THE URBAN GARDEN: PORT ALLIANCE, TEXAS BY ISAAC HALL MANNING MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE, 1985 VIRGINIA POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE AND STATE UNIVERSTIY BACHELOR OF ARTS, 1981 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY Submitted to the Department of Architecture fulfillment of the requirements for in partial the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE STUDIES at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 1990 @ Isaac Hall Manning, 1990 All rights reserved The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author__ Isaac Hall Manning Department of Architecture May 11, 1990 Certified by Julian Beinart Profe4sor of Architecture Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Julian einart Chairman Departmental Committee for Graduate Students MASSACHUSETTS INST!TUTE OF TECWII noGY MFAY 3 0 1990 LIBRAH*S Rotch MITLibraries Document Services Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Both the Library and Archive versions of this thesis contain poor quality image reproductions. This is the best copy available. THE URBAN GARDEN: PORT ALLIANCE, TEXAS by ISAAC HALL MANNING Submitted to the Department of Architecture on May 11, 1990 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Architecture Studies ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on of three urban parks; Central Park in New York, the Fens to Franklin Park in Boston, and Rock Creek Park in Washington, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and the growth of the cities around them. Imbedded in the histories of the parks and their cities are strategies for the development of a new town on the plains of north Texas around an airport named Alliance. A regional park system organized along the creek bottoms and flood plains surrounding Alliance can be a strong organizing element for growth in the last undeveloped quadrant of the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Not unlike the area around Alliance, Olmsted's parks were in the path of urban growth , yet each of the parks has been bounded by a diverse range of built responses from the cities that now surround them. This thesis examines the evolution of the urban edge where Olmsted's parks and their cities meet. The built domain that bounds the parks is called the Urban Garden. The Urban Garden is a metaphorical set of ideas about how the urban edge of the city and the park interact. The variations in the Urban Gardens of New York, Boston, and Washington provide vivid examples of how cities build at the edge of urban parks. These variations of the urban edge suggest some possible futures for the parks and the city that will develop around Alliance. Thesis Advisor: Julian Beinart Title: Professor of Architecture 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS thesis This Kamphoefner, Emeritus, Dean memory School of Henry left Carolina State University. Mabel on the to dedicated is Valentines Day, 1990. mentor and friend. Henry of Design, L. North us to join his wife He was a great educator, He is missed. I would also like to thank the following people: My advisor Julian Beinart for his interest, his insights and his guidence throughout the course of my MIT career; my readers for keeping the thesis on Elizabeth Meyer and Peter Droege track, focused, and for their expertise in their respective fields; my classmates, professors, and other members of the for making the time MIT community and for broadening parents and my perception of the family for encouragement; Ross for giving me spent here challenging, world forever; my their continual love, rest of the and the an opportunity to pursue support and Texas contingent the vision; and finally, Libby for her patience, love, and friendship, also for opening her mind to my wherever it leads us. world and wanting to share it 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT.............................................p.... 3 ACKNOWLEGEMENTS......................................p....5 TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................p... .7 INTRODUCTION.........................................p....9 CHAPTER I: ALLIANCE AND THE URBAN CONDITIONS.........p...21 CHAPTER II: URBAN METAPHORS: THE URBAN GARDEN.........p...41 CHAPTER III: OLMSTED AND THE URBAN GARDEN.............p.. .55 CHAPTER IV: THE PARKS AND THEIR CITIES...............p...65 CHAPTER V: THE WALLS OF THE URBAN GARDEN.............p...85 CHAPTER VI: THE URBAN GARDEN FOR ALLIANCE............p..123 CONCLUSION.................... . . . . . . . . . p.. 157 FOOTNOTES............................................p..159 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS................................p..165 BIBLIOGRAPHY.........................................p..171 ... INTRODUCTION This thesis is like a novel; it has central characters and events. These characters in chronological order vehicle void in the way that insight stories of people, institutions, hand, architectural the physical legacy explores the the growth of the thesis is searching for the apparent is documented. of cities and events. historians seem beyond ideas into the growth of cities historians portray The an this insight Part of themselves. They are the or in neat packages. provides that and events are not portrayed only to through the On the other sift through buildings themselves. This characters and the forces that are in the netherland between the events and the buildings. This netherland is the urban edge. In this thesis the urban edge is defined as an area of study that lies between the specific architecture of buildings and realm of city planning. I This thesis is urban edge. written from They are places and impact on our lives at discrete chapters. are about this This framework called conditions reflect The story unfolds in They begin and end with the new city of the north Texas. transformation of metamorphosis revealed. people that have all had an some level. the plains of Alliance, on through of the The characters in this original story are very familiar. between the perspective transformation the urban that is the The cities. It conditions. through The is are characters examined ideas about cities and chapters in a urban the forces that shape their urban There is edges. patriarch of the a family, Frederick Law Olmsted, who metaphorically conceived up his family. three very different urban parks that make These offspring live in three American cities. lives of and these children their It is the relationship to the cities around them that this thesis is interested in. s progeny, Olmsted's in Washington have left legacy of existence, in the today, elements of their history at Alliance. Their powerful aspects past of the the behind a physical and a tenuous history respective cities. their York, Franklin Park) in Boston, and Emerald Necklace(The Fens to Rock Creek Park New Park in Central of their lives for Extrapolated use and legacy can be applied represents some future for another of the most generation of characters. The father of the clan is Frederick Law Olmsted. He designed the parks and is often credited with fathering the profession of landscape architecture His life was a continual journey a seaman, to Staten Island traveler studying in the United States. that took him to China as as a farmer, to England agriculture and parks, across as a the south as a writer documenting the economic conditions of slavery, to Washington as a member of the Sanitary Commission during the Civil War, Yosemite Valley, Europe as experience a to California to and then all landscape would evolve manage over the United architect. into his architecture.(1) His progeny are 10 mines This in States and diversity life's work, the of landscape all over the country, but the three central characters that this story will address live today in New York, Boston, and Washington. Central Park, the Emerald Necklace, and Rock Creek Park were all just cities have parks at each evolved developed their own them have not been over types, time. of refuge have cities around them The parks themselves to adapt and patterns, development responses by a range of to their own for the inhabitants different generated have which unique ecosystems. functions from purifying to controlling flood waters, the air, parks amorphous masses. serve a variety of As parks they The their built domains around parks represent natural systems parks and The settlement The strategies. The edges, as have the boundaries become building time. to park's presence. in response have one to providing places of the city, to preserving fragile ecosystems. The parks each have their own boundaries and layers of that spaces have degrees of public hierarchies differentiated and private spaces. The by varying parks are both extensions and reflections of the cities around them. as nature's foils have stood cities. They have felt the of their to the development physical They pressures of the expanding cities and have dealt with man's threats to their very existence. elements which Like the cities act as barriers and around them, they have thresholds. As parks, they represent the natural elements in the urban form. urban edge that develops in response to these elements inspired the metaphor of the Urban Garden. 11 The natural ARLINGTON the framework of the that lies between urban arrangement the scale building and maps Each of the four urban planners. Oasis, the Urban Urban Garden, is a metaphor for a conceptual The a framework the metaphors evolved from personal observations of the urban conditions cities. As urban conditions pieces of cities visualizing large their own each with within cities of spaces discernable characteristics. about urban Urban Theatre, the Urban conditions; the Wall and the city at the architecture of a of the city and regional The conditions. to describe the a tool conditions are make up of four metaphors that Garden is one The Urban are a way of level of with a great detail. This of level detail comprehend the scale Alliance. sixteen On the is of the city that plains of thousand acres of to necessary begin to will develop around Texas north of Fort noncontiguous Worth, land have been assembled. The first airport devoted solely to industry in the United States is its center piece. That airport is appropriately named Alliance in honor of the public-private partnership that around Alliance expected to forged its development. the new extension the next develop in On the of an existing twenty or land city is thirty years. The planners have already designated the land-use patterns. They have drawn layering of planning the city. maps landscape that there have begun roads and in the with the colors Intermixed is a very the future real has its own physical three of the dimensional layers of boundaries. There are creeks and flood plains in the existing landscape Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. Figure 5. DENTON I z til ~11' ARLINGTON gure 6. There that have allowed trees to grow in the bottom lands. Texas climate. the harshness of the There are differences lives and determines what water that salinity of in the only adapt themselves to grasses and trees to certain types of allowed that have types soil in the changes are dies in the landscape. Nature has already The natural systems to be about the form of this new city. set aside have already been laid out. creek bottoms which run new The town. schematically laid out The flood plains and and knit throughout this region, creating the first layers of together the vast acreage are this clues first, dominant the given already has Garden Urban by nature, but what been does that mean to the form of the future city, and what does it have to do Once system. to create only serves flood plains set aside, these boundary that will form an edge parks? three urban his of linear parks along Creating a series and and Law Olmsted Frederick with parks the creek bottoms a possible park will establish a What will to be built to. of the parks be the relationship between the natural edge and the edge of the built domain that will eventually grow to it? Olmsted's parks strategies for the creation spaces and parks built edge that Park, the provide numerous design , elements and of Alliance's system of open as well as for alternative forms for the will eventually Emerald Necklace, and become inseparable elements exist. They have surround them. Central Rock Creek Park have all of the cities in their own stories to tell, 17 which they but they can also help to tell the Texas as foundation a new for continue on story will vision their With history of the cities generation another of human becomes of the settlement. will be carried forward: there are also new elements available his work. the plains open spaces generation of Elements of Olmsted's parks around them. today that will build upon Where are the opportunities to merge the lessons from Olmsted and his progeny with the promise of the future at Alliance? explore. That is question that this thesis will 19 Figure 7. Figure 8. CHAPTER I: ALLIANCE AND THE URBAN CONDITIONS Alliance, the airport, is only one piece of a regional development airport exist on in conjunction with the Federal city of Fort Worth, Texas, is single industrial city that has fly today orbiter and has direct and materials. The ninety-two capacity to land everything has the access, runway In addition to land that Alliance Alliance the point of far does uniquely This location makes an intermodal facility the analogy go that can forms of transportation. the port of the future, Alliance has been characterized as but how also is main line of advantage of the three take full low earth Interstate 1-35 and the Fe Railroad. potential focal of the with the exception the space shuttle. situated adjacent to the Sante a new been envisioned to take advantage of goods foot runway that will foundation of a manufacturing on air transportation for of the reliance of hundred owned by hundred acres is the Alliance landholder. the distribution Surrounding the runways and apron thirty-eight an additional the owned by the two hundred and forty acres Aviation Administration. of boundaries physical The project. towards building a city around it? Aside from its Alliance has been the area's future will this as the port described as the engine economic development, economic development under cultivation? the Santa analogy The first Fe railroad which of the future, that will drive but what bring to the impact plains still tenant around the airport is has built a car distribution avoo AMUNG8EAMu Figure 9. Figure 10. Honda and Ford regional distribution point for serve as a the dealerships across the trucked to in by rail and cars will be shipped where new This facility will western edge of property. yard on the tenant is The second region. American Airlines which is building a wide body maintenance The Drug facility on two hundred acres with runway access. Enforcement Agency will be building a facility to house the And access. with runway of its southern air wing, also rounding out the list of initial ninety planes tenants is the Ishida Corporation of Japan that will be developing the interstate access; the airport, of take advantage will These diverse uses its tilt wing aircraft. prototype for indicative of industries are if these and rail, air the be the resulting form of the the future tenants, what will airport and the town that will be built to support it? Is Alliance the new industrial community of the future, food distribution hub for departure grows around that rural legacy left environment land? that can What efforts insure a behind for the in for be a of this new relationship to the can be made in the planning stages to proper environmental accounting that the growth of and the new Will there dwellers man's Will new standards set development? explain United States the world? Alliance environmentally responsible the from major of arrival the point that is food products become a Alliance produce grown around return for city Will manufacturers? tomorrow's today and time inventory" demands of to "just in the key Will Alliance be industries? based on clean non-polluting this new city to be offset will enable by programs that I® @ ARLNGTON 11 are questions is the future possible about one attitude but off, years many represent they that understands city that not mutually and the environment are economic development an This for Alliance. future environmental answers to these The lost natural resources? replace the exclusive objectives. along the thirty miles of In addition to the airport, thousand seven twelve parcels of different residential program north are for beltway nine parcels of the Hillwood thirty-five of Park Glen and Hillwood are bisected by which are Fort phases first the at Park Glen and hundred acres twenty-five with the Beginning land. To the north hundred acres. spread across acres hundred Worth Fort to closest Denton there are between Fort Worth and the 1-35 corridor State Worth, the new Highway(SH) 170. Within sight from the future interchange of SH 170 and 1-35 over of the crest of runway a hill, into Alliance comes thirty-eight hundred acres. SH 114, view, surrounded by the Town that abut foot its Above Alliance to the north of and seventeen of sixteen hundred are two parcels hundred acres ninety-two hundred the of Justin, Texas. The last parcel of land in the 1-35 corridor is the thirty-four hundred acres of the old McHutcheon ranch, just to the present an south of Denton, Texas. These noncontiguous interesting challenge at a have a direct counties, eight impact on land holdings regional scale. an area that municipalities, three The properties consists of school two districts, numerous watersheds, a range of geographical features, soil 25 Figure 12. Figure 13. Figure 14. Figure 15. Figure 16. 