This document is designed to help North Carolina educators teach the Common Core and Essential Standards (Standard Course of Study). NCDPI staff are continually updating and improving these tools to better serve teachers. Overview The North Carolina State Board of Education maintains the mission to ensure that every student graduates with the academic knowledge, skills, and understanding necessary for 21st century workplace readiness and post-secondary education. In an effort to support this mission, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) has revised all content standards into the NC Essential Standards. In order to drive this revision, the key guiding question has been, “What is important for students to learn in the limited school and classroom time available?” Thus, the overarching goal of this document is to outline the new Physical Education Essential Standards and cross walk them with the previous Healthful Living Physical Education Standards. Furthermore, professional development on the new Essential Standards will be provided to ensure every teacher in NC has a deep, specific understanding of the standards and can implement them to improve student outcomes. While there is not an opportunity to accomplish all facets of this goal, teachers should be afforded the opportunity to explore the standards more deeply as they proceed to develop curriculum instructional materials. There are two significant transformations built-into the new Physical Education Essential Standards. First, the improvement of local physical education curriculum and second, changing classroom practice. By incorporating both of these into your district program student learning will be enhanced and higher quality teacher practices will be realized. Improving Curriculum This document is grounded in the principles from the National Association of Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) Moving into the Future: National Standards for Physical Education (2nd Edition) to develop sound research-based instructional resources. Each school district should review current curriculum with the CDC document Physical Education Curriculum Assessment Tool (PECAT). Then, after declaring the strengths and weaknesses in local curriculum, use the newly created “Unpacking the NC Physical Education Standards” document to create and strengthen existing curriculum. These documents will guide the unpacking of the new Physical Education Essential Standards and create local curriculum that will improve student learning. Changing Classroom Practice Districts providing professional development for physical education should explore the use of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT), as this was the guideline in the development of the NC Physical Education Essential Standards. RBT aligns curriculum, instruction and assessment to place greater emphasis on “Assessment for Learning”. Furthermore, every physical education teacher should have access to the NASPE PE Metrics. PE Metrics is the standards-based, cognitive and motor skill assessment package from NASPE that uses valid and reliable evaluation tools to measure student progress toward achieving all six National Standards for Physical Education. The PE Metrics package includes books, professional development and a Webbased application; everything you need for comprehensive, high-quality physical education assessment. Within the Metics, you will not see a specific fitness assessment, however, NC now mandates a fitness test which will align nicely. Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education What are “Essential Standards”? The New NC Essential Standards are written using the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy (RBT) under the guidance of one of the authors of the revision, Lorin Anderson. North Carolina has chosen RBT to promote higher order thinking skills expected from 21st Century graduates. The RBT was chosen because of the well-defined verbs and is built on modern cognitive research. Below is a very short primer on the RBT. The Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy categorizes both the cognitive process and the knowledge dimension of the standard. While physical education also includes a performance dimension, it can still be classified under what students should be able to know and be able to do through a quality physical education course and within the knowledge dimension. If a student understands the cognitive process regarding the PE objective, the student will produce or perform within the knowledge dimension; resulting in change in behavior outcomes. Cognitive Process: The cognitive process refers to the verb used in the standard. The RBT has specific definitions for all the verbs used in the taxonomy. For example: Explaining requires constructing a cause-and-effect model of a system (e.g. explain the recent downturn in the global economy) Inferring requires drawing a logical conclusion from presented information (e.g. In learning a foreign language, infer grammatical principles from examples) A common understanding of those verbs will be at the backbone of professional development around the new standards. Knowledge Dimension: The knowledge dimension is a way to categorize the type of knowledge to be learned. For instance, in the standard “Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities", the student will understand the concepts needed to perform a motor skill or pattern at their age level and the knowledge to be learned is "the application of the skill as it relates to specific movement patterns or physical activities." Knowledge in the RBT falls into four categories: Factual Knowledge Conceptual Knowledge Procedural Knowledge Meta-Cognitive Knowledge Standards can be documented on the cognitive process (remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create) and knowledge dimension (facts, concepts, procedures, Meta-Cognitive) as students progress through school utilizing the NC Physical Education Essential Standards. Additionally, taxonomy for the psychomotor are also important. These are organized according to some degree of coordination including involuntary responses as well as learned capabilities (simple reflexes to complex neuromuscular coordination) and will be included in the Unpacking the PE Standards Document. About This Document: This document will provide a crosswalk to show how the previous standards and objectives were rewritten, integrated, expanded, moved, or deleted in the creation of the New Physical Education Essential Standards. NC DPI NC Essential Standards Alignment NASPE National PE Standards NC Essential Standards 1. Demonstrates Competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities 1. Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies and tactics as they apply to learning and performing of physical activities. 2. Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. 