THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF FIXED AND VARIABLE SELECTIVE TRANSMITTERS IN COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE by William A. Bartovics B.A. Williams College, 1972 Williamstown, Massachusetts M.A. ED. Stanford University, 1973 Stanford, California Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Science In Architecture Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February, 1984 c William A. Bartovics, 1984 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly copies of this thesis docuterlt in whole or in part. Signature of Author Tepartinnt ~o-F Architecture September 27, 1983 Certified by Timothy E. Johnson Principle Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Julian Beinart, Chairman Department Committee On Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTS NiTMSR~ OF TiCHNLOGY MAR 11984 LI6RARIES Research Associate THE THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF FIXED AND VARIABLE SELECTIVE TRANSMITTERS IN COMMERCIAL ARCHITECTURE BY William A. Bartovics Submitted to the Department of Architecture on September 20, 1983 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies ABSTRACT A parametric model is developed for use in evaluating the relative thermal and lighting performance of a variety of existing and proposed types of commercial glazing materials. The glazing materials considered are divided into three general categories: (a) traditional glass of both clear and reflectorized types; (b) glazings with selective transmission properties of the fixed variety which largely reflect the invisible portion of the solar spectrum and contain only heat and which establish a range of operating cost bases; and (c) newly proposed electro-chromic glazing materials which variable transmit both the heat and daylight portions of the solar spectrum. This parametric model is based on comparisons of total annual energy consumption for a typical perimeter office in a multi-story office building situated in a variety of cities in the continental U.S..areas of reasonably dense commercial development within the continental U.S.. The results of the simulations showed a handsome potential savings, over several standard glazing types, for selective transmitters of both the fixed and switchable variety. Fixed transmitters were also excellent performers,several configurations offering savings often only slightly lower than the highest savings attained in the switchable group. The switchable transmitter group contained glazings which produced the lowest annual loads. The primary reductions were made in cooling loads without dramatic increases in lighting loads, but heating savings, resulting primarily from glazing materials of high thermal resistance, proved to be significant in cold climates. Thesis Supervisor: Timothy Johnson Principal Research Assistant, M.I.T. ACKNCWLEDGEMENTS Timothy Johnson For the opportunity and contacts to undertake this porject and and For the support, guidance knowledge necessary to complete it. Harvey Bryan For suggesting the topic, For valuable research help materials and For his daylighting experience. and The Polaroid Corp. and Their Employees: John Bownan Ginny Calloway John Cary Carl Chiulli Bob Eckert Sheryl Healy Alice Holway Frank Plankey Ron Sahtjian Bob Suleskv For the funding, materials necessary to carry out this project in prograrming, assistance For equipnent use, Graphics design, material properties, For the clarity of thought and guidance which each provided in turn with a personal interest from which I have benefitted hugely, and for which I am grateful. Gordon Tully For educating me in the Sunpulse methodology and For guidance in its manipulation. Ecos, Inc. and David DelPorto For word-processing equipment and time without which this document could not have been produced. Wolfgang Rudorf For architectural Illustrations, Formatting of graphical design, Layout assistance and for unsurpassed nocturnal vigilance. Doru Illiesiu For editorial and graphical assistance Charles St.Clair For assistance with prograning solar correlation and integration techniques. Becky Bartovics For her consistant support and labor toward the production of this thesis. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 INTRODUCTION p. PART 2 SIMULATION SITES AND WEATHER DATA p. 13 PART 3 SIMULATION PROGRAM & STRATEGY FOR SWITCHABLE GLAZING p. 27 PART 4 ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS & OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS p. 37 PART 5 AUXILLIARY POWER SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS p. 53 PART 6 OUTPUT ANALYSIS p. 57 PART 7 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK p. 87 p. 93 APPENDIX B ASSUMED DIRECT/DIFFUSE SPLITS p. 95 APPENDIX C CORRECTED WEATHER DATA p. 97 APPENDIX D MODIFIED SUNPULSE ROUTINES p. 113 APPENDIX E ENERGY BALANCE EQUATIONS p. 115 APPENDIX A TABLE OF RECOMMENDED AVERAGE MONTHLY DECLINATIONS 7 APPENDIX F SIMULATION PROGRAM FLCW CHART p. 117 APPENDIX G SIMULATION OUTPUTS APPENDIX H ELECTRIC RATES FOR VARIOUS U.S. p. 121 CITIES p. 135 6 PART 1 INTRODUCTION The increasing base cost of power and changes in rate structures since 1973, illumination together with a general retreat from high requirements, have regenerated an interest in using fenestration to lower energy consumption in commercial buildings. With the advent of new glazing technologies comes the potential of managing the solar contribution to the energy required for comfortable working conditions. The complicated by the process buildings" coincides, solar flux. of this solar internal gain schedule management, however, is which in "load dominated for the most part, with the periods of maximum The issue in commercial glazing strategies is not the usual matter of maximizing heat gains and minimizing loses as has been the basis of the approach to residential glazing. structures, rather, The issue in commercial is a question of supplying the required daylight, without significantly adding to the already high heat gains which exist during daytime occupied hours. Traditionally, the reduction of cooling loads was considered to be the principal target in glazing design strategies. This attitude led to the use of small aperture size and/or glass with very low transmission characteristics in an effort to reduce solar heat gain as much as The result of this approach was to increase the amount of possible. The 1981 SERI studies have shown that purchased lighting energy. lighting and cooling now demand equal amounts of energy. Together they comprise the largest consistent percent of the annual load in standard offices. In some climates, however, heating loads during unoccupied hours can also be significant contributors to total annual energy use. The fact that heating loads occur primarily during unoccupied hours makes that category a difficult target for reduction through solar management. Lack of available storage media rather than inappropriate glazing material is the source of this problem. New glazing technology and an expanded repertoire of natural lighting techniques have begun to offer the means of decreasing lighting loads without a concommitant increase in demand for cooling power. These new technologies are based on a selective transmission of the solar spectrum. Generally these glass types are "tuned" to admit the visible portion of the spectrun, while at the same time disposing of the infra-red portions. These materials can be divided into two classes: those of fixed transmission characteristics, and those of dynamic transmission characteristics. Of the dynamic varieties, electro-chromic mat- erials provide the greatest control flexibility, thus lending themselves most readily to simply applied control strategies. tend to have moderate ranges in available sunlight, In climates which such as Boston, fixed transmitters offer a great benefit from daylighting. However, glazing materials with controllable dynamic transmission characteristics could reduce heating loads during unoccupied daytime hours. time lighting loads during working hours could be At the same substantially reduced under both dim and bright conditions without suffering increased cooling loads. Both of these new materials offer great potential benefits without the excessive heat gains usually associated with larger window areas. is quite clear that a it As a result of these possibilities, general reduction in the quantity of commercial power consumption is attainable. of existing techniques The relative benefits in power consumption for the variety glazing products in the face is not yet clearly established. of Nor is current it daylighting yet clear what might be the marginal benefit of glass possessing dynamic transmission characteristics over these existing technologies. In order to quantify the relative benefit of glass types which either exist now or are imminently possible, it is necessary to compare the impact on total power consumption of each example as a sum of the simultaneous lighting, cooling and heating loads for a given commercial archetype. steps. The process of developing such a model was done in two First, sixteen simulation sites within the continental U.S. were chosen and weather data constructed for each site. The choice of sites was based upon areas of reasonable commercial developnent and the expected annual climatic demands in each of the main categories of energy consumption: lighting, cooling and heating. This limit to the number of simulations for each glazing type was set in order to a minimize the output volume without sacrificing the national scale of the results. A representative group of six cities, three heating dominated cities and three cooling dominated cities, were chosen pattern of each parametric comparison, to illustrate the load but the simulation results for all sixteen cities are included in Appendix G. develop an appropriate parametric model. The second step was to The function of this model was to establish a uniform method for testing each of the selected glazing strategies against one another. The model is based on a typical peri- meter-zone office with standardized architectural characteristics and patterns of use. The remainder of this comparative study consists of a description of each glazing type chosen for examination and a discussion of the simulation results. three groups. The glazings chosen for comparison are divided into The first group is made up of the traditional clear and reflective types, and both single and double glazed configurations of each are included. selective The second group is made up of four different transmitters of the fixed variety. Four different "heat mirrors" are examined in this group, and they include single, double and triple glazed varieties. The third group is made up of five electro-optic glazings (ELO 1 to 5) of different transmission ranges. All glazings in this final group are double glazed units. Tables 6.1 and 6.2 list the parameters for all glazings. The comparisons are based on total annual power consumption, but the relative contributions of lighting, cooling and heating to the total load for each glazing type are indicated. glass area, The impact of changes in azimuth, configuration of thermal mass and heating fuel on the annual load are also identified. In addition, the relative impact of peak kilowatt charges per year are illustrated as equivalent KWH for all comparisons. The conversion of peak KW per year into equivalent IWH was done by multiplying the sum of each month's peak load in KW by the ratio of $6 per peak KW to $0.10 per KWH. The assunption here is that the ratio of peak charge to KWH charge should remain fairly consistent from city to city even if the absolute rates do not. appendix H shows a listing of current KWH rates for various cities throughout the U.S. as tabulated by the Energy Information Administration in Electric Power Monthly,form 101, May 1983. 12 PART 2 SIMULATION SITES & WEATHER DATA The number of simulation sites were restricted to the minimum points necessary to bracket the different in which significant commercial developnent coterminous United States, Particular attention was given to the northeast coastal is to be found. area with the middle-atlantic priority. Washington, climate types within the Six cities states and south (Caribou, ME, DC, Charleston, Boston, SC and Miami, FL) representing MA, New second York, NY, were picked from the available data, as cities which might best illustrate the climatological picture of the heavily developed eastern seaboard. section of the country, The mid-western from the Appalachian mountains through the Mississippi River Valley was given three simulation sites; Madison, WI, Nashville, TN, and Columbia, MO. The upper plains states in the west were generally overlooked because of the relatively developnent, but the cities of Fort Worth, TX, thin commercial and Great Falls, MN, should give clear boundaries of performance at the southerly and northerly extremes of this area. The south-western states of Arizona and New Mexico are simulated by Phoenix and Albuquerque respectively. The extreme west and coastal states are bracketed by the cities of Seattle, WA, Ely, NV, and Santa Maria, CA. Figure 2.1 shows the FICM 2.1 The Continental Distribution Of Simulation Sites distribution of the sixteen simulation sites chosen for this study. The climatological factors which are most important to the simulations are those which directly impact energy flows through glazing materials, and through the opaque materials which make up the remaining portion of the weather wall in conmerical architecture. The available solar radiation together with the ambient outdoor tenperature are the dominant climatological factors in the calculation of any architectural energy balance. As a result, the weather data for the simulations was designed to account for these factors directly. the outdoor air is The moisture content of also an extremely powerful variable [Henderson, S.T.,DAYLIGHT AND ITS SPECTRUM,(New York; American Elsevier Publishing (b., Inc.,1970) pp.23-34]. Although hunidity is not directly accounted for as an independent data input, there is an implicit accounting for its impact through variations inputs. Both radiation and in both the radiation and temperature temperature vary according to daily atmospheric clearness. The weather data used for each simulation is a modified version of the approach developed by Gordon Tully in his "Sunpulse" simulation program for TI-59 calculators [Tully, Gordon, "The 'Sun-Pulse' concept - A Simple Approach to Insolation Data" (Newark, Delaware, Proceedings of the 5th National Passive Solar conference, 1980)]. The "Sunpulse" program compresses hourly Typical Meteorological Year ('IMY) solar gain and daily temperature data into a small number of mathmatically variable The weather data is designed to supply inputs for each month. insolation and temperature data for seven representative days per month. The "Sunpulse" data system was chosen because it hourly measurements supplied by TMY data is based on the real rather than mathmatical approximations, and because its "seven day per month" simulation format makes it extremely compatible with the ordinary weekly commercial schedule. length of The error, due to intermittent holidays and variations in the each month, is therefore minimized in comparison with alternative systems such as the "Bin Data" approach which calls for a seven day simulation for each two month period. Also, "Sunpulse", generated according to the sinusoidal distribution of sunshine over the given day, allows the flexibility to more realistically represent the variable conditions which normally occur during any given day. Simulations which are based on average data are not variable enough to realistically model the demand on the lighting system, nor the resultant impact on heating and cooling loads due to the heat content of the electric lights. The typical hourly meteorological data is reduced, by "Sunpulse" to only 24 numbers per month: IT, IM, IK and 7 CLRNS, 7 temperature average and 7 temperature range numbers. The outdoor temperatures are compressed by the monthly derivation of a 24 hour average temperature and an average daily temperature range for each month. monthly average temperature and range, In addition to a single "Sunpulse" supplies an average daily temperature and range for each day of the month with an associated CLRNS. An average daily temperature and range could be derived for each of the seven representative CLRNS inputs. Each of the seven simulated days per month in this application, therefore, were given a specific and unique average temperature and range. The temperatures for each day are also sinusoidally distributed according to the hour angle relative to noon, of the hour under consideration. They are, however, distributed over a full 24 hours with the minimum and maximum tempertures occurring at 2h00 and 14h00, respectively, so that the maximum temperature minus the minimum equals the temperature range for that day (see figure 2.2). The solar gains are compressed by the monthly derivation of 1.) a greatest hourly gain in Btu/hr (called IM for insolation maximum), 2.) a greatest average daily gain in Btu/day (called IT for insolation total and 3.) seven "clearness" numbers (CLRNS) which represent daily in- solation totals for each of the seven representative days as a percent of the clearest day in each month. square foot of receiving surface area. Both IM and IT are in units per In addition to these nine basic inputs, there is an adjustment variable (IK)which represents the TDPERATRE DISTRIJIOIMS D BOSTON MARCH 4 E T1P G R E 3&E S 34-TAY.x36.4 F 8 9 It911 12 13 141516S 17 18 19 29 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10M OF THE DAY FIGURE 2.2 The Sinusoidal Distribution Of Avera DailS Teperature AndRag maximum percent deviation above the given CLRNS which will occur on the specific average day during the truely typical month. variations in f it between the assigned even clearness IK accounts for numbers and the actually measured total daily insolation [Tully, Gordon,"The 'Sun-pulse' Concept- A Simple Approach to Insolation Data", pp.208-209]. 'Ihe insol- ation data are distributed sinusoidally from sunrise to sunset so that IM is the Btu/hr at noon, and IT is the total Btu/day (see Figure 2.3) Two major modifications of the original "Sunpulse" approach were undertaken for the sake of this simulation model. the data itself, and the other insolation data calculated sur face f irst latitudinally reflection (8%) for ground reflectance. involves its involves 'Ihe first application. The base for each city was originally generated on a tilted toward the south, and was corrected from the outermost surface of the glass, for but not Also, the application of each clearness percent assumed days of uniform clearness throughout, which generates the Q.EM DAY MLu.SE concentric mooth curves shown in Figure 2.4, rather 225t than days which are made up ~/ E 1254 1 71 9 5/ 8/ 9 4 more realistically of variable conditions. it ii 412 13 14 15 16 V7 18 18 29 For any individual day, the total HMR OFTHEDAY I insolation is given by the F: (.RNS . 1. following formula: FIGLE 2.3 The Sinusoidal Distribution Of IT And IMOn A Clear Da In Boston (CLRNS) (1+IK) (CLRNS))], and IT [sin(PI the ampli- tude of the curve at noon (CIM) is given by: IM (CLRNS) (1+IK (sin) (PI(CLRNS)). Because the purpose of this simulation was to calculate a umrFaM AVERAE CLENESS stPiSE DAYS loads for offices of any orientation, MOMt T 225+ hourly U 294t. it was necessary to cal- culate the insolation in- cluding ground reflectance, incident on surfaces other T 4 6 5 7 8 9 1 1=2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 than those which are latit- 0.R OF TIC DAY IT Fm: CieS .a *tM 9.9 CLRS s 9.7 *.N9. 4 Q CU6 udinally tilted toward the south. It was therefore 9.1 necessary to drop IT and IM FICURE 2.4 The Sinusoidal Distribution Of Uniform March Clearnss In Boston onto a horizontal surface, X7\01 7- C74Iz Z4A&7V e -b - - Jv20340 A-g:r w do ?w -A230V M GV A A 3 tit A(1= 0 8 A 4' b AA4ZCA.2ca 44fMZAJ Ad ABJGo47c X 4c ,acvecj FIGURE 2.5 Glass Transmission & Absorption Vs. Angle Of Incidence(from Windows And Envirmwent Pilkington Environmental Advisors Service, i96) where insolation curves could be generated and then rotated to any surface azimuth or inclination through an application of the standard correlation techniques shown in Appendix A. The first step in dropping the insolation data onto a horizontal surface was to restore the first surface reflection losses previously subtracted from both IM and IT on the tilted surface. This correction was necessary because the trans- mission figures for each of the glazing materials to be studied already accounted for this loss. The graph in Figure 2.5 shows the percent of energy lost due to first reflection at various angles of incidence. Because the receiving surface is at the latitudinal tilt, the incident angles which would be involved fall entirely within the minimum loss regime of 8%. Therefore, both IM and IT in each case could simply be divided by 0.92 in order to reinstate the reflection losses. The IM numbers were easy to correct to the horizontal plane because in each case a simple 85/15 % split between beam and diffuse light had originally been assumed in raising the brightest hour in each month from the horizontal to the tilted surface. The correction formula used for IM was derived from the formula for the ratio of radiation on the tilted plane (RBIM)to that on a horizontal plane [Duffie, J. and W. Beckman, SOLAR ENGINEERING OF THERMAL PROCESSES (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980), p. 85, equation 2'15'6]. The formula is as follows: HIM = IM/ (0.85 RBIM +0.15) where: HIM = the horizontal value of IM IM = the tilted value of IM at noon divided by 0.92 to restore assumed reflection loss 0.85 = the assumed % contribution of beam sunlight RBIM = the ratio of beam sunlight on the tilted surface to that on a horizontal surface 0.15 = the assumed % contribution of diffuse light from an isotropic skydome. Furthermore, is since IM is given for a latitudinally tilted surface, and assumed to occur at noon, the standard formula for RIBM reduces to the following formula:[Duffie,J, THERMAL PROCESSES, p. 16, and W. Beckman, equation 1'7'2; p. 12, SOLAR ENGINEERING OF table l'6'1; p.11, equation 1'61] cos(Dec)/cos(Lat)cos(Dec) + sin(Lat)sin(Dec) where: Dec = Declination calculated for the best average day of each month according to the standard formula (See Appendix A) Lat = latitude in degrees of each city considered. The correction for IT on the horizontal proved to be considerably more involved. "Sunpulse" data was brought up to the latitudinal tilt on an hourly basis before the daily totals were summed, and each hour's insolation was assigned a direct-diffuse split on a linear scale by Since the assumed ratio to the brightest hour in the given time slot. direct-diffuse split as well as the value of each hour's insolation were not reported, a method to drop the daily insolation total back onto the horizontal surface had to be developed. hour by hour, Clearly, a recompilation of IT, according to the original "Sunpulse" method, on the horizontal, would be best, but limitations of time and funds obviated this option. Instead, an itterative process was chosen which calculated and summed the integrated hourly increments of IT on a horizontal surface by using the average zenith angle [Duffie,J and W. Beckman, SOLAR ENGINEERING OF THERMAL PROCESSES, p. 13. equation l'6*4]. CosZenith Angle = cos(Dec)cos(Lat)cos(HourAngle + sin (Dec) sin (Lat) The summed value for each hour was used to establish the direct-diffuse split for that hour according to the following rules [Tully, Gordon, "The 'Sun-Pulse' concept- A Simple Approach to Insolation Data", pp.206-210]: 1.) if the cosine of the zenith angle (CZNGL)< 0.12, then the direct/diffuse split = 0.0/1.0 2.) if 0.12 < CZNGL< 0.42, then the direct/diffuse split = from 0.25/0.75 to 0.70/0.30 in steps of 0.05 3.) if CZNGL > 0.42, then the direct/diffuse split = 0.40/0.60 to 0.85/0.15 in steps of 0.05. These calculations were carried out for each step of 0.05 until the average daily insolation on the horizontal surface (derived from the corrected IT and the 7 original clearness percents) most closely matched the average daily horizontal insolation as tabulated by Doug Balcomb [Johnson,Timothy, SOLAR ARCHITECTURE; THE DIRECT GAIN APPROACH (New York, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1981),pp.182-199]. A Table of the chosen average daily direct-diffuse split is found in Appendix B. The formulae used to convert IT are the same as those referenced for the IM conversions. horizontal With both IM and IT so reconstituted for incidence on a surface, the standard "Sunpulse" formula could again be applied to generate the curve over the total gain per square foot of horizontal surface. The net energy for any hour was then derived by integration under the curve for that hour. The general formula for this integration is: QSH = -IM(cos)W 2 + IM (cos)W where: QSH = total incident energy on the horizontal for the hour IM = the amplitude at noon of the sinusoidal sunpulse curve W = the hour angle of the hour considered W2 = the hour angle of the hour considered + 2 The integrated hourly total on the horizontal could then be compared to a calculated extraterrestrial value for the same hour, and thereby assigned a direct-diffuse split in preparation for bringing the gain into its proper position of azimuth and tilt. The direct-diffuse split was established according to the correlation formulae proposed by Orgill and Hollands (1977) [DuffieJ. and W. Beckman, SOLAR THERMAL PROCESSES, P. 71, EQUATION 2'10*1]. 