- - Faythe Canson Clark P.O. Box 41 Pittsboro, NC 27312 EDCUATION: School Name University of San Francisco Curriculum B.S. Human Resource ~anagement and Organizational Behavior - Year Awarded 1987 EXPERIENCE: Organization Position in Organization Start Date End Date 1 1/01/2009 Current TOIS, LLC, Pittsboro, NC Director of Business Development Create collaborative partnerships and grant funding solutions for entrepreneurs, community organizations, educational institutions, and government agencies that increase their ability to provide more services, create new products and implement new goals. Kyim Consultants 10/01/2003 11/01/2009 Non-Profit Consuitant Consulted with new non-profit organizations through writing and filing of start-up of 50 1(c)3, Board of Director's recruitment and selection, strategic planning, program policy and procedures, creating measurable community-based programs, program evaluation, soliciting grant funding, creating annual fund-raising events, and creating sustainable organizations. SacraMentor Program 03/01f 1 996 1 0/01/2003 Executive Director Created a successful 501(c)3 Community-based Mentoring program in conjunction with the Juvenile Court and Probation Department to provide community-based court advocates and mentors to first-time, low-level juvenile offenders as an alternative to incarceration and to address overrepresentation of minority males in the Juvenile Justice System; reported to Board of Directors, wrote funding requests, recruited and managed oftice personnel, designed and delivered mentor training, and promoted the program. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: None PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS: Mid-Carolina Workforce Development Board - Chatham, Lee & Harnett Counties Citizen's CommiMee for Grant Funding - Town of Pittsboro Green Building Advisory Board - Chatham County PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TWINING Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Certified Mentor Certified Training Specialist (ASTD) Croup Facilitator Life Coach Blue CrossiBlue Shield Strategic Planning/ Non-profit Management Training P Role Type of Grant Organization Seeking Grant Grantor Year Awarded Amount $1,050,000 Reference James Johnson 916-9277694 AssisBnl writer Eompetitive Mutual Assistance Network California Wellness Foundation 1999 Main Grantwriter Competitive Sacrmentor Program Just Do lt Foundation 1998 2540 S. Marylmd Pkwy #178, LasVegas, NV 89109 Main Grant Writer Competitive Sadentor Program Sacramento Employment & Training Agency (SETA) 1997 Cindy SherwoodGreen 9 16-2633857 h4ain Grant Writer Competitive Sa~raMentor Program Calilbrnia Mentor Initiative 1997 Marion Woods 9 16-2633857 Main Grant Writer Competitive SacraMentor Program California Wellness Foundation 1997 Gary L' Main Grant Writer Competitive SacraMentor Program Rotary Club of Sacramento 1996 Peggy A. Crowther 9 16-4431433 Main Grant Writer Competitive SacraMentor Pro-mm California Wellness Foundation 1996 Gary L. Yates 8 18-7021900 Yates 8 18-7021900 Synopsis A Youth Village grant that targeted at-risk youth thru Stay-in School initiatives. Character Educations, a Community Garden, The Villager newspaper. employment training, and parent involvement. Violence Prevention and recreational programs for youth on probation. Fund community organizations for provide services to youth on probation. Provide mentor training to communiQbased organizations. Funding support communitybased advocacy and mentoring for juvenile offenders. Nondiscretionary h n d s to support the work of the SacraMentor Program. Funding support communitybased advocacy and mentoring for juvenile offenders. COST DETAILS: FYI Consulting, LLC RFI N0.40-Grant Writer S ~ C K PO Box 14827 Greensboro, NC 27406 EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: NOVAQUEST PHARMACEUTICAS, INC. - Morrisville, NC 08f2008- Present Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist Achieve territory sales objectives by promoting products to healthcare professionals in accordance with the brand ta~eting stratew. Provide effective coverage of targeted family and general practitioners. Other responsibilitiesinclude: conduct symposia, film showings, exhibits and other Continuing Medical Education activities; develop and implement Territory Business Plan; report adverse drug reactions; keep appropriate records of targeted physicians in respective territory; provide professional public relations in accordance with approved Company policy. Develop Key Opinion Leaders. - ASTRAZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. Philadelphia, PA 08/200§- 1212006 Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist Manage the Greensboro territory to increase market share of product portfolio. Thoroughly apply product knowledge to detail physicians and staff on product specific features and benefits. Design creative and effeaive marketing strategies t o increase market share. Condua and host product specific educational physician programs and events. PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS, INC, - New York, NY 06f2002 - 08/2005 Primary Care Sales Representative Manage the Greensboro territory t o increase market share of product portfolio. Use product knowledge t o detail physicians and staff on product specific features and benefits. Design creative and effective marketing strategies to increase market share. Conduct and host product specific educational physician programs and events. Developed and maintained relationships with physicians t o ensure consistent and growing market share of products. FIRST CITIZENS BANK CO. - Greensboro, NC 06/1998- 0.612002 Gommuniv Mortgage Banker Developed and managed a county territory for mortgage lending product volume. Established and maintained relationships with realtors, builders and government housing agencies t o increase lending production, Delivered effective sates presentations t o key contacts t o identify lending product needs. Conducted home buying and credit counseling classes and mortgage seminars. Trained branch banking associates and new mortgage hires. Created personal %&ionptans for potential homebuyers PROFESSIONALORGANIUlrTIOlPIS: None Page 2 of 3 FYI Consulting, LLC RFI NQ.40-Grant Writer PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS: Grant Writing Certification - 2009 Grant Consulting Certification - 2009 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING: Mon-Profit Management - 2009 LIST OF GRANTS AWARDED: None COST DETAILS: CONTAACPT INFORMATION: = = @ @ ContacZ.Person's Name: Phone Number with area code: FAX Number with area code: Ernail Address: Postal Address: Sharon W. Flack 336-340-6895 336-698-0339 PO Box 18427, Greensboro, NC 27415 Page 3 of 3 Dr. Duane T. Johnson OmniWorx LLC 1570 Industrial Blvd. Jasper, TN 37347 Education: UniversitC Libre de Bruxelles University of Florida with Honors Michigan State University with Honors Postdoctoral Fellow Ph.D. Chernical Engineering BS Chemical Engineering Experience: Owner, OmniWorx LLC, Feb. 2009 - present Consulting, grant