30 Figure 17. types, water qualities, and a multitude of flora and fauna. What all of this diversity implies is that Alliance and its associated projects developments that exist number of physically, and socially, Because of the diversity in the region it is economically. to become in the immersed minutia and of details This minutia distracts the public focus special interests. way from levels, different in a its respective communities at Each parcel impacts vacuum. easy are not the long term issues that will seriously impact the regional development of the area. As a region, this part by a single authority entire region. can to make decisions that There are, however, regional begin to regional of north Texas is not empowered become spatial scale. systems that organizers for Infrastructure such as affect the growth on highways, a mass transportation, sewer, and water would be a probable series of hierarchical elements that It that there is doubtful become a strong enough the others. an element area. Nature is a the region. single element organizing element The land itself that can could organize that can independent of has provided strong clues for shape the future development has created areas that of the are considered flood plains along creeks that permeate the region. Water is the common thread that runs throughout It is also a life sustainer in harshness of were in place a the Fort harsh natural environment. In the Worth climate, the natural systems the political boundaries were long before established by man. the area. 4I~I~ 'a' GRAPEVINE EAGLE ARLINGTON ARLINGTON ISO Figure 18. ARLINGTON to establish a hierarchy for property boundaries can begin environment around Alliance. the built Are the form to and amorphous mass. a spectrum form. To around? It has layers of issues constraints on the growth concerns the urban form evolution of over time, with each school time the water are addressed, It also becomes set of decisions and decision having of the districts, and State of Texas future of the entire city. an the urban By the of the city. becomes anything but amorphous. of a dynamic is not of decisions that deal with more than a set of metaphors about the city. is result for urban environment is only one cities, commissions, utilities, the city The outside the begin with, the of of cities? strong enough elements natural systems to grow how effective But influencing the growth systems at are natural and private transcend political systems that Natural an The city form actions made impact on the A casual line with a pen across a plan today will have an irrevocable impact on the part of the city that will develop around it in the coming years. Because complete ownership of the region is financially and politically impractical and this time there unfeasible, and because at enabled with any is no regional authority power to see that the region develops as a coherent whole, an alternative strategy is to find organizing elements that can knit together. hands of all of the diverse ownerships and interests The decision making power currently rests in the so many different groups, school boards, that from municipalities to a consensus on any to achieve, especially relating 35 issue is difficult to decisions affecting the area surrounding Alliance. Governments has development of power to an The North Texas Council overiding planning the region but carry out it is not enabled its planning this lack of a coordinating interest decisions. in of the with any In light of agency, an alternative must be found for Alliance. The northwest quadrant of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex where Alliance is located is the last quadrant to undergo significant development in more interesting local explanations growth and interest the location Worth. One of the for the past in development in this area of the stockyards lack of is due to on the north side of Fort In the days before cattle and hogs were slaughtered in package plants raised, they on, or near the ranches used to be shipped to slaughtered and processed. year, the land to virtually uninhabitable. bringing the where they were the Stockyards to be Because of the predominant wind direction that blows from south the the region. the to north ninety percent of north of the Stockyards The perception of the odors to north was vile wind has lingered longer than the Stockyards themselves. All local color aside, this Worth Metroplex is an cities, because it is not a area of interesting case the Dallas-Fort in the new town in the growth of sense of the British New Towns, or of the American New Towns of Columbia and Reston. The British New Towns developed autonomous control over an entire not or Reston in the United States developers controlled all of the land. like Columbia single land area. It with is also where The land a single owner is equivalent in area that is controlled by total area, but a regional as warrants a the strategy because development response and different it project parcels are not contiguous spaces. Because it is unlikely will be created to assume that a single governing agency the planning control of the land be explored. region, other alternatives must in the of absence a process for the region that impact will forces entity coordinating into smaller more a greater This planning the discreet pieces whole(the region). For instance, a regional system of parks instead of being under the auspices of one municipality becomes the links a number of towns and counties together in a network way Olmsted's Emerald of natural spaces, in much the same Necklace connected a system of parks parks and thread that parkways convey the and parkways. image of a These single element, when in fact they are a group of noncontiguous parks. strategy could be applied so that the region This around Alliance could be spatially linked in the same way Once Alliance the parks their development. there will be and parkways edges will certain responses on to be bounded by area becomes the elements edges of those center surrounded by housing, a mirco-neighborhood of the conditions can become a growth at the scale of the For example, if there is going to be a shopping center or village all of begin around As these boundaries continue to be introduced boundaries over time. then that are established urban conditions. that applies The urban form of development guidelines for the neighborhood, and the region as 37 development occurs. The use of the urban conditions can help to explain and control what the area will look like in the future. Because the land around Alliance cultivation, anything urban seems terms. is still under to be a contradiction of This is exactly the time, before the real onslaught of development begins, before constituencies, to These systems are growth the no growth movements form propose the possible regional systems. intended to provide a framework for the around Alliance cohesiveness as the that will bear some semblance of region eventually develops. Olmsted's parks provide clear examples of strategies for establishing natural spaces that can shape the path of development. The emphasis on the natural systems stems from their visual and environmental larger impact on systems provide will compensate the existing a framework for the lack landscape. These for development that of a physical plan like the ones imposed on New York and Washington. On the plains creek bottoms the Texas the and the occasional hedge rows otherwise of North are the horizontal vegetation on line of trees only real landscape. that form vertical relief The the climate on an is not conducive to the lush eastern vegetation of Olmsted's parks even with irrigation. The characteristics, the rainfall is temperature water is The extremes are hazardous to many creeks are times of also soils limiting limited and seasonal, the severe, and the saline types of trees subject to the year causing have much of ground and plants.(1) flooding during various the bottom land to be in located the FEMA (Federal Emergency Authority)designated flood plain. Because plain building is limited these areas designation, entirely, rendering Management of the or perfect flood excluded for park designation.(2) What these swaths of flood plain provide is a natural system of linear parks that weave their way through the countryside. In the much Frederick Law Olmsted's the same way that east coast parks in their time, were on the urban fringes this system of parks will be considered rural today because of its example nearest towns and relationship to the describing the park's and Olmsted's time follows: "Because of land, Central Park was located built area of Manhattan... By the leadership of Olmsted and their cities. An proximity in the high cost of urban far to the north of the end of century, under the his colleague Charles Eliot, the park system became a comprehensive metropolitan solution to the recreational needs of the modern city.(3) A park system for Alliance can serve more than just the recreational needs of this evolving city. the development become even absence of a to channel patterns of the formal plan there needs to growth conceptualize that conditions come in. built edge urban edge the more powerful as organizing the that in the By understanding parks can elements. In the be some framework Being region. able to growth is where metaphors of the urban The relationship of the parks to the surrounds them can be employing the metaphor of the Urban Garden. clarified by CHAPTER II: URBAN METAPHORS: of the Urban The development four came urban conditions Garden as a one from enclosure the Urban boundary of Central Park, with provide that Garden. a comprise different image is one Fens, Muddy Necklace The jewels of in the Boston Emerald a functioning sanitary and storm Necklace were designed as water retention system, that takes on as a regional elements in spatial and the other parks and the Emerald form. of the Back Bay The River, Jamaica Pond, Olmsted Park, parkways the relationship of the were glimpses of the canyon like of the observations about city's urban form to its natural areas. its GARDEN Boston, New York, and Washington. mature eastern cities of The observations THE URBAN the added dimension park system.(1) Finally, Rock Creek Park in Washington, because of its unique topography, provides an all together stream valley different image. with steep slopes that separation between Rock Creek is marks the geographic the tidewater and the piedmont regions of the area surrounding Washington.(2) The fall regions is line that marks much like the boundaries that define the The urban conditions help tell part ends. where one the edge of edge that part of the that evolved from a desire dilineates the limits of the urban conditions. are a way of looking The Urban Garden two geographic at cities which city begins and another is one of the four conditions to understand cities at a scale beyond the limits of the individual buildings. 41 The premise Theatre, behind the Urban Oasis, the Garden, which make are made the four individual building. places in cities These and the Urban is that cities elements are than an arrangements of that can be conceptualized they break the Urban address a scale larger scale is not overwhelming. is that Urban Wall up the urban conditions of elements that the metaphors: so that their The key to the urban conditions city down into discernable pieces that have characteristics which can be visualized. For example, courtyards, the architectural corridors, thresholds) elements(walls, at the building scale can be applied to the urban scale of the block( as streets, sidewalks, fabric alleys, of the understood in city. wish to cross it, is a but arrange the city the can be to the individual is the definition of space and boundary at busy street to complexity of The common link both bound example, a The which begin terms that are applicable dwelling unit. as being parks), the same boundary to the street is time. For pedestrians who bounded by the sidewalks and the buildings that form on either side of the it. The street is buildings around it, a bounded space, and it is also a defined by the boundary that helps to define where the building stops and starts.(3) The concept of spaces defined by a number of boundaries is a way to bridge a conceptual gap between the spaces that are bound at the scale of a room or a house, and the spaces that are bound at the room bounded by scale of the city. for walls may be easy for The idea of a an architect to grasp, but it is a leap of understanding to realize that an 44 / -N JN"PAXY Figure 21. ~'-~ 5QfUh2 fence on one another and a side, creek on road as the a farm different kinds of edges a hedgerow on A stone final boundary. they are a space, that define are elements another, as easily as a chain link fence. fence can be a wall, just Both as a diverse elements bound by such could be open field merely that create different perceptions about the bounding edge. The urban buildings conditions evolved from and elements boundary conditions. in They rules about cities. cities easily that have are not a hard and different fast set of They are instead a way using metaphors as organizing elements for types certain observations about characteristics. adapted to of urban places that have These a particular characteristics situation or urban conditions look at the city can place. be The as a series of layers of boundaries, that form degrees of public and private spaces, in much the same way that a house there are public areas of houses are defined. places for company and In then private places for the family. At the scale public and what is seen of the city the same ideas is private still apply. as types of edges around Urban Garden there are and private spaces that are defined by bound An example the parks. urban edge is Park in New The Urban Garden different spaces that form the natural areas within metaphor of the of the cities. the built Within the degrees and public the buildings that most densely the edge that defines the York. about what is Behind the idea of the built limits of Central Urban Garden is the realization that nature in the form of parks is bounded by different built of densities and degrees domain. Whether it is a road across the plains, or a line of houses in in comparison to the one employs a less developed approach houses that back by individual is loosely defined Rock Creek Park edge of of topography the urban Because surrounding Central Park. Park Rock Creek around edge The built Washington. bounded can vary by its location, like The range of density edge. form of always some there is a field, abutting having the park onto the park instead of as a primary entrance and focus. A key to understanding the idea behind all of the urban conditions is positive spaces(in the sense negative urban spaces made up parks. and relationship negative the but nature black entirely or of the white. interesting because they ignore Figure-ground diagrams are the finer the sidewalks, or of streets, spaces, never is figure-ground) and of there are different relationships of At each scale positive buildings, as between the the relationship grained areas of cities. They represent either all areas with buildings, or all areas without buildings. There is a grey in between, area of between the architecture and the level of detail. of finer one that netherland planning that has its own Each of the urban conditions is comprised levels of condition from architectural detail the next. Within that distinguish the Urban Theatre blocks can bounded at their bases by arcades that allow the streets and the bounded by the spaces of sidewalks buildings. the street and to eclipse The the area arcade allows sidewalk to bleed over 45 normally the public into the flGLi~- -Gy~OLThV~ 7/ // 1 Figure 21. ,~ / UL WAN ~ //i~ I I THEATJE -7 AmmJ2 1I-0Tfi ENv ~AN( UKAN WA-1Figure 22. domain of arcades that Bologna, building. individual the link a series of diverse buildings Italy's with the common element of the arcade is the genesis of the idea.(4) The fine grained articulation elements sets up a range to- get from thresholds the to be the also mark the transition from densely conditions urban of transition from either public areas and private occurs constitute there a series the The transition once the threshold of The of They In typical is virtually building facade. or private. number public to private space. Theatre street to act as The a range of security. that the Urban building. crossed filters and layers, that define the architectural of transitions that one must make street to that have of no space is between public the building has been crossed. In the metaphor of the Urban variations that come to mind. there provides its own is little street, yet or no in the are many In Boston, there are levels of articulation that vary from one next, each Wall there part of the city to the character. transition from Back Bay the In the North End the buildings range of to thresholds has more elements; the sidewalk, a small front yard, steps, and then the building. For the the buildings themselves. Urban Oasis the thresholds are The interior courtyards provide an added dimension to the range of public and private space within the Urban Oasis. The courtyard and other European cities where of the blocks give the and focus. In the buildings of Paris the views to the interiors Urban Oasis another type of space conditions surrounding the Urban Garden C~VT~AL r7AV-f~ 74J ~ 95 Figure 23. 26i 6- the range of transition and composition can be tremendous. There could be a front yard and a sidewalk, then a strip of land that is of the separated by a parkway like Emerald Necklace or something in certain areas as simple as a terrace and a garden that backs out into the landscape like in Washington. The use of arrangements the urban conditions of spaces is one scale around Alliance. way to approach the vast a way of urban form that goes a step preliminary land use mapping approach. on the native landscape and its environmental to boundaries for beyond a By relying features metaphors The urban conditions are imaging the potential of a new in scale as introduce the region hierarchically in will generate a a regional can structure begin to be to imaginable spaces. of natural broken down These boundaries built edge that will evolve into an Urban Garden for Alliance, but what form will that edge take? At would Alliance the be from Transportation organizing can become rural to progression urban as corridors elements transform the natural of urban the land have traditionally creating growth rural environment into an progressively more dense and edge is developed. been strong corridors which environment which urban. New York, Boston, and Washington all developed along street car lines from the 1870's forward, but their settlement patterns have created very different urban edges. In the absence of mass transportation corridors and because the length of the 1-35 corridor from Fort Worth to Denton, encompasses such an expansive area, 50 (thirty miles), how can the pattern of Can strip shopping centers and car dealerships be altered? a park system be a strong enough element to make better use of the land surrounding Alliance's Urban Garden? direction from are there natural without the imposition of organizing elements environment even begins to built form The may city In the physical and man made evolve. Settlements eventually a town becomes a develop, communities begin and city. a grid. presence of in the From these grid(i.e.San Francisco). boundaries the the on built form adjusts itself traditional settlement patterns, the natural imposed boundaries The natural boundaries can become strong land(i.e.Boston). to city's development when the beginning of a only a clear with having to do strategy has One possible become even a metropolis or a metroplex, with all the possible complexities and varieties of built forms. over the Man intervenes and places organizing forms natural landscape, just as D.C. and the Commissioners of baroque grid over Washington New York laid the grid L'Enfant overlaid the growth adapts on Manhattan, urban itself to patterns whether the patterns are natural or man made. Yet, within that pattern of development there are no clues or assurances about the eventual form of the city, or the composition of form of a city human body its blocks. is like from a North Carolina were Understanding the trying to guess foot print. Philadelphia laid out with similar city has evolved differently. 