The Sun is Always Shining at Union Home of the Dolphins

The Sun is Always Shining at Union
Presented by Vickie Smith and Polly Westfall
Home of the Dolphins
Brunswick County, North Carolina
Union Elementary School
180 Union School Road, NW
Shallotte, NC 28459
Phone: 910-579-3591
Fax: 910-579-5542
Vickie Smith, Principal
Jennifer Faircloth, Assistant Principal
How did a medium-sized, rural school in Brunswick County become a Title I Reward School for four years in
a row? The answer is by sustaining high student achievement!
Find out how to lift the spirits of your staff and students while steadily increasing student performance.
Here’s our recipe for success:
1. We put our students first! Before any decision is made, we ask: Is this going to be the BEST decision
for our STUDENTS?
2. Our administration leads by example. Our amazing principal is approachable, cheerful, enthusiastic,
and focused on the success of ALL students. Our new assistant principal is good-natured,
compassionate, and empathetic. The students and the staff revere both!
3. Our principal and assistant principal genuinely respect the staff and encourage the teachers to become
teacher leaders for our county and our state.
4. Attitude is everything! In an era where many educators are frustrated and feel beat-down, our staff’s
morale is high, due to the “little acts of kindness” put in place throughout the year. As a PBIS school,
our students’ positive behaviors are encouraged and rewarded.
5. Team unity is stressed. Grade levels are supported and make efficient use of planning and PLC time.
Although classrooms don’t look like cookie cutter classrooms, common planning ensures equitable
educational opportunities for all students.
6. Community involvement is abundant. Our fabulous PTO promotes a tiered level of corporate and
individual sponsors to assist with technology needs. A local church and community sponsor partners
with the school to aid in feeding those in need. Businesses sponsor our events. Union even has doggy
helpers at our school! We give back by honoring our Veterans.
7. Our Volunteer Program is second to none. From willing parent helpers to energetic seniors, our
students are supported. Our WATCH DOG Program is rivaled by many as Dads and Granddads are
getting more involved, month after month assisting in classrooms.
8. Family involvement is evident. With the best Fall Festival in the area, Family Dinner Nights in the
community, Quarterly Awards Day Celebrations, and a fun-filled BINGO Night, our students love to
spend time with the whole family.
9. Clubs abound at Union! Student-centered extra curricular activities help students expand their
interests beyond the basics. Students can participate in Battle of the Books, Kindergarten Roundup,
Dolphins on Air – Morning News Program, First Tee Champions Challenge, Hoops for Heart
Challenge, the Lollipop Lickoff for the American Cancer Society, Project Fitness, Student Council,
Science Olympiad, Union’s United Chorus, or the Writing Club. We celebrate the unique talents and
successes of our students through our Beacon Board!
10. Year after year, Union’s students continue to make
great strides academically. School-wide implementation of Jan
Richardson’s Guided Reading model and Empowering Writers are
improving literacy scores. K-2 students have excellent
m-Class data and the third, fourth, and fifth graders
continue to make high growth on EOGs, with proficiency scores
well above the state’s average. Our school has had the highest
scores in our county for six years.
11. Finally, we have Dolphin Love! The staff is family, giving
bountiful support to one another. New teachers are supported
and every teacher is valued! A cell phone chain, led by the
principal keeps teachers informed! Once a Union Dolphin, always
a Union Dolphin. We take care of our own!
If you are headed to Wilmington or
County to see the best school in
Myrtle Beach, stop by Brunswick
southeastern North Carolina,
Union Elementary School!
Union Elementary School Student Council Application
Name: __________________________
Grade: ____ 3rd ____ 4th ____5th
Teacher’s Name: ___________________ Parent’s email: ___________________
Union is looking for students in grades three through five who possess positive character traits such as leadership, kindness, courage, respectful,
responsible, caring, giving, helpful, safe, and trustworthy.
Which three character traits best describe you? ___________________,
_____________________ and __________________________
Explain why you want to be a part of the Union Elementary Student Council.
Explain your definition of a leader and tell how you would be a positive role model for other Union students.
Student’s Signature: ________________________________________
Parent or Guardian’s Signature: ________________________________
Teacher’s Signature: ________________________________________
On the back of this sheet, decorate a Union Pride Poster showing your school spirit! Encourage your friends to wear school shirts every
Union Elementary School Student Council Information
Union Elementary School is excited to announce the formation of a student-led Student Council in order to develop leadership skills.
Selected students will experience the democratic process and plan service-learning projects to benefit the entire student body, as well as
the community. The goal of this Student Council is to encourage a cooperative spirit within our student body by being positive role
Who is eligible? Students in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade who follow Union’s PBIS codes for being respectful, responsible, and safe. This leader
should get along with peers and adults. He or she must be excited about helping our school and community. Students must be able to
attend one meeting every month and create posters to promote school projects.
When? Student Council meetings will take place on the first Thursday morning of each month from 8:15 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. Meetings
will be held on the following Thursdays: October 1st, November 5th, December 3rd, January 7th, February 4th, March 3rd, April 7th, May
5th, and June 2nd.
Where? Meetings will take place in Mrs. Westfall’s classroom, room 313.
How? Students who are interested in serving on Union’s Student Council must fill out the completed application form and turn it in to
his or her teacher by Friday, September 11th. Please note that the student, a parent or guardian, and a teacher must sign the application.
Give your application to your homeroom teacher. Grade level teachers will select two candidates from each classroom to serve on the
council. Those names will be given to Mrs. Westfall and the students will be notified by September 22nd.
If you have any questions, please notify Mrs. Westfall at Thank you for your interest in being a Student Council
representative for Union Elementary School. Good luck!
Application for Union’s Writing Club
Name: ___________________________
Teacher: _________________________
Grade: _______
Age: _________
Why would you like to be part of the Writing Club at Union?
What creative ideas do you have for our club?
Would your parent(s) be willing to assist us with a publishing center to create books to
share with our community?
____ yes, I can donate time to put together books.
____ yes, I can help collect writing supplies for this project.
____ yes, I can take finished samples to businesses in the community.
____ no, not at this time
Our meetings will be held after school the first Tuesday and Thursday of every month
unless there is a Brunswick County holiday or day off due to inclement weather. Our
first meetings will be held on October. Parents, please send a transportation note to
school on the days of our meetings giving your child’s teacher a notice that your child
will be staying after school. Our meetings will be over at 4:45 and you will need to
provide your own transportation home.
Who will pick you up? Name: ___________________________
Phone Number: ____________________
Email: ___________________________
Signature: __________________________________________
Students, please write a short story or poem about one of the topics on the list. Be
sure to edit your work for proper capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. You can
write on the back of this sheet or you may type your work. Be sure to include your
If I Could Be the Teacher for One Day
I’m an Expert at ________________
My Hero
You can illustrate your story on the back of the sheet. All applicants can become