writing and technical advisor Chief of Technology, Green River Biodiesel, Inc. (Jun 2008 - Dec 2008) - Responsible for all research and new p r o d ~ ~projects ct Responsible for glycerin sales. marketing, and research - Laboratory and quality assurance director Developed all lab methods and techniques Vice President for Research and Development & Senior Engineer. Alabama Biodiesel Corporation, (2007-2008) - Developed process and technology, and helped retrofit idle plant Assisted in selling the business for $30 million Responsible for designing and overseeing plant expansion and operations Responsible for glycerin sales. marketing. and research Responsible for all research and development projects - Laboratory and quality assurance director University of Alabama, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Associate Professor with tenure (2004 - 2007) - Responsible for teaching courses and developing research program Directed graduate and undergraduate student research Board member for Honors College Industrial Sabbatical with Alabama Biodiesel Corporation (2005 - 2007) - Developed, designed, built and operated large biodiesel plant Implemented quality control and assurance program. Southeast Regional Director of the National Institute for Global & Environmental Change (2004-2006) - Directed $2 nill lion per year research program on how global climate change affects the ecosystem - Responsible for grant procurement, contracting and administrative business University of Alabama, Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Assistant Professor (1 998 - 2004) Michigan Biotechnology Institute, Lab Technician, East Lansing, MI (1 992- 1993) &I& W Environmental Engineering, Lab Technician, Grand Rapids, MI (1999- 1992) Professional Organizations: American Institute of Chen~icalEngineers American Chemical Society Anlerican Oil Chemist Society National Biodiesel Board Former lnember of eight other professional societies Professional Appointments: National Vice President of Omega Chi Epsilon, the honor society for Chemical Engineers (2004 - 2006) Alabaina State Clean Cities Coalition and otller State governments to write State Legislation that was introduced on the Alabama floor this past session. Alabaina State Alternate Fuels Tasks Force, The Alabaina Governor's Advisory Council for Renewable Fuels Reichhold-Schumaker Assistant Professorship, University of Alabama, 200 1 - 2004 NSF-NATO Postdoctoral Fellowship, Brussels Belgium, 1997- 1998 NASA Graduate Student Fellowship, 1994-1 997 Research Advisory Council, University of Alabama, (2000 - 2004) Computer Based Honors Advisory Council, University of Alabama, (2000-2006) Session Chair for National AIChE meetings, (2002 - 2005) Environlnental Task Force coininittee lnember for West Alabama Chamber of Commerce Professional Development and Training: Grant Writing for New Faculty. presented by Tiill Anderson and the National Science Foundation, 0311 3/03 to 03/14/03 NSF Slnall Business Innovative Research Proposal and Panel reviewer on eight different panels from 200 1 to 2006. Lists of Grants Rewarded: MGW MGW AW C UA UA Auburn Univ. Coast NASA P 200 1 2000 2000 $ 1 84,000 JohnWiestI Below Below John Wiest $71,550 NSF $665,800 Bruce Tatarchuk EPSCOR $91,450 John Wiest 2000 ADECA MGW C UA 2000 C $70,490 John Wiest MGW NSF UA 2000 NASA $7,125 John Wiest C UA MGW 1999 $1 0,755 John Wiest NASA C UA MGW *MGW = Main Grant Writer; AW = assistant writer, C = Competitive, NC = Non competitive, University o f Alabama in Tuscaloosa / C C I / NSF 1 / ' 1 Below Below Below Below UA = I. USDA, Rural Energy for America Program, Production of Biodiesel from Animal Parts, Amount: $2,000,000, Period of Performance: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2019, PI 2. Alabama State department of DOE, Increasing Production Efficiencies of an Existing Biodiesel Plant, Amount: $65,254, Period of Performance: 9/1/2005 to 8/31/2006 3 . NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, Establishment of a REU site within the Center for Materials for Information Technology at the University of Alabama, Amount: $100,014, Period of performance: 06/1/04 - 05/31/07, co-PI with 14 other investigators (PI Martin Bakker) 4. Department of Energy / NIGEC, Southeast Regional Center for the National lnstitute for Global Environmental Change, Amount: $1,245,004, Period of Performance: 9/1/2005 t o 2/27/2006, PI 5. Department of Energy / NIGEC, Southeastern Center for the National lnstitute for Global Environmental Change (NIGEC), Amount: $1,213,411, Period of performance: Sept. 1, 2004 30, 2005, PI: Duane Johnson - Aug. 6. EPA Region IV, Regional Recycling Center for Automotive Waste, Amount: $40,273, Period of Performance: 09/01/05 - 08/31/06, PI with co-Pi Samuel Addy (Business) 7. Gulf Coast Hazardous Research Substances Center, Development of a Supersaturated Dissolved Oxygen Probe for Non-chlorinated Bleach Substitutes, Amount: $41,635, Period of performance: Aug. 16, 2004 - Aug. 15,2007, PI: Duane Johnson 8. NASA EPSCoR, Interfacial Properties of Ferrofluid Droplets for Biomaterials Applications, Dollar Amount: $184,000, Period of performance: Dec. 1, 2001 -July 31, 2006, PI: Duane Johnson with coPI John Wiest 9. NSF Small Grant for Exploratory Research, Experiments and Modeling of Nanoscale Pattern Formation in Aluminum elect rod is solution^ PI, Total: $71,550 (May 1, 2000 -June 30, 2001) 10. NSF EpSCoR, Integrated Mass and Heat Transport within Sintered Metal Microfibrous Networks, Co-I with six other investigators, Personal Total: $174,436 for two years, Total: $665,800 (Oct. 15, 2000 May 15, 2003) I 1 . Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, Alabama Research Initiative, Mixing and Nuid Instabilities in Double Layer Magnetic Tape Production, PI with Co-1's: John Wiest and Tim Branton (Sony Magnetic Products), Personal Share: $91,450, Total: $91,450 (Jan. 1, 2000 - Dec. 31, 12. NSF Equipment Grant, Acquisition of an Infrared Camera for Materials Processing, PI with Co-I Bill Epling, Total $70,490, (July 15, 2000 -July 14, 2001) 13. National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Magnetic Damping and Pattern Formation in a Crystal Growth Configuration, Co-l with R . Narayanan (U of Florida), and J. Vinals (Florida State), Personal Share: $51,330 for two years, $25,665 for each year. Total: $193,023 (May 1,1999 - Aug., 2000) 14. NASA EPSCoR Student Travel Grant 1999-2000, Student Research Visitation for Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry Measurements, Duane Johnson, $7,125 (Nov. 1, 1999 - Oct. 30, 2000) 15. NASA EPSCoR Student Travel Grant 2000-2001, Student Research Visitation for Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry Measurements, Duane Johnson, $10,755 (Nov. 1, 2000 - Oct. 30, 2001) Cost Details: Individual's Name Duane Johnson Per Diem Rate $150 per hour $1,000 per eight hour day Contact Information: Contact Person's name: Duane Johnson Phone Number with area code: 423-942-41 00 or cell: 205-21 0-1 3 12 FAX Number with area code: 423-373-0073 Email Address: Duane.Johnson@OmniWorxLLC.co~~~ Postal Address: 1570 industrial Blvd., Jasper, TN 37347 Mileage Rate $0.35/mile Mural Warren Lanier Post office box 284 Snow Hill, NC 28580 (252) 747-8283 Education: Degrees Curriculum Specialist II Degree ~ d ~ 1Year 6 ' ~Degree MAEd Degree BS Degree School Name Year Awarded East Carolina University 1989 East Carolina University 1986 East Carolina University 1978 Elizabeth City State University 1975 Experience: Organization Position in Organization GET Services, Inc. Executive Director Start Date End Date 07109 Present Narrative of Responsibilities: Planned, organized, obtained license, received endorsement, implemented, and received National Accreditation for Child and Adolescent Day Treatment Program (for emotionally and behaviorally challenged children ages 7-17) as well as Community Support Team services (for adults with Major Depressive Disorders, Mood Disorders, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar, and Anxiety). These programs required screening, intake, assessment of needs, person-centered planning, documentation of services provided, Medicaid billing, supervision and evaluation of staff and programs. New Endeavors with Hope, Inc. Qualified Professional 01105 06108 Narrative of Responsibilities: Worked as the Community Alternative Program, Mental Health, Developmental Disability, Substance Abuse Services Qualified Professional. Monitored, assessed, evaluated personnel and program services as well as provided training based on services provided in person-centered plans. Updated care plans as necessary, wrote grants, supervised and trained staff on an ongoing basis per North Carolina Health and Human Services regulations. OIC of Lenoir, Jones & Greene Counties Executive Director 08104 12/04 Narrative of Responsibilities: Worked with substance abuse, mental health, and special needs populations, educationally deprived, as well as economically disadvantaged adults (ages 1765) in the following areas: GED acquisition, anger management, becoming self-sufficient, and effective parenting. Mural Warren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill, North Carolina Lenoir County Public Schools Alternative School Principal 07/02 06/04 Narrative of Res~onsibilities:Served as public school administrator and provided supervision, direction, and leadership for troubled youth who had emotional, behavioral, substance abuse issues, and mental health/special needs. Responsible for high student performance; safe, orderly, and caring climate/ school; quality staff; scheduling; programming; curriculum and instruction; staff evaluation; transportation; and strong family, grant writing, communitylbusiness support. Lenoir County Public School Kennedy Home Residential Alternative School Administrator 07/01 06/02 Narrative of Res~onsibilities:Worked withlsupervised mental health, substance abuse, and other special needs children and adults. Responsible for increasing achievement, enhancing computer skills proficiency, maintaining a safe and orderly climate conducive to learning, ensuring the needs of special needs students are met, improving students involvement in academic and career planning, coordination services of social works, providing ongoing staff development to enhance educators' competency and to employ research-based instructional strategies, strengthening parental involvement efforts, grant writing, staff evaluation, hiring, budgeting, scheduling, curriculum and instruction. North Carolina State Board Of Education State Assistance Team Reviewer 06/99 06/01 Narrative of Responsibilities: Responsible for assisting low performing schools with improving student achievement, conducting needs assessments, planning a course of action, reporting school progress to boards of education (State and Local), evaluating staff, analyzing test data, conducting staff development, ensuring implementation of ABCs Plan and North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Lenoir County Public Schools Federal Programs Director 10196 06/99 Narrative of Responsibilities: Responsible for planning, grant writing, coordination, implementation, monitoring, budgeting, fiscal management, and evaluation of Title I, Migrant Education, Even Start (3 and 4 year olds and their parents), Impact Aid, Reading Recovery, English as a Second Language, and Comer School Development. 3 of9 Mural VVarren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill, North Carolina Wake County Public Schools High School Assistant Principal 09194 09196 Narrative of Responsibilities: Responsible for student organizations and clubs, student and staff recognition, Student Information Management System, staff performance evaluation, ninth grade discipline and attendance, Summer School, student serviceslguidance and counseling, recruitment and selection of staff, supervision of athletic events, and campus supervision Wilson County Public Schools Federal Programs Director 10190 08194 Narrative of Responsibilities: Responsible for planning, grant writing, coordination, implementation, monitoring, budgeting, fiscal management, and evaluation of Chapter I, Migrant Education, Even Start (program for 3 and 4 year olds and their parents), Impact Aid, Reading Recovery, English as a Second Language, Comer School Development, and Staff Development Mural Warren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill, North Carolina Professional Organizations (None) Past Membership Included: Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development International Reading Association North Carolina Association of Compensatory Education Executive Board North Carolina Association of School Administrators National Association for Female Executives East Carolina University Project Excel Executive Board Region #2 Vice Chairperson for Federal Programs Directors Treasurer of NC Association of Compensatory Education Professional Appointments and Certifications Certifications Year(s) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.......................... 2009-2011 First Aid.. ....................................................... 2009-2012 Medication Administration.. ................................2009-2010 NC Interventions, Prevention and Alternatives Part A and Part B... ..........................2009-2010 Bloodborne Pathogens......................................2009-2010 Health Information Protected Portability Act. .......... 2009-2010 Client Rights Course.. ........................................2009-2010 Seizure Protocol Course................................... .2009-2010 Person-Centered Planning.................................2009-2010 Person-Centered Thinking................................,2009-2010 Mental Illnesses and Symptoms..........................2009-2010 Day Treatment Service Definition........................ 