AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Chengci Chen for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science presented on January 9, 1998. Title: Soil Water Availability and Chemical Transport in a Pear (Pyrus communis) Orchard Swelling Clay Soil under Micro and Flood Irrigation. Redacted for privacy Abstract approved: Ri Rosfpoerg Macropore flow can accelerate agrichemical transport and has been shown to contribute to contamination in shallow groundwater areas. Localized ponding at the ground surface is one of the conditions required to initiate macropore flow. Two types of microirrigation systems, which apply water at a sufficiently low rate to reduce ponding in a shrinking soil, are investigated in this thesis. Microsprinlders (MI, applying 2.8 mm/hr) and pulsators (PU, applying 0.5 mm/hr) were compared to flood irrigation (FL) which is the conventional orchard practice. Calcium bromide (CaBr2), rubidium bromide (RbBr), and blue dye were applied on the soil surface as tracers to monitor water and chemical transport through soil. Passive Capillary Samplers (PCAPS) were installed at 120 cm depth to collect soil percolate. Soil cores were taken to measure the movement of chemicals through the soil profile. Soil moisture content and pear (Pyrus communis) fruit diameter were measured regularly. Pear yield at harvest, and fruit firmness and fungal decay during storage were examined to detect association with irrigation method. Soil shrinkage characteristics were also measured to determine if corrections were needed in neutron probe moisture measurements. The clay soil had great shrinkage capacity; as the water content changed from 0.35 to 0.19 g/g (equivalent to 0.03 to 1.5 MPa water potential) the volume decreased by 18%. Microsprinlders and pulsators supplied similar amounts of plant-available water as flood irrigation. Pear fruit yield, fruit size expansion rate, and fruit firmness decline rate during storage were statistically indistinguishable for the three irrigation treatments. Low intensity irrigation by PU and MI following the tracer application enhanced the movement of the tracers into soil aggregates, thereby reducing the leaching via macropores in the subsequent irrigation and thunderstorms. MI and PU irrigation generated little deep percolation or preferential flow. The amount of water and chemical tracers collected in PCAPS were 100 times greater under FL than under MI or PU. The transport of adsorbed tracers (Rb and blue dye) was much slower than the non-adsorbed one (Br). Microsprinkler and pulsator irrigation can be used in such cracking clay soil to protect groundwater from contamination, while producing quality fruit comparable to flood irrigation. ©Copyright by Chengci Chen January 9, 1998 All Right Reserved Soil Water Availability and Chemical Transport in a Pear (Pyrus communis) Orchard Swelling Clay Soil under Micro and Flood Irrigation by Chengci Chen A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Presented January 9, 1998. Commencement June, 1998. Doctor of Philosophy thesis of Chengci Chen presented on January 9, 1998. APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Major Professor, repre(ohting Soil SA:: Redacted for privacy Chair of Department of Crop and Soil Science Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate chool I understand that my thesis will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my thesis to any reader upon request. Redacted for privacy Chengci Chen, Author Acknowledgments I want to acknowledge the following people, without their assistance this research would not have been possible: First, financial support for this study came from USDA-NRICGP grant # 92-37101-7567 and Oregon Department of Agriculture grant # 30-262-9053. I want to express my sincere thanks to my adviser, Dr. Richard Roseberg, for his teaching, encouragement, advice, and support in numerous ways. Thanks also go to Dr. John Selker for his teaching, and invaluable advice in my research and paper writing. Thanks to Dr. David Sugar for his advice, technical support, and for providing facilities and technicians for the pear storage experiment. Thanks to Dr. Alan Mitchell for providing me literature and technical advice in the soil shrinkage study. I also want to thank the staff at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center for their assistance in many ways: Joe Kepiro assisted with installing PCAPS and neutron probe access tubes, applying chemical tracers, sampling and grinding soil cores; Ogden Kellogg assisted with grinding soil samples and harvesting pears; Don White helped to dig trenches, manage the orchard, and solve mechanical problems; Kate Powers and Sally Basile helped to measure pear fruit firmness and fungal decay lesions; Robert Allen helped with computer trouble-shooting. Many thanks are extended to the superintendent of SOREC, Mike Howell, for allowing me and my family to live on the station and providing us many kinds of help; Carol Weese, Rick Hilton, and Phil Van Buskirk for allowing me to use their office facilities; and John Yungen for his mechanical trouble-shooting. Finally, I appreciate my wife Wnxin and my son David for their support, patience, and love. Contribution of Authors Dr. Richard Roseberg is the major professor. Dr. John Selker was involved in field experiment design, PCAPS design and manufacture, and paper editing. Dr. David Sugar was involved in designing the pear storage experiment, and paper editing. Table of Contents Page Introduction Chapter 1. Soil Shrinkage Characteristic and its Relation to Other Soil Physical Properties ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil shrinkage curve Field bulk density Calculation of porosity Neutron moisture meter calibration in the field Calibration the effect of shrinkage on neutron moisture meter measurement RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Soil shrinkage curve Soil bulk density Soil porosity Effect of shrinkage on neutron moisture meter measurement CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Chapter 2. Soil Water Availability and Pear Growth and Quality under Micro and Flood Irrigation ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental site Irrigation systems Soil water measurement Fruit size, weight, and yield measurements Fruit firmness and fungal decay determinations Statistical analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1995 growing season 1996 growing season 1 3 4 5 9 9 10 11 14 15 16 16 18 19 21 25 26 29 ... 30 31 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 41 Table of Contents (continued) Page CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES Chapter 3. Macropore Flow and Chemical Transport under Micro and Flood Irrigation Systems ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION MATERIALS AND METHODS Site description Irrigation systems Soil moisture PCAPS samplers Chemical tracers Soil core samples Chemical analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Winter rainy season Summer irrigation season CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES 45 46 48 49 50 60 60 61 63 63 65 66 67 68 70 82 ... 100 102 Summary 109 Bibliography 113 122 Appendices 123 APPENDIX A. RESULTS OF ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE 129 APPENDIX B. RESULTS OF REGRESSION ANALYSIS APPENDIX C. DISTRIBUTION OF Br IN SOIL IN THE GRASS LANE 134 APPENDIX D. MEDFORD STATION WEATHER, GROUNDWATER, 139 SOIL WATER, AND PERCOLATE DATA List of Figures Figures Page 1-1. Soil shrinkage characteristic curve ... 16 1-2. Soil bulk density at different soil moisture contents for both field cores and clods with fittted relationships for both ... 18 1-3. Total, water-filled, and air-filled porosity of the soil clods at different matric potentials 20 1-4. Total, water-filled, and air-filled porosity of the field soil cores at different matric potentials 21 1-5. Plot of count ratio versus volumetric water content calculated for a fixed bulk density and bulk density that varies due to shrinkage 22 1-6. Plot of neutron probe calibration curve with and without correction of count ratio calculated according to Greacen and Schrale (1976) 23 2-1. Available water profile for pulsator, microsprinlder, and flood irrigation on September 7, 1995 37 2-2. Cumulative fruit diameter and fruit expansion rate under three irrigation treatments in 1995 39 2-3. Firmness decline during storage for fruit from three irrigation treatments in 1995 40 2-4. Plant-available water in top 120 cm soil profile under three irrigation treatments in 1996 42 2-5. Cumulative fruit diameter and expansion rate under three irrigation treatments in 1996 43 2-6. Firmness decline during storage for fruit from three irrigation treatments in 1996 44 3-1. Schematic of the field experiment 62 List of Figures (continued) Figures Page 3-2. Precipitation, total soil water in the top 120 cm, and groundwater table level at the experimental site 69 3-3. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 12/11/1995 71 3-4. Rb distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 12/11/1995 73 3-5. Volume of percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995 75 3-6. Concentration of Br in percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995 76 3-7. Concentration of Rb in percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995 79 3-8. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 6/24/1996 83 3-9. Rb distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 6/24/1996 86 3-10. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 8/5/1996 88 3-11. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 10/8/1996 93 3-12. Average Br concentration of 4 soils cores within the tree row on 8/5/96 and 10/8/96 95 3-13. Volume of percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 8/8/1996 and 10/7/1996 98 List of Tables Tables Page 1-1. A typical profile description of the test soil 10 1-2. Slope and limit of each shrinkage phase for the three soil clods 17 2-1. Particle size composition of the tested soils at three irrigation treatment sites 33 2-2. Fruit size, weight, yield, and decay lesion diameter under three irrigation systems in 1995 39 2-3. Fruit size, weight, yield, and decay lesion diameter under three irrigation systems in 1996 43 3-1. Recovery of Br using the ion selective electrode 67 3-2. Mean chemical tracers recovered in top 120 cm soil for Br, and in top 46 cm for Rb on December 11, 1995 72 3-3. The correlation coefficient of percolate volume vs. concentration during the period form 10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995 77 3-4. Precipitation, soil water changes, percolate, and recovery of applied Br and Rb collected during the period from October 6 to December 20 of 1995 81 3-5. Mean chemical tracers recovered in top 120 cm soil for Br, and in top 46 cm for Rb on June 24, 1996 85 3-6. Mean bromide tracer recovered in top 120 cm soil on August 5, 1996 . ..... 87 3-7. Water applied and percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period from 7/12/1996 to 8/7/1996 89 3-8. Mean bromide tracer recovered in top 120 cm soil on October 8, 1996 . ..... 96 3-9. Water applied and percolate collected in the PCAPS during the summer irrigation seasons 99 List of Figures in Appendices Figures Page C-1. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 12/11/1995 135 C-2. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 6/24/1996 136 C-3. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 8/5/1996 137 C-4. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 10/8/1996 138 List of Tables in Appendices Tables Page A-1. Analysis of variance for pear fruit diameter at harvest in 1995 124 A-2. Analysis of variance for pear fruit weight at harvest in 1995 124 A-3. Analysis of variance for pear yield at harvest in 1995 124 A-4. Analysis of variance for pear fruit diameter at harvest in 1996 125 A-5. Analysis of variance for pear fruit weight at harvest in 1996 125 A-6. Analysis of variance for pear yield at harvest in 1996 125 A-7. Analysis of variance for pear fruit decay in storage in 1995 126 A-8. Analysis of variance for pear fruit decay in storage in 1996 126 A-9. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 12/11/1995 126 A-10. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 6/24/1996 127 A-11. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 8/5/1996 127 A-12. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 10/8/1996 127 A-13. Analysis of variance for Rb mass recovered in 46 cm soil on 12/11/1995 128 A-14. Analysis of variance for Rb mass recovered in 46 cm soil on 6/24/1996 128 B-1. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit expansion rate in 1995 132 List of Tables in Appendices (continued) Tables Page B-2. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit expansion rate in 1996 132 B-3. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit firmness decline in storage in 1995 132 B-4. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit firmness decline in storage in 1996 133 B-5. Results of linear regression analysis for the neutron probe calibration curve with fixed and varied bulk density 133 B-6. Results of linear regression analysis for the neutron probe calibration curve with original and adjusted count ratio 133 D-1. Medford Station weather data 140 D-2. Medford Station groundwater table data 146 D-3. Medford Station soil water data 147 D-4. Volume and chemical concentrations of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station 167 Soil Water Availability and Chemical Transport in a Pear (Pyrus communis) Orchard Swelling Clay Soil under Micro and Flood Irrigation Introduction Pear (Pyrus communis) production is one of the main industries in southern Oregon. There are approximately 4000 ha of pears grown in this area, of which 75% are on clay soil. The clay soil exhibits significant shrinkage and swelling characteristics. The volume of the soil changes with water content, which is observed in the field as the formation of shrinkage cracks and subsidence of ground surface during dry periods, and the closure of cracks and rising of ground surface during wet periods. This shrinkage and swelling characteristic affects other soil physical properties, such as soil bulk density and porosity, thereby affecting soil aeration and water movement. When water is applied to the dry cracking clay soil by irrigation or rainfall, it transports in two distinct domains soil matrix and shrinkage cracks. As application begins, water from irrigation or rainfall is absorbed into the soil matrix. If and when the application rate exceeds the soil infiltration rate, the excess free water flows quickly along the cracks down to the subsoil, which is referred to as preferential flow. If deep cracks are developed or the surface cracks are connected to other macropores, such as worm holes or dead root holes, the preferential flows may bypass the root zone and carry chemicals (nutrients and pesticides), to the shallow groundwater before the chemicals could be absorbed and degraded in the biologically active root zone. On the other hand, after the surface soil is saturated, the cracks close and the soil becomes virtually impermeable. With irrigation under these conditions the ground surface can then become ponded and runoff may occur, 2 potentially carrying chemicals to surface water systems. In pear orchards, growers currently apply 100-150 kg/ha nitrogen annually near the start of the irrigation season, and have routinely applied insecticides and miticides at 10 kg/ha active ingredient (a.i.) and fungicides at 5 kg/ha a.i. during the spring and summer. Impact sprinkler and flood irrigation are widely used in pear orchards. These irrigation methods are characterized by high application rate and short duration, separated by relatively long intervals without irrigation. These characteristics tend to induce preferential flow and surface runoff in swelling clay soils. However, if the irrigation water could be applied sufficiently slowly to match the soil matrix infiltration rate, surface ponding could be avoided, and thus the conditions for both macropore and surface flow would be eliminated. The objectives of this study were: 1) to examine the shrinkage characteristic and its effects on porosity and other parameters; 2) to examine a microirrigation system's ability to reduce the macropore flow in cracking soil, while at the same time supplying adequate water for pear growth and production of quality fruit for marketing; 3) to examine movement of several chemical tracers in a cracking soil during the summer irrigation and winter rainy season to better understand soil and management conditions that contribute to rapid chemical movement through soil. 3 Chapter 1 Soil Shrinkage Characteristic and its Relation to Other Soil Physical Properties Chengci Chen, Richard J. Roseberg, and John S. Selker 4 ABSTRACT Swelling soils are distinguished from rigid soils by the change of volume with water content. These volume changes in turn affect soil bulk density, porosity, and pore geometry. These properties affect the behavior and measurement of water retention and solute transport in such soil. Thus an investigation of soil shrinkage characteristics is necessary when studying water availability and chemical transport through a shrink/swell soil. Shrinkage characteristic curves of heavy clay soil clods were determined in this study. The bulk density water content relationship (BD WC relationship) of the soil clods was compared with that of field soil cores with natural structures. Total and airfilled porosity of the soil clods and soil cores were calculated. Finally, the effect of soil shrinkage on neutron moisture meter calibration was evaluated. The clay soil tested was found to have significant shrink/swell with change in water content. Clod volume shrank 18.2% in the range of soil water content between 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil (equivalent to -0.03 to -1.5 MPa water potential). The soil showed two shrinkage phases; between 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil the soil exhibited nearly normal (unitary) shrinkage with a slope of 0.86; and in the range of water content from 0.19 g H20/g-soil to oven dry the soil showed residual shrinkage with a slope of 0.46. The bulk density water content relationship was different for clod and soil cores, with bulk density for soil clods increasing more for a given decrease in soil water content. The total porosity of the soil cores decreased less than the soil clods due to the formation of shrinkage cracks. The porosity due to cracks was calculated from the difference of air-filled porosity between the soil clods and field soil cores. There was no improvement in the neutron moisture 5 meter calibration curve (p>0.05, t-test for the slope in linear regression analysis) when using the measured bulk density that varies with water content in place of a fixed value. INTRODUCTION Swelling soils are distinguished from rigid soils by the change of volume with water content. These changes also alter soil bulk density, porosity, and pore geometry (Newman and Thomasson, 1979). In the field, shrinkage cracks are formed and the ground surface subsides during dry periods, and cracks close and the ground surface rises during wet periods. The shrinkage cracks may serve as bypass flow channels (Bouma and Dekker, 1978) and cause nonuniformity of water application and soil profile wetting (Van der Tak and Grismer, 1987). Earlier studies recognized three phases of shrinkage: 1) Structural shrinkage (Stirk, 1954), is when water is removed from the large stable voids of a saturated soil during initial drainage, the soil volume changes little; 2) Normal shrinkage (Tempany, 1917; Haines, 1923), also called basic shrinkage (Mitchell and van Genuchten, 1992), is when the soil water content drops below the lower limit of structural shrinkage, and the loss of soil volume is equal to the loss of water, with no increase in the air-filled porosity; 3) Residual shrinkage (Haines, 1923), when the water content drops below the lower limit of normal (basic) shrinkage zone, the loss of soil volume is less than the loss of water from the voids, and air enters the soil voids. The change from one phase to another is often quite sharp, with the inflection points representing the limits of each shrinkage phase. 