51 the form final of the and Raleigh, plans, yet each A conceptual model for Alliance must address city can evolve, while avoiding the results of many of its neighbors to the east(e.g. the endless Dallas). In the absence of an endless miles of amorphous built form, can begin Alliance. to The introduce sprawl of North grid structuring a regional network of parks a structure form of that how the for growth growth can look to around the urban conditions for a range of its images in response to varying boundary conditions. Central Park, will provide In addition, the three Olmsted parks, the Emerald Necklace, and Rock ideas about what Garden could generate. form the edge of Creek Park, the Urban 53 54 CHAPTER III: The clues to OLMSTED AND THE URBAN GARDEN the possible futures for Alliance lie in the work of Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr. The evolution of the has become an area of interest urban edge around his parks the conditions of the Urban and study for me, particularly Having lived in both Boston and Washington, I have Garden. the legacy been enriched envisioned for the parks. that is are a refuge from the city They where the inhabitant of the My and is exactly what he appreciation of Olmsted's parks was engulfed by nature. gardens. of Olmsted's urban city can go to feel completely These great urban parks have a history linked to the cities that developed around them. The initial commonality of the three parks is the fact that they were all linked directly to the work of Olmsted, but their similarities are much deeper. Olmsted and subsequently shaping each design was with whom of these great public a Calvert Vaux his firm had a collaboration with who would parks. Emerald Necklace was carried out by firm. part of the its actual architect partner and his greatest firm's plan for conceived of by Rock Creek Olmsted's many consultations during practice, but English to do some of The Olmsted and the his the Central Park's eventually become his Olmsted would go on large urban parks. direct hand in design and Park the Fens Olmsted and was one of the later years of his place in great regional parks system history as of Washington was insured by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., after the retirement and eventual death of his father. (1) 55 Olmsted's conception of the urban parks was rooted in a strong democratic and bringing nature, in the citizenry of Frederick Law the tradition its purest form, into the the growing urban cities. landscape, one urban life of all as possible a consciously designed environment, by of "It became in Olmsted's work, as completely naturalistic out transcendentalist subordinating to shut all the necessary structures to the realization of broad reaches of scenery and to provide , that, he the felt,,met the residents of the elements of a rural setting psychological and social the city.(2) outlets for the recreation of The parks needs of themselves were the urban residents of their generation, but at the inception of each of the parks it is doubtful that few members of foreseen the use and the impact that the on the development them. All of fringes of of the cities the the three the urban growth.(3) the community. integral to been The their conception, growth on the of an outside limit cities, the parks became considered as as parks the relationship of the parks to Instead of being the life parks would have people who inhabited were perceived individual cities changed the growth of the the general public could have of the cities. outrageously but they have to the elements that were The parks remote are may have the time evolved into the of last of the great, seemingly natural, urban refuges. Few in Olmsted's day of growth the later could have foreseen the onslaught in the cities that half of created by an the set aside land for 1800's. When Central act of the New York Legislature parks in Park was in 1853, it was a response to the lower end of people of Manhattan. also a less than were commerce. When Park's on either of the development and with swamps site was riddled cultivation, or set aside it was the park land around reveal the under time the of the outcroppings.(4) Drawings and photographs and rock era Central Central valuable for Central Park The park. it was not was more where land York. desirable site at the chosen because of the outlet for the city of New for the appropriated location was rivers There was no real the rapidly growing Park was funds overcrowding and congestion squatter settlements. inhabited by for use either still to be as a park, Central Park appeared to be on the outer edges of civilized society.(5) Boston had The city Public Gardens. Common could bear as a there were forward of a development came to grand Bay Fens Jamaica of landscape how to was the an was Pond were Roxbury, West the the Not settle on the the time When Law Olmsted was the architecture.(6) The problem weave a together in open sewer, series of the The Muddy River and the villages Brookline, while of the None of these 57 disparate, form. a coherent boundary between Roxbury and outer fringe West Roxbury. for Boston. for the parks. system Frederick design the noncontiguous elements Back drawn for and plans park system regional Olmsted was before From the 1870's public open space. discussions and that the the limits had taxed and the designer old man the Common around did the City Commissioners until the 1880's land area grown long since seam between of Franklin Park Dorchester and smaller towns in those days was urbanized. beginning at For Boston, the time of the suburbanization the park system's was just conception as the Emerald Necklace. The site selection for 1860's after the site for the surround it. were Civil War as a search new White House and Park began in the for an alternative a 300 acre park to The Potomac flats where the Mall exists today unbearable in the further compounded present day Rock Creek summer months. by the open site of The stench sewer that existed Constitution Avenue. Rock was on the Creek was for the most part undevelopable on its edges because of the steepness of the slopes that surround the creek valley.(7) The creek had been primarily 1800's.(8) After the Civil War, the area that Creek was becoming bounded Dickens used for milling in the early "characterized avenues, that begin in miles long, that only is now Rock by paper subdivisions. the city in terms of Charles 'spacious nothing, and lead nowhere; streets, want houses, roads, and inhabitants; public buildings that need but a public to be complete, and ornaments to great thoroughfares, which thoroughfares to ornament'."(9) At by the Congress of the United lack only the time of its great funding States in 1890, the park was still outside the major developed portions of the city. The development patterns constitute the boundary of the of the urban edges that Urban Garden around each of the three parks are equally fascinating as studies in their own right. has Each been impacted cities. New York has its own unique history, by historical and Washington 58 events that grew out and yet each overlap the of structured plans whereas Boston evolved on the drive of capitalism and the limits of the topography surrounding the city. In New York the physical development around Central Park had been dictated almost fifty years before in 1811 by the Commissioners of the New York grid to the entire island when they of Manhattan up to 150th street. Central Park began at 59th only went to 106th street to the north, 5th street and in its east side and 8th Avenue on the west. out was the creation of east neighborhoods. The housing types side park the are as early years Avenue on the What evolved as the grid was built of applied the and west side that developed on either different in nature as neighborhoods themselves. At the time of the had just Boston There added the was growing was only creation of the park system, Boston Back Bay to its so much land area across the corridors Fens from south, Roxbury, All of to the west the existing land mass of Boston. towards the south that would element.(10) and west. New York or Washington, Boston the topography its to the In the absence of a plan transportation lines that were of Brookline natural extensions of expanded along strength out. available to to Dorchester these suburban villages were the street car lines. area. Growth of the suburbs along Roxbury to in the traditional sense of the inside that was the Back Bay, and West developable suburbs from Boston inside its city limits. transportation to its allow the easiest dictated by expansion of Boston continued to build around the topography as a regional organizing Figure 25. Figure 26. In contrast, Washington's growth was limited outside of the boundaries of L'Enfant's original plan well into the 1880's. The areas bounded on the Avenue(Boundary Street)and the west Creek and Georgetown were the north west by Florida by the ravines of Rock limits of the City. After the infrastructure building boom from Boss Shepherd's reign in the 1870's, Washington was growing into its grid.(11) In the areas to began to the emerge subdivisions. north of on Florida Avenue paper as east of speculators Kalorama, Washington Mount Pleasant, Brightwood and the Rock Creek, neighborhoods laid out Heights, Adams Morgan, Shepherd's Park, all to the and the western border the neighborhoods of Georgetown, formed by Cleveland Park, and Chevy Chase to the north, all emerged after Shepherd's tenure. The three cities that surrounded Olmsted's parks developed around the parks' edges but not solely because of the parks attraction themselves. for the primary concern. transportation suburbanization Instead new urban The urban edge grew corridors, of New hypothesis that the naive; the and not parks them. were a the was a parks. and Washington parks in those cities. secondary The was My turns out to factor in the The role of the parks mirror for the development of the The parks development that became an urbanized around them. the cities grew to the parks is really one of being a around parks being primarily along the to York, Boston, expansion of the cities at the time. cities the edge, transportation paralleling the creation of the be of formed a boundary to edge as the city grew It is also urbanization important of the to keep cities was in mind coming in that the age this where individual transportation meant horseback or on foot. that was as far from the city center, as Land all of the parks were at the time, was simply not that attractive as housing before the introduction of boundaries of transit lines. The civilized area before the the metropolitan advent of the transit lines were usually limited to a three mile area or the distance that problem for primary metropolis' of the day could the be walked in inhabitant of was the that existed in walking distance themselves decentralized cities innovation opened made the once from of the flood remote the the the eastern housing options allowed the cities to walking day.(12) gates of urban extra-urban element in the growth of the city. The from home to the place of Transportation advances employment. transform range of a hour. parks city to the Transportation expansion and an organizing 64 CHAPTER IV: THE PARKS AND THEIR CITIES Understanding the evolution of the urban gardens in New York, Boston, and Washington requires an examination of the cities and their relationship historically and spatially. to their parks The parks at the time of their The creation of conception were extra-urban by definition. these parks both as the concerns, as well stemmed from health realities of the times that social, economic and political occurred in the face of the rapid rate of urbanization. urban conditions and Acknowledgment of worsening the importance of open spaces in fostering public health and recreation, as well as concern for the nation's self-esteem as republic a and its intellectual and moral improvement, led Americans of various religions the establishment cities. of public of the of natural psychological scenery, address the realities of combined parks in their ...Thus the reformulated agrarianism, an appreciation benefits and occupations to advocate in the form by bring the park, then, and and social the need to urban growth and change attempt to create a new urban country into the city. embodied the new urban ...The symbolism the curvilinity of the natural landscape -- -- stood in sharp contrast to the straight lines and rigid angles of the gridiron, a to the urban environment.(1) pastoral counterpoint From Olmsted's perspective there fundamental issue at work behind parks. "Above all, Olmsted was an even more the creation of the urban reasoned, the park must preserve within the urban environment a rural enclave, free from the tyranny of the the sights resident and sounds of of the concern of apt: Olmsted's for nature might soothe city."(2) Olmsted's theory is aspect inexorable gridiron, a place where David Schuyler's analysis of "Indeed the single most important theory creating the harried of landscape pastoral design scenery, and was a whenever possible in Central Park he and Vaux planted broad expanses of lawn to of achieve 'the antithesis of the town'. Olmsted believed scenery would would induce The contemplation urban life". healthful relief the parks Washington is an example by the public. the Washington. of the created. upon the mind of the faculties,' from the pressures of in New York, Boston What began with the acquisition of Central out throughout the culminating in the acquisition Necklace and of political will being expressed 1853 was carried Emerald park (3) creation of the century, type of of such a sweeping lawn in visitors an 'unbending thereby providing Park in that this have an unconscious influence of the visitor. The the confined spaces in Boston and remainder of and design of Rock Creek in The creation of the parks is important because process and the perception Early in the creation by which they were of Central Park, the goals of the park were more humanitarian, and as the years passed the success of the urban parks changed the focus of the parks to sources of capitalism. recreation Each of history of the and parks has as a had design and development since the purpose of this to set paper is component its own of unique its creation, but the parks aside as mirrors of the changes in the urban edge around them rather than to focus on the changes to the parks themselves. and 1845 Between and the parks movement experienced the of face city : the park the urban space, an an escape as more than expression of sees Schulyer the from the transformation of integral part of the "it was an York a new enthusiasm in the unparalleled growth. (4) acquisition of New full swing, city uptown was in march of the doubled, the of the population 1855 and a urban optimism, means of raising the level of civilization in the city."(5) It was also a politically expedient solution because the enable the local politicians to creation of the park would give hundreds of patronage jobs. Woods on the East River was closer to New York's trees, and included challenged park were Jones' for the New York's new The two sites population, had a river front and would offer immediate returns. of the feasibility it could The opposition Jackson Dowling, who using this land for park Andrew horticulturist purposes because "Jones' Woods and Central Park. be used for commercial docking and because a shore site was healthful and pleasurable with out a planned proposed as park an cross-ventilation, on it. The Central that alternative access conversion to a park than from two Park area would sides, and was offer easier Jones' Woods, which had too many 67 V X. ..u .... .... si h~uu fitJ LAST Figure 2 7. 68 RMIV trees for open park came site countercharges in purely that it commercial docking In not offer charges and but the York State Senate 1853 suggest interests, especially terms." Woods did that Jones' the New reports for selection of the economic seem farsighted, space might majority to down the argument retrospect enough space."(6) In the end the minority and was financial operations, that won the day."(7) Once the location of the an extension of The first plan creating a plan. on surveying the land and was park was selected, work began the topographic survey supplied by Egbert L. Viele who was to be Olmsted's first supervisor as manager Park. of Central 3, "On June first 1856, the Central Park commissioners,.. .adopted a plan of development unstable at best, as New York was who were all new politicians 1857, in one August of Central Park design and Olmsted the first Commissioners were fired and replaced. group of than and Calvert lawyers and politicians---rejected announced a public competition Vaux won "In acts, the of their first official Commissioners-- a rather businessmen political climate in Viele."(8) The Egbert L. prepared by Viele's for a plan."(9) the competition with their collaborative "Greensward Plan" and Olmsted was sworn in as Architect -in-Chief and Superintendent of Central Park on May 18, 1858. Olmsted and Vaux recognized the impact of urban growth on the park from the very beginning."In the 1850's the park was located so suburbs' far to the north in that the the city's 'struggling epithet 'central' was a misnomer, yet I Figure 28. 70 I shaped rocky the picturesquely-varied, and when be done, will have the island formations of for rows of monotonous into foundations time the grading and will be built up, when all 'when New York of a the requirements to meet their design filling will Park'...Practically they enclosed Central will have town the years hence, that 'twenty they recognized Shrewdly, of urban growth. had grasped the reality Olmsted and Vaux been converted straight streets, and piles of erect angular buildings'."(10) began early park movement Boston's petitioned by citizens 27, 1870 same year. On May Legislature passed the Park acceptance by the Boston."(ll) legislation in of thirds two 1870, subject to the legal voters of introduce made to were Attempts Massachusetts the of Act the park both attempts in 1873, but 1870 and again "The Park Act, which votes. failed to garner the required 1875, followed the amended order very was passed in May of closely. public Two public hearings were held in November parks in Boston. of establishment of the for Council was 1869 City October of "In taxed. citizenry of the city were being realized that the natural resources completely as the the approval It required of a simple majority rather than the two thirds plurality of the legal voters of Boston, and this approval election held June 9, Frederick 1875." Law Olmsted Commissioners who sought was a special (12) was associated with the his advice as early took the commissioners until 1878 would be the at obtained as 1875. Park It to acquire the land that basis of the future park system. Instead of Figure 29. 