3. Participates regularly in physical activity. 3. Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 3. Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. 4. Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction. 4. Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Text of Clarifying objective Strand Essential Standard Objective 2006 NC SCOS Comments Text of objective Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Demonstrate a variety of beginner locomotor and combination skills in a movement pattern. Integrated 6.02 Execute recognizable forms of the basic locomotor skills. 6.02 Use non-locomotor and locomotor skills in response to even and uneven rhythms in order to integrate beat awareness. 6.01 6.04 Create transitions between sequential locomotor skills. New 6.02 Use recognizable forms of the basic manipulative skills. Movement Forms Goal 6 Objective K.MS.1.1 K.MS.1.2 K.MS.1.3 K.MS.1.4 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns Kindergarten Strand 2011 Essential Standards Demonstrate a variety of beginner locomotor and combination skills in a movement pattern. Integrated into new Demonstrate rolling movements. Demonstrate non-locomotor movements using different Integrated into new parts of the body. Demonstrate a variety of beginner locomotor and combination skills in a movement pattern. NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Text of Clarifying objective Strand Essential Standard Objective 2006 NC SCOS Comments Text of objective Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Use non-locomotor and locomotor skills in a variety of pathways, in different directions, and at different levels in response to music. 6.02 6.03 Generate smooth transitions between sequential locomotor skills. Integrated Demonstrate the emerging skills for throwing, catching, Integrated striking. Demonstrate static and dynamic balances using different Integrated body parts. Utilize non-locomotor, locomotor, and combination skills to demonstrate pathways, levels, and force 6.01 Use recognizable forms of the five basic manipulative skills. Demonstrate a variety of movements and pathways. 6.04 Execute recognizable forms of all eight basic locomotor skills in different pathways, levels, or directions. Movement Forms Goal 6 Objective 1.MS.1.1 1.MS.1.2 1.MS.1.3 1.MS.1.4 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns Grade 1 Strand 2011 Essential Standards NC DPI Integrated Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Objective Strand Comments Text of objective Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Execute combinations of simple locomotor skills and manipulative skills. 6.01 6.02 Apply non-locomotor movements with locomotor patterns and levels in a variety of movement sequences. 6.01 Generate smooth and timely transitions between sequential locomotor skills. 6.03 2.MS.1.2 2.MS.1.3 Execute combinations of locomotor skills in different pathways, levels, or directions. Movement Forms Goal 6 Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Movement Forms Goal 6 6.04 Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2.MS.1.4 2.MS.1.1 2006 NC SCOS Essential Standard Execute a variety of manipulative skills while maintaining good balance and follow-through. Motor Skill and Movement 3.MSPatterns Grade 3 .1.1 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns Grade 2 Strand 2011 Essential Standards Demonstrate mature form in skipping, hopping, galloping and sliding. Integrated Demonstrate manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, striking and trapping of objects while stationary and/or to a moving partner. Demonstrate mature form in skipping, hopping, galloping and sliding. New with integrated objective Demonstrate moving to a rhythmic beat while manipulating objects such as jump ropes, scarves and balls. Integrated Demonstrate the skills of throwing, catching, striking or Clarified and integrated trapping in an activity. NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Essential Standard Execute combinations of more complex locomotor skills and manipulative skills in various physical activity settings. 6.02 6.03 Comments Text of objective Successfully perform a variety of jump rope skills. Create sequences demonstrating changes of pathways, levels, force and direction with manipulatives. Integrated Create and demonstrate a variety of gymnastic patterns Integrated with a rolling focus on inversion and rolling sequences. Demonstrate modified, square and line dances. Integrated Explore various movement forms including jump rope routines. New expanded objective with integrated objectives included Develop inverted balances using two or more body parts. Integrated 6.01 6.05 Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. 6.06 Use variations of different locomotor skills with rhythmic patterns and smooth transitions. Movement Forms Goal 6 Execute mature form when combining locomotor skills with changes in direction. Motor Skill and Movement Patterns 4.MS.1.1 Grade 4 3.MS.1.3 Apply basic manipulative skills while moving/traveling. 3.MS.1.4 3.MS.1.2 6.05 Text of Clarifying objective Objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective Strand 2011 Essential Standards NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Essential Standard Text of Clarifying objective Illustrate mature form in combining locomotor and manipulative skills for traditional and non traditional activities. Demonstrate accuracy skills necessary for participation in a variety of lead-up games and sports. Demonstrate movements found in folk dance, square dance, line dance, or other rhythmic activities. Integrated Create original dances using the elements found in square, folk, line and/or other rhythmic activities. Integrated Demonstrate skills necessary for participation in nontraditional games and activities. Integrated and Expanded 6.07 Integrated, clarified 6.05 Execute combinations of more complex locomotor skills and manipulative skills specific to individual, dual and team activities. Expanded Create movement sequence routines that contain balance, inversion, weight transfer, and landing. 6.03 Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Movement Forms Goal 6 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns 5.MS.1 5.MS.1.1 .2 Grade 5 4.MS.1.4 Identify tempo in slow and fast rhythms. Create original dances using the elements found in square, folk, line and/or other rhythmic activities. 6.01 Implement changes in speed during straight, curved, and zigzag pathways to open and close space using locomotor and manipulative skills. Comments Text of objective 6.02 6.04 6.02 Create movement skill sequences commonly associated with various sports and activities. Objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective 4.MS.1.3 4.MS.1.2 Strand 2011 Essential Standards Demonstrate throwing, passing, dribbling, catching, and Integrated shooting skills in team sports. NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Essential Standard Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Use some specialized skills that are refined and appropriate for modified game play. Demonstrate various aerobic dances. 