BYLAWS FOR THE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MANAGEMENT APPENDIX B INSTRUMENTS FOR FACULTY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Procedures are detailed in: BYLAWS FOR THE ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT: ARTICLE VII: GUIDELINES FOR PERSONNEL DECISIONS 7.0 7.1 Tenured Faculty Performance Evaluation 7.4 Performance Evaluation and Renewal of Probationary Faculty and Academic Staff on indefinite or rolling horizon contracts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The approved performance evaluation instruments are on the following pages: Supervisor evaluation Self evaluation Peer evaluation Classroom observation Student evaluation NOT ACCEPTED Personnel Committee Evaluation Summary and Recommendation B2 B3 B6 B7 B8 B9 With the exception of Student evaluation, this document was accepted February 15, 2008 Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B1 Engineering and Technology Department Faculty Evaluation Department Chair / Supervisor Evaluatee: Evaluation Period: NOTE: The following criteria are to be used to evaluate department faculty (not-tenured and post-tenured). The objective is to record the evaluations using professional judgement, to recognize strengths and weaknesses, and to evaluate progress until that time leading to a tenure decision. CRITERIA Above EVALUATION Within Below COMMENTS N/A PERFORMANCE Students Peer Mentor Department Chair CONTRACTUAL TERMS Teaching Scholarship Professional/Institutional Service Professional Development Student Advisement Others: _____________ GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS COMMITTEE INVOLVEMENT (Department, College, University) COMMENTS: DEPARTMENT CHAIR / SUPERVISOR RECOMMENDATION: Contract Renewal Recommend for Tenure Yes Yes No No Supervisor Date Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B2 Engineering & Technology Department ~ FACULTY SELF EVALUATION Name: ____________________________ Evaluation Period: _____________________ Directions: Please complete the following items as best as possible. The data from this self-evaluation instrument will be used by the Personnel Committee to serve as the basis for completing the ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT FACULTY EVALUATION form. TEACHING PERFORMANCE. Describe your teaching responsibilities for this evaluation period. List the courses you teach and describe your strengths and areas of needed improvement. SCHOLARSHIP. Describe the scholarship in which you have been active during this evaluation period. Include all proposals written and which have been funded. If the scholarship has been related to teaching, please describe the activities. PROFESSIONAL/INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE. List the services you have provided the profession, institution and public during this evaluation period. Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. Indicate the activities during this evaluation period in which you participated that increase your professional status (school, professional associations, etc). STUDENT ADVISEMENT. List the student advisement in which you participated during this evaluation period. Student advisement could include formal as well as informal advisement. GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS. Please list your annual goals and the accomplishment for each of these goals for this evaluation period under the appropriate heading: (Note: Fit professional development goals under the heading that is best suited for your activities.) TEACHING 1. SCHOLARSHIP 1. PROFESSIONAL/INSTITUTIONAL SERVICE 1. Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B4 COMMITTEE WORK. List the committees in which you have served during this evaluation period. List the committees according to the below criteria: DEPARTMENT. COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY. OTHERS. Please define any other activities in which you have been involved during this evaluation period. Please return this completed form to Department Chair. Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B5 Engineering & Technology Department ~ PEER EVALUATION Evaluatee: Date: Signature of Evaluator: Print evaluator name: Directions: This peer evaluation form relates to job expectation. You are being asked to complete this form for the above named department person and return directly to the department administrator. This form will not be returned to the faculty member, only a summary of the forms returned will be given to the person being evaluated. Above Job Expectation (A) Within Job Expectation (W) Below Job Expectation (B) 5 4 3 2 1 Rating Comments (A brief comment would be helpful for ratings of above or below.) 