6 Shrinkage and swelling are principally determined by the mineralogy of the soil clay fraction (Yong and Warkentin, 1975). Tetrahedral or octahedral silicate layers, provide the fundamental structural units of silicate clays (Bohn et al., 1979). Based on the different stacking arrangements and combinations, these clay minerals can be classified into 1:1-type minerals (one octahedral layer stacks over a tetrahedral layer, alternatively), and 2:1-type minerals (one octahedral layer is sandwiched between two tetrahedral layers). The layers within a structural unit are bonded together by a layer of shared oxygen atoms. Separate structural units are held together by hydrogen bonds or other forces, depending on the type of crystal and localized charge (either within the crystal or outside the structural units), which result from the amount of isomorphic substitution in both the tetrahedral and octahedral layers. The greater the layer charge, the stronger the bond between the structural units, resulting in less swelling of the clay mineral. Most kaolin structural units (1:1-type mineral) are held together in the basal plane by hydrogen bonding between oxygen ions of the tetrahedral sheet and hydroxyl ions of the octahedral sheet. The bond is so strong that water and other polar molecules do not enter the interlayer space of the structural units to cause them to expand. The smectite family of clays (2:1-type mineral), particularly montmorillonite, has a weak bond between the structural units due to extensive isomorphic substitution. Polar molecules, such as water, can enter between the basal planes causing them to expand or swell. When the water is removed from the interlayer space between the structural units, the soil shrinks. The shrinkage characteristic curve varies with the type and percent of clay in soil, the mode of geological deposition, and the depositional environment. Therefore, a 7 specific relationship between soil volume and water content is required for a particular soil under investigation if bulk density is expected to effect parameters of interest. Shrinkage characteristic curves have been measured on molded soil blocks (Haines, 1923; Holmes, 1955), natural soil clods (Stirk, 1954; Grossman et al., 1968; Reeve and Hall, 1978; Bronswijk, 1991), small cores (Berndt and Coughlan, 1977; Yule and Richie, 1980a), large cores (Yule and Richie, 1980b), soils in lysimeters (Mitchell and van Genuchten, 1992), and on soils in the field (Aitchison and Holmes, 1953; Jamison and Thompson, 1967). In order to quantitatively describe soil shrinkage characteristics and combine soil shrinkage characteristic curve in the calculation for other soil physical parameters, several curve fitting models have been proposed to fit shrinkage characteristic curve, such as the Three Straight Lines model (McGarry and Malafant, 1987), the General Soil Volume Change Equation (Giraldez et al., 1983), and the Logistic model (McGarry and Malafant, 1987). The shape of the shrinkage characteristic curve varies with the method by which shrinkage is measured. Remolded soil blocks have shown different shrinkage than natural soil clods, especially when the soil had well-developed crumb structure (Yong and Warkentin, 1975). Berndt and Coughlan (1976) found different features of the bulk density water content relationship (BD-WC relationship) between soil cores dried from a near saturation and soil cores taken from the field under a range of water contents. Over the water content range measured in the field soil, the soil cores in the laboratory showed three-dimensional and normal shrinkage; while the field data showed unidimensional shrinkage at the high water content range and three-dimensional shrinkage at the low water content range. The authors attributed these differences to the 8 sampling of soil cracks. They argued that pure soil matrix showed unidimensional curve if the volume changes was normal with no cracks occurring. Samples taken at higher water content had infrequent cracks therefore showing unidimensional shrinkage; while soil cracks were more likely sampled at lower water content and samples showed three- dimensional shrinkage. The BD WC relationship obtained in the field under a range of water contents may be more representative of field conditions than that obtained from soil cores drying from saturation in the laboratory. The comparison of BD WC relationships between field measured soil core under a range of water contents and laboratory measured soil clod during drying from saturation has not been well documented. Because of the difference of shrinkage features by using different measuring methods, errors may occur by applying laboratory measured BD WC relationship from soil clods or small cores to field conditions. Neutron moisture meter readings in cracking soils have been shown to be affected by the changes of bulk density due to soil shrinking and swelling (Greacen and Schrale, 1976; Jayawardane et al., 1983; Jarvis and Leeds-Harrison, 1987; Hodgson and Chan, 1987). The influence of soil bulk density on neutron count ratio could arise from the following sources: first, an increase in density increases the amount of neutron-absorbing elements per unit volume of soil, such as boron, thus reducing the count ratio. On the other hand, increase in density also increases the amount of organic matter and bound water, therefore increasing the count ratio. In addition, the shrinkage cracks around the neutron probe access tubes might also change the volume of soil measured. The infiltration of water down to the cracks around the access tube could also result in nonuniformly distribution of soil water in profile. 9 Furthermore, variation of soil bulk density with water content may cause errors in calculation soil volumetric water content if a fixed value is used in place of the bulk density that varied with water content. The objectives of this study were to: 1) examine the shrinkage characteristic of a local pear orchard clay soil, 2) compare the bulk density-water content relationship measured in the field with that measured in the laboratory using soil clods, 3) evaluate the effects of shrinkage on soil porosity and on calibration of a neutron moisture meter. MATERIALS AND METHODS Soil shrinkage curve: Soil shrinkage was measured first on clods following the procedures of Bronswijk (1991). Natural clods were taken from a pear orchard at the Kings Highway substation of the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center, near Medford, OR. The soil is classified as Carney clay (Fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Chromoxererts). This soil is moderately well-drained, and has very low permeability. The soil contained 54% clay, 35% silt, and 11% sand, as measured by the hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1986). The soil profiles were examined from the trenches which were dug for soil water sampler installation. A typical soil profile is described in Table 1-1. Three natural soil clods (3-4 cm diameter) were taken from the 0-20 cm depth in the field. These soil clods represent soil aggregates without shrinkage cracks. Each clod was put in a lightweight nylon hair net, placed on three layers of cheese cloth, then laid on a plastic plate in a shallow pool of water. After imbibition for one week, saturated weights of the soil clods were obtained. The clods were then coated with a SaranR resin 10 by dipping into a Saran F310 resin solution (resin to solvent 1:5 by weight), air dried and weighed as soon as the Saran coating solidified, to estimate the mass of added Saran. Then the clods were air dried further. Saran resin allows vapor, but not liquid water, to Table 1-1. A typical profile description of the test soil Depth Descriptions 0-50 cm heavy clay. Dark, blocky structure, large cracks (5-10mm), many roots, firm. 50-117 cm heavy clay, dark brown, blocky structure, medium cracks (1-5mm), crack width decreases with depth, few roots, firm, film around peds. 117-145 cm heavy clay, brown, no structure, few cracks, very few small roots, firm. >145 cm layered weathered bedrock, dense, many large fractures. pass from the clod (Brasher et al., 1966). The water loss of the soil clods was measured over time by weighing, and the volume of the clod was determined by the water displacement method (Brasher et al., 1966; Bronswijk, 1991). Finally, the oven-dried weights of the clods were obtained. By plotting the volume per gram of the soil clod (specific weight) versus the gravimetric water content, a shrinkage curve was obtained. Field bulk density: Undisturbed soil core samples were taken randomly in the field under a range of water contents at different times. These soil cores represented field average conditions 11 including shrinkage cracks. The samples were taken between 5 and 20 cm depth using an intact soil core sampler (#0200 Soil Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA) with 3.00 cm height and 5.40 cm inner diameter. In the laboratory, the water contents and soil dry mass were determined. Volume of the soil cores was calculated from the diameter and height of the core sampler. Then the soil bulk density and water content were calculated. The bulk density was plotted versus water content. Each sample represented one bulk density at different water contents. Finally, a regression line was drawn and a relationship between soil bulk density and water content (BD WC) was plotted. Calculation of porosity: The total volume (Vt) of a soil aggregate is the sum of the volumes of its three phase components, i.e. solid phase V, liquid phase VI, and gas phase Va, vt= vs + va (1.1) For a unit mass of oven dry soil the above equation can be expressed as: 1/p = 1/p5 + w/pw + a/pa (1.2) where p is soil bulk density (g/cm3), ps is soil particle density (g/cm3), pw is density of water (g/cm3), pa is density of the air, w is the mass of water per unit mass of oven dry soil (g/g), a is the mass of air per unit mass of oven dry soil (g/g). During the normal (basic) shrinkage phase, 12 A (1/p) = A (w/p,), and A( a/pa ) = 0, also A (1/pa) = 0 which means no increase in air-filled porosity; while during the residual shrinkage phase, A (1/p) < A (w/pw), and A( a/pa ) > 0, which means an increase of air-filled porosity. Unlike the rigid soil, the total porosity in the swelling soil also changes with changing water content. The total porosity can be calculated by the equation: St = (Ps P) /Ps (1.3) where ; is the total porosity, ps is the density of soil particles, and p is the bulk density of the soil. This formula is applicable to the swelling soil too. If the density of the soil particles is known, then the total porosity can be calculated by the above equation, and the air-filled porosity Ea can be calculated by subtracting the volumetric water content 0, from the total porosity, i.e. Ea= Et ev (1.4) Using the relationship of bulk density versus water content of soil clods and field soil cores, the total porosity and air-filled porosity can be calculated at different water contents for soil clods and core samples, respectively. The procedure can be described as follows: 13 1). Let s, = Asat , where esat is saturated soil water content. The soil bulk density at saturation Psat was obtained from the shrinkage curve. Substitute pss, into Equation (1.3) to obtain: Et Rewrite the equation as: °sat = (Ps Psat)/Ps (1.5) Ps = Psat / (1- esat) 2). Assume ps remained constant as the soil water decreased. By combining Equation (1.3) with soil BD WC relationship, the total porosity s, can be calculated at different water contents, and air-filled porosity ; obtained as sa = 5, - 0, 3). From a water release curve, the soil porosity matric water content relationship can be established. In this study the water release curve was measured using undisturbed soil cores taken from a 5 to 20 cm depth in the field using the same soil core sampler as used for bulk density sampling. The soil cores were contained in brass rings (3.00 cm height, 5.40 cm diameter). The samples were saturated in the laboratory for one week, then placed on the ceramic plate inside a pressure chamber (#1600G1 Soil Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA), and pressure was applied. After equilibrium at each pressure (no water coming out), the soil samples were removed, weighed, and oven dried at 105°C to calculate the gravimetric water content. Three undisturbed soil cores were used for each pressure point. The water contents at 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3 MPa were determined. The 14 water content at 1.5 MPa was measured in another chamber (#1500G1) using a membrane instead of a ceramic plate, and a disturbed soil sample (passed 2 mm sieve) was used. Neutron moisture meter calibration in the field: Field calibration of a neutron probe requires a series of values of moisture content and neutron thermalization. This can be achieved either at a single site, sampling under wet and dry conditions, or at several sites with similar soil texture but with a range of water contents. Calibration from one point is very time consuming and destructive, but may be more accurate by eliminating the effects of spatial variability. In this study, we carried out the calibration using samples with different moisture contents collected from multiple sites during the neutron probe access tube installations. A hydraulic drill with a 60 nun diameter bit was used to generate the tube holes. Disturbed soil samples brought out with the drill bit were collected at 20 cm intervals down to 200 cm. A PVC tube for use with the neutron probe (60 mm external diameter, and 5 mm wall) was then installed with tight contact to the hole wall. Gaps around the tube, if any, were sealed with the original soil. Neutron probe readings were taken immediately following installation using a CPN 503 neutron moisture meter (CPN company, Martinez, CA). Readings were taken twice at each depth for 30 seconds, at 20 cm intervals down to 200 cm. The standard count ratio was taken following the manufacturer's instruction. The count ratio was calculated, and the readings from 20 to 120 cm depth were used for calculation of count ratio moisture content relationship. The texture of the soil down to 120 cm was found to be consistent. 15 Calibration the effect of shrinkage on neutron moisture meter measurement: Bulk density and volumetric water content: Gravimetric water content can be converted to volumetric water content by multiplying by soil bulk density (taking water density to be 1.0 g/cm3). Since bulk density changes with water content as the soil shrinks, errors occur if an average field measured or fixed bulk density is used to calculate volumetric water content over a wide range of water contents. The calculation of volumetric water content at different water contents for a swelling soil must account for the effects of changes in bulk density. Bulk density and count ratio: Changes of bulk density during shrinking and swelling can also affect the count ratio of neutron probe readings, as discussed in the Introduction section. Greacen and Schrale (1976) proposed an empirical method to correct the bulk density effects on count ratio, which is refered to as the square root method. The square root equation is (Greacen and Schrale, 1976): CS = cf(ps/p)p (1.6) where Cs is the corrected count ratio; Cf is the original count ratio; ps is the chosen bulk density; and p is the measured bulk density; p is a empirical parameter. Greacen and Schrale (1976) found p has a value close to 0.5 for five Australian soils. 16 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Soil shrinkage curve: The soil shrinkage curves for the three soil clods are shown in Fig. 1-1. Two phases of shrinkage were found in each of the three Saran coated clods, indicated by changes in slope of the curve. Using linear regression equations, the parameters of slope and inflection point were calculated for each shrinkage curve (Table 1-2). When water content decreased from saturation to the inflection point, the volume of the three 0.75 .- 0 0.70 (1) a) E 0.65 0.60 O Clodl o CIod2 A CIod3 E 0 0.55 5 0.50 0.45 0.00 Pooled 0.10 0.20 0.30 Moisture content (g H20/g-soil) Fig. 1-1. Soil shrinkage characteristic curve. 0.40 17 Table 1-2. Slope and limit of each shrinkage phase for the three soil clods. Slope Normal Shrinkage Inflection point Residual Shrinkage g H20/g-soil Clod 1 0.88 0.41 0.22 Clod 3 0.83 0.47 0.18 Clod 4 0.98 0.42 0.16 Pooled 0.86 0.46 0.19 soil clods shrank at a slope of 0.88, 0.83, and 0.98, with a mean 0.86. For an ideal shrinking /swelling soil, the slope in the normal shrinkage phase is 1, indicating that the loss of soil volume is equal to the loss of water. A slope slightly lower than 1 indicates that the loss of the volume was slightly less than loss of water, and a small amount of air had entered the soil. Past the inflection point (about 0.19 g H20/g-soil), the shrinkage turned into residual shrinkage. The slope in this phase was 0.41, 0.47, and 0.42 for the three clods, with a slope of 0.46 when fit to all the data. From saturation to oven dryness the average volume changed from 0.72 to 0.50 cm3 /g -soil, a decrease of 31% from the original saturated volume. In the range of soil water contents observed in the field (from 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil, equivalent to -0.03 MPa to -1.5 MPa) the volume changed from 0.72 to 0.59 cm3 /g -soil, a decrease of 18.2% from the saturated volume. The results above are similar to the observations of Bronswijk and Evers-Vermeer (1990) in 7 Dutch soils and Mitchell (1990) in a Holtville sitty clay in California. Bronswijk and Evers- 18 Vermeer (1990) found that the volume change of the natural soil clods ranged from 13% to 42% for the 7 soils when water content changed from 0 to 1.5 MPa. Structural shrinkage was not found in the soil clods. Slope of the shrinkage curve for the Holtville silty clay in California was less than 1.0 in a lysimeter study (Mitchell, 1990). Soil bulk density: Fig. 1-2 shows the calculated bulk density of soil clods at different water contents obtained from the shrinkage curve, compared with the bulk density of undisturbed cores obtained in the field. In the range of soil water content from 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil (equivalent to -0.03 to -1.5 MPa), the bulk density of soil clods changed from 1.40 to 1.70 1.90 M 1.80 E .!..a), 1.70 D Fitted >, 1.60 d Aggregates A AA 1.50 Field BD Fitted .g 1.40 A.A CO 1.30 1.20 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 Moisture content (g H20/g-soil) Fig.1-2. Soil bulk density at different soil moisture contents for both field cores and clods with fitted relationships for both. 19 g /cm3 and the mean density of soil cores changed from 1.32 to 1.47 g/cm3. For a given decrease of water content, the bulk density increased more in the soil clods than in soil cores. The core samples included soil cracks, especially when the soil was dryer. The BD WC relationship measured in cores is assumed to be more representative of field conditions. Furthermore, an average field measured bulk density of 1.40 g/cm3 used to calculate volumetric water content for a wide range of water contents could cause errors of about 10% (the change in field soil cores). Soil porosity: The total porosity and water-filled porosity for soil clods derived from BD WC relationship is shown in Fig. 1-3, and in Fig.1-4 for field soil cores. The total porosity here was defined as the total voids in soil including cracks and water filled regions. The total porosity of the soil clods decreased greatly as it dried, while the decrease of total porosity in field soil cores was relatively small because of the formation of the shrinkage cracks. The increase of air-filled porosity was very small (<5%) in soil clods when the matric potential decreased from 0 to -1.5 MPa. This result has been seen in previous soil shrinkage curves where little air entered the soil void until the matric potential dropped down below -1.5 MPa, where the residual shrinkage phase started. After that point the decrease in soil volume was less than the loss of water, thus the air-filled porosity increased. However, the air-filled porosity in the field soil cores increased rapidly as the soil water potential decreased, especially when the water potential dropped below -0.1 MPa. This was because of the formation of shrinkage cracks when the soil clods shrank. The greatly increase in air-filled porosity between the soil clods in the field soil due to the 20 formation of the shrinkage cracks. This implied that the shrinkage cracks between the soil clods might play an important role for root zone soil aeration. The importance of shrinkage cracks for water infiltration into subsoil and root zone aeration has been addressed by other researchers (Yong and Warkentin, 1975; Mitchell, 1990). Crack volume has been determined by either directly measuring the crack dimensions manually (Dasog and Shashidhara, 1993), or by image analysis of crack photographs (Waller and Wallender, 1993), or by indirect calculation from soil surface subsidence based on three- dimensional shrinkage (Bronswijk, 1991). The method of comparing the porosity of soil clod to field soil core employed in this study provides another way to evaluate the development of crack voids over a large range of soil water content and potential. This technique has not been widely used before. 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 + 0.25 0.001 BTotal porosity AWater-filled 0.01 0.1 10 Matric potential (MPa) Fig.1-3. Total, water-filled, and air-filled porosity of the soil clods at different matric potentials. 21 0.55 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 0.30 9Total porosity AWater-filled 0.25, 0.001 I 0.01 0.1 1 10 - Metric potential (MPa) Fig.l -4. Total, water-filled, and air-filled porosity of the field soil cores at different matric potentials. Effect of shrinkage on neutron moisture meter measurement: Shrinkage can cause three problems for neutron moisture meter calibration in the field. As described in the Introduction section of this thesis, errors could arise from: 1) calculation of volumetric water content using a fixed bulk density instead of a bulk density that varies as soil shrinks and swells; 2) count ratios that change with bulk density due to the changes in amount of bound water and other neutron-absorbing elements within the fixed volume affected by neutron scatter; and 3) the cracks around the neutron probe access tubes affecting the volume of measurement as well as water infiltration into 22 the cracks when ground surface was saturated. In this study, the soil was not extremely dry, and no gap was visible around the access tubes. So, the effect of the gap around the tubes was minimized and is not discussed here. Calculation of volumetric water content: Plots of neutron probe count ratio versus volumetric water content calculated based on the fixed bulk density obtained from the field average data (1.40 g/cm3), and based on the variable bulk density from the BD WC relationship measured in field cores (Fig. 1-2) show a small difference of slope (p=0.12, t-test for the slope in linear regression analysis) and intercept (p=0.08, t-test for the intercept in linear regression analysis) between the two regression lines (Fig. 1-5). The E a6° 0.55 _ Fixed BD: y = 0.45x 0.18 '5 .23 r2 = 0.81 0.50 0.45 0.40 0.35 rid Fixed BD Fitted o 0.30 co A 0 *25 0.20 Fitted Varied BD: y = 0.38x 0.09 N 0.15 r2 = 0.80 .5 0.10 2 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Varied BD 1.6 Count ratio Fig.1-5. Plot of count ratio versus volumetric water content calculated for a fixed bulk density and bulk density that varies due to shrinkage. 