6.02 Demonstrate forehand and backhand striking skills in dual and individual sports. Demonstrate various popular folk and square dances, and mixer and couple dances. 6.06 6.04 Demonstrate the ability to perform skills of jumping rope with a partner or small group. Create a variety of combinations using balance skills and rolling movements Create movement sequence routines using balance, jumping, landing, weight transfer, and rolling movements. Movement Forms Goal 6 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns 6.MS.1.1 Grade 6 5.MS.1.4 Create movement sequences that are smooth and fluid and have several different rhythmic patterns. Demonstrate forehand and backhand striking skills in dual and individual sports. 6.01 6.06 Illustrate mature form in combining locomotor and manipulative skills for traditional and non traditional activities. Comments Text of objective 6.07 5.MS.1.3 6.04 Text of Clarifying objective Objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective Strand 2011 Essential Standards Integrated Expanded and integrated these into one corresponding objective New NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Objective Integrated Demonstrate increasing competence in more advanced specialized skills. Integrated Demonstrate square, folk, and rhythmic movement skills. Integrated Create short movement compositions. 6.05 6.04 Demonstrate beginning strategies through small-sided games for net and invasion games. 6.01 Explain the importance of practice to improve skill level. Execute complex combinations of movement specific to game, sport, or physical activity settings games in at least one of the following activities or compositions: aquatics, team sports, individual sports, dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, dance and gymnastics. Create routines that focus on rolling combinations with variations of positions. Demonstrate competence in skills needed for individual New and incorporated some of physical activity. 7.06 6.06 Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Movement Forms Goal 6 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns 7.MS.1.1 Grade 7 6.03 6.MS.1.4 Use movement combinations in rhythmic activities. Comments Text of objective 6.02 Integrate locomotor and manipulative skills with partner, in small-group, and in small-sided game situations. Strand Text of Clarifying objective 6.MS.1.2 Objective 2006 NC SCOS Essential Standard 6.MS.1.3 Strand 2011 Essential Standards NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Essential Standard 6.05 Illustrate fundamental motor skills and complex skills that contribute to movement proficiency in small sided game situations. 6.01 Create dances that use the various elements of time, space, force, and flow. 6.03 Demonstrate country western dance and social dance forms. Integrated Create a short movement sequence routine. Movement Forms Goal 6 Motor Skill and Movement Patterns 8.MS.1.1 Grade 8 Execute proficiency in some complex combinations of movement specific to game, sport, or physical activity settings in at least two of the following activities or compositions: aquatics, team sports, individual sports, dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, dance and gymnastics. Integrated Demonstrate strategies in a variety of games and sports. Integrated Create movement combinations in rhythmic activities with an emphasis on keeping to the beat of the music. Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Demonstrate competence in skills needed for team sports through small-sided games. 6.04 Execute basic offensive and defensive strategies for an invasion game or net/wall activity. Comments Text of objective 6.02 Text of Clarifying objective Objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective 7.MS.1.4 7.MS.1.3 7.MS.1.2 Strand 2011 Essential Standards New NC DPI Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Apply competent motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Objective 6.5 6.4 6.1 Comments Text of objective Demonstrate competence in advanced skills needed for individual physical activity such as creating open space on offence or defensive strategies in a variety of activities. Demonstrate competence in advanced skills needed for team or dual games and sports. Successfully perform a variety of contemporary and popular dances. Demonstrate square, folk, and social dance skills. Create and perform routines that use a variety of movement patterns. Movement Forms Goal 6 6.3 6.2 Use movement combinations in rhythmic activities with an emphasis on keeping to the beat of the music. Strand Objective 8.MS.1.2 8.MS.1.3 Text of Clarifying objective Apply basic strategy and tactics that contribute to successful participation. 8.MS.1.4 2006 NC SCOS Essential Standard Analyze fundamental motor skills and specialized skills that contribute to movement proficiency in small sided game situations. High School Strand 2011 Essential Standards NC DPI Integrated Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Objective 6.04 Engage in various duties as they pertain to games and sport such as but not limited to the sport education model (official, team coach, and equipment manager) Participate at a competent level in at least one team sport through small-sided games or experiences while demonstrating conceptual knowledge of biomechanical, physiological, and sports psychology principles. Participate at a competent level in at least one individual or dual sport through small-sided games or experiences utilizing biomechanical, psychological, and physiological concepts. Demonstrate knowledge of officiating, judging, or refereeing concepts in three different activities. 7.03 Apply fundamental motor skills and complex skills needed to participate successfully in at least three lifetime activities. Text of objective Apply rules, biomechanical principles, problem solving and concepts to traditional and non-traditional movement settings. 6.03 7.01 6.01 9.MS.1.1 6.02 Text of Clarifying objective Strand Objective 2006 NC SCOS Essential Standard Use basic and advanced skills to participate proficiently in at least three of the following activities or compositions: aquatics, team sports, individual sports, dual sports, outdoor pursuits, self-defense, dance and gymnastics. 9.MS.1.2 Strand 2011 Essential Standards Participate at a competent level in at least one other movement form utilizing biomechanical, psychological, and physiological concepts: • Dance • Gymnastics • Aquatics • Outdoor pursuits or • Other non-traditional activities NC DPI Comments Combined to create essential standard. Many of the prior objectives were actual activities that can be used as examples for teachers. Common Core Crosswalk Document Physical Education Text of Clarifying objective Apply information and statistical data about personal and group performance to develop strategies to improve game play or participation in activity. 