1.0 - 0.249Kt Id = 1.557 - 1.84Kt for Kt<0.35 for 0.35<Kt<0.75 I for Kt>0.75 0.177 Where: Id = % diffuse light -I- Kt = Clearness difined as the ratio of terrestrial to extraterrestrial insolation on the horizontal ENGINEERING OF In addition to these correlation formulae, corrections for low angles of incidence were added in order to prevent the overestimation of direct light during the extremes of the solar day. This addition was necessary because, due to the use of one average solar day length per month, arbitrarily high sunrise and sunset hour gains were occassionally calculated relative to the actual extraterrestrial sunlight available. situation, under the original correlation formulae, This would have led to the overestimation of the direct component, and therefore astronomically high incident energy on the office skin. simply states that if This additional correction the ratio of terrestrial to extraterrestrial is greater than or equal to 0.9, then the direct/diffuse split is to be Cosines of less than 0.12 determined by the cosine of the zenith angle. result in a 100% diffuse condition and cosines of 0.12 to 0.42 inclusive result in a 30% diffuse condition and, finally for cosines of greater than 0.42 the diffuse component is assumed to be only 15%. The incident energy on the architectural fascade was then calculated using the formula for calculating the ratio of total insolation on a tilted surface to that on the horizontal surface including a component for ground reflection proposed by Liu and Jordon (1963) [Duffie,J., Beckman, SOLAR ENGINEERING OF THERMAL PROCESSES, p. 86, equation 2*15'8] R = Ib Rb + Id (1 + cos(tilt) + (1 - cos(tilt) P I I 2 2 where: R = Total radiation on a tilted surface Total radiation on a horizontal surface Ib = % Beam Sunlight Rb = Beam radiation on a tilted surface Beam radiation on a horizontal surface Id = % diffuse light P = Ground reflectance and W. A listing of the corrected IM and IT inputs is given in Appendix C. The second modification added to the "Sunpulse" format was a mechanism for establishing frontal cloud cover, which divides any given day of uniform average clearness (those falling between 20% and 80%) into two parts: one completely clear, and the other more densely cloudy than the day-long average. The combination of these two parts yields a total daily energy which is equal to the energy available under uniformly cloudy conditions. The solar day for this case was assumed to be made up of two separate gain curves, the sum of whose enclosed area was set equal to the area under the uniformly cloudy curve. The hour of the frontal switch (FH) was arbitrarily established by the solving of integration: CFHNGL = (IT(CIM)/IM(PI)/ALSD) - (IM-CFIM)/(CFIM-IM) where: CFHNGL = the Cosine of the hour angle of the hour of frontal switch IT = Total insolation on a clear day CIM = the amplitude of a uniformly cloudy day (CIM = IM(CLRNS) (1+IK)sin(PI)CLRNS CFIM = the amplitude of the extra cloudy portion of the day CFIM = IM(CLRNS) [1-(IK)4sin(PI)CLRNS] ALSD = the average length of the solar day IT(PI)/2IM The frontal hour, then was established by one of two different formulae depending upon whether the clear portion of the day is to be in the morning or the afternoon. The formaule are as follows: Sunrise hour + Arc Cos (CFHNGL) PI/ALSD or Sunset hour - Arc Cos (CFHNGL) PI/ALSD where: Sunrise = 12 - ALSD/2 Sunset = 12 + ALSD/2 PI/ALSD= the conversion from hour angle to hour OFVMRIAU.L a.E~E SIFJ.SE DAYS It should be noted, that the amplitude of the extra cloudy portion of the day also (CFIM) was somewhat S 7- arbitrarily established to F function optimally with the data for the 16 chosen sim- Its broad ulation sites. applicability to other cities, therefore limited. may 1 HOUR OFTHE DAY IT m 12smtifor s is 345 7s 2 Cnditions FIGLE 2.6 The Modified Sun-Puise Curve For Variable Clearness Of Average 0.4 be If an IK number of sufficient size is input into the equation for CFIM, a negative solar flux results. The formula should be adequately applicable to any of the sites listed in the original "Sunpulse" literature, although in a very few cases it may produce cloudy hours with impossibly small solar gains. Figure 2.6 shows the comparison between the original and the modified curves, both of which enclose equal area. Finally, a random number generator was used to set a switch which decided between either a clear morning with a cloudy afternoon, or conversely, a cloudy morning and a clear afternoon. The purpose of this change was to create variable lighting conditions, through a given day in order to more realistically simulate conditons which would affect the interior lighting loads in the modeled office. Refer to Appendix D for a full listing of the modified "Sunpulse" routines in Machine Basic. 26 PART 3 SIMULATION PROGRAM AND STRATEGY FOR SWITCHABLE GLAZING The main simulation program combines calculated hourly weather data with a given set of architectural parameters, and applies them through a variety of glazing strategies. The temperatures in a four node thermal network, and the auxilliary lighting loads for three separate zones are then calculated. Heating, cooling generate monthly and annual totals. to and lighting loads are summed Itterative routines are also in- stalled to record annual, seasonal and monthly peaks. The annual total energy consumption in combination with the appropriate peak loads can be used to generate an estimate of the total operating cost per unit area of glazing installed. The four node thermal network used by the simulation is shown in Figure 3.1. The four nodes each assume a uniform distribution of energy through the surfaces and elements which they represent since the sunlight is diffused. Also, the equations defining the energy flows presuppose a consistent time step of one hour. Should either of these conditions become altered, the equations will no longer provide valid represenations of the thermal network in the office bay. The air temperature node #1 (TA) has had a capacitance of 3 Btu/OF attached to it in order to account for the storage capacity of the office furniture, and of the light weight gypsum board on the walls. The techniques for distribution of solar energy passing through the window, Heat of liahts Heat of equipment Sensible Heat of Occucants To = Outdoor TA = Indoor air temDerature = Rug temperature TS1 TS2 UAW f UAR US CR CS air temperature Temperature of top 2" of Slab = Temperature of bottom 2" of Slab = = Total conductance of weather wall and infiltration Btu/hr OF = Total surface film conductance of Ruc (Rug area x H rug) Btu/hr 0F = Total conductance of Pug (Rug area x U rug) Btu/hr OF 0 = Total conductance of Slab (Slab area x U slab) Btu/hr F = Heat capacity of air (for sheetrock and furniture) Btu/ OF = Heat capacity of rug Btu/ OF = Heat capacity of slab Btu/ OF = Ventilation air FIGURE 3.1 The Four Node Thermal Network described below, and the assumed reflectivities of the ceiling and walls, 80% and 70% respectively, assure a diffusing thorough and even This even distribution tends to distribution of incoming solar energy. minimize the error of a single node system. There will be stratification of hot air at the ceiling to some degree, particularly with the given 10' ceiling height, which might lead but the ventilation to some distortion in the real air temperatures, system, which operates continuously, might be assumed to minimize this potential source of error. Furthermore, if the ceiling is uniformly covered with an accoustical material, then there will be little surface capacitance in this area to trap stratified heat. As long as the air is kept moving, then, the constant mixing should make the one node approach accurate for the air temperature. The heating, cooling and lighting energy supplied by the mechanical systems, finally, is attached directly to the air temperature and capacitance. Therefore, these systems can only heat the remaining three nodes in the network indirectly by convection. The node assigned to the floor covering (TR) also assumes an even distribution of the available solar energy, and an even thermal contact with the room air and its associated elements. conductance, The surface film capacitance and U value associated with the floor covering determine the nature of the thermal interaction between the floor covering and the adjacent nodes in the air above and slab below. surface A film conductance of 1.5 Btu/OF was chosen to account for the combined effects of convection and radiation from the floor surface. The capacitance and U values of the floor surface vary according to the type of architectural finish chosen. In general, the capacitance of the assumed covering is minimal. The program has therefore been designed to accept such a range of variation in the parameters which define the floor covering. Nodes 3 (TS1) and 4 (TS2) are devoted to calculating the uniformly distributed temperatures at two levels within the slab. Because of the natural tendency toward an exponential temperature gradient through the slab, two nodes are devoted to the 4 inch slab floor in order to approximate this distribution. The floor slab is assumed to be thermally supported from underneath by a perfect insulator. This assumption is reasonable because there will generally be an insulative accoustical treatment below each floor slab, and below that, another heated space. Appendix E lists the energy balance equations for each node, and outlines their algebraic solution which is contained in the main program. main program is described by the flow charts in Appendix F. The Each of the program sections illustrated in Appendix F is described in detail below. The strategy designed to trigger the switch of electro-optic glazing materials was formulated under the assumptions that: a) the system should be automatic, and b) the controls should be simple enough to incur minimal additional cost. The controls consist of two thermostats, a light level sensor and an electronic outdoor thermometer. The thermostats measure temperatures in the air and on the floor surface. These two controls, like the thermal network, are based on the assumption that an even and uniform distribution of solar and purchased energy throughout the air, its associated room elements and the floor surface is prevalent. The thermostat in the air records the temperature and contains the cooling set points (730/800). The floor surface thermostat monitors the floor surface temperature. The light level meter measures the light level at the back of the office. The signals from each of the sensors, together with the outdoor temperature, determine when the electro-optic glass should be switched to its "dark", less transmissive, state. The essential intent of the switching strategy is that daylighting The glazing material will only be concerns are of first priority. switched during working hours if minimun light levels will continue to be Furthermore, on dim days (which require electric lighting) the met. glazing is held in the clear state in order to avoid intensifying the gloom of dim external conditions. Figure 3.2 shows the relative merit of switching only if full daylighting can still be accomplished after the switch as compared to switching regardless of daylighting concerns (for 64 sq.ft. of glass in a south facing office). The second priority to be determined is whether the office is experiencing summer or winter conditions. This distinction in "thermal mode" winter heating conditions, it is -necessary because under is advisable to keep whatever mass is in the office as warm as possible, without overheating the air. summer cooling conditions, however, During it would be better to keep the mass as cool as possible by rejecting as much light and heat as is possible. Generally, therefore, the glazing is kept in the "bright" state as much as possible in the winter, and in the "dark" state as much as possible in the summer. The determination of winter versus summer conditions is performed hourly on the basis of a calculated balance point tenperature, based on the nighttime heating thermostat and modified by the amount of storage capacity in the office. This modified balance point tenperature is then SWITCH WITHOT AYLTGHTING PRIORITY SWITCH WITH DAYLGHTING PRIORITY PEAK KW/YR IN EQUIVALENT KWH BOSTON 25. 2000-- 15W - 50W - ELD-- II ED-2 aED-3 ELD-1 EU-4 ELD-2 E0D-3 I"! ED-4 0.0-5 PHOENIX MADISON I7W a.0-i 0.0-2 0.0-3 0.0-4 W.-5 SEATTLE IiI 0.D-i 0.D-2 0.03 0.D-4 UD-5 0.0-1 a.0-2 0.0-3 La.- F.0-4 W -5 FT. WORT H U FIGLE 3.2 Switching Stategies For Glazing With &Without Daglighting Priorits 0.03 0.0-' XD-5 compared to the outdoor temperature. If it is greater than the outdoor temperature in that hour, winter conditions are assumed; if the balance point is the lesser, then summer conditions are assumed for that hour. The formula for the modified balance point temperature is: TB = THEATN -[(QS+IGN)/(UAW+CA)]-[(.6XQSXH/UAR + CR)/CS] where: THEATN = the nighttime thermostat setting = total solar gain for the hour QS = total internal gain for the hour IGN = total heat loss coefficient (UA) for the UAW office including infiltration = heat capacity of the sheet rock and CA furniture in the office attached to the air temperature = the percent of total solar gain 0.6 distributed to the floor surface = heat capacity of floor covering CR = heat transfer rate of floor covering x UAR area = heat capacity of floor slab under floor CS covering Since the formula is recalculated hourly, it allows an interfingering of surmer and winter conditions through the swing seasons of spring and fall, but remains quite consistently in one mode or the other during the true winter and summer seasons. It is also objective enough to accept different floor finishes of different heat capacities and U values, which bring the floor slab into differing degrees of involvement with the thermal swings of the office. Under winter conditions, the glazing is assumed to be in the clear (bright) state until either the air temperature has risen to the cooling set point (730 when occupied and 800 when not) or until the floor covering rises to 1100 F. In many climates, the second thermostat in the floor covering is not necessary as the floor surface never arrives at 1100 before the air temperature arrives at the cooling set point. It is only in clear, sunny, hot cities such as Phoenix, that such a control appears truely necessary, and in these climates, it is only of critical importance with floor coverings that have small U values and capacitance such as rugs. Because a rug is the most commonly used floor covering in commercial buildings, and since the base comparisons are all made with a rug floored office, cases. this thermostat was consistently applied to all In the winter, each hour's energy balance is calculated with the glazing "bright", and then the internal air temperature is compared to the cooling set point. If the air temperature is above this point, and if daylighting can still be accomplished in the "dark" state, according to the lighting level measured in the rear of the office, then the glazing is switched "dark" and that hour's energy balance is recalculated in this state before the appropriate loads are recorded. This recalculation of the "previous" hour assumes that the anticipation of the thermostat would trigger the switch during the hour under consideration, and that the recalculation of the whole hour is more accurate than assuming that overheating is allowed for a full hour before the switch occurs. If on the other hand, summer conditions have been determined, then the glazing is assumed to be switched to the "dark" state at all times except during working hours when the "bright" state is either necessary to accomplish daylighting, or when it supplementary lighting. is dim enough outside to require During non-working hours, the glazing is always "dark". in the summer, then This mechanism is based on the idea that only the energy which is absolutely necessary for lighting should be admitted in the first place, since excess sunlight can only contribute to the cooling loads during this season. The additional savings produced by this seasonal variation in switching strategy as compared to one which operates exclusively on the basis of air temperature is quite small. if of controls, warranted. It The extra complexity and cost the switch were to be fully automatic, would not be is conceivable that the seasonal switch on/off strategy could be done manually with both the dwell and anticipation being established over a short period of trial and error in a real office. The essential purpose of the given strategy was to provide one which would be objective enough to function equally well in all the cities to be simulated in this study, and to establish, as effectively as possible, the upper limit to the savings for the two step pattern of switchability (on-off) which was proposed. PART 4 ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTERISTICS AND OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS The architectural aspects of the parametric model were pared down to those concerned with a single representative perimeter office bay with a single exposure. The office is seen as the smallest heating, cooling and lighting unit within a perimeter core commercial building prototype of undefined height. This approach was taken because core loads are constant and neither affect nor are affected by the loads experienced in adjacent offices. also assumed that the energy is It demand implications of any given glazing strategy will be contained entirely within the attached office space. it is This assuntion implies that not necessary to consider the loads of an entire building, containing many such office units, in order to establish the relative benefit of one glazing strategy over another in terms of energy use per square foot of glass. The office used to compare glazing strategies in all simulations is rectangular in plan with 12 feet of width along the weather wall, a 16 foot depth and a 10 foot ceiling height. The walls, floor and ceiling are considered to be adiabatic with regard to adjacent spaces. office is daylit from one side only, The and the glazings are generally defined as wall to wall strip windows of varying heights. shows the basic office bay in plan and section. Figure 4.1 These dimensions were rnu FIGURE 4.1 The Gerric Perimeter Office: Plan And Section chosen in because part they are perimeter/core office configurations. generally representative of The depth of 16 feet, however, because such a was chosen primarily because of daylighting concerns, depth poses no serious problem with regard to either the penetration or level of light, when using light shelves or reflectorized louvers for the distribution of light [Rosen, James, "NATURAL DAYLIGHTING AND ENERGY CONSERVATION: INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR OFFICE BUILDINGS, Masters Thesis( Cambridge, Ma., Architecture, Massachusetts 1982), Institute of Technology, since Finally, p. 64]. Department of a relatively even the solar energy is distribution of light is feasible at this depth, also evenly distributed by reflection and diffusion from the louvers to the various room elements. The office can be faced in any direction because of the flexibility built into the solar calculation subroutine (south at 00, north at 1800, west at 900, However, any given simulation can consider only one orientation at a time. Any office around the perimeter examined, of and east at 2700 ). the given commercial structure can be individually except those occupying a corner position, with walls facing two orientations at once. By so doing, it is possible to establish, with a high degree of clarity and accuracy, the impact of orientation on the relative benefit of the glazing strategies examined. The interior finishes were designed to represent customary patterns of color and material type. treatment which was assumed The ceiling was given an accoustical to be 80% reflective absorptive to sound at middle frequencies. to light, and 90% This treatment also provided the conceptual function of isolating the office below from any thermal impact from the energy flows in the floor slab of the office above. The walls were assumed to be 5/8 inch gypsum board, and a capacitance of 3 Btu/ 0 F was attached to the room air to account for its mass effect. The sunlight is well enough distributed, and the gypsum board is thin enough to cause almost no thermal inertia and thus, one can assume that the temperatures of the air and dry wall will swing together. This configuration painted with a finish of 70% matt reflectivity. represents an off-white, flat finish paint, and although bright white (80% reflectivity) would enhance the daylight space, The walls are levels throughout the the former was chosen in order to keep the finishes on the conservative side of what is ordinarily found in contemporary office spaces. This issue is implicitly calculations and is therefore, in the daylighting like the basic dimensions of the office, a difficult parameter to change easily. features are sufficiently included However, common configurations these architectural to be valuable, and changes to them are small in their impact on the value of any given glazing strategy. The floor was treated as an area where easy parametric changes might be valuable. The reflectivity of the floor to daylight was fixed permanently at 40%, but the type of floor finish used over the concrete slab may be easily modified in terms of the thermal mass and its resistence to heat flows in and out of the slab below. ordinarily found in office spaces, assuming a rug over the slab. capacitance were 5: THE SECOND the base simulations were all run The U value of the rug, and its thermal established by experience gained Building V [Johnson,Timothy E., YEAR'S Architecture, 1979)p.58]. Because rugs are from MIT's Solar and Edward Quinlan, "MIT SOLAR BUILDING PERFORMANCE"(Cambridge,Ma.,MIT Department The application of the rug significantly of :E:: RUG COVERED SLAB TILE COVERED SLAB PEAK K/YR IN EQUIVALENT KWH T 0 A L COOLING CLIMATES 00- EATING CLIMTES 300 -- K W H 200. - Y R V WSTON MIADISON SEATTLE MIMI PNOIX FT. WORTH FIGURE 4.2 Total Annual Loads With Rug Vs. Tile Covered Slab AssuMing Clear-DG damps the interaction of the massive concrete floor, though it does not entirely eliminate its impact. It is possible to largely eliminate the damping which resulted from the rug by substituting vinyl tiles. The tiles had a noticeable impact on the participation of the floor slab in the thermal swings experience by the office, particularly in heating climates due to their increased U vlaue of 20 Btuh/ 0 F ft2 [ASHRAE HANDBOOK AND PRODUCT DIRECTORY; Inc., 1981) p. 26'10, Table 13]. 