23 slope of the curve based on the variable bulk density is slightly flatter than the slope of the curve calculated with fixed bulk density. In this case, significant errors could occur if using the average bulk density to calculate the volumetric water content only at extremely wet or dry conditions (p<0.10, t-test for intercept of regression lines). The adjusted data did not reduce the scatter of the data points, indicating that both curves represented their data set equally well. Correction of count ratio: Fig. 1-6 shows the plot of the original and adjusted count ratio using the square root method. The results indicated that there was little difference in slopes (p=0.40, t-test for the slope in linear regression analysis) and 0.60 Orig. CR: y = 0.38x - 0.09 0.55 r2 = 0.80 0.50 0.45 ®m 0.40 Orig. CR 0.35 Fitted 0.30 a 0.25 Adj. CR Fitted 0.20 Adj. CR: y = 0.35x - 0.04 r2 = 0.83 0.15 0.10 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Count ratio Fig.1-6. Plot of neutron probe calibration curve with and without correction of count ratio calculated according to Greacen and Schrale (1976). 24 intercept (p=0.32, t-test for the intercept in linear regression analysis) of the regression lines. There was only slight improvement of the linearity by adjusting for the effects of bulk density on the count ratio based on the square root equation (r2 changes from 0.80 to0.83). So, correction using the square root equation did not improve the precision of the neutron probe for these soils. This result is different from the reports of other researchers in Australian soils (Greacen and Schrale, 1976; Jayawardane et al., 1983). They found the scatter of data was reduced, and the precision of the calibration curve was increased, by using the square root equation. However, no effect of bulk density on neutron count ratio was found in other soils (Long and French, 1967; Luebs et al., 1968; and Mitchell, 1990). There were several factors that could have caused the conflicting results of bulk density's effect on the neutron count ratio. As bulk density increases, if the increase in bound water (which increases count ratio) was greater than the increase of neutron absorbing elements, such as boron (which decreases count ratio), the overall count ratio would increase. In contrast, if the increase in bound water was less than the neutron absorbing elements, the count ratio would decrease. If the increase of the two factors were equal, then no changes on overall count ratio would be observed as the bulk density increases. Another possible reason that the effect of bulk density on neutron count ratio was not seen in this study could have been due to the small changes of bulk density observed in the field during neutron probe calibration (1.3 to 1.5 g/cm3). Mitchell (1990) found no effect of bulk density on count ratio for a Holtville silty clay in California as bulk density changed from 1.4 to 1.6 g/cm3 during the neutron probe calibration. 25 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions can be drawn from the results: 1). The orchard clay soil had high shrink/swell properties. The volume decreased 18.2% in the range of soil water content between 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil (equivalent to -0.03 to -1.5 MPa water potential). Although three shrinkage phases are generally shown in standard shrinkage curves, with a slope equal to 1.0 in the normal shrinkage range, the soil under investigation showed two distinct shrinkage phases. In the range of soil water content from 0.35 to 0.19 g H20/g-soil the soil exhibited nearly normal (unitary) shrinkage with a slope of 0.86. In the range of water content from 0.19 g H20/g-soil to oven dry the soil showed residual shrinkage with a slope of 0.46. 2). The total porosity of the soil cores decreased less than the clods as water content decreased due to the formation of shrinkage cracks. Comparing the porosity of soil clods to field soil cores in this study provided an alternative method to evaluate differences in crack volume for a wide range of moisture contents. 3). The field soil cores showed different features from the soil clods in the bulk density water content relationship. The bulk density of soil clods increased more quickly than soil cores for the same decrease in water content. 4). 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Selker 30 ABSTRACT Irrigation is vital for pear production in southern Oregon due to the characteristic dry Mediterranean climate in summer. Impact sprinkler and flood irrigation tend to induce macropore flow and surface runoff which may carry agrichemicals to contaminate ground and surface water systems. As part of a large study to examine chemical transport in cracking clay soil, the objective of this study was to examine soil water availability and pear growth and quality under micro and flood irrigation. Soil available water content and fruit diameter expansion in Bosc pear (Pyrus communis) were measured under pulsator (PU, applying 0.5 mm/hr), microsprinlder (MI, applying 2.8 mm/hr), and flood irrigation (FL) in 1995 and 1996. The postharvest firmness and fungal decay of fruit from each irrigation treatment were also monitored during storage. The fruit diameter expansion rate, yield, and fruit firmness decline rate were not significantly different (p>0.05) between the irrigation treatments for 1996. In 1995, the pear diameter expansion rate was lower for PU than that for MI and FL treatments (P<0.05). The 1995 decline of fruit firmness in storage for PU was significantly slower than MI and FL (p<0.05). The differences between PU and other treatments resulted from the late start of irrigation in 1995. When soil was dry, the soil water content could not recover to an adequate level with PU because of the low soil matrix hydraulic conductivity. The pear trees suffered severe water stress in the growing season of 1995. We conclude that microsprinkler and pulsator irrigation systems can provide available water comparable to flood and sufficient for pear growth in a swelling-cracking clay soil if the soil is kept moist from the beginning of the growing season. These irrigation methods have the 31 advantages of reduced water consumption and lower probability of contaminant transport in comparison to the presently used flood irrigation (discussed in Chapter 3). INTRODUCTION Irrigation is vital for pear production in southern Oregon due to the mediterranean climate which has dry summer conditions. Summer soil water deficit can cause serious economic consequences in pear production. Early studies by Lewis et al. (1934) and Aldrich et al. (1940) concluded that the rate of growth of pear fruit was closely related to the moisture content of the upper 3 feet of soil. Larger fruit were produced by maintaining soil moisture high in the available range throughout the season. Whenever the moisture content fell below 50% of the available capacity, the rate of fruit growth was reduced. Fruit dessert quality parameters, such as sugar concentration, juiciness, flavor, texture, and acidity are also affected by water stress (Aldrich et al., 1940; Cabral et al., 1995). Water stress can also affect fruit ripening and storage life. Pears from trees having the least water deficit near harvest time usually showed a lower firmness during the harvest period (Aldrich et al., 1940). A type of internal breakdown often found in ripe pear fruit harvested late in the season was found to be more prevalent in fruit experiencing greater water deficits near harvest (Aldrich et al., 1940). The effect of water content on postharvest fruit decay may be related to mineral uptake of the trees (Bramlage, 1993). Perring and Jackson (1975) found that postharvest quality of apple was reduced by a low concentration of calcium in fruit. Sugar et al. (1992) found that combined low nitrogen and high calcium concentration reduced the postharvest fungal decay of 'Cornice' and 'Bose' pear fruit. 32 Soil physical properties affect water infiltration and availability to plants. In southern Oregon, most of the pears are grown on clay soils which have a high swelling and shrinking capacity (Chapter 1 of this thesis). The volume of this soil changes continuously with changing water content, which is observed in the field as the formation of shrinkage cracks with high saturated infiltration rates during the dry period and crack closure with low infiltration rates during the wet period. Currently, impact sprinkler and flood irrigation are widely used. These irrigation methods, characterized by high application rates of short duration and separated by relatively long intervals without irrigation, tend to induce macropore flow and surface runoff in swelling clay soils (Miller et al., 1965; Anderson and Bouma, 1977; Beven and Germann, 1982). Microirrigation systems, such as microsprinlders and pulsators, have been shown to apply water sufficiently slowly to reduce or eliminate macropore flow (Wu, 1995; Selker et al., 1995; also Chapter 3 of this thesis). However, whether or not the microirrigation systems can apply sufficient water for pear growth in such a swelling clay soil is still unknown. Some authors have argued that shrinkage cracks help the water infiltrate into subsoil (Stirk, 1954; Yong and Warkentin, 1975; Mitchell and van Genuchten, 1993). The objective of this study was to examine a microsprinkler and a pulsator irrigation system to determine if they could apply sufficient plant-available water to produce pears of sufficient size, number, and storage life for quality marketing, as compared to traditional flood irrigation. In this chapter only the soil water and pear growth and quality data are reported. This work was part of a larger study examining water and chemical movement in cracking clay soils in an attempt to reduce surface and 33 groundwater pollution potential by manipulating method of irrigation. The chemical transport data will be reported in Chapter 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental site: The study was conducted at the southern Oregon Research and Extension Center (SOREC) near Medford, Oregon. The soil is classified as Carney clay (Fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Chromoxererts). The typical profile description is shown in Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 of this thesis. The soil particle size composition was determined by hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1986; Table 2-1). This soil is moderately well-drained, has very low permeability, is underlain by a shallow groundwater table whose depth fluctuates seasonally from 0.8 to 4 meters. The experiment site has an elevation of about 400m, and mean annual precipitation of 479mm, with approximately 76% normally occurring from October through March. Table 2-1. Particle size composition of the tested soils at three irrigation treatment sites. Depth PU FL MI Sand Silt Clay Sand Silt Clay Sand Silt Clay 0- 10 17.1 36.4 43.6 11.0 35.0 54.0 8.6 34.0 57.0 10- 60 15.2 33.2 48.6 5.2 37.0 57.0 10.4 31.5 57.0 60-120 28.0 29.2 35.1 8.6 34.8 55.0 7.5 31.0 59.0 cm 34 The plant grown in the tested area is Bosc pear (Pyrus communis), planted in 1935 on a 7.3 X 7.3 meter spacing. Grass was grown in the space between the pear tree rows. Irrigation systems: Three irrigation systems, microsprinkler (MI), pulsator (PU), and flood (FL), were installed in adjoining areas within the orchard. The microsprinkler (Dan 8000 series, with black round spinner and 1.4 mm green nozzle, 207 kPa pressure, Netafim, New York, NY) consisted of a spinning nozzle atop a 45.7 cm high stick, applying 2.8 mm water per hour and wetting an area of 3 m in diameter. The pulsator (PLT-2-20, 207kPa pressure, Nibco Irrigation, Fresno, CA) differed from the microsprinkler in that each pulsator head (emitter) was designed with a spinning nozzle sitting atop a cylinder where a pulse of water was generated. When the pressure of the water inside the cylinder bladder reached a threshold, the water inside the cylinder was released to the nozzle and spread out as tiny water drops. Each pulse was generated in about 0.5 second. The emitter sat on a 45.7 cm stick, and applied 0.5 mm water per hour wetting an area 3.5 m in diameter. Pressure regulators and filters were also installed following the manufacturer's specifications. Two micro-sprinkler or pulsator heads were installed on the ground between each pair of pear trees within the row. Digital irrigation timers were used to control the microsprinkler and pulsator systems. During the 1995 irrigation season, the micro-sprinklers were run 12 hours on a single day weekly, and operated 6 hours twice per week in 1996. The Pulsator was set for 12 hours per day, seven days per week in the 1995 irrigation season, and 10 hours per day, seven days per week in 1996. The irrigation was turned off during thunderstorm periods, and the irrigation time was 35 slightly reduced in the late growing season when the air temperature was cooler, evapotranspiration decreased, and pear growth slowed down. Flood irrigation followed conventional orchard practice, i.e. the main pipe was set up at one end of the rows and water moved gravitationally down to the other end of the rows. It ran once every two to three weeks. Flow was adjusted using gate valves in the FL treatment. Total water applied was similar among the 3 treatments, although there was less control with FL than PU and MI. Soil water measurement: Two neutron probe access tubes were installed in each irrigation plot in 1995. To increase the resolution of the measurement, two additional tubes were installed in 1996. Soil water content was measured once every one to two weeks in the summer and less frequently in the winter, using a CPN 503 neutron moisture meter (CPN company, Martinez, CA). All soil and water measurement locations were at least 2 tree intervals inside of irrigation treatment borders. Fruit size, weight, and yield measurements: Four trees were selected in each irrigation plot and 25 fruit in each tree were randomly labeled. The diameters of the labeled fruit were measured once per two weeks in the early stage and once per week in the late stage with a caliper. At harvest, the yield of each labeled tree was obtained, then 100 pears (50 in 1995) were randomly selected to test the average weight per fruit. 36 Fruit firmness and fungal decay determinations: Forty pear fruit from each tree were randomly picked. Ten were used to measure the firmness at harvest, and the other 30 were stored at 0 °C. After 2, 3, and 4 months of storage, samples of 10 pears each were withdrawn to test firmness using a U.C. firmness tester with 8 mm plunger (Western Ind. Supply, San Francisco, CA). Two sides of each of the ten fruit were tested, with the peel removed. The average of the two sides was used as the firmness index. Another 10 pears were randomly selected from each tree at harvest, and inoculated with a suspension of Penicillium expansum containing 104 spores/ml. Five wounds were made in each fruit by using a 6 mm nail. Each spot was inoculated with 40 IA the Penicillium expansum spore suspension. The inoculated fruit were stored at 0 °C for 2 months. The diameters of the resulting lesions were measured with a caliper. The average value of the five lesions on each fruit was obtained as the index of fungal decay. Statistical analysis: ANOVA was used to analyze the difference of pear diameter, yield, fruit weight, and lesion diameter among the irrigation treatments. If the difference was significant, then the LSD multiple range test was applied to compare the means. Linear regression analysis was used to analyze the difference of the rates (slopes) of firmness decline and pear diameter expansion. Computer software STATGRAPHICS (Manugistics, Inc., Rockville, MD) was used for all statistical analyses. 37 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 1995 growing season: Soil water content: Irrigation in southern Oregon generally begins mid June and continues until harvest or beyond, often into early October. Due to equipment problems, irrigation treatments in this study did not start until late July in 1995. The pear trees suffered water stress in the early growing season. Because neutron probe access tubes were not installed until late August, data showing the degree of soil water deficit is not available. The water content on September 7 is shown on Fig. 2-1. The plant-available Percent of available capacity (%) 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0= 20 40 0 60 Q. 80 ft. 100 120 140 Fig. 2-1. Available water profile for pulsator, rnicrosprinkler, and flood irrigation on September 7, 1995. 38 water was expressed as the percent of available capacity (PAC), i.e. percent of available capacity = ((soil water content - wilting point)/(field capacity - wilting point))x100%. The plant-available water under PU was approximately 55 PAC in the top 20 cm, and less than 50 PAC at 60 cm depth. The available water content under both MI and FL were each 80-90% in the top 20 cm, and about 70% at 60 cm depth. The lower available water under PU irrigation might have been caused by high summer evapotranspiration and the low soil hydraulic conductivity under unsaturated conditions, i.e., the irrigation water could not infiltrate to the subsoil at the slow rate (0.5 mm/hr) of application by PU. The deficit of available water caused stress on the pear trees, observed as diminished fruit size and yield. Fruit size and yield: The cumulative diameter expansion and daily expansion rates of pear fruit under the three irrigation treatments in 1995 are shown in Fig. 2-2. The fruit expansion rate and cumulative diameter were smaller under PU than under MI and FL (p<0.05, t-test for the slopes in linear regression analysis). The cumulative diameter and expansion rate for MI and FL were similar (p>0.05, t-test for the slope in linear regression analysis). Because of the lower expansion rate, the size and weight of the fruits at harvest were significantly smaller for PU than MI and FL (p<0.05, protected LSD test; Table 2-2). However, the yield of fruit, expressed as the weight per unit trunk area, was similar (p>0.05, F-test) under the three irrigation treatments. This was due to the greater number of fruit on each tree for the PU treatment even though the fruit were smaller than MI and FL. 39 80 2.0 70 Cumulative diameter 1.6 60 50 1.2 40 -PU Expansion rate .0-- MI 30 0.8 8-- FL 20-i20 0.4 10 o 0.0 , U) CO CO 0) ti CO Date (month/day) Fig. 2-2. Cumulative fruit diameter and fruit expansion rate under three irrigation treatments in 1995. Table 2-2. Fruit size, weight, yield, and decay lesion diameter under three irrigation systems in 1995. Fruit diameter Fruit weight g/fruit Yield Lesion diameter kg/cm2 trunk -- PU 56.2 a** 116.5 a 0.077 a 15.7 a MI 61.9 b 160.0 b 0.058 a 17.9 b FL 62.9 b 168.5 b 0.060 a 14.6 c ** Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.05 using protected LSD test. 40 Firmness decline and fungal decay: At harvest, fruit from trees under PU irrigation were significantly firmer (p<0.05, t-test for the intercept in linear regression analysis) than those under MI and FL (Fig. 2-3). Also, the firmness declined much slower during storage for fruit from PU than from MI or FL (p<0.05, t-test for slopes in linear regression analysis). The firmness decline for fruit from MI and FL were similar. These results correspond to those for fruit size and yield. They indicate that water stress not only changed the fruit size but also its texture and maturity. The slow decline of firmness in the storage has two potential consequences: first, fruit in water-stressed 75 A 70 0 65 et- ._ 60 0 55 PU y = -0.47x + 71.89 1:1 MI 50 Y = -1.90x + 65.23 0 FL y = -2.43x + 66.99 45 '1 0 1 2 3 4 Time after harvest (month) Fig. 2-3. Firmness decline during storage for fruit from three irrigation treatments in 1995. 41 trees may take longer to mature, which would indicate the need to delay picking; on the other hand, fruit from water stressed trees may have longer storage life. The diameter of the infected lesions was larger in fruit from the MI treatment than in fruit from the PU or FL irrigation (95% LSD multiple range test, Table 2-2). The mean lesion diameter for PU was larger than FL. This result was not consistent with the results of fruit size and firmness which showed differences between the water stress and no stress. This implies that there were other factors than water stress that directly determined the fungal decay. Sugar et al. (1992) suggested that the nitrogen and calcium concentration in fruit were important factors that affected the fungal decay of pears in storage. 