6.05 Essential Standard Objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective 9.MS.1.3 9.MS.1.4 Strand 2011 Essential Standards Text of objective Comments Apply physiological principles, (e.g., warm-up/cooldown, overload, frequency, intensity, specificity, and progression) and biomechanical principles (e.g., force, leverage, and type of contraction) related to exercise and training. Create movement combinations in rhythmic activities with an emphasis on keeping to the beat of the music. Added objective on rhythms. NC DPI Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Comments Text of objective Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Use teacher feedback to improve basic motor performance. Identify fundamental movement patterns. 7.01 Identify one or more of the essential elements of correct form for the five fundamental manipulative skills. Establish a beginning movement vocabulary. 7.02 Understand the meaning of words and terms associated with movement. Literacy Goal 7 Objective PE.K.MC.2.3 PE.K.MC.2.2 PE.KMC.2.1 Kindergarten Strand Movement Concepts 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard New Physical Education Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 9.02 7.03 Illustrate activities that increase heart rate. Comments Text of objective Apply age appropriate concepts to performance. Specific concept to align with new ES Recognize two appropriate sites on the body to monitor the heart rate. Alignment Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Use movement and manipulative skills involving equipment. Illustrate two or more of the essential elements of correct form for the five fundamental manipulative skills. New Literacy Goal 7 New Understand how to use teacher and peer feedback to improve basic motor performance. 7.01 Objective PE.1.MC.2.1 PE.1.MC.2.2 PE.1.MC.2.3 Movement Concepts Grade 1 PE.K.MC.2.4 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Identify personal effort made that vary the quality of movement (speed up, slow down, pacing). NC DPI Integrated into a new objective Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Comments Explain the importance of warm-up and cool Integrated down 7.02 Illustrate activities that increase heart rate and make muscles strong. Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Compare three or more of the essential elements of correct form for the five fundamental manipulative skills. Explain the value of feedback in improving motor performance. Demonstrate space awareness and movement Expanded and combined control in different ways in a large group without bumping into others or falling, such as running, hopping, and skipping. Identify and demonstrate the major characteristics of mature walking, running, hopping, and skipping. New Use feedback to improve performance. 7.03 2.MC.2.2 7.02 7.01 Use equipment to illustrate multiple movement concepts. Literacy Goal 7 Objective Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 2.MC.2.3 Movement Concepts 2.MC.2.1 Grade 2 PE.1.MC.2.4 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI 7.04 Comments Text of objective Explain why everybody should be active at least 60 minutes per day. Expanded Identify safe practices in physical activity settings. 7.01 Grade 3 PE.3.MC.2.1 Illustrate activities that are associated with three or more of the five components of healthrelated fitness. Objective Strand 2006 NC SCOS Assess the major characteristics of mature walking, running, throwing, catching. 7.02 Integrate the essential elements of correct form for the five fundamental manipulative skills. Identify and apply the critical elements of basic fitness. 7.03 Evaluate individual skills using a rubric based on critical cues. Literacy Goal 7 Objective Text of Clarifying objective Illustrate how practice, attention and effort are required to improve skills. PE.3.MC.2.2 Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. PE.3.MC.2.3 Movement Concepts 2.MC.2.4 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Expanded and moved to Health Enhancing Fitness. Physical Education 7.04 Illustrate a variety of activities that are associated with four or more of the healthrelated fitness components. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Text of objective Demonstrate principles of flexibility, muscular strength and endurance through a variety of activities. Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. 7.02 Apply elements of form or motor development principles to help others improve their performance. 7.01 Apply basic concepts of movement to improve individual performance. Literacy Goal 7 Evaluate skills in a game situation using a rubric based on critical concepts. 7.01 Objective PE.4.MC.2.2 PE.4.MC.2.3 Movement Concepts PE.4.MC.2.1 Grade 4 PE.3.MC.2.4 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Apply critical elements (cues) of skills to improve personal performances in fundamental and selected specialized skills such as throwing to a moving target. Use critical elements of fundamental and specialized movement skills to provide feedback to others such as peer assessment. Apply critical elements (cues) of skills to improve personal performances in fundamental and selected specialized skills such as throwing to a moving target. NC DPI Comments Physical Education Comments Text of objective Describe the mechanics of skill performance in a variety of activity settings such as explaining how to kick. Classify examples of health-related fitness into the five components. New (alignment) Evaluate movement and game skills in order to provide feedback that will lead to improvement. 7.02 Identify the origins of a variety of sports and Expanded movement forms. Identify the origins of a variety of sports and Integrated movement forms. Participate in a variety of physical activities as both leader and follower. 7.03 Select scientific principles and/or concepts that have an effect on the quality of complex movement. 7.01 Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Literacy Goal 7 PE.5.MC.2.1 PE.5.MC.2.2 Movement Concepts Grade 5 PE.4.MC.2.4 7.03 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Objective 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Objective Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Integrated Physical Education Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Comments Text of objective Analyze the variety of sports and movement Integrated forms from countries around the world. 