University of Wisconsin-Stout • Human Resource Management Certificate Application Form Please Print Student I.D. #____________________ Social Security Number*________________________________ E-mail address____________________________________________________________________________ Demographics Last Name First Middle Maiden (Prior) Work Phone Home Address Street and No. City State/Zip Home Phone County Birthdate: __________________________ Mo. Day Year U.S. Veteran: o Yes o No Gender: o Male o Female * Use of your social security number is voluntary. It is used as the student ID number if one has not been assigned. Resident History Wisconsin resident? o Yes o No If resident, how long have you lived in Wisconsin? Since ____ /____ (Month/Year) When was the last year you filed Wisconsin income tax? 20___ (Year) Month/Year Month/Year Indicate the dates you have lived at your present address. From: _________To: _________ List former addresses (street, city, state, country) within the last two years: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ From: _________To: _________ From: _________To: _________ Occupations and Activities During the Last Two Years Occupation, activity, school or employer and address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ From: _________To: _________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ From: _________To: _________ Parent’s name____________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Address (last 2 years) ____________________________________________________________ From: _________To: _________ Have you, your spouse or parent(s) recently moved to Wisconsin to accept permanent full-time employment? o Yes o No Do you claim legal Wisconsin residence for tuition purposes? o Yes o No Marital Status: o Single o Married Ethnic Background: o American Indian or Alaskan Native o Asian or Pacific Islander o Cambodian, Laotian or Vietnamese admitted to U.S. after 12/31/75 o Other Asian or Pacific Islander o Black, non-Hispanic o Hispanic/Latino o White, non-Hispanic Citizenship: o Citizen o Non-resident Alien o Permanent Immigrant Alien Registration Number Country of Citizenship:_________________ Place of Birth: Please Note: It is your responsibility to register correctly, as a resident or non-resident, under the law. City Semester you wish to begin: o Fall o Spring o Summer Year 20_____ Certificate choice:_________________________________________________________ I certify that the information in the application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge and I understand that inaccurate information may affect my enrollment or financial aid status. If I enroll at this university, I expect to be subject to its rules and regulations. Return form to: Dr. Mitchell Sherman University of Wisconsin-Stout 319 McCalmont Hall Menomonie, WI 54751 Country Education History Signature Required Signature State Date E-mail: Phone: 715.232.2658 Fax: 715.232.5303 List high school you graduated from and any institutions, colleges and universities attended: Degree or diploma and Name Location Dates date awarded (Month/Year) High School: __________________________________________________________________ College(s): __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Have you previously taken courses offered through UW-Stout, either on or off-campus? o Yes o No If yes, list date of last enrollment _____________________________ Do you plan to continue at UW-Stout? o Yes o No Intended major/program _____________________________o Undergraduate o Graduate May 2010