1996 growing season: Soil water content: maintained between 65 The plant-available water in the upper 120 cm soil was to 90 PAC during the 1996 summer irrigation season (Fig. 2-4). The water content fluctuated with the input of water from irrigation and output due to evapotranspiration and drainage. There were no severe water deficits found throughout the growing season. The available water was maintained above 70 PAC most of the time for all three irrigation treatments. The flood irrigation showed greater fluctuation in PAC, in response to the higher application rates separated by relatively long intervals without irrigation. While water availability was maintained in all three treatments. In Chapter 3 of this thesis, the preferential flow and chemical tracer movement will be shown greater for FL than MI or PU, suggesting a decrease in surface and groundwater pollution potential with MI and PU systems. 42 ° 100 co cf. 90 ca c.) a) -a ... co 80 70 ca .6., 60 50 C/) CO N ti CV CO Cfl ti 00 0) Date (month/day) Fig. 2-4. Plant-available water in top120 cm soil profile under three irrigation treatments in 1996. Fruit size and yield: In 1996, there was no significant difference in cumulative fruit diameter or daily expansion rate between the irrigation treatments (p>0.05, t-test for the slopes in linear regression analysis; Fig. 2-5). The fruit grew faster in the early stage than in the later stage for all three treatments. The yield and fruit diameter of pears at harvest in 1996 were not significantly different (p>0.05, F-test) between the irrigation treatments (Table 2-3). Although the fruit weight was slightly greater for FL than for PU, the yield was not significantly different between the three irrigation treatments (P>0.05, F-test). Since there was no water stress of trees under any of the three irrigation 43 2.0, 80 70 co Cumulative diameter 1.6 60 1.2; 50 -PU 40 Expansion rate - 43- - MI 30 0.8 c O G-- FL 20 0.4 as 0. 100 e-- co co c7; Z7I CD N. N. 0.0 0 0) 0) CN1 05 0) CN1 0) Date (month/day) Fig. 2-5. Cumulative fruit diameter and expansion rate under three irrigation treatments in 1996. Table 2-3. Fruit size, weight, yield, and decay lesion diameter under three irrigation systems in 1996. Fruit diameter Fruit weight g/fruit Yield Lesion diameter kg/cm2 trunk -- PU 60.4 a** 147.2 a 0.124 a 21.7 a MI 61.3 a 159.7 ab 0.108 a 20.0 b FL 64.3 a 187.0b 0.122 a 19.9b ** Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.05 using protected LSD test. 44 treatments in 1996, the pear fruit under each irrigation system grew very well. The yield of the 1996 season was about twice as high as the 1995 season for all three irrigation treatments (Table 2-2 and Table 2-3). That might be resulted from the water stress in the early stage in 1995 for all the treatments because of the delay to start irrigation. Firmness decline and fungal decay: The firmness of fruit at harvest was higher under MI than under PU and FL (p<0.05, t-test for the intercept in linear regression analysis, Fig. 2-6). However, the firmness decline rates were not significantly different among the three irrigation treatments during storage (p>0.05, t-test for slopes in linear 75-. 70 65 A PU y = -0.94x + 57.76 DMI y = -1.62x + 61.14 0 FL y = -1.21x + 57.30 60 50 45 0 1 2 3 4 Time after harvest (month) Fig. 2-6. Firmness decline during storage for fruit from three irrigation treatments in 1996. 45 regression analysis). These results are similar to those for fruit size and yield. Thus, with minimal water stress in 1996, pears under the three irrigation treatments not only produced similar size and yield, but also had similar quality in storage. The fungal decay during storage in 1996 showed that the average lesion diameter was larger in PU than in MI and FL treatments (95% LSD multiple range test, Table 2-3). The lesion diameter for MI was similar to FL irrigation. As discussed for the 1995 results, the lesion diameter was not consistant to the water stress. There might be other factors that directly determined the fungal decay. As described above, if the irrigation was started after soil became very dry, the pulsator irrigation system could not restore the soil water to an adequate level. In 1996, the irrigation was started when soil was moist, the available water of the soil never dropped down below 60% available capacity. There were large fluctuations of soil water content in flood irrigation due to the high application rate and long dry period between two irrigation events. In Chapter 3 of this dissertation, the deep percolation under FL irrigation was found 100 times more than under PU and MI irrigation. The deep percolation under PU and MI were almost zero during the summer irrigation season. CONCLUSIONS When initiated under water deficit conditions (1995), pulsator irrigation treatments were not able to restore water in the clay soil to more than 60 PAC. The lower water availability under PU irrigation adversely affected the productivity of pear trees grown in that soil. Fruit size and weight were lower under PU irrigation than under MI or FL irrigation. Fruit firmness declined more slowly after harvest in fruit from PU 46 irrigation than in fruit from MI or FL irrigation. There was no strong evidence linking water stress to the fruit decay in this study. In the absence of water deficit conditions (1996), PU, MI, or FL irrigation treatments did not differ in their effect on fruit size, yield, firmness decline, or postharvest decay. Therefore, microsprinkler and pulsator systems can provide sufficient available water for pear growth in a shrink-swell clay soil as long as the soil is kept moist from the beginning of the growing season. These systems are able to provide adequate moisture for optimal crop growth while minimizing potential of surface and groundwater pollution (the chemical transport will be discussed in Chapter 3). Size and storage quality of pear fruit can be controlled by manipulating irrigation method and quantities. REFERENCES Aldrich, W. W., M. R. Lewis, R. A. Work, A. Lloyd Ryall, and F. C. Reimer. 1940. Anjou pear responses to irrigation in a clay adobe soil. Station Bulletin 374. Agricultural Experiment Station, Oregon State College. Anderson, J. C., and J. Bouma. 1977. Water movement through pedal soils. I. Saturated flow. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41:413-418. Beven, K., and P. Germann. 1982. Macropores and water flow in soils. Water Resour. Res. 18:1311-1325. Bramlage, W. J. 1993. Interactions of orchard factors and mineral nutrition on quality of pome fruit. Acta Horticulturae 326:15-28. Cabral, M. L., M. G. Barreiro, J. Franco. 1995. Effect of irrigation on storage capability of 'Rocha' pear. Acta Horticulturae 379:167-174. Gee, G. W., and J. W. Bauder. 1986. Particle-size analysis. p.91-99. In Arnold Klute (ed.) Methods of soil analysis: Part I. Physical and mineralogical methods (2nd ed.). ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI. 47 Lewis, M. R., R. A. Work, and W. W. Aldrich. 1934. Studies of the irrigation of pear orchards on heavy soil near Medford, Oregon Technical Bulletin 432. United States Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Miller, R. J., J. W. Biggar, and D. R. Nielsen. 1965. Chloride displacement in Panoche clay loam in relation to water movement and distribution. Water Resour. Res. 1:63-73. Mitchell, A. R., and M. Th. van Genuchten. 1993. Flood irrigation of a cracked soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 57:490-497. Perring, M. A., and C. H. Jackson. 1975. The mineral composition of apples. Calcium concentration and bitter pit in relation to mean mass per apple. J. Sci. Food Agric. 20:1493-1502. Selker, J. S., W. Cao, and R. Roseberg. 1995. Use of ultra-low rate application devices to eliminate macropore flow during irrigation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress. April 2-6, Orando, Florida. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Stirk, G. B. 1954. Some aspects of soil shrinkage and the effect of cracking upon water entry into the soil. Aust. J. Agr. Res. 5:279-290. Sugar, D., T. L. Righetti, E. E. Sanchez, and H. Khemira. 1992. Management of nitrogen and calcium in pear trees for enhancement of fruit resistance to postharvest decay. HortTechnology 2:382-387. Yong, R. N., and B. P. Warkentin. 1975. Soil properties and behaviour. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., New York. Wu, I. P. 1995. Optimal scheduling and minimizing deep seepage in microirrigation. Trans. ASAE 38:1385-1392. 48 Chapter 3 Macropore Flow and Chemical Transport under Micro and Flood Irrigation Systems Chengci Chen, Richard J. Roseberg, and John S. Selker 49 ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to better understand how irrigation method, chemical application timing, and crop management contribute to water and chemical movement through a cracking clay soil. Macropore flow can accelerate agrichemical transport to deep subsoil and has been shown contribution to the contamination of groundwater. Localized ponding at the ground surface is one of the conditions required to initiate macropore flow. This situation is common in clay soils receiving high rates of applied irrigation, as occurs when using flood or impact sprinkler systems. To test the ability of alternative irrigation systems to reduce macropore flow and chemical movement while maintaining available water the crop, chemical tracers were applied to an orchard growing in clay soil and were then irrigated using reduced rate and traditional irrigation systems. Bromide and rubidium tracers were sprayed on November, 1995, and bromide and blue dye tracers were applied on July, 1996. Pulsator (PU, applying 0.5 mm/hr), Microsprinkler (MI, applying 2.8 mm/hr), and flood irrigation (FL, which is traditional irrigation method) were applied in the summer. Soil cores and percolate samples from passive capillary samplers (PCAPS) were collected to test chemical tracer transport in the soil matrix and macropores. agrichemical loading to groundwater. Microirrigation systems decreased Preferential flow was greatly reduced under microsprinkler irrigation in comparison to flood irrigation, and was completely eliminated under pulsator irrigation. The volume of percolate and mass of Br collected in the PCAPS installed at a depth of 120 cm was 100 times greater under FL irrigation than under PU and MI. The mass of sorbed blue dye collected was much less than non-sorbed 50 Br. Low intensity PU and MI irrigation enhanced chemical movement into the soil aggregates, thereby reducing the leaching by subsequent water additions. Preferential flow occurred in all experimental plots during the early part of winter rainy season. The plume of the November applied Br tracer extended down to 70 cm by preferential flow 24 days after application. The transport of sorbed Rb (a model tracer for ammonium) was much slower than for non-sorbed Br. INTRODUCTION Flow patterns for water and solutes through the vadose zone are often heterogeneous. The phenomena of nonuniform flow through porous media with a wide variety of velocities are referred to as preferential flow (Beven, 1991). Preferential flow has been documented in a wide range of soil textures due to a number of processes. In sandy soils preferential flow processes have been observed as finger flow in homogeneous conditions due to unstable wetting fronts (Selker et al., 1992 a, b), and as funnel flow in layered sandy soil (Kung, 1990, 1993). In structured soils, preferential flow referred to as "macropore flow" occurs through soil voids such as worm holes, root holes, and shrinkage cracks (Bouma and Dekker, 1978; Beven and Germann, 1982; Kneale, 1986; Edwards et al., 1989). Water and solute transport through preferential pathways can be much faster than through the soil matrix. The saturated hydraulic conductivity for fine textured soil can be as low as 8.6 mm/day, while that in the structured clay could be as high as 43200 mm/day (Kneale, 1986). Bouma (1984) defined the vertical movement of free water along continuous macropores past an unsaturated soil matrix as bypass flow. As rapid transport of agrichemicals through the 51 preferential paths, especially macropores, bypasses the biologically active root zone, reducing the opportunity for degradation of the potentially harmful chemicals within the soil, preferential flow increases the risks of agrichemical contamination to groundwater. Steenhuis et al. (1990) pointed out that the concentration in groundwater could exceed 1 lag/1 if 0.1% of a chemical applied at a rate of 2 kg/ha reached groundwater. Many have shown examples of accelerated movement of a broad variety of chemicals through soil to groundwater (e.g., Rao et al., 1974; Bowman and Rice, 1986; Everts et al., 1989; Isensee et al., 1990; Rice et al., 1991; Kladivko et al., 1991; also see review by Jury and Flub ler, 1992). The degree of connectivity with other macropores may be more important than their size and volume in determining the ability of macropores to serve as preferential channels (Bouma, 1981, 1982). Several dye tracer experiments demonstrated that only those macropores connected to the soil surface conducted water (Kissel et al., 1973; Bouma and Dekker, 1978; Andreini and Steenhuis, 1990). Bouma and Dekker (1978) applied Methylene Blue to four clay soils in the Netherlands, then counted the number and measured the area of stained bands down to 1 m after excavation of the soil. They found the preferential flow pathways occupied only 2% of the vertical and horizontal area. Agricultural practices such as tillage and cropping can change macropore continuity, thereby changing preferential flow patterns. Traditional plowing destroys the structure of surface soils, mixes the plow layer and blocks the macropore connections to the surface, while conservation tillage minimizes plowing, therefore, more continuous 52 macropores and other preferential paths reaching directly from the surface deep into the subsoil are preserved. Ehlers (1975) found that the number and percentage volume of earth worm channels near the surface (in the top 20 cm) of a plot under no-till cultivation for four years was twice that of a similar plot which had been continuously cultivated in the conventional manner. Andreini and Steenhuis (1990) found that in the no-till soil column nearly the entire depth of the profile was short-circuited by preferential flow, but in the tilled column the solute passed through the mixed, unstructured plow layer before preferential flow below the plow pan occurred. A variety of studies have suggested that greater chemical transport does occur in no-till than in tilled soils (Hall et al., 1989; Isensee et al., 1990; Shipitalo and Edwards, 1993). Roseberg and McCoy (1992) found that macropore air permeability was significantly less under conventional corn than notill corn. The continuity of the macropores also was decreased in tilled soil. Root systems of different crops may change the macropore patterns, thereby affecting preferential flows (Mitchell et al., 1995; Kamau et al., 1996). Tap roots tend to form deeper macropores than fibrous grass roots. Applying dye solution, Mitchell, et al. (1995) found that the decaying roots of alfalfa produced stable macropores, while wheat produced no such macropores in a swelling clay soil. Root anchoring also changes the shrinkage crack patterns in a swelling clay soil (Mitchell and van Genuchten, 1992). Rain intensity is another factor that affects preferential flow through soil. The dye experiment of Bouma and Dekker (1978) demonstrated that the number and depth of the stained bands were the function of application rate and total quantity of applied solution. Under low (10 mm/hr) and medium (25 mm/hr) simulated rainfall intensity, movement of Br in the silt loam soil profile was found not significantly different between till and no- 53 till systems. While subjected to a high simulated rainfall intensity, significantly greater Br movement occurred in the soil profile managed under continuous long-term no-till (Bicki and Guo, 1991). Preferential flow through macropores can be initiated when high intensity rainfall or water application rates exceed the soil infiltration rate or when saturated-flow conditions occur (Wagenet, 1987). Edwards et al. (1992) claimed that high intensity rainfall moves more atrazine through macropores than low intensity rains of equal volume. Shipitalo et al. (1990) reported that a light rain following chemical application helped the chemical to move into the soil matrix, thereby reducing chemical leaching by subsequent storms. They measured the transport of surface-applied SrBr2 and atrazine through 30 by 30 by 30 cm undisturbed silty loam soil blocks. They divided the soil blocks into two groups; one group received a 1 hr 5-mm simulated rain, followed two days later by a 0.5 hr 30-mm rain, and then followed by another 0.5 hr 30-mm rain a week later; the other group received only the two 30-mm events. They found that the loss of Br, Sr, and atrazine was much less from the blocks that received the first 5-mm rain than the blocks that did not. Irrigation method has a great effect on chemical transport through soil. Preferential flow was found to be more pronounced under flood irrigation than under sprinkler irrigation (Ghodrati and Jury, 1990). Flury et al. (1994) found that cracks and earthworm channels were only stained when flooded, but not for the unsaturated conditions occurring under sprinkler irrigation. Flooding resulted in d e enetration twice as deep as that for sprinkler. Jaynes and Rice (1993) found that preferential flow occurred under both intermittent flood and drip irrigation regimes, but breakthrough curves showed considerably more spreading under intermittent flood irrigation than under 54 drip irrigation. Applying nitrogen fertilizers to dry, clay soils followed by sprinkler irrigation, Dekker and Bouma (1984) reported that about 50% of N was lost by bypass flow. However, an alternative approach that started with a brief wetting the soils, followed by fertilization, and then sprinkle-irrigating with lower intensity and quantities greatly reduced the N loss. The strategy of coordinating fertilization and irrigation in order to reduce the loss of chemicals by preferential flow has not been well established in cracked clay soils. Cao (1994) tried to use an ultra-low rate irrigation system to eliminate preferential flow in a cracking clay soil. He compared ultra-low rate pulsator irrigation to conventional sprinkler and flood irrigation. The preliminary results suggested that the ultra-low rate pulsator irrigation system had potential to reduce contaminant loading to groundwater (also Selker et al., 1995). In shrinking/swelling soil, shrinkage cracks are formed in topsoil when the soil dries. If water is applied to the surface of a dry, cracked clay soil, it is able to be transported in two distinct domains soil matrix and shrinkage cracks. If and when the application rate exceeds the soil matrix intake rate, excess free water will flow down into the cracks and contribute to macropore flow. The rate of application at which water flow into cracks is initiated depends on the soil matrix infiltration capacity and initial soil water content. Topp and Davis (1981) reported that more than 1 cm of rainfall at rates greater than 0.1 cm/hr contributed water to the soil cracks. Radulovich et al. (1992) showed that bypass flow occurred in the non-capillary interpedal pore space whenever application rate exceeded the infiltration rate of the individual microaggregate. Although the flow of irrigation water into cracks and other macropores might increase the surface area used for infiltration into soil matrix (Yong and Warkentin, 1975; Mitchell, 1990), the 55 conditions causing the flow can also increase the amount of water infiltrating into the subsoil through deep connected cracks. For flood irrigation, due to the existence of the ponding free water, a significant amount of irrigation water can flow into the cracks as soon as the irrigation is started. Theories of water movement through macropores and soil matrix of a swelling soil have not been completely worked out. Not only does the volume of the soil aggregates change with water content, the total porosity and pore geometry also change (Newman and Thomasson, 1979). The traditional Richards equation based on Darcy's law, which has been used very well in rigid soils, is not applicable to swelling soils. Several researchers have extended the classical Richards equation to derive a generalized Richards equation for one-dimensional infiltration into swelling clays and soils (Raats and Klute, 1968a,b, 1969; Smiles, 1974; Narasimhan and Witherspoon, 1978). The modification by Smiles (1974) to Richards equation includes: 1) The material coordinate system was introduced, which measures water movement relative to the soil particle positions; and 2) Overburden potential was added to soil water potential. However, the Smiles (1974) one-dimensional approach has several drawbacks (see review in Mitchell, 1990), including: 1) One-dimensional analysis did not address preferential flow; 2) The one-dimensional analysis lacked a discussion of the scale at which it is valid; 3) Few experiments have seriously tested the one-dimensional approach; and 4) There is a question of using Darcy's law for clay systems, because assumptions of homogeneity of hydraulic properties of the soil over some representative cross-sectional area will no 56 longer be valid. Water fluxes may vary several orders of magnitude over distances of only a few centimeters, and hydraulic gradient may no longer be properly defined for the soil as a whole. Because of the differences between flow in the soil matrix and macropores, two- domain systems are a common approach to describe water movement in soil with macropores (Hoogmoed and Bouma, 1980; Beven and Germane, 1981; Jarvis and Leeds- Harrison, 1987a, b; Jarvis et al., 1991a, b; Gerke and van Genuchten, 1993 ). Water movement in the soil matrix was predicted by the Richards equation based on Darcy's law, and water movement in the macropores was modeled by various empirical equations, including "short-circuiting" (Hoogmoed and Bouma, 1980), Childs (1969) laminar flow theory (Jarvis and Leeds-Harrison, 1987a, b), kinematic wave approach (Germane and Beven, 1985), Richards equation for transient water flow and the convection-dispersion equation for solute transport (Gerke and van Gernuchten, 1993). Jarvis and Leeds- Harrison (1987a,b) and Bronswijk (1988) introduced shrinkage characteristic curves to their models to characterize the occurrence and contribution of shrinkage cracks. However, based on field measurements, Bronswijk et al. (1995) concluded that water and chemical transported in three domains in a heavy clay soil, i.e. 1) the large continuous macropores such as shrinkage cracks, 2) the mesopores, and 3) the pores inside the soil aggregates. They argued that a significant portion of water and solute was transported laterally and vertically through tortuous mesopores, and the real matrix transport was the transport inside the soil aggregates which played only an indirect role in the vertical solute transport. Therefore, they suggested that the two-domain approach was not valid for the studied clay soil. 57 Since the theory and mechanism of water and chemical transport through heavy clay soils are still not clear, added to the effects of different boundary conditions, crop systems, continuity of macropores, and agricultural practices, there are still difficulties in using the two-domain model to precisely predict solute transport in the field under a variety of soil, crop, and irrigation systems. Field experiments are required to better understand and obtain conclusive results of chemical transport under a particular soil, crop, and management system. Many field experiments have been conducted to test the accelerated transport of chemicals by preferential flow (Ghodrati and Jury, 1990; Steenhuis et al., 1990; Rice et al., 1991; Ghodrati and Jury, 1992; Flury et al., 1994; Bronswijk et al., 1995; also see review by Jury and Fluhler, 1992; and Flury, 1996). However, few field experiments has been aimed at developing new methods to avoid or reduce preferential flow (see review by Bouma, 1991). There are many technical difficulties in studying preferential flow at the field scale. One of the difficulties is sampling the soil solution. The commonly used devices for soil solution sampling in the field are suction cups and tension-free pans. The drawback in using suction cups to sample soil solution is that the cup usually has a small volume, and if the falling head mode is applied, the time of soil sample extraction is short in comparison to the time between events (Biggar and Nielsen, 1976; Brandi-Dohrn et al. 1996a). Thus, using a suction cup sampler has a relatively low chance of sampling a preferential flow event. 