7.01 Identify basic offensive and defensive strategies in modified game situations. Analyze the five components of health-related physical fitness in terms of their relationship to various activities. New 7.03 Apply principles of practice and conditioning that enhance movement performance. 7.02 Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Literacy Goal 7 Objective PE.6.MC.2.1 Movement Concepts Grade 6 PE.5.MC.2.4 PE.5.MC.2.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Explore personal wellness by gathering Integrated information, considering alternatives and consequences that accompany such choices. Recognize the general characteristics of movement that can be applied to specific settings such as moving to open space or speeding up or slow down to intercept an object. NC DPI Physical Education 7.03 Explain the mechanics of various skills or sequences of movement to improve performance. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 7.04 Explain when and why to use strategies and tactics within game play. Apply concepts from other disciplines, such as physics, to movement skills. Comments Text of objective Recognize the general characteristics of movement that can be applied to specific settings such as moving to open space or speeding up or slow down to intercept an object. Integrated Use basic understanding of the knowledge of Integrated offensive and defensive strategies in activity settings. Use information from a variety of sources to Integrated improve performance such as feedback from a peer and published documents. Apply advanced movement and game strategies. 7.01 Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. 7.01 Use information from a variety of sources, both internal and external, to guide and improve personal health. Literacy Goal 7 Objective Grade 7 PE.7.MC.2.1 Movement Concepts PE.6.MC.2.4 PE.6.MC.2.3 PE.6.MC.2.2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Physical Education Contrast information from a variety of sources, both internal and external, in terms of their relevance to guiding, improving, and modifying performance. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Comments Identify characteristics of skilled performance in a few movement forms. 7.02 Apply game strategies and tactics at appropriate times and in appropriate ways. Identify critical elements of advanced movement skills such as “give and go” or “pick and roll.” Determine the link between physical activity and weight control. 7.04 Understand the relationship between ones social life and healthy habits such as physical activity, nutrition, and sleep. Text of objective 7.03 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Integrate increasingly complex disciplinespecific knowledge, such as biomechanics, with movement skills. Know and apply rules and safe practices in a Integrated into broader concept variety of physical activities. for overall movement. 7.03 Objective Grade 8 PE.8.MC.2.1 Movement Concepts PE.7.MC.2.4 PE.7.MC.2.3 PE.7.MC.2.2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Physical Education Comments Text of objective Demonstrate knowledge for effective timing and sequencing for skill performance. 7.02 Compare movement concepts and principles and critical elements of activity of performances representing different levels of skill. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 7.01 Integrate strategies and tactics within game play. Understand and apply offensive and defensive strategies in relation to physical activities. Generate complex movement concepts that can be used to refine learned skills and to acquire new advanced skills. New Create plans for establishing and maintaining lifelong health enhancing behaviors based on concepts of health, fitness, and nutrition. 8.01 Understand concepts, principles, strategies and tactics that apply to the learning and performance of movement. Literacy Goal 7 Objective PE.8.MC.2.2 PE.8.MC.2.3 PE.8.MC.2.4 High School PE.9.MC.2.1 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Identify and utilize resources in the Moved from PA Goal 8 to a community that can be accessed to maintain learning concept goal. regular physical activity. NC DPI Physical Education Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Objective 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Use complex movement principles to evaluate and improve performance. 7.04 Objective PE.9.MC.2.2 PE.9.MC.2.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Comments Text of objective Analyze and apply information and statistical data about personal and group performance to the improvement of personal fitness and game play, such as fitness scores or statistics from game play to improve offense and defense. Generate complex movement concepts that can be used to refine learned skills and to acquire new advanced skills. New NC DPI Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Select moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and sustain for periods of accumulated time. . Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 9.01 8.02 8.01 Identify opportunities for increased physical activity. Identify physiological signs of moderate physical activity. 9.03 Recognize one or more of the five healthrelated fitness components and the associated exercises. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Objective PE.K.HF.3.3 PE.K.HF.3.2 PE.K.HF.3.1 Kindergarten Strand Health-Related Fitness HealthRelated Grade Fitness1 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Begin to identify opportunities for increased physical activity (i.e., taking the stairs). Identify likes and dislikes connected with participation in physical activity. Sustain moderate to vigorous physical activity for short periods of time. Comments Objective Investigate likes and dislikes connected with participation in physical activity. 9.03 9.02 Demonstrate the ability to Integrated all of Goal 9 from understand the concept of pacing during previous SCS to align with broad cardiovascular endurance activities. health related fitness concept. Demonstrate knowledge of flexibility through stretching exercises and perform exercises, which enhance flexibility in a variety of muscle groups Demonstrate knowledge of muscular strength and endurance through strengthening exercises and perform exercises, which enhance muscular strength and endurance in a variety of muscle groups. Examine one or two components of a health-related fitness assessment. 9.04 8.02 9.02 Contrast moderate physical activity and vigorous physical activity. Comments 9.01 PE.1.HF.3.1 PE.1.HF.3.2 Select physical activities based on ones interests and physical development. Text of objective 8.01 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Recognize two or more of the five healthrelated fitness assessments and the associated exercises. PE.1.HF.3.