Application for the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology (FCAT) Undergraduate Fellowship Award Please submit this completed application form with a copy of your SFU transcript by February 26th, 2016 at 4pm to In person applications can be submitted to the FCAT Dean’s Office at the SFU Harbour Centre Campus, Room 7410. Successful candidates and their supervising professors will be contacted in late March, following the adjudication process. APPLICANT INFORMATION First Name Surname Student Number Email Phone Number FCAT Program AWARD INFORMATION Number of courses in which you will be registered during the term of the award: ___________ (note that students must be enrolled in a minimum of 9 credits in the term that they hold an award) The term(s) in which you wish to hold an award: ☐ Summer 2016 ☐ Fall 2016 ☐ Spring 2017 ACADEMIC BACKGROUND ☐ A copy of your academic transcript is attached (an unofficial transcript is acceptable) Degree Major (and Minor if applicable) Completion Date (actual or expected) Application continues on next page. Award applicants are responsible for identifying a faculty supervisor and existing project they want to work on with the faculty member. The student must meet with their proposed supervisor to complete the form below. 1 FACULTY SUPERVISOR INFORMATION First Name Surname Department Email GRAD STUDENT MENTOR (if applicable) First Name Surname Department Email RESEARCH PROJECT (to be completed by faculty supervisor) Student Name Proposed start and end dates Outline of research project including a description of the student’s role: Application continues on next page. 2 Benefits to the student from contributing to this research project: (What skills and knowledge will the student acquire? Point form may be used.) Additional opportunities for the student (if applicable): (i.e. conference presentations, co-authoring a research paper or report) STATEMENT OF INTEREST (to be completed by student) Outline why you are interested in participating in this research project and what makes you an ideal candidate to receive the fellowship award. Application continues on next page. 3 FELLOWSHIP REQUIREMENTS I understand that the FCAT Research Fellow is required to work with an FCAT faculty member on research for 240 hours over one or two semesters (according to the start/end dates specified above). In addition to completing the required hours, the student must submit a Final Report (which includes the Research Artifact and signed Release Form) to the FCAT Dean’s Office at the end of the fellowship (details provided at time of award offer). The student is also required to present at the FCAT Undergraduate Conference or another public forum approved by the Dean’s Office. SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR I hereby agree to abide by the Terms of Reference for this award. Signature of Supervisor Date Signed SIGNATURE OF STUDENT I hereby agree to abide by the Terms of Reference for this award. Signature of Student Date Signed The information on this form is collected under the general authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c.468). It is related directly to and needed by the Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology for the adjudication and processing of the FCAT Fellowship Awards. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information please contact the FCAT Dean’s Office, 778-782-2328. 4