58 Tension-free pan samplers have a larger intercept area than suction cups and are capable of collecting preferential flow (Barbee and Brown, 1986 a, b; Hall et al., 1989; and Jemison and Fox, 1991). Barbee and Brown (1986 a, b) compared suction cup and tension-free pan methods in the field. They found that tension-free pans generally detected solute movement earlier and had higher concentrations than suction cups. One problem encountered in using tension-free pans is that the soil above them must be saturated, so that the water arriving at the sampler surface will have the positive pressure necessary to overcome the capillary force of the soil micropores. Brown et al. (1986) introduced the wick pan lysimeter, termed the passive capillary sampler (PCAPS), which combined the ideas of applying tension to the soil water and intercepting a large area of flow by a pan. PCAPS uses a wick as a hanging water column to apply capillary suction (Holder et al., 1991; Knutson et al., 1993; Knutson and Selker, 1994). PCAPS have given results superior to tension-free pan and suction cup samplers in terms of long-term mass balance of water and chemical loading (Brown et al., 1986; Boll et al., 1992; Brandi-Dohrn et al., 1996a, b). Brandi-Dohrn et al. (1996a) compared suction cups to passive capillary samplers (PCAPS) installed in a loamy soil for 2 years. They concluded that suction cup samplers collected resident concentration and PCAPS collected flux concentration. However, the utility of using PCAPS in cracking clay soils under flood and sprinkler irrigation has not been well documented. In southern Oregon approximately 4000 ha of pears are grown, about 75% on clay soils. Nitrogen (N) is often applied near the start of the irrigation season at rates of 100- 150 kg/ha annually. Grower management routinely includes application of insecticides 59 and miticides at 10 kg/ha active ingredient (a.i.), and fungicides at 5 kg/ha a.i. during the spring and summer. Based on recent research, many growers are changing the N application to late summer or early fall using lower rates and/or liquid foliar application (Sanchez et al., 1992; Sugar et al., 1992). Flood and impact sprinkler irrigation methods are currently widely used. These high application rate irrigation methods may enhance the macropore flow phenomenon and surface runoff in the swelling clay soil. After the harvest in late summer, the residual chemical, if any, may also be transported down to the water table with the winter rainfall. If the irrigation rate was reduced, the preferential flow through the cracks and other macropores may be reduced or eliminated. Cao (1994) tried to apply an ultra-low rate irrigation system in such soil to reduce the macropore flow. The preliminary results indicated that the pollutant loading to groundwater can be greatly lowered by using this device (also see Selker et al., 1995). However, several problems were encountered in Cao's (1994) experiment: 1) The PCAPS were designed as 25-cell units with a 500 ml capacity for each cell. Although this design had high spatial resolution, individual cells often overflowed under flood irrigation, so that the true volume could not be detected; 2) The soil water content and plant response were not measured, so it was not clear whether or not the ultra-low irrigation device could provide adequate water for plant growth; 3) The duration of the experiment was too short. During the three months of experimentation (from September to December, 1992), only one and a half months were under irrigation (pears harvest and irrigation stopped in mid October). Therefore, further research was required to confirm the preliminary results that 60 the ultra-low irrigation device could reduce macropore flow, and to ensure that this device could also provide adequate water for pear growth. The overall goal of this experiment was to better understand how irrigation method, application timing, and crop management conditions contribute to rapid chemical movement through cracking clay soil. The initial objectives of this study were: 1) To examine the ability of a pulsator and microsprinkler system used in Cao's (1994) experiment to reduce the macropore flow in a cracking clay soil and determine if this can minimize the potential of chemical movement to surface and groundwater during the irrigation season; 2) To evaluate the movement of residual or fall-applied chemicals after pear harvest to groundwater during the winter rainy season; 3) To determine how irrigation method and crop management affected the contributions of matrix vs. macropore flow in clay soils. MATERIALS AND METHODS Site description: The study was conducted at the Southern Oregon Research and Extension Center (SOREC) near Medford, Oregon. The soil is classified as Carney Clay (Fine, montmorillonitic, mesic Typic Chromoxererts). The typical profile description is shown in Table 1-1 in Chapter 1 of this thesis. The soil particle composition was determined by hydrometer (Gee and Bauder, 1986; Table 2-1 in Chapter 2). This soil is moderately well-drained, has very low matrix permeability, and is underlain by a shallow groundwater table whose depth fluctuates seasonally from 0.8 to 4 meters. The experimental site has an elevation of about 400 m, mean annual precipitation is 479 mm, 61 with approximately 76% normally occurring from October through March. The crop grown in the tested area is Bosc pear (Pyrus communis), planted in 1935 on a 7.3 X 7.3 meter spacing. The pear tree rows are oriented from south to north. Grass was grown in the space between the pear tree rows. The ground surface is slightly higher on the southwest side and lower on the northeast side (slope 1-3%). The experiment plot layout is shown in Fig. 3-1. Irrigation systems: Three irrigation systems, micro-sprinkler (MI), pulsator (PU), and flood irrigation (FL), were installed. The irrigation set up and specifications have been described in Chapter 2. Two microsprinkler or pulsator heads were installed approximately 25 cm above the ground in the row between each pair of trees. The microsprinkler (Dan 8000 series, with black round spinner and 1.4 mm green nozzle, 207kPa pressure, Netafim, New York, NY) applied water at 2.8 mm/hr with a wetted area 3 m in diameter. The pulsator (PLT-2-20, 207 kPa pressure, Nibco Irrigation, Fresno, CA) applied water at 0.5 mm/hr, wetting an area 3.5 m in diameter. During the 1995 irrigation season, the microsprinklers operated 12 hours per day and once per week, but operated 6 hours per day, twice per week in the 1996 season. The pulsator was set 12 hours per day, seven days per week during the 1995 irrigation season, and 10 hours per day, seven days per week in the 1996 season. The irrigation was turned off during thunderstorm periods, and the irrigation time was slightly reduced in the late growing season when the air temperature was cooler, pear growth slowed down, and evapotranspiration decreased. Flood irrigation followed conventional orchard practice, i.e. the main pipe was set up at Pulsator Irrigation (PU) Flood Irrigation (FL) I 0 0 00 0 @ -111-1 I 1 0 A Microsprinkler Irrigation (MI) PU (a) MI FL (b) Fig. 3-1. Schematic of the field experiment: (a) layout of the three irrigation treatments; (b) equipment installation in each test area. The meaning of the symbols are: pear tree, 0 neutron probe access tube, El PCAPS, 0 ground water observation well, irrigation area tracer application and sampling area. 63 the south end of the rows and water moved gravitationally down to the other end. Flow was adjusted using gate valves. Total water applied was similar among the treatments, although there was less control with FL than PU and MI. Soil Moisture: Two neutron probe access tubes were installed at each replicate in 1995 using a Giddings hydraulic soil probe (GSRR-ST#723, Giddings Machine Company, Fort Collins, Colorado). In order to increase the resolution of measurement, two additional access tubes were installed at each replicate in 1996. Soil moisture was determined using a CPN 503 neutron moisture meter (CPN company, Martinez, CA) once per week or once per two weeks. PCAPS samplers: PCAPS used in this study were made of a fiberglass box with width x length x height = 0.35m x 0.85m x 0.67cm. The box was separated into three equal chambers, and the wall of the box was 0.5 cm thick. The top of the PCAPS was designed as the intercepting pan with a 1.5 cm high edge about the perimeter. Three holes were drilled in the top centered over each chamber to allow wick installation. The filaments of the unbraided top portion of each wick were spread in a symmetrical radial pattern and glued to the panel of the intercepting pan. The lower braided portion of the wick hung down through the central hole to the bottom of the chamber, thus applying about 60 kPa tension to the contacted soil above the PCAPS. Each chamber had a capacity of 0.066 m3. Similar PCAPS construction can be found in Cao (1994) and Knutson and Selker (1996). 64 Two withdrawal tubes were inserted into each sample collection chamber to withdraw the water sample from the chambers. PCAPS were installed under undisturbed soil in the following manner. A trench (1.3 m width and 2 m depth) was dug parallel to the tree row using a back hoe. A 0.40 m wide by 1.1 m long by 0.72 m high tunnel perpendicular to the trench at the depth of 1.2 m below the ground surface was then excavated using a power chisel and shovel. The roof of the tunnel was leveled and smoothed, then two wedges (10 cm wide x 10 cm high x 100 cm long) were laid on the bottom of the tunnel. The top intercept pan of PCAPS was filled with sieved, native soil, then the PCAPS was slid into the tunnel on top of the wedges and lifted by punching the wedges in with a hammer so as to make a firm contact between the intercept pan and the roof of the tunnel. Areas around the sides of the PCAPS were filled with native soil, and then the face of the tunnel was sealed with bentonite clay to isolate the samplers from the trench. The access tubes were attached to the trench wall and led to the surface of the ground. Finally, the trench was filled with soil, taking care not to disturb the bentonite clay or the sampling tubes. The location of each PCAPS within each irrigation plot is shown in Fig. 3-1 (b). Three PCAPS were installed in the flood irrigation and microsprinkler irrigation plots. In the pulsator irrigation plot, two PCAPS were installed in the test area marked as "B". In test area "A", there were two PCAPS installed by previous researchers (Cao, 1994) which failed to function. The south one was replaced with a new PCAPS of the same design as those in the flood and microsprinkler sites. experiment. The north one was repaired and used in this It had a different design from those mentioned above. The old PCAPS dimension was 32.5 cm x 32.5 cm, and had 25 cells in a 5 by 5 grid. Each of the 25 units 65 was attached to a 65 mm square stainless steel plate that held the unbraided wick, and each container's capacity was 500 ml (Cao, 1994). The PCAPS were installed in July of 1995. A vacuum pump which applied 60100 kPa was employed to suck the water sample out from the sample collection chamber through the access tubes. The water samples were taken once per two weeks during the summer irrigation season and once per month during the rest of the year. thunderstorm occurred in summer, samples were taken after the event. If a For the FL treatment the percolate usually was taken after each irrigation event. Chemical tracers: Several tracers were used to monitor water and chemical transport. Bromide is a non-sorbed tracer, used as a surrogate for nitrate, and which has approximately the same speed as water. Blue dye (FD&C #1) with a reported retardation factor of 5.6 has been cited as surrogate for atrazine (Andreini and Steenhuis, 1990). Rubidium ion (Rb+) has one positive charge, and has a hydrated diameter of 0.147 nm, similar to 1("f (0.133nm) and NH4+ (0.143nm). The ion retention by soil particles is slightly greater for Rb+ than K+ and NH4+ (Bohn et al., 1979). Rb-86 has been used as a tracer for IC' adsorption (Franklin and Snyder, 1965). Because the radius of Rb+ is similar to NH4+, is monovalent, and doesn't change its form in soil, Rb+ may be used as a surrogate for NH4+. While Br has often been used a tracer to simulate NO3 movement, we have not found a previous example of Rb+ used as a tracer for NH4+. On November 17, 1995 calcium bromide and rubidium bromide were applied to the surface of the test area of each irrigation plot. Rubidium was applied only in the test 66 area within the tree row (inside), but bromide was applied in the area both within the tree row and the grass lane between the tree rows (outside). The bromide was applied at a rate of 9 gBr/m2, and rubidium at a rate of 1.5g Rb/m2. The calcium bromide and rubidium bromide were dissolved in water and applied using a bicycle frame herbicide sprayer with 4 nozzles (TEEJET 8003), which was set at the travel speed of 4.0 km/hr and a pressure of 276 kPa, and the application rate of 32 ml/m2. In order to make the application uniform, we calculated the volume to be enough to spray back and forth for 4 passes. On July 12, 1996, the CaBr2 and blue dye (FD&C #1) were applied at the rate of 18 g Br/m2 and 20.0 g dye/m2 in the same manner as 1995 to test the water and chemical transport during summer irrigation. Both tracers were applied in the tree row (inside) and grass lane (outside) in the test area of each irrigation plot. Soil core samples: Soil core samples were taken on the following dates: September 21, 1995 (before the tracer application); December 14, 1995 (about one month after the first tracer application); June 24, 1996 (after the winter rain season); August 5, 1996 (after the first thunderstorm following the application of the second tracer application); and October 8, 1996 (after the pear harvest). Four replicate soil cores were taken from the inside tree row and four cores were taken from the outside grass lane in each test area of each irrigation plot using a Lord Soil Sampler # 225 (Soil Moisture Equipment Corp., Santa Barbara, CA). The soil samples were taken at 15cm intervals down to 120 cm. The soil samples were air dried and ground to pass a 2 mm sieve. 67 Chemical Analysis: Bromide in soil was extracted with water, with a soil to water ratio of 1:2. Samples were shaken for 30 minutes, then centrifuged. The bromide in the extracted solution was measured using a Model 94-35 bromide electrode (Orion Research Inc. Boston, MA). Extractable Rb+ was measured, after extraction with 1 M NH4OAc (pH 7), by atomic absorption method. Blue dye in water samples was measured at 630 nm using a Spectronic 20D spectrophotometer (Milton Roy Company, New York). In order to test the validity of the Br analysis method, a Br recovery experiment was conducted before the formal analysis started. CaBr2 standard solutions were added to 10 g samples of air-dry soil resulting in 0.0, 2.0, 10.0, and 100.0 f_tg Br/g-soil. Four replications were prepared for each level. After air-drying the spiked soil samples, the Br was extracted by adding 20 ml water to each sample and shaking for 30 minutes. The soil suspensions were centrifuged and the Br concentration was determined using a Br ion selective electrode as described above. The recovery rate ranged from 94.4% to 116.5% Table 3-1. Recovery of Br using the ion selective electrode. Br added flg Br/g-soil Recovery Percent of applied Br/g-soil % 2.0 2.3 ± 0.3 116.5 10.0 9.4 ± 0.2 94.4 100.0 97.2 ± 1.5 97.2 68 (Table 3-1). The recovery rate was over 100% at the lowest level of Br possibly because of the lower sensitivity of the electrode when the concentration of Br is low in the solution (near 11.1g Br/g soil for this electrode). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The water stored in the 120 cm soil profile fluctuated seasonally. During the winter season from late January to late April of 1996, the soil became saturated, and the water content remained high and constant (Fig.3-2). The water table level in this period also rose and remained high, with the highest water table level at 80 cm in late February of 1996. In the summer irrigation season from mid June to late September, soil water fluctuated with the input of water from irrigation and rainfall, and output from evapotranspiration and deep percolation. The water table in this period dropped below 250 cm. However, several pulses were seen in the water table curve in the FL plot (Fig. 3-2). These spikes indicate that a significant amount of water recharged the groundwater at each irrigation event, causing the water table to temporarily rise. The pulse found in early August was partly caused by the thunderstorm that occurred in late July. The water stored in the PU plot was always lower than that in the MI or FL plot even in the winter rainy season when the soil was saturated. This is because of the difference in soil texture (Table 2-1, in Chapter 2), so that the lower clay particle fraction in the PU plot translated to lower field capacity of the soil. In the following paragraphs the results of the water and chemical transport through the clay soil during the winter rainy season and summer irrigation season will be CD CD S:1) --1- 8 )-/j uc _ 8/3/96 _ _ _ 8/3/96 9/2/96 10/2/96 11/1/96 11/1/96 10/2/96 9/2/96 7/4/96 6/4/96 7/4/96 - 3/6/96 4/5/96 8/9/95 9/8/95 10/8/95 11/7/95 12/7/95 1/6/96 2/5/96 5/5/96 6/4/96 000000 I 5/5/96 4/5/96 - 3/6/96 2/5/96 12/7/95 1/6/96 8/9/95 9/8/95 10/8/95 11/7/95 - CD C I Water table (cm) W 6 Nj N 01 CD cn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C.31 CA.) r- 4=, o P 01 o Cri CTi C71 Soil water (cm) _ 9/2/96 10/2/96 11/1/96 5/5/96 6/4/96 7/4/96 8/3/96 _ _ _ 4/5/96 _OP 3/6/96 -rm.. 11/7/95 12/7/95 1/6/96 2/5/96 10/8/95 ti 9/8/95 IQ 0) 4=, 00000 8/9/95 CTI Precipitation (mm) 70 discussed. Due to the influence of residual chemical from a previous experiment in the "A" area of PU plot, only data from the "B" area are used in this report. In addition, one of the withdrawal tubes in the flood-south (FLS) site failed to function, so only two chambers were used. Winter rainy season: In order to test the transport of after-harvest residual chemical and fall-applied fertilizer through the clay soil during the winter rainy season, bromide and rubidium tracers were applied on Nov. 17, 1995. Twenty-four days after application, the depth of the maximum concentration of Br tracer was located at 0-30 cm (Fig. 3-3). The average transport speed of Br concentration peak was about 1 cm/day (25cm/24 days). Although there was high spatial variability, the average concentration of four soil cores showed a smooth curve for each experimental plot. The average concentration curve showed similar transport patterns of Br in the three treatments. The front of the Br plume in some soil cores had extended to a depth of about 70 cm. Some individual cores had deeper extension than the others, and some of them even had multiple peaks in the profiles. These phenomena might have been caused by vertical or lateral preferential flows, such that the preferential flow carried the chemical tracer from the topsoil through the vertical crack or other macropores down to the bottom of the cracks, or through the connected cracks laterally from one site to another. Large effective dispersion coefficients for the field average solute concentration profiles were also found by Bronswijk et al. (1995) in a heavy clay soil under natural rainfall. The authors suggested that the large dispersion resulted from vertical and lateral flow of solute through mesopores in the clay soil. The 71 20 (00) 15- 0 PU-in-1 --a; 10 PU-in-3 :2 E 0 PU-in-2 X 5 PU-in-4 Average B.G. X - --- 0 I 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) MI-in-1 M1-in-2 M1-in-3 X MI-in-4 Average B.G. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 20 FL-in-1 (90) 15 0 ; 10 FL-in-2 %-- FL-in-3 32 2 co X 5 FL-in-4 Average B.G. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-3. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 12/11/95. B.G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 72 average Br mass recovered in the top 120 cm soil 24 days after application was 58% for PU plot, 78% for MI plot, and 73% for FL plot (Table 3-2). The difference of the mass recovered between the experiment plots was not significant (p>0.05, F-test). Table 3-2. Mean chemical tracers recovered in top120 cm soil for Br, and in top 46 cm for Rb on December 11, 1995. Number of soil cores Br Recovery Rb Percent of applied g /m2 Recovery Percent of applied g /m2 PU 4 5.24a** 58 0.19a 13 MI 4 7.01a 78 0.27a 18 FL 4 6.55a 73 0.26a 17 ** Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.05 using protected LSD test. Unlike Br distribution, Rb was found mainly accumulated in the top 20 cm of soil. No plume of Rb was found extending down to the subsoil (Fig. 3- 4). This is probably because of the adsorption of Rb to the soil particles or organic matter causing the ion to be relatively immobile. Therefore, it could not be easily carried by preferential flow down to the subsoil like the Br ion. There were no strong differences in the distributions between the treatments. Large spatial variability was found among the soil cores. Since the added Rb was located on the top 20 cm of soil, the recovery of Rb in the upper 46 cm soil was calculated (first three depth increments). 73 4.0 (9a) 3.0 O PU-in-1 PU-in-2 E 2.0 PU-in-3 = El 1.0 x PU-in-4 Average B.G. 0.0 0 I i I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 4.0 C) a '? - 3.0 MI-in-1 MI-in-2 E 2.0 MI-in-3 = X 1.0 13 MI-in-4 Average B.G. 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 4.0 X30 (9 cm -x FL-in-1 A FL-in-2 E 2.0 = FL-in-3 _ x FL-in-4 Average 0.0 B.G. r 0 20 i 1 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-4. Rb distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 12/11/95. B.G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 74 Another reason to calculate the Rb mass recovery in the upper 46 cm instead of 120 cm was to avoid the background noise, because the concentration of added Rb tracer was low in the profile relative to the background, when calculated over the entire profile depth. Due to the high price of RbBr, we did not apply a sufficiently large amount of Rb to be able to distinguish it well from the background Rb. Ideally, we would have tested the background level prior to tracer application, but several long delays in obtaining the equipment to analyze Rb forced us to make the application without knowing the background levels, which ended up being much higher than expected based on the limited literature (Jones, 1992). The average mass of the Rb recovered 24 days after application was 13% for PU, 18% for MI, and 17% for FL (Table 3-2). The low recovery of Rb might have been due to a specific adsorption and fixation of Rb by soil minerals. The soil minerals might exhibit a preferred fixation for rare metals, which rendered them less extractable than would have been predicted from CEC relations alone, if amounts added were small (Baham, 1997, personal communication). Jones (1992) only recovered 3% of the soil total Rb when extracted using 1 M NI-I4OAc solution. Strong evidence of preferential flow was found from the volume of percolate and tracer concentrations during the period from 10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995 (Fig. 3-5 and 3-6). Preferential flow occurred in all three treatments, especially in the FL plot (note the large variations in percolate amounts). The PCAPS that collected a larger volume of percolate usually had higher Br concentration. The correlation coefficient of percolate volume versus Br concentration was 0.99 for PU, 0.34 for MI, and 0.84 for FL. The correlation coefficient for the pooled data was 0.80 (Table 3-3). The positive correlation between the percolate volume and Br concentration shortly after the tracer application indicates that 75 PU 1000 800 600 400 PUS 200 0 PUN 2 3 PCAPS cells MI 1000 800 600 400 200 0 1 3 PCAPS cells 18900 11690 FL 1000 800 600 400 N 200 a) 0 1 2 3 PCAPS cells Fig. 3-5. Volume of percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995. 76 PU 20 15 10 PUS cf) PUN 1 2 cr) 3 PCAPS cells MI 20 15 10 MIS MIM 4111414.1" 1 2 MIN 3 PCAPS cells FL 20 15 10 FLS FLM uNi FLN 1 2 3 PCAPS cells Fig. 3-6. Concentration of Br in percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995. 77 preferential flow played an important role in Br transport. Brandi-Dohrn et al. (1996a) applied Br tracer to the surface of a loamy soil and collected soil percolate using PCAPS for two years. They found that the correlation coefficient between the volume collected and Br concentration was positive in the early stages and then changed to negative as time proceeded. They attributed this result to the contribution of preferential flow to the volume of percolate. The initial higher Br concentration in preferential flow than in matrix flow resulted in the positive correlation between the volume and Br content. After the peak concentration in preferential flow passed the PCAPS, the matrix flow played an increasingly important role in transporting solute, which was reflected in the decreasing correlation coefficient between the volume and Br concentration. Table 3-3. The correlation coefficient of percolate volume vs. concentration during the period from 10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995. Bromide Rubidium PU 0.99 -0.56 MI 0.34 0.01 FL 0.84 -0.57 Pooled 0.80 -0.25 Unfortunately, in this experiment the groundwater rose and the PCAPS were submerged from February through late May of 1996, thus the percolate volume and Br concentration in late winter could not be monitored. Therefore, the role of macropore and 78 matrix flow in chemical transport in late winter could not be drawn from the PCAPS data. It was expected the matrix flow would play an increasing role after the peak concentration passed the PCAPS in macropore flow as discussed in Brandi-Dohrn et al. (1996a). The concentration of Rb in percolate (Fig. 3-7) was different from the Br (Fig. 36). The Rb concentration did not correspond to percolate volume. The correlation coefficient of percolate volume versus Rb concentration was 0.56 for PU, 0.01 for MI, and 0.57 for FL. The correlation coefficient for the pooled data was 0.25 (Table 3-3). This might be additional evidence of the adsorption of Rb tracer by soil minerals as discussed previously. The negative correlation coefficients also indicate the relatively less transportation by preferential flow for adsorbed chemicals compared to non-adsorbed chemicals. Unlike the non-adsorbed tracer Br, not much rubidium could be transported by macropore flow from the surface and edges of soil peds down to the PCAPS. The site FLS was a typical case where macropore flow carried considerable amounts of Br tracer down to the PCAPS (0.44 g), but little Rb was found in the percolate (near zero). The average volume of percolate and mass of the tracers collected in PCAPS are shown in Table 3-4. High spatial variability of percolate volumes was found between the PCAPS. Some PCAPS collected more volume than predicted from water balance, while the others caught less than predicted. In the FLS site, one chamber of the PCAPS collected 18,900 ml, and another one collected 11,690 ml, 20-30 times more than the maximum volume collected in MI and PU chambers during the same period. From the water balance, it can be seen that the precipitation during the period from 10/6/95 to 12/20/95 was 233 mm, 79 PU 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 U) a) :.-. 0.05 cf) 0.00 2 3 PCAPS cells MI 0.30 1 0.25 a) 'IL, 0.20 T. 0.15 .2. 0.10 3 -0 0 05 Ce 0.00 a 2 3 PCAPS cells FL 0.30 0.25 0.20 0.15 FLS 0.10 FLM 0.05 0.00 FLN 1 2 u) .. U) 3 PCAPS cells Fig. 3-7. Concentration of Rb in percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 10/6/1995 and 12/20/1995. 80 and change in soil water in the 120 cm profile was 21 mm in the FL plot. Since the soil surface was wet most of the time during this period, the potential evaporation of 78 mm obtained from the weather station was used in the calculations. So, the expected deep percolation should be 134 mm, assuming no surface runoff occurred. However, one of chambers for the FLS site PCAPS collected 18,900 ml, which was equivalent to 190 mm. Some of the excess water might have come from lateral flow from outside the area directly above the PCAPS. Likewise, the volumes in some other chambers were much lower than the predicted amount (134 mm), so some of the water above those chambers was going elsewhere. These results indicate that lateral preferential flow occurred. These lateral flows could result in lower recovery of water and tracers in PCAPS, because the lateral flow might bypass the PCAPS if the macropores were not intercepted by the PCAPS. The average amounts of percolate and tracers collected in PCAPS during the period from 10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995 were far less than the expected amount estimated from the mass balance (Table 3-4). This implied that a portion of the water might have been lost through surface runoff or lateral preferential flow that bypassed the PCAPS, because no barriers were set up around the PCAPS to prevent the water flowing laterally. The lateral preferential flow could also result in high spatial variability of chemical distribution in soil profile. Bronswijk et al. (1995) found high spatial variability of Br recovery in soil profile (from 65% to 200% in 15 cores) in a heavy clay soil due to the lateral preferential flow. The soil cores which had higher water contents were found to have higher Br recovery under the natural rainfall conditions. High spatial variability and multiple peaks of Br distribution in soil profile due to preferential flow have been found in Fig. 3-3. 81 Table 3-4. Precipitation, soil water changes, percolate, and recovery of applied Br and Rb collected during the period from October 6 to December 20 of 1995. PP S V Recovery Br Percent of applied Rb Recovery Percent of applied mm mm mm PU 233 33.1 1.9 0.02 0.2 3.9 0.003 MI 233 26.9 2.1 0.01 0.1 21.5 0.014 FL 233 20.9 34.5 0.52 5.8 15.0 0.010 g/m2 % g/m2x 105 % Note: PP = precipitation, S = changes of soil water, V = volume of percolate collected. The average volume of percolate and mass of the Br collected in PCAPS were higher in the FL plot than in PU and MI plots during the period from 10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995 (Table 3-4). Since there were no differences in water application during this period, and all three experimental plots were under natural rainfall conditions, the difference among the plots could be caused by spatial variability of soil structure and surface microrelief. As discussed above, one of the PCAPS in FL-south site (FLS) collected extremely high volumes, while the others collected much less (Fig. 3-5). This phenomenon implied that the PCAPS in FLS site was connected to preferential flow channels and led to some sort of water source, such as a lower ponded spot on the ground surface where water was collected from the surrounding areas. The other PCAPS which collected little water might either not be well-connected to continuous preferential flow channels or to a water source. Data collected in summer irrigation season could validate this hypothesis, and will be discussed below. 82 The difference among the plots in the early winter might imply there were not enough PCAPS in each site to obtain representative data. In this study, 8 PCAPS were used in the 0.4 ha experimental area, which is less than 25 PCAPS per hectare proposed by Brandi-Dohrn et al. (1996b) for a loamy soil. They analyzed Br recovery in 32 PCAPS installed within a 0.9 ha area. They concluded that 25 PCAPS were necessary per experimental treatment to estimate the mean Br concentration with a 30% bound at 0.05 confidence level. However, the tested period discussed above (10/6/1995 to 12/20/1995) was a transition from summer dry season to winter wet season, thus the soil was not saturated and cracks were not totally closed. The high spatial variability of preferential flow could be expected due to the spatial variability of soil structure and macropore distributions in such an orchard clay soil. The difference between the plots was expected to narrow in late winter when the soil became saturated and cracks closed. However, there were no data to prove this hypothesis because the water table rose and PCAPS overflowed in late winter. Summer irrigation season: After the water table dropped below the depth of the PCAPS, the PCAPS were drained and soil core samples were taken on June 24, 1996 to test the residual Br and Rb tracers in the soil profiles (Fig. 3-8 and Fig. 3-9). The maximum concentration of Br was found at the depth of 70 80 cm for MI and FL plots, and 40 60 cm depth for PU plot. These depths coincided with the depth of the winter water table in each plot as shown in Fig. 3-2. Therefore, the depth of the maximum concentration might relate to the high 83 20 a) ar) 15 PU-in-1 CD PU-in-2 ri) 10 PU-in-3 7:5 E 0 m X 5 PU-in-4 Average B.G. 0 0 20 60 40 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) MI-in-1 MI-in-2 MI-in-3 X Am; p Average B.G. 00 20 40 60 80 100 120 M1-in-4 140 Depth (cm) a (9C7) O 20 15 FL-in-1 FL-in-2 7; 10 FL-in-3 X .E FL-in-4 Average B.G. CO 0 r 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-8. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 6/24/96. B.G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 84 water table in the winter. In the winter of 1995-1996, the water table rose to the depth of 80 cm (60 cm in PU site), and remained high from mid February to late April. When chemical tracers moved down to the level of the water table through soil aggregates, they would have stopped there because there would be no convection flow below the water table. The chemical would then start to diffuse to groundwater from soil aggregates. That would be a slow process compared with the convection movement. Since the experimental area had a relatively level ground surface, the gradient of the groundwater level was very small. So, any lateral flow of groundwater would be very slow. Therefore, the equilibrium of concentration between the soil aggregates and groundwater was rapidly established, resulting in the maximum concentration was located at the level of water table. When the water table dropped in early May of 1996, the water in macropores would have drained immediately. However, it would have taken a long time to drain the water inside soil aggregates due to the low hydraulic conductivity (on the order of 104 mm/day), therefore it was likely there existed a time lag for the water draining from soil aggregates in such a cracking clay. This phenomenon has been reported by Bouma et al. (1980). This sequence of events could explain why the maximum concentrations were located at the depth above 80 cm after the water table dropped in June. The average recovery of Br on June 24, 1996 was 50% for the PU plot, 34% for MI, and 37% for FL (Table 3-5). The difference of the Br recovery from the soil profiles was not significant among the treatment plots (p>0.05, F-test). Compared to the Br data in the early winter (discussed in the previous section), the loss of Br from the soil profile during the period from December 11, 1995 to June 24, 1996 was 8-44% of the applied 85 tracer. The average concentration distribution curves in Fig. 3-8 show that the plume of Br was deeper in MI and FL than in PU. It was expected that the residual Br tracer in MI and FL would be drained out 120 cm depth earlier than in PU. Table 3-5. Mean chemical tracers recovered in top 120 cm soil for Br, and in top 46 cm for Rb on June 24, 1996. Number of Br Rb soil cores Recovery g /m2 Percent of applied Recovery Percent of applied % g /m2 % PU 4 4.53a** 50 0.10a 7 MI 4 3.09a 34 0.06a 4 FL 4 3.35a 37 0.08a 5 ** Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.05 using protected LSD test. The contents of Rb in soil profiles on June 24, 1996 were close to the background level measured on September 21, 1995 (Fig. 3-9). The recovery of Rb in the upper 46 cm of soil was 7% for PU, 4% for MI, and 5% for FL (Table 3-5). No maximum concentration peaks were found in the profiles. Because little Rb was found in the percolate during the winter, the loss of Rb was likely due to further fixation by soil minerals. Further tests for the total amount of Rb in soil are required to prove this hypothesis. In order to test chemical transport in the summer irrigation season, bromide and blue dye tracers were sprayed on July 12, 1996. After tracer application, PU and MI 86 4.0 _ cs) O 3.0 PU-in-1 PU-in-2 x E 2.0 PU-in-3 X :5 15 1.0 Average = cc PU-in-4 B.G. 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 4.0 cr) (9°) 3.0 O MI-in-1 MI-in-2 E 2.0 = MI-in-3 X zi 1.0 = MI-in-4 Average B.G. 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 4.0 cti*C" O 3.0 FL-in-1 FL-in-2 E 2.0 x FL-in-3 x .172 1.0 cc FL-in-4 Average B.G. 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-9. Rb distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 6/24/96. B.G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 87 irrigation treatments were started following the schedules mentioned earlier. The next flood irrigation was applied on July 26. Before the percolate in PCAPS was collected, there was a thunderstorm on July 30, 1997, which delivered 33 mm water in a short period of time. On the day after the thunderstorm, percolate in PCAPS was collected, and soil core samples were taken on August 5 to examine the tracer distribution in the soil profile. The tracer distribution in Fig. 3-10, tracer recovery from soil in Table 3-6, and tracer recovery in PCAPS in Table 3-7 reflected combined effects of irrigation and the thunderstorm during the period between July 12 and August 5. The maximum concentration of Br in PU and MI plots was pushed down to a depth of about 20 cm (Fig. 3-10). The front of the Br plume extended to a depth of 100 cm. The deep extension of the plume might have been caused by the lateral or vertical preferential flow as discussed previously. Table 3-6. Mean bromide tracer recovered in top120 cm soil on August 5, 1996. Number of Br soil cores Recovery Percent of applied g/m2 PU 4 18.0a* 100 MI 4 17.2a 96 FL 8 10.3b 57 * Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.10 using protected LSD test. 88 70 cr) 60 "PI 50 4 o Z:.". 40 PU-in-1 '2 30 E 20 0 PU-in-2 A PU-in-3 X PU-in-4 " 10 Average CO 0-r i 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 0) 60 ,cfn 50 0 7.1.% 40 MI-in-1 a) -0 30 MI-in-2 E 20 MI-in-3 X MI-in-4 O CO 10 Average 0 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70cn 60 --1En 0 u? 50 Z..". 40 7=3cu 30 E 20 0 8 FL-in-1 x FL-in-2 x FL-in-3 x x 10 -,- , X FL-in-4 Average 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-10. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 8/5/96. 89 Table 3-7. Water applied and percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period from 7/12/1996 to 8/7/1996. IR + PP Percolate Br MM PU MI FL 64.1 67.1 Blue dye g/m2 70.3 16.9 193.5 214.9 Note: IR + PP = Irrigation + Precipitation. 