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Explore activities you like which require physical activity during non-school hours. Demonstrate the ability to understand the concept of pacing during cardiovascular endurance activities. NC DPI Physical Education Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Text of objective 9.01 9.02 Implement a weekly plan of moderate to vigorous activity that increases breathing and heart rate. Recognize that physical activity is a conscious choice. 8.02 Identify enjoyable and challenging physical activities that one can do for increasing periods of time without stopping. Examine 2 or 3 components of healthrelated physical fitness assessment 8.01 Recognize three or more of the five health-related fitness components and the associated exercises. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Identify physical activity Integrated opportunities in your community Recognize the physiology indicators that accompany moderate to vigorous physical activity. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Objective PE.2.HF.3.1 PE.2.HF.3.2 HealthRelated Grade 3 Fitness PE.2.HF.3.3 Health-Related Fitness Grade 2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Physical Education Implement moderate to vigorous physical activities that increase breathing and heart rate, at least four to seven times each week, for increasing periods of time. Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Recall all of the components of a health- Integrated related fitness. Identify and apply the critical elements of basic fitness. 8.03 Demonstrate positive attitude characteristics toward being physically active Explore family and community opportunities to be active. Engage in regular physical activity throughout the day. 8.02 Identify enjoyable and challenging physical activities that one can do for increasing periods of time without stopping. Text of objective PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 HealthRelated Grade 4 Fitness PE.3.HF.3.3 PE.3.HF.3.2 8.01 7.03 PE.3.HF.3.1 Summarize four or more of the five health related fitness components and the associated exercises. 9.01 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Objective 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Objective Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Objective PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 9.01 9.04 8.03 PE.4.HF.3.3 Understand how to achieve the gender and age related health-related physical fitness standard defined by an approved fitness Healt hPE.5. Relate HF.3. d 1 Fitnes s Grade 5 Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Comments Text of objective Complete a valid and reliable pre and post health-enhancing fitness assessment, including monitoring of the heart. New 8.02 Use physiological indicators to adjust physical activity. . 9.01 Evaluate oneself in terms of the five recommended behaviors for obesity prevention. 8.01 Understand why and how to complete a valid and reliable pre and post healthenhancing fitness assessment, including monitoring of the heart. 2006 NC SCOS Strand Text of Clarifying objective PE.4.HF.3.1 Objective Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard PE.4.HF.3.2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Identify personal activity interests and ability. Consciously recognize the benefits derived from regular moderate to vigorous physical activity. Chooses to participate in structured and purposeful activity. Recognize the relationship between healthy nutrition and exercise in weight management. Demonstrate elements of the FIT guidelines to develop personal cardiovascular fitness levels. NC DPI Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Objective 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Objective Physical Education 9.03 8.03 PE.5.HF.3.2 8.02 Implement strategies to achieve healthrelated physical fitness. 8.01 9.04 9.02 assessment. PE.5.HF.3.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Comments Text of objective Complete a valid and reliable pre and post health-enhancing fitness assessment and show personal improvement toward achievement of fitness scores at an acceptable level, including monitoring of the heart. Identify and demonstrate the skill related components of fitness. • Agility • Balance • Coordination • Power • Reaction time • Speed Participates regularly in physical activities for the purpose of improving skill and health. Identify opportunities for regular physical activity in school and at home. Identify social and psychological benefits from participation in physical activities. Utilize safe and appropriate warm-up, pacing and cool down techniques. Select physical activities that develop/ maintain each of the five components of health-related fitness. New NC DPI Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 8.03 9.02 9.03 Demonstrate the ability to perform self paced aerobic activity. 8.01 Complete a valid and reliable pre and post health-enhancing fitness assessment and show personal improvement toward achievement of fitness scores at an acceptable level, including monitoring of the heart. Sets realistic physical activity goals and strive to attain them through participation in physical activity of his or her choosing. Demonstrate proper stretching exercises Identify opportunities in the school and community for regular participation in physical activity 8.02 Use a variety of self-paced aerobic activities, keeping in the appropriate target heart rate zone/perceived exertion levels, including cool-down and appropriate postactivity stretching. 9.01 Apply strategies that result in the achievement of gender- and age-related standards on approved fitness assessments. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Objective PE.6.HF.3.2 Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Evaluate personal fitness programs in terms of the basic principles of training. PE.6.HF.3.3 Health-elated Fitness PE.6.HF.3.1 Grade 6 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Participate daily for a minimum of 60 minutes in some form of healthenhancing physical activity. • Journal • Contract • Pedometers • Heart rate monitors NC DPI Comments Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Complete a valid and reliable pre and post health-enhancing fitness assessment, examine the data and develop a plan to show personal improvement toward achievement of fitness scores at an acceptable level, including monitoring of the heart. Demonstrate the importance and value of regular physical activity. 8.04 8.01 8.02 8.03 Analyze data to examine the relationship between physical activity and caloric intake. 9.01 Use the gender and age related healthrelated physical fitness standard defined by an approved fitness assessment to self evaluate fitness levels. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Objective PE.7.HF.3.2 Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Illustrate a variety of training methods. PE.7.HF.3.3 Health-Related Fitness PE.7.HF.3.1 Grade 7 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Identify resources in the community that Integrated can be accessed to maintain a physically active lifestyle. Regulates physical activity behavior by using personal cues and movement principles. Establish personal physical activity goals to accumulate a recommended number of minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity outside of the physical education class on 5 or more days during the week. NC DPI Comments Physical Education Text of objective Demonstrate knowledge of the terms aerobic and anaerobic, body composition, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, muscular strength and endurance. Develop a strategy to improve personal level of fitness within each of the five components. 8.01 Summarize the potential short and longterm physical, social, and emotional impacts of physical activity as a positive lifestyle choice. 9.01 Evaluate progress toward achieving health-related fitness standards, using the results to make improvements. 9.02 Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 Use a variety of resources to assess, monitor, and improve personal fitness. 8.02 PE.8.HF.3.1 PE.8.HF.3.2 PE.8.HF.3.3 Health-Related Fitness Grade 8 9.03 9.02 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Objective 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Objective Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Complete a valid and reliable pre and post health-enhancing fitness assessment and show personal improvement toward achievement of fitness scores at an acceptable level, including monitoring of the heart. Evaluate the benefits and value of various physical activities for personal fitness programs. Explain the importance and implications of the principles of cardiovascular and strength training. Establish and implement personal physical activity goals and evaluate progress toward goals. NC DPI Comments Physical Education Objective Demonstrate competence in basic offensive and defensive strategies or tactics in traditional and non-traditional team, individual, and dual activities. Investigate positive and negative attitudes towards exercise and physical activities. Identify the physical fitness requirements of an occupational choice. 8.03 9.03 Participate in a variety of vigorous physical activities to achieve personal fitness program goals within the school or community setting. Monitor resting, exercise, and recovery heart rates in a variety of activities. 7.02 Text of objective 7.05 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS 7.06 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Strand Objective Understand the importance of achieving and maintaining a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. Evaluate personal health related physical fitness status in terms of cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Analyze career and occupational opportunities in terms of the required skills and fitness components in terms of required skills, fitness components, and personal interests. PA Goal 8 and Fitness Goal 9 High School PE.9.HF.3.1 PE.9.HF.3.2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Objective 9.02 9.03 9.01 Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand Objective Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Analyze the relationship between the six sport-related components and the five components of health-related fitness. PE.9.HF.3.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Text of objective Identify and evaluate the health-related components of fitness: • cardiovascular endurance, • muscular strength and endurance, • flexibility and • body composition. Identify and evaluate the six skill related components of fitness: • agility, • balance, • coordination, • power, • reaction time, and • speed. Recognize and apply current safety techniques and best practices as related to fitness and nutrition. NC DPI Comments Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Comments Text of objective Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. 6.03 Use safe practices when engaging in physical education activities. 10.03 Understand how social interaction can make activities more enjoyable. New 10.01 Use basic strategies and concepts for working cooperatively in group settings. Social Goal 10 Objective PE.K.PR.4.3 PE.K.PR.4.2 PE.K.PR.4.1 Kindergarten Strand Personal and Social Responsibility 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Identify 1-2 reasons why participation in physical activity is important and enjoyable. Develop movement control for safe participation in games and sports. Demonstrate respect for self, others, and equipment. Physical Education Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Text of objective Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Works cooperatively with others to complete task. Describe 2-3 reasons why participation in Integrated physical activity is important and enjoyable Describe 2-3 ways physical activity improves health. Explain the importance of warm-up and cool Integrated down. Apply safe practices, rules and procedures. 10.03 Use safe practices when engaging in physical education activities. 7.02 10.02 Understand how social interaction can make activities more enjoyable. 10.01 10.04 Use basic strategies and concepts for working cooperatively in group settings. Social Goal 10 Objective PE.1.PR.4.1 PE.1.PR.4.2 PE.1.PR.4.3 Personal and Social Responsibility Grade 1 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. 10.01 Explain why participation in physical activity is important. Explore ways physical activity improves health. 10.03 Use safe practices when engaging in physical education activities with little or no prompting. Social Goal 10 Summarize the benefits of positive social interaction as to make activities more enjoyable. Work cooperatively with others to honestly complete work. 10.02 10.04 Explain the value of working cooperatively in group settings. Apply rules, procedures and safe practices to create a safe school environment with little or no reinforcement. Social Goal 10 Objective PE.2.PR.4.1 PE.2.PR.4.2 PE.2.PR.4.3 Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Personal and Grade 3 Social Responsi bility Personal and Social Responsibility Grade 2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Physical Education 10.02 Use self-control to demonstrate personal responsibility and respect for self and others. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 10.03 Use cooperation and communication skills to achieve common goals. 10.01 Explain the importance of working productively with others. Text of objective Identify positive behaviors and comments to use during play situations. Utilize and demonstrate positive behaviors and comments to use as acceptable methods of conflict resolution during play situations. Compare and contrast the value of activity versus inactivity through individual and group settings. 