2009-2010 Mural Warren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill. North Carolina Professional Development and Training Courses/T"aining Dates Middle School Mathematics and Science.................................. March 2008 Classroom Walkthrough TeachScape Model............................. August 2007 Plato Training......................................................................February 2007 Cultural Diversity..................................................................September 2006 Science Probes Computer on Wheels Program..........................August 2006 Reading and Writing for Learning............................................May 2006 Understanding and Implementing the Computer........................ March 2006 Web Resources for the Educator........................................... February 2006 Microsoft Office Word ...........................................................October 2005 Introduction to Internet Explorer 6 ........................................... October 2005 Microsoft Windows XP ..........................................................October 2005 High, Objective, Uniform State Standard of Evaluation Evaluator........................................................................... December 2003 Multi-Hazard Crisis Training for Schools...................................June 2002 May 2002 E-Tools.............................................................................. Leadership and Peak Performance..........................................May 2002 Technology.........................................................................June 2001 Microsoft Excel....................................................................May 2001 Microsoft Word ....................................................................May 2001 Microsoft PowerPoint............................................................May 2001 School Improvement/Curriculum.............................................April 2000 Creating Independence through Student-owned Strategies...........................................................................April 2000 K-2 Assessment...................................................................April 2000 Writing K-8.........................................................................April 2000 Writing 9-12........................................................................April 2000 Science 3-5.'. .....................................................................April 2000 LEARN NC.........................................................................April 2000 Technology - ABC Tools.......................................................April 2000 English Language Arts 6-8 .....................................................April 2000 English Language Arts 9-12...................................................April 2000 Assessment........................................................................April 2000 MediationlFacilitation............................................................April 2000 Mathematics K-5.................................................................April 2000 Media Evaluation................................................................ April 2000 Effective Schools................................................................ April 2000 Everyone for Every Child: Limited English Proficiency..................March 1999 Accountability and Testing......................................................February 1998 North Carolina Compensatory Education..................................1999, 1998, 1997 Mural Warren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill, North Carolina List of Grant Awards Role Main Grant Writer Type of Organization Grantor Grant Seeking Grant Competitive Kinston North Charter Carolina Academy Department of Public Instruction 21 Century Community Learning Center NonKinston Self Help competitive Charter Academy Year Awarded 2004-2008 Competitive Greater Kinston Community Development Corporation Competitive Bertie County Public Schools (Windsor Elementary) 2002 Amount Reference Synopsis $447,000 each year Maxine Cooper 252-523-5390 This grant provides students with high-quality academic enrichment opportunities along educational development opportunities for families. Centers are located in schools, community and faith-based facilities. $1.5 Million Johnnie Lyles 252-527-4026 ' Assistant Grant Writer Main Grant Writer Main Grant Writer North Carolina Humanities Council Governor's Crime Commission 2003 This Technical Assistance Grant is funded by the Government. It provides financial assistance to nonprofit organizations rural areas. Funds could be used to purchase the building, pay salaries, and office expenses. Linda McKnight This grant served as an 252-527-2906 educational tool for informing citizens and equipping them to deal with the stress and uncertainty of terrorist attacks. Alice Pittman The "SOAR" project delivered 252-794-5221 comprehensive services to prevent delinquency and crime by educating youth and their parents in an afterschool program. Main Grant Writer Competitive Eastern Prevention and Treatment Council Governor's Crime Commission Ricky Dawson Main Grant Writer Competitive Eastern Carolina Human Services Office of Juvenile Justice Ricky Dawson 919-581-8081 Main Grant Writer Competitive New Beginnings Community Outreach Center, Inc. Z Smith Reynolds Foundation Diane Mclntyre 919-734-1037 Main Grant Writer Lenoir County Competitive Public Schools (Southeast Elementary) North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Even Start Mildred Bryant 252-522-1546 Wayne County Juvenile Day Reporting Center provided comprehensive counseling and intensive programming to reduce court involvement and improve family dynamics. Multi-County Day Reporting Center - 8thJudicial Structured Day Program was designed to impact the behavior of troubled juveniles in a positive manner. This "Children of Destiny" after- school program offered enrichment activities in reading, writing, mathematics, and technology to children identified as 6wachievers. Even Start integrates early childhood education, adult literacy, and parenting education into a unified family literacy program for children birth through seven and adults. Mural Warren Lanier Post Office Box 284 Snow Hill, North Carolina Cost Details Individual's Name / Hourly Rate 1 I Mural Warren Lanier I $1 10.00 $20.00 1 I Contact Information: Contact Person's Name: Mural Warren Lanier o Phone Number with Area Code: 1252) 522-2293 or (252) 560-4307 o Fax Number with Area Code: (252) 522-2295 o Email Address: 2 t i r i I r :ire 11: $41 ~ o l n Q Postal Address: Post Office Box 2334 Kinston, North Carolina 28502 o Mileage Rate Per Diem Rate $35 per mile I KENNETH W. LIEBERMAN, Ph.D. BOX 3, TENAFLY, NJ 07670-0003 EDUCATION: Brooklyn College Texas Tech University University of Kentucky Harvard University Columbia University BA MS Ph.D. Postdoctoral Postdoctoral Chemistry Chemistry Chemistry Neuroscience Neuroscience 1960 1963 1966 1967 1971 EXPERIENCE: Associate Professor, Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine 2006-to date Psychiatry Associate Professor New Jersey Medical School Pediatrics 2002-to date Associate Professor New Jersey Medical School Psychiatry 1994-to date Responsibilities described here cover joint appointments at Robert Wood Johnson and New Jersey Medical Schools. Instruction of medical and graduate students in neuroscience and biochemistry, Teaching psychiatric and pediatric residents pharmacology and research methodology. Performance of research and writing of research proposals. Preparation and publication of research manuscripts. Lecturing to high school students about careers in science, and preparing instructional manuals in biology and chemistry. Scientific Director SciMed Consultants 4993-to date Preparation and submission of grant proposals for educational institutions ranging from high school to universities and medical schools for funding from public and private sources. Researching availability of potential sources of funding for educational institutions. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIiWTIONS: American Chemical Society Sigma Xi Society for Neuroscience American Association for the Advancement of Science PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS & CERTIFICATIONS: New York State, Laboratory Director 85282 (1985) New York City, Laboratory Director 56032265 (1985) PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING: none GRANTS AWARDED: 1. Main grant writer, competitive, SciMed Consultants, NIH, Under consideration, $145,000, Kenneth Lieberman, Design and production of device for diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer 2. Main grant writer, competitive, New Jersey Medical School, NIH, 2003, $183,000, Kenneth Lieberman, Portable instrument for analysis of lead and other environmental contaminants 3. Main grant writer, competitive, New Jersey Medical School, NIH, 2002, $225,000, Kenneth Lieberman, Device for determination of toxic metals in salivary fluid 4. Main grant writer, competitive, New Jersey Medical School, NIH 1998, $135,000, Kenneth Lieberman, Studies of abused drugs in newborn Children NIHlNational Institutes of Health COST DETAILS: Kenneth W. Lieberman Hourly rate $60 Per Diem Rate $48018 hr. day Mileage rate 35 centslmile CONTACT INFORMATION: Kenneth W. Lieberman, Ph.D. 201.816.0876 201.755.5653 (cell) 201.567.6894 (fax) S cifl+pdcon ,corrl Box 3, Tenafly, NJ 07670-0003 Ellen M. McKinnon 38 Orange Street Asheville, N.C. 28801 EDUCATION: School Name Curriculum Year Awarded University of New Orleans Master of Urban & Regional Planning 1977 University of Alabama in Birmingham BA in Urban Affairs Georgetown University Foreign Service EXPERIENCE: Organization & Position Martin-McGill, Inc. Senior Planner & Grants Coordinator Start and End Dates April 1997 to Present PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Alpha Theta Epsilon- Honorary Business Fraternity North Carolina Criminal Justice Association American Association of University Women PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS: North Carolina Real Estate Broker PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING: None Page 2 of 29 YPe of irant ompetitive :ompetitive Main :ompetitive Z Main sknt 0 riter lrganization eeking Grant irantor amden ounty, North lommunity arolina 4ssitance Initiative ity of Jorth Carolina sheville, :onstruction Grants lorth Carolini own of dorth Carolina 'ryson City, :onstruction Grants lorth Carolini ~ n Loans d uckaseigee Vater and ewer ,uthoritv Jorth Carolina :onstruction Grants ~ n Loans d kz:rded ieference 2009 Launched in 2007, the Golden LEAF Community Assistance lnitiative is a grants program that targets communities of need and provides direct :andell K. Woodruff support for projects that significantly enhance the quality of life for citizens within those communities :amden County Aanager, by stimulating economic activity or providing 52-338-1919, ext. assistance in overcoming barriers to economic 22 transition or community progress. I LoOg Synopsis The program provided funding made available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to provide assistance to wastewater, non-point source, and/or estuary projects, which AcCray Coates, tormwater Servies will proceed quickly to construction, creating jobs Aanager, (828) 232- and furthering the objectives of the Clean Water Act. 567 khe program provided funding made available bhrough the American Recovery and Reinvestment b c t of 2009 to provide assistance to wastewater, I n ~ n - ~ o isource, nt and/or estuary projects, which arry Callicutt, Town will proceed quickly to construction, creating jobs Aanager, (828) 488- and furthering the objectives of the Clean Water 335 Act. loo9 oe Cline, Executive )irector, (828) 586189 and/or estuary projects, which to construction, creating jobs of the Clean Water t of 2009 to provide assistance to wastewater, n-point source, and/or estuary projects, which ves of the Clean Water rough the American Recovery and Reinvestment e program provided funding made available n-point source, and/or estuary projects, which North Carolina n-point source, and/or estuary projects, which nvironment and atural Resources, n-point source, and/or estuary projects, which Main Grant Writer Town of North Carolina Robbinsville, Rural Economic Competitive North Carolina Development Center 2009 $200,000 Bobby Cagle Jr., Mayor, (828) 4793250 .he Rural Center administers this program to help rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. he Rural Center administers this program to help Rural Economic North Carolina frastructure projects, which will proceed quickly construction, creating jobs and supporting the atural Resources, h the American Recovery and Reinvestment 2009 to eligible public water systems for rolina provides timely funding made available rough the American Recovery and Reinvestment ublic Water Supply construction, creating jobs and supporting the al of assuring safe and healthy drinking water fo te residents and visitors served by public water he Stimulus Funding for Drinking Water in North rough the American Recovery and Reinvestment atural Resources, ated in 1996, the Clean Water Management orth Carolina Clean st Fund makes grants to local governments, te agencies and conservation non-profits to he1 Fund makes grants to local governments, agencies and conservation non-profits to help he Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) rovides dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local overnments for parks and recreational projects to he Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) e Rural Center administers this program to help ral communities develop the water and sewer Rural Center administers this program to help I communities develop the water and sewer North Carolina e Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help Main Grant Writer North CarolinaParks City of Marion, North and Recreation Trust 2007 Fund (PARTF) Competitive Carolina $165,000 The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) provides dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local Bob Boyette, City Manager, 828-652- governments for parks and recreational projects to serve the public. 