3.49 0.21 5.40 0.02 0.14 0.04 The distribution of Br in the FL plot showed a different pattern from those found in PU and MI plots. Some cores in the FL plot had maximum concentration located in the top 10 cm, while some cores had very low concentrations throughout the profile. There was very high spatial variability from core to core. This phenomenon was probably caused by the patterns of irrigation. In this experiment, the flood irrigation acted more like a furrow irrigation. The main pipe was set up at one end of the pear tree rows, and two valves were opened in every grassy inter-row area. Water typically moved along the shallow tractor tracks gravitationally down to the other end of the rows. The irrigation water infiltrated from the tractor tracks laterally to the adjacent soil. In the lower spots of the field where the moving water totally covered the soil, the chemical might have moved overland, resulting in a low concentration in the soil below that point. However, in the higher spots where the soil was never covered with the irrigation water, the chemical might not have been washed away or pushed down from the top soil by lateral overland flow or downward macropore and matrix flow, resulting in a concentration in the top soil that was extremely high. Due to the likelihood of lateral flow, chemicals could have been carried from one site to another, so that the Br 90 distribution in soil profiles showed double or multiple peaks. This result confirms the observations of Bronswijk et al. (1995) that lateral and vertical preferential flow resulted in spatial variability of Br distribution in soil profile in clay soil, as was discussed earlier for the winter data in this chapter. The average concentration of Br in soil profiles also showed different distribution patterns among the treatments (Fig. 3-10). This phenomenon could also be seen clearly in the data for October, as will be discussed below. The Br lost from the top 120 cm soil was significantly greater in the FL plot than in PU and MI (p<0.10, protected LSD test). In order to increase the number of replications to improve statistical analysis, 4 "outside" cores from the grass lane in the FL plot were included in this calculation. Non-uniform irrigation over the tree row and grass lane areas in PU and MI prevented use of "outside" cores from those treatments. Fortythree percent of Br was lost from the FL plot, but little was lost from PU and MI (Table 3-6). The difference between FL and PU or MI may be attributed to the irrigation methods. The ultra-low rate irrigation enhanced Br movement into soil aggregates. Therefore, when the subsequent thunderstorm came, there was little Br on the edges of the soil aggregates available for leaching. The Br concentration curve in Fig. 3-10 shows that the maximum concentration of the bromide tracer had been pushed down through the soil aggregates about 20 cm in the PU and MI plots. The situation in the FL plot was different. The applied Br tracer would have stayed on the surface and edges of the aggregates until the first flood irrigation was applied on July 26, followed by the thunderstorm that occurred on July 30. In this case, the Br would readily be leached down to the subsoil by macropore flow. These result 91 agree with the observation of Shipitalo et al. (1990) in loamy soil blocks that a small rain following chemical application could help the chemical to move into soil aggregates, thereby reducing the chemical loss by the subsequent high rate irrigation. They found that when 30 mm rain was applied, the loss of Br from blocks that previously received 5 mm rain was 2 to 10 times less than that without receiving it. The above interpretations are important for irrigation scheduling and chemical management in the field when aiming at reducing the potential of groundwater contamination. The potential for groundwater protection by reduced rate irrigation systems was not due only to the rate of irrigation per se, but also due to enhancement of matrix versus preferential flow (the matrix flow here refers to the flow within the soil aggregates). This enhancement of matrix flow under PU and MI treatments likely moved the chemicals into locations less amenable to preferential flow caused by subsequent high intensity rainfall or irrigation events. Furthermore, enhancing matrix flow would not only slow down the transit time to groundwater, but also possibly reduce the amount chemical pollution by allowing soil microbes more time to degrade the chemical while still in the root zone. Percolate was collected in PCAPS under all three treatments during the period 7/12/1996 to 8/7/1996 including the thunderstorm (Table 3-7). The volume of percolate collected under the PU plot was slightly more than the water applied by irrigation plus precipitation. That probably resulted from lateral preferential flow to the PCAPS during the thunderstorm. This result also supports the interpretation for the early winter data that when adequate free water was applied, lateral and vertical preferential flow could follow the connected macropores to the PCAPS. In this experiment, the ground was slightly 92 lower on the north side of the orchard where PU was located than on the south side where MI was located. When the high intensity storm occurred, the PU site likely accumulated more water from overland flow than the MI site. The mass recovered from the PCAPS under the PU plot was 3.5 g/m2 even though the average mass recovered from the "inside" soil cores was 100% (Table 3-6), indicating that part of the Br came from the "outside" grass lane area. Because the pulsator irrigation did not cover the "outside" grass lane area, the applied Br would not have infiltrated into the soil aggregates, and thus was easily moved laterally by preferential flow and could be charged to the PCAPS. The blue dye collected in the PCAPS was less than Br under all three treatments even though more blue dye than Br was initially applied to the soil. Similar to the discussion about the Rb tracer, less blue dye leached down to the PCAPS was probably because of the adsorption of blue dye by soil particles. The adsorption slowed down the velocity of the adsorbed chemical transport to subsoil, thereby also increasing the time for degradation by soil microbes. From 8/7/96 to 10/8/96, there was little rainfall, so that the chemical transport in the soil profile was driven mainly by irrigation water. The Br distribution in the soil profile on October 8, 1996 is shown in Fig. 3-11. The Br movement in soil under PU irrigation was more uniform than under MI and FL irrigation. Multiple peaks were found in the Br distribution curves in MI and FL plots but not in the PU plot, indicating that macropore flow was more prevalent under MI and FL than under PU irrigation. The Br pulse peak traveled deeper in PU than in MI and FL although the cumulative irrigation amounts were similar (Fig. 3-11, Table 3-9). That meant that the daily application of water at an ultra-low rate by pulsator was more efficient in moving the Br through the soil 93 70 cl') 60 (90) 0 50 40 41 30 PU-in-1 - PU-in-2 PU-in-3 E 20 x PU-in-4 10 Average 8.3 0 i 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 rg) 60 (90) 50 MI-in-1 40 a) -0 30 .E 20 MI-in-2 A MI-in-3 X MI-in-4 O co 10 Average x 0, 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 -2) 60 0) 50 40 CD 30 73, E 20 0 `9 Ea FL-in-1 FL-in-2 FL-in-3 X FL-in-4 io x 0 A 0 Average I 20 I 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-11. Br distribution in soil profile within the tree row on 10/8/96. 94 aggregates than the higher rates of MI or FL irrigation. Since there was no preferential flow under PU, all the infiltration water went through the soil aggregates. In FL irrigation, however, most of water went through macropores bypassing soil aggregates. Therefore, flood irrigation is less efficient in moving chemical through soil aggregates. In MI irrigation, most of water went through soil aggregates, but the dry period between two events was longer then PU because of the twice a week application of water, which might have resulted in the upward movement of water during the dry period. Therefore, the peak of Br concentration was shallower in MI than in PU. Miller et al. (1965) observed that intermittent applications of water were more efficient in moving chloride through Panoche clay loam than continuous ponding with an equal amount of water applied. The principle was similar that with an equal amount water applied, more water was transported through soil aggregates under intermittent application than under ponding where most of water was transported through macropores bypassing the soil aggregates. The chemical transport through soil aggregates of the clay soil was very slow. For 62 days (from August 7 to October 8), the maximum concentration of bromide tracer only traveled 20 cm in PU, with an average speed of 4 mm/day. The Br pulse in MI and FL did not move much (Fig. 3-12). The patterns of Br distribution in soil profiles on October 8 were very similar to those on August 5 for MI and FL. There was no significant difference (p>0.05, t-test) between the average mass of Br recovered on August 5 and that recovered on October 8 for all three treatments (Table 3-6 and 3-8). That indicates that little Br was lost from soil profile during the period from August 5 to October 8 of 1996. 95 70 60 PU 50 40 A 8/5/96 30 8-- 10/8/96 20 10 o, 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 60 50 40 a-- 8/5/96 30 --e- 10/8/96 20 10 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 60 FL 50 40 At 8/5/96 30 e 10/8/96 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. 3-12. Average Br concentration of 4 soil cores within the tree row on 8/5/96 and 10/8/96. 96 Similar to the situation on August 5, the pattern of average Br concentration in soil profile was different among the treatments on October 8 (Fig. 3-11). The uneven application and lateral flow of water in the FL treatment likely contributed to the different distribution patterns of the Br tracer in those soil profiles. In this case, overland flow would have carried the Br from lower spots laterally to an adjacent area. This process could cause the lower concentration of Br detected in some soil cores, as well as the multiple peaks found in some other cores. Furthermore, some of the soil cores taken from the high spots, where the flood water never covered the surface, showed an extremely high concentration in the top 10 cm of soil (Fig. 3-11). On October 8 (after pear harvest), the recovery of the applied Br tracer was 88% in the PU plot, 86% in MI, and 53% in FL (Table 3-8). The mass of Br recovered from the FL plot was significantly lower than that recovered from PU and MI (p<0.10, protected LSD test). Table 3-8. Mean bromide tracer recovered in top120 cm soil on October 8, 1996. Number of soil cores Br Recovery Percent of applied Br g /m2 PU 4 15.9a* 88 MI 4 15.4a 86 FL 8 9.5b 53 * Mean values within a column followed by different letters are significantly different at p=0.10 using protected LSD test. 97 During the period from August 8 to October 7 of 1996, the volume of percolate collected in the PCAPS under pulsator and microsprinkler irrigation was nearly zero. However, a considerable amount of percolate was collected under flood irrigation (Fig. 3-13). Similar results were observed in the 1995 season. The average volume of percolate and mass of the Br collected under flood irrigation was about 100 times greater than that collected under microsprinkler or pulsator irrigation (Table 3-9). This result confirms the preliminary result of Cao (1994) that ultra-low rate pulsator could greatly reduce the potential of agrichemicals contamination to groundwater. However, the percolate collected under microsprinkler in this study was much less than in the study of Cao (1994). The reason could be that the operation time was shortened and less frequent of irrigation in this experiment, therefore preferential flow was reduced. The large amount of water collected in FL was attributed to preferential flow. All three PCAPS in FL collect a large amount of water, and high spatial variability was found both within and between the PCAPS (Fig. 3-13). Comparing Fig. 3-13 to Fig. 3-5, it can be seen that the PCAPS at FLS site collected large amount volumes both in the winter and in the summer, indicating the presence of stable channels connected to that PCAPS. The other PCAPS in FL did not collect much water in the winter but collected large amounts in the summer, indicating that either macropore channels did not connect to the to the surface water source, or else unstable macropores such as shrinkage cracks closed during the winter wet season. Because there was still a considerable amount Br in the soil profile, and the peak of Br pulses was located above 80 cm in FL by October 8, the water collected in the 98 PU 8000 6000 4000 2000 PUS PUN 0 1 2 3 PCAPS cells MI 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 3 PCAPS cells 31500 FL 12450 33 8000 6000 4000 FLS 2000 FLM FLN 0 2 2 U) 3 PCAPS cells Fig. 3-13. Volume of percolate collected in the PCAPS during the period between 8/8/1996 and 10/7/1996. 99 Table 3-9. Water applied and percolate collected in the PCAPS during the summer irrigation seasons. 8/8/95 IR+PP mm 215.7 229.0 247.5 10/5/95 Percolate mm 0.6 IR+PP mm PU 241.5 MI 1.5 228.5 FL 190.0 240.2 Note: IR + PP = Irrigation + Precipitation. 8/8/96 Percolate mm 10/7/96 Br Blue dye g /m2 g /m2 0 0 0 1.0 0.01 1.76 0.00 0.02 113.9 PCAPS must have been due to preferential flow. Further evidence of preferential flow was that the water table temporarily rose after each flood irrigation event as discussed in the previous sections (Fig. 3-2). Although a large amount of percolate was collected in the PCAPS under FL irrigation between 8/8/96 to 10/7/96, the Br collected in the PCAPS was only 1.8 g/m2 for the 4 flood irrigation events, which was 10% of the applied Br. Compared to 5.4 g /m2 (30% of applied Br) collected on August 7 after one flood irrigation and one thunderstorm event, it could be concluded that the greatest amount of applied non-sorbed chemical was transported by preferential flow only during the first few flood irrigation events. After the chemical moved into soil aggregates, preferential flow played a decreasingly important role in chemical movement, and flow within the soil aggregates played an increasingly important role. This result was analogous to that of Martin et al. (1978), who applied several herbicides to corn residue and monitored their washing off by simulated rain. They found that the amount of herbicides washed off by the first 5 mm of rain was equal to that washed off by the next 30 mm. 100 Much less blue dye than Br was recovered from the percolate (Table 3-9) in comparison to the amount of Br and blue dye originally applied. This indicates that the downward movement of the adsorbed chemical by irrigation water was much less than the non-sorbed chemical. The FD&C #1 blue dye has been used to simulate atrazine by several researchers (Andreini and Steenhuis, 1990; Hatfield et al., 1997; Cao, 1994). They measured the breakthrough curves of the blue dye using the collected percolate. Blue dye has also been used to stain the path of preferential flow (Andreini and Steenhuis, 1990). Because of interference due to soil background color, the concentration of blue dye in the extract of soil core samples could not be measured using a spectrophotometer. Thus the blue dye mass in the soil profile was not measured in this study. An accurate and simple method needs to be developed to accurately measure blue dye concentration in soil to allow mass balance calculations of blue dye in soil for future studies. In the literature we found no report of a valid method for measuring the mass of FD&C #1 blue dye in such a clay soil. CONCLUSIONS The results above confirm the preliminary results of Cao (1994) that ultra-low rate irrigation systems can greatly decrease the potential of agrichemical movement through soil to groundwater. The volume of percolate and mass of Br collected in the PCAPS installed at a depth of 120 cm was about 100 times greater under the FL irrigation than under PU and MI irrigation. Low intensity irrigation by PU and MI enhanced chemical movement into the matrix of soil aggregates, thereby reducing leaching by the subsequent irrigation or 101 thunderstorms. Preferential flow was greatly reduced under the microsprinkler irrigation in comparison to the flood irrigation, and completely eliminated under the pulsator irrigation. Thus, the potential for groundwater protection by reduced rate irrigation systems was not only due to the reduction of preferential flow, but also would be due to the enhancement of chemical movement into soil aggregates, thus avoiding leaching by macropore flow and allowing more time for soil microbes to degrade the chemical. Preferential flow occurred in all experimental plots during the early winter rainy season. The plume of the November surface-applied Br tracer extended down to 70 cm depth by preferential flow 24 days after application. Vertical and lateral preferential flow resulted in high spatial variability of Br concentration in both the soil profile and volume of percolate collected in PCAPS. The water table rose and remained high throughout the winter from February to May. The transport of adsorbed Rb and blue dye tracers were much slower than nonsorbed Br. Due to the low recovery of Rb tracer applied to soil, further studies are required to test the validity of Rb+ serving as a surrogate of NH4+. The distribution of blue dye (FD&C#1) tracer in the soil profile was not measured in this study because of the interference of soil background color with the spectrophotometer measurement. A simple and accurate method needs to be developed for future studies. Br was shown to be a good tracer to simulate water and non-sorbed ion transport through soil aggregates and macropores in the swelling clay soil. PCAPS can be used in swelling clay soils. The number of PCAPS required to obtain representative samples needs to be determined in future studies in such a highly 102 structured swelling clay soil under different pear orchard irrigation systems, but is likely greater than that employed here and in studies in loamy soils (Brandi-Dohrn et al., 1996b). REFERENCES Andreini, M. S., and S. T. Steenhuis. 1990. 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Witherspoon. 1978. Numerical model for saturated unsaturated flow in deformable porous media. 3. Applications. Water Resour. Res. 14:1017-1034. Newman, A. C. D., and A. J. Thomasson. 1979. Rothamsted studies of soil structure. III. Pore size distributions and shrinkage processes. J. Soil Sci. 30:415-439. Raats, P. A. C., and A. Klute. 1968a. Transport in soils: The balance of mass. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 32:161-166. Raats, P. A. C., and A. Klute. 1968b. Transport in soils: The balance of momentum. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 32:452-456. Raats, P. A. C., and A. Klute. 1969. One-dimensional simultaneous motion of the aqueous phase of saturated and partly saturated porous media. Soil Sci. 107:329-333. Radulovich, R., P. Sollins, P. Baveye, and E. Solorzano. 1992. Bypass water flow through unsaturated microaggregated tropical soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:721-726. Rao, P. S. C., R. E. Green, V. Balasubramanian, and Y. Kanehiro. 1974. Field study of solute movement in a highly aggregated Oxisol with intermittent flooding: II. Picloram. J. Environ. Qual. 3:197-202. Rice, R. C., D. B. Jaynes, and R. S. Bouman. 1991. Preferential flow of solutes and herbicide under irrigated fields. Trans. ASAE 34:914-918. Roseberg, R. J., and E. L. McCoy. 1992. Tillage- and traffic- induced changes in macroporosity and macropore continuity: Air permeability assessment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 56:1261-1267. Sanchez, E. E., T. L. Righetti, D. Sugar, and P. B. Lombard. 1992. Effects of timing of nitrogen application on nitrogen partitioning between vegetative, reproductive, and structural components of mature 'Cornice' pears. J. Hort. Sci. 67:51-58. Selker, J. S., W. Cao, and R. Roseberg. 1995. Use of ultra-low rate application devices to eliminate macropore flow during irrigation. Proceedings of the Fifth International Microirrigation Congress. April 2-6, Orlando, Florida. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. Selker, J., P. 