72 immediately they held a hiring Olmsted were less than prize the competition results of design.(13) The the park for public competition adequate and within a few the commission was given Olmsted was awarded, months after the to begin work on the Emerald Necklace.(14) Olmsted's design and construction in 1880 and was which began retirement in for a park. completed by the time 1895, was more "The rationale than just a basin for storage the very far as a park, as Olmsted so was design the main improvement, sanitary the explained; of his design solution behind the plan was from what was commonly understood painstakingly of the Back Bay Fens of feature storm waters primarily a which was a Stony Brook. of A the salt marshes to its original second aim was to restore condition."(15) Olmsted undertook Necklace as Emerald implemented. of the jewels the remaining they were in the be designed ready to and In 1882 the Arnold Arboretum was added to the of Boston from was purchased by the City necklace when it Harvard University.(16) "Grading began on the main drive in Road building, the major construction the Spring of 1883. work in the complete."(17) Arboretum, Franklin Park appropriation for in 1881, and took was added the five hundred acre Olmsted began years to still later, the ten about his work park was approved in 1884, to be completed in 1885.(18) The final two elements in the completion of the Emerald Necklace were the integration of improvements to the Muddy Jamaica Pond into the River and the necklace. The Muddy A * Figure 30. .4N IU 0, in 1881, subsequently revised and River Plan was submitted the Back Bay Fens because little was done to the existing other two. The string that landscape in comparison to the linked the Olmsted. "Although parkways in the concept endorsed commissioner's ...the surroundings and architectural natural the varying along the route. grandest Olmsted's of one is parkway Boston the sensitivity, the parkway to the design of of junctures characteristic plan... .With Olmsted adapted connecting of seen by comparing it to the awkward and dimensions refined by superior refinement of their 1876 report, the Olmsted's design can easily be pinched Necklace Park Commissioners the first Board of sympathetically Emerald designed and parkway system was the the of parks like jewel together had River and plans for the Muddy and differed from in 1892, Pond was accepted The plan for Jamaica approved in 1892. conceptions."(19) When the legislation was finally 1890, the idea for the creation signed into law in of a park along Rock Creek had been in the forefront of the enlightened members of the community since the lobbying of 1867. It took the Washington's threat of development, most influential senators, political compromise on Capitol and Hill, and a champion to grind the legislation through the Congress. 1890 set aside the ground for the land for a "public park benefit and enjoyment of the Legislation in and pleasure people of the United States."(20) The push for the creation of Rock Creek Park "Emerged out a tradition reformers, and was designed of the late 1850's by social to counteract the urban growth Figure 31. -79 of the period. Open spaces alleviating the urban ills of were Olmsted was the as was the case with the the parks of urban of the of the time that threatened the disease ridden neighborhoods.(22) As majority conceived Law era, Frederick conceptual leader of the movement but the actual design and development of the park was carried on by The younger Olmsted wrote the Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.. influential report on the scope of the for Plan the McMillian in city's park system 1901-1902 and a 1918 comprehensive study for the development of the park. The climate becoming a park Rock Creek in Washington.(24) the land for movement to designate success of Park areas of the east coast were themselves to manifest in the originated that the grew out of concerns ills of the other major urban beginning interest in the renewal of that prompted (23) sector private The Rock Creek and was lobbied through Congress by the Washington's then powerful Board of Trade other and community. prominent members the of of interest in the "The renewal Washington creation of a major urban park in Washington in the 1880's was product of growing public health concerns. especially typhoid, diseases, movement in all 1879 Creek was in Gerogetown Rock Creek. a considered a serious developed up Washington County. 14th this decade. to In Washington the pollution threat reform vigorous and Northwest By 1889 health."(25) The pollution threat land was major American cities in the sewers emptied into Eradication of waterborne of Rock the public continued to grow as the street into Brightwood and into "Conditions in Washington in the 1880's reflected widespread urban public health problems. only of one third sewers. Wells and the city's houses War. in use and the creation of the park to the years immediately The Senate " to (26) The legislative background on stemmed back were connected springs were still commonly often became contaminated." In 1881 following the Civil was concern with the location of the White House near the odiforous Washington Canal that was an open sewerage ditch."(27) The 1867 Michler Report treated the park and the new executive mansion as separate reports. The report concerning the areas on the public. been quoted and "The engineer's romantic prose by succeeding historians for the park had an impact generations of attempting to has often civic activists establish, preserve, and foster public appreciation of the park."(28) The next twenty years the focus of on the public works projects of the Potomac flats in 1882. essentially created end, the park if a flood legislation creation of in D.C., for like the reclamation The Corps proof city the park the national zoo. the national zoo the government was was of Engineers had by 1890. linked In the to the Rock Creek would become a was downscaled in size from its original plan."the establishment of the National Zoological Park proved vital to the Rock Creek Park campaign because it focused public attention on the beauty of the region and revealed the imminent threats of real estate development to the valley.(29) The final version of John Sherman(R-OH) and the legislation was originated by passed the 78 Senate on January 28, of the park to the "Columbus Memorial" Park to revenues, and also in an unusual turn landholders that benefited cost. District of Columbia would be deferred from half the cost of events, adjacent financially would contribute to The focus of the forcing land holders adjacent to the origins in conflict Senator (30) what would and Sherman, subdivisions Sherman, near while a or large such acquired legislation's champion, land to the resident as Meridian Columbia ownership park. in "Senator of Washington, had the periphery and subdivided several Hill (1867), Sherman's Sherman Heights(1882). development substantial its glaring considered the Sherman owned and Subdivision(1868), also adjacent at park had new real estate holding near Creek Park. tracts, be legislation aimed sizable his long-term acquired extensive of Rock today between the of interest honor the Columbus' Discovery of America, forthcoming anniversary of the the designation house made amendments changing The 1890. in interests Cleveland Park(1892).(31) The bill houses of establishing Congress and Benjamin Harrison on limits of the park at was signed Treasury. established to park. The The 2000 acres Park Board of into Law The passed both by President law set the with equals fund up to the District of Columbia and the Rock oversee the final park Park September 27, 1890. $1,200,000. to be paid by U.S. Rock Creek Creek Park purchase of was turned over Control on January 1, 1895 Commission the land to the for the Rock Creek and consisted of 1,605.976 acres and was purchased for $1,740,511.45.(32) 79 was The part of the bill that landholders did not fare work had adjacent land, and the additional funds ended up in the Supreme Court in 1898. subsequent hearings by the commission decided in that assessments unimproved at The assessments to the adjacent park owners were litigated and "it was aimed as smoothly as the Commissioner's in acquiring the from Congress. was were unwarranted because the state had caused no park in its appreciable increases in adjoining land values.(33) The planning and design process for Rock Creek Park has a fairly convoluted the focus but system as it McMillan history. a component had been Report. Washington is of Washington's 1899: anywhere street or boulevard became not regional park Olmsted sentiment about best summed up Budapest, or Creek Park proposed by Local president, Noyes, in or Rock Jr. in the parks for the by resigning Board There would not " in the world, than that which should of Trade be in Vienna a grander ring take its start on the westward grassy slopes of the capitol grounds, sweep the Mall and Potomac Park and Rock Creek National up Rock Creek to the Zoo and Park; thence 'by boulevard to the Soldiers Home, and finally by boulevards and Anacostia Park back to dome of the eastern sward the Capitol.... permeates the original the new and shade trees The life, emulate system city is to pervade Washington... Let us building up the park and impressive the breadth and 80 thus in like fashion of the Washington nations city of the second which to-day, in century of its boldness in design and the I- -- - - MAP OF ROCK Figure 32. 81 PARK vigor in execution last which were displayed at the and century in 1800 by the end of the of founders the capital."(34) Washington finally of Rock Creek as a got back around to park, and the Olmsted commissioned Brothers to study for the future development December in 1918. Board of prepare a defined as its other Changes in the introduction of the car and the parkway set planning of the park, completed in park predecessors. different Control Rock Creek's role as an urban open space been as clearly has not in 1917 the development of demands two Olmsted urban living on Rock Creek patterns and have placed a as an urban pleasure ground and have clouded its course as a park. The histories and Rock Creek times parks urbanization cities. Emerald Necklace, Park all shed light on the in which was of Central Park, the they were brought and The its parks about created. by pressure were The the on the seen urbanization but they have evolved place of refuge. They as concerns of the interest in advent of populace refuges rapid of from into much more the the that than a have become inseparable elements in the urban forms of New York, Boston, and Washington. 82 83 PA CHAPTER V: THE WALLS OF THE URBAN GARDEN natural of philosophies development of the in spaces urban the areas, Gardens has emerged walls of the Urban The patterns varied development patterns. range of in a tied to Olmsted's cities has been firmly their respective Gardens for parks as Urban creation of the While the that led to the creation of the cities around the parks are built edge of the city boundaries clearly established, the the park. does react to and Washington solely because of cities and their the parks. trends, such as Evident cities to Garden the cities is the movement of people of the "walking city" to located. the parks developed. Each to a creation of due to larger outside the bounds the suburbs, where the parks were in the history the suburbs is is linked of which was the growth of of these The growth their existence. parks around the not expand did edges around The of New York, However, the cities factors, only one number of designated and the once the parks had been the sense that Boston, is true only in as a generator of urban form of the parks The role I had once imagined. not because of the parks as the way of the expansion that edge of the three of Boston, and Washington, have response to the parks. Each the Urban cities; New exhibited a of the York, different built has its history and its own unique relationship of the park to its surrounding edge. 85 Figure 33. New York: urban edge around the development of the In New York, urban land economics a classic example of Central Park is Land values at the center of the city continue to at work. rise forcing land development further and further out until and land values the high enough becomes the demand to that already existed in justify obliterating the buildings order to make room for buildings which can accommodate more edge around as anything other the urban to imagine I find it hard Central Park today domain built the Looking at price. warrant a higher people and the than towering buildings serving as a backdrop and contrast to the natural scenery of the park. back in time. There Central Park is like walking Walking are areas park that in the are so might well have been 1870 as isolated that the time period 1990. Central Park was on the fringe of the civilized city at the time of edge has its conception. taken many transformations island of years and has that have Manhattan. undergone a paralleled the series of changes to the growth of the East Side in the following terms: The reasons for the later development of the Upper East Side are twofold. Central Street Park in was open Until work was started in 1857, everything country except north of for 59th scattered villages like Yorkville and Harlem on the east and Bloomingdale and Manhattanville on the Goldstone and Historians, Harmon H. Martha Dalrymple, describe of its built The development the west. Pictures of the region of the future park in this period show scrubby farms, squatters shanties, and goats roaming along Upper Fifth Avenue. Even after the park was opened--and it was not extended to 110th Park Street until Avenue, with 1863-- the open its noisy trains, was a blighting of new building Park Avenue. Upper East Side thin fringe explosive as a neighborhood was the dirty steam barrier for any expansion beyond the The and cut along west of development of fashionable the residential immediate consequence of the electrification of the New York Central Lines and the decking over of Park Avenue in 1907.(1) The taming of Central Park was analogous to the taming of the urban century, edge around when New York it. "Early became the in the largest nineteenth city in the western hemisphere and when population pressure was forcing the built up area northward on Manhattan Island, it was the urban outcasts Park, which the way. was near the Frederick Law eviction of who led the site of Central edge of the settlement Olmsted and hundreds of On Calvert Vaux ragpickers, in 1857, had to junkmen, order the and drivers who had established squatter settlements there."(2) Olmsted and Vaux may have succeeded the park undeveloped proper, areas but to the the in moving the squatters out of squatters east and relocated west of to the the park. Photographs from the period of the urban edge on both Fifth Avenue, and Eighth Avenue(Central settlements on either side Park West) show squatter well into the 1890's. As Figure 34. Figure 35. development gradually pushed north the squatter's shanties and the land reclaimed replaced, residences on the Upper East was Side and a were for mixture of residences and apartments on the Upper West Side. In reconstructing either side of some East the and finding and of West reasons few similarities Sides. The Upper disadvantages, caused the 1811, in conducive urban edge over sloping to development. Only on to look for behind the topographical grid the Central Park, the challenge is consistency in patterns the growth development between the Upper West faced Side by the ground imposition of that after the was Civil War not in 1865, did the Legislature order the Central Park Commission to work on grading the developable. Andrew Haswell more grade."(3) than In a Green, Comptroller decade to 1866 the West encourage residential north west side to make it It would take Olmsted's adversary on the Park Commission, Park land on the of 59th "improve the "but few putting up houses on the west side Side Association was formed to development on the Upper Street, of Central people West Side, even thought of Upper West Side, which remained a remote bucolic region".(4) Two urban events opened up the development of the Upper West Side and made it more attractive to development. was of the the introduction 1878 and the house as a income railroad)in other was the socialization of the apartment socially acceptable place for middle and upper families to means would El(the elevated One live. "Even in 1880 scarcely consider living in New Yorkers of an apartment, and many considered apartment houses immoral. It was then that the houses, or idea of club, was the co-operative apartment introduced to make apartment socially acceptable."(5) Philip in France, but who had lived pioneer behind home residences appear Hubert, an architect, born in the United States, was the the co-operative apartment's popularity. "Hubert's first co-op, built for a club of artists, was the Rembrandt Studios in West 57th a site slightly to the left Street. of what Erected in 1880 on would later become Carnagie Hall, it was a great success, even though one bath served as many as four bedrooms"(6) Another pioneering figure in the development of the Upper West Side was Edward Severin Clark, the Singer Sewing Machine founder. vision was one "The of the new West Side section of apartment buildings rich and the city, of economic he said, diversity. would with single family dwellings poor, 'Some Clark's combine to house splendidly, many elegantly, and all comfortably... the architecture should be ornate, solid and permanent, and... the principle of economic combination should be employed to the greatest possible extent.'."(7) When the El opened in 1878 two things happened. The Upper West Side became readily accessible, and Edward Clark bet on the El as future of the Upper West Side. In 1880 he commissioned Henry Janeway Hardenberg to build twenty-seven town houses on the "north from Eighth Avenue".(8) The and was New York's first Dakota had side of 73rd Street running west nine Otis apartments per floor. Dakota was completed in 1884 true luxury apartment hotel. elevators, each The opening of serving just The two the Dakota signaled the beginning of the apartment house north of 59th street: yet the itself is Dakota like development of the park the West Upper a mirror Side.(9) of the "Vacant lots accounted for more than half Side in 1892. Between 59th and 96th Streets, where all but a few streets and thoroughfares small majority of the the total on the Upper West remained unpaved, lots were occupied, only a although 72nd, 86th, and other streets were heavily built up; between 96th and 110th nearly two out of three lots were vacant, but eight lots on the south side of 95th Street between Central Park West and Columbus Avenue of $12,000 each--four were sold in 1892 for upward times what they had cost in 1883."