3551 he Rural Center administers this program to help e Rural Center administers this program to help ral communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help North Carolina Rural Economic he Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) orth CarolinaParks he Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) rovides dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local he Rural Center administers this program to help I own of North Carolina ilaggie Valley, Rural Economic lorth Carolina Development Center 2004 42,000 Fhe Rural Center administers this program to help im Barth, Town rural communities develop the water and sewer 828-926- systems they need to support local economic 0866 ext.103 growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. ,528,623 bhe Rural Center administers this program to help l ~ i c kHowell, Former /rural communities develop the water and sewer City Manager, (828) systems they need to support local economic 884-4123 growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. I I :ompetitive :ounty of North Carolina laywood, Rural Economic lorth Carol~naDevelopment Center 2004 l ~ a v i dCotton, County Manager, (828) 452-6625 0 ,804,215 l ~ i k Decker, e own of ranklin, North Carolina Rural Economic :ompetitive ,45,000 2516 /The Rural Center administers this program to help /rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. bhe Rural Center administers this program to help develop the water and sewer they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. Il ~ u t c hSmith, lom~etitive North Carolina ;own of Clyde, Rural Economic 4orth Carolina Development Center 2004 ,44,500 bhe Rural Center administers this program to help !rural communities develop the water and sewer Director, (704) 538- systems they need to support local economic 9033 growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. ;519,040 Joy Garland, Town Administrator, (828) 627-2566 'The Rural Center administers this program to help rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. Main Grant Writer North Carolina Town of Spruce Pine, Rural Economic Competitive North Carolina Development Center 2004 Main Grant Writer North Carolina Town of Waynesville, Rural Economic Competitive North Carolina Development Center 2004 Main Grant Writer Tuckaseigee Water and Sewer Competitive Authority Main Grant Writer North Carolina Town of Canton, North Rural Economic Development Center 2004 Competitive Carolina Main Grant Writer Town of Highlands, Competitive North Carolina STAG Main Grant Writer North CarolinaParks Town of Maggie Valley, and Recreation Trust 2003 Competitive North Carolina Fund (PARTF) North Carolina Rural Economic Development Center 2004 2003 The Rural Center administers this program to help rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. $470,650 Richard Canipe, Town Manager, (828) 765-3000 $44,500 The Rural Center administers this program to help Lee Galloway, Town rural communities develop the water and sewer Manager, (828) 452- systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. 2491 $474,025 The Rural Center administers this program to help Joe Cline, Executive rural communities develop the water and sewer Director, (828) 586- systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. 5189 $500,000 The Rural Center administers this program to help Al Matthews, Town rural communities develop the water and sewer Manager, (828) 648- systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. 2363 $433,700 Jim Fatland, Town Manager, (828) 526EPA Appropriation 2118 $254,750 The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) provides dollar-for-dollar matching grants to local Tim Barth, Town Manager, 828-926- governments for parks and recreational projects to serve the public. 0866 ext.103 North CarolinaParks he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help North Carolina e Rural Center administers this program to help Main Grant Writer North Carolina County of Macon, North Rural Economic Development Center 2003 Competitive Carolina ural Economic $44,500 The Rural Center administers this program to help Jack Horton, County rural communities develop the water and sewer Manager, (828) 349- systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. 2025 he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer ural Economic Rural Center administers this program to help I communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help e Rural Center administers this program to help ral communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help Main Grant Writer County of North Carolina Swain, North Rural Economic Competitive Carolina Development Center2002 $400,000 - Main Grant Writer Town of Forest North Carolina City, North Rural Economic Competitive Carolina Development Center 2002 Main Grant Writer Maggie Valley North Carolina Sanitary Rural Economic Competitive District Development Center 2002 Ken Mills, Economic Development Commission, (828) 488-9273 $444,939 Chuck Sumney, Town Manager, (828) 248-5202 The Rural Center administers this program to help rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. $444,945 Neil Carpenter, District Manager, (828) 926-0145 The Rural Center administers this program to help rural communities develop the water and sewer systems they need to support local economic growth and ensure a reliable supply of clean water. he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer ural Economic he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help e Rural Center administers this program to help ral communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help e Rural Center administers this program to help ral communities develop the water and sewer North Carolina he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help ural communities develop the water and sewer he Rural Center administers this program to help COST DETAILS I Individuals Name I Hourly Rate / Per Diem Rate Ellen M. McKinnon 1 $80.00 1 40.00 Mileage Rate 1 .45 per mile CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Person's name: Ellen M. McKinnon Phone Number with area code: 828-232-6116 FAX Number with area code: 828-253-5612 Email Address: ellenomartin-mcgill.com Postal Address: 38 Orange Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Page 29 of 29 Resume Format and Details Research and Technical Writing Solutions Barbara D. Powe, PhD, RN - CEO 3930 Embassy Way Lilburn. GA 30047 EDUCATION School Name Curriculum RELATED EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCES Summary: I have over 15 years of experiences in grant writing and submission to federal and intramural funding sources. I have a proven track record of scientific publications, technical report writing, and scientific presentations at the local, state, national, and international levels. Organization American Cancer Society, Atlanta, Ga Position 1 Years Director, Underserved Populations Research Present 2001Responsibilities: Grant writing (internal and federal) conduct of research, development of research plan and methodology, statistical analysis and design, scientific publications, professional presentations. Member of thesis and dissertation committees. Chair and member of grant review committees (Centers for Disease Control, Department of Defense, National Cancer Institute). 