1. Maintains current knowledge of subject matter 2. Improves instruction through consistent curriculum and instructional methodology enhancements 3. Engages in professional development (i.e., attends or presents seminars, institutes, conferences, workshops, training) 4. Cooperates with colleagues in teaching (i.e., shares developments and ideas, provides encouragement, assists with projects, covers class, complies with group rules) 5. Contributes to laboratory and/or classroom operation (i.e., maintenance, cleanup, generates requisitions). Meets expectations of classroom/lab management 6. Exhibits enthusiasm for department, school and university responsibilities 7. Is available to students outside of class (i.e., office hours and by appointment) 8. Conducts productive scholarship in field(s) appropriate to position description and responsibilities (Not required for first year faculty) 9. Actively provides service to the university and profession (Not required for first year faculty) OTHER COMMENTS (may continue on back): Appendix B- Evaluation procedures and instruments B6 Engineering & Technology Department ~ CLASSROOM OBSERVATION REVIEW FORM Instructor’s Name: Date: Course: Day / Time: Reviewer’s Signature: Print reviewer’s name: Make notes where applicable: May continue on the back. 1. Class preparation and planning (i.e. organization, presentation, activities, assignments). 2. Instructor’s demonstrated knowledge of the subject. Ability to relate the material and presentation to the larger context of the subject area. 3. Instructor’s demonstrated ability to communicate (i.e. presentation techniques and effectiveness). Overall rhythm of class. 4. Student participation (i.e. how many students interacted, how substantial was their input). (Indicate size of class.) 5. Interaction with students (i.e. style of dealing with questions, style of dealing with challenges to authority. 6. Evaluation of learning (i.e. quizzes, questions, homework problems, practice exercises). Appendix B: Evaluation procedures and instruments for faculty B7 Engineering & Technology Department ~ Student evaluation of instructor Instructor Evaluated: Course Number: Course Section: Term: Directions: This evaluation form has been developed to measure overall instructor effectiveness in this course. The information will be used to identify areas where the instructor excels and areas for continuous improvement of teaching. Please evaluate the instructor in the same careful, thoughtful manner that you expect the instructor to use in evaluating your work. Written comments are often most helpful in explaining your responses where appropriate. Please use the following likert scale unless otherwise noted. Excellent (5) Average (3) (4) (2) Needs Improvement (1) Preparation 1. The instructor demonstrated advanced planning and was prepared for class. 2. The instructor explained objectives and evaluation procedures. 3. The instructor used supplemental materials (i.e. texts, reference materials, online resources) appropriate to the objectives, content, and activities. Instructional Methods 4. The instructor was able to make the material interesting and stimulating. 5. The instructor taught content that helped us achieve the course objectives. 6. The instructor used examples to support instruction. 7. The instructor was knowledgeable about the course content. 8. The instructor used effective instructional techniques to accomplish objectives. Use of Class Time 9. The instructor met the class regularly. 10. The instructor used class time effectively. 11. The instructor began and ended class on time. Interaction with Learners 12. The instructor was available outside of class. 13. The instructor challenged students to demonstrate their understanding of topics. 14. The instructor provided assistance when needed. 15. The instructor was open to discussion and comments. Evaluation of Learners 16. The instructor provided performance feedback. 17. The instructor provided performance feedback in a timely manner. 18. The instructor’s evaluation procedures accurately reflect the course objectives. 19. Office hours, in person or virtual, were available during a variety of times. Overall Instructor Performance 20. The instructor’s overall teaching performance was considered to be … Outstanding/ Stimulating Top 10% (5) Very Good Upper 25% (4) Good Upper 50% (3) Adequate/ Not Stimulating Lower 50% (2) Poor/ Inadequate Lower 25% (1) 21. The instructor was good at … 22. What suggestions do you have for instructor improvements? 23. What suggestions do you have for course improvements? 24. Do you have any additional comments or suggestions? Appendix B: Evaluation procedures and instruments for faculty B8 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT FACULTY EVALUATION FORM Personnel Committee Evaluatee: Evaluation Period: NOTE: The following criteria are to be used to evaluate department faculty (not-tenured and post-tenured). The objective is to record the evaluations using professional judgement, to recognize strengths and weaknesses, and to evaluate progress until that time leading to a tenure decision. CRITERIA Above EVALUATION Within Below COMMENTS N/A PERFORMANCE Students Peer Mentor Department Chair CONTRACTUAL TERMS Teaching Scholarship Professional/Institutional Service Professional Development Student Advisement Others: _____________ GOAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS COMMITTEE INVOLVEMENT (Department, College, University) COMMENTS: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Contract Renewal Recommend for Tenure Yes Yes Chair, Personnel Committee Member Member Date Date Date Appendix B: Evaluation procedures and instruments for faculty No No B9