirements for schools that are applying
for Exemplar Recognition.
• Exemplar Schools are asked to submit a
PowerPoint presentation of PBIS
Implementation in their schools along with
their application.
• Directions for completing the PowerPoint
presentation follow.
• Congratulations! Your school has worked hard
to achieve positive outcomes and your
application for Exemplar Recognition is a way for
your to show others your implementation efforts.
• We wanted to provide directions and
expectations for creating your Exemplar School
Recognition Presentation so that we can share
your hard work with other schools as well!
What to include in your Exemplar
Recognition PowerPoint
Each slide outlines the information to be included for each
• Introduction
• Implementation Examples
• Systems
• Data
• Practices
• Conclusion
* Guiding questions are also included to help you generate
your ideas about things you might want to include.
• Tell us about your school
• Tell us when you received module training
• Include pictures and images
* Who are you?
Implementation Examples
•Include your matrix or expectation posters
•Include any unique implementation strategies
–Kick-off celebrations
–Student recognition
–Staff reviews/ buy-in activities
–Re-teaching activities
–Integration with other initiatives
* What is unique or special about PBIS implementation at
your school? What does PBIS look like at your school?
• Tell/ show
– How administration supports PBIS
– How your team works/ meets
– How your in-school coach supports
*What system supports have helped your
implementation be successful?
• For Exemplar Recognition you need:
– Data that shows improvement in both academic and
behavioral indicators
– At least two consecutive years of data to demonstrate
progress over time
*** Please put your data into a chart/ table.
– These charts or tables can be easily copied from the
Office Discipline Referral Spreadsheets once you
have added your data.
• Please include charts/ tables summarizing two
consecutive years of data for one of the following areas:
– Office Discipline Referrals
– Achievement
– Suspension/Expulsion
• AND at least two consecutive years in one of the following
EBS self-assessment
Staff retention
Climate surveys
Special education referral information
Individual student data
Data Summary
• What you need in your presentation?
• At least 2 charts showing 2 consecutive
years of data showing improvements.
* What has PBIS Implementation done for
your school?
• Include a chart or description of SET (or
BOQ) results
• Include brief summary of Implementation
Level from Implementation Inventory
*How did you score? How have your scores
improved? How do you use these scores?
General Recommendations
Be creative!
Use pictures, music, videos, etc.
Show us what you’re proud of.
Include the great things you’re working on
at your school.
• Include your students, families, and
community supports.
• Work Smarter- use what you already have.
• Please feel free to contact your district or
regional coordinator if you have any
• Thank you for your effort and time!
• We look forward to seeing your Exemplar
School Recognition PowerPoint and wish
you continued success!