1981 FUNDAMENTALS (New York, ASHRAE Figure 4.2 shows the relative impact of a rug versus tile floor for south-facing offices with 64 sq.ft. of double glazing in representative cities. The tiles were assuned to retain a 40% reflectivity to light, but the potential qualitative problem of specular reflections from their surface was not considered. Window sizes were also easily varied, although the implications of glass area with regard to daylight distribution and the assumed electric lighting controls (described in detail below) have not been thoroughly tested. The ordinary office window is on the order of four feet in height (48 sq. ft.) but this area is lighting levels on dim days. inadequate to meet the minimun Figure 4.3 illustrates the differences in total loads for a south facing rug floored office with strip windows of 48, 64 and 72 sq.ft. respectively, as marked. It was decided,therefore, to increase the glazing area in order to accomplish full daylighting on average overcast days (350 fc), assuming a visible transmission of 81%, and an effective distribution of daylight into the office. This step was taken in order to illustrate the point that a reduction of window size for the sake of smaller cooling loads is not necessarily the best approach, and also to more completely evaluate the relative benefits of the more recent glazing materials under optimum daylighting conditions [Rosen, James "Natural Daylignting and Energy Conservation: Solutions for Office Buildings", creased window area, added. pp. 11-20]. Innovative In addition to the in- a new feature for daylight distribution was also This feature consists of replacement window blinds which are both inverted, in comparison to ordinary blinds, and reflectorized on the top surfaces in order to provide more even distribution, deeper penetration of daylight into the office. and a Figure 4.4 illustrates the configuration of both the older type and the assumed type of blinds. The illustration in figure 4.5 compares the daylight distribution under cloudy day conditions which results from an untreated window to one which employs the assuned system. From these comparisons, it is clear that the relative uniformity of distribution which results from these TOTAL ANJAL LOAD IN KWH PEAK K/YR IN EQUIVALENT K BOS T 0 T A L K 0 H E Yi Alo - qf 9l f q f 9 CLEAM G EL-5 t/LT-TG PHOENIX mem 32* 288w Im 2564 *I - CLEmAI RtT-TG ELO-4 I- I miii CLEDG CEAR G FICLE 4.3 Total Annual Loads Lkder Various Window Amas & I lWLT-Tc Hlt/LT-TC I *I I I E-5 ELW-5 FIGRE 4.4 Old Vs. New Stale Window Blinds For Daglight Distribution blinds is requisite daylighting. contrast to the effective use of solar energy for The high lighting levels near the window and the great between levels, front to rear, (200 to 30 fc) in the undistributed condition will cause qualitative as well as quantitative problems within the office. Qualitative issues such as contrast glare, due to the excessive brightness at the window, working conditions and occupant discomfort. will cause adverse As a result quantitative issues will then receive a negative impact due to a need for increased illumination levels at the rear of the office in order to overcome the contrast glare. These increased lighting levels can only be accom- plished by turning on at least some if not all the interior lights. result, then, is an increased lighting cost. The Furthermore, uneven dis- tribution of sunlight can, even with new glass technologies, create "hot spots" near the windows. This uneven distribution of heat, together with the additional heat from purchased lighting can dramatically affect DAYLIGHT DISTRIJTION WITH REFLECTIVE BLINDS DAYLIGHT DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT BLINDS HORIZONTAL SKY ILLUMINATION 1214 Fc - 10- 0BE I MK 2 0 0L FIGLE 4.5 Daylight Distributions With And Without Reflective Blirs the need for air conditioning and hence the total energy cost of the office. It is therefore assumed that distributive blinds are installed on all windows as a prerequisite to changes in glazing strategy. window area was established Station protractor in accordance calculation techniques, The with the British Research which, together with the minimum required illumination of 30 foot candles in the back of the established the base window area to be 64 square feet. room, represents a 12 foot wide strip window, This area 5.7 feet in approximately height. The occupancy schedule was structured to maintain a normal work week for 52 weeks per year. There were no provisions made for regular short term breaks in the ordinary commercial schedule such as vacations or national holidays. However, since any given year is relatively balanced with breaks, and since vacation days generally comprise no more T 0 406T A R L 3WP N. L y -. A U H ---. BOSTON . - -. L.. 0 .. 9 I JA I I FEB M I APR I MAY I I I I I I J14 JUL AUG SEPT OCT NOV 9-.. SEATTLE -.... PHOENIX I DEC MoNTH FIQE 4.6 Representative MonthlV Loads than 3% of the work days, their impact should not qualitatively alter the comparisons to be made between glazing systems. reality, In practical this aspect of the occupancy schedule might produce payback periods which are slightly longer (no more than 3%) than the data below might indicate. The normal work week begins on day 2 of the seven day simulation, and ends on day 6. Day 1 and 7 are sunday and saturday respectively. When coupled with the weather data, this schedule produces a consistent pattern of clear sundays and cloudy saturdays. Day 1 of the simulation is saturday, always given a CLRNS of one, while day 7, draws CLRNS variables on the order of 50% or less. consistently The effect of changing this pattern was not studied, but again the impact should be relatively small and consistent across glazing types. If the monthly total loads for any glazing system in any city are graphed, there is a noticable dip in February and a peak in March (see Figure 4.6). It is very likely that the occupancy schedule together with the pattern of clear versus cloudy days and the relative shortness of February produce this apparent aberation. It was ignored in this analysis. The daily work schedule begins at 8h00 and ends at 18h00. All of the thermal and illumination requirements are met at 8hoo and are maintained until 18hoo. The building, then, is assumed to be completely unoccupied all day on days 1 and 7, and between 18h00 and 8hoo on days 2 through 6. During working hours, the thermostats are set to 68OF for heating and to 73 0 F for cooling. A variety of unoccupied thermostat settings (setbacks) were examined, and the results are shown in Figure 4.7 for both rug floored and tile floored, south facing offices with 64 sq.ft. of double glazed windows. The impact of setbacks should be parallel for other glazing types. It is interesting to note that the additional savings due to "deep" setbacks are small for a rug covered floor, for a tile floor. heating or cooling and virtually non-existant In this situation, a protracted demand for purchased energy, at the beginning of the occupied hours, reduces the benefit from off hour savings, especially since the daytime energy gains are generally greater than what can be stored or lost to the outdoors. The purchased energy necessary to cool or reheat the mass displaces the heat of internal loads which must then be removed by the chillers in either case, later in the day. Although allowable setbacks, particularly for offices with little direct participation of internal mass, such as those with rug covered floors, could be "deeper", the setbacks established for all simulations were 550 for heating, and 850 for cooling. These settings were chosen because they reap the majority of the potential savings, and, perhaps more importantly, because they fall easily on the conservative end of normal practice. The illumination requirements assumed in the model follow the THERMOSTAT SETBACXS IN KEY AR FOR HEATING/CM.ING NO SETBACXS SETEC=S G8 SETACS a 55/85 PEAK KW/YR IN EGJIVALENT KWi COOLING CLIMTES T 54.0 HEATING CLIMTES T\ AN' SK ST jjEFW RK OERDSA T 50000 T A L COOLING CLIMATES K H A R 2900 +m TILE COVEED SLAB FIGWE 4.7 The Relative Savings For Thermostat Setbacks Assuming Clear-D current trend toward lower minimum ambient levels with local task lighting as required. it Since the assumed office is not large (16 x 12), is likely that most work stations would be located closer to the windows than to the back wall. be devoted will For this reason the rear of the office to circulation functions. since Furthermore, work stations are assumed to be near the windows, and since the windows have been enlarged, for the base runs, no specific requirement or internal gains were established for task lighting. The minimum requirement of 35 foot candles will generally be exceeded on the work plane. The model is designed, finally, to maintain these minimum levels only during working hours (8h00 to 18h00). There is no lighting requirement or load established outside of these times or on weekends. The internal gain schedule also follows working hours. The gains are considered to be constant through the workday, and are sized to be a reasonable representation of the gains which would be associated with an office of a similar size to the model. these There are three components to internal loads; the heat of lights, equipment and people. The connected lighting load is assumed to be 1.5 watts per square foot of floor area. When lights are required, a maximum of 5.1 Btu's per square foot of lighted floor area is added to the internal load. The heat gain for equipnent is assumed to be one watt or 3.414 Btu's per square foot of floor. The occupant gains were established for one person according to the ASHRAE Fundamentals recommendation of 320 Btu/hr of sensible heat gain[ASHRAE HANDBOOK AND PRODUCT DIRECTORY, 23, p. 25'17 Table 16]. 1981 FUNDAMENTALS, Chapter There is no accounting of latent loads due to either people or ventilation air. The impact of latent loads would certainly boost cooling loads in most areas, but fenestration strategies will only affect sensible heat gains. Therefore, since the latent heat of vaporization does not change the relative behaviors of the glazing materials, it can be ignored. The ventilation schedule is the only one of the occupancy requirements which was designed to be constant through working as well as non-working hours. The fixed hourly ventilation rate for the office space was established, according to Mass State Code at 0.1 square foot per occupant[ASHRAE FUNDAMENTALS 6]. (New York, At this rate, ASHRAE, cfm per HANDBOOK AND PRODUCT DIRECTORY, Inc., 1977 1977) Chapter 21, p.21'14, Table the office receives 1152 cu. ft. of outdoor ventialtion air per hour, or 0.6 air changes per hour. A variable ventilation system to reduce the air exchange rate during unoccupied hours was considered, but because of the cost of the required controls, and because few commercial buildings have such controls installed, constant volume system was chosen for the model. Such a variable ventilation system uniformly increased cooling loads, loss of nighttime cooling during the swing seasons. a probably due to This increase makes such a system a potential deficit in cooling dominated climates, although savings due to reduced heating loads in colder climates outweighed the annual increase in cooling loads for these cities. Ventilation systems with the appropriate controls, and particularly those which were based on the "economizer cycle" model, however, substantially reduce heating loads during unoccupied hours. could Figure 4.8 shows the effect on heating loads of reduced off-hour ventialtion rates. The figure is based on double glazing, but the relative impact should be the same for each window type studied. VARIABLE VOLMES IN KEY ARE FOR OCCUFIED/L90CCUPIED OMS CONSTANT VOLUME VENTILATION (1152 efh) VARIABLE VOLUME VENTILATION (1152/192 cfh) PEAK KWYR IN EGUIVALENT Kim T 5006. COLING CLIMATES 40 HEATING CLIMATES 10*0 0- BOSTON MADISON SEATTLE MIAMI PHOENIX RUG COVERED SLAB COOLING CLIMTES 4000-r HEATING CLIMATES Iw+ BOSTON MADISON SEATTLE MIAMI FT.WORTH TILE COVERED SLAB FIGURE 4.8 The Relative Savings For Constant Vs. Variable Ventilation Rates Assuming Clear-DG 52 PART 5 AUXILIARY POWER SYSTEMS & CONTROLS The auxiliary heating system for the parametric model was assumed to be in-duct electric resistence heaters. The choice of an all electric system was made in order to allow the total loads to be easily expressed as a single unit to facilitate eventual cost comparisons. Furthermore, because of the higher operating cost of electric heat, it provides an appropriate "worst case" under which to estimate the best potential savings for any given window system. controlled by a standard thermostat, and it The heating coils are is assumed that the units are capable of delivering precisely the number of Btuh needed at an end use efficiency of 100%. However, since purchased steam or fossil fuel heat are approximately one half the cost of electricity, the impact of non-electric heating plants can be estimated with consistent units, by simply dividing the heating load in half and adding it total load. as KWH to the The model was designed to allow heating loads to be excluded from total KW demand, during winter months. which often changes peak load charges Accordingly, Figure 5.1 shows the rough impact of non-electric heat on the total peak loads for the representative cities. The office represented in the figure is a low mass (rug floor) office with south facing, clear double glazing. ELECTRIC HEAT U/RUG COVERED SLAB STEAM HEAT W/RUG COVE SLAB ELECTRIC HEAT W/TILE COVERED SLAB STEAM HEAT W/TILE COVERED SLAB - PEAK Ku/YR IN EQUIVALENT K T 0 T A 30L K 8 E R BOSTON MADISON SEATTLE GRWH ASSLES STEAM HEAT CMPOENT a 1/2 ELECTRICAL SOURCE ERGY FOR EUIVALENT 1iI FIGM 5.1 Electric Vs. Steam Heat Expressed In Equivalent Assumin Clear-DG h The air conditioning systen is assumed to be a standard chiller and air handling system with a system coefficient of performance (COP) of 2 including fan power. 'Ihe cooling loads for all simulations therefore represent one half of the total number of cooling Btu's in a given time period. power A COP of 2 was chosen in an effort to roughly account for fan (which is not otherwise accounted for) . The reduction of pot- entially higher COP's for comrmercial chillers to the established system COP of 2, therefore, implicitly attaches the cost of ventilation and cooling fan power to the cost of air conditioning. any resultant error in total loads is study. It is expected that of little importance to this Because "economizer cycles" are still relatively uncommon in conmercial buildings, and because the retrofit costs are generally prohibitive, there is no provision made in the model for such a system. Should the issue of variable ventilation rates become important to the analysis of other strategies, however, chiller efficiency and fan power could necessarily become powerful and independent variables, and the use of a "system COP" would then no longer be an adequate expresseion of energy use. The cooling system, finally, is also operated by a standard thermostat, and is capable of exactly meeting any hour's demand. The lighting system is assumed to be a flourescent system capable of maintaining a minimum of 35 foot candles on the work plane from a connected load of 1.5 watts per square foot of floor area. The basic office of 192 square feet was divided into 3 discrete lighting zones Each zone is running parallel to and in from the weather wall. 64 square feet and all three zones are controlled by a single central photocell. The sensor is connected to simple on/off switches which deliver a full 1.5 watts/sq.ft. to their respective zones whenever daylight levels during occupied hours drop below 30 foot candles. Daylight levels are allowed to fall to 30 foot candles before back up lighting is added in order to insure that back up is truely necessary, assuming that the rear of the office will be devoted to circulation, and assuming that each zone of electric lighting will make some contribution to lighting levels in the adjacent zone. Lighting loads are calculated hourly according to the daylight admitted by the given glass, and assuning that daylight has the same or a slightly higher efficiency than flourescent lighting. Under this assunption, if the average "daylight" levels in Btu per square foot of floor falls below 5.1 Btu (1.5 watt) per square foot, as measured by the central sensor, each zone is evaluated and, if necessary, then the level in the lights for each of the zones are turned on. The total Btu/hr added to each zone is then added to the internal gains for that hour. The daylighting distribution system of inverted blinds, described above, establishes the distribution of daylighting Btu's between the extreme points at the front and rear of the office. According to the tests carried out by Jim Rosen, the dis- tribution ratios (DR) for daylight in the front and rear of the office, expressed as a ratio to the mid- point, are 1.3 and .67 respectively during conditions of overcast skies at any orientation [Rosen,James "Natural Daylighting and Energy Conservation: Innovative Solutions for Office Buildings", p. 74]. Therefore, since an average solar flux of 5.1 Btu/sq.ft of floor area is assumed to provide the minimun lighting levels (30 fc) in the back of the office, Btu/sq.ft. (5.1 x .67) each zone. an actual level of 3.4 establishes the minimum daylight requirement for The triggers for each zone, as read at the central sensor, then are set at 3.4 Btu/ft divided by the distribution ratio for each zone (See Figure 4.5). The electric lights, then, will come on indep- endently for each zone, from back to front. If the available daylight falls below 5.1 Btu/ sq ft at the center point, the lights in the rear third of the office will come on. If the daylight level at the sensor falls below 3.4 Btu per sq.ft, then the center third of the office is added, and finally, if the threashold of 2.6 Btu/sq ft in the center of the office is passed, added. then the third nearest the windows will also be PART 6 OUTPUT ANALYSIS The glazings chosen for analysis as base case examples represent three generic types: Clear glass, reflective glass and static selective transmitters (heat mirrors that primarily reflect the near I.R.). Single and double glazed configurations are examined for each category, and triple category. glazed configurations are also examined in the third In all cases, single and double glazing units consist of one glazing layer of the categorical type, with the second layers, being made of clear float glass. present, if The third layer in triple glazed units is a polymer substrate which carries the selective coating between two layers of clear glass. All of the main glass comparisons are made under a common set of assumptions: 1) that the office space behind them is low in mass (rug covered slab), at a constant rate, 3) that it 2) that it is ventilated is electrically heated and cooled by a constant volume ventilation system, 4) that the system COP's are 1 for heating and 2 for cooling, and 5) that the glass area is 64 square feet. These assumptions are discussed in detail above in Parts 3 and 4. Differences in total energy cost between glazings, therefore, grow from their respective interactions with the ambient outdoor temperature, spectrum. and with the visible and infra-red portions of the solar Figure 6.1 illustrates the solar spectrum, and its four main SO.AR SPECTRUM, AM 1.5 75t -" 5W6- 400 60 80 100 12* 1400 16 18M 20W 2200 2400 ra VISIBLE NEAR I-R FIGURE 6.1 The Major Couponents Of The Solar Spectrum components. Glass is on the order of 90% opaque to ultra-violet light, so the portions which are most relevant to the energy flow in buildings are the visible, and infra-red portions. The infra-red (IR) portion may be subdivided into the short wave length variety (near-IR) and the long wave variety (far-IR) . human eye. Both infra-red components are invisible to the 38.8% of the total solar energy is contained in the visible portion of the spectrum, with the bulk of the remainder being carried in the near IR band. Both the visible, and near IR portions, however, eventually "degrade" into simple, heat energy (far IR) when absorbed by surfaces, indoors and out. The far-IR, which is derived from both the visible and the invisible portions of the spectrum, can help reduce unoccupied heating loads, but is generally a negative contributor due to increased cooling loads during those working hours that demand cooling. Heat absorbing glass, as a category, was not examined here because its performance as a commercial glazing is not significantly better, and in some climates can be worse than clear glass. The relative heat gain through most absorptive glass is almost as large as clear glass, and lower transmission of visible light increases internal gains through a higher the demand for purchased lighting thereby doubly contributing to cooling loads. These aspects of absorbing glass generally make its energy balance very unfavorable within internal-load dominated spaces. The thermal resistances of both clear and tinted glass are the same (the identical values for conduction gains and losses illustrate their common U value) so no savings can be made in the conductive component of either heating or differentials. cooling loads resulting from ambient temperature The relative solar heat gains of clear and tinted glass are shown in figure 6.2 for both summer and winter conditions. The higher sum of the convective and radiative components for tinted glass results from its additional absorption heating during the daytime. The hours of maximum heat gain and the hours of maximum internal gain, due to the occupancy schedule, are generally coincident. The portion of the visible spectrum which is converted to heat within the glass can become a double deficit when it causes a demand for auxilliary lighting. Electric lights will contribute at least 5.1 Btu (1.5 watts) per square foot of illuminated floor to the internal gain schedule, carefully organized energy conserving designs. even in very The category of tinted glass, therefore, has not been specifically examined in this study, but it is reasonable to assume that the total load performance of any analyzed glazing compared with tinted glass can be roughly estimated by its comparison to clear glass. WINTER SUMMER 