CLARKSON-MCCARTHY INTERPOLATED INEQUALITIES IN FINSLER NORMS Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities CRISTIAN CONDE Instituto de Ciencias Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento J. M. Gutierrez 1150, (1613) Los Polvorines Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page EMail: Contents Received: 29 August, 2008 JJ II Accepted: 14 January, 2009 J I Communicated by: R. Bhatia Page 1 of 21 2000 AMS Sub. Class.: Primary 46B70, 47A30; Secondary 46B20, 47B10. Key words: p-Schatten class, Complex method, Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities. Abstract: We apply the complex interpolation method to prove that, given two spaces (n) (n) Bp0 ,a;s0 , Bp1 ,b;s1 of n-tuples of operators in the p-Schatten class of a Hilbert space H, endowed with weighted norms associated to positive and invertible op(n) (n) erators a and b of B(H) then, the curve of interpolation (Bp0 ,a;s0 , Bp1 ,b;s1 )[t] of the pair is given by the space of n-tuples of operators in the pt -Schatten class of H, with the weighted norm associated to the positive invertible element γa,b (t) = a1/2 (a−1/2 ba−1/2 )t a1/2 . Go Back Full Screen Close Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Geometric Interpolation 6 3 Clarkson-Kissin Type Inequalities 12 Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 2 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close 1. Introduction In [6], J. Clarkson introduced the concept of uniform convexity in Banach spaces and obtained that spaces Lp (or lp ) are uniformly convex for p > 1 throughout the following inequalities 2 kf kpp + kgkpp ≤ kf − gkpp + kf + gkpp ≤ 2p−1 kf kpp + kgkpp , Let (B(H), k · k) denote the algebra of bounded operators acting on a complex and separable Hilbert space H, Gl(H) the group of invertible elements of B(H) and Gl(H)+ the set of all positive elements of Gl(H). If X ∈ B(H) is compact we denote by {sj (X)} the sequence of singular values of X (decreasingly ordered). For 0 < p < ∞, let kXkp = X p sj (X) p1 Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents , and the linear space Bp (H) = {X ∈ B(H) : kXkp < ∞}. For 1 ≤ p < ∞, this space is called the p−Schatten class of B(H) (to simplify notation we use Bp ) and by convention kXk = kXk∞ = s1 (X). A reference for this subject is [9]. C. McCarthy proved in [14], among several other results, the following inequalities for p-Schatten norms of Hilbert space operators: (1.1) Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities 2(kAkpp + kBkpp ) ≤ kA − Bkpp + kA + Bkpp ≤ 2p−1 (kAkpp + kBkpp ), JJ II J I Page 3 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close for 2 ≤ p < ∞, and (1.2) 2p−1 (kAkpp + kBkpp ) ≤ kA − Bkpp + kA + Bkpp ≤ 2(kAkpp + kBkpp ), for 1 ≤ p ≤ 2. These are non-commutative versions of Clarkson’s inequalities. These estimates have been found to be very powerful tools in operator theory (in particular they imply the uniform convexity of Bp for 1 < p < ∞) and in mathematical physics (see [16]). M. Klaus has remarked that there is a simple proof of the Clarkson-McCarthy inequalities which results from mimicking the proof that Boas [4] gave of the Clarkson original inequalities via the complex interpolation method. In a previous work [7], motivated by [1], we studied the effect of the complex (n) interpolation method on Bp (this set will be defined below) for p, s ≥ 1 and n ∈ N with a Finsler norm associated with a ∈ Gl(H)+ : kXkp,a;s := ka−1/2 Xa−1/2 ksp . From now on, for the sake of simplicity, we denote with lower case letters the elements of Gl(H)+ . As a by-product, we obtain Clarkson type inequalities using the Klaus idea with (n) (n) the linear operator Tn : Bp −→ Bp given by ! n n n X X X n−1 1 Tn (X̄) = (Tn (X1 , . . . , Xn ) = Xj , θj Xj , . . . , θj Xj , j=1 j=1 j=1 where θ1 , . . . , θn are the n roots of unity. Recently, Kissin in [12], motivated by [3], obtained analogues of the ClarksonMcCarthy inequalities for n-tuples of operators from Schatten ideals. In this work Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 4 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close the author considers H n , the orthogonal sum of n copies of the Hilbert space H, and each operator R ∈ B(H n ) can be represented as an n × n block-matrix operator (n) (n) R = (Rjk ) with Rjk ∈ B(H), and the linear operator TR : Bp → Bp is defined by TR (A) = RA. Finally we remark that the works [3] and [11] are generalizations of [10]. In these notes we obtain inequalities for the linear operator TR in the Finsler norm k·kp,a;s as by-products of the complex interpolation method and Kissin’s inequalities. Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 5 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close 2. Geometric Interpolation We follow the notation used in [2] and we refer the reader to [13] and [5] for details on the complex interpolation method. For completeness, we recall the classical Calderón-Lions theorem. Theorem 2.1. Let X and Y be two compatible couples. Assume that T is a linear operator from Xj to Yj bounded by Mj , j = 0, 1. Then for t ∈ [0, 1] Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde kT kX[t] →Y[t] ≤ M01−t M1t . vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Here and subsequently, let 1 ≤ p < ∞, n ∈ N, s ≥ 1, a ∈ Gl(H)+ and Title Page Bp(n) = {A = (A1 , . . . , An )t : Ai ∈ Bp }, Contents (where with t we denote the transpose of the n-tuple) endowed with the norm kAkp,a;s = (kA1 ksp,a + · · · + kAn ksp,a )1/s , and Cn endowed with the norm s 1/s |(a0 , . . . , an−1 )|s = (|a0 | + · · · + |an−1 | ) . (n) the space Bp From now on, endowed with the norm k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;s . From Calderón-Lions interpolation theory we get that for p0 , p1 , s0 , s1 ∈ [1, ∞) (n) (n) (n) = Bpt ,1;st , (2.1) Bp0 ,1;s0 , Bp1 ,1;s1 [t] where 1 1−t t = + pt p0 p1 II J I Page 6 of 21 s (n) we denote with Bp,a;s JJ and 1 1−t t = + . st s0 s1 Go Back Full Screen Close Note that for p = 2, (1.1) and (1.2) both reduce to the parallelogram law 2(kAk22 + kBk22 ) = kA − Bk22 + kA + Bk22 , while for the cases p = 1, ∞ these inequalities follow from the triangle inequality for B1 and B(H) respectively. Then the inequalities (1.1) and (1.2) can be proved (for n = 2 via Theorem 2.1) by interpolation between the previous elementary cases (2) (2) with the linear operator T2 : Bp,1;p −→ Bp,1;p , T2 (A) = (A1 + A2 , A1 − A2 )t as observed by Klaus. In this section, we generalize (2.1) for the Finsler norms k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;s . In [7], we have obtained this extension for the particular case when p0 = p1 = p and s0 = s1 = s. For sake of completeness, we recall this result Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Theorem 2.2 ([7, Th. 3.1]). Let a, b ∈ Gl(H)+ , 1 ≤ p, s < ∞, n ∈ N and t ∈ (0, 1). Then (n) (n) (n) Bp,a;s , Bp,b;s = Bp,γa,b (t);s , JJ II where γa,b (t) = a1/2 (a−1/2 ba−1/2 )t a1/2 . J I Remark 1. Note that when a and b commute the curve is given by γa,b (t) = a1−t bt . The previous corollary tells us that the interpolating space, Bp,γa,b (t);s can be regarded as a weighted p-Schatten space with weight a1−t bt (see [2, Th. 5.5.3]). We observe that the curve γa,b looks formally equal to the geodesic (or shortest curve) between positive definitive matrices ([15]), positive invertible elements of a C ∗ -algebra ([8]) and positive invertible operators that are perturbations of the pSchatten class by multiples of the identity ([7]). Page 7 of 21 [t] (n) There is a natural action of Gl(H) on Bp , defined by (2.2) l : Gl(H) × Bp(n) −→ Bp(n) , lg (A) = (gA1 g ∗ , . . . , gAn g ∗ )t . Contents Go Back Full Screen Close (n) Proposition 2.3 ([7, Prop. 3.1]). The norm in Bp,a;s is invariant for the action of the (n) group of invertible elements. By this we mean that for each A ∈ Bp , a ∈ Gl(H)+ and g ∈ Gl(H), we have A = lg (A)p,gag∗ ;s . p,a;s Now, we state the main result of this paper, the general case 1 ≤ p0 , p1 , s0 , s1 < ∞. Theorem 2.4. Let a, b ∈ Gl(H)+ , 1 ≤ p0 , p1 , s0 , s1 < ∞, n ∈ N and t ∈ (0, 1). Then (n) (n) Bp(n) , B = Bpt ,γa,b (t);st , p1 ,b;s1 0 ,a;s0 Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 [t] Title Page where 1−t t 1 1−t t 1 = + and = + . pt p0 p1 st s0 s1 Proof. For the sake of simplicity, we will only consider the case n = 2 and omit the transpose. The proof below works for n-tuples (n ≥ 3) with obvious modifications. By the previous proposition, k(X1 , X2 )k[t] is equal to the norm of a−1/2 (X1 , X2 )a−1/2 interpolated between the norms k(·, ·)kp0 ,1;s0 and k(·, ·)kp1 ,c;s1 . Consequently it is sufficient to prove our statement for these two norms. (2) Let t ∈ (0, 1) and (X1 , X2 ) ∈ Bpt such that k(X1 , X2 )kpt ,ct ;st = 1, and define z t −t z λ(z) t z λ(z) z2 − 2t − − , U2 c 2 c 2 X2 c 2 c 2 g(z) = U1 c c X1 c 2 c 2 = (g1 (z), g2 (z)), where λ(z) = pt 1−z z + p0 p1 st 1−z z + s0 s1 Contents JJ II J I Page 8 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close and Xi = Ui |Xi | is the polar decomposition of Xi for i = 1, 2. (2) (2) Then for each z ∈ S, g(z) ∈ Bp0 + Bp1 and ! 2 s0 iy t λ(iy) X iy t Uk c 2 c− 2 Xk c− 2 c 2 kg(iy)ksp00 ,1;s0 = ≤ ≤ p0 k=1 2 X pt iy2 − 2t − 2t iy 2 c c Xk c c k=1 2 X ! Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities pt Cristian Conde ! kXk kpptt ,ct vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 =1 k=1 Title Page and kg(1 + iy)ksp11 ,c;s1 ≤ 2 X ! kXk kpptt ,ct Contents = 1. k=1 (2) (2) Since g(t) = (X1 , X2 ) and g = (g1 , g2 ) ∈ F Bp0 ,1;s0 , Bp1 ,c;s1 , we have k(X1 , X2 )k[t] ≤ 1. Thus we have shown that k(X1 , X2 )k[t] ≤ k(X1 , X2 )kpt ,ct ;st . (2) (2) To prove the converse inequality, let f = (f1 , f2 ) ∈ F Bp0 ,1;s0 , Bp1 ,c;s1 ; f (t) = (X1 , X2 ) and Y1 , Y2 ∈ B0,0 (H) (the set of finite-rank operators) with kYk kqt ≤ 1, where qt is the conjugate exponent for 1 < pt < ∞ (or a compact operator and q = ∞ if p = 1). For k = 1, 2, let z z gk (z) = c− 2 Yk c− 2 . JJ II J I Page 9 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close Consider the function h : S → C2 , |(·, ·)|st , h(z) = (tr(f1 (z)g1 (z)), tr(f2 (z)g2 (z))). ◦ ◦ Since f (z) is analytic in S and bounded in S, then h is analytic in S and bounded in S, and t t t t h(t) = tr c− 2 X1 c− 2 Y1 , tr c− 2 X2 c− 2 Y2 = (h1 (t), h2 (t)). Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde 2 By Hadamard’s three line theorem applied to h and the Banach space (C , |(·, ·)|st ), we have |h(t)|st ≤ max sup |h(iy)|st , sup |h(1 + iy)|st . y∈R vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page y∈R Contents For j = 0, 1, sup |h(j + iy)|st = sup y∈R y∈R = sup y∈R ≤ sup y∈R 2 X ! s1 t st |tr(fk (j + iy)gk (j + iy))| JJ II J I k=1 2 X ! s1 |tr(c−j/2 fk (j + iy)c−j/2 gk (iy))|st k=1 2 X ! s1 Go Back Full Screen t t kfk (j + iy)ksp,c j k=1 ≤ kf kF B (2) Page 10 of 21 t (2) p0 ,1;s0 ,Bp1 ,c;s1 , Close then kX1 ksptt ,ct + kX2 ksptt ,ct = = sup {|h1 (t)|st + |h2 (t)|st } kY1 kqt ≤1,Y1 ∈B00 (H) kY2 kqt ≤1,Y2 ∈B00 (H) sup kY1 kqt ≤1,Y1 ∈B00 (H) kY2 kqt ≤1,Y2 ∈B00 (H) |h(t)|sstt ≤ kf kst (2) (2) ,Bp1 ,c;s1 0 ,1;s0 F Bp . Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities (2) (2) Since the previous inequality is valid for each f ∈ F Bp0 ,1;s0 , Bp1 ,c;s1 with f (t) = (X1 , X2 ), we have vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 k(X1 , X2 )kpt ,ct ;st ≤ k(X1 , X2 )k[t] . Title Page Cristian Conde Contents In the special case that p0 = p1 = p and s0 = s1 = s we obtain Theorem 2.2. JJ II J I Page 11 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close 3. Clarkson-Kissin Type Inequalities Bhatia and Kittaneh [3] proved that if 2 ≤ p < ∞, then n 2 p n n X kAj k2p ≤ n X j=1 j=1 n X n X kAj kpp ≤ j=1 kBj k2p ≤n 2− p2 n X kAj k2p . j=1 kBj kpp ≤ np−1 j=1 n X Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities kAj kpp . Cristian Conde j=1 vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Pn j k=1 θk Ak (for 0 < p ≤ 2, these two inequalities are reversed) where Bj = θ1 , . . . , θn the n roots of unity. If we interpolate these inequalities we obtain that ! s1 ! s1 ! s1 n n n t t t X X X 1 1 np ≤ kBj kspt ≤ n(1− p ) , kAj kspt kAj kspt j=1 j=1 where j=1 with Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 12 of 21 1 1−t t = + . st 2 p Go Back st Dividing by n , we obtain n n 1 p 1X kAj kspt n j=1 Full Screen ! s1 n t ≤ 1X kBj kspt n j=1 n 1− p1 ≤ n( ) ! s1 t 1X kAj kspt n j=1 Close ! s1 t . This inequality can be rephrased as follows, if µ ∈ [2, p] then n n 1 p 1X kAj kµp n j=1 ! µ1 n ≤ 1X kBj kµp n j=1 1− p1 ≤ n( ) ! µ1 n 1X kAj kµp n j=1 ! µ1 . Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde n In each of the following statements R ∈ Gl(H ) and we denote by TR the linear operator TR : Bp(n) −→ Bp(n) TR (A) = RA = (B1 , . . . , Bn )t , P with Bj = nk=1 Rjk Ak and α = kR−1 k, β = kRk (we use the same symbol to denote the norm in B(H) and B(H n )). We observe that if the norm of TR is at most M when TR : Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,1,s → Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,1,r , then if we consider the operator TR between the spaces TR : Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a,s → Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,b,r , its norm is at most F (a, b)M with min{kb−1 kkak, ka1/2 b−1 a1/2 kka−1 kkak} if a 6= b, F (a, b) = −1 ka kkak if a = b. vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 13 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close Remark 2. If a−1/2 ∈ Gl(H) commutes with R ∈ B(H n ), that is, if a−1/2 commutes with Rjk for