(10) While development was occurring on the Upper West Side in the 1880 and 1890's, the go to reach an neighborhood had a long way to urbanized state. facing Central Park look out pigsties of squatters, the Dakota on shacks, chicken coops, and who eviction notices that they fed neighborhood was "Tenants of still largely were periodically to their goats. handed But if the a shantytown area of open cesspools, blacksmith shops, and saloons it was because the high price of lots discouraged developers."(11) In 1904 the Upper West to development by Rapid Transit, keys to the the Side was opened up even further introduction the subway. opened, railroads carried New Interborough Transportation was Manhattan's expansion. subway of the "In 1903, York's one of the the year before surface more paying passengers than and elevated did all the steam railroads of North and South American combined." 94 (12) Figure 38. Figure 39. ti -as fl-a - The subway Because the West changed the living subway ran only Side above patterns in Manhattan. on Manhattan and only 42nd street, the West on the Side became more accessible.(13) The physical difference between the Upper East and West Sides seems to lie in the nature of their respective residents. The Upper West Side along Eighth Avenue(Central Park West) developed from the beginning hotels, yet Fifth Avenue began as which were later transformed few luxury when residential town houses into apartments. apartment houses on the railroad as apartments and "There were the East Side lines running into Grand until 1910, Central were electrified and some progress was made toward covering over the forty acres Avenue(soon of to be renamed apartment building White building railroad yards Park track on Avenue)."(14) on Fifth Avenue constructed in and The was a McKim, 1910 on 81st Fourth first Mead and Street across from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.(15) The photographs of the period corridor reveal Fifth Avenue of mansions, well up to be a seemingly endless into on Fifth for the Urban build out would the 90's Avenue. As Garden the development occurred, a probably have been first On the an urban edge generation of all that could be edge of Central Park was element. of expected. The urban not capable of remaining a static East Side the second generation of urban edge began in 1910 and continued on through the 1930's and 40's. Avenue The Lexington 1918.(16) New York City Subway began service in experienced an onslaught of people 11- - - -- Im - - - Figure 40. Figure 41. -- - - at the end of the First World War, several years later. The surplus of housing on the West Side that occurred after 1910 was quickly absorbed; but by 1921, the housing surplus an extent that the Board of had turned to shortage to such Estimate ruled that"'all new buildings planned for dwelling purposes' and started or completed between May 1, 1920, and May 1, 1922, were to be exempted until January 1932."(17) On top of the an attitudinal shift among New town. "But few New all taxes shortage there was Yorkers who were staying in Yorkers wanted 1920s, and those few that multiple-unit from nearly town houses in the were built were soon turned into dwellings. The money was to be made in apartment buildings, and there was no lack of developers to put up more of them."(18) Coupled with the increasing boom in hotel construction. demand for apartments was The boom of the seen "New York land values increased by 75 decade between 1919 and 1929. four-fifths of the most estate was Side."(19) During the decade of the Central "new estate taxes provided on Manhattan's independent to some of the Upper West eight new apartment buildings on Central Park West. Park West percent in the city's revenue in 1928 and valuable real were developed Real 1920's had subway Also the completion line, Columbus Circle, running beneath and then beneath Eighth Avenue past the western edge of the garment district to Chambers Street, would make the Central Park West Apartments far more conveniently located."(20) By 1939 was the era of rapidly coming the private house on to a halt. 98 Property Fifth Avenue taxes on Fifth III- --- - Figure 42. V:. IM - Pr 7 Figure 45. 100 "Mrs foot. a square high as $42 running as Avenue were Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose enormous house at the corner of Mrs Vanderbilt, 51st Street was assessed at $2.45 million. per night in taxes for the according to Fortune, paid $197 the demand increased. post war period of The Fifth Avenue from the late 1940's edge along of the urban saw the transformation and 1950s as residential gaining momentum Side was Upper East of fashionable homes on the older mansions and demolition of The march that house."(21) in of sleeping privilege scale of the a residential scale to the high-rise apartment block. Central Park Urban Avenue, a produced potential of the wall of the second West and Park Central Park's redevelopment of have Street 59th is urban edge which As long as there is a demand for the views and location adjacent Central not stop it did generation continually changing. of The build out. the made pattern urban, but rural to first generation with a around settlement The Garden. edge urban York's New shows the full transformation from Fifth of development The to the park then the walls edge urban will continue to be transformed. Boston: If New York work, then capitalism. classic case is a Boston is a In the Boston's growth in the of land case of development absence of a economics at by individual structured plan for period from 1870-1900, planning was 101 Figure 46. 1 0? replaced by topographical countryside. accessibility to the surrounding along the valleys between This accessibility car routes, which in turn led Boston's hills led to street development of the "streetcar to the suburbs". The built domain of Boston's Urban Garden, "the Emerald Necklace" (The Franklin Park) is Fens to same way Boston is reconstruct. poor. land difficult to Boston is development of that the in the difficult to understand many are too There people trying to live in the same place, vying for the same resources. Boston's strongest urban design tool for the city has long been its natural environment. geography had inhibited the and they have filled marshes Bay was enabled by the such a monumental The filling of endeavor that Legislature in May 1857, in May of 1859.(23) The newly for land and leveled hills to create more buildable area for the city. the Back pedestrian of paths have been starved communication."(22) Bostonians to extent that Marshes, rivers easy expansion. restricted ocean 1850 Boston's "Before it was and filling began created land in the Back Bay was completely consumed by 1900. The Emerald Necklace in Boston was much like Rock Creek Park in Washington in the sense that elements of it posed a While the slopes natural barrier to development. Muddy River are not in the form of gorges, Olmsted had to the areas that work with were the left over seams between the new suburban towns, of West Roxbury, and west, and Roxbury, east. Olmsted's design solution for 103 of the spaces in the Brookline to the Dorchester to the the Back Bay Fens was 104 NIN I iwh Figure 48. 105 -t e , widely heralded for its sanitary engineering as much as for of a park. its artful creation flats in tidal unbearable. the Yet Suburbs, is Sam B. developing with Warner, of a organized the development statutes. West Roxbury book Streetcar of the and all great deal of thought towns three of Dorchester were built by strict structures century conditions their builders and were as rigid as in their way, patterns which traditional out that the evolution discipline of nineteenth discipline, a withstanding, out any "The be faced with the in his masterplan. Roxbury, West Roxbury, and which Jr., came with a discipline said to boundaries not quick to point Boston suburbs the was 1880s of the Emerald Necklace was difficulty of plan. in the The geographic the urban edge added Fens rising off the The stench into any modern The 22,500 new dwellings of Roxbury, were the product and Dorchester of separate decisions made by 9000 individual builders."(24) Warner argues that transportation advances were the key to opening up the counterparts differed is in in New York of Washington. and sense of Where the grid. of the the topography successive changes in land Despite uses and transportation methods towns. branching of north-south traffic of took their landscape. the land continued to shape valleys and Boston "The suburbs the contours of ...This their missing, the structure along transportation routes, which direction from main like Boston, just that the structure was the traditional Boston grew suburbs the growth of uplands of roads described at West Roxbury, movement, the location of 106 once the the principle most of the Figure 49. 1 n7 eighteenth and nineteenth century farms and streetcar lines, the villages, the railroad route, and the main line of suburban development."(25) The topography imposed a structure that was further defined by the real estate market necessity of the day, the creation of frontage lots. frontage lot system of "Under the grid street and land division natural contours were thrown away for the short term advantages of easy marketing and cheap utility simplest terms, where the land and street construction."(26) both farmers and suburbanites was handy and then worked out "In began first to back lots and high stony plots."(27) This attitude, the practice of the making the planning decisions, had areas around the Necklace up as of Emerald "The grid plan geometry which divided depended market what It of the set the Emerald introduce some kind chopped up development suburbs did not concern It was an economically efficient large parcels of land The arrangement of the blocks largely upon at Necklace. an essentially itself with public life. on the market. a serious impact on the an urban organizer, to hierarchy into pattern. individual parcels what time. farm or The result estate was as they came of the grid came on not the integrated communities arranged about common centers, but a historical and accidental traffic pattern."(28) The overall lack of continuity in the availability of the land adjacent to the Emerald Necklace begins to explain some of Bay the architecture of Fens, much of the the urban edge. architecture 108 In responds the Back to the curvilinear nature of the roads that follow the undulations of then all built, and Garden were that formed frontage buildings established, its the Urban a It is as if the built edge for the planned Royal Crescent. Fens was Fens were the almost as It is itself. the Fens the remaining buildings and blocks not adjacent to the park were designed to fit on their sites as best they could. a black hole in an urban The Emerald Necklace is also and the never Necklace and the of parkways are like drains off water the land in culverts feeder side streets. The side seeking its of the Rock gorge, as if bridge to be built so on it This it could that a continuous Fens, Olmsted Park, Jamaica the waiting for the complete itself. also become islands undercurrent of traffic. Pond, and Franklin parks isolated like side of side of the other were naturally surrounded by all become River. stopped on one the Emerald Necklace have Sections of point as For example, before construction started again the Avenue lowest opposite of the majority of bridge, Connecticut Avenue Creek and are route to the Charles blackhole effect is the direct conditions in Washington. The like Necklace Emerald go into other side. the emerge on collecting traffic from the streets streets seem to The smaller there continuation. streets is the major Only on up again. never pick the Necklace stop that dead end to Streets design sense. jewels set aside The Park have from the rest of their urban context because of the way that traffic If Central Park were has defined their boundaries. intended to allow the visitor 109 the opportunity to block out is, y-1 Figure 51. 110 Franklin Park and the Arnold the distractions of the city, Arboretum allow the same feeling in certain places. remainder of the Emerald In the Necklace's jewels, their settings have been tarnished by overexposure to the city and traffic which surrounds them. The Emerald a barrier Necklace is by the social and economic people and architecture created which form the urban edges. diversity of the neighborhoods of the Because much boundary of and a the Necklace side of land on either rests in Brookline, or Roxbury, there are physical, as well as social and Necklace. the sides of the There are varying densities of development along on the Necklace interplay in the economic differences two edges as between the certain locations(The others(Jamaica Pond, buildings(museums, sides, but there is subsides in Fens, Olmsted Park) and The institutional medical schools, colleges, an increases in the density Franklin Park). also hospitals) add an interesting density to the areas along the Necklace. The variation Necklace of the urban edge along exists because address the buildings the roads that front the parks. the length of the forming the edge The architecture of the edge comes from the parks and parkways, not from the formal structure of the city around it. grew and developed around the natural In Boston the city features of its topography, and the market necessity of frontage lots along main transportation routes. 111 Washington: Boston individuals developed that led based to a on decisions made piecemeal settlement by pattern. The land surrounding Rock Creek Park, in Washington, D.C., is close best described as a neighborhood developments, knit group each with its and distinct personalities that are of common urban surrounding Rock the Civil and events. Creek was War dating infrastructure all linked by a series acquired and improvements different own architecture majority back to the boundaries, into what was north of The of of the subdivided after 1870's. Transportation outside the municipal then Washington county, the land Boundary Road(Florida Avenue), were the keys to opening up the suburban communities around Rock Creek. gorges that border land the southern edges of the park The were themselves barrier to development in the early years. Bridging the creek valley was an essential element in the development of the western neighborhoods. The P Street bridge connected the Dupont Circle neighborhood to the well established Georgetown in 1871, which began the onslaught of the neighborhoods north and west of Georgetown that were to follow. "The blossoming neighborhoods east of Rock Creek development until the gorge 1886 and and at Calvert west of Dupont Rock Creek the residential marked the major trend of was bridged-at Klingle Road in Street in 1891."(29) Kalorama, north Circle, was opened up Massachusetts Avenue was extended the of gorge in 1887. 112 further when from Florida Avenue over The initial iron bridge '1 &i ~wq~ Figure 54. Figure 55. 115 built in 1887 bridge in was replaced by a 1901.(30) In 1907 the was completed and allowed Circle north to more substantial Connecticut Avenue bridge for direct passage Chevy Chase. stone Until the bridge, Connecticut Avenue stopped from Dupont completion of the on the southern edge of the gorge and picked back up on the northern side. The advent of public transportation opened up the neighborhoods on both sides of Rock Creek. The horse drawn trolleys of the early 1870's the electrified trolleys of the late 1880's and of transportation beginning with made gave way to the Brightwood, 1890's. inner, The availability eastern 1861; Mount suburbs Pleasant, , 1865; Dupont Circle, 1880; Kalorama 1887; Washington Heights, and Lanier Heights, 1880's;(present day Adams Morgan)a physical reality beyond their existence as platted suburbs.(31) With the construction Valley came and of the the western Cleveland Park bridges Chase and Calvert street Street 1894-1895. Connecticut Senator and Klingle on Avenue in Chase, 1890, Francis Newlands, possible by Bridges, and Wisconson Avenue 1892.(32) building the by opening up 1890 and on in Chevy Chase acted as magnet that pulled people out to it over time. there was a vacuum Creek made the development of both Cleveland Park car service the Rock developments, Chevy the developer of Chevy Chase, Chevy across along Connecticut a In its wake Avenue that was eventually filled in as Cleveland Park developed. The 1893 Highway Act and the revised 1898 version of the Highway Act 1893 were that grandfathered subdivisions intended to correct 116 plated before the problems that the 1887 Annual Report District Commissioners' referred to as the streets that "go nowhere and connect with nothing."(33) The 1898 Act was Highway L'Enfant's plan Acts did outside of two things: it continuity between subdivisions, and during the the rapidly developing out into Washington County the 1792 plan. it put L'Enfant's plan a virtual freeze while the of areas of The Highway insured that there would the period lines extend the to intended and be some the new on development legislation was being finalized. Each of the neighborhoods that border the park have had have over the course of their own development patterns and their histories as they neighborhoods limited by evolved their own built the neighborhoods and the in like in topography park itself. development nodes where there of building, the park relate to changes urban edges. To this The are physically between the day the major has been a second generation New York around Central Park, have been limited to areas where there are bridges or roads that cut across the park. development would An example of this type of pattern of be at the bridges at Connecticut Avenue and Calvert Street. The primary corridors of development have been along transportation routes like out Connecticut Avenue along its entire length out to Chevy Street, up bordering majority Chase Circle, and out Sixteenth Of all of to Piney Branch. Rock of the Creek Park, Kalorama high-rise the neighborhoods has attracted the development, (remembering the 120'-0" building height limit in the District of Columbia). 117 Figure 56. 