10.01 Use self-control through structure, expectations, and engagement to demonstrate personal responsibility and respect for self and others. Identifies positive feelings associated with participation in physical activities. 10.02 Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Social Goal 10 Objective Personal and Social Responsibility PE.4.PR.4.1 Grade 4 PE.3.PR.4.3 PE.3.PR.4.2 PE.3.PR.4.1 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Chooses to participate cooperatively and productively in-group and individual physical activities. NC DPI Comments Physical Education 10.03 Use cooperation and communication skills to achieve common goals. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 10.05 10.04 Understand the importance of culture and ethnicity in developing self-awareness and working productively with others. . Text of objective Selects and practices a skill on which improvement is needed. Follows directions, activity-specific rules, procedures, and etiquette, with few reminders. Regularly encourages others and refrains from put-down statements. 10.03 Use self-control to work independently in developing responsibility and respect for self and others. Display the ability to follow rules, procedures and safe practices while working independently for short periods of time. 10.04 Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Social Goal 10 Assesses and takes responsibility for his/her own behavior problems without blaming others. Use cooperation and communication skills to achieve common goals. Demonstrate behavior that will resolve conflicts in socially appropriate ways. 10.02 Objective PE.5.PR.4.1 PE.5.PR.4.2 Personal and Social Responsibility Grade 5 PE.4.PR.4.3 PE.4.PR.4.2 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document NC DPI Comments Physical Education Text of objective Interacts with others by helping with their physical activity challenges. 10.01 Understand the importance of culture and ethnicity in developing self-awareness and working productively with others. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard 10.03 10.01 Use well-developed cooperation skills to accomplish group goals in both cooperative and competitive situations. 10.04 Use appropriate strategies to seek greater independence from adults when completing assigned tasks. 10.02 Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Social Goal 10 Objective Grade 6 PE.6.PR.4.1 PE.6.PR.4.2 Personal and Social Responsibility PE.5.PR.4.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Make conscious decisions about playing within the rules, procedures, and etiquette of a game or activity. Utilize time effectively to complete assigned tasks. Appreciates the aesthetic and creative aspects of skilled performance in others and self. Work cooperatively and productively in a group to accomplish a set goal in both cooperative and competitive activities. NC DPI Comments Physical Education 10.05 Analyze conflicts that arise in competitive activities to determine the most appropriate ways of resolving the conflicts. Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Text of objective Resolves interpersonal conflicts with sensitivity to the rights and feelings of others. Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. 10.04 10.02 10.01 Understand the role of diversity in physical activity respecting limitations and strengths of members of a variety of groups. 10.05 Contrast between appropriate and inappropriate strategies to communicating ideas and feelings. 10.03 Contrast between appropriate and inappropriate strategies to seek greater independence from adults when completing assigned tasks. Social Goal 10 Objective PE.7.PR.4.1 PE.7.PR.4.2 PE.7.PR.4.3 Personal and Social Responsibility Grade 7 PE.6.PR.4.3 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Recognizes physical activity as a positive opportunity for social and group interaction to promote a safe school environment. Engage in fair play and show self-control by accepting a controversial decision. Develop strategies to communicate ideas and feelings. • body language • gestures • body movements Invites all students, regardless of ability, race, gender etc., to participate in physical activity and displays sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others during physical activities. Seeks out participants with and shows respect for a peer with varying skill ability. NC DPI Comments Objective Strand Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Text of objective Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Compare factors in different cultures that influence the choice of physical activity and nutrition. 10.01 10.02 10.06 10.05 10.04 PE.8.PR.4.2 10.03 Analyze a variety of settings and situations to determine appropriate safety, ethics, and the form of social interaction. Social Goal 10 Objective PE.8.PR.4.1 Physical Education 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Exemplify well-developed cooperation skills to accomplish group goals in both cooperative and competitive situations. PE.8.PR.4.3 Personal and Social Responsibility Grade 8 Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Recognize causes and then demonstration potential solutions to issues as related to a safe school environment and the physical activity setting. • Controversial decisions • Safe areas of play Willingly join others of diverse culture, ethnicity, and gender during physical activity. Work cooperatively with peers of differing skill to promote a safe school environment Work cooperatively with a group to achieve group goals in competitive as well as cooperative settings. Display empathy to the feelings of others during physical activities. Recognize the diversity and/or different cultures differences in participation in physical activity. NC DPI Comments Physical Education Objective Text of Clarifying objective 2006 NC SCOS Strand 2011 Essential Standards Essential Standard Text of objective Explain the influence of physical activity on cultural competence and the development of selfawareness. 10.01 Select the most appropriate ways of responding and mediate to settle conflicts. Demonstrate respect for individual differences in physical activity settings utilizing character education and sportsmanship. 10.03 Implement leadership skills to promote responsibility in self and others. Demonstrate collaboration as a group and individually contribute to the group’s success through a variety of noncompetitive duties. 10.02 Use behavioral strategies that are responsible and enhance respect of self and others and value activity. Social Goal 10 Objective High School PE.9.PR.4.1 PE.9.PR.4.2 PE.9.PR.4.3 Social and Personal Responsibility Strand Common Core Crosswalk Document Develop group strategies and personal goals for including persons of diverse backgrounds and abilities in physical activity settings. NC DPI Comments