1 Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Associate Professor, College of Nursing 1994 - Responsibilities: Grant writing and submission (federal and foundation), scientific publications and presentations. Conduct of research, development of research plan and methodology, statistical analysis and design. Responsible for the development and implementation of graduate and undergraduate nursing classes. Member of thesis and dissertation committees. PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Oncology Nursing Society PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS A. Registered Nurse (Georgia, South Carolina) (1983 - present) B. Adjunct Associate Professor, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University (2005-present) C. Associate Professor {on-line}, Walden University (2009-present) 1 I PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING A. Community Based Participatory Research Training, National Institutes of Health (August, 2009) B. Executive Leadership Training, Stanford University (2007) LIST OF GRANTS AND AVVARDS Type of Grant / / Organization Seeking Grant Grantor Year Awarded Amount Reference Assistant Writer Competitive Washington University (Dr. Matt Kreuter, PI) National Cancer Institute 2009 $2,000,000 Shila (direct Burney 404-327costs) 6549 Main Writer (Project PI) Competitive Woodruff School of Nursing National Institute of Nursing Research 2005 $20,000 Kathy Parker (Center PI) 404-7278732 Main Writer Noncompetitive American Cancer Society 2003 $80,000 Dexter Cooper 404-9296805 Main Writer Competitive Medical University of SC National Cancer Institute 1998 $75,000 Susan Benedict 843-7923942 Main Writer Competitive Medical University of SC National Cancer Institute 1999 $20,000 Susan Benedict 843-7923942 Main Writer Competitive Medical University of SC 2000 Veterans Health Administration $60,000 Susan Benedict 843-7923942 American Cancer Society Synopsis Testing interventions to enhance cancer knowledge among African Americans Study explores cancer symptom management among survivors and family members Testing a theoretical model for cancer screening Testing interventions to increase colorectal cancer screening Supplement to support development of research skills among nursing student Role was to develop and conduct research at VA COST DETAILS Standard Fees At the beginning of each project, I will provide a good-faith estimate of the time it will take to complete the project and provide a detailed timeline for approval by your representative. The timeline will include key "touch" points for information and deliverables. Hours will be billed in half hour increments with a final submission for billable hours submitted when the proposal is delivered. Grant Resubmission If the first submission of a grant is unsuccessful, I will perform the first 4 hours of work preparing the resubmission at $25.00 per hour. The rate (starting the 5thhour) resumes at $45.00 per hour. Complex Grants and Proiects For extremely complex projects or projects with a short submission deadline, it may be necessary to use additional research staff to complete. If this is the case, the need for additional staff will be discussed with your representative. REFERENCES Jamie Horn Associate Developmental Editor Nursing Editorial, Elsevier Publishing (800) 325-4177, ext. 4429 Jamie.Horn@Elsevier.com Elvan Daniels, M.D. Morehouse School of Medicine CHPM. 720 Westview Drive, SW Atlanta, GA 30310-1495. (404) 752-5275 edaniels@msm.edu CONFLICTS OF INTEREST There are no conflicts of interest CONTACT INFORMATION: Contact Person's name: Barbara D. Powe, PhD, RN Phone Number with area code: (770) 722-3267 FAX Number with area code: (770) 736-4069 Email Address: Rsolutions29@comcast.net or pbarbd@comcast.net Postal Address: 3930 Embassy Way, Lilburn, GA 30047 Marie L. Battaglia Development Consultant Robinson Ventures, LLC I 1 Lorna Lane Court Tonawanda, New York 14150 (716) 204-3532 EDUCATION EXPERIENCE Niagara Falls City School District Resource Development Consultant February 1998 present Secured various grant proposals, including USDOE Teacher Quality Enhancement grant totaling $6.2 Million over 5 years; USDOE Smaller Learning Communities grant totaling $1.45 Million over three years, two USDOE Elementary School Counseling grants totaling $1.6 Million over four years. USDOE Safe SchoolslHealthy Communities grant totaling $5 Million over 3 years, Federal 21" Century Community Learning Centers totaling $935,000 over three years, Federal Arts in Education grant totaling $895,000 over three years, and others listed below. - Boys and Girk Club of the Northtowns of WNY Resource Development Consultant July 1999 present Secured Federal Community Based Abstinence Education grant for $2.6 Million over five years; Federal Carol White Physical Education grant for $112.000. three State 21' Century Community Learning Centers grants for $2.9 Million over 5 years. $320.000 over four years from NYS Advantage After-School Program for North Tonawanda Unit, $800,000 over four years from NYS Advantage After-School Program for the Tonawanda Unit; $66,000 from Niagara County for a WIA program for at-risk teens, and many smaller foundation grants. - Boys and Girls Club of Buffalo Resource Development Consultant October 2004 March 2008 Secured US Department of Health 8 Human Services grant for pregnancy prevention among teens for $2.25 Million; three State 2lStCentury Community Learning Centers grants totaling $4.45 Million over five years; over $200,000 in private foundation funding for capital improvements; supported various program initiatives through smaller program grants from private foundations and other public grants. - Be-a-Friend, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Erie County, Inc. Resource Development Consultant 2003 present Secured two consecutive $600,000 grants from the USDOE to provide a three-year program to provide one-on-one mentoring program for children with an incarcerated parent, and $575,000 over three years for mentoring children from disadvantaged backgrounds. - 722 Corn Tassel "Trail, Maflrlrsviik, VA 241 8 2 Phone: 11 6-.3Q8-7357, Fdx: 666-310-0685 1 of 17 The M~GuireGroup 2001 present Resource Development Consultant Secured over $2 Million in two grants from the NYSDOL to implement a Career Ladders program designed to alleviate the shortage of skilled nurses by facilitating the advanced training of TANF-eligible nursing assistants to become Licensed Practical Nurses and LPN's to become Registered Nurses. This collaborative also includes Trocaire College as the nursing school in WNY, Goodwill Industries as the screeninglsupport agency, WNED-TV as provider of GED training, and EPlC as the family management trainer. - Northwest Buffalo Community Center November 2001 present Resource Development Consultant Secured over $8.8 Million in funding through three State 21'' Century