118 Figure 57 119 The eastern edge of the park is more densely developed with row houses majority in Mount Pleasant, of the residences(many northern edge larger apartment now embassies) of Piney Branch Brightwood (on bordered by in and Kalorama. the Spring in park is residences which make coast." On larger On of 16th Street) the affluent "gold up black the west side of the edge is a loose arrangement Rock Creek the majority of single family buildings with the on out to Silver the west side single family Washington's of and Adams Morgan, residences and apartment an occasional building where there is a cross access from the east to the west side neighborhoods. Further north from the Connecticut Avenue Bridge, up through Cleveland Park and on into Chevy Chase, the density at the park's edge has remained loosely single family residential. In summation, York, Boston, and the walls of Washington their histories beyond their walking cities share a New in They were all that decentralized dramatically end. of New common element Olmsted parks. the transportation advances in similarities the Urban Gardens because of the late 1880's; here their York has not remained a decentralized city, and its relationship to Central Park is one of extreme contrast, towering walls Franklin Park urban edge necklace. them, each nature. of the the park juxtaposed city surrounding it. portion of Boston's Emerald as varied as the individual against the The Fens to Necklace has an parks of the The parks reflect the neighborhoods which engulf being a different Finally there is 120 response of a built Washington's edge to neighborhood approach to the challenge of urbanizing on the steep slopes of a valley. Rock Creek has been bounded by apartment border of family houses which buildings, row run the gamut of houses, a loose knit and possible densities which are rarely ever noticed from inside the park. 121 single 122 GARDEN FOR ALLIANCE CHAPTER VI: AN URBAN to merge the lessons from Where are the opportunities his progeny Olmsted and of the Olmsted progeny and urban conditions, the histories been Alliance and led There suggested. me are to for futures region, but this thoughts, specific some possible many its surrounding already directions have linkages and cities, some their of the Alliance, the metaphors introduction to After the the future? promise of with the thesis has and observations, conclusions about the relationship of parks to Alliance. many is that the day of The first of space has not Boston, passed. The great urban parks Washington are and the great urban of New York, relics of antiquated not a period when the only role of the park was as the "lungs" of the city. has shown, the As their history are multidimensional Olmsted parks characters that play many Their ability to act as an park. only one of them being a organizing element of a plan, roles with to create an edge for growth to occur along, and to build a public constituency of their own, will Olmsted's day his parks city expanded as it decentralized city park system city at a from the with suburbs. regional scale The of Texas. They must become The real is that and at parks must city walking In of the became essential elements around Alliance simultaneously. functions. test on the plains be put to the to the challenge of a it must address the the neighborhood also perform scale two primary an organizing element at both the regional and neighborhood scales 123 as well as a regional landmark and point of reference. This expanded role represents a tremendous challenge to a park system. Around possible futures Alliance the can be broken down into three components: The Parks as Plan, The Parks as Boundary, categories and The Parks will explore as Alliance. elements of of the Olmsted's parks and their applications for the Alliance region. 124 Each (1) THE PARKS AS PLAN Can a park be a plan in itself? If the nature of a plan is like laying out framework for structuring growth, to be a streets and vistas in Washington or New York, cannot by be a plan itself, but it then a park can be a strong Planning through parks is an organizing element of a plan. In many ways the process resembles the open-ended process. children's experiment where a piece of string is put into a and over sugar water, jar of around the string and experiment the makes rock outcome is sugar crystalizes time the candy. certain, but Going the into the resulting formations of crystals are never the same. Introducing parks into the region surrounding Alliance is a similar process. land and ends hierarchies It is a process that begins with the It with it. of spaces as allows man dictated by to use nature's topography as the structuring elements of the plan for the extension of a new city. The city will grow around the parks in time, but how will its form crystalize? Boston effectively grew around a hierarchy of natural spaces physical features. unplanned in the dictated by its topography and It was an essentially sense that it did not unplanned city, grow into the grid or some precise physical structure of some prexisting blueprint for growth. Parks as an urban antidote: In the are few Texas landscape that surrounds vertical elements to 125 Alliance there distract the eye. The land and sky end. spread out across the horizon never to Within this land of the horizontal plane, there are a few elements they are that add some relief the groves of criss-cross the region. They define and landscape provide an to the landscape, and trees surrounding the These equivalent of the baroque the and seem swaths of green are the boulevards of the European 'city. focus the view and organize into creeks that more subtle areas. indelible image to the fabric of In short the landscape by they making it have limits and.boundaries. To the east of Alliance spread across the landscape there are communities that with the same amorphousness as the fields to the west. These are man made landscapes that have no is nothing to relief. nothing subtle There about them Where does Hurst begin and break up the view, that translates into an image. Euless end, or is that Bedford? On the open plains the fences provide the clues: and if the property has been around long enough, there of trees that defines one formed along can be field from the next. creek bottoms that the image that this around. that the green can The parks relate to Residents of New York speak to Central Park. Alliance his The parks, already exist, new area of the can provide man is a hedgerow region builds an image and association location in the world. of where they live in relation The future inhabitants of the land around could define themselves by where they lived in relation to Elizabeth Creek. In the vastness of the plains of North Texas, both the natural landscape and the built landscape 126 need an element "44, , ARLINGTON Figure 58. 127 that provides a there to be contrast. Contrast allows appreciated more. The power for what of New is York's skyline is impressive, but it is more impressive because it can be contrasted to Away from the one of The parks even These older more New York, Boston, parks can another city until visual antidote to the more critical Central Park. reveals the wooded areas are the are critical cities of areas of Mall, Washington is just the many bridges Creek. They the natural preserve to the city. well defined urban and Washington; but to developing regions like the image of Rock of they are Alliance. the present and provide a glimpse of what the image of the future could be. The parks would insure that there would always be contrast on the horizon, whether that horizon holds plowed fields or new communities. Transportation, parks as choices: As we have seen in each of the cases of New York Boston, and Washington, transportation corridors are always strong influences cities on the around Olmsted's growth of the city. parks engulfed The three them because the parks were in the path of growth that was being extended by transportation. for the Transportation innovations created choices inhabitants of extended the from their distances that places of possible to Fifth Avenue, it was the poor city. In New Their made it alternative the York, along who lived next to other choice. 128 could live Transportation the parks as an of the walking had no The trolleys the city dwellers employment. live next to urbanized areas because they the walking cities. the park shanties formed to afford live and build the homes financial means to it was the Finally edge. and Central Park) out(to move could rich who was the it Then edge. first urban the the had who of the second decided to choice of those who live next to the park that stay in Manhattan and wanted to created the demand for the third generation urban edge. Transportation beyond the walking finely knit Washington. the bounds city; transportation established the Boston and cities have grown beyond Unfortunately as the some lost has city of the urban fabric walking city, the of the decentralized York, New of fabrics urban move form to urban the has enabled its of special characteristics. the ultimate personal freedom of The car has afforded radius of the city as long as they are cities. central people will distance The than in travel is in are cheaper prices land edges because the willing to pay the Economists will say that cities expand costs of commuting. to any within live inhabitants can city's The movement. have to pay for the land, relation to the amount that they in conjunction with the price they have to pay to commute. generators density. Nodes of urban major roads intersect where buildings are Corner, Silver become roles new city. In built. organizers around off-ramps events Washington, as The of where the places have become each other spring up where major routes Tyson's have highways of on the decentralized form in of city intersections take corridors Transportation mini-cities intersect the beltway like at Spring, 129 or Rockville. Areas of commerce, trade, and housing duplicate the elements of the walking city but are only accessible by car. At Alliance the again be reality is the dominant form that the car will of transportation and once with it the form of the new city will continue to be decentralized: here the parks will play a significant role. Juxtaposed to the concrete corridors of growth, there can be green swaths across the landscape that form and a sense of Washington, growth will give the decentralized mass direction. occurred corridors not because of the secondary organizing because of Boston, and transportation parks: but the parks became a element provided another choice area surrounding In New York, within the city. of how and where to Alliance a live. system of parks They In the and parkways dedicated before the real growth takes root can provide the future inhabitants choices they live. New York, the image of set up front about how Boston, and Washington could dictate the bounded edge of the parks aside, as and where could the inhabitants of once they were the land around Alliance. Parks as a section drawing of the city: The city. parks provide They drawing. a sense act as a way A section of perspective of seeing the city cuts an object in half about the as a section and allows the viewer to observe the inner workings of the object. In the same sense the parks allow from a distance. Central distance Park affords that allows inside the city. the cities the skyline the viewer to be The parks allow for 130 to be seen a sense of appreciated from the introduction of into foreground ability our perceive to city. the Ordinarily, on the street, pedestrians are too close to see on top are right buildings that beyond the anything of them, but the parks let them stand back and see the changes will also allow At Alliance the park system in the city. the section change of the landscape to be witnessed because of the changes in soil type, and vegetation that occur from east to west across the region. Boston, the In progression Common out from the from the seams out instead of Franklin Park shows the city the other way around, from the fabric to the seam. New Central York, to the southern 59th street the section lower middle class edge of "gold affluent Street. Sixteenth change from and Adams affluent Cleveland Park, social sees the Morgan fade to the Mount Pleasant, and then become of coast" black section looking The Harlem at walls of section looking east The of Kalorama affluent edges the from the mid-town physical and reveals different the city. segments of the In Washington along Rock Creek 110th Street to the north. Park, Even in observer city the watch the density change opportunity to image of gives Park to white Washington west to Georgetown, the middleclass Chase. and upper middleclass Chevy changes in social composition of shows along These the edge are reflected in the built form as well. At this point in Alliance's predict the economic built edge possibility of such ranges differentiation, and bordering the parks. 131 development it is hard to how they Because social and will affect the of of the locations of the transportation that growth will corridors, it be out from the corridors cross the concrete ones. likely to begin in the middle of the SH(State Highway) 377 and SH 156. transportation corridors out into the is likely to assume areas where the green The urban centers are corridors like 1-35, The parks will weave the together and then find landscape to the east their way toward Grapevine Lake, and to the west up stream to the headwaters of the creeks. Grapevine Lake will be one end of the system with the parks following the creeks off head waters which divide the watersheds. The ultimately to Washington. land into sections sections across the Alliance be very different The anchored at into the countryside to the parks one end by in will be possible and an the center, arrangements along There could be a possible Washington are have densities there could length be a number of of the section. residential anchor to the east the west. to the north and The headwaters of west which make up ends may remain agricultural with definite finishing point at Boston and Around Alliance where the the industrial center to the creeks and city centers which that decrease towards the edges. airport region will from those of Boston by their the other one of the ends having a Grapevine Lake and the others, going off to find their source in the landscape. With an airport as Alliance will strategy. Because overlay be its following center, a of the FAA height zoning district that the region different around development restrictions and the surrounds the airport and limits the uses that can occur within the overlay district, 132 1%6 FORT WORTH ARLINGTON Figure 59 133 the future city predominantly urban center will industrial. development remain This in the low density changes the region by and pattern forcing the of denser "downtown" area and the housing into different places along the section. The section could look like this, residential along shores of Grapevine Lake and the creek deltas at the lake's headwaters, commercial, and institutional between SH 377 and 1-35 and alternatives in only be a then between. way. of industrial, At or a range Alliance the parks seeing the region of will not change across its section, but will also be a way of organizing the growth. Off-ramp urbanism and the machine in the garden: In the car oriented, decentralized city of today it is difficult to obtain a clear image of a city or place. are the places that are metroplex? Certainly memorable in the Dallas-Fort Worth there are Dallas, and Fort Worth what about What clear images of Downtown with their impressive skylines, but the skylines of Las Colinas and the Galleria? There are cities between Dallas and Fort Worth that have no clear public identities beyond seems to be are no the activity that occurs longer photomontages of development like Tyson's Corner. off interstates. off-ramps is that area for their exit signs. cities with development, Urbanism at off-ramps. images, there just malls the Galleria, or Las and There are just nodes of Colinas, Solona, or These are towns that used to be just exits What distinguishes them the cross roads created development, better malls, better housing. 134 from other a better market better apartments, A LLF.-PAt, I3I rn-I- U ml' 'a ~KThIN~ ~OM Figure 60. 1-35 IALI~~ lAtli In a certain sense the linear parks of Alliance could also be a substitute for the public part of the city. lack of a town square, or the There are no longer any images of the public domain, but is having a clear sense public and what is private still important? runways at Alliance are an very large scale, and the private The parks would be in the landscape and would become the cohesive That may be too fabric of the element in contrast between what is which is private. at a public airport begin land around it begin? that defines the Certainly the what is public but where does the an alternative element city that image of of what is the city public and that ambitious, perhaps the best a system of linear parks could do would be to knit the nodes at the to off-ramps together and give something greater than their them a reference exit number. In Boston where the development was primarily made by individual acts of capitalism, the planned element that the community grew around and still links it are the parks and parkways of the Emerald Necklace. In Washington, there is no greater public space to find and lose the city than in the woods of Rock Creek: and York finally if there is a single where there Central Park. spaces have is the possibility for The parks in to carry place in New privacy, it is the sense that they are public the burden of contrast to the homogeneity of the decentralized, suburban city. There has to sense be a commonality element to the landscape,i.e., that can wash of industrial, give other office, etc. 136 a greater type of parks in trailer, of the amusement, The range of elements in the hides behind the uses asks, decentralized city that park image is disturbing. what is the This range of inhabitant of relationship of the What happens the new age industrial city to the landscape? something that exists in contrast when nature is no longer to the urban form of was to individual countryside, as a place. a contrast reached a now to office buildings are are There parks. for parks in the an the rural and natural Suburbanization has buildings are factories and office urban became lost has been urban. The most parks. factories, and own what is point where put in What sense of what is suburbanization is the as nature public space, The of the of Instead agrarianism. shared private individual a lawn. a piece to afford be able of between what was Suburbia meant a house and urban and rural. American dream The suburbanization blurring of the lines America marked the landscape the city? elements of in their all set out houses, cities, parks for factories, parks for shopping, parks for working, and parks the enjoyment of The park for for amusement. almost disappeared any traces of along with nature has the original rural landscape. the his parks being natural Olmsted was adamant about areas within But the opportunity humanizing aspect parks are so pure these days. for public parks and open spaces as a Life is not the city. of the city form still still the melting pots of society. Park, the Emerald Necklace, and are still the great exists. refuges of 137 Public In Central Rock Creek Park, the parks the urban public. The social spectrum is represented from pseudo chic in Gucci running parks within cities with should there can spaces public to the But these are eastern tremendous space constraints; why be lands set parks compete suits. the homeless aside for parks in with the where the malls or Texas? sports stadiums inhabitants of the region How as can gather? Every major itself as development the Metroplex having landscaped amenities. for landscape at at in the scale usually the scale of the building, of the that parkways, comprise road the is provided or maybe even "park" development. landscaped sidewalks Space The result frontages short markets and jogging is the trails. Landscape as it relates to the suburbanized industrial city is a piecemeal, lip service because it sells real estate. parks and parkways along Worth along many areas of These areas are region, but response were only Dallas has a true system of White Rock Creek, as the Trinity River only two examples. they that exists flood plain. There are post-development does Fort more in the responses not pre-development planning tools. Used as pre-development tools, make the "parks" that boundaries more enables a are likely effective as to congregate developments beyond themselves for can a A park relationship to something a regional and local "park" on their built developments. development to have a public, that has the regional parks can image. relate themselves change and can The private to something become part larger system of places that is readily identifiable. 