Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics AN INEQUALITY OF THE 1 − D KLEIN-GORDON EQUATION WITH A TIME-VARYING PARAMETER volume 3, issue 3, article 45, 2002. IWAN PRANOTO Department of Mathematics Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132 Indonesia. EMail: Received 20 November, 2001; accepted 15 April, 2002. Communicated by: L.-E. Persson Abstract Contents JJ J II I Home Page Go Back Close c 2000 Victoria University ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 081-01 Quit Abstract In this paper we present an inequality concerning the regularity of the solution of the Klein-Gordon equation with a time-varying parameter. In particular, we present an inequality comparing the norm of the initial state and the norm of the solution on some part of the boundary. An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L20, 93B05 Key words: Partial differential equation, Klein-Gordon, Inequality, Controllability This work is partially supported by the World Bank under the QUE Project Iwan Pranoto Contents 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Main Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References Title Page 3 5 Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 2 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 1. Introduction Let Ω = (0, 1) and α be a smooth function. We consider the following initial value problem (1.1) vtt − vxx + α(t)v = 0 in Ω × (0, T ), (1.2) v(0, t) = 0 = v(1, t), (1.3) H01 (Ω), An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto v(x, 0) = v0 (x) ∈ and 2 vt (x, 0) = v1 (x) ∈ L (Ω). The smoothness of α guarantees the existence of the above system. In this paper we are interested with the following function In particular, we establish some conditions on α that guarantee the existence of T and positive constants kT , KT that depend only on T > 0 such that the L2 (0, T )-norm of z and the H01 (Ω) × L2 (Ω)-norm of the initial state (v0 , v1 ) are equivalent, i.e. Z T 2 (1.5) kT k(v0 , v1 )kH 1 ×L2 ≤ z 2 (t) dt ≤ KT k(v0 , v1 )k2H 1 ×L2 0 0 Contents JJ J z(t) = vx (1, t). (1.4) Title Page II I Go Back Close Quit Page 3 of 13 0 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 for every (v0 , v1 ) ∈ H01 × L2 . The upper estimate means that z belongs to L2 (0, T ), and the lower one means that the topology induced by the L2 (0, T )norm of z is stronger than the H01 × L2 -norm. We establish the inequality by the multiplier method, described by Komornik [3]. The particular inequality above is crucial in studying the exact controllability of distributed parameter systems. One can observe that by the inequality, one may regard the L2 (0, T )-norm of vx (x, t) evaluated only at x = 1 as the equivalent norm of the initial condition. This fact is fully utilized in solving the exact controllablity of the systems. For detailed explanations on the exact controllability concepts and properties, readers should consult Lions [4]. In the higher dimensional case, it is proved in Pranoto [6] that the inequality is true. In the case α ≡ 0, one can obtain the inequality and it is sharp in the sense that the time T must be > 2 and cannot be smaller. For example, one can consult Bardos et al. in [2] for this result. They use micro local analysis to obtain the inequality. In the case α ≡ 1, we are able to compute numerically the exact control. Please consult Pranoto [5] for its numerical scheme. It uses the Galerkin method. A more recent result on a different type of system is given in Avalos et al. [1]. An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 4 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 2. Main Results Let S = H01 (Ω) × L2 (Ω) and | · | be the L2 -norm. In S, we define p (2.1) k(v0 , v1 )kS = |∂x v0 |2 + |v1 |2 for every (v0 , v1 ) ∈ S. Here, ∂x denotes the partial derivative on variable x. With this norm, we define energy E of the solution at time t, that is (v(·, t), vt (·, t)), as 1 (2.2) E(t) = k(v, vt )k2S + α(t)|v|2 . 