all 1 ≤ j, k ≤ n, then F is reduced to min{kb−1 kkak, ka1/2 b−1 a1/2 k} = ka1/2 b−1 a1/2 k if a 6= b, F (a, b) = 1 if a = b. In [12], Kissin proved the following Clarkson type inequalities for the n-tuples (n) A ∈ Bp . If 2 ≤ p < ∞ and λ, µ ∈ [2, p], or if 0 < p ≤ 2 and λ, µ ∈ [p, 2], then ! λ1 ! µ1 n n X X 1 1 (3.1) ≤ kBj kλp n−f (p) α−1 kAj kµp n j=1 n j=1 ! µ1 n X 1 , ≤ nf (p) β kAj kµp n j=1 where f (p) = p1 − 21 . Remark 3. This result extends the results of Bhatia and Kittaneh proved for µ = λ = 2 or p and R = (Rjk ) where vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 14 of 21 Full Screen We use the inequalities (3.1) and the interpolation method to obtain the following inequalities. (n) Theorem 3.1. Let a, b ∈ Gl(H)+ , A ∈ Bp , 1 ≤ p < ∞ and t ∈ [0, 1], then ! µ1 ! λ1 ! µ1 n n n X X X (3.2) k̃ kAj kµp,a ≤ kBj kλp,γa,b (t) ≤ K̃ kAj kµp,a j=1 Cristian Conde Go Back 2π(j−1)(k−1) ) 1. n Rjk = e(i j=1 Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities j=1 Close where k̃ = k̃(p, a, b, t) = F (a, a)t−1 F (b, a)−t n λ − µ −| p − 2 | α−1 , 1 and 1 1 1 K̃ = K̃(p, a, b, t) = F (a, a)1−t F (a, b)t n λ − µ +| p − 2 | β, if 2 ≤ p and λ, µ ∈ [2, p] or if 1 ≤ p ≤ 2 and λ, µ ∈ [p, 2]. 1 1 1 1 Proof. We will denote by γ(t) = γa,b (t), when no confusion can arise. (n) Consider the space Bp with the norm: kAkp,a;s = (kA1 ksp,a + · · · + kAn ksp,a )1/s , where a ∈ Gl(H)+ . 1 1 1 1 By (3.1), the norm of TR is at most F (a, a)n λ − µ +| p − 2 | β when TR : Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;µ −→ Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;λ , 1 1 1 1 and the norm of TR is at most F (a, b)n λ − µ +| p − 2 | β when TR : Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;µ −→ Bp(n) , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,b;λ . Therefore, using the complex interpolation, we obtain the following diagram of interpolation for t ∈ [0, 1] (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;λ ) ii4 TRiiiiii (n) i iiii iiii Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 15 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close TR / (B (n) , k(·, . . . , ·)k p p,γ(t);λ ) UUUU UUUUTR UUUU UUUU * (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;µ ) Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,b;λ ). By Theorem 2.1, TR satisfies kTR (A)kp,γ(t);λ ≤ F (a, a)1−t F (a, b)t n λ − µ +| p − 2 | βkAkp,a;µ . 1 (3.3) 1 1 1 Now applying the Complex method to (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;λ ) UUUU UUUUTR−1 UUUU UUUU U* T R−1 / (n) (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,γ(t);λ ) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;µ ) i4 TR−1 iiiiii i i iiii iiii (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,b;λ ) Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents one obtains (3.4) kTR−1 (A)kp,a;µ ≤ F (a, a)1−t F (b, a)t n µ − λ +| p − 2 | αkAkp,γ(t);λ . 1 1 1 1 Replacing in (3.4) A by RA we obtain kAkp,a;µ ≤ F (a, a)1−t F (b, a)t n µ − λ +| p − 2 | αkRAkp,γ(t);λ , 1 (3.5) 1 1 1 JJ II J I Page 16 of 21 Go Back or equivalently (3.6) F (a, a)t−1 F (b, a)−t n λ − µ −| p − 2 | α−1 kAkp,a;µ ≤ kTR (A)kp,γ(t);λ . 