138 of (2) THE PARKS AS BOUNDARY be a revelation. urban development should not of the Urban Garden have Boston, and Washington, the edges different images; Alliance's parks become? on the of image the first generation continues to Central Park. many subtle drive the cities where has occurred and has stopped. evolve as the most developed edge as demand three in terms of its urban example of the of and Washington have taken continue to York will the boundaries can what Boston development around the parks New In New York, of a new city. be used as the form generator on What should idea of parks as boundaries can be a revelation is how the taken boundary for a natural parks as of the The concept edge overlooking evolution of the Beyond those broad categorizations there are implications that design generated can by looking at the development of an Urban Garden for Alliance. The urban doughnut: One of the first things the eye that strikes when looking at maps of New York City is the gaping whole in its Park is located. center where Central incredible city starts and then picks happened. up on and stops at the edge the other From the development of Side neighborhoods, fabric of this The it is side as of the park, if nothing had the Upper East and West apparent that the walled image has not always been the same, nor are the walls symmetrical images of each other. They are somewhat symmetrical in the 139 ways that they taper off from south to north, but they are hardly similar at 59th Street and 110th Street. The important aspect development around Central happen. Density and elements within Central Park high-rise a park are and around by developments not mutually The urban edge around open The so the landscape exclusive of dense natural area. Central Park Nature being of was allowed to park because of its it. edge about the relationship of each other. even more spectacular bounding Park is that it gives clues elements feed off appreciated the reasonable limits. buildings buildings of in is made an contrast to the the limited. two city In is everywhere. the is fully suburban There is not enough density to make an arrangement of buildings urban, and too many make the there are buildings to landscape natural. The idea that needs to emerge out of this example is to be dense and urban when the opportunity presents itself. Downtown Dallas of downtowns and Fort Worth present from an architectural perspective, have yet to create any real of Downtown and there are still the They or nonexistent, surface parking lots intermixed with are communities sense of place. lack the downtowns six o'clock in the evening. housing is limited high-rise buildings. Galleria but they density of life that can carry the Downtown neighborhood past The stock respectable images Las Colinas, of buildings Solona, and with little the or no These are examples of "off-ramp urbanism". capacity although they to be miniature replications make the 140 attempt. They of are too ability to provide for enough They also lack the feeling. suburban town center scale to provide the overwhelming in them. accentuate the nature around contrast to Nature is introduced in the form of an irrigated median or a strip of grass between the sidewalk and the building's edge. urbanism" around Alliance to be "off ramp If there is let it follow the New York which there inevitably will be, of the parks. development occurs near one model where the Make the development as dense as the market will bear. the corridors and design location. at the intersection of There hierarchy. that by the secondary level highways, but is by the parks. At also the two immediate intersection connected on is a these development nodes and do not waste the time on the decorative attempts development. be will the at "place" the make the park the central focus, and money to the dense Make them visually significant parts of the regional connected advantage of their parks to be juxtaposed will occur urban systems. recognition transportation the main them to take full Design the building that larger intersect they parks where Use at "landscaping" the Build an urban place that has an identity and a density, not just the usual collection of Seven-Eleven's and McDonalds. degrees of development along the There can be varying parks, but in the places occur, make it like Central Rock Creek Park and the city and the presence of the park that the density to Park, the Emerald Necklace, or cities around them, where both the are empowered other. is going and enriched It will be important 141 by the to allow the densities along the enough parks to change so that there will be contrasts along the built edge to of contrasts, that will further accentuate spectrum create another the relationship between the built and the natural edges. The park as a topographic sculpture: Olmsted believed that when the city dwellers went into one of his by parks, the park would consume obliterating the references Central Park nowhere can city Creek Park. successful and Franklin Park dwellers in it. Rock In Rock Creek There is city. achieve is observing the park from one one is the Areas that goal, lose themselves Topography element. to and cleanse them Creek Park of but like in Rock Park's most one is either of the spectacular bridges, or no real in between. and Boston the pedestrian or In New York the driver can transverse the park and see it without venturing into it. The boundary of New York, Boston, and Washington are such that the park can be constantly observed from topography, the buildings that To its periphery. rim of Rock block the paraphrase Tom Because of its Creek is walled by houses or unobstructed views to the park. Wolfe, you are either in the park or you're out of the park. Washington relationship. and In Rock enables it is labyrinthine. Down references to the city that a very coy the other parks Rock Creek is for the residents. approach unless one is aware it have Washington the Mall and are for the tourists, but Its topography Creek to be seen, but of its secrets. in the Once inside, there are few is everywhere around you. The 142 valley impossible to gorges are the only real clues bridges that cross over the location in the park. as to your self-referential. allows it to be Rock Creek's topography There are always places references back to another piece outside the park to catch share the park The only people who really of the valley. are those on the edge, who have visual access. The park as hide and go seek: a park with many Creek Park is If Rock island with nothing to hide. Emerald Necklace is a traffic The relationship of the built edge of the urban garden to the parks of Boston is constantly interrupted of traffic. The jewels of the necklace are necklace from the Following the reason that The varied. parks strung together on a its completely the is a group Each from the of the and elicits The Fens apartments blocks of so of neighborhood buildings around it. different feel That is necklace is regional system. and institutions Park is The park to park own characteristics has its response from the its own edge of built Emerald Necklace individual parks with the well hidden. difficult to follow. linkages by the parkways are one by a stream Fens to Franklin and go seek. like playing a game of hide secrets, the large single has a family residences that surround Jamaica Pond. Going forward at Alliance Boston's similarities for the future provides some strong potential urban edge. strong In Boston elements at the the individual parks themselves are neighborhood elements of regional system. they remain a Emerald Necklace diverse set level but also as Even as elements of a system, of parks 143 that respond to the 6E NTgfAL AX4 p ( =MEMNON=ffim FA4->JAY ThF, ~~FiHS 4 Figure 61 FA4-Aky 144 most physical Creek and Central Park level, Rock they Emerald same The its lack of of Following it is like being on a continual search cohesion. for its definite vary. images because is remarkable Necklace another At with city how their of regardless boundaries, the are successful because the in green of swaths are Granted they city. the of economic strata and the section of cross show the and suburban areas idea about downtown to its of the city from its reveal the evolution the across a region. diverse spaces linkage of embody an physically and to imagination capture to concept as a ability its is Necklace Emerald of the The strength around them. neighborhoods They quality. neighborhood parks at Alliance The end. reveal could jewels that have much the could have city, the and focus a place and be beyond let the inhabitants know that themselves; this focus would they are part of something larger. Parks or parkways?: are two There Washington: think of the York, Boston, and and the Central Park and bounded. the parks looking at ways of of New parks as bound parks of the Emerald Necklace are really just big traffic islands because of the impact that streams of circulation has on traffic. traffic This elements that are carved out of that circumvent them. The are them. sets from the It also creates outside, them up to but there a physical barrier The parks can be are also physical thresholds that separate the pedestrian from the parks. 145 be the city form by the roads that separates the people from the parks. observed bounded by The concept brings up of barriers and some interesting issues. the necessary have to define parks, make up example, what are Is the needs to street and a row of trees, and a wall like degrees of thresholds that have the surrounding buildings, opposite the their subtle differences and give separation sufficient, like in the Fens, or The varying to be crossed from of that a park itself as an element? need a continuous Central Park? For degrees of separation sidewalk on the park side does it layers own kind in the edge of Urban Garden. serve to set up them a certain visual approach. These the parks The circulation around the parks then begins to define and to differentiate the edge condition. The relationships of the buildings and their layers of boundary and the number of thresholds could be applied to Alliance in places where parkways could eventually develop. The opposite image of the park as an element that is defined by a parkway, is the park when it becomes a parkway like in Rock Creek Park. The parkway in Rock Creek is surrounded by nature to the extent that it obliterates any perception of the city. Rock Creek the park becomes an enclosing edge that In defines the view and makes the circulation corridor a unique experience in urban driving. It is from Downtown Washington to without seeing a building or perceiving almost possible suburban Maryland to go the boundaries of the park. A combination of the two strategies of circulation can be used at Alliance. to define the limits There will of be areas that can be used the parks, 146 and there will be opportunities to surround the parkways in nature to obscure the limits of the Both strategies will incorporate parks. it like in the built edge around different responses from York and Boston and in Rock the different responses in New Creek in Washington. Going against the grain: All three of cities around them, but interesting been boundaries to the there are access points in the things begin to happen when Paths cut across the boundary. the parks where grain of the parks provide of development the density timing and into the insights looked at have the parks that have been was designed Central Park are crossed. with four major cross town connections at 65th , 81st, 86th The result was that, the corner edges at and 97th Streets. each of developed first. these points islands of development around them. the edge formed before the rest of most active of the still several They are became small They corners bordering the park. In Washington park crossings the the top of the world. gorges of Rock Creek seem like sense of luxury that the viewer the the most The bridges that cross the spectacular views of the park. also give afford They comes from emerging from the city, and suddenly being suspended over a canopy of nature below, and the other side. Rock Creek Park. to where the become then of reentering the city on are reference The bridges elements for They define the inhabitant's relationship inhabitant is reference points like the view from the in the that are city. At visible to times they each other, Calvert Street Bridge looking south 147 across the Connecticut Avenue Bridge, to the Massachusetts Avenue Bridge. become points of reference floor. From the valley floor there are so few visual clues The bridges about the city when they even are seen more vital valley from the that surrounds the park. as The bridges hold some of the only references to the city beyond the valley's walls. It is where the bridges connect with the land that the most significant development park. across the park development. The bridges bordered are have received area surrounding Massachusetts Avenue Embassy Row, with the by at Calvert Bridge apartments along the rim the the 148 Street apartments. reflects position its The on the Washington At Connecticut Avenue and views of the like backdrop to the park below. intense and R P added attraction of Street edge of the most the high-rise Mosque and apartment buildings. also on the the bridges and other limited The areas surrounding points occurs of the park provide hotels and a postcard (3) THE PARKS AS ALLIANCE Alliance was chosen as the name of the airport because meaning. of it Alliance has a metaphorical quality about it that can carry over into all aspects the region. It could be an alliance of large landholders, is disparate groups that basically it parks, but unite behind common connotation of the alliance can The goals and objectives. even cities, or schools, utilities, public of development in become the basis of a strategy that formulates the creation of regional a parks of system that many transcends Because of the diverse nature of the political boundaries. political interests in the region, it will take an alliance and maintain these parks to designate, build, if they are things that have been described to accomplish the range of in this thesis. Grass roots parks: era Olmsted's expression of the public will at work. issue that become issues parties. system passed without a One of around constituency Alliance in each of elected at any Legislation Parks constituency. a grass the creation to is develop a the neighborhoods, 149 They the political that go beyond to the keys the political boundaries. transcends in themselves on space are currently preservation of open and the roots not get the In the cases of New bear levels. the appropriate officials at level does to influence their brought are there were private champions York, Boston, and Washington, who parks public that proved of the park grass roots communities, school districts, counties, at the Congress. effort state level and then in Grass roots support takes a tremendous amount of and time organize the to form opinions support in and a direction positions and that can to get things done, but first the seed of the idea has to be planted. Leadership places, and support like the Corps of overseeing the flood River Authority treatment in is responsible region. An stream beds. make role in or the Trinity for the sewage source of whose high tension with easements at the bases of great cross Then there strange have a additional come from TU Electric towers which from some Engineers who lines that cross the region their come plains in the region, which the leadership could can are the connections to obvious open the space and environmental groups who have been active in the region for years. The wild card in community which amenities in is the past has been the development working each of on landscape their separate projects market is demanding it. Alliance all of these groups joined base in the and because the would be truly unique if together behind the common goal of creating a regional park system. power programs region that The parks would have a could maintain a highly visible role in directing development in the area. Introducing the reigns: Once this same general grass roots constituency is direction there mechanism at the regional level. One approach might be an has to be heading in the a controlling This can take many forms. elected or appointed board that can oversee the development of the park system. As part of 150 the board's powers, it needs to be enabled to create, fund, and administer the system. its fullest chaos to board will have to manage This Olmsted examples In the potential. the process of park creation and administration was done in a clearly of process defined and maintenance. design, construction, Unfortunately for out while he was working on Olmsted the process was worked Central Park. appropriation, location, some twenty years later Boston's experience provides a good example of how to build a system over time. Boston knew ultimately what pieces were needed but acquired designed and then in stages, them as the system built parcels became available and funds could be appropriated. have to be included to provide The one tool that will an element of control is the board with lands in the targeted areas. district that encompasses the This zoning is function This zoning district will have the parks is to provide is private development entirely. land flood plain lies in lands will provide another areas that are which will responsibly. allow Parks exclusive elements. land anyway, for and control of these layer enforcement to insure the Regional parks target the retained in to be exclude to Because much of the targeted system. success of the regional not quality, a higher of natural systems at sure that the development that the regional scale, to make there the development along the park's edge. to oversee and plan for occurs in element important an region's development plans. The purpose of an overlay zoning other states, their natural areas development to be developed are not mutually They serve to enrich the other. 