Community Learning Centers grants - Trocaire College November 2000 December 2003 Resource Development Consultant Secured Title I'II University Advancement grant totaling $3.2 Million over 5 years; ongoing NYS Higher Education Opportunities Program (HEOP) grant to increase access to higher education for disadvantaged students, totaling $80,000 annually, - - EPlC Every Person Influences Children, Inc. February 1992 March 2000 Director of Development Funding secured included a $4.7 million grant to establish Parent Information and Resource Centers statewide; $Imillion grant to support the development af a character education curriculum in collaboration with the NYSDOE, Columbia Teachers College and four NYS School Districts; youth development program for inner city minority children ages 6 - 17; education program for parents of children ages 10-14; innovative program delivery model offering an educational component for parents of infants and toddlers through local hospitals. - PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS National Society of Fund Raising Executives Association of Fund Raising Professionals PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS 1992 1998 Board Member, National Society of Fund Raising Executives, WNY Chapter 1998 2000 - Education Committee, National Society of Fund Raising Executives, WNY Chapter - - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING 1998 2000 - Education Committee, National Society of Fund Raising Executives, WNY Chapter - 722 Corn 'Tassel TPai\, Mar%,insvil\e,VA 241U 2Phone: 716-308.-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 2 of 1.7 SUCCESSFUL GRANTS LIST JULY 1999 THROUGH JUNE 2070 ALL GRANTS LISTED WERE WRITTEN BY MARIE BA TTAGLIA AS MAIN GRANT WRITER AND WERE COMPETITIVE 722 Corn ""%asselTrail, Mafiinsviile, VA 24112 Phone:: 714-308-7357, Fax: 866-318-0485 7 2 2 Car n Tassel TrdllgMa&~nsv~lle VA 241 8 2 Ptrone: 716-308-7357, Fax: 866310-0685 722 Corn Tassel "Trail, It"8rtiili~sviRire~ %$A24112 Phor~e:716-308-,7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 722 Corn Tassef Traill, MartinsviiBge, VA 24112 Phone: 714-308-7357, Fax: 866"-310-0685 722 C:orr~tassel Trais, Mai""I:is.sswi$le,VA 241 1.2 Phone: 71.6-308-7357, Fax: 866-3:10-"'0685 722 Corn Tassel TrdlI, Mart111sv16ie~ VA 24112 Pl~one:716-308-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 722 Corn Tassel Trail, Mafiinsviille, VA 241 12 Pilone: 716-308-7357,. Fax: 866-31&3-0685 9 of 17 722 Corn Tassel Tran!, Martinsvrlie, VA 24A12 Phone: 716-308-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 722 Corre 7"assel Trail, Max-tinsville, VA 24112 Phone: 716-308-,7357, Fax: 866-310--0685 I BGCNT I Erie County 1 8/15/1999 1 5,000 1 Available upon req. 1 YDDP Delinquency Prevention Key: BGCNT: Boys Girls Clubs North Tonawanda, NFCSD: Niagara Falls Central School District, EPIC: Every Person Influences Children, BGCB: Boys Girts Clubs Buffalo 722 Corn Tassel Trai!, Ma&insville,VA 24112 Phone::716-308-7357, Fax: 864-~310-0685 1 Cian Robinson President Robinson Ventures, LLC 722 Corn Tassel Trail Martinsville, Virginia 241 12 EDUCATION: EXPERIENCE: Robinson Ventures, LLC President 10-02 Present Robinson Ventures, LLC is a management consulting firm whose areas of concentration include nonprofit management and fund development. Our services have included development planning and training; capital and endowment campaign planning and management; outsourced development services including grant writing, sponsorship development, membership development, major gifts cultivation, and training. As the President, I am responsible for all aspects of the organization. - lnfotech Niagara Executive Director 10-00 10-02 InfoTech Niagara is a trade association of information technology companies located in the eight western counties of New York State. Acting as an economic development agency for the information technology community, InfoTech Niagara's primary goal was to return the Western New York region to economic prominence through the development of a vibrant information technology sector. As the Executive Director, I was responsible for all aspects of the organization. Raised $6 million in workforce development monies. - Buffalo Niagara Partnership 04-99 10-00 Chief Information Officer As CIO of the Buffalo Niagara Partnership, 1 managed information technology, telephony, research, operations, internships and special projects. From forming and guiding the internal teams necessary to define business processes, to representing the Partnership on external policy matters, to making the day to day management decisions necessary to run the organization, the C10 was a highly visible position, accountable to 6 departments, 4 affiliates, the CEO/President and a 70 member board of directors. - PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: Association of Fund Raising Professionals Better Business Bureau LEAD Virginia 722 Corn Tassel Trail, Martinsville, VA 24112 Pklane: 716-308.'"7357, Fax:: 866-310-6685 13 of 17 Virginia Chamber of Commerce PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS: Adjunct Professor, 2007-Present, Patrick Henry Community College, Course: Grant Writing Adjunct Professor, 2009-Present, James Madison University, Course: Public Administration Adjunct Professor, 2005-2006, Bryant and Stratton College, Courses: Research and Writing, Operations Management, Organizational Behavior, Business Ethics, Entrepreneurship. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING: LEAD Virginia, Class of 2008 Department of Housing and Community Development, Leadership Training, December 2008 LIST OF GRANTS AWARDED: Writer Community Foundation I I, I 276-632-3221 I program. I Main Grant Writer Competitive Piedmont Arts Virginia Commission for the Arts 2009 10,000 Joe Williams: 276-632-3221 Local government challenge grants. Main Grant Writer Competitive Piedmont Arts Virginia Commission for the Arts 2009 10,300 Joe Williams: 276-632-3221 ARRA monies for salary support. 722 Corn Tasse8 Trail, Mar t~ri.rsvrl[e,VA 24112 Phone: 716-308-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 14 of 37 S LLC I Role Assistant Grant Writer Type of Grant Competitive Organization SeekDng Grant lnfotech Niagara Grantor H1B Visa Grant Program Year Awarded Amount 2000 3,000,000 Reference David Kaczor: 716-504-1480 Synopsis Information technology training grant 122 Corn Tassel Trail, Martinswiile, VA 24112 Phone: 716.-308-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 16 of 17 Role Type of Grant Organization Seeking Grant Grantor Year Awarded Amount 1 COST DETAILS Name Cian Robinson Marie Battaglia Hourly Rate $100 $100 Per Diem Rate $750 $750 Reference I Synopsis I Mileage Rate $0.55 $0.55 CONTACT INFORMATION: - Contact Person's name: Cian Robinson - Phone Number with area code: 276-880-7088 or 716-308-7357 - FAX Number with area code: 866-310-0685 - Email Address: cianrobinson@robinsonventures.com - Postal Address: 722 Corn Tassel Trail, Martinsville, Virginia, 24112 722 Corn Tassel Tra~l,Msfi~nsv~lle, VA 241 12 Phone 716-308-7357, Fax: 866-310-0685 I