2 Proposition 2.1. If α satisfies the following conditions: An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto A1 There is an ∈ (0, 1), such that |α(t)| ≤ (1 − )π 2 for every t; A2 Var(α) < ∞, where Var(α) denotes the variation of the function α on (0, ∞), then there exist T > 0 and kT , KT > 0 such that Z T 2 (2.3) kT k(v0 , v1 )kH 1 ×L2 ≤ z 2 (t) dt ≤ KT k(v0 , v1 )k2H 1 ×L2 0 0 0 Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close for every (v0 , v1 ) ∈ H01 × L2 . Proof. By the assumption (A1), the energy E(t) is non-negative. If we differentiate it, we obtain (2.4) Title Page E 0 (t) = α0 (t) 2 |v| . 2 Quit Page 5 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 One can show that |v|2 ≤ 2 1 + 1− π2 E(t), by (A1). It then implies that 1− 0 0 |E (t)| ≤ 2|α (t)| 1 + 2 E(t). π Thus, we obtain E(0) ≤ E(t) ≤ M (T ) E(0), M (T ) RT 0 |α (s)|ds . where M (T ) = exp 2 1 + 1− π2 0 Because we assume (A2), the following inequality holds for every t > 0 (2.5) E(0) ≤ E(t) ≤ µ E(0), µ where µ = exp 2 1 + 1− Var(α) . If α is constant, E(t) = E(0) for every 2 π t > 0. It means the energy is conserved. After multiplying both sides of (1.1) by xvx and integrating it over Ω × (0, T ), we obtain Z TZ (2.7) (vtt − vxx + α(t)v) xvx dx dt = 0. (2.6) 0 An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Ω Thus we have the following identity Z TZ Z TZ (2.8) vtt xvx dx dt − vxx xvx dx dt 0 Ω 0 Ω Z TZ + α(t)v xvx dx dt = 0. 0 Ω Close Quit Page 6 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 Next, we evaluate the first term on the left hand side, and we obtain Z TZ (2.9) vtt xvx dx dt = ρ(T ) − ρ(0) 0 Ω Z − 0 T x (vt (x, t))2 2 1 dt − x=0 1 2 Z 0 T Z ! |vt |2 dx dt, . Ω By the boundary condition, the above equation becomes Z Z Z TZ 1 T (2.10) vtt xvx dx dt = ρ(T ) − ρ(0) + |vt |2 dx dt, 2 0 Ω 0 Ω R1 where ρ(t) = 0 vt (x, t) x vx (x, t) dx. Next, we evaluate the second term on the left hand side of (2.8) and obtain Z Z Z Z TZ 1 T 1 T 2 (2.11) − vxx xvx dx dt = |vx | dx dt − |vx (1, t)|2 dt. 2 2 0 Ω 0 Ω 0 After that, we evaluate the last term on the left hand side of (2.8). By the boundary condition, we obtain Z TZ Z Z 1 T (2.12) α(t)v xvx dx dt = − α(t)|v|2 dx dt. 2 0 Ω 0 Ω If one adds the equations (2.10-2.12) altogether, one obtains Z Z 1 T (2.13) 0 = ρ(T ) − ρ(0) + |vt |2 + |vx |2 − α(t)|v|2 dx dt 2 0 Ω Z 1 T − |vx (1, t)|2 dt. 2 0 An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 7 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 The value of the function ρ can be estimated by Z |ρ(t)| ≤ (2.14) 1 2 21 Z |vt (x, t)| dx 1 2 |vx (x, t)| dx 0 12 . 0 Thus, we have Z (2.15) |ρ(t)| ≤ 2 Z |vt (x, t)| dx + 0 where D = 2 . 1 0 1 |vx (x, t)|2 dx ≤ D E(t), An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 8 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 Next, we estimate the term ZT Z 0 |vt |2 + |vx |2 − α(t)|v|2 dx dt Ω ZT Z (2.16) |vt |2 + (1 − )|vx |2 + |vx |2 − (1 − )π 2 |v|2 dx dt ≥ 0 Ω ZT Z (2.17) ≥ 0 (2.18) ≥ 2 (2.19) ≥ 2 Ω ZT Z 0 An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto |vt |2 + |vx |2 + π 2 |v|2 dx dt Ω ZT Z 0 |vt |2 + |vx |2 dx dt Title Page Contents |vt |2 + |vx |2 + α(t)|v|2 dx dt. Ω We then apply the above estimates into (2.13), and we obtain Z Z 1 T T 2 |vx (1, t)| dt ≥ −D(E(T ) + E(0)) + E(t) dt. (2.20) 2 0 2 0 JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 9 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 By the estimate on the energy growth (2.5), this implies Z Z 1 T T E(0) 2 |vx (1, t)| dt ≥ −D(µ + 1)E(0) + dt 2 0 2 0 µ 1 T (2.21) = −D(µ + 1) + E(0). D µ We then choose any T > µ(µ + 1)D2 . So, −D(µ + 1) + D1 Tµ > 0. In order to simplify the notation, we write the same T to denote this particular T . We then let 1 T (2.22) cT = −D(µ + 1) + . D µ An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Next, we know that Contents α(0) 1 E(0) = k(v0 , v1 )k2S + 2 2 Z |v0 (x)|2 dx. Ω Moreover, by (A1), we have Z Z 2 2 (2.23) |vx (x, t)| + α(t)|v(x, t)| dx ≥ |vx (x, t)|2 dx. Ω Ω Thus, we obtain JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 10 of 13 Z (2.24) 0 T |z(t)|2 dt ≥ kT k(v0 , v1 )k2S , J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 where kT = 2cT = −4(µ + 1) + 2 Tµ . Next, we need to prove the upper estimate of (2.3). In order to do this, we start from the identity (2.13). Using (A1), one then obtains the following inequality Z 1 T |vx (1, t)|2 dt ≤ |ρ(T )| + |ρ(0)| 2 0 Z TZ 1 + |vt |2 + |vx |2 − α(t)|v|2 dx dt 2 0 Ω ≤ D(µ + 1)E(0) Z TZ 1 (2.25) + |vt |2 + |vx |2 + α(t)|v|2 + 2π 2 |v|2 dx dt 2 0 Ω Z T (2.26) ≤ D(µ + 1)E(0) + C E(t) dt 0 ≤ (D(µ + 1) + Cµ T ) E(0), (2.27) where C = 1 + 2 . The inequalities (2.25) and (2.26) are obtained by the fact that (2.28) kvx k2L2 − α(t)kvk2L2 ≤ kvx k2L2 + 2π 2 kvk2L2 + α(t)kvk2L2 ≤ C kvx k2L2 + α(t)kvk2L2 . Since E(0) ≤ 2− k(v0 , v1 )k2S , 2 Z (2.29) 0 we then obtain An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 11 of 13 T |z(t)|2 dt ≤ KT k(v0 , v1 )k2S , J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 where the constant KT equals proof. 4−2 (µ + 1) + 4 − µ T . This completes the The above proposition implies that the norm k(v0 , v1 )kS of the initial state is equivalent to the L2 (0, T )-norm of the function z. It is interesting to note that z(t) which is equal to vx (1, t) is evaluated at x = 1 only. Roughly speaking, it means that one can observe the dynamic of the system via the information of z only. Thus, if we have two initial conditions that give the same z’s, then those two initial conditions are equal. This property is related to the Holmgren Uniqueness Theorem in the study of PDE’s. An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 12 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002 References [1] G. AVALOS AND I. LASIECKA, Exact controllability of structural acoustic interactions, Preprint, May 25, 2001. [2] C. BARDOS, G. LEBEAU AND J. RAUCH, Sharp sufficient conditions for the observation, control, and stabilization of waves from the boundary, SIAM J. Control and Optimization, 30(5) (1992), 1024–1065. [3] V. KOMORNIK, Exact Controllability and Stabilization: The Multiplier Method, Research in Applied Mathematics, Masson, 1994. [4] J.L. LIONS, Controllabilité Exacte Perturbations et Stabilisation de Systemes Distribues, Masson, Paris, 1988. [5] I. PRANOTO, A numerical scheme for computing the L2 optimal control of the Klein-Gordon system, presented at the National Mathematics Seminar, Malang - Indonesia, August 6th, 2001. [6] I. PRANOTO, Exact controllability of Klein-Gordon systems with a timevarying parameter, in Topics in Applied and Theoretical Mathematics and Computer Science, V.V. Kluev and N.E. Mastorakis (ed.), WSEAS Press, 2001, 76 – 80. An Inequality of the 1 − D Klein-Gordon Equation with a Time-varying Parameter Iwan Pranoto Title Page Contents JJ J II I Go Back Close Quit Page 13 of 13 J. Ineq. Pure and Appl. Math. 3(3) Art. 45, 2002