151 Buying the necklace: At Alliance there that goes beyond Boston had will have to be the to challenge of endure. constraints of most local, funds for park parcel assembly light of the matching funds. of money or The budgetary in the form land that is leveraged by real point should be that of the eventual build system that will guide the that state, and federal governments, appropriation will probably be private donations, common vision In an additional step process. adapt itself to the realities out of there is a the regional The process will then of little or no budget. idea is to see the necklace,and The then to acquire it a pearl at a time. Developing a regional park system one parcel at a time will require a different maintenance of the donated or acquired or an state, adjacent user will evolve on is parks. attitude towards the To begin with the will have arrangement will to remain have to for its maintenance. a case by case for the developer who land that is in its be made Much basis. design and natural with the of this strategy Another alternative will eventually build adjacent to the park, to work within a set of design guidelines similar to those suggested in "The the developer ties would be it. inclined to Instead amenity an preexisting landscaping the and for the level of be applied value. public-private 152 he market dictates money could system creating double the opportunity amenity that provide because the being piecemeal, the regional this of the into Parks as Boundary." In this way the to To create sharing of that insure have would authority built edge is the ability the developers and adjacent landholders the of outcome built be established out properly. The to negotiate with to determine the final authority This edge. the of and construction parks development authority could parks, a to maintenance for responsibility would be directly responsible to the regional board. A pearl at a time: that differs from the the pearls analogy parks can vary that the along the route. The beauty of a piece at a time. assembling the necklace pearls is be accomplished by of the parks will The acquisition There will image of matched and dimension in size be times when owners will not want to give up their land, but they will grant an easement The important aspect to in order to continue the corridor. to keep in mind is that all the pieces, regardless of their shape, in creating important are Each importance. easement, or the linkages in one of of land a parcel something step closer to completion. brings the of the form greater of an system another This method of acquisition will be drawn out but will continue to expand the imagability of the parks as as a natural valley the flood plain areas, as well as parks, a whole. storage area for By doubling these areas take on purpose beyond public recreation areas. Not a matched set: Another part of along the the strategy will be necklace can sections that have varying uses. remain in cultivation; there that the spaces There can be could be areas that are turned into environmental exhibits; there could be 153 areas for plane watching Alliance of the runway at National like the park at the end Airport in Washington; and still others that are actively forested to generate for the system. Other pieces could be temporary exhibition areas for events For the parks like World's Fairs or to extremely flexible be successful a cash flow the Olympic Games. the process and the interpretation of must be the park has to be broadened to encompass a wide range of uses which are dynamic, not static in their nature. Olmsted would have expanded use of the parks pragmatist as well project goals his interpretation of the because he was a manager as a designer. He understood what his were and was politically sure that he accomplished them. and political astute enough make Olmsted was interested in social interaction by all classes of people, and parks were the places that he favored for the purpose. mall culture of today more and become parks. scale, and the continual suburbanization of more rural area, more tolerant of Olmsted also but never accessibility of on the Olmsted would have placing worked on a built car. The had 154 are large to confront trolleys his in the transformed and he adjusted to it, as adjusted his thinking about relationship to the automobile. changed and elements in parks that scale that Olmsted's world in his lifetime, he would have Faced with the parks and their 155 156 CONCLUSION The process of thinking about exact science. Great cities are not recipes to be repeated In the same way that the foot print with the same results. of the yield not site will a same building two with Their the same. are never architects, cities different city building is not an fascination is the fact that they are each unique, and that they differences at have common Boston, and Washington differences their when parks was examined. The the Emerald Necklace have north Texas, plains of any of never duplicate The greatest goal because of its quality of qualities its are differences between Central Park, and their cities but this city the three apply on to of information originality this thesis. cities of and innovation, and places. to attributable If elements be held up and for some of garnered Olmsted's parks then this thesis has been worthwhile. 157 the plains will on the that Alliance can have is to people Olmsted their relationship with and Rock Creek Park wealth provided a common revealed their each have New York, every level. the those from 158 FOOTNOTES INTRODUCTION (1) Roper, Laura Wood. FLO: A Biography of Frederick Law Olmsted. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973 (Synthesis of Roper) CHAPTER I: (1) ALLIANCE AND THE URBAN CONDITIONS Interviews with F. M. Carroll ASLA, Albert Haalf Engineers and Planners. (2) Interview with Lynn Lovell, P.E., Albert Haalf Engineers and Planners. (3) Schuyler, David. The New Urban Landscape: The Redefinition of City Form in Nineteenth- Century America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, p. 4 CHAPTER II: URBAN METAPHORS: THE URBAN GARDEN (1) Interviews with Elizabeth Meyer, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. (2) Ibid. Cary-Cortona: A New Town as a (3) Manning, Isaac H.. Master's Development Model for the Research Triangle. (Cary-Cortona was Thesis. Blacksburg, Va: VPI&SU, 1985. the project where the urban conditions were developed.) CHAPTER III: (1) Roper, Olmsted. OLMSTED AND THE URBAN GARDEN FLO: A Biography of Frederick Law Laura Wood. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973 The New Urban Landscape: The (2) Schuyler, David. Redefinition of City Form in Nineteenth- Century America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, p. 5 (3) Cranz, Galen. of Urban Parks in 1982, p. 29 (4) Ibid., p. The Politics America. of Park Design: A History Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 29-30. (5) Photographs: Museum of the City of New York (6) Zaitzevsky, Cynthia. Frederick Law Olmsted and the Boston Park System. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1982 159 (7) Bushong, William. Historic Resources Study of Rock Creek Park, District of Columbia. Denver: National Parks Service, Denver Service Center, 1989 pp. 29-71. (8) Ibid., pp. 29-71. (9) Schuyler, David. The New Urban Landscape: The Redefinition of City Form in Nineteenth- Century America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, p. 16. Streetcar Suburbs: The (10) Warner, Sam Bass, Jr.. New York: Growth in Boston, 1870-1900. Process of Atheneum, 1969, pp. 37-43 Washington at Home: An ( 11) Smith, Kathryn Schneider ed.. Illustrated History of the Neighborhoods in the Nation's Northridge, California: Windsor Publications, Capital. 1988, pp. 11-12. Frontier: The Crabgrass Kenneth T.. (12) Jackson, Suburbanization of the United States. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, pp., 20-44 CHAPTER IV: THE PARKS AND THEIR CITIES The New Urban Landscape: The (1) Schuyler, David. Redefinition of City Form in Nineteenth- Century America. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986, pp., 66-67. (2) Ibid., p 93. (3) Ibid. (4) Ibid., p. 79. (5) Ibid., p. 80. (6) Cranz, Galen. The Politics of Park Design: A History of Urban Parks in America. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1982, p. 30. (7) Ibid., p. 31. (8) Schuyler, The New Urban Landscape, p. 81. (9) Ibid. (10) Ibid., p. 85. (11) Zaitzevsky, Cynthia. Frederick Law Olmsted and the Boston Park System. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1982, p. 37. (12) Ibid., p. (13) Ibid., pp. 42. 43-47. 160 (14) Ibid., p. 54. (15) Ibid., pp. (16) Ibid., p. 63. (17) Ibid., p. 64. (18) Ibid., P. 66. (19) Ibid., pp. 55-56. 93-94. (20) Bushong, William. Historic Resources Study of Rock Creek Park, District of Columbia. Denver: National Parks Service, Denver Service Center, 1989, p. 83. (21) Ibid., p. (22) Ibid., p. 84. 85. (23) Ibid., p. 86. (24) Ibid., pp 86-90. (25) Ibid., p. 90. (26) Ibid., p. 92. (27) Ibid., p. 50-72. (28) Ibid., 87. (29) Ibid., 97. (30) Ibid. (31) Ibid., 98. (32) Ibid., 105. (33) Ibid., 106. (34) Ibid., 121. CHAPTER V: THE WALLS OF THE URBAN GARDEN (1) Gladstone, Harmon H. and Dalrymple, Martha. History Preserved: A Guide to New York City Landmarks and Historic and Schuster, 1974, pp. New York: Simon Districts. 244-245 Frontier: The (2) Jackson, Kenneth T. Crabgrass Suburbanization of the United States. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1985, p. 18 161 (3) Trager, James. West of Fifth: The Rise and Fall of Manhattan's West Side. New York: Atheneum, 1987, p. 9 (4) Ibid., p. 10. (5) Ibid. (6) Ibid., p. 11. (7) Ibid., p. 13. (8) Ibid., p. 16. (9) Ibid., p. 17. (10) Ibid., p. 23. (11) Ibid. (12) Ibid., p. 39. (13) Ibid. (14) Ibid., p. 61. (15) Ibid. (16) Ibid., p. 67. (17) Ibid. (18) Ibid., p. 70. (19) Ibid., p. 75. (20) Ibid., p. 81. (21) Ibid., p. 87. (22) Warner, Sam Bass, Jr.. Streetcar Suburbs: Process of Growth in Boston, 1870-1900. New Atheneum, 1969, p. 17. The York: Whitehill, Walter Muir. (23) Boston: A Topographical History. Second Edition. Cambridge and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968, pp. 153-154. (24) Warner, Streetcar Suburbs, p. (25) Ibid., p. 39. (26) Ibid., p. 158. (27) Ibid., p. 39. (28) Ibid., p. 158. 162 37. (29) Gutheim, Frederick. Worthy of a Nation. 107. Smithsonian Institution Press, 1977, p. Washington: Washington at Home: An (30) Smith, Kathryn Schneider ed.. Illustrated History of the Neighborhoods in the Nation's Windsor Publications, Northridge, California: Capital. 184. 1988, p. (31) Ibid., pp. (32) Ibid., p. 132, 111, 183, 230. 194. (33) Gutheim, Worthy of a Nation, p. 163 109 164 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Map of Alliance is 3.1 miles on each side. region with grid imposed. Grid Map of New York City with the grid overlaid. Figure 2. The grid is 3.12 miles per side. Passoneau, Joseph R.. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Urban Atlas: 20 American Cities. Press, 1966. Figure 3. Map of Boston with grid overlaid. Ibid. Figure 4. Map of Washington, D.C. with grid overlaid. Ibid. Figure 5. Map of Alliance and surrounding parcels with grid overlaid to provide a sense of the scale at Alliance. Figure 6. Map of Alliance region with flood plain/park areas in black. Figure 7. Alliance Airport Development Plan. Figure 8. Aerial view of Alliance from the South. Figure 9. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex showing Alliance region parcels. Figure 10. Alliance from the future SH 170 interchange at 1-35. Figure 11. Alliance Region Parcel Map. Figure 12. Parcel 1, Park Glen Aerial. Figure 13. Parcel 2, Hillwood Aerial. Figure 14. Parcel 3 and 4, SH 170 and Alliance Aerial. Alliance was still under construction when this aerial was taken. Alliance opened for air traffic on December 15, 1989. Figure 15. Parcel 5, East Justin Aerial. Figure 16. Parcel 6, West Justin Aerial. Figure 17. Parcel 7, McHutcheon Ranch Aerial Figure 18. Alliance Region School Districts Figure 19. Alliance Region Flood Plain Area Figure 20. Diagram showing the conditions of being bound and bounded. Figure 21. Top sketch is of a typical figure-ground diagram showing only the buildings in black and the streets 165 and other non-building areas as white. The lower drawing shows the grey areas of the urban conditions. Figure 22. (top) Urban Theatre: the left side shows the typical downtown streetscape with the building coming right to the edge of the sidewalk, the right side shows the introduction of the arcade as a unifying element. (Bottom)Urban Wall: the sketch on the left shows the transitions in the North End, and the right contrasts the transition elements in the Back Bay. Figure 23. Edges of the Urban Garden. Figure 24. Commissioner's Plan of Manhattan 1811.Stokes, I.N. Phelps. The Iconography of Manhattan Island: 1498-1909, Volume 1. New York: Arno Press, 1967 Plate 79 Map of the City of New York, 1811 Figure 25. Colton's Map of Boston 1855. Zaitzevsky, Cynthia. Frederick Law Olmsted and the Boston Park System. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1982, p. 12. Figure 26. L'Enfant Plan c 1791. Caemmerer, Paul H., Ph.D. A Manual on the Origin and Development of Washington. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1939, p. 26. Figure 27. Newspaper clipping of Central Park and Jones Park. Pre-1870, Found in the clippings file on Central Park from the Prints and Photographs Collection, Museum of the City of New York. Figure 28. Central Park Precinct Community Council Map of Central Park. Figure 29. Boston Park Commissioner's Plan of future parks, 1876. Zaitzevsky, Cynthia. Frederick Law Olmsted and the Boston Park System. Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press, 1982, p. 45. Figure 30. Boston Park System Map showing the Fens to Franklin Park. Creese, Walter L.. The Crowning of the American Landscape: Eight Great Spaces and Their Buildings. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press , 1985, p. 176. "The Chain of Parks, Including the Fens, Jamaica Pond, the Harvard Aboretum, and Franklin Park, Connected by Arborways as of 1894." Figure 31. Washington, D.C. at the end of the Civil War. Smith, Kathryn Schneider ed.. Washington at Home: An Illustrated History of the Neighborhoods in the Nation's Capital. Northridge, California: Windsor Publications, 1988, p. 219. Figure 32. Map of Rock Creek Park 1933. Caemmerer, Paul H., Ph.D. A Manual on the Origin and Development of Washington. Washington, D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1939 p. 158. 166 Figure 33. New York, Passoneau, Urban Atlas. Plate 173 "Upper Fifth Avenue, 1893. Halfway Figure 34. between Mount Morris Park and Central is this rocky landscape onto which squatter's shacks seemed dropped as Old New York in haphazardly as the stone." Black, Mary ed. Early Photographs:1853-1901, 196 Prints from the Collection New York: Dover of the New York Historical Society. Publications, Inc., 1973, p. 203. Figure 35. Looking west reservoir in Jacob Rupert structure in into lots on 198. Figure 36. Atlas. Plate 168 "Up in Central Park, c 1880. Street and Park Avenue, the from 95th Central Park appears in the background. The house is shown at the left, the major an essentially rural area formerly divided which small farms were operated." Ibid., p. New York and Central Park. Passoneau, Urban "Looking south from the Dakota Plate 420. Figure 37. across shanties mainly occupied by Irish squatters, c New York Photographs 1850-1950. Blom, Benjamin. 1890." New York: E. P. Dutton Inc., 1982, p. 243. "photograph taken from the Plaza Plate 353. Figure 38. Hotel. The Savoy Hotel at center; the Netherlands Hotel; and the Metropolitan Club at the northeast corner of 60th St., c 1902." Ibid., p. 216. "Fifth Avenue view from Sixty-fifth Street" Figure 39. History and Dalrymple, Martha. Gladstone, Harmon H. Preserved: A Guide to New York City Landmarks and Historic Districts. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974, p. 311. Figure 40. Plate 404. "Columbus Circle 58th to 60th Sts, at the junction of Broadway and Central Park West. Looking Blom, New York c 1906." north along Central Park West, Photographs, p. 236. Figure 41. Plate 405. "Columbus Circle: Looking north along Broadway(left) and Central Park West(right), 1912." Ibid., p. 236. "The Beresford, northwest corner Plate 421. Figure 42. 243. of Central Park West and 81st St, 1920's." Ibid., p. Figure 43. Plate 430. "Looking north from 62nd St, late Apartment buildings dominate the Avenue." Ibid., 1920's. p. 249 "Aerial view Plate 393. Figure 44. and Sixth Avenue looking northeast, 234. 167 from west 55th St. 1940's." Ibid., p. Figure 45. Plate 392. "Filling in the reservoir(now the great lawn area)between 79th and 86th Sts. Aerial view from Central Park West looking southeast, with Metropolitan Museum at left center, 1931." Ibid. Figure 46. Map of Boston. Figure 47. Map Necklace. Ibid. Passoneau. of Boston and the Urban Atlas. parks of the Emerald Figure 48. Growth Diagram. Warner, Sam Streetcar Suburbs: The Process of Growth 1870-1900. New York: Atheneum, 1969, p. 36. Bass, Jr.. in Boston, Figure 49, "Fens before construction, from Parker Hill in Roxbury. Zaitzevsky, FLO and the Boston Park System, p. 185. Figure 50. " Figure 51. The Fens in 1990. Figure 52. Map of Washington. Figure 53. Map of Washington and Rock Creek. The Fens From Parker Hill, 1910." Ibid. Passoneau, Urban Atlas Ibid. Figure 54. "Renowned railroad bridge architect George S. Morrison designed the massive concrete arches of the Taft Bridge, constructed in 1907 to carry Connecticut Avenue across Rock Creek. Smith, Washington at Home, p. 185. Figure 55. "The Chevy Chase trolley rounds Chevy Chase Circle and passes Western Avenue south to Washington, 1913." Ibid., p. 201. the treeless on its route Figure 56. "Sheridan Circle: The Kalorama neighborhood is to the right of Massachusetts Avenue. Cameron, Robert. Above Washington. San Francisco, California: Cameron and Company , 1980, p. 86. Figure 57. c 1934 "At the lower left is the construction site for National Airport. At this great height we see the Y formed by the Potomac and the Anacostia in the fork of which the city is shaped. 16th Streeet is visible to the D.C. line. In the V formed by 16th Street and Connecticut Avenue, Rock Creek stretches into Maryland." Ibid., p. 80. Figure 58. Alliance Region Parks. Figure 59. Alliance Region Flood Plains Areas and parcels. Figure 60. 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