7',r #75*'F owr T 970o Tor - 25'1 T,, w 70'F 24 7 TRANSM1.55iON AND REFLECT/ON 20/ 2/67 S7 2 /7 - 52 239 97% 4A/N CCNVGCTION CONOUC7ON / 67 - C1.5AR lLA- 68% 'VA/N 2417 227 107 /07 q7 73 -52 2* /73 2/3 96%/ 4A/N -NE5AT /02 AGSC0PI-1- cI;4S 4f/%-qAl 24f qz/ 38/ 75 75 52 2q w7 %W~4 -J 58% 4AIN AND TNHERMAL RADIATiON - REFLECT/N4A55 -52 V7 19%4AIN FIGURE 6.2 Solar Heat Gains Thru Different Types Of Glass(from The Solar Home Book, Aderson & Riordan, Brick House, Anover Ma) Figure 6.2 also illustrates the relative solar heat gains for the second base case category: reflecting glass. reflectorized glass is a "broad spectrum" This traditional type of reflector which does not distinguish between the visible and near-IR bands of the spectrum as the fixed "selective transmitters" described below do. Again, there is no noticeable difference in the conductive gain and loss relative to clear glass. In addition, the combined convective and radiative components of the total heat gain are significantly higher than clear glass due to the extra absorption heating even in extremely reflective glass. great increase in the reflected ccmponent, But the relative to clear glass, produces a significant savings in terms of total heat gain. similarity in U values conditions) The (shown by the conduction losses under winter between reflective and clear glass is due to the clear protective overcoat applied directly to the reflective layer to prevent tarnishing. This overcoat raises the otherwise low emissivity of the reflective coating to nearly that of clear glass leaving the U value essentially unchanged. Reflective glass, then, promises significant reductions in cooling loads due to a decrease in the solar heat gains during occupied hours. Since a large percentage of the total energy consumption in conercial buildings, even in heating climates, is due to cooling requirements during occupancy, reflective glass represents a significant competitor in strict economic terms. visible portion of the spectrum produced coatings, however, The decrease in the by traditional reflective does increase the lighting load relative to other available glazings, and the apparent "gloominess" of the darkened view through standard broad-spectrum reflective glass can lead to an increase in purchased lighting from a pshychological tendency to respond to this "gloom" by increasing the interior illumination. turned on under these circumstances, The lights are often even when they are not strictly necessary for the maintenance of minimum light level requirements. It is also likely, furthermore, that traditional reflective glass will soon be widely outlawed, as has already occurred in San Fransisco, because of the increased glare and incident solar energy experienced by neighboring buildings. The result of this dubious future, then, is a reduction in its true competitive value, should therefore, like and traditional reflective (silver) glass tinted glass, also be reviewed with some scepticism. The third category of base case glazings consists of static selective transmitters, called heat relatively new in the marketplace, mirrors. These glazings are and are not yet in common usage. However, their ability to reflect the majority of the infra-red portion of the solar spectrum without severely reducing the visible portions together with their significantly improved U values give them strong commercial potential compared type. to reflective glass of the traditional Selective transmitters do reject the unwanted IR light and a portion of the visible light by reflection, and as a result these glazings may also experience the criticisms leveled at traditional reflectorized glass; contributing to the glare and overheating experienced by the surrounding buildings and landscape. However, the quantity and quality of the reflected light from the heat mirror group is not of the same order as that of the ordinary reflectors, and the excessive heat and glare problems should not prove to be such a critical issue within the "heat mirror" group. This point, however, should be noted in the comparisons between these fixed and the switchable transmitters, since ZI K Ideal Transmittance 2.0 1.5 1.0 (15 2.5 20 10 3 30 WAVELENGTH (micrometers) Visible Thermal, Long Wave Infrared Short Wave Infrared FIGUE 6.3 The-Spectral Response Of Selective Transnitors it is possible to minimize the externalities of glare and thermal from any type of glazing pollution which results, to varying degrees, with fixed reflective properties. Figure 6.3 illustrates their reflectivity across the different wave lengths in the useful part of the solar spectrum. Several glazings are examined from this category, and each falls into one of two general types of heat mirror coatings. The first type uses high transmission coatings which admit a larger portion of the visible spectrum than do the low transmission coatings, which constitute the second type. Three high transmission glazings are examined. The representatives of this group are a single glazed configuration, called HM-HT-SG in the analysis, a double glazed configuration, finally a triple glazed configuration transmission heat mirror (HM/LT-TG) , HM-HT-TG. HM-HT-DG, and The only low studied here is triple glazed. Low rEATING LOAD COCLING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD . PEAK KW/YR IN EQUIVILENT KWI ND-Jh SWnH . UVAUE 1.e 0.58 4.3 e.ii UVALUE 1.6 0.58 0.30 0.10 U VALUE 0.58 .3 0.10 U VALUE 1-0 e.58 .30 .1# U VALE i.e e. 6.30 .le UVALE FIQE 6.4 Anuaal Loads For Various U Values Assuming The Tranmission Of Clear-DC: HEATING CLIMATES HEATING LOAD COOLING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KW/YR IN EDUIVILENT KWH WORTH SMUTH 1.4 0.58 0.30 0.10 1.0 0.58 0.30 0.10 U VALE U VALLE PHOENIX 45W-., 44W0 - II 35W0 306.- 25W -26W4 15W9 low0-50.- 1.0 0.56 *.30 0.10 U VALLE 1.0 0.58 0.30 0.10 U VALLE 1.0 0.58 0.30 0.10 U VALLE 1.0 0.58 0.30 0.10 U VALE FIGLRE 6.5 Amal Loads For Various U Values Assuming The Transmission Of Clear-DC: COOLING CLIMATES HEATING LOAD CALING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KW/YR IN EQUIVILENT KIH momT SFrH .81 0.73 0.62 0.43 6.16 *.si 0.73 0.62 0.43 0.16 VISIBLE TRANSMISSION4 VISILE TRASIMISSIO 0.81 0.73 0.62 6.43 0.16 0.81 0.73 0.62 0.43 0.16 VISIBL VISIBLE TRNNSISSION TRANI5ION 406.- SEATTLE 3W. 25* - LL low C C C C C 6.81 0.73 0.62 0.43 0.16 VISIBLE TRANSISSION 6.81 0.73 0.62 0.43 0.16 VISIBLE TRANSMISSION FICLEE 6.6 AnnuaI Loads For Various Visible Transmissions Assuming The U Value kid Effective Transmissions Of Clear-DC: HEATING CLIMTES [1~) HEATING LOAD COO.ING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD - PEAK KU/YR IN EQUIVILENT KWH Scums *.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 ORTH 0.68 0.50 6.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION EFFECTIVE TANSMISSION EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 6.15 6.09 0.68 6.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION FIGLE 6.8 Arual Loads For Various Effective Transmissions Assuming The U Value And Visible Transmission Of Clear-DC: HEATING CLIATES HEATING LOA cg0ING LOA LICHTING LO PEAK KW/YR IN EOUIVILENT KWH Scum 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.99 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION S.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 6.15 0.99 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSIN .68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION NORTH 0.08 0.50 0.34 0.26 6.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRAPMISSION 9.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.99 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION - 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRANSMISSION FIGLEE 6.8 kaal Loads For Various Effective Transmissions Assuming The U Value And Visible Transmission Of Clear-DC: HEATING CLIMATES HEATING LOAD COOLING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KU/YR IN EDUIVILENT KW smum rO71 450M 40* 30* 250 15* low InC MIMII C C MIMII C 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.9 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TRASISSION~ EFFECTIVE TANSMISSION 0.68 0.500.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TANSMISSION EFFECTIVE TANSMISSION 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 6.15 0.09 0.68 0.50 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.09 EFFECTIVE TN5ISSIN EFFECTIVE TRNSMISSION FICIK 6.9 Anual Loads For Various Effective Transmissions Amsumir U Value An The Visible Trasaission Of Clear-DC: COOLING CLIMATES transmission heat mirrors admit less visible and near-IR light than the high transmission variety, and as a result the effective heat gain for this configuration is the lowest of the heat mirror group. 6.1). (See Table The reduction of visible and near-IR light decreases the effective heat gain because the visible portion of the spectrum contains nearly half of the energy in the solar spectrum, contains only heat (see Figure 6.1). and the near-IR The increased reflectivity (non-overcoated) of low transmission coatings also brings about a slight decrease to the U value over HM/HT-TG due to its lower emissivity. Both of the triple glazed heat mirrors (HT and LT) are constructed of two outer lights of clear glass with a plastic substrate suspended between them that carries the heat mirror coating. therefore as the third glazing layer, The coated substrate acts, and it is this feature which accounts for the bulk of the increased thermal resistance compared to the double glazed heat mirrors. Differences in thickness and composition of the selective coating account for the remainder since the clear glass used in all of the units is equivalent in thickness and makeup. Glass Type Visible Transmission 1. Clear SG 2. Clear DG 3. Reflective SG 4. Reflective DG 5. HM/HT-SG 6. HM/HT-DG 7. HM/HT-TG 8. HM/LT-TG TABLE 6.1 0.86 0.81 0.20 0.18 0.61 0.56 0.68 0.49 Effective Transmission 0.84 0.68 0.36 0.27 0.44 0.40 0.52 0.34 U Value Winter U Value Summer 1.11 0.58 1.02 0.46 0.43 0.32 0.25 0.24 1.04 0.61 1.02 0.52 0.42 0.32 0.28 0.32 Glazing Parameters: Fixed Transmitters EATING LOAD COMING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEA K/YR IN EGJIVM.ENT KIe MMC.6GX NWC.-OG mir- UCT.-OG 1wH-6G FICLRE 6 10 Aiuai Louad Comparism Ifl/lI-O IH#-Tc WWI-vo WIfl-Tc For Base Glazings: HEATING CLIMATES WMT-Tc EATING LOAD COOLING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KW/YR IN EJIVALENT KII MIAMI ieer S E SE S E Ng E W 25 - Co VC cflc nbcrc T C -i 0.E*-K SEu N C L L C 5 E WuCT.-SC CCC ULECT. -PC WUT-SC CCC CCC C W T-DG WHffT-TC icl .EM-DC LECT.-S9 lEECT.-DG FIG1E 6.11 Annal Lod Coaprisorm wM i-DG WNWT-SC WT-TC For Base Glazins: COOLING CLIMATES HPWLT-TC Table 6.1 lists the parameters for each static glazing type used The effective transmission listed for all glazings in this analysis. have been corrected to account for absorption heating, and average angles of incidence. With the exception of clear glass, values were supplied by the manufacturer. the original The values for clear glass are taken from in the 1981 ASHRAE Fundamentals Handbook. Figures 6.4 to 6.10 illustrate the effect on lighting, cooling, heating, and peak load of variations in U value, visible transmission and effective transmission. In each case, the values of double glazing are assumed for the parameters which are not varied. The graphs illustrate the effect of each parameter change for both south and north facing offices. The patterns which develop clearly illustrate the optimum average values for each orientation and climate type, and should aid in the process of "tuning" glazing parameters to be climate and orientation specific. The graphs in Figure 6.10 and Figure 6.11 illustrate the annual KWH load in both absolute and equivalent terms. The total annual peak loads are accounted for by converting peak KW per year into equivalent KWH. This conversion is made by multiplying the sun of the monthly peak loads with the ratio of a $6 per peak KW to the base charge of $0.10 per KWH. The figures also illustrate the affect of azimuth at the four cardinal points as indicated at the head of each bar (see Appendix G for a table of numeric values). Annual heating, cooling and lighting loads for each base glazing at all azimuths are characterized, where applicable, by plain blocks marked H, C, and L respectively. In heating climates (Figure 6.10) the glazing U vlaue proves to be the most significant factor in load reduction. In all three cities, clear-DG glass shows a greater savings than reflective-SG relative to the load for clear-SG at all orientations. glass The graph of reflective-DG glass compared to clear-DG shows some additional savings on the south, east and west fascades. But the additional increment of savings is small compared to that produced by the U value decrease and clear double glazed (DG) between clear single glazed (SG) units. The savings shown at these orientations are due to the increased reflectivity of these glazings. The result is the reduction of cooling loads caused by the excess sunlight, particularly at the near infra-red end of the spectrum, transmitted by the clear glass. The increased in the north facing office clearly lighting load for reflective-DG loss of visible light with traditional reflective illustrates the glazings. The impact of this loss is significant enough to make clear-DG glass the better performer of the two in offices with a northerly exposure. The selective transmitter group (heat mirrors) generally shows a better performance over the traditional group of options, with the possible exception of north facing clear-DG glass in overcast heating climates, such transmission, as Seattle. Even in this triple glazed heat mirror (HM/HT-TG) case, however, high does nearly as well with only a slightly increased demand for cooling power. This increase in the cooling load is generally due to a decreased heat loss rate (smaller U value) which exacerbates overheating during occupied hours in the winter. An office equipped with an inexpensive means of cooling by ventilation with outdoor air during these months, would stand to benefit from the use of heat mirror (HM/HT) instead of clear glass even in this limited case. Among the options listed in the fixed selective transmitter group, the high transmission triple glazed variety generally appears to be the best choice for north facing windows, with the low transmission, triple glazing providing the best option at the remaining orientations. The restriction of available solar energy to only the diffuse component on the north side requires higher overall visible transmissions in order to meet the lighting needs at this orientation. however, At other orientations, the available beam sunlight is capable of producing cooling loads large enough to warrant the slight increase in lighting loads which lower static transmissions producein the long term loads. transmission, double glazing (HM/HT-DG) High also shows great promise, and this configuration has the added benefit of a direct application of the selective coating on the glass surface. Direct deposition eliminates the polymer substrate carrying the reflective coating in the glazed units. triple As the long term stability of these films in use has not been established, the double glazed units could prove to be the more durable of the two. Also, a slight reflectivity increase in the coating of the double glazed units (HM/HT-DG) would reduce the cooling loads (due to a reduced transmission of visible and near-IR energy) and could also decrease heating loads somewhat due to the slight decrease in U value which results from the higher non-overcoated reflectivity. In most climates, a decreased U value also produces an increased cooling load, and the trade off between heating reductions and cooling increases, once established, could be minimized through the creative use of overcoating to "tune" the U value of the finished unit. changes would produce a low transmission, These double glazing capable of displacing the low transmission, triple glazing as the best performer for south, east and west facing offices. The high transmission version could similarly be "tuned" to be the best performer on the north fascade. The single glazed heat mirror generally proved to be the poorest performer of the group. The relatively poor energy balance, and an extra maintenance cost due to condensation on the glass surface would likely eliminate this configuration as a serious contender for any orientation in all but extraordinarily dry climates. Except in certain special retrofit applications, and in hot, dry climates, single glazed windows of any variety are not advisable; current trends indicate a general movement toward double glazing of one variety or another in all climates. The traditional single pane windows are extremely vulnerable to radiant energy loss or gain which can cause significant occupant discomfort, resulting in higher thermostat settings during the heating season and lower ones in the sumer. The heat mirror coatings on single pane glass can seasonally minimize the problem of radiant loss or gain, but, as a result, they are more prone to condensation problems during one season or the other because of temperature and humidity differences across the glass. The season of highest condensation potential depends upon which side of the glass carries the coating, because the glass will tend to run at the ambient temperature that exists on the uncoated side. The relative performance of the heat mirror group in cooling climates (Figure 6.11) heating climates. follows the same general pattern as it does in Low transmission, triple glazed heat mirror performs best at all orientations including north facing fascades, but again the double glazed , high transmission configuration is very close in In these climates, an increase in reflectivity to overall performance. both visible and near-IR light, without a concommitant decrease in U value would turn the double glazed heat mirror into a clear winner A decrease in U value is undesirable in cooling dominated overall. climates, because the value (in cooling terms) of what little heat loss may occur by conduction out is thereby reduced. outside temperature importance differentials in cooling of conduction to a small heating climates. The smaller, climates fraction of its inside, reduce the importance in The U value decrease that is associated with higher reflectivities can be limited by varying the degrees of overcoating the selective film thereby increasing its emmissivity. The switchable, electro-optic glazings (ELO 1 to 5) are illus- trated in Figures 6.12 and 6.13 for heating climates and cooling cl imates respectively. The graphs are constructed against the same scale as the static glazings, and the load graphs for the heat mirror group have been repeated at the end of each electro-optic group to allow for easy visual comparisons. Table 6.2 lists the parameters used in simulating each of the proposed electro-optic glazings. The tables in Appendix G contain a tabulated summary of the various loads which Glass Type Effective Transmission Clear ELO-1 ELO-2 E10-3 ELO-4 ELO-5 TABLE 6.2 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.54 0.35 Visible Transmission Clear 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.70 0.50 Effective Transmission Switched 0.34 0.26 0.15 0.14 0.09 Glazing Parameters: Switchable Glass Visible Transmission Switched 0.62 0.43 0.16 0.16 0.11 U Value Winter U Vale Summer 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.32 0.30 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.31 0.30 HEATING LOAD COM.ING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KW/YR IN EMJIVALENT KU BOSTON N NS E W NS E W E0L-1 EU.-2 ms E W ELO-3 E00-4 N S E W N S EW /T-SG E0-5 M/HT-DG S E W N S E W M/HT-TG HM/LT-TG MADISON N S EW ELD-I EL-2 EL0-3 ELO-4 MHT-SG EL-5 S EW /HT-DG M/HT-TG 4/LT-TG SEATTLE N SE W NSE W N S EW EW SEW S E ELD-2 E00-3 E0.-4 ED-5 S E W W H H ELO-i SEW HT77 W/HT-SG H HM/HT-DG FICuK 6.12 Anual Load Coparisons For Electro-Optic Glaztrns: EATING CLIMATES H HM/HT-TG H HM/LT-TG fEATING LOAD COING LOAD LIGHTING LOAD PEAK KU/YR INEGJIVA.ENT K14 MIAMI T T 45W T A 3500 - L306 SE K25W% S E E W N H 2W N S E w NS E W N S W S E W S EW SE S S E W N S E NN I NL E A lo R5 O C c KO-1 Cc ELD-2 CcCc EUD-3 c c cc ELO-4 CC c c c c C CC C M/MT-SG /HT-DG ELD-5 C C MHT-TG C c Ri/LT-TG PHOENIX T - L3 3 S6 02U * - E w E S EW H2046.. SEW -W N E W N N SE W E N N E A c ELO-i C ELD-2 ELD-3 ELO-4 C CCC Eli-5 CCCC H-SG cc ifM/r-G jM/r7-TG H./iT-TG FT.WORTH T 0 T 400 - A 35 - 3K - K 20S- Alo- SS S EW N W SE E NS E ELO-2 ELD-3 ELO-4 S NS E W N N Ctt c C CCc c c EL0-i W ELO-5 HM/NT-SG N N c CC C e HM/HT-DG FICLM 6.13 Annual Load Comparisons For Electro-Optic Clazings: COOLING CLIMATES Ci±-iC HM/HT-TG cc HM /LT-TC E used in simulating each of the proposed electro-optic glazings. Each of the proposed glazings is a sealed, double pane unit capable of maintaining two different stable transmissivities of both visible and near IR light. The ability to vary the transmission characteristics impulse allows a choice of by electrical energy flow rates into the office space. conditions, and any heating loads, two solar Purchased lighting under dim on extremely cold or unoccupied periods of low internal gains, can be minimized in the clear state. The dark state can then be initialized simply in order to dispose of the unwanted extra energy available in the clear state when internal loads and the solar intensity outside make this additional unnecessary. energy (heat) The inediacy of the energy management potential with such optical control is best suited to spaces with short term time constants. Clearly, any energy rejected at the windows cannot contribute to later thermal loads, and by the same token, any other energy management strategies which dampen the amplitudes of daily thermal loads will tend to reduce the value of switchability compared to any of the fixed transmission glazings Lighting loads are the most "instantaneous" and undampable of the various loads, and switchability should show its best potential here. Limits to the range of switchability set the ceiling on possible reductions in this area. A narrow range of switchability between the clear and switched states will tend to cause the need for a reduction of clear state transmissions out of defference to the energy content ofaverage conditions. The daylighting effectiveness under the extremely dim conditions of early hours, and overcast days would therefore be reduced. It should be noted however that lighting requirements, as in this simulation, beginning at 8h00 and ending at 18h00 little impact from conditions at the daily extremes cause in solar flux. Little overall increase in lighting loads over clear glass was found in the simulation results, so the penalty for reduced initial transmissions is small. The lower level of transmissions in the switched states of these "low transmission" switchers may raise the psychological with regard to interior-exterior issue contrast as has been identified in This qualitative issue applications of traditional reflectorized glass. should be explored thoroughly before "deep" switchability is seriously considered. The brightest days will call for "darkened" glass, thereby producing the greatest possible indoor to outdoor constrast. Cooling loads are quite immediate in their peaks, and except for economizer cycles, which still require fan power, there are very few strategies available to "spread out" or dampen the amplitude of these peaks. Heat storage mass has some effect, but in climates which cannot effectively cool the mass through losses during unoccupied hours, is very little positive mass affect. (See Figure 4.2) there The mass simply heats up under these circumstances and then effectively supports the cooling loads later in time. Cooling loads are, in fact, the load on which switchability has its most dramatic effect. The reduction (shown in Figures 6.10 to 6.13) is clearly visible for all climates and orientations. This result also illustrates the excessive brightness of ordinary conditions, in these climates,with regard to the energy demand in load-dominated spaces. Heating mass, are loads, not which are dramatically effectively affected by dampable with the best additional performing, electro-optic glazing when compared to the heat mirror group. The low clear-state transmissions, set the demanded by daytime cooling loads, heat gain capabilities initially to a level very similar to the transmissions of the heat mirror group. The predicted U values of the switchable glazings, however, are a bit higher. In the harsher heating climates, this factor can actually increase the heat loads due to extra conduction losses. These losses in combination with the reduction in storable heating energy which occurs during the switched state can produce loads under switchable strategies attainable with static heat mirrors. which exceed the loads In the case of heating-dominated climates (connoted by the graphs of clear-SG) an economizer-cycle would help control daytime overheating in the air in order to keep the glazing in the clear state longer. The extra gain which would result, if effectively stored in the available mass, could then contribute toward a further reduction ofthe unoccupied heating loads in contrast to static gjazings. As with the base case glazings, these types show some variation in their relative performance at different azimuths, but switchable glazings are capable of maintaining a much more stable load structure with regard to orientation than glazings of fixed Uniformity in the loads could produce secondary benefits properites. from cost reductions in the design and implimentation of required HVAC systems. This potential saving is not accounted for in the comparison. As with the selective transmitters of the static type, the switchable transmitters with the best performance overall, are those which begin with lower transmissions in the unswitched or "clear" state. This result springs from the fact that the average daily condition provides considerably more light and energy (through the assumed 64 ft2 window) than is necessary to just meet the lighting loads. This extra light, whether visible (38.8% of the total spectral content) or near-IR, represents a potentially large addition to the cooling load under even average conditions. Since the window area of 64 ft2 was established according to normal minimum conditions, the average condition is very likely to provide a great deal more energy through the larger window, than is- necessary under these conditions. Although a large window greatly exaggerates this issue, simulations run to compare high and low transmission coatings on 48 ft2 windows still exhibited a similar though reduced comparative result (Figure 4.3). It is interesting to note that the reduction of comparative savings for switchable glazings primarily to load reductions in the base glazings. is due The decrease of energy consumption with reduction of glass area is very small for the switchable glazings. 