Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics ON ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS RELATED TO CERTAIN FAMILY OF INTEGRAL OPERATORS volume 7, issue 2, article 69, 2006. KHALIDA INAYAT NOOR Mathematics Department COMSATS Institute of Information Techonolgy Islamabad, Pakistan Received 02 December, 2005; accepted 11 January, 2006. Communicated by: N.E. Cho EMail: Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 354-05 Quit Abstract P n Let A be the class of functions f(z) = z + ∞ n=2 an z . . . , analytic in the open unit disc E. A certain integral operator is used to define some subclasses of A and their inclusion properties are studied. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 30C45, 30C50. Key words: Convex and starlike functions of order α, Quasi-convex functions, Integral operator. On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators This research is supported by the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, through grant No: 1-28/HEC/HRD/2005/90. Khalida Inayat Noor Title Page Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References 3 8 Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 1. Introduction Let A denote the class of functions (1.1) f (z) = z + ∞ X an z n , n=2 which are analytic in the open disk E = {z : |z| < 1}. Let the functions fi be defined for i = 1, 2, by (1.2) fi (z) = z + ∞ X On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators an,i z n . n=2 Khalida Inayat Noor The modified Hadamard product (convolution) of f1 and f2 is defined here by (f1 ? f2 )(z) = z + ∞ X Title Page n an,1 an,2 z . Contents n=2 Let Pk (β) be the class of functions h(z) analytic in the unit disc E satisfying the properties h(0) = 1 and Z 2π h(z) − β (1.3) Re 1 − β dθ ≤ kπ, 0 where z = reiθ , k ≥ 2 and 0 ≤ β < 1, see [4]. For β = 0, we obtain the class Pk defined by Pinchuk [5]. The case k = 2, β = 0 gives us the class P of functions with positive real part, and k = 2, P2 (β) = P (β) is the class of functions with positive real part greater than β. JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 Also we can write for h ∈ Pk (β) Z 1 2π 1 + (1 − 2β)ze−it (1.4) h(z) = dµ(t), 2 0 1 − ze−it where µ(t) is a function with bounded variation on [0, 2π] such that Z 2π Z 2π (1.5) dµ(t) = 2 and |dµ(t)| ≤ k. 0 0 From (1.4) and (1.5), we can write, for h ∈ Pk (β), k 1 k 1 (1.6) h(z) = + h1 (z) − − h2 (z), 4 2 4 2 We have the following classes: Rk (α) = f : f ∈ A and zf 0 (z) ∈ Pk (α), f (z) h1 , h2 ∈ P (β). z ∈ E, Khalida Inayat Noor 0≤α<1 . We note that R2 (α) = S ? (α) is the class of starlike functions of order α. (zf 0 (z))0 Vk (α) = f : f ∈ A and ∈ Pk (α), z ∈ E, 0 ≤ α < 1 . f 0 (z) Note that V2 (α) = C(α) is the class of convex functions of order α. Tk (β, α) = f : f ∈ A, g ∈ R2 (α) and zf 0 (z) ∈ Pk (β), g(z) z ∈ E, On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators 0 ≤ α, β < 1 . Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 We note that T2 (0, 0) is the class K of close-to-convex univalent functions. Tk? (β, α) = f : f ∈ A, g ∈ V2 (α) and (zf 0 (z))0 ∈ Pk (β), g 0 (z) z ∈ E, 0 ≤ α, β < 1 . In particular, the class T2? (β, α) = C ? (β, α) was considered by Noor [3] and for T2? (0, 0) = C ? is the class of quasi-convex univalent functions which was first introduced and studied in [2]. It can be easily seen from the above definitions that (1.7) f (z) ∈ Vk (α) ⇐⇒ On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor 0 zf (z) ∈ Rk (α) Title Page and Contents (1.8) f (z) ∈ Tk? (β, α) ⇐⇒ zf 0 (z) ∈ Tk (β, α). We consider the following integral operator Lµλ : A −→ A, for λ > −1; µ > 0; f ∈ A, µ−1 Z z t λ+µ µ µ λ−1 Lλ f (z) = Cλ t 1− f (t)dt zλ 0 z ∞ Γ(λ + µ + 1) X Γ(λ + n) =z+ (1.9) an z n , Γ(λ + 1) n=2 Γ(λ + µ + n) JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 5 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 where Γ denotes the Gamma function. From (1.9), we can obtain the wellknown generalized Bernadi operator as follows: Z µ + 1 z µ−1 Iµ f (z) = t f (t)dt zµ 0 ∞ X µ+1 =z+ an z n , µ > −1; f ∈ A. µ + n n=2 We now define the following subclasses of A by using the integral operator Lµλ . On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Definition 1.1. Let f ∈ A. Then f ∈ Rk (λ, µ, α) if and only if for z ∈ E. Lµλ f ∈ Rk (α), Khalida Inayat Noor Definition 1.2. Let f ∈ A. Then f ∈ Vk (λ, µ, α) if and only if for z ∈ E. Lµλ f ∈ Vk (α), Title Page Contents Definition 1.3. Let f ∈ A. Then f ∈ Tk (λ, µ, β, α) if and only if Tk (β, α), for z ∈ E. Lµλ f Definition 1.4. Let f ∈ A. Then f ∈ Tk? (λ, µ, β, α) if and only if Tk? (β, α), for z ∈ E. Lµλ f ∈ ∈ We shall need the following result. JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Lemma 1.1 ([1]). Let u = u1 + iu2 and v = v1 + iv2 and let Φ be a complexvalued function satisfying the conditions: (i) Φ(u, v) is continuous in a domain D ⊂ C2 , Page 6 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 (ii) (1, 0) ∈ D and Φ(1, 0) > 0. (iii) Re Φ(iu2 , v1 ) ≤ 0, whenever (iu2 , v1 ) ∈ D and v1 ≤ − 12 (1 + u22 ). P m 0 If h(z) = 1 + ∞ m=2 cm z is a function analytic in E such that (h(z), zh (z)) ∈ D and Re Φ(h(z), zh0 (z)) > 0 for z ∈ E, then Re h(z) > 0 in E. On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 2. Main Results Theorem 2.1. Let f ∈ A, λ > −1, µ > 0 and λ + µ > 0. Then Rk (λ, µ, 0) ⊂ Rk (λ, µ + 1, α), where (2.1) α= 2 p , (β + 1) + β 2 + 2β + 9 with β = 2(λ + µ). Proof. Let f ∈ Rk (λ, µ, 0) and let 0 zLµ+1 k 1 k 1 λ f (z) = p(z) = + p1 (z) − − p2 (z), 4 2 4 2 Lµ+1 f (z) λ where p(0) = 1 and p(z) is analytic in E. From (1.9), it can easily be seen that 0 µ µ+1 (2.2) z Lµ+1 λ f (z) = (λ + µ + 1)Lλ f (z) − (λ + µ)Lλ f (z). On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor Title Page Contents Some computation and use of (2.2) yields z (Lµλ f (z))0 zp0 (z) = p(z) + ∈ Pk , Lµλ f (z) p(z) + λ + µ z ∈ E. JJ J II I Go Back Let ∞ X (λ + µ) + j zj λ + µ + 1 j=1 λ+µ z 1 z = + . λ+µ+1 1−z λ + µ + 1 (1 − z)2 Φλ,µ (z) = Close Quit Page 8 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 Then p(z) ? Φλ,µ (z) zp0 (z) = p(z) + p(z) + λ + µ k 1 k 1 = + [p1 (z) ? Φλ,µ (z)] − − [p2 (z) ? Φλ,µ (z)] 4 2 4 2 k 1 k 1 zp01 (z) zp02 (z) = + p1 (z) + − − p2 (z) + , 4 2 p1 (z) + λ + µ 4 2 p2 (z) + λ + µ and this implies that Khalida Inayat Noor pi (z) + zp0i (z) pi (z) + λ + µ ∈ P, z ∈ E. Title Page We want to show that pi (z) ∈ P (α), where α is given by (2.1) and this will show that p ∈ Pk (α) for z ∈ E. Let pi (z) = (1 − α)hi (z) + α, Then On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators i = 1, 2. Contents JJ J II I Go Back (1 − α)hi (z) + α + α)zh0i (z) (1 − (1 − α)hi (z) + α + λ + µ We form the functional Ψ(u, v) by choosing u = hi (z), Ψ(u, v) = (1 − α)u + α + ∈ P. v = zh0i . Thus (1 − α)v . (1 − α)u + (α + λ + µ) Close Quit Page 9 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 The first two conditions of Lemma 1.1 are clearly satisfied. We verify the condition (iii) as follows. Re Ψ(iu2 , v1 ) = α + (1 − α)(α + λ + µ)v1 2. (α + λ + µ)2 + (1 − α)2 u2 2 By putting v1 ≤ − (1+u2 ) , 2 we obtain Re Ψ(iu2 , v1 ) 1 (1 − α)(α + λ + µ)(1 + u22 ) ≤α− 2 (α + λ + µ)2 + (1 − α)2 u22 2 2α(α + λ + µ)2 + 2α(1 − α)2 u2 − (1 − α)(α + λ + µ) − (1 − α)(α + λ + µ)u22 = 2[(α + λ + µ)2 + (1 − α)2 u22 ] A + Bu22 = , 2C where A = 2α(α + λ + µ)2 − (1 − α)(α + λ + µ), B = 2α(1 − α)2 − (1 − α)(α + λ + µ), C = (α + λ + µ)2 + (1 − α)2 u22 > 0. We note that Re Ψ(iu2 , v1 ) ≤ 0 if and only if, A ≤ 0 and B ≤ 0. From A ≤ 0, we obtain α as given by (2.1) and B ≤ 0 gives us 0 ≤ α < 1, and this completes the proof. On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 Theorem 2.2. For λ > −1, µ > 0 and (λ + µ) > 0, 1, α), where α is given by (2.1). Vk (λ, µ, 0) ⊂ Vk (λ, µ + Proof. Let f ∈ Vk (λ, µ, 0). Then Lµλ f ∈ Vk (0) = Vk and, by (1.7) z(Lµλ )0 ∈ Rk (0) = Rk . This implies Lµλ (zf 0 ) ∈ Rk =⇒ zf 0 ∈ Rk (λ, µ, 0) ⊂ Rk (λ, µ + 1, α). Consequently f ∈ Vk (λ, µ + 1, α), where α is given by (2.1). On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Theorem 2.3. Let λ > −1, µ > 0 and (λ + µ) > 0. Then Tk (λ, µ, β, 0) ⊂ Tk (λ, µ + 1, γ, α), Khalida Inayat Noor where α is given by (2.1) and γ ≤ β is defined in the proof. Proof. Let f ∈ Tk (λ, µ, 0). Then there exists g ∈ R2 (λ, µ, 0) such that ∈ Pk (β), for z ∈ E, 0 ≤ β < 1. Let 0 z(Lµ+1 λ f (z)) Lµ+1 λ g(z) n 0 z(Lµ λf ) µ Lλ g Title Page o = (1 − γ)p(z) + γ k 1 k 1 = + {(1 − γ)p1 (z) + γ} − − {(1 − γ)p2 (z) + γ}, 4 2 4 2 Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit where p(0) = 1, and p(z) is analytic in E. Page 11 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 Making use of (2.2) and Theorem 2.1 with k = 2, we have z(Lµλ f (z))0 (2.3) −β Lµλ g(z) (1 − γ)zp0 (z) = (1 − γ)p(z) + (γ − β) + ∈ Pk , (1 − α)q(z) + α + λ + µ and q ∈ P, where (1 − α)q(z) + α = 0 z Lµ+1 λ g(z) Lµ+1 λ g(z) , z ∈ E. On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor Using (1.6), we form the functional Φ(u, v) by taking u = u1 +iu2 = pi (z), v = v1 + iv2 = zp0i in (2.3) as (2.4) (1 − γ)v Φ(u, v) = (1 − γ)u + (γ − β) + . (1 − α)q(z) + α + λ + µ It can be easily seen that the function Φ(u, v) defined by (2.4) satisfies the conditions (i) and (ii) of Lemma 1.1. To verify the condition (iii), we proceed, with q(z) = q1 + iq2 , as follows: Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Re [Φ(iu2 , v1 )] (1 − γ)v1 (1 − α)(q1 + iq2 ) + α + λ + µ (1 − γ)(1 − α)v1 q1 + (1 − γ)(α + λ + µ)v1 = (γ − β) + [(1 − α)q1 + α + λ + µ]2 + (1 − α)2 q22 = (γ − β) + Re Title Page Quit Page 12 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 ≤ (γ − β) − ≤ 0, for 1 (1 − γ)(1 − α)(1 + u22 )q1 + (1 − γ)(α + λ + µ)(1 + u22 ) 2 [(1 − α)q1 + α + λ + µ]2 + (1 − α)2 q22 γ ≤ β < 1. Therefore, applying Lemma 1.1, pi ∈ P, i = 1, 2 and consequently p ∈ Pk and thus f ∈ Tk (λ, µ + 1, γ, α). Using the same technique and relation (1.8) with Theorem 2.3, we have the following. Tk? (λ, µ, β, 0) Theorem 2.4. For λ > −1, µ > 0, λ + µ > 0, 1, γ, α), where γ and α are as given in Theorem 2.3. ⊂ Tk? (λ, µ + Remark 1. For different choices of k, λ and µ, we obtain several interesting special cases of the results proved in this paper. On Analytic Functions Related to Certain Family of Integral Operators Khalida Inayat Noor Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 13 of 14 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 7(2) Art. 69, 2006 References [1] S.S. MILLER, Differential inequalities and Carathéordary functions, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., 81 (1975), 79–81. [2] K. 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