1 1 1 1 Finally, the inequalities (3.3) and (3.6) complete the proof. We remark that theprevious statement is a generalization of Th. 4.1 in [7] where 2π(j−1)(k−1) (i ) n 1 and a−1/2 commutes with R for all Tn = TR with R = e 1≤j,k≤n a ∈ Gl(H)+ . Full Screen Close On the other hand, it is well known that if x1 , . . . , xn are non-negative numbers, 1/s P s ∈ R and we denote Ms (x) = n1 ni=1 xsi then for 0 < s < s0 , Ms (x) ≤ Ms0 (x). If we denote kBk = (kB1 kp , . . . , kBn kp ) and we consider 1 < p ≤ 2, then it + qt that holds for t ∈ [0, 1] and s1t = 1−t p Mst (kBk) ≤ Mq (kBk) ≤ r 2 −1 p 2 q β n n X −1 q ! p1 kAj kpp , j=1 Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 or equivalently (3.7) n X ! s1 t kBj kspt ≤r 2 −1 p 2 q β n 1 − 1q st n X ! p1 kAj kpp Title Page . Analogously, for 2 ≤ p < ∞ we get (3.8) n X j=1 Contents j=1 j=1 ! p1 kAj kpp 2 2 1 ≤ ρ1− p α p n q − s1 t n X ! s1 t kBj kspt j=1 where s1t = 1−t + pt . q Now we can use the interpolation method with the inequalities (3.7) and (3.1) (or (3.8) and (3.1)). If we consider the following diagram of interpolation with 1 < p ≤ 2 and t ∈ JJ II J I Page 17 of 21 Go Back Full Screen Close [0, 1], (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,1;p ) ii4 TR iiiii i iiii iiii TR / (B (n) , k(·, . . . , ·)k p p,1;st ) TTTT TTTTTR TTTT TTTT * (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,1;p ) Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities (n) (Bp , k(·, . . . , ·)kp,1;q ). Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 By Theorem 2.1 and (3.1), TR satisfies kTR (A)kp,1;st ≤ nf (p) β (3.9) 1−t 2 2 r p −1 β q t Title Page kAkp,1;p . Contents Finally, from the inequalities (3.7) and (3.9) we obtain n X ! s1 t kBj kspt n n 2 o X 1 2 2 2 −1 ≤ min r p −1 β q n st q , nf (p)(1−t) β 1+t( q −1) r( p −1)t kAj kpp j=1 ! p1 . j=1 (n) j=1 kAj kpp J I Go Back Theorem 3.2. Let A ∈ Bp and B = RA, where R = (Rjk ) is invertible. Let r = max kRjk k, ρ = max k(R−1 )jk k and q be the conjugate exponent of p. Then, for t ∈ [0, 1] we get ! p1 II Page 18 of 21 We can summarize the previous facts in the following statement. n X JJ n n o X t+(1−t) p2 (1− p2 )(1−t) 1− p2 p2 1q − s1 f (p)t ≤ min ρ α n t , n α ρ kBj kspt j=1 ! 1s Full Screen Close t 1 st if 2 ≤ p and n X 1−t q = ! s1 t kBj kspt + pt , or n n 2 o X 1 2 2 2 −1 ≤ min r p −1 β q n st q , nf (p)(1−t) β 1+t( q −1) r( p −1)t kAj kpp j=1 ! p1 , j=1 if 1 < p ≤ 2 and 1 st = 1−t p + qt . Finally using the Finsler norm k(·, . . . , ·)kp,a;s , Calderón’s method and the previous inequalities we obtain: (n) Corollary 3.3. Let a, b ∈ Gl(H)+ , A ∈ Bp and B = RA, where R = (Rjk ) is invertible. Let r = max kRjk k, ρ = max k(R−1 )jk k and q be the conjugate exponent of p. Then, for t, u ∈ [0, 1] we get ! p1 ! s1 n n t X X t kAj kpp,a ≤ F (a, a)1−u F (b, a)u M1 kBj ksp,γ , a,b (u) j=1 if 2 ≤ p, 1 st j=1 1−t q = + t p and o n 1 2 2 2 2 −1 M1 = M1 (R, p, t) = min ρ1− p α p n q st , nf (p)t αt+(1−t) p ρ(1− p )(1−t) or n X ! s1 t t kBj ksp,γ a,b (u) 1 st ≤ F (a, a) u F (a, b) M2 kAj kpp = 1−t p + t q Cristian Conde vol. 10, iss. 1, art. 4, 2009 Title Page Contents JJ II J I Page 19 of 21 Go Back Full Screen ! p1 , j=1 j=1 if 1 < p ≤ 2, 1−u n X Clarkson-McCarthy Interpolated Inequalities and n 2 o −1 2q s1 − 1q f (p)(1−t) 1+t( 2q −1) ( p2 −1)t p t M2 = M2 (R, p, t) = min r β n ,n β r . Close References [1] E. ANDRUCHOW, G. CORACH, M. MILMAN AND D. STOJANOFF, Geodesics and interpolation, Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina, 40(34) (1997), 83–91. [2] J. BERGH AND J. LÖFSTRÖM, Interpolation Spaces. 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