'Ihis load stability offers an incredible potential flexibility to designers using electro-optic glass. By using such glazings, the architect is using the glazing which universally produces the lowest possible annual loads, even if by small margins, but more importantly, a new freedom with regard to glass area is available. The importance of this relative insensitivity to window area should not be overlooked. In cooling climates, ELO-5, which exhibits the lowest initial transmissions, is the best performer of the group for all but the north fascade. In heating climates, however, ELO-4 which provides a slightly higher heat gain potential due to higher transmissivities in both states, performs better than ELO-5 at the sunny orientations. ELO-2 does the best job under the diffuse light conditions on the north side. These results suggest that switchability should be "tuned" to differences in both climate and orientation in order to maximize its performance. With such improvements, electro-optic glazing materials could make a much more noticable reduction of total loads. However, added performance climates is of the proposed switchable glazings in the heating somewhat disappointing in comparison to low transmission glazings of the static variety. Apparently, the variation in ambient outdoor temperature is wide enough to minimize the impact of any changes in solar intensity over the course of a full year thereby preventing the proposed strategy for changability from making any remarkable improvement in total loads when compared to static heat mirrors. average temperatures on clear winter days, maximum, according to the original "sunpulse" data, when solar than the temperatures associated with cloudier periods. flux is The at a tend to be lower The opacity of water vapor to far-IR light would in fact tend to raise temperatures on cloudy days, while the increased reradiation of far-IR through clear skys tends to depress terrestrial temperatures on clear days [Henderson, S.T., DAYLIGHT AND ITS SPECTRUM (New York, American Elsevier Publishing Co.,Inc., loss, 1970) pp. 33-34). There would therefore be an increased heat due to lower outdoor ambients, on clear days when the increased solar flux would otherwise exacerbate the occupied cooling loads. As a result, the cooling peaks during periods of maximum solar gain are often mitigated by increased heat loss rates due to lower ambient temperatures and increased reradiation of far IR light. Switchable glazings do show some reduction in cooling loads in comparison with static heat mirrors, but the majority of these savings are defrayed by the increased heating loads. This increase results from a reduction in energy available to the storage mass in the switched state together with U values which are slightly larger than those assumed for the heat mirror glazings. The net effect of these mechanisms is an overall decrease in the potential savings for switchability in heating climates Improvements in the "climatological tuning" of U values and transmission, however, would likely produce an improved savings picture In addition to these changes, if an increase in in all climates. flexibility with regard to the switching strategy and range were accomplished, produced. a significant improvement in performance Rather than a simple two-way switch, could be glazings with a "multi-stage" switch would offer the ability to admit exactly the amount of energy necessary for lighting plus any energy which could be stored or used against unoccupied heating loads. directly subtracted from cooling loads. most to gain from these improvements, some improvement The excluded energy would be Again, hot climates have the but heating climates should see in both cooling and lighting loads. The two step switchers are less flexible, occassionally admitting extra energy for the sake of daylighting when the switched state would make supplemental lighting necessary. Figure 3.2 indicates the value of this daylighting priority to two stage switchers. Although the effect is small for glazings with higher transmissions, the trade-offs become noticable when lower transmissions are involved. A "sliding switch" would minimize this tendency and produce an enhanced ability to manage the immediate solar energy flows through the office. In cooling dominated climates, on the other hand, glazings offer a relatively handsome potential savings. electro-optic An initially low transmitting glazing with a "deep" switch (one which offers a dramatic reduction in the transmission of both visible and near-IR light in its switched state) such as ELO-5 promises handsome reductions in comparison to the best performers from the static group on the sunny fascades. This improved performance is due to its ability to control the normal amount of beam sunlight which strikes the building on all but the north side. The north facing fascades in hot climates, in cooler climates, like those do not experience the swings in total solar flux which puts switchabiltiy at a premium in other orientations. Two stage switchable glazings, therefore seen to have little if any role to play in north facing conditions. A offices "sliding irrespective switch" of the ambient unit with higher climatological "clear-state" transmissions might prove to be a better performer than the proposed units at this orientation. Such switchability would certainly provide additional savings as in heating climates, at the sunny orientations. The increment added in hot, climates with large variations in the beam component of sunlight, such as Miami, could be significant if the range of variability is climatologically tuned. PART 7 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK Glazings with switchable transmission properties show promise as load control devices in all climates, and as load reduction devices in The relative insensitivity of switchable cooling dominated climates. glazing to changes in glass area and azimuth together with their consistently low load profile (@ 10 KW/sq.ft. per year) and reduced peak load make them a potentially attractive tool from a load management perspective. "two-phase" In cooling load dominated climates, single step or switchable glazings potential for the assumed . show significant load reduction The load reduction for a south facing office using ELO-5 in Phoenix is on the order of 30% when compared to reflective double pane; the best performer from the base case group for a southern orientation in Phoenix. Even in climates which involve significant heating loads such as Boston, overall load reductions of 10% or more are possible in south facing offices. In strictly commercial terms, the marginal utility of the switchable transmitters included in this study is limited in cold climates, but worthy of consideration in hot climates. The unit savings for switchable glazings in Boston (including equivalent peak charges) in comparison to a low transmission, fixed heat mirror is only on the order of 4.2 KWH/sq.ft. per year. This unit savings is clearly small enough that under current rate structures, there is little margin for the extra production costs of switchability. At most, in such climates, the market value of 20.5 KWH per unit area provides a rough estimate of the limit to a viable marginal cost to the consumer. This limit represents the best annual savings in KWH resultant from a 64 ft given configuration, and 2 window with the switchability, times the five year payback period expected by commercial developers. If smaller window areas are assumed, the annual KWH savings, per unit area, decreases. savings in equivalent KWH for a 48 ft 2 window is The yearly approximately 2.3 KWH/ft2 per year as opposed to 4.1 KWH/ft 2 per year for 64 ft2 windows. In hotter climates such as Phoenix, however, switchability increases to 11.2 KWH/sq.ft. the value added by per year, producing a five year simple savings ceiling of 56 KWH/ft 2 . if a window area of 64 ft2 is assumed.. The market value of this savings in operating cost for the best performing switchable transnitter (ELO-5) performing fixed transmitter (reflective-DG) compared to the best in Phoenix shows a promise worthy of continued development. These comparisons of electro-optic glazings to reflective glass clearly provide the harshest possible evaluation of switchability. Clear glass continues to be widely used in all climates, and in many cases, the range of choice considered is restricted to a decision between single or double glazed versions of this glass. electro-optic glazings savings expand are compared to clear-DG glass to considerably more encouraging heating and cooling dominated climates. If the the potential dimensions in both This more optimistic comparison is further legitimized by the potential future restrictions which may be the trend begun in San brought to bear against reflective glass if Francisco becomes more general. A comparison of the best performer from the electro-optic group by climate (ELO-4) for heating dominated climates, This savings represents a per sq.ft. of glass on the order of 20 KWH. five compared improvement fold low-transmission heat mirror. to the shows an annual savings savings garnered against ibis increased savings for south facing offices would, therefore, push the simple savings ceiling up to a viable 100 KWH/ ft 2 over five years. In cooling dominated climates, the best performing switcher (E10-5) experiences a nearly equal increase in five year simple savings potential. In hot climates, the savings relative to clear-DG glass climbs to 38.8 annual KWH per ft2 of glass which produces an annual simple savings ceiling determined by the market value of 194 KWH per ft2 . These latter potential savings relative to clear-DG glass, together with the wide spread usage of clear glass and the uncertain future of both forms of reflective glass, argue more strongly in favor of a significant commercial potential for switchable glazing materials. Continued developnent, then, may be,in fact, quite warranted for all climates, and not an issue relevant only to exceptionally hot climates such as Phoenix. Switchable glazings , used as windows, seen to perform best in offices of light weight construction, or in offices which are heavily treated with accoustical materials, including rug covered floors behave like light weight construction, due to the lack of exposed (uninsulated) mass area available for heat storage. As a result, these strategies do offer alternative design solutions for controlling the sensitivity of such spaces to the wide swings in energy flow common to commercial architecture. be an The increased flexibility in design restrictions should attractive feature of switchability to the architectural community. Areas for continued research which seem to show promise exist in both the properties behavioral and application of electro-optic materials. aspect of switchability which needs further A examination concerns the number of stable phases which are available for control. A two-phase (on-off) switch limits the range of control over the energy flow which creates potentially dramatic cooling and lighting loads. trade-offs between heating, This issue may be particularly important in higher mass offices where controlling the air temperature deprives the mass of some extra potential energy. In this same vein, further exploration on the effects of an "economizer cycle" for cooling during the winter months in cool climates, could prove useful in maximizing the overall performance of even two-phase switchers in offices with significant amounts of storage capacity. From the applications perspective, there is a need for further work on switchable glazings used as variable shading devices rather than as the glazing components examined in this study. Shading devices are limited in their ability to control the diffuse and reflected components of incident solar Longmore,DAYLIGHTING P.Petherbridge ( Publishing London, Heinemann Co., and J. 1966) the beam component, which provides the greatest part of the variability in solar gains, might be quite effectively pp.516-5231. However, energy[HopkinsonR.G., controlled by such devices throughout most temperate climates. Also, since well designed shading devices are capable of shading twice their own area in window below , the unit area savings could significantly increase at all the simulation sites. Furthermore, the fact that such devices are easily isolable thermally from the weather wall of the building gives a greater degree of flexibility to the types of compounds which may effectively be used. The entire range of qualitative effects finally, deserves further attention and study. from switchability, This analysis has made no attempt to truely evaluate these issues, and the potentially great positive affect of increased window area may in fact improve the market potential of such glazings for the sake of more comfortable and attractive working conditions. The qualitative issues which appear most important revolve around the value of the extra natural light which can be admitted by switchable glazings, under dim conditions without great penalties from increased cooling loads under average conditions. extreme brightness,however, Under the "deep" switching capability which makes the best quantitative showing under the assumed conditions, may see a diminished value due to the potential transmission. "gloom" of too little visible Further work, therefore, on the psychological threasholds regarding the reduction in visible light of various wave lengths is a critical aspect of effective window design. transmission, finally, is important non-switchable glazing designs if issue in their application. to This aspect of selective both switchable and occupant comfort is held to be of 92 APPENDIX A RECCMMENDED AVERAGE MONTHLY DECLINATION For the Average Day of the Month Month n for ith Day of Month' Date n, Day of Year' 6, Declination 59 + i 17 47 75 April May June 90+ i 120 + i 151 + i 105 135 162 9.4 18.8 23.1 July August September 181 + 212 + i 243 + i 198 228 258 21.2 13.5 2.2 October November December 273 + i 304 + i 334 + i 288 318 334 January February March i 31 + i i -20.9 -13.0 -2.4 -9.6 -18.9 -23.0 * The average day is that day which has the extraterrestrial radiation closest to the average for the month. See Section 1.8. b These do not account for leap year; values of a from March onward for leap years can be corrected by adding 1.Declination values will also shift slightly. Rocn1e i Average Day for Each Mouth and Values of a by Monds [from Klei (1976)] 94 APPENDIX B ASSUMED DIRECT-DIFFUSE SPLITS FOR HORIZONTAAL CORRECTION OF IT < C2NGL < JAN FEB APR JLI MAY JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 70/30 85/15 55/45 70/30 50/50 65/35 70/30 85/15 25/75 40/60 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 55/45 70/30 - DEC AIbuQuemrue 0.12 0.42 0.42 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 0.12 0.42 0.42 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 60/40 75/25 0.12 0.42 0.42 50/50 65/35 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 60/40 75/25 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 45/55 45/55 60/40 60/40 0.12 0.42 0.42 45/55 60/40 60/40 75/25 50/50 65/35 60/40 75/25 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 50/50 65/35 40/60 55/45 60/40 75/25 45/55 60/40 60/40 75/25 50/50 65/35 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 50/50- 50/50 65/35 65/35 50/50 65/35 50/50 65/35 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 55/45 70/30 50/50 65/35 50/50 65/35 45/55 60/40 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 70/30 85/15 50/50 65/35 65/35 80/20 60/40 75/25 35/65 50/50 50/50 65/35 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 60/40 45/55 43/55 60/40 70,30 85/15 65/35 80/20 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 50/50 65/35 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 Boston 50/50 65/35 Carf bou Columble 0.12 0.42 0.42 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 45/55 60/40 55/45 70/30 40/60 55/45 0.12 0.42 0.42 50/50 65/35 50/50 65/35 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 0.12 0.42 0.42 45/55 60/40 65/35 80/20 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 40/60 55/45 0.12 0.42 0.42 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 60/40 75/25 40/60 55/45 Ely 40/60 55/45 Fort r 35/65 50/50 Greut Fad Is 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 MadIson 0.12 0.42 0.42 0.12 0.42 0.42 0.12 0.42 0.42 50/50 65/35 55/45 70/30 65/35 80/20 85/15 70/30 85/15 50/50 65/35 80/20 65/35 80/20 65/35 80/20 65/35 80/20 40/60 55/45 A5/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 40/60 55/45 65/35 80/20 65/33 65/35 65/35 80/20 40/60 55/45 55/45 70/30 65/35 80/20 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 55/45 70/30 35/65 60/40 70/30 85/15 35/65 60/40 35/65 60/40 35/65 60/40 70/30 35/65 50/50 "Iami 80/20 New York 0.12 0.42 0.42 40/60 55/45 60/40 75/25 45/55 60/40 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 70/30 85/15 35/65 50/50 40/60 55/45 55/45 70/30 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 0.12 0.42 0.42 50/50 65/35 70/30 85/15 65/35 80/20 70/30 85/15 45/55 60/40 40/60 55/45 65/35 80/20 60/40 75/25 70/30 85/15 50/50 65/35 65/35 80/20 45/55 60/40 0.12 0.42 0.42 55/45 70/30 50/50 65/35 35/45 70/30 70/30 45/55 85/15 60/40 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 40/60 55/45 45/55 60/40 65/35 80/20 55/45 70/30 60/40 75/25 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 40/60 55/45 35/65 50/50 35/65 50/50 70/30 85/15 70/30 85/15 50/50 65/35 40/60 55/45 65/35 80/20 60/40 75/25 seett10 0.12 0.42 0.42 70/30 85/15 45/55 60/40 wasi i ngton OC 0.12 0.42 0.42 60/40 75/25 50/50 65/35 65/35 80/20 65/35 80/20 50/50 65/35 35/65 50/50 96 APPENDIX C CORRECTED WEATHER DATA ALBUQUERQUE JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 34 TRNG = 23 2 0.9 33 22 3 1.0 34 23 4 0.8 36 25 5* 6 0.8 0.5 36 33 25 15 7 0.1 37 19 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 30 IK IT = 0.03 = 1350 IK IT = 0.09 IM = 217 JM = 266 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 49 TRNG = 26 IK = 0.07 IT IM = 2262 = 316 MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 64 TRNG = 32 2 1.0 49 26 3 0.9 42 27 4 0.8 42 21 5 0.a 42 21 6 0.6 41 19 7 0.3 46 13 'IM 2 1.0 64 32 3 1.0 64 32 4 0.9 68 29 5 0.9 68 29 6 0.7 66 24 7 0.5 63 22 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 74 TRNG = 30 IK IT = 0.09 IM = 381 IM = 379 3 0.9 77 26 4 5 0.9 0.9 77 ' 77 26 26 6 0.7 75 24 7 0.5 73 21 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 77 TRNG = 27 = 0.18 = 2939 IK IT = 0.12 = 2661 IM = 366 IM = 346 IK = 0.06 IT IM = 2339 = 328 NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV a 45 TRNG = 24 2 1.0 69 24 2 1.0 45 24 3 0.9 68 24 3 0.8 42 26 4 0.9 68 24 4 0.9 44 27 5 0.9 68 24 5 0.8 42 26 6 0.8 65 20 7 0.5 65 13 6 7 0.7 0.6 43 45 20 .20 6 0.6 42 19 7 0.4 34 18 2 1.0 58 29 3 1.0 58 29 4 0.9 55 27 5 0.9 55 27 6 0.8 57 23 7 0.6 53 24 2 1.0 74 30 3 1.0 74 30 4 0.9 75 31 5 0.9 75 31 6 0.8 73 25 7 0.7 67 20 2 1.0 77 27 3 0.9 75 26 4 1.0 77 27 5 0.9 75 26 6 0.7 74 23 7 0.5 70 20 2 1.0 62 30 3 0.9 57 25 4 0.9 57 25 5 0.9 57 25 6 0.8 56 27 7 0.3 50 19 2 1.0 37 26 3 0.9 33 22 4 0.9 31 22 5 0.8 39 17 6 0.6 39 23 7 0.2 37 15 = 3016 IK IT SEP. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 69 TRNG = 24 5 0.8 36 22 = 366 = 0.10 = 2987 -2 2.0 82 29 4 0.9 39 25 = 0.03 = 2648 IK IT JUL. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 82 TRNG = 29 3 0.9 39 25 = 1808 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 58 TRNG = 29 IK IT 2 0.9 39 25 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 62 TRNG = 30 IK IT = 0.09 = 2429 IM = 356 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV w-37 TRNG = 26 IK IT = 0.08 = 1413 IK IT = 0.08 = 1271 IM = 228 IM = 204 BOSTON JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 19 2 0.9 26 TRNG = 13 15 IK = 0.06 3 0.8 29 4 0.5 27 5 0.2 33 6 0.2 33 7 0.1 34 9 13 9 9 10 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 14 IT = 844 IK IT IM = 139 IM MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 35 TRNG = 17 2 0.9 36 17 3 0.7 32 17 4 0.7 32 17 5 0.4 39 13 6 0.1 35 6 7 0.1 35 6 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 48 TRNG = 15 = 0.10 = 1759 IK IT = 0.20 = 2172 IM = 247 IM = 291 2 1.0 3 0.8 4 0.8 5 0.5 6 0.2 7 0.1 TAV = 57 57 63 63 57 52 44 WRNG = 17 17 21 21 19 12 4 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 62 TRNG = 15 IK IT = 0.07 = 2475 IK IT = 0.07 = 2631 IM = 313 IM = 330 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 70 TRNG = 18 2 0.9 76 19 3 0.8 78 21 4 0.7 73 17 5 0.6 71 16 6 0.4 72 14 7 0.1 67 10 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 68 TRNG = 19 IK = 0.04 !K = 0.09 IT = 2612 IT = 2104 IM = 343 IM = 284 SEP. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 64 TRNG = 19 2 0.9 61 16 3 0.8 65 17 4 0.8 65 17 5 0.6 65 19 6 0.4 61 12 7 0.3 58 7 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 51 TRNG = 17 IK IT = 0.14 = 1975 IK IT = 0.15 = 1425 IM = 257 IM = 205 NOV. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 45 44 13 12 0.08 883 145 3 0.7 39 12 4 0.6 46 14 5 0.3 46 10 6 0.1 47 9 7 0.3 46 10 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 30 TRNG = 14 IK 3 0.7 33 14 4 0.6 35 15 5 0.3 31 16 6 0.1 45 13 7 0.3 31 15 2 0.9 48 17 3 0.7 52 19 4 0.6 46 15 5 0.4 49 18 6 0.2 45 11 7 0.2 45 11 2 0.9 71 22 3 0.9 71 22 4 0.8 70 19 5 0.7 73 21 6 0.4 69 12 7 0.2 53 8 2 0.9 73 22 3 0.8 75 18 4 0.8 75 18 5 0.6 73 14 6 0.5 70 13 7 0.1 62 6 2 0.8 56 18 3 0.8 56 18 4 0.6 53 19 5 0.4 58 17 6 0.2 48 10 7 0.1 58 7 2 0.9 26 11 3 0.7 34 12 4 0.5 36 10 5 0.3 34 9 6 0.1 34 9 7 0.1 34 9 = 0.09 = 1252 = 194 IK IT MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 2 0.9 32 11 = 0.11 IT = 730 IM = 125 CARIBOU 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 7 TRNG = 17 IK = 0.22 IT IM = 679 2 0.8 7 27 3 0.7 8 24 4 0.5 6 13 5 0.4 16 17 6 0.3 16 20 7 0.1 27 18 2 0.8 10 23 3 0.6 9 25 4 0.5 14 21 5 0.5 14 21 6 0.4 16 27 7 0.1 33 19 2 0.9 33 20 3 0.9 33 20 4 0.6 36 21 5 0.4 38 12 6 0.4 38 12 7 0.2 36 6 2 0.9 64 27 3 0.8 61 28 4 0.7 60 23 5 0.5 58 18 6 0.5 58 18 7 0.3 57 13 2 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 0.9 TAV = 64 .65 28 TRNG = 27 3 0.8 59 22 4 0.7 64 24 5 0.6 60 23 6 0.3 59 16 7 0.1 59 12 2 0.7 40 21 3 0.6 46 12 4 0.4 43 12 5 0.3 43 13 6 0.1 45 10 7 0.1 45 10 2 0.9 18 21 3 0.7 7 20 4 0.5 16 20 5 0.4 15 18 6 0.2 28 11 7 0.1 21 21 IK IT IM = 102 MAR. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 1 TRNG = 25 2 1 1.0 0.8 28 25 24 21 0.07 3 0.8 25 21 4 0.6 26 15 5 0.6 26 15 6 0.4 22 14 7 0.1 29 9 = 0.11 = 1218 = 187 1 APR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 19 IT = 1776 IK IT = 0.10 = 2152 IM = 249 IM = 288 MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 59 TRNG = 32 IK 2 0.9 53 26 3 0.7 55 22 4 0.7 55 22 5 0.4 47 15 6 0.3 49 12 7 0.1 44 9 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 67 TRNG = 27 = 0.14 = 2556 IK = 0.17 IT IT = 2591 IM = 316 IN ' = 314 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 69 TRNG = 28 2 0.9 66 22 3 0.9 66 22 4 0.7 64 18 6 5 0.5 .0.4 65 62 17 12 7 0.2 62 8 IK IT = 0.01 = 2532 IK IT = 0.07 = 2146 IM = 304 IM = 288 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 57 TRNG = 21 IK IT = 0.22 = 1726 IM =237 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 31 TRNG = 16 2 0.9 52 23 3 0.8 55 24 4 0.6 53 19 5 0.4 54 24 6 0.2 55 10 7 0.1 55 15 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 45 TRNG = 24 IK IT IM 2 0.7 29 15 3 0.5 29 13 4 0.4 29 10 5 0.3 39 13 6 0.1 33 10 7 0.2 32 13 = 0.16 = 1380 = 193 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 10 TRNG = 14 IK = 0.05 IT = 772 IK IT = 0.10 = 551 IM = 130 IM = 93 CHARLESTON JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 24 2 0.9 45 22 3 0.8 49 23 4 0.6 52 19 5 0.3 55 21 6 0.2 51 15 7 0.1 50 6 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 43 TRNG = 22 IK IT = 0.20 = 1284 I IT = 0.16 = 1601 IM = 202 IM 252 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV =58 TRNG =23 2 0.9 52 17 3 0.9 52 17 4 0.8 53 24 5 0.6 65 23 6 0.5 59 18 7 0.1 59 16 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 63 TRNG = 26 IK IT = 0.08 = 1949 IK = 0.10 IT = 2435 IM 289 IM = 330 MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 69 TRNG = 20 2 0.9 72 19 3 0.9 72 19 4 0.8 70 19 5 0.7 71 18 6 0.~7 71 18 7 0.3 7215 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 76 TRNG = 22 IK IT = 0.06 = 2425 IK IT a 0.04 = 2434 IM = 328 IM = 318 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 81 TRNG = 18 IK IT IM 2 0.9 81 19 3 0.9 81 19 4 0.8 78 17 5 0.8 78 17 6 0.5 78 16 7 0.3 76 10 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 81 TRNG = 16 = 0.05 = 2330 IK IT = 0.06 = 2054 = 305 IM = 283 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 74 TRNG = 23 2 0.9 76 19 3 0.9 76 19 4 0.8 73 17 5 0.7 77 19 6 0.6 75 16 7 0.3 73 11 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 62 TRNG = 22 IK IT = 0.05 = 1899 IK IT = 0.09 = 1665 IM = 278 IM = 251 NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 53 TRNG = 22 2 0.9 54 22 3 0.9 54 22 4 0.8 57 24 5 0.8 57 24 6 0.6 63 19 7 0.4 53 19 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 43 TRNG = 28 IK IT = 0.09 = 1260 IK IM = 213 IM IT 100 = 0.12 = 1140 = 195 2 0.9 46 22 3 0.8 47 26 4 0.7 53 22 5 0.6 49 20 6 0.3 54 18 7 0.1 50 13 2 1.0 63 26 3 0.9 68 24 4 0.8 61 22 5 0.6 69 20 6 0.5 67 19 7 0.4 60 12 2 0.9 78 19 3 0.9 78 19 4 0.8 78 16 5 0.7 79 17 .6 0.5 72 13 7 0.4 68 12 2 1.0 81 16 3 0.9 78 17 4 0.9 78 17 5 0.8 79 14 6 0.6 78 13 7 0.2 71 8 2 1.0 62 22 3 0.9 58 24 4 0.7 67 20 5 0.7 67 20 6 0.4 68 12 7 0.1 67 6 2 1.0 43 28 3 0.8 48 24 4 0.7 53 24 5 0.5 50 19 6 0.2 52 20 7 0.1 56 11 COLUMBIA 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 17 TRNG = 16 2 0.9 28 27 3 0.7 29 18 4 0.6 35 24 5 0.3 35 16 6 0.2 30 17 7 0.1 49 21 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 38 TRNG = 23 IK IT = 0.08 = 1097 IK IT = 0.14 = 1437 IM = 177 IM = 222 1 MAR. CL'INS= 1.0 TAV = 39 TRNG = 23 2 1.0 39 23 3 0.9 39 23 4 0.6 40 23 5 0.4 49 27 6 0.2 43 17 7 0.1 37 13 1 APR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 55 TRNG = 24 IK IT = 0.14 = 1859 IK IT = 0.18 = 2407 IM = 273 IM = 318 1 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 TAV =65 TRNG =26 2 1.0 65 26 3 0.9 68 26 4 0.8 69 26 5 0.7 62 21 6 0.6 67 18 7 0.1 63 16 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 75 TRNG = 23 IK IT = 0.12 = 2628 IK IT = 0.13 = 2686 IM =334 IM = 345 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 77 TRNG = 25 2 1.0 77 25 3 0.9 77 24 4 0.9 77 24 5 0.8 78 21 6 0.7 76 19 7 0.3 75 14 1 AUG. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 77 TRNG = 24 IK IT = 0.14 = 2568 IK IT = 0.08= 2421 IM = 322 IM = 315 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 68 TRNG = 24 2 0.9 63 27 3 0.9 63 27 4 0.8 71 20 5 0.6 69 23 6 0.4 65 13 7 0.4 65 13 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 51 TRNG = 26 IK IT = 0.06 = 1990 IK IT = 0.14 = 1579 IM =-277 IM = 234 2 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 0.9 45 TAV = 44 23 TRNG = 23 IK = 0.16 = 1196 IT IM = 187 3 0.7 55 23 4 0.7 55 23 5 0.4 48 16 6 0.2 36 8 7 0.2 36 8 101 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 29 TRNG = 22 IK = 0.20 IT IM = 960 = 162 2 0.9 22 19 3 0.9 22 19 4 0.6 29 12 5 0.3 35 20 6 0.1 37 14 7 0.3 35 20 2 1.0 55 24 3 0.8 63 28 4 0.7 53 19 5 0.6 59 20 6 0.2 45 12 7 0.2 45 12 2 1.0 75 23 3 0.9 74 17 4 0.7 74 18 5 0.7 74 18 6 0.4 73 16 7 0.5 66 11 2 1.0 77 24 3 0.9 76 24 4 0.9 76 24 5 0.8 77 21 6 0.5 77 18 67 9 2 0.9 52 27 3 0.9 52 27 4 0.8 59 25 5 0.5 59 22 6 0.4 61 15 7 0.1 60 17 2 0.8 26 20 3 0.7 34 24 4 0.5 35 17 5 0.5 35 17. 6 0.1 33 12 7 0.1 33 12 7 0.1 ELY JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 24 TRNG = 30 IK IT IM 2 0.9 13 28 3 0.8 25 29 4 0.6 21 23 5 0.5 25 19 6 0.5 25 19 7 0.1 45 13 = 0.24 = 1219 = 193 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 36 TRNG = 30 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 29 TRNG = 27 IM 2 1.0 36 30 3 0.8 36 28 4 0.8 36 28 5 0.7 39 27 6 0.6 30 22 7 0.3 31 18 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 43 TRNG = 34 IK IT = 0.01 = 2615 IM = 294 IM = 341 = 0.19 = 2970 IM = 364 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 69 TRNG = 41 lK = 0.12 IT = 2933 IM = 360 SEP. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 58 TRNG = 34 IK 2 0.9 53 35 3 0.9 53 35 4 0.8 53 29 5 0.7 52 27 6 0.6 48 24 7 0.3 45 20 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 62 TRNG = 38 IK IT IM 2 1.0 69 41 3 1.0 69 41 4 0.8 69 39 5 0.8 69 39 6 0.7 66 33 7 0.4 68 29 2 1.0 58 34 3 0.9 62 30 4 1.0 58 34 5 0.8 60 28 6 0.7 56 27 7 0.6 57 23 = 203 IM = 203 2 1.0 43 34 3 0.9 47 34 4 0.8 43 31 5 0.7 40 18 6 0.5 39 17 7 0.4 33 10 2 1.0 62 38 3 1.0 62 38 4 0.9 61 32 5 0.9 61 32 6 0.7 54 28 7 0.6 52 20 2 1.0 65 35 3 1.0 65 35 4 0.8 67 29 5 0.9 71 28 6 0.6 66 28 7 0.5 63 20 2 1.0 46 33 3 0.8 43 33 4 0.9 43 38 5 0.8 43 33 6 0.6 49 26 7 0.3 43 22 2 0.9 21 24 3 0.9 21 24 4 0.8 21 22 5 0.6 34 17 6 0.4 27 24 7 0.1 33 6 = 364 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 46 TRNG = 33 IM IM 7 0.2 29 17 = 0.04 = 2646 IM = = 340 IK IT = 0.13 = 1277 6 0.6 25 16 IK IT = 0.11 = 2227 IK IT 5 0.6 25 16 = 0.02 = 2883 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 65 TRNG = 35 IT NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV =.35 TRNG = 35 4 0.9 32 22 = 234 = 0.04 = 2137 IK IT 3 0.9 32 22 IK = 0.06 IT . = 1527 iK IT MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 50 TRNG = 37 2 0.9 32 22 2 0.9 31 28 3 0.8 31 30 4 0.8 31 30 5 0.6 37 22 6 0.5 34 25 7 0.3 38 19 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 11 TRNG = 29 IK IT IM 102 = 0.09 = 1791 = 176 = 0.05 = 1068 = 176 FORT WORTH JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 45 TRNG'= 24 2 0.9 41 25 3 1.0 45 24 4 0.6 52 23 5 0.4 43 19 6 0.2 41 11 7 0.1 46 18 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 54 TRNG = 33 IK IT = 0.11 = 1247 IK IT = 0.12 = 1644 IM = 202 IM = 260 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 54 TRNG = 27 IK IT = 0.16 = 1994 IM = 297 MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 70 TRNG = 22 2 1.0 54 27 3 0.9 56 20 4 0.8 43 25 5 0.7 61 21 6 0.3 57 19 7 0.2 53 13 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 65 TRNG = 27 IK IT IM 2 0.9 75 19 3 0.9 57 19 4 0.8 71 20 5 0.8 71 20 6 0.4 71 13 7 0.2 63 11 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 83 TRNG = 21 IK IT = 0.13 = 2726 IM = 337 IM = 343 3 1.0 86 22 4 0.9 86 21 5 0.9 86 21 6 0.8 88 20 7 0.4 84 15 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 83 TRNG = 22 IK IT = 0.08 = 2513 IK IT = 0.09 = 2466 IM = 330 IM = 323 SEP. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 83 TRNG = 24 2 0.9 75 22 3 0.9 75 22 4 0.9 75 22 5 0.7 72 18 6 0.6 72 18 7 0.5 69 16 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 67 TRNG = 25 IK IT = 0.04 = 2079 IK IT = 0.10 = 1750 IM = 307 IM = 258 NOV. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = (K = 1 1.0 61 26 2 0.9 58 25 3 0.9 58 25 4 0.8 54 21 5 0.6 57 17 6 0.3 55 10 7 0.3 55 10 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 42 TRNG = 24 0.10 = 1335 IK IT IT = 0.11 = 1172 IM = 224 IM = 200 103 4 0.8 47 20 5 0.4 53 16 6 0.2 49 14 7 0.3 40 10 2 1.0 65 27 3 0.9 60 24 4 0.7 67 18 5 0.5 62 16 6 0.2 64 12 7 0.2 64 12 2 1.0 83 21 3 0.9 81 20 4 0.8 82 19 5 0.8 82 19 6 0.7 76 17 7 0.4 77 13 2 1.0 83 22 3 0.9 85 24 4 0.9 85 24 5 0.8 86 21 6 0.7 81 17 7 0.4 82 12 2 1.0 67 25 3 0.9 63 28 4 0.9 63 28 5 0.7 72 17 6 0.4 71 15 7 0.1 67 13 2 1.0 42 24 3 0.9 51 27 4 0.7 47 19 5 0.5 47 18 6 0.2 53 13 7 0.1 46 8 = 328 = 0.12 = 2547 2 1.0 86 22 3 0.8 47 20 = 0.16 = 2385 IK IT JUL. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 86 TRNG = 22 2 0.9 52 29 GREAT FALLS 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 34 TRNG = 15 2 0.8 16 19 3 0.8 16 19 4 0.6 27 11 5 0.4 35 12 6 0.3 25 24 7 0.1 4 32 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 29 TRNG = 23 IK = 0.07 IK = 0.03 IT IM = 724 = 104 IT = 978 IM = 166 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 34 TRNG = 19 2 0.9 35 18 3 0.8 35 20 4 0.8 35 20 5 0.6 31 17 6 0.4 26 15 7 0.1 28 8 1 APR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 47 TRNG = 28 = 0.06 = 1707 IK IT = 0.06 !T IM = 229 IM = 290 IK MAY CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = 1 2 1.0 0.9 57 61 32- 27 0.04 3 0.9 57 27 4 0.7 55 20 5 0.6 54 19 6 0.4 47 16 7 0.2 50 8 IT ~ = 2541 IM = 315 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 73 TRNG = 30 2 1.0 73 30 3 1.0 73 30 4 0.9 69 28 5 0.8 76 28 6 0.7 71 25 7 0.4 65 17 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 65 TRNG = 26 IK IT = 0.15 = 2723 IM = 337 1 AUG. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 72 TRNG = 31 = 0.13 = 2721 IK IT = 0.14 = 2384 IM = 328 IM = 299 IK IT = 0.02 = 1867 IM = 251 1 .NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 16 2 0.9 62 25 3 0.9 62 25 4 0.8 65 28 5 0.7 56 19 6 0.4 54 14 7 0.3 43 8 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 54 TRNG = 28 IK IT IM 2 0.9 34 20 3 0.7 46 17 4 0.6 43 20 5 0.5 32 14 6 0.3 33 17 7 0.3 33 17 4 0.7 23 27 5 0.6 23 18 6 0.5 30 14 7 0.5 30 14 2 0.9 37 20 3 0.8 51 28 4 0.7 46 25 5 0.6 50 20 6 0.4 34 12 7 0.4 34 12 2 0.9 69 30 3 1.0 65 26 4 0.8 62 25 5 0.6 66 20 6 0.5 61 22 7 0.3 54 9 2 1.0 72 31 3 0.9 68 25 4 0.8 64 26 5 0.7 68 26 6 0.7 68 26 7 0.3 55 16 2 0.9 60 21 3 0.7 42 19 4 0.7 42 19 5 0.5 51 22 6 0.3 36 16 7 0.1 26 8 2 0.8 17 15 3 0.7 29 16 4 0.6 38 17 5 0.5 31 18 6 0.3 23 19 7 0.1 38 7 = 0.06 = 1447 = 198 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 32 TRNG = 19 IK = 0.03 IK IT = 796 IT = 0.14 = 595 IM = 123 IM = 97 104 3 0.8 26 14 = 2099 lK IT 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 60 TRNG = 27 2 0.9 29 16 MAD ISON JAN. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = = IT IM = 2 1 1.0 0.8 -4 13 21 19 0.10 926 153 3 0.7 11 20 4 0.5 16 16 5 0.4 21 14 6 0.2 27 11 7 0.1 34 14 FEB. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 13 14 21 20 0.10 1206 196 3 0.8 20 11 4 0.6 23 15 5 0.4 26 12 6 0.4 26 12 7 0.3 27 6 MAR. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 17 27 16 22 0.12 1805 275 3 0.9 27 22 4 0.6 33 19 5 0.5 31 13 6 0.2 31 17 7 0.1 33 13 APR. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 47 44 30 25 0.19 2197 301 3 0.7 50 27 4 0.6 50 20 5 0.5 50 20 6 0.3 47 12 7 0.3 47 12 1 2 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 0.9 TAV =60 65 28 TRNG = 28 IK = 0.11 IT = 2568 IM = 318 3 0.8 61 26 4 0.8 61 26 5 0.5 58 22 6 0.4 54 17 7 0.1 50 10 JUN. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 66 71 23 25 0.12 2504 323 3 0.9 71 25 4 0.8 74 19 5 0.6 66 20 6 0.5 62 16 7 0.5 62 16 1 2 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 1.0 TAV =73 73 24 TRNG =24 IK = 0.01 IT = 2526 IM =320 3 0.9 73 26 4 0.8 73 19 5 0.8 73 19 6 0.5 70 14 7 0.2 67 11 AUG. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 68 66 24 26 0.062215 289 3 1.0 68 24 4 0.8 68 23 5 0.8 68 23 6 0.6 71 19 7 0.2 67 15 SEP. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 2 1 1.0 0.9 61 62 24 26 0.10 1691 252 3 0.9 62 24 4 0.9 62 24 5 0.7 70 21 6 0.5 60 24 7 0.3 65 14 OCT. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 45 48 29 25 0.10 1461 213 3 0.9 48 25 4 0.6 57 23 5 0.3 52 17 6 0.3 52 17 7 0.1 53 23 OV. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = = IT IM = 1 2 1.0 0.8 39 37 22 21 0.10 1013 160 3 0.6 30 14 4 0.4 31 14 5 0.2 38 11 6 0.1 39 15 7 0.2 38 11 DEC. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = IM = 1 2 1.0 0.9 23 22 19 21 0.12 731 125 3 0.7 22 15 4 0.5 27 17 5 0.3 27 14 6 0.1 28 9 7 0.1 28 9 105 MIAMI JAN. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK 2 1 1.0 0.9 65 70 18 16 0.08 IT = 1490 IM =238 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 75 TRNG = 14 IK IT = 0.13 = 2094 IM = 2 1.0 75 14 3 0.9 70 16 3 0.9 74 11 4 0.7 68 16 4 0.8 71 14 5 0.6 68 16 5 0.7 73 12 6 0.5 74 12 6 0.6 71 11 7 0.2 64 13 7 0.2 72 8 306 FEB. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1.0 63 19 0.8 73 14 0.8 73 14 0.7 74 13 0.6 71 11 0.5 69 16 1 2 1.0 1.0 75 75 14 14 0.06 3 0.9 75 12 4 0.9 75 12 5 0.8 73 13 6 0.7 76 15 7 0.6 74 13 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 63 TRNG = 19 IK IT = 0.08 = 1712 IM = 274 APR. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT = 2352 IM = 329 3 0.9 78 4 0.8 77 5 0.7 79 6 0.6 77 7 0.2 77 TRNG = 13 14 IK = 0.01 IT = 2496 IM = 347 14 11 10 10 8 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 82 TRNG = 14 2 0.9 82 14 3 0.9 82 14 4 0.9 82 14 5 0.7 80 14 6 0.7 80 14 7 0.4 79 11 2 0.9 82 11 3 0.9 82 11 4 0.9 82 11 5 0.7 82 11 6 0.6 80 10 7 0.6 80 10 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 1 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 78 !K = 0.04 IT IM = 2297 2 0.9 73 TRNG = 12 13 IK = 0.06 IT = 1458 IM = 242 2 3 4 5 6 7 0.9 81 13 0.9 81 13 0.8 81 14 0.7 80 15 0.5 80 10 0.4 81 7 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 2 0.9 3 0.9 4 0.9 5 0.8 6 0.7 7 0.5 TAV = 84 83 83 83 85 82 81 TRNG IK IT IM = 13 12 = 0.08 = 2214 = 290 12 12 12 9 13 2 0.9 3 0.9 4 0.7 5 0.7 6 0.5 7 0.1 = 78 76 76 77 77 79 74 TRNG = 13 12 12 11 11 8 6 IT IM = 0.03 = 1961 = 283 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 74 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 82 TRNG = 15 IK = 306 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 82 TRNG = 13 IK IT IM 2 0.9 78 TAV = 0.10 = 2388 = 313 IK = 0.04 IT = 1873 IM = 276 3 0.8 73 4 0.8 73 5 0.8 73 6 0.7 73 7 0.6 73 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV =.57 2 1.0 57 3 0.8 72 4 0.8 72 5 0.6 69 6 0.7 70 7 0.3 72 14 14 14 13 12 TRNG = 22 22 14 14 16 14 14 106 IK =.0.11 IT IM = 1333 = 220 NASHVILLE 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 30 TRNG = 19 lK IT IM IK IT = 0.16 = 1894 IM = 279 1 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 61 TRNG = 24 IK IT = 0.10 = 2535 IM = 338 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 80 TRNG = 21 IM IT IM IT IM 5 0.2 47 12 6 0.1 41 12 7 0.1 41 12 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 36 TRNG = 24 IK IT IM 2 0.9 47 27 3 0.9 47 27 4 0.6 52 22 5 0.3 48 13 6 0.2 53 17 7 0.1 52 15 IT IM 2 0.9 70 27 3 0.9 70 27 4 0.8 69 26 5 0.6 74 16 6 0.4 65 17 7 0.1 66 9 2 1.0 80 21 3 0.9 79 18 4 0.8 79 19 5 0.8 79 19 6 0.7 75 15 7 0.3 77 14 2 1.-0 72 26 3 0.8 71 22 4 0.8 71 22 5 0.6 73 23 6 0.4 72 14 7 0.3 67 11 = 280 2 0.8 52 23 3 0.8 52 23 4 0.6 52 19 5 Q.3 61 15 6 0.2 50 14 = 0.11 = 1226 = 195 7 0.1 48 10 IM = 327 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 57 TRNG = 29 IM 107 7 0.2 46 17 2 1.0 58 27 3 0.8 58 25 4 0.8 58 25 5 0.7 62 23 6 0.4 59 17 7 0.4 59 17 2 0.9 77 22 3 0.9 77 22 4 0.9 77 22 5 0.8 75 20 6 0.7 78 16 7 0.5 74 15 2 0.9 77 21 3 0.9 77 21 4 0.8 78 20 5 0.8 78 20 6 0.6 76 15 7 0.4 77 16 2 0.9 59 22 3 0.9 59 22 4 0.8 64 29 5 0.6 61 17 6 0.3 66 13 7 0.2 57 10 2 0.9 35 23 3 0.8 42 20 4 0.4 33 14 5 0.2 55 12 6 0.1 42 9 7 0.1 42 9 = 0.12 = 1574 = 236 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 38 TRNG = 23 lK 6 0.2 46 17 = 0.09 = 2454 = 329 = 0.04= 2223 IT 5 0.3 44 18 = 311 IK IT IT IM 4 0.5 45 20 = 0.15 = 2184 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 75 TRNG = 20 IK 3 0.7 46 23 = 231 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 70 TRNG = 26 IK IT IM 2 0.3 35 27 = 0.15 = 1436 ArR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 58 TRNG = 27 IK = 0.12 = 1980 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 42 TRNG = 19 IK 4 0.5 42 21 = 0.01 = 2401 = 309 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 72 TRNG = 26 IK 3 0.7 41 25 = 0.04 = 1088 = 178 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 43 TRNG = 24 IK IT 2 0.9 38 22 = 0.02 = 1014 = 178 NEW YORK 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 28 TRNG = 13 2 0.9 23 13 3 0.7 32 16 4 0.5 32 9 5 0.2 36 7 6 0.2 36 7 7 0.1 38 9 1 FEB. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 23 TRNG = 17 IK = 0.08 IK IT = 918 IM = 152 IT IM 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 34 TRNG = 14 2 0.9 39 18 3 0.8 42 17 4 0.7 41 15 5 0.4 39 12 6 0.1 41 11 7 0.1 41 11 = 0.10 IK IT IM = 1729 = 248 IT 1 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 59 TRNG = 13 lK IT IM 1 1.0 76 15 IT IM 3 0.8 61 14 4 0.8 61 14 5 0.5 59 9 6 0.4 59 12 7 0.1 59 7 IT IM 2 0.9 73 17 3 0.8 75 17 4 0.7 72 15 5 0.6 73 15 6 0.4 76 13 7 0.1 70 12 IT 1M 2 0.9 63 18 3 0.8 66 15 4 0.7 68 16 5 0.6 72 15 6 0.2 66 12 7 0.1 63 10 IM = 262 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 43 TRNG = 9 2 0.8 43 12 3 0.6 50 18 4 0.5 45 13 5 0.3 48 10 6 0.2 52 12 7 0.1 51 10 2 0.9 55 16 3 0.8 47 18 4 0.6 55 12 5 0.5 60 13 6 0.2 50 10 7 0.3 47 9 2 0.9 68 16 3 0.9 68 16 4 0.8 71 20 5 0.6 68 15 6 0.5 67 17 7 0.2 66 9 2 1.0 73 14 3 0.8 76 13 4 0.8 76 13 5 0.7 75 12 6 0.5 77 13 7 0.2 71 9 2 0.9 54 13 3 0.7 57 16 4 0.6 55 15 5 0.4 60 16 6 0.3 58 12 7 0.1 62 12 2 0.8 39 12 3 0.7 33 13 4 0.4 36 11 5 0.2 36 12 6 0.1 39 11 7 0.1 39 11 = 0.16 = 1442 = 220 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 14 = 0.08 = 0.07 IK IT IM = 993 IT = 827 = IM = 143 108 7 0.1 34 11 = 0.04 = 2025 = 281 IK 164 6 0.2 40 12 = 0.09 = 2388 = 317 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 58 TRNG = 15 IK IT = 0.09 = 1851 5 0.4 33 15 = 0.15 = 2168 = 301 1 AUG. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 73 TPNG = 14 IK 4 0.5 37 15 = 207 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 66 TRNG = 17 IK 0.04 2449 = 325 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 66 TRNG = 15 IK 2 1.0 59 13 = 0.11 = 2421 = 326 JUL. CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = = IK IT = QI lM 3 0.7 31 19 = 0.19 = 1246 1 APR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 51 TRNG = 14 IK 2 0.8 28 17 PHOENIX JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 55 TRNG = 26 iK IT IM IT IM 5 0.8 50 22 6 0.7 52 25 7 0.2 51 13 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 54 TRNG = 29 IT = 0.03 = 1654 = 213 IM = 268 2 1.0 65 32 3 0.9 59 29 4 0.9 59 29 5 0.9 59 29 6 0.7 60 29 7 0.3 64 17 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 70 TRNG = 27 = 0.07 = 2178 IK IT = 0.05 = 2639 = 312 IM = 348 1 1.0 79 42 2 1.0 79 42 3 1.0 79 42 4 1.0 79 42 5 0.9 80 30 6 0.9 80 30 7 0.7 75 26 0.00 = 2906 = 369 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 93 TRNG = 25 IK 4 0.8 50 22 IK MAY CLRNS= TAV = TRNG = IK = IT IM 3 0.9 53 27 = 0.04 = 1312 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 65 TRNG = 32 IK 2 1.0 55 26 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 88 TRNG = 30 lK IT IM 2 1.0 93 25 3 1.0 93 25 4 0.9 96 20 5 0.9 96 20 6 0.8 90 18 7 0.5 89 17 = 0.04 = 2838 IK IM = 354 IM 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 87 TRNG = 24 IK IT = 0.02 = 2183 IM = 311 NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 63 TRNG = 22 IT 2 1.0 87 24 3 1.0 87 24 4 0.9 84 24 5 0.9 84 24 6 0.9 84 24 7 0.9 84 24 IT IM 2 0.9 61 23 3 0.9 61 23 4 0.9 61 23 5 0.8 58 24 6 0.8 58 24 7 0.6 63 13 6 0.6 55 21 7 0.6 55 21 2 1.0 70 27 3 1.0 70 27 4 1.0 70 27 5 0.9 69 28 6 0.9 69 28 7 0.6 56 17 2 1.0 88 30 3 1.0 88 30 4 0.9 88 27 5 1.0 88 30 6 0.9 88 27 7 0.8 90 23 2 1.0 92 22 3 1.0 92 22 4 1.0 92 22 5 0.9 88 21 6 0.9 88 21 2 1.0 76 27 3 0.9 71 32 4 0.9 71 32 5 0.9 71 32 6 0.8 72 31 7 0.4 71 21 2 1.0 51 27 3 1.0 51 27 4 0.9 48 30 5 0.8 56 27 6 0.7 58 23 7 0.2 49 16 7 0.4 88 20 = 273 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 51 TRNG = 27 = 0.04 = 1364 IK IT = 0.01 = 1226 IM = 240 IM = 202 109 5 0.9 54 25 = 0.04 = 1870 IT IK 4 0.8 54 24 = 0.04 = 2580 = 333 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 76 TRNG = 27 IK 3 0.9 54 25 = 0.02 = 2919 = 373 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 92 TRNG = 22 IT 2 1.0 54 29 SANTA MARIA JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 44 TRNG = 29 IK IT IM 2 1.0 44 29 3 0.9 48 33 4 0.8 47 26 5 0.7 53 19 6 0.4 53 13 7 0.2 54 14 = 0.10 = 1164 = 194 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 52 TRNG = 24 2 1.0 52 24 3 0.9 55 19 4 0.8 55 23 5 0.7 53 12 6 0.6 53 17 7 0.2 51 10 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 55 TRNG = 32 IK IT = 0.15 = 1657 IM = 250 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 56 TRNG = 27 IK IT = 0.15 = 2031 IK IM = 286 IM MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 57 TRNG = 24 IK IT IM IT 2 1.0 57 24 3 0.9 56 17 IM 3 0.9 60 21 5 0.9 61 21 6 0.8 61 20 7 0.5 60 17 IM 4 0.9 60 21 5 0.9 60 21 6 0.8 59 14 7 0.3 61 11 1T IM = 292 2 1.0 54 23 3 0.9 57 26 4 0.9 57 26 5 0.8 53 20 6 0.6 56 21 15 = 0.06 = 1190 = 197 IT IM 110 6 0.4 51 15 7 0.1 55 12 2 1.0 56 27 3 0.9 53 21 4 0.9 53 21 5 0.9 53 21 6 0.6 53 14 7 0.4 54 14 2 1.0 57 20 3 0.9 57 17 4 1.0 57 20 5 0.9 57 17 6 0.8 55 17 7 0.8 55 17 2 1.0 61 .21 3 1.0 61 21 4 0.9 61 19 5 0.9 61 19 6 0.9 61 19 7 0.5 59 15 2 0.9 57 18 3 1.0 59 24 4 0.8 57 25 5 0.8 57 25 6 0.7 61 19 7 0.4 58 11 2 1.0 49 30 3 0.9 53 27 4 0.9 53 27 5 0.7 50 21 6 0.6 52 17 7 0.2 57 11 = 0.13 = 1615 = 250 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 49 TRNG = 30 IK 5 0.6 53 21 = 0.11 = 2369 = 316 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 59 TRNG = 24 IK 4 0.7 49 24 = 0.09 = 2642 = 343 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 61 TRNG = 21 IK IT = 0.11 = 2051 NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 54 TRNG = 23 IM 4 1.0 61 22 3 0.8 48 24 = 0.10 = 2420 = 320 JUN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 57 TRNG = 20 IT 2 1.0 62 25 IT 7 0.2 55 13 = 340 SEP. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 62 TRNG = 25 IK 6 0.5 56 12 IK 3 0.9 61 21 IK 5 0.8 57 16 = 0.19 = 2720 1 2 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 1.0 TAV = 61 61 TRNG = 22 22 IK = 0.12 IT = 2652 !M = 338 IT IM 4 0.8 57 16 2 0.9 49 25 = 0.10 = 1043 = 181 SEATTLE 1 JAN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 33 TRNG = 7 2 0.7 41 10 3 0.3 39 7 4 0.3 39 7 5 0.3 39 7 6 0.2 39 5 7 0.1 42 3 2 0.7 39 11 3 0.4 45 8 4 0.4 45 8 5 0.2 44 7 6 0.2 44 7 7 0.3 43 7 2 0.9 46 15 3 0.8 45 14 4 0.5 47 10 5 0.6 48 14 6 0.3 45 10 7 0.5 47 10 2 1.0 61 20 3 0.8 60 15 4 0.7 59 15 5 0.6 59 16 6 0.5 56 12 7 0.4 57 8 AUG. 1 2 CLRNS= 1.0 1.0 67 TAV = 67 TRNG = 22 .22 3 0.9 66 20 4 0.8 63 18 5 0.7 61 14 6 0.4 60 9 7 0.3 61 9 2 0.8 52 14 3 0.6 49 17 4 0.4 51 12 5 0.2 51 10 6 0.2 51 10 7 0.1 48 7 2 0.6 43 8 3 0.3 38 8 4 0.3 38 8 5 0.2 41 9 6 0.1 44 8 7 0.1 44 8 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 37 TRNG = 12 IK = 0.01 IK' = 0.01 IT IM = 629 = 88 IT = 968 IM = 148 2 0.8 3 0.6 4 0.5 5 0.3 6 0.3 7 0.1 = 50 46 41 40 43 43 38 TRNG = 25 19 13 12 9 9 7 1 MAR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV 1 APR. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 50 TRNG = 21 IK IT = 0.22 = 1450 IK IT = 0.14 = 1837 IM = 222 IM = 258 1 MAY CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 60 TRNG = 24 2 1.0 60 24 3 0.8 52 17 4 0.7 53 14 5 0.5 49 12 6 0.3 50 10 7 0.2 49 8 1 JUN. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 61 TRNG = 20 IK IT = 0.18 = 2459 IK = 0.11 IT = 2395 IM = 291 IM = 305 1 JUL. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 69 TRNG = 26 IK IT IM 2 1.0 69 26 3 0.9 64 23 4 0.9 64 23 5 0.7 58 17 6 0.6 58 16 7 0.2 56 9 = 0.12 = 2566 = 306 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 66 TRNG = 28 IK iT IM 2 0.9 59 24 3 0.8 59 21 4 0.7 58 18 5 0.5 57 15 6 0.3 57 8 7 0.3 57 8 = 0.25 = 1591 IK IM = 230 IM IT 2 0.7 48 9 3 0.4 47 9 4 0.4 47 9 5 0.3 46 7 6 0.2 46 8 7 0.2 46 8 = 0.06 IK IT IM = 699 IT IM ill = 0.21 1243 = 177 .= 1 DEC. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 33 TRNG = 15 IK = 101 = 277 1 OCT. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 56 TRNG = 19 IK IT 1 NOV. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 46 TRNG = 13 = 0.09 = 2184 = 0.01 = 541 = 86 WASHINGTON D.C. JAN. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 26 TRNG = 20 2 0.9 29 23 3 0.8 33 19 4 0.7 30 21 5 0.3 22 16 6 0.2 42 18 7 0.1 31 15 FEB. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 32 TRNG = 26 IK = 0.12 IK IT IM = 953 = 163 IT = 0.14 = 1371 IM = 215 MAR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 41 TRNG = 25 2 0.9 41 23 3 0.8 37 23 4 0.7 52 28 5 0.5 49 25 6 0.3 42 21 7 0.1 42 10 APR. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 49 TRNG = 24 IK IT = 0.18 = 1748 IK IT = 0.17 = 2258 IM = 263 IM = 298 MAY 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 61 TRNG = 22 2 1.0 61 22 3 0.8 67 24 4 0.8 67 24 5 0.6 67 25 6 0.4 61 13 7 0.1 62 11 JUN. 1 CLRNS- 1.0 TAV = 70 TRNG = 29 IK IT = 0.10 = 2475 IK IT = 0.14 = 2490 IM = 318 IM = 322 JUL. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 77 TRNG = 26 2 0.9 75 21 3 0.9 75 21 4 0.8 77 19 5 0.7 77 19 6 0.4 76 18 7 0.3 74 10 AUG. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV= = 71 TRNG = 26 IK IT = 0.00 = 2424 IK IT = 0.14 = 2266 IM = 291 IM = 298 1 SEP. CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 68 TRNG = 23 IK IT = 0.16 = 1858 IM = 264 NOV. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 50 TRNG = 23 IK IT IM 2 0.9 69 24 3 0.9 69 24 4 0.7 73 21 5 0.6 69 19 6 0.4 70 17 7 0.2 67 10 OCT. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 53 TRNG = 33 IK IT IM 2 0.9 43 25 3 0.7 48 29 4 0.5 45 23 5 0.4 48 19 6 0.2 43 17 7 0.3 52 13 = 0.16 = 1064 = 178 112 2 0.9 32 27 3 0.8 34 27 4 0.6 32 17 5 0.3 33 12 6 0.2 36 21 7 0.1 33 14 2 1.0 49 24 3 0.8 60 29 4 0.7 63 20 5 0.5 61 21 6 0.3 53 19 7 0.3 53 19 2 1.0 70 29 3 0.8 71 25 4 0.9 70 23 5 0.7 74 22 6 0.5 69 19 7 0.4 68 13 2 0.9 75 24 3 0.9 75 24 4 0.7 76 21 5 0.7 76 21 6 0.6 74 21 7 0.3 75 13 2 1.0 53 33 3 0.8 59 25 4 0.8 59 25 5 0.6 56 19 6 0.2 60 12 7 0.1 56 11 2 0.9 37 16 3 0.8 35 17 4 0.5 38 16 5 0.4 39 11 6 0.1 37 7 7 0.1 37 7 = 0.07 = 1511 = 222 DEC. 1 CLRNS= 1.0 TAV = 36 TRNG = 13 IK = 0.16 IT = 823 IM = 151 APPENDIX D MODIFIED SUNPULSE ROUTINES 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 'THIS PROGRAM CALCULATES HOURLY SOLAR GAIN PER SQ.FT. OF RECEIVING SURFACE AT ANY TILT & AZIMUTH DEF FNARCCOS (Y)=-ATN (Y/SQR(-Y*Y+1))+1.5708 PI=3.1415927 RAD=57.2958 TILT=90 AZIMUTH=00 GREFLECT=.3 READ CITY$, LATD FOR MNTH=1 TO 12 READ ITIMIKDA 'DA=RECOMMENDED AVERAGE DAY OF THE MONTH FROM APPENDIX A DECD=23.45*SIN(.01721418*(284+DA)) DECR=DECD/RAD LATR=LATD/RAD TILTR=TILT/RAD AZIMUTHR=AZIMUTH/RAD ALSD=IT*PI/(2*IM) ASR=12-(ALSD/2) ASS=12+(ALSD/2) FOR SIMDAY=1 TO 7 READ CLRNS GOSUB 330 FOR HOUR=1 TO 24 IF HR<FIX(ASR) OR HR>FIX(ASS) THEN QSH=0:GOTO 260 ELSE GOSUB 430 GOSUB 580 NEXT HOUR NEXT SIMDAY NEXT MNTH END ' 'THIS SUBROUTINE SETS THE DAILY AMPLITUDE & HOUR OF CLOUDY FRONT ' CIM=IM*CLRNS*(1+(IK*SIN(PI*CLRNS))) CFIM=IM*CLRNS* (1- (IK*4*SIN (PI*CLRNS))) IF IK>0 AND CLRNS<.9 AND CLRNS >.2 THEN CFHNGL = ( (IT*CIM/IM*PI/ALSD)-IM-CFIM)/(CFIM-IM): MORNFRNT=CINT (RND) ELSE CFHNGL=0 IF CFHNGL>1 THEN CFHNGL=1 IF CFHNGL THEN GOTO 380 ELSE GOTO 390 IF MORNFRNT THEN FHASR+((FNARCCOS(CFHNGL))*(ALSD/PI)) ELSE FH=ASS- ( (FNARCCOS (CFHNGL) )* (ALSD/PI)) RETURN ' 'THIS SUBROUTINE CALCULATES THE HOURLY HORIZONTAL INCIDENT SOLAR ENERGY (QSH) ' IF FH AND HR<FH AND MORNFRNT=1 THEN CIM=IM 113 440 IF FH AND HR<FH AND MORNFRNT=0 THEN CIM=CFIM HR<FH AND HR+1FH AND 450 IF FH AND MORNFRNT=0 THEN CIM=(FH-HR)*IM+(HR+1-FH)*CFIM 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550 560 570 580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720 730 IF FH AND HR<FH AND HR+1>FH AND MORNFRNT=0 THEN CIM=(FH-HR)*CFIM+(HR+1-FH)*IM IF FH AND HR>FH AND MORNFRNT=1 THEN CIM=CFIM:FH=O IF FH AND HR>FH AND MORNFRNT=0 THEN CIM=IM:FH=0 IF HR>ASR AND HR+1>ASR THEN 520 ELSE 500 IF HR<ASS AND HR+1>ASS THEN 530 ELSE 510 IF HR>ASR AND HR<ASS THEN 520 ELSE RETURN QSH=(-CIM*(COS((HR+1-ASR)*PI/ALSD))+CIM)*ALSD/PI:RETURN QSH=CIM+CIM*COS ((HR-ASR)*PI/ALSD) ) *ALSD/PI: RETURN QSH= (-CIM*CCS ( (HR+1-ASR) PI/ALSD) ) +CIM*COS ( (HR-ASR) *PI/ALSD))*ALSD/PI:RETURN ' 'THIS SUBROUTINE CALCULATES HOURLY INCIDENT SOLAR ENERGY (QSI) ON THE TILTED SURFACE ' IF HR<ASR AND HR+1>ASR THEN W1=(ASR-12)*.2618 ELSE IF HR>ASR AND HR<ASS THEN W1=(HR-12)*.2618 IF HR+1<ASS THEN W2=(HR-11)*.2618 ELSE IF HR+1>ASS THEN W2=(ASS-12)*.2618 CZNGL=COS (DECR)*COS (LATR) *COS ((W1+W2)/2+SIN (DECR)*SIN (LATR) CINC=SIN (DECR) *SIN (LATR) *COS (TI LTR) -SIN (DECR) *COS (LATR) *SIN (TI LTR) *COS (AZMUTHR)+COS (DECR) *COS (LATR) *COS (TI LTR) *COS ((W1+W2) /2) +COS (DECR) *SIN (LATR) *SIN (TILTR) *COS (AZMUTHR) *COS ( (W1+W2)/2)+COS (DECR)*SIN (TILTR) *SIN (AZMUTHR)*SIN ( (W1+W2)/2) IF CINC<0 THEN CINC=0 RB=CINC/CZNGL I0=1637.7716*(1+.033*COS (.0172142*DA) )*(COS (LATR)*COS (DECR)* (SIN (W2) - SIN (Wl))+((W2-Wl) *SIN (LATR)*SIN (DECR))) KT=QSH/I0 IF KT<0 THEN IDI=1 IF KT>0 AND KT<.35 THEN IDI=1-.249*KT IF KT .35 AND KT<.75 THEN IDI=1.557-1.84*KT IF KT .75 AND KT<.9 THEN IDI=.177 IF KT>.9 THEN IF CZNGL<THEN IDI=1 ELSE IF CZNGL>.12 AND CZNGL<.42 THEN IDI=.15 ID=IDI*QSH: IB=QSH-ID QSI=IB*RB+ID*( (1+COS(TILTR) )/2)+(IB+ID)*GREFLECT*( (1-COS(TILTR) )/2) RETURN 114 APPENDIX E ENERGY BALANCE EQUATIONS NODAL EQUATIONS UAW(TA-Tout) + H(TA-TR) UAR(TR-TSI) + H(TR-Ta) CA(TAI-TA) + 0.40SSOL a CR(TRI-TR) + 0.60SSOL UAS(TS1-TS2) + UAR(TS1-TR) = O.5CSCTS11-TS1) UAS(TS2-TS1) = O.5CS(TS21-TS2) NODAL DIAGRAM TERMS: TM = Outdoor air temperature UAW - Total conductance of Weather Wall and infiltration Btu/hr 07 TA i = Indoor Air Temperature Last Hour OF TA a Indoor Air Temperature in Current Hour OF CA = Heat Capacity of Air (for sheetrock and furniture) Btu/hr OF TR 1 = Rug Temoerature Last Hour OF TR = Rug Temperature Current Hour UAR = Total Conductance of Rug (Rug area x U rug) Btu/hr OF H a Total Surface Film Conductance of Rug (Rug area x I rug) BTU/hr OF CR = Heat Capacity of Rug Btu/OF 1311 3 Temperature of top 2" of Slab Last Hour OF 0F TS 1 = Temperature of top 2" of Slab Current Hour OF 1S 21 a Temperature of bottom 2" of Slab Last Hour OF 13 2 - Temperature of bottom 2" of Slab Current Hour UAS =Total Conductance of Slab (Slab area x U Slab) etu/hr OF CAS a Heat Capacity of Slab Btu/OF QSM= Total Hourly Solar Heat Gain Btu/hr 115 OF SOLUTION: A. From Equation #1 for Air Temperature in Current Hour (TA): TA(UAW+CA+H) = CA(TA1)+0.40SSOL = Tout(UAW+TRH) TA= CA(TA1)+0.40SSOL+Tout(UAW)+TRH (UAW+CA+H) IF: (UAW+CA+H) = G; CA(TA1) = D; 0.40SSOL = B; Tout(UAW) = E THEN: TA = D+B+E+TRH IF: (D+B+E)/G = K THEN: TA = K+(TR(H))/G B. From Equation #2 for Rug Temperature in Current Hour (TR): TR(UAR+CR+H) = TA(H)-TS1(UAR) = CR(TR1)+0.60SSOL IF: (UAR+CR+H) = I; CR(TR1) = P; 0.6QSSOL = A; TA = K+TR(H)/G THEN: TR(l)-H(K+TR(H)/G)-TS1(UAR) = P + A IF: H 2 /G = S THEN: TR(I)-H(K)-TR(S)-TS1(UAR) = P + A AND: C. TR(I-S)-TS1(UAR) = P + A + H(K) From Equation #4 for Temperature of Bottom 2" of Slab in Current Hour (TS2): TS2(UAS+0.5CS) = 0.5CS(TS21)+TS1(UAS) IF: (UAS+0.5CS) = L; 0.5CS = F; O.5CS(TS21) THEN: TS2 = (J+TS1(UAS)) D. From Equation #3 for Temperature of Top 2" of Hour (TS1): Slab in Current TS1(UAR+UAS+0.5CS)-TR(UAR)-TS2(UAS) = 0.5CS(TS11) UAR+UAS+0.5CS = M; 0.5CS = F; 0.5CS(TS11) = V; TS2 = (TS21(F)+TS1 (UAS))/L THEN:TS1(M)-TR(UAR)-UAS (TS21(cF)+TS1(UAS) = V L IF: AND: TS1(M)-TR(UAR)-TS1(UAS )- TS1(F)UAS = V L L IF: UAS 2 /L= 0; TS1(F)UAS/L = N THEN: TS1(M-0)-TR(UAR) = V + N 116 E. From the sum of Equation #2 (TR) and Equation #3 (TS1): I-S = W; M-0 = R IF: THEN: TR(I-S)-TS1(UAR) = P + A + H(K) TR(W)-TS1(UAR) = P + A + H(K) BECOMES: AND: TS1(M-O)-TR(UAR) = V + N BECOMES: TS1(R)-TR(UAR) = V + N SO: R(TR)W-R(TS1)UAR = R(P+A+H(K))+R(TS1)UAR-TR(UAR2 ) = UAR(V + N) THEREFORE: TR = R(P+A+H(K))+UAR(V+N) W(R)-UAR2 SUBSTITUTION SUMMARY 0.6QSSOL 0.4QSSOL CA(TA1) Tout(UAW) 0.5CS UAW+CA+H H+UAR+CR F(TS21) (D+B+E)/G L = UAS+F M = UAR+UAS+F N = TS21(UAS)F/L O = UAS 2 /L P = CR(TR1) R = M-O S = H 2 /G V = F(TS11) W = I-S 117 118 APPENDIX F SIMULATION PROGRAM FLCW CHART 119 120 APPENDIX G SIMULATION OUTPUTS The tables below assume the following office parameters: 1. 12 foot width 2. 16 foot depth 3. 10 foot height 4. Rug covered slab 5. Constant volume ventilation 6. Heating thermostat setpoints A. 680 occupied B. 600 unoccupied 7. Cooling thermostat setpoints A. 730 occupied B. 800 unoccupied 8. Electric heat 9. 64 square foot window area 10.56 square foot opaque wall area (RIO) 121 v22330 0' 20. 2. 64. 2 0 0 0 0 . t3 ... e we '... . OO'.0'#0U . . b e 0 0 U # o . & . e*U a U n OM e 0UM bl0 0% "if # . . . Lo. . . 1.3 q 3 O . . Um . . G, 0b6~ 3'UI t.ta (w G, 3 M, 0) u .0 1 WI . . . I I 6 I i W.I WWI W'41C .bi3#O i4bO -iI O"OW'1 . I ."1#316 (A#(A#(A(L~i(A3(3300b#l oO-U** %JCA4 %D(Ab mi "txI e % 00.4w( 0(A b W OW' -3.bMi4'0e--MM4'e %D . 0 . 3(Jt '4(A0#3'-,IUa00' U(J0D 44U0A#3'#Ot. l# m 0 01 I 26 .6 (0'-i3 #3.400(A Ui .0 01. w .w 6. W w. we 3 CI W OO W 0'0(a(A'0W. 4'4%of a .4 3 x '436 0' 2 04'04-(~ (3"jfO'%a04 . W0'UO~.0' a3 (A .4 b'-(Aib'4 bO I.- ILA 0 0 .40EM Z2..4 £OrwmozcI 0 O2 000332. r3M. C33MMC6 0 22w3 MMI .- 42.64C.'." "a"* 20' 020 ZOE 02.0MM434 3.2.64 3.4(4 E00' 0 00 0 . t c I O E uaI V . JIXc 2 C - 3 t hi O £00 coo Ig 64 2 CK x 0 g0 ~ 33 0 2 3 32 K'0mZ £ 0 I- CO0 £00WU 32.2.s 6 C 0.4 r S- Emmvmmm22mmnOOw~jI 17)' 2. "l A- M #34 O (7' (. 0 LA 0 #3. Mr mOat W 01 (bb"1C W3WI (3.. t I 0 .4. ta (.4 U .5#0 E E 3 1 3(~ AWI 00 0. 4 00 MO ' 0 b . Oll 0 3 (.3J.4. 40 .6. I x ipI 0 . . 3(0 1"4 30 0 2-3. 2 W) . <4.4 ". ~I 4 MC1 D. x 0 C O 2 3 < . P 03 0' I *) O. W . r.) I Z D CI ml0 m 0 ~I . O & . A S3 - #3 m 03omem (O . & m$ ut (A((All . ~I .e W0 j X Ub --- e de'4'40O Nu e #3 a . (a . .. .iC (.1... b(3000ga (eW (20.04 t. 00'4 -~~~ . I .Ie . . . CDW%0L A . - ( 6 04b0 . " - %0 A . '0'-0'.JeI '.3..4 0.. 2 e I I x 00 C3 1 sl 0 0 64& 2 O 0 ofl 33 2.3 01 .C £0C2 3O 2 E EOO #3(36oi 2 K. 2 C0 M 2.["' 0 4W0044 4D LA 33n 3C.4e-a (42.O 2.Wo 0 I W& O2 W tl 6 I I uO(33l e U~Ubi 33(U 0'-0'-O4l b a -0W 6 Xr x 2. 03#34 £0 . @A(A( 32 tv s 0 A (a, ' Ab'40e D(.3.t0' O . 0 L4 ZD6: 4* :Q #3 ~~ ~ ~ a ~ ~~ ~ ~~ . bO #3 # #( 400'o N MI bae 0 e %t)@@OOO OO - 00 MG A (A 0 (A A 00 (A c D 30C14 0% W W1A0W0 QAUW.W 6l b4.4C e @ em bA(e (A(AA9b(bO'000(A00 D 'a " cc m *' .4.4..'.4C.4.4 b C o S' 6.......... '4 0 W ofb x S3 2. 0. £0 Ib'x'0l W0#( "I0 0% 0'04 w 4#&34-j0 -A . 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ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KU ALBUGUERUE-N~~16.-~1701.5~1222~2010.3-~1.37 BOSTON MA 479.7 890.1 229.3 1598.1 1.41 CARIBOU ME 1152.3 680.5 243.8 2076.6 1.76 CHARLESTON SC 55.9 1409.9 177.3 1642.0 0.99 COLUMBIA MO 395.8 1511.9 169.5 2097.2 1.38 ELY NE 599.6 1248.2 132.5 1980.3 1.54 FORT WORTH TX 77.7 1534.5 163.1 1775.3 1.18 GREAT FALLS MT 734.6 989.1 173.8 1997.5 1.54 MADISON WI 601.9 921.5 207.5 1931.0 1.51 MIAMI FL 0.0 1826.5 160.5 1987.0 1.09 NASHVILLE TN 218.4 1203.2 211.6 1633.2 1.29 NEW YORK NY 400.8 923.3 235.4 1559.6 1.36 PHOENIX AZ 4.0 2183.1 130.2 2317.3 1.22 SANTA MARIA CA 37.4 1229.9 148.1 1414.3 0.93 SEATTLE WA 322.2 749.3 305.7 1376.2 1.33 WASHINGTON DC 425.1 1091.9 212.3 1729.9 1.36 10 12 1 12 12 1 1 12 12 10 1 12 10 10 1 12 AZIMUTH CITY HEAT LOAD KU COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL LOAD KWH 2 12 6 8 3 8 6 9 6 6 4 6 6 8 6 S 6 8 4 9 6 9 6 9 2 8 3 12 6 9 6 S SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KU PEAK KU/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL 1.37 0.90 1.20 0.95 1.22 1.02 1.00 0.99 0.91 1.09 0.95 0.92 1.22 0.93 0.97 0.91 671.6 752.9 612.3 799.9 723.4 657.7 745.6 761.2 665.8 677.0 703.1 721.8 551.9 737.1 712.9 261.8 2351.0 2896.7 2254.3 2997.1 2703.7 2433.0 2643.0 2692.2 2652.8 2310.2 2262.7 3039.0 1966.1 2113.2 2442.7 PEAK KU/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVAI KWH 10 10 10 S 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 2 2 6 2 4 2 2 2 5 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 12 12 S 9 12 12 12 12 11 8 12 12 8 12 12 12 820.1 EGUIVAL KUH 90. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KU KU ALBUQUERQUE- ~~407.3~~1397.6~~107.3~~1912.2~~~1.31~~12~~4~~~~1.18~~~7~~2~15~~~~16.22~~~~~~729.4 BOSTON MA 671.1 680.3 225.0 1576.4 1.49 1 2 8 1.01 7 3 15 810.6 2397.0 CARIBOU ME 149!.8 509.5 255.1 2254.4 1.63 1 3 8 1.23 10 6 9 972.8 3127.1 CHARLESTON SC 142.7 1171.5 170.2 1434.4 1.13 1 2 9 0.93 7 4 15 655.4 2139.8 COLUMBIA MO 601.5 996.9 109.9 1796.3 1.45 12 6 6 1.10 9 2 15 927.9 2616.3 ELY NE 926.4 983.4 125.0 2034.9 1.63 1 4 S 1.11 7 3 15 944.0 2978.9 FORT WORTH TX 173.1 1325.2 155.9 1654.3 1.24 1 6 9 1.11 8 5 15 711.1 2365.3 GREAT FALLS MT 998.2 757.6 136.8 1942.6 1.66 12 2 8 1.15 10 6 8 869.2 2810.9 MADISON WI 1095.2 708.8 215.8 2019.9 1.71 1 2 8 0.97 7 2 15 828.7 2849.5 MIAMI FL 0.0 1654.9 151.0 1605.9 0.94 4 2 15 0.94 7 2 9 607.8 2413.7 NASHVILLE TN 322.7 992.4 214.9 1520.1 1.31 1 6 9 0.95 7 2 15 725.7 2245.8 NEW YORK NY 558.4 701.5 234.3 1494.1 1.49 1 2 6 0.90 7 3 15 733.2 2227.4 PHOENIX AZ 64.3 1908.2 124.7 2097.2 1.23 7 2 15 1.23 7 2 15 763.5 2860.8 SANTA MARIA CA 136.4 957.1 136.8 1230.3 1.13 1 2 8 0.90 5 2 15 641.9 1672.2 SEATTLE WA 431.0 553.6 323.7 1309.2 1.37 12 3 9 0.98 10 6 6 765.9 2074.2 WASHINGTON DC 530.1 959.4 214.5 1653.9 1.46 1 5 6 0.95 8 4 15 762.4 2416.3 AZIMUTH 180. HEAT COOL LITE TOTAL ANUAL LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD PEAK MO DY KWM KWH KWH KWH KU ---------------------------------------H i----HFi5;----i35--ALBUQUERQUE NM~~561.9~~657.5~~158.1~~1377.4~~~1.37~~1~~2~ BOSTON MA 815.1 401.0 264.0 1480.0 1.51 1 2 CARIBOU ME 1730.1 234.7 297.5 2252.3 1.85 1 2 CHARLESTON SC 194.4 909.1 184.7 1187.2 1.20 1 2 COLUMBIA MO 738.0 533.7 221.3 1493.1 1.47 1 6 ELY NE 1187.2 379.1 175.3 1741.5 1.67 1 2 FORT WORTH TX 226.0 957.6 176.2 1259.8 1.27 1 6 GREAT FALLS MT 1191.9 353.9 226.8 1772.6 1.69 1 3 MADISON WI 1302.5 394.3 242.0 1938.7 1.74 1 2 MIAMI FL 0.6 1279.1 164.3 1444.0 0.96 6 2 NASHVILLE TN 369.8 664.0 232.4 1296.2 1.32 1 6 NEW YORK NY 668.4 449.2 257.9 1375.6 1.53 1 2 PHOENIX AZ 101.9 1201.0 148.2 1451.2 1.04 1 4 SANTA MARIA CA 195.9 437.0 162.1 795.1 1.19 1 2 SEATTLE WA 519.4 261.5 346.1 1127.1 1.39 12 3 WASHINGTON DC 671.2 538.6 231.9 1441.6 1.49 1 5 CITY AZIMUTH CITY ALUERGUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX A2 SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL LOAD KWH ANUAL PEAK KU SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KU HR PEAK KU/YR TOTAL AS EQUIVALNT EQUIVA: KWH KWH ------------y: ~~~~~637.~~~~~~~~ 4i.4 ~~~0.9~~~~7~ 9 8 8 9 8 9 a 8 9 8 3 0 6 6 3 1.05 1.25 0.90 0.92 1.08 0.96 1.18 1.03 0.96 0.89 0.66 0.98 0.55 1.07 0.76 10 10 7 10 10 7 10 10 6 7 10 7 9 10 10 6 9 6 8 2 8 3 S 4 9 6 8 6 8 3 9 2 9 2 9 4 8 4 9 2 17 5 6 2 9 732.3 951.1 603.7 715.5 743.9 619.3 787.5 761.0 543.5 638.1 678.2 590.7 520.8 718.4 697.2 2212.3 3103.4 1790.9 2208.7 2485.4 1879.1 2560.1 2699.7 1987.5 1924.3 2053.8 2041.8 1315.8 1845.5 2138.8 PEAK KU/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVA; KWH 270. MO DY HR K------------------------------------2777 1317.9 14.3 149.9 1.9 72 573.6 669.7 254.9 1503.2 1.44 12 1366.7 459.8 270.9 2097.4 1.81 1 92.9 1159.3 185.5 1437.8 1.34 7 517.5 959.1 216.0 1692.6 1.49 6 723.9 358.9 171.5 1754.2 1.62 1 117.0 1279.1 174.7 1570.9 1.51 I 868.0 709.1 207.2 1764.2 1.57 12 997.3 662.1 232.7 1892.1 1.54 12 0.0 1679.6 166.0 1345.6 1.36 8 272.1 983.7 226.9 1462.8 1.35 7 499.5 696.6 250.0 1435.1 1.39 1 14.4 1992.5 148.2 2055.0 1.63 7 73.5 396.3 160.0 1129.9 1.17 5 379.6 522.9 335.7 1238.2 1.36 7 510.9 332.6 225.6 1569.1 1.38 12 126 6 3 6 2 4 2 6 6 5 2 6 2 6 2 6 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KU F ---------Mi--------i--i iui ----------6: 8 158~~~7~~2~9~~~~20.6~~~~~~~~ 0.7 3 1.33 6 6 S 971.2 2374.4 8 1.20 10 6 U 838.3 2935.6 5 1.34 7 6 5 732.7 2170.5 8 1.49 6 2 6 924.6 2617.3 U 1.44 7 3 S 837.3 2591.5 S 1.51 6 2 3 309.6 2379.4 9 1.46 7 5 9 649.9 2634.1 9 1.35 7 2 8 330.0 2722.1 8 1.36 6 5 6 792.0 2637.6 5 1.35 7 2 6 815.0 2297.7 9 1.18 8 4 9 780.2 2215.3 8 1.63 7 2 9 346.4 2901.4 8 1.17 5 6 9 601.4 1731.2 9 1.36 7 2 8 902.1 2040.2 9 1.34 6 5 a 817.1 2396.2 o-c "a50 W a2220 x m i nnn20) n 2.~ z a 1313 CA -< w 01 30 w0 1 O 25 tett I CI .. w 'a e a0e13 .6 'a 1306 CA00.400 'a04 0004wa0 a'amWW 'a '0 a0'0.1304 01.61'a - -. - 'a M . 41 -0. e tvr- 20 2 0 0. . .A 2 S coo IC'. 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MO.0&M 00 . ) w M Ist& C S 0V 2 2 20 OwteinnnlO 0 pm M P" 2Wo 02 0 or-.$ r OV I 14 1 r-m 3f*O W2 Zoe c0.-"C1 2334 2..4') W CS.4 Zzzr oo-t oe 0 c 0 CP2W"OzI zr.42-m0 E Meec cl Zr3m4O .< . 9 X 11 X rZ. i 24 3lt <f 0 2 i o c r- "t CI EM', .rZ).-.INHZ E HM/HT TRIPLE GLAZED AZIMUTH CITY ALBUQUER-UE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE ORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH 3-.8 229.9 660.6 10.1 131.6 254.2 14.1 332.8 444.3 0.0 63.5 199.3 0.0 2.0 138.9 214.4 COOL LOAD KWH 2163.9 1203.1 998.6 1726.1 1927.0 1715.9 1350.3 1359.8 1255.5 2083.9 1501.2 1225.2 2555.7 1651.0 1054.7 1399.9 LITE LOAD KWH 118.0 216.0 231.6 168.6 175.9 127.0 157.3 170.0 193.7 157.2 201.7 222.2 127.6 144.7 268.5 201.3 TOTAL LOAD KUM 2340.6 1648.0 1391.0 1904.8 2284.5 2097.2 2021.7 1912.7 1693.5 2241.1 1796.5 1646.8 2633.3 1797.7 1482.1 1915.6 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT TOTAL EQUIVAl KWH 1.62 1.31 1.55 1.11 1.47 1.38 1.16 1.40 1.38 1.1e 1.20 1.62 1.10 1.05 1.10 1.47 1.26 1.16 1.16 1.07 1.18 1.12 1.12 1.34 1.12 1.07 1.09 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 12 12 792.8 743.4 798.2 709.5 973.3 760.0 731.7 79.7 732.8 744.2 724.3 731.8 12 12 11 674.0 741.0 735.9 3133.3 2391.4 2689.2 2613.3 3157.8 2857.1 2753.4 2701.4 2676.4 2985.3 2510.8 2379.5 3496.9 2471.7 2223.2 2551.5 PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVAL KWH KW 10 12 1 11 10 1 10 12 12 10 12 12 10 2 1 12 1.26 1.34 1.14 1.23 1.26 AZIMUTH CITY Ui5UiiiUi-NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELI NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL LOAD KWH ALBUQUERQUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC ROSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY HE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC 12 8 9 11 12 9 12 9 6 6 8 9 9 12 3 9 HEAT LOAD KWKW COOL LOAD HWH LITE LOAD 332.7 500.1 1148.8 110.8 450.2 729.3 123.0 759.2 923.0 507.8 330.2 953.7 641.2 515.5 989.2 465.3 496.6 1416.4 797.4 566.0 1321.1 619.3 396.5 656.9 15. 242.1 267.5 174.3 200.6 165.2 165.9 210.3 229.2 158.4 219.1 242.9 141.1 157.6 321.4 219.1 846.9 0.0 228.9 409.9 48.7 93.6 301.5 416.5 KWKW TOTAL LOAD HWH 1394 1249.9 1746.6 1238.9 1292.0 1410.1 1279.1 1434.9 1571.6 1574.8 1245.4 1217.7 1510.9 870.6 1019.4 1292.5 NEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 4 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 2 3 2 3 8 KWH 813.6 90. ~-214. ~1767.~~101~.~5203~~~~1~.3~~10 15~~~~ 300.7 890.9 211.5 1403.0 1.34 1 2 8 941.4 714.2 239.5 1394.1 1.65 1 3 8 64.6 1407.4 161.0 1633.1 1.11 4 2 15 343.4 1245.3 177.6 1766.3 1.34 12 6 3 522.3 1320.8 122.5 1965.6 1.48 1 4 6 75.4 1568.0 149.5 1793.2 1.25 U 5 15 594.8 1003.0 176.9 1774.6 1.50 12 2 8 670.2 923.2 203.4 1796.8 1.53 1 2 3 0.0 1974.4 146.3 2021.3 1.09 4 2 15 170.2 1199.1 199.3 1568.5 1.22 12 6 8 315.8 901.1 219.7 1436.6 1.33 1 2 8 24.2 2188.8 121.4 2334.4 1.36 7 2 15 50.8 1277.8 131.4 1460.0 1.09 5 2 15 224.5 777.6 299.1 1301.2 1.27 12 3 8 344.8 1077.1 203.3 1625.3 1.30 1 5 8 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW 6 1.16 1.15 1.05 1.25 1.27 1.25 1.26 1.11 1.00 1.06 1.04 1.36 1.09 1.17 1.08 0i2i i~ 7 3 10 6 7 4 8 2 7 2 e 5 10 3 7 2 10 6 7 2 7 3 7 2 5 2 10 2 8 4 5~~~i5~~5:15 812.4 8 855.3 15 693.0 15 862.7 15 979.2 15 748.0 16 867.0 15 617.0 15 674.7 15 734.9 15 756.3 15 625.6 15 704.2 16 779.7 15 787.4 2295.4 2749.4 2326.1 2629.0 2944.8 2541.2 2641.6 2613.9 2696.0 2303.4 2192.9 3160.0 2164.1 2080.0 2412.7 180. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR 12 1.39 1.67 1.10 1.34 1.52 1.16 1.54 1.57 1.01 1.23 1.39 1.01 1.07 1.29 1.32 093 0.72 1.17 0.94 0.80 0.97 0.99 1.06 0.99 1.01 0.93 0.75 1.01 0.57 0.71 0.89 128 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 6 1 4 1 6 12 2 1 2 6 2 1 6 1 2 7 6 1 2 12 3 1 6 AZIMUTH CITY 2 6 3 4 4 4 2 6 6 4 6 6 2 3 6 6 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW AZIMUTH CITY 0. a 9 3 e 9 9 6 8 8 3 3 6 9 8 8 KW 728 7 3 8 10 6 8 7 2 6 7 2 8 10 4 8 7 6 8 10 6 9 10 3 8 6 2 8 7 3 8 7 2 6 7 6 8 9 2 17 10 3 9 7 2 6 PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVAI KWH 6.0194 670.1 749.4 569.2 644.6 670.0 589.3 710.2 699.0 572.3 621.0 632.2 582.5 468.2 639.6 645.9 1920.0 2496.0 1808.1 1936.6 2080.0 1667.4 2144.9 2269.6 2147.2 1866.4 1349.9 2093.4 1338.8 1659.0 1938.4 270. LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL A*UAL SUMMER PEAK KU/YR TOTAL LOAD PEAK MO DY HR PEAK Mo DY HR AS EOUIVALNT EQUIYAE KWH KU Km KWH KWH --------------------------------------------------------i-------------;--304.6 900.4 235.6 1440.6 1.50 6 6 1.50 6 6 6 927.1 2367.9 322.0 679.3 256.3 1757.7 1.62 1 3 1 1.36 6 6 a 656.4 2616.0 31.4 1411.2 173.9 1616.5 1.55 4 5 1 9. 7 6 791.0 2407.5 279.2 1229.1 196.6 1705.1 1.66 2 9 1.66 2 6 1000.0 2705.1 369.5 1225.1 162.3 1756.9 1.63 7 2 6 1.63 7 23 995.5 2752.4 34.1 1532.6 167.2 1733.9 1.66 2 8 1.66 2 8 635.4 2619.3 466.3 962.0 195.7 1663.9 1.63 7 5 6 1.63 7 5 8 976.5 2640.5 566.9 682.3 219.4 1638.6 1.51 7 2 8 10.51 7 2 8 920.4 2609.9 0.0 1906.2 161.3 3L 2067.9 1.50 4 6 6 1.48 1 3 53 85.0 2953.0 126.9 1221.2 216.2 1564.3 1.51 5 5 8 1.51 5 8 651.4 2415.7 266.1 902.8 240.4 1409.4 1.34 9 3 6 1.34 9 5 9 935.5 2244.8 0.0 2199.4 143.1 2341.5 1.79 7 270 1.79 7 2 8 998.83340.3 13.6 1242.8 156.3 1412.6 1.52 5 2 8 1.52 5 2 756.6 2169.3 16.6 761.0 311.4 1259.1 1.54 7 2 1.54 7 2 642.9 2102.0 232.4 1062.6 214.5 1559.5 1.46 5 e 1.48 76 5 3 914.4 2473.8 128 m x M32 I 2.0" w Ew2123 WI Wn41003 i-I 02V0 O w a OPL4 ba qp w ow . i I W W a, Of WbOa 14 CA4p s a6 xr CONe ZWWp~ 64 20 6 41 C4 . & a i.e4 & 3OO43 @@W 1 Lea 4% &. 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On xw Z 2 v Z2222 OWM.4g 334W~I (4)20OEm) Cm-.4Cl x2x-.3 2.4.4M Z2xlwOO6 2.24C..U4 0 EMWMOZCI Zr -og r4C zMQO M x)xMvrMw 236 DM 3." 3 )r4 0x30 M Er4 OrEM 2M CI .. rr 23-6N2 O s- 2.i " C r ELECTRO-OPT IC-I AZIMUTH HEAT LOAD KWH CITY ALIUOUEROUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC 122.9 332.7 869.7 32.2 295.1 422.5 42.7 532.1 595.9 0.0 144.0 290.2 0.5 14.0 210.1 307.1 COOL LOAD KWH 1399.1 756.4 569.0 1187.4 1244.5 1036.8 1292.1 329.8 770.9 1549.4 1019.8 791.8 1921.0 1019.8 640.4 918.2 LITE LOAD KUM 115.5 207.2 224.7 160.7 172.7 125.0 147.6 160.4 186.7 155.6 195.6 211.5 127.2 141.9 273.7 191.5 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1636.5 1296.4 1662.3 1330.3 1712.4 1594.2 1482.3 1522.4 1553.5 1705.0 1359.4 1283.5 1948.7 1175.7 1124.1 1416.8 0. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KU/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EDUIVAL KWH 1.11 1.36 1.64 0.90 1.33 1.48 1.10 1.46 1.44 0.96 1.24 1.30 1.10 0.75 1.26 1.31 1.11 0.73 1.14 0.90 0.99 0.83 0.93 0.82 0.74 0.96 0.83 0.74 1.10 0.75 0.71 0.75 560.1 672.9 717.7 523.9 703.3 622.3 571.4 647.1 675.0 588.9 603.6 626.9 625.7 457.4 657.3 637.0 2196.6 1969.4 2380.0 1904.1 2415.7 2206.5 2053.7 2169.4 2228.6 2293.9 1963.0 1910.4 2574.4 1633.1 1781.4 2053.7 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EGUIVAL KWH 0.34 1.19 0.86 0.91 0.94 0.92 1.04 0.82 0.89 0135 0.75 1.03 0.73 0.79 0.78 713.2 781.0 570.0 725.5 736.1 598.9 760.4 724.7 545.5 635.5 647.5 634.2 534.5 684.6 673.8 1998.4 2596.5 1825.3 2181.9 2367.1 1991.8 2315.6 2333.3 2100.4 1903.0 1362.8 2403.3 1556.1 1750.5 2036.6 PEAK KW/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EGUIVA, KWH 10 12 1 S 12 1 1 12 12 10 1 12 10 10 1 12 AZIMUTH HEAT LOAD KWH CITY BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC 434.6 1143.1 99.7 442.8 692.2 121.4 743.1 313.8 0.0 228.0 396.9 46.4 92.5 297.6 433.9 COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH 505.3 433.5 999.4 205.2 228.9 156.1 171.9 120.9 146.0 171.5 194.6 143.1 191.8 212.7 120.1 126.9 283.2 193.0 841.7 818.0 1125.5 640.7 600.1 1411.8 847.8 605.6 1602.6 302.2 485.0 735.9 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1275.2 1805.5 1255.3 1456.4 1631.0 1392.9 1555.2 1608.5 1554.9 1267.5 1215.3 1769.2 1021.6 1065.8 1362.8 1.37 1.71 1.08 12 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 12 12 1.37 1.54 1.15 1.54 1.56 0.89 1.25 1.35 1.03 1.02 1.30 1.33 HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL LOAD KWH li~iislisa~~iii~~iil~~ii~i~iii~~i:3-~ BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA MASHINGTON DC 364.2 216.0 718.2 474.0 341.4 762.3 318.9 353.5 1120.0 599.4 406.0 1054.4 406.3 258.6 233.8 256.0 173.1 195.7 160.3 160.9 204.1 217.0 155.9 210.0 233.1 140.7 151.3 310.1 5A.D 4aS 322.0 1196.5 1815.7 1030.6 1209.0 1367.4 1085.5 1419.2 1563.9 1275.9 1093.0 1127.8 1268.6 693.0 942.4 1190.9 BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX SREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC 8 10 10 9 8 9 10 7 10 10 10 9 9 12 12 8 8 12 12 8 12 11 8 8 12 8 12 12 12 190. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 12 1 12 12 HEAT COOL LITE TOTAL ANUAL LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD PEAK KWH KWH KWN KUM KU ------------------------K---395.4 579.8 223.4 1203.6 1.37 1005.0 406.5 247.3 1656.8 1.66 53.9 991.6 171.0 1216.4 1.19 369.7 311.2 190.7 1371.6 1.35 505.2 751.8 153.6 1415.6 1.53 66.0 1094.5 159.6 1320.2 1.34 614.2 610.4 189.9 1414.5 1.48 713.3 575.0 211.2 1499.5 1.46 0.0 1433.3 160.5 1594.3 1.22 175.2 352.8 207.6 1235.6 1.25 333.6 595.3 229.0 1163.3 1.31 4.7 1596.4 142.7 1743.3 1.45 34.4 759.3 153.0 946.7 1.04 251.9 461.5 295.1 1003.5 1.27 361.1 722.4 203.3 1286.3 1.32 2 2 6 2 4 2 3 2 5 2 2 3 2 3 3 4 7 3 15 10 6 8 7 ~2 8 3 2 15 10 4 6 3 5 15 10 6 8 10 3 6 7 2 8 7 2 8 7 3 15 7 2 15 5 2 15 7 2 15 S 4 15 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR Kw i-~ii~~i-~i~~~~-~ii~~~-- 1.41 1.74 1.11 1.39 1.58 1.18 1.59 1.60 0.91 1.26 1.42 0.95 1.06 1.32 1l AZIMUTH CITY 6 0 3 3 4 3 6 3 4 0 6 S 3 8 2 8 2 3 6 3 2 3 2 15 2 3 3 3 6 3 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW--- 598.5 1343.8 139.4 539.3 365.7 162.3 396.3 993.3 0.0 283.5 488.9 73.6 135.4 373.7 10 10 10 90. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KU AZIMUTH CITY 2 13 6 8 3 a 2 3 6 8 4 8 6 6 6 8 6 9 2 8 6 S 6 3 2 8 3 12 6 3 6 8 2 3 4 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 2 4 2 3 ( 8 8 S 8 S 8 3 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 3 0.79 1.19 0.85 0.78 0.98 0.90 1.07 0.92 0.91 0.81 0.64 0.93 0.55 0.91 0.66 10 10 7 10 10 7 10 10 6 7 8 7 9 10 a -i--~i-----~~~~~~- 6 8 6 8 2 8 3 9 4 8 6 8 6 8 3 8 2 8 2 8 4 17 4 8 2 17 3 3 5 17 682.7 771.0 550.1 658.4 668.4 570.3 714.0 701.4 524.1 610.8 628.6 557.7 476.5 667.2 633.3 MK; 1879.1 2586.8 1580.7 1867.4 2035.9 1655.9 2133.2 2265.2 1800.0 1703.7 1756.4 1926.3 1169.5 1609.7 1324.2 270. MO DY HR K -----------12 6 1 3 7 6 12 6 1 4 3 2 12 6 12 6 3 5 1 6 12 6 7 3 5 6 3 4 13 6 130 3 8 3 8 3 9 3 8 3 s 3 s 6 4 3 PEAK KW/YR TOTAL AS EOUIVALNT EOUIVA KWH KWN ---- ------------------------------ SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR 1.10 1.14 1.19 1.31 1.27 1.34 1.28 1.17 1.22 1.21 0.97 1.45 1.04 1.20 1.16 6 10 7 3 7 3 7 7 3 7 8 7 5 7 1 6 3 6 3 6 3 2 3 2 8 2 3 5 8 2 3 5 3 2 3 4 3 2 3 6 3 2 3 5 3 757.7 738.9 631.0 306.0 739.3 698.5 735.1 730.6 709.0 697.2 635.4 749.7 503.3 709.1 716.9 1961.3 2397.7 1647.4 2177.5 2205.0 2018.7 2149.6 2230.1 2303.3 1932.9 1043.7 2493.5 1450.0 1717.6 2003.6 ELECTRO-OPTIC-2 0. AZIMUTH CITY AL5UGUERoUE NM SOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI EL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH 146.3 350.8 902.6 36.2 322.6 461.5 51.8 556.1 624.8 0.0 155.8 305.8 2.7 20.8 221.3 324.9 COOL LOAD KWH 1092.9 591.3 416.5 977.5 981.1 770.0 1072.7 632.8 594.5 1323.2 838.4 615.9 1520.4 794.1 499.6 737.9 LITE LOAD KWH 115.5 207.2 224.7 160.7 172.7 125.0 147.6 160.4 186.7 155.6 195.6 211.5 127.2 141.9 273.7 191.5 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1356.7 1149.4 1543.8 1176.4 1476.5 1356.5 1272.1 1349.3 1406.0 1478.8 1189.8 1133.1 1650.3 956.8 994.6 1254.2 ANUAL 'PEAK MO DY HR KW 0.96 1.36 1.65 0.86 1.34 1.49 1.11 1.47 1.44 0.9 1.24 1.30 0.98 0.72 1.26 1.32 12 12 1 12 12 1 1 12 12 9 1 12 9 12 1 12 AZIMUTH CITY ALBUQUERQUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHOILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC NEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH 329.0 496.6 1159.7 107.4 453.7 719.8 129.0 759.6 325.3 0.0 235.7 405.1 52.0 103.0 307.4 442.1 914.7 477.0 334.2 941.2 691.2 621.0 955.9 501.3 478.7 1219.7 715.5 499.9 1357.0 631.4 397.1 610.7 LITE LOAD KWH 99.0 205.2 223.9 156.1 171.9 120.9 146.0 171.5 194.6 143.1 191.6 212.7 120.1 126.9 233.2 193.0 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1341.7 1179.9 1722.7 1104.7 1316.3 1461.6 1231.0 1432.4 1498.6 1362.7 1143.0 1117.7 1529.2 861.3 977.7 1245.8 ALBUQUERQUE NM ROSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD COOL LOAD KWH 415.2 600.2 1347.1 141.4 540.2 874.5 163.3 399.8 995.4 0.0 286.8 488.9 77.1 139.1 376.3 503.4 499.2 322.7 186.6 637.7 428.8 284.7 690.9 279.0 308.2 1006.1 539.2 357.8 960.8 350.7 227.3 431.2 KWH LITE LOAD KWH 146.5 233.6 256.0 173.1 195.7 160.3 160.9 204.1 217.0 155.9 210.0 233.1 140.7 151.3 310.1 207.0 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1059.9 1156.6 1789.7 952.2 1164.7 1319.5 1015.1 1380.8 1520.6 1162.0 1036.0 1079.6 1179.6 641.1 913.7 1141.6 BOSTON MA CARI3OU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY HE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH LITE LOAD KWH TOTAL LOAD KWH 401.8 1016.1 54.5 331.1 523.4 72.4 622.3 720.8 0.0 179.7 343.7 9.1 38.9 255.6 365.4 478.0 321.6 341.0 663.2 590.7 936.6 484.5 471.4 1242.8 725.8 494.7 1366.1 616.9 337.3 612.6 226.4 247.3 171.0 190.7 153.6 159.6 139.9 211.2 160.5 207.6 229.0 142.7 153.0 295.1 203.3 1103.2 1585.0 1066.4 1240.0 1272.7 1168.6 1296.7 1403.4 1403.3 1113.1 1067.3 1517.9 608.7 938.7 1131.3 8 6 8 9 8 8 3 9 9 8 8 0.66 0.63 1.15 0.62 0.78 0.64 0.86 0.68 0.62 0.88 0.73 0.66 0.98 0.60 0.61 0.67 10 7 10 8 10 10 8 9 7 9 7 8 9 10 7 3 2 3 6 2 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 6 2 3 2 5 12 18 8 8 12 12 8 12 18 9 9 17 6 12 16 17 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW 1.22 1.38 1.71 1.09 1.37 1.55 1.16 1.55 1.56 0.85 1.25 1.36 0.92 1.03 1.30 1.33 0.62 0.74 1.19 0.80 0.75 0.95 0.37 1.05 0.85 0.85 0.74 0.65 0.91 0.59 0.77 0.67 12 12 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 12 1 12 12 TOTAL 493.0 655.1 710.2 487.0 645.9 565.0 532.7 593.0 640.0 526.7 574.1 607.8 544.2 405.1 631.3 617.3 1849.7 1804.5 2254.0 1663.4 2122.3 1941.5 1804.8 1942.3 2046.0 2005.5 1763.9 1740.9 2194.5 1361.9 1626.0 1871.5 PEAK KW/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EDUIVA KWH EGUIVA! KWH 4 6 3 4 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 2 4 2 3 6 9 8 0 3 9 a 3 I 8 3 9 S 8 9 8 7 10 10 8 8 10 7 10 10 7 7 9 7 7 10 7 2 6 6 2 2 4 6 6 3 2 2 3 4 2 6 2 15 8 3 8 8 15 U 8 8 8 8 17 8 15 6 18 629.2 691.5 755.9 525.6 662.7 688.3 558.4 719.3 694.8 509.4 598.9 619.3 575.5 -479.7 653.4 633.0 1970.9 1860.4 2478.7 1630.3 1979.5 2150.0 1789.4 2151.7 2193.4 1972.1 1741.9 1737.0 2104.7 1341.0 1631.1 1879.8 190. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVA KWH 1.25 1.41 1.74 1.12 1.38 1.58 1.16 1.53 1.60 0.86 1.26 1.42 0.95 1.06 1.32 1.33 0.73 0.80 1.19 0.78 0.90 0.99 0.36 1.07 0.93 0.86 0.72 0.64 0.90 0.55 0.92 0.66 565.8 681.8 776.7 537.9 659.6 667.6 559.6 713.2 700.6 506.6 604.4 627.1 549.9 475.0 668.7 636.8 1645.7 1838.4 2566.5 1490.2 1824.2 1987.1 1574.7 2094.0 2221.3 1668.6 1640.4 1706.T 1728.5 1116.1 1582.5 1778.5 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KW/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVA KWH 0.34 1.15 1.07 1.16 1.03 1.20 1.12 0.89 1.11 1.09 0.79 1.29 0.75 0.90 0.99 690.1 712.6 571.5 719.8 676.0 626.2 650.4 660.9 638.9 641.3 630.1 665.5 448.9 670.5 657.5 1799.3 2297.6 1637.9 1959.8 1943.7 1794.8 1947.1 2064.3 2042.2 1754.4 1697.4 2183.4 1257.7 1609.2 183.8 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 12 1 12 12 3 2 3 4 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 2 4 2 3 6 ANUAL PEAK MO DY KW 1.37 1.63 1.07 1.36 1.53 1.20 1.43 1.46 1.11 1.25 1.31 1.29 0.91 1.23 1.33 9 8 8 3 a 0 3 6 8 8 a 8 6 8 6 8 7 10 10 7 10 10 7 10 10 6 7 8 7 9 10 8 2 8 6 6 6 6 2 9 3 9 4 8 6 9 6 8 2 8 2 8 2 8 4 17 4 3 2 17 3 8 5 17 270. AZIMUTH CITY 8 9 9 8 6 PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH 90. AZIMUTH CITY 6 6 3 6 6 4 6 6 6 2 6 6 2 5 6 6 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR MW 12 1 7 12 1 3 12 12 a 1 12 7 12 3 12 131 6 3 6 6 4 2 6 6 5 6 6 2 5 4 6 HR 8 5 8 3 8 8 3 3 3 3 I 9 3 8 3 7 10 7 3 6 3 7 7 3 7 3 7 5 7 7 2 S 6 3 6 3 2 3 2 3 2 S 5 3 2 6 5 U 2 8 4 3 2 3 6 8 2 3 2 8 ELECTRO-OPTIC-3 0. AZIMUTH CITY ALBUOUEROUE NM POSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI EL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH 169.5 360.4 951.6 50.7 364.1 511.4 63.8 591.6 649.6 0.0 171.2 324.2 4.5 33.0 236.5 343.3 COOL LOAD KWH 795.3 512.0 329.5 176.5 727.3 514.2 928.3 490.5 476.0 1282.6 750.6 550.5 1244.9 613.1 398.8 623.3 LITE LOAD KWH 115.5 207.2 224.7 160.7 172.7 125.0 147.6 160.4 186.7 155.6 195.6 211.5 127.2 141.9 273.7 191.5 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1100.3 1087.7 1505.8 1087.8 1264.2 1150.6 1139.6 1232.5 1312.3 1438.2 1117.5 1006.1 1376.6 78.0 908.9 1158.1 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW 1.00 1.37 1.66 0.95 1.35 1.52 1.12 1.48 1.45 1.06 1.24 1.31 1.14 0.82 1.26 1.32 0.76 0.63 1.16 0.95 0.73 0.62 1.02 0.64 0.61 1.06 0.81 0.69 1.14 0.57 0.65 0.67 12 12 1 0 12 1 1 12 12 9 1 12 8 12 3 12 AZIMUTH CITY BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA NO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI EL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH 502.0 1186.7 108.4 465.8 741.5 133.9 778.6 505.4 332.4 399.3 668.0 544.2 953.0 490.9 480.2 1281.9 751.7 543.1 1291.6 613.0 401.0 638.0 845.7 0.0 232.1 409.2 58.6 112.0 314.6 442.1 LITE LOAD KWH 205.2 228.9 156.1 171.9 120.9 146.0 171.5 194.6 143.1 191.8 212.7 120.1 126.9 283.2 193.0 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1212.6 1748.0 1163.0 1305.8 1406.6 1233.0 1441.0 1520.6 1424.9 1175.6 1165.0 1470.4 851.8 993.9 1273.1 ROSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE PORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI PL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KWH 590.4 1338.4 136.3 533.2 655.0 157.6 389.1 989.1 0.2 276.4 483.0 72.0 131.4 371.7 496.8 500.6 323.7 920.8 617.6 508.5 942.1 455.2 482.0 1344.3 762.9 552.9 1245.6 619.7 377.9 626.7 LITE LOAD TOTAL LOAD KWH KWH 233.8 256.0 173.1 195.7 160.3 160.9 204.1 217.0 155.9 210.0 233.1 140.7 151.3 310.1 207.0 1324.8 1918.1 1230.2 1346.5 1523.8 1260.6 1543.4 1688.1 1500.5 1249.4 1268.9 1458.2 902.4 1059.7 1330.6 HEAT LOAD COOL LOAD KWH KWH LITE TOTAL LOAD LOAD KWH KWH ; i6aF;----------------------------------POSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC 398.8 1019.3 57.0 390.3 525.4 69.4 617.4 722.8 0.0 175.6 343.3 11.0 39.1 253.4 360.0 530.9 361.2 902.3 671.2 594.9 954.8 531.8 515.9 1297.0 760.7 560.5 1308.4 669.3 423.1 653.9 228.4 247.3 171.0 190.7 156.6 159.6 189.9 211.2 160.5 207.6 229.0 142.7 153.0 295.1 203.3 1158.1 1627.7 1130.3 1252.6 1278.9 1183.8 1339.0 1449.9 1457.6 1143.9 1132.3 1462.1 361.4 971.7 1217.2 8 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW 1.38 1.71 1.09 1.37 1.55 1.16 1.56 1.56 0.90 1.25 1.36 1.04 1.04 1.30 1.33 12 1 1 12 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 12 12 1564.6 1746.7 2220.6 1608.3 188.4 1726.3 1688.1 1813.1 1948.5 1991.3 1706.5 1696.4 1896.1 1197.3 1546.6 1774.1 PEAK KW/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVAI KWH 6 3 4 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 2 6 2 4 6 674.8 760.6 536.9 639.0 658.5 572.0 706.3 693.0 548.2 599.2 621.6 574.8 474.8 652.2 632.4 187.4 ;508.6 1700.6 1944.8 2065.1 1804.9 2147.3 2213.5 1973.2 1774.8 1786.6 2045.2 1326.6 1651.1 1905.5 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR Kw PEAK KW/YR AS EGUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EGUIVA: KWH 0.75 1.19 0.87 0.80 0.97 1.03 1.06 0.92 1.03 0.79 0.66 1.04 0.55 0.92 0.68 681.8 772.1 559.9 655.2 672.0 582.6 716.4 704.2 557.6 609.9 629.8 583.3 481.6 663.1 644.7 2006.7 2690.: 1790.1 2001.6 2195.8 1843.1 2264.8 2392.3 2058.1 1859.1 1998.8 2041.5 1384.0 1722.8 1975.3 SUMMER PEAK KW 8 8 3 S S 8 S 8 8 8 8 I 3 8 8 ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR Kw 1.41 1.74 1.11 1.38 1.58 1.17 1.58 1.60 1.03 1.26 1.42 1.04 1.06 1.32 1.33 464.3 659.1 714.8 520.6 624.3 575.7 548.5 580.6 636.1 553.1 589.0 610.3 519.5 409.2 637.7 616.0 7 7 10 8 7 7 7 7 7 9 7 3 8 9 10 8 2 3 6 2 2 5 6 5 3 2 2 4 2 2 6 5 8 18 a 9 8 18 8 18 18 3 8 8 8 17 8 17 0.71 1.18 0.88 0.65 0.96 1.02 1.05 0.87 0.98 0.30 0.66 1.04 0.56 0.77 0.67 MO DY HR 10 6 8 10 6 8 9 -2 8 3 2 18 10 4 S 7 6 8 10 6 3 10 3 8 7 2 9 7 2 I 9 4 17 7 6 8 9 3 17 10 6 8 7 2 13 190. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 12 12 AZIMUTH CITY 3 B TOTAL EQUIVAL KWH 90. AZIMUTH CITY 6 6 3 2 6 4 6 6 6 2 6 6 2 5 4 6 PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH 2 3 4 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 2 6 2 3 6 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 S 8 9 8 3 8 8 9 10 10 8 10 10 7 10 10 6 7 3 7 9 10 3 6 U 6 8 2 8 2 8 4 8 6 U 6 a 2 8 2 8 2 8 4 17 6 8 2 17 3 6 5 17 270. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK KW/YR PEAK MO DY HR AS EQUIVALNT KW KWH ----------------- TOTAL EGUIVA: KWH ~i----------------- 1.37 1.68 0.98 1.36 1.53 1.12 1.48 1.46 0.96 1.25 1.31 1.09 0.57 1.27 1.33 12 1 1 12 1 1 12 12 8 1 12 7 12 3 12 132 6 3 4 6 4 6 6 6 5 6 6 2 5 4 6 3 8 8 8 S 8 S S 8 1 8 1 U 8 8 0.65 1.15 0.90 0.38 0.35 1.00 0.70 0.81 0.96 0.90 0.68 1.09 0.56 0.63 0.67 5 10 7 8 9 S 7 10 8 7 8 7 9 10 8 5 8 6 8 2 8 2 8 4 8 2 3 5 3 4 8 5 3 2 8 6 17 2 9 2 17 6 8 5 17 664.8 702.7 535.4 654.7 615.6 562.6 593.6 658.8 553.2 590.5 612.8 553.7 418.5 633.6 617.8 1822.9 2330.4 1665.7 1907.4 1894.5 1746.4 1932.6 2108.7 2010.8 1734.4 1745.6 2015.8 1279.8 1605.2 1835.1 ELECTRO-OPTIC-4 AZIMUTH CITY BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH 374.6 949.3 54.6 362.4 526.0 66.0 595.9 661.0 0.0 172.4 327.2 3.6 30.0 239.0 350.9 COOL LOAD KWH 470.5 301.3 826.9 680.7 465.9 976.6 446.9 439.8 1215.5 704.3 509.4 1186.8 565.6 364.2 581.9 LITE LOAD KWH 212.2 229.3 166.0 174.3 126.2 153.9 165.4 191.7 156.0 199.7 215.6 127.6 143.5 291.1 197.6 TOTAL LOAD KU 1057.3 1479.9 1047.5 1217.4 1119.1 1096.5 1208.2 1292.5 1371.5 1076.4 1052.1 1318.0 747.1 94.3 1130.4 0. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KW SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW 1.37 1.66 0.97 1.35 1.52 1.15 1.40 1.45 1.02 1.25 1.31 1.10 0.85 1.26 1.32 0.62 1.17 0.91 0.67 0.61 0.99 0.64 0.61 1.02 0.79 0.67 1.10 0.56 0.67 0.66 12 1 12 12 1 1 12 12 9 1 2 9 12 1 12 AZIMUTH CITY ALBUQUERQUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KUH COOL LOAD KUH 343.1 509.3 1190.8 115.6 478.5759.2 141.4 735.7 753.3 464.2 300.5 039.A 617.6 492.2 894.4 446.4 441.8 1211.7 700.9 500.2 1219.0 557.8 362.9 599.6 859.3 0.0 237.9 413.9 62.5 121.2 322.3 452.1 LITE LOAD KWH 99.4 207.7 234.7 160.2 175.6 122.5 149.3 175.2 199.2 144.7 195.6 216.4 120.1 128.9 292.1 198.0 TOTAL LOAD KU ANUAL PEAK KW 1195.9 1191.2 1726.0 1115.9 1271.6 1372.9 1185.1 1407.4 1500.3 1356.4 1134.3 1130.5 1401.7 807.9 977.3 1239.8 1.24 1.38 1.71 1.10 1.38 1.55 1.17 1.55 1.57 0.95 1.25 1.37 1.01 1.07 1.31 1.35 AZIMUTH CITY ALBUQUERQUE NM BOSTON MA CARIBOU ME CHARLESTON SC COLUMBIA MO ELY NE FORT WORTH TX GREAT FALLS MT MADISON WI MIAMI FL NASHVILLE TN NEW YORK NY PHOENIX AZ SANTA MARIA CA SEATTLE WA WASHINGTON DC HEAT LOAD KWH COOL LOAD KU 409.9 603.0 1350.5 141.8 545.6 377.6 164.0 904.6 1002.0 0.5 294.2 492.9 75.7 140.4 379.4 504.8 697.1 455.5 239.3 349.9 567.4 451.7 374.4 409.0 438.4 1258.0 703.7 506.2 1163.6 555.1 337.0 575.9 LITE LOAD KUM 150.1 237.6 262.9 173.5 200.2 163.6 163.8 208.2 223.2 157.2 214.2 240.5 140.7 155.9 315.6 213.7 TOTAL LOAD KWH 1256.1 1296.1 1901.7 1165.2 1313.1 1493.0 1202.2 1521.8 1663.6 1415.6 1202.1 1239.6 1379.9 351.4 1032.0 1294.4 6 3 6 6 4 6 6 6 2 6 4 2 5 6 6 8 8 3 5 S S 3 S 3 9 3 3 6 9 S PEAK KW/YR AS EGUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EQUIVAI 662.5 726.2 512.1 626.6 589.4 544.5 590.1 639.5 539.4 585.2 612.4 510.0 414.3 643.0 619.1 1719.9 2206.1 1559.6 1944.1 1706.4 1641.0 1798.4 1931.0 1910.0 1661.6 1664.6 1825.0 1161.4 1527.3 1749.6 SUMMER PEAK MO DY HR KW PEAK KW/YR AS EQUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EGUIVAI KWH 0.71 0.73 1.19 0.85 0.67 0.99 0.99 1.09 0.90 0.95 0.76 0.65 1.01 0.59 0.81 0.67 594.6 677.5 767.8 542.2 646.6 668.0 570.7 715.3 703.0 534.1 599.1 626.7 573.3 484.9 659.4 641.2 1790.4 1858.7 2493.8 1658.0 1918.2 2040.9 1755.8 2122.6 2203.4 1990.E 1733.4 1757.2 1975.0 1292.9 1636.6 181.0 7 10 a 7 7 7 7 7 9 7 9 9 9 5 8 3'18 6 8 2 a 2 9 5 is 6 8 5 18 3 19 2 3 2 8 6 17 2 9 2 17 6 9 5 17 KWH 90. MO 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 S 1 1 7 1 12 1 DY HR 4 2 3 4 6 4 6 2 2 2 6 2 6 2 3 5 9 8 9 3 9 9 U S 3 3 3 U S 1 3 8 7 2 10 6 10 ~6 8 2 10 3 10 4 7 6 10 6 10 3 3 2 7 2 8 4 7 6 9 2 10 3 3 5 9 9 a 9 3 9 6 3 8 8 8 17 3 17 8 17 130. ANUAL PEAK MO DY HR KU SUMMER MO DY HR PEAK KW PEAK KW/YR AS EOUIVALNT KWH TOTAL EGUIVAI KWH 1.23 1.42 1.74 1.12 1.39 1.58 1.18 1.59 1.61 0.93 1.26 1.43 1.01 1.09 1.32 1.37 0.74 0.77 1.20 0.84 0.84 1.00 0.99 1.09 0.96 0.99 0.76 0.67 1.01 0.55 0.95 0.69 597.4 695.7 783.7 561.2 662.0 682.3 590.4 725.3 713.7 541.6 609.6 636.2 580.9 490.3 668.7 654.9 1953.4 1991.9 2685.4 1726.5 1975.2 2175.2 1782.6 2247.0 2377.3 1957.2 1911.0 1975.7 1960.8 1341.7 1700.6 1949.2 AZIMUTH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 1 6 1 1 7 1 12 1 2 2 3 4 6 4 6 2 2 2 6 2 6 2 3 5 3 3 5 8 3 8 3 3 3 3 3 9 a 3 S 3 7 10 10 3 10 10 7 10 10 6 7 3 7 9 10 10 2 9 6 0 6 9 2 3 2 3 4 3 6 3 6 9 2 U 2 8 2 3 6 17 6 8 2 17 3 3 2 8 270. HEAT COOL LITE TOTAL ANUAL SUMMER LOAD LOAD LOAD LOAD PEAK MO DY HR PEAK KU KWH KU KU KU KU ----------------------------------------BOSTON MA 407.5 435.8 232.5 1125.8 1.37 12 6 8 0.63 CARIBOU ME 1027.3 326.1 252.6 1606.0 1.63 1 3 3 1.16 CHARLESTON SC 59.3 845.8 173.5 1073.2 1.01 1 4 9 0.33 COLUMBIA MO 394.5 620.9 193.5 1209.0 1.36 12 6 3 0.85 ELY NE 533.8 542.0 159.9 1235.7 1.53 1 4 3 0.77 FORT WORTH TX 73.3 99.2 163.0 1134.4 1.15 1 6 3 0.99 GREAT FALLS MT 630.1 491.9 194.0 1316.1 1.43 12 6 1 0.73 MADISON WI 734.2 471.3 216.6 1422.6 1.46 12 6 8 0.65 MIAMI FL 0.0 1225.6 160.5 1336.1 0.94 3 5 3 0.94 NASHVILLE TN 162.6 707.1 211.3 1101.4 1.25 1 6 1 0.37 NEW YORK NY 350.0 519.3 234.2 1104.0 1.32 2 4 S 0.67 PHOENIX AZ 3.2 1241.8 142.7 1392.7 1.07 7 2 8 1.07 SANTA MARIA CA 40.2 611.4 155.5 307.1 0.91 12 5 1 0.71 SEATTLE WA 259.2 382.5 302.3 944.0 1.27 3 4 3 0.65 WASHINGTON DC 363.2 602.1 209.2 1174.5 1.32 12 6 3 0.67 CITY 133 PEAK KW/YR TOTAL AS EOUIVALNT EQUIVA. KWH KWH ------------------------------- MO DY HR 7 10 7 8 9 3 9 10 9 7 3 7 5 10 8 3 13 6 S 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 5 3 5 I 5 a 2 S 6 17 2 3 3 3 6 3 5 17 663.2 712.4 531.0 647.9 597.2 560.2 603.9 649.3 533.7 592.4 611.9 542.5 432.8 638.9 618.2 1799.0 2319.3 1609.2 1956.9 1332.9 1694.6 1924.9 2071.9 1924.8 1693.8 1715.9 1935.2 1239.9 1582.9 1792.7 WwZOE@m3mWe~t n M3Wl e a 0 * & aj & : OU0'u e 1- 2 I i a -e 0 & "i 41% *1 .I MbM.0P UCsboi e O 0 l jW UO I 1uPPn &0 0'e ei %3 fOg . 3 eUb - %4 0WO aw e 8-0 Odl 00 bt I '*a I 1 w ee e Wee l I * 4O N *UU ~ ~~ GI 0 W 0 -D W ,9~~ 0 C P. 1 a 2 2I eta a a -* W cc 0 I 2 Ia "*. amer 4 coo x c-oo ato Or' aW . 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