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In this range, the soil exhibited "nearly unitary shrinkage" with a slope of 0.86, and in the range of soil water content from 0.19 g/g to oven dry the soil showed residual shrinkage with a slope of 0.46. The bulk density of the soil aggregates increased from 1.40 to 1.70 g/cm3 and the bulk density for the field bulk soil increased from 1.32 to 1.47 g/cm3 when the soil water content decreased from 0.35 to 0.19 g/g. The porosity of the tested clay soil also changed with water content. As the soil dried from 0.35 to 0.19 g/g water content, the total porosity of the soil aggregates decreased greatly, while the decrease of total porosity in field bulk soil was relatively small because of the formation of shrinkage cracks. The increase in air-filled porosity in soil aggregates in the range of soil water potential from -0.03 to -1.5 MPa was small (from 1% to 5%) but relatively larger in field bulk soil because of the formation of shrinkage cracks. Pear fruit expansion and firmness were closely related to soil water availability (Chapter 2). Lower water availability can adversely affect the productivity of pear trees, and storage quality of the fruit. In 1995, due to equipment problems, the irrigation was initiated when soil was dry. In this case the pulsator irrigation treatments were not able to restore the clay soil to more than 60 percent of available capacity (PAC). In the absence of water deficit conditions in 1996, PU, MI, or FL irrigation treatments did not differ in their effect on fruit size, yield, or firmness decline in storage. Therefore, the 110 microsprinkler and pulsator systems can provide sufficient available water for pear growth in a shrink-swell clay soil as long as the soil is kept moist from the beginning of the growing season. Localized ponding at the ground surface is one of the conditions required to initiate macropore flow. The results of experiments in Chapter 3 can be summarized as follows: During the early winter of 1995 1996, preferential flow occurred in all three treatment plots, especially in the FL site, where water and chemicals were collected and carried from the adjacent area, then charged to the PCAPS through macropore channels. The plume of Br tracer was spread down to 70 cm by macropore flow 24 days after application. Chemical transport through the soil matrix was much slower than through macropore flow. Over the winter rainy season 34 50% of Br remained in the top 120 cm soil (as of June 24, 1996). The amount of chemical recovered from percolate was less than that lost from the soil profile during the period from Nov. 17, 1995 to December 11, 1995, possibly due to loss from surface runoff. Sorbed chemicals moved much slower than the non-sorbed chemicals. Twenty-four days after application in November, the peak concentration was located at 0-40 cm for Br, and the front of the Br plume extended down to 80 cm, but for Rb the peak concentration was located in the top 10 cm, with no observable plume down to subsoil. Due to the adsorption and fixation by soil minerals, recovery was lower for Rb than Br both in the soil and percolate. Therefore, non-sorbed residual chemicals after harvest, or fertilizers applied in fall, can be transported to surface 111 and groundwater in the winter rainy season. The loss of adsorbable chemical was less than the non-absorbable chemical, suggested a lower pollution potential under all conditions. During the summer irrigation season, due to the uneven application and spread of irrigation water, very high spatial variability of chemical distribution in soil profile was found in the FL treatment. Chemicals were transported through the soil matrix more uniformly under PU than under MI and FL irrigation. One flood irrigation event on July 26 plus a thunderstorm on July 30 resulted in 43% of the Br tracer applied on July 12 lost from the upper 120 cm soil profile, while the thunderstorm had little effect on the leaching of Br in the PU and MI plots. That indicates that the low intensity irrigation that followed the chemical application enhanced the movement of the chemical into soil aggregates, thereby reducing the leaching of the chemical by subsequent thunderstorms. From August 6 to October 8 of 1996, the peak concentration of Br traveled 20 cm under the PU irrigation, but moved little under MI and FL. That indicates that the daily application of ultra-low rate irrigation transported chemicals more efficiently through soil matrix than the intermittent application of a similar amount of water allied at higher rates. The higher application rates caused preferential flow in the MI and FL plots. Lateral and vertical preferential flow resulted in multiple pulses and chemical spread down as deep as 100 cm in MI and FL plots, unlike in the PU plot. The volume of percolate and mass of chemical collected under the FL irrigation was 100 times greater than under PU and MI irrigation. Percolate collected under PU and MI was nearly zero during the period between August and October in 1995 and 1996. A considerable amount of water recharged to groundwater during each flood irrigation event resulting in a temporary rise 112 of the water table. Due to adsorption, the mass of blue dye recovered in the percolate was much less than Br, compared with their initial amount of application. Only small amount of Br was lost from the soil profile during the period from August 6 to October 8 of 1996 even under flood irrigation, indicating that the majority of chemical was leached out by preferential flow only in the first one or two flood irrigation events. 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Analysis of variance for pear fruit diameter at harvest in 1995. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 3.15 3 1.05 0.67 0.602 B:Treatment 102.65 2 51.33 32.69 0.001 9.43 6 1.57 115.24 11 Residual Total Table A-2. Analysis of variance for pear fruit weight at harvest in 1995. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 588.0 3 196.0 2.15 0.195 B:Treatment 6224.7 2 3112.3 34.2 0.001 Residual 546.0 6 91.0 Total 7358.7 11 Source of variation Main Effects Table A-3. Analysis of variance for pear yield at harvest in 1995. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 0.00111 3 0.00037 1.06 0.431 B:Treatment 0.00094 2 0.00047 1.34 0.327 Residual 0.00207 6 0.00035 Total 0.00411 11 Source of variation Main Effects 125 Table A-4. Analysis of variance for pear fruit diameter at harvest in 1996. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 13.90 3 4.63 0.68 0.597 B:Treatment 34.57 2 17.28 2.53 0.160 Residual 41.01 6 6.84 Total 89.48 11 Table A-5. Analysis of variance for pear fruit weight at harvest in 1996. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 2422.58 3 807.53 2.70 0.139 B:Treatment 3320.11 2 1660.05 5.55 0.043 Residual 1796.36 6 299.39 Total 7539.04 11 Source of variation Main Effects Table A-6. Analysis of variance for pear yield at harvest in 1996. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 0.00087 3 0.00029 2.64 0.142 B:Treatment 0.00059 2 0.00029 2.64 0.142 Residual 0.00065 6 0.00011 Total 0.00211 11 Source of variation Main Effects 126 Table A-7. Analysis of variance for pear fruit decay in storage in 1995. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 221.08 3 73.69 15.65 0.000 B:Treatment 216.16 2 108.08 22.95 0.000 Residual 536.90 114 4.71 Total 974.14 119 Source of variation Main Effects Table A-8. Analysis of variance for pear fruit decay in storage in 1996. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 206.79 3 68.93 8.15 0.000 B:Treatment 82.51 2 41.26 4.88 0.009 Residual 964.49 114 8.46 Total 1253.79 119 Source of variation Main Effects Table A-9. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 12/11/1995. Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 15.02 3 5.01 1.05 0.44 B:Treatment 6.78 2 3.39 0.71 0.53 Residual 28.54 6 4.76 Total 50.34 11 Source of variation Main Effects 127 Table A-10. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 6/24/1996. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 4.74 3 1.58 1.43 0.33 B:Treatment 4.73 2 2.36 2.14 0.20 Residual 6.64 6 1.11 Total 16.10 11 Table A-11. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 8/5/1996. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 155.35 3 51.78 1.77 0.22 B:Treatment 214.68 2 107.34 3.67 0.06 Residual 292.73 10 29.27 Total 662.77 15 Table A-12. Analysis of variance for Br mass recovered in 120 cm soil on 10/8/1996. (Because of the non-normal distribution, LOG-transform was applied.) Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 1.668 3 0.556 2.47 0.12 B:Treatment 1.337 2 0.668 2.97 0.09 Residual 2.254 10 0.225 Total 5.259 15 128 Table A-13. Analysis of variance for Rb mass recovered in 46 cm soil on 12/11/1995. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 0.0113 3 0.0038 0.069 0.98 B:Treatment 0.0151 2 0.0076 0.137 0.88 Residual 0.3306 6 0.0551 Total 0.3571 11 Table A-14. Analysis of variance for Rb mass recovered in 46 cm soil on 6/24/1996. Source of variation Main Effects Sum of square Degree of freedom Mean Square F-ratio Significant level A:Replication 0.0262 3 0.0087 1.97 0.22 B:Treatment 0.0029 2 0.0014 0.32 0.74 Residual 0.0266 6 0.0044 Total 0.0557 11 129 APPENDIX B. RESULTS OF REGRESSION ANALYSIS 130 The multiple linear regression model for pear fruit expansion and firmness decline can be written as: y = Ro + t + 132 Ind(treat) +133 Ind(treat) t (1) where po, pi, 132, 03 are coefficients, t is time, Ind(treat) is an indicate parameter. For flood irrigation, Ind(treat) = 0, and the model (1) becomes (2) y = Po + pi t For microsprinkler irrigation, Ind(treat) =1, and the model (1) becomes y = Po t 132 + 133 t (30 + 132) ± (131 + t (3) if P2 and 03 equal zero, then the model (2) and (3) are identical, there are no difference of intercept and slope between the two linear models. Therefore, to test the difference between the model (2) and (3) is to use Student t-test for 02 =0, and 133 =0. Similarly, for pulsator irrigation, the model becomes Y = (R0 ± 02') + (R1 ± P3' ) t (4) and to test the difference between the model (2) and (4) is to use Student t-test for 132' = 0, and f33' = 0. The results of the regression analysis for the pear fruit expansion rate in 1995 and 1996 are listed in Table B-1 and B-2, and for firmness decline in the storage in 1995 and 1996 are listed in Table B-3 and B-4. The multiple linear regression model for neutron probe calibration curves derived from fixed and varied bulk density can be written as: Y = (30 + 13i R + r32Ind(BD) +133 Ind(BD) R (5) 131 where 13o, Pi, 132, i33 are coefficients, R is count ratio, Ind(BD) is an indicate parameter. For fixed bulk density, Ind(BD) = 0, and the model (5) becomes Y = 00 + 01 R (6) For varied bulk density, Ind(BD) =1, and the model (5) becomes Y = Po + Pi R 4- 132 ± 133 R = (0o ± p2)± (13i ± 133)R (7) if 132 and 03 equal zero, then the model (6) and (7) are identical, there are no difference of intercept and slope between the two linear models. Therefore, to test the difference between the model (6) and (7) is to use Student t-test for 02 =0, and 133 =0. Similarly, the linear regression model for the neutron probe calibration curve derived from the original and adjusted count ratio can be written as: Y = Po + pi R + 132 Ind(CR) + 133 Ind(CR) R (8) where 13o, 131, 132, 03 are coefficients, R is count ratio, Ind(CR) is an indicate parameter. For original count ratio, Ind(CR) = 0, and for adjusted count ratio Ind(CR) =1. The difference of the intercept and slope between the models with Ind(CR) = 0 and Ind(CR) = 1, can be tested by student t-test for 132 =0, and 133 =0 as described above. The results of the regression analysis for the neutron probe calibration curves with fixed and varied bulk density are listed in Table B-5, and for neutron probe calibration curves with original and adjusted count ratio are listed in Table B-6. 132 Table B-1. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit expansion rate in 1995. Independent variable Coefficient Standard error t-value Constant, Po 0.4298 0.0197 21.80 Significant level 0.000 Time, 131 -0.0043 0.0007 -6.069 0.000 Ind(treat), 132 -0.0136 0.0279 -0.4891 0.626 Ind(treat), P2' -0.0644 0.0279 -2.3102 0.024 Ind(treat) x time, 133 -0.00002 0.0010 -0.0211 0.983 Ind(treat) x time, P3' -0.0020 0.0010 -0.0231 0.047 Table B-2. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit expansion rate in 1996. Independent variable Coefficient Standard error t-value Constant, 13o 0.5873 0.0371 15.81 Significant level 0.000 Time, 13i -0.0034 0.0006 -6.27 0.000 Ind(treat), 132 0.0101 0.0525 0.19 0.847 Ind(treat), 132' -0.0241 0.0525 -0.46 0.647 Ind(treat) x time, 133 -0.0006 0.0008 -0.81 0.422 Ind(treat) x time, 133' -0.0002 0.0008 -0.26 0.796 Table B-3. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit firmness decline in storage in 1995. Independent variable Coefficient Standard error t-value Constant, $3o 66.9918 0.9198 72.83 Significant level 0.000 Time, 131 -2.4271 0.3442 -7.05 0.000 Ind(treat), 132 -1.7660 1.2999 -1.36 0.175 Ind(treat), 132' 4.9012 1.3004 3.77 0.000 Ind(treat) x time, 133 0.5247 0.4847 1.08 0.280 Ind(treat) x time, 133' 1.9613 0.4857 4.04 0.000 133 Table B-4. Results of linear regression analysis for the pear fruit firmness decline in storage in 1996. Coefficient Standard error t-value Constant, 130 57.2953 0.8165 70.18 Significant level 0.000 Time, PI -1.2047 0.3032 -3.97 0.000 Ind(treat), 132 3.8456 1.1547 3.33 0.001 Ind(treat), 132' 0.4658 1.1547 0.40 0.687 Ind(treat) x time, 133 -0.4143 0.4288 -0.97 0.334 Ind(treat) x time, 133' 0.2621 0.4288 0.61 0.541 Independent variable Table B-5. Results of linear regression analysis for the neutron probe calibration curve with fixed and varied bulk density. Independent variable t-value -4.89 Significant level 0.000 Constant, 13o -0.1811 Standard error 0.0370 Count Ratio, 13i 0.4473 0.0303 14.79 0.000 Ind(BD), 132 0.0927 0.0524 1.77 0.080 Ind(BD) x Count Ratio, 133 -0.0674 0.0428 -1.57 0.119 Coefficient Table B-6. Results of linear regression analysis for the neutron probe calibration curve with original and adjusted count ratio. Independent variable Coefficient t-value -2.67 Significant level 0.009 Constant, 130 -0.0884 Standard error 0.0331 Count Ratio, Pi 0.3800 0.0270 14.06 0.000 Ind(CR), 132 0.0443 0.0442 1.00 0.319 Ind(CR) x Count Ratio, 133 -0.0308 0.0363 -0.85 0.400 134 APPENDIX C. DISTRIBUTION OF Br IN SOIL IN THE GRASS LANE 135 25 0') .0) 20 :t3 C E o 15 PU-out-1 10 PU-out-3 PU-out-2 X 5 PU-out-4 Average B.G. 0 40 20 60 80 100 120 Depth (cm) 25 .0) 20 MI-out-1 w - 15 MI-out-2 10 MI-out-3 MI-out-4 -C X Average 5 B.G. 0 r 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 25 C) a) 20 0 FL-out-1 (9 FL-out-2 15 FL-out-3 CU 7:$ 10 X FL-out-4 Average 5 B.G. 0 AI 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. C-1. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 12/11/95 B. G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 136 20 C7) (9C7) 15 O ci) 10 0 5 PU-out-1 PU-out-2 PU-out-3 x PU-out-4 Average B.G. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 20 (90, O 15 MI-out-1 MI-out-2 10 32 E, co MI-out-3 X 5_ MI-out-4 Average B.G. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 20 0 15 FL-out-1 FL-out-2 "JD 10 0 5 A FL-out-3 x FL-out-4 Average B.G. 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. C-2. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 6/24/96 B. G. is background concentration measured in September, 1995. 137 70 Co 60 (IP0 50 x PU-out-1 40 cy 30 E 20 PU-out-2 PU-out-3 X PU-out-4 2 10 co Average 0 I I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 cs) 60 criP) 50 0 MI-out-1 Z.% 40 MI-out-2 30 E 20 MI-out-3 X MI-out-4 x 2 03 io o, Average 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 x cm 60 50 ar? FL-out-1 40 a) -0 30 FL-out-2 FL-out-3 .E 20 X FL-out-4 O ct 10 X V 0 0 20 40 h1-4-0 60 80 100 Average I+ 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. C-3. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 8/5/96 138 70 cn 60(9°1 50 0 PU-out-1 40 PU-out-2 a) 30 -0 20 X PU-out-4 " 10 Average PU-out-3 O CO 0 20 0 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) 70 60 0) 50 40 O 30 P= 20 0 (2 A MI-out-1 MI-out-2 MI-out-3 X MI-out-4 10- Average 0, 0 MI-------1117-4-76-47-1111 100 120 40 60 80 I 20 140 Depth (cm) 70 CD 60 0 50- ci? FL-out-1 40 FL-out-2 a) 30 E 20 CO FL-out-3 X FL-out-4 10 Average 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Depth (cm) Fig. C-4. Br distribution in the soil profile within the grass lane on 10/8/96. 139 APPENDIX D. MEDFORD STATION WEATHER, GROUNDWATER, SOIL WATER, AND PERCOLATE DATA 140 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data. Max. T = Maximum Temperature MM. T = Minimum Temperature PP = precipitaion ET = Evaporation from water surface Date 6/1/95 6/2/95 6/3/95 6/4/95 6/5/95 6/6/95 6/7/95 6/8/95 6/9/95 6/10/95 6/11/95 6/12/95 6/13/95 6/14/95 6/15/95 6/16/95 6/17/95 6/18/95 6/19/95 6/20/95 6/21/95 6/22/95 6/23/95 6/24/95 6/25/95 6/26/95 6/27/95 6/28/95 6/29/95 6/30/95 7/1/95 7/2/95 7/3/95 7/4/95 7/5/95 7/6/95 7/7/95 7/8/95 7/9/95 7/10/95 Max.T Min.T °C °C PP mm 5.59 0.00 0.00 31.08 27.75 24.42 11.66 9.44 7.22 27.20 6.66 6.66 7.22 4.44 2.29 0.76 6.66 9.99 3.33 5.00 9.44 8.33 9.99 10.55 7.22 7.77 8.88 5.55 6.11 8.88 0.00 2.03 0.00 0.00 8.89 8.64 0.51 1.27 0.76 1.02 8.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.99 14.43 19.98 27.20 23.31 21.09 21.65 17.76 18.32 16.65 19.98 18.87 16.10 16.65 19.43 25.53 28.86 32.75 32.75 34.97 34.97 36.08 35.52 32.75 29.97 31.64 31.08 31.08 26.64 26.09 9.44 11.66 8.33 12.21 10.55 13.88 11.10 9.99 12.21 14.43 12.21 11.66 1.78 0.00 1.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.59 1.78 21.59 ET Date mm 6.62 7/11/95 6.49 7/12/95 6.01 7/13/95 7/14/95 5.26 7/15/95 5.07 7/16/95 5.07 7/17/95 4.71 7/18/95 7/19/95 7/20/95 3.60 3.55 7/21/95 3.13 7/22/95 2.60 7/23/95 10.81 7/24/95 11.51 7/25/95 11.39 7/26/95 7/27/95 11.32 7/28/95 11.15 7/29/95 11.09 11.46 7/30/95 7/31/95 11.29 10.82 8/1/95 10.23 8/2/95 8/3/95 8/4/95 8.35 8/5/95 7.60 8/6/95 6.95 8/7/95 6.29 8/8/95 5.64 8/9/95 5.03 8/10/95 4.36 8/11/95 8/12/95 4.02 3.44 8/13/95 8/14/95 2.65 10.08 8/15/95 9.56 8/16/95 8/17/95 8/18/95 10.69 8/19/95 Max.T Min.T °C °C 22.76 23.87 22.20 26.64 11.10 13.88 8.33 8.33 34.97 36.63 28.31 33.30 32.19 9.44 19.43 16.65 12.77 14.99 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 7.98 7.34 7.17 31.64 29.97 29.97 29.97 33.86 34.41 23.87 30.53 35.52 34.97 33.30 12.21 11.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.39 3.75 3.40 2.92 9.27 8.50 7.88 7.59 7.03 6.45 5.82 33.86 26.64 30.53 23.31 26.64 27.20 28.31 27.20 28.31 20.54 21.09 6.11 7.22 12.21 8.33 7.77 7.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.36 10.99 10.36 9.98 9.18 8.97 8.43 8.23 7.67 7.26 6.85 9.44 12.77 12.21 13.88 5.55 7.22 10.55 12.21 11.66 6.66 9.99 11.66 6.11 4.44 PP mm 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.02 ET mm 10.58 10.15 10.04 9.51 6.71 5.85 141 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data (continued). Date Max.T Min.T PP ET Date °C °C mm mm 8/20/95 10/5/95 8/21/95 32.19 5.55 0.00 5.68 10/6/95 8/22/95 32.19 8.33 0.00 5.13 10/7/95 8/23/95 32.19 9.44 0.00 4.37 10/8/95 8/24/95 24.42 6.11 0.00 4.17 10/9/95 8/25/95 24.98 5.55 0.00 3.80 10/10/95 8/26/95 10/11/95 8/27/95 10/12/95 8/28/95 10/13/95 8/29/95 26.64 5.00 0.00 11.92 10/14/95 8/30/95 23.87 7.22 0.00 10.93 10/15/95 8/31/95 26.64 7.77 0.00 10.75 10/16/95 9/1/95 29.97 8.88 0.00 10.33 10/17/95 9/2/95 10/18/95 9/3/95 10/19/95 9/4/95 10/20/95 9/5/95 32.19 6.11 0.00 8.58 10/21/95 9/6/95 25.53 7.22 0.00 8.24 10/22/95 9/7/95 27.20 9.44 0.00 7.83 10/23/95 9/8/95 25.53 6.11 0.00 7.17 10/24/95 9/9/95 10/25/95 9/10/95 10/26/95 9/11/95 29.97 7.77 10/27/95 0.00 6.33 9/12/95 30.53 8.33 0.00 6.04 10/28/95 9/13/95 32.75 9.44 0.00 5.72 10/29/95 9/14/95 32.75 9.99 0.00 5.13 10/30/95 9/15/95 31.08 11.10 0.00 4.86 10/31/95 9/16/95 11/1/95 9/17/95 11/2/95 9/18/95 31.08 7.22 0.00 4.23 11/3/95 9/19/95 28.31 7.77 0.00 3.81 11/4/95 9/20/95 11/5/95 9/21/95 29.42 8.33 0.00 3.66 11/6/95 9/22/95 11/7/95 9/23/95 11/8/95 9/24/95 11/9/95 9/25/95 31.64 6.66 1.27 2.67 11/10/95 9/26/95 18.87 11.10 1.52 10.28 11/11/95 9/27/95 21.65 12.21 0.00 9.93 11/12/95 9/28/95 20.54 6.11 0.25 9.99 11/13/95 9.44 2.54 9/29/95 18.32 10.12 11/14/95 9/30/95 18.32 5.55 11/15/95 0.00 9.69 10/1/95 11/16/95 10/2/95 20.54 3.33 0.00 9.51 11/17/95 10/3/95 21.09 4.44 0.00 9.16 11/18/95 10/4/95 11/19/95 Max.T Min.T °C °C ET mm 9.00 20.54 24.42 -1.11 -0.56 PP mm 0.00 0.00 20.54 22.76 14.99 15.54 -1.11 7.77 5.00 -1.11 0.00 0.00 4.32 0.00 8.25 8.10 8.47 8.34 23.87 20.54 21.09 -0.56 2.78 3.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.06 7.62. 7.64 24.42 17.21 17.76 -4.44 -2.78 -2.22 16.10 17.21 3.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 0.00 0.00 7.19 7.17 7.27 7.24 19.43 19.43 17.76 0.56 2.78 -5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.03 7.01 0.00 14.43 -6.11 0.00 0.00 13.88 16.65 16.10 -6.66 5.55 8.33 1.27 0.00 8.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.10 19.98 14.99 14.43 13.32 3.33 5.55 6.11 4.44 5.00 3.30 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.67 8.81 142 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data (continued). Date Max.T Min.T PP ET Date °C °C mm mm 11/20/95 16.65 -1.11 5.33 0.00 1/5/96 11/21/95 11/22/95 11/23/95 11/24/95 11/25/95 11/26/95 11/27/95 11/28/95 11/29/95 11/30/95 12/1/95 12/2/95 12/3/95 12/4/95 12/5/95 12/6/95 12/7/95 12/8/95 12/9/95 12/10/95 12/11/95 12/12/95 12/13/95 12/14/95 12/15/95 12/16/95 12/17/95 12/18/95 12/19/95 12/20/95 12/21/95 12/22/95 12/23/95 12/24/95 12/25/95 12/26/95 12/27/95 12/28/95 12/29/95 12/30/95 12/31/95 1/1/96 1/2/96 1/3/96 1/4/96 14.43 7.77 12.77 11.66 14.43 10.55 9.44 9.99 10.55 11.66 17.76 17.21 14.43 9.99 8.88 7.22 7.22 8.33 0.56 3.89 4.44 7.22 8.33 9.14 -0.56 5.00 3.89 6.66 14.22 8.64 6.11 6.66 4.44 2.22 0.00 -1.11 -0.56 -1.11 -0.56 1.27 0.25 7.87 15.75 6.86 5.33 0.76 26.92 39.62 25.15 46.23 0.00 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1/6/96 1/7/96 1/8/96 1/9/96 1/10/96 1/11/96 1/12/96 1/13/96 1/14/96 1/15/96 1/16/96 1/17/96 1/18/96 1/19/96 1/20/96 1/21/96 1/22/96 1/23/96 1/24/96 1/25/96 1/26/96 1/27/96 1/28/96 1/29/96 1/30/96 1/31/96 2/1/96 2/2/96 2/3/96 2/4/96 2/5/96 2/6/96 2/7/96 2/8/96 2/9/96 2/10/96 2/11/96 2/12/96 2/13/96 2/14/96 2/15/96 2/16/96 2/17/96 2/18/96 2/19/96 Max.T Min.T °C °C PP mm ET mm 11.10 5.55 6.66 5.55 -5.00 0.00 0.56 3.33 78.23 4.34 0.00 10.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.21 4.44 -1.67 -0.56 28.45 6.35 0.00 0.00 7.22 -0.56 22.35 0.00 9.99 5.00 6.66 11.10 9.99 -0.56 16.00 8.38 4.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.88 16.65 17.76 20.54 22.20 -4.44 8.88 8.33 8.33 9.44 21.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.48 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.76 18.87 19.43 17.76 18.32 -0.56 -0.56 -1.11 -1.11 0.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.43 0.56 15.75 0.00 1.67 1.67 -2.78 -4.44 143 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data (continued). Date Max.T Min.T PP ET Date °C °C mm mm 2/20/96 4/6/96 2/21/96 4/7/96 2/22/96 15.54 0.00 35.56 0.00 4/8/96 2/23/96 8.33 0.56 1.02 0.00 4/9/96 2/24/96 4/10/96 2/25/96 4/11/96 2/26/96 8.33 -3.33 9.65 0.00 4/12/96 2/27/96 5.55 -2.78 0.00 0.00 4/13/96 2/28/96 8.88 -0.56 0.00 0.00 4/14/96 2/29/96 11.10 1.67 0.00 0.00 4/15/96 3/1/96 4/16/96 3/2/96 4/17/96 3/3/96 4/18/96 3/4/96 16.10 -2.22 0.25 0.00 4/19/96 3/5/96 14.99 -0.56 2.54 0.00 4/20/96 3/6/96 9.99 -2.22 0.00 0.00 4/21/96 3/7/96 15.54 3.33 0.25 0.00 4/22/96 3/8/96 4/23/96 3/9/96 4/24/96 3/10/96 4/25/96 3/11/96 21.65 3.89 2.79 0.00 4/26/96 3/12/96 15.54 1.11 0.76 0.00 4/27/96 3/13/96 12.77 3.89 0.00 0.00 4/28/96 14.99 -1.11 0.00 3/14/96 0.00 4/29/96 3/15/96 19.43 1.67 0.00 0.00 4/30/96 3/16/96 5/1/96 3/17/96 5/2/96 3/18/96 5/3/96 3/19/96 23.31 -0.56 0.00 0.00 5/4/96 3/20/96 18.32 -0.56 0.00 0.00 5/5/96 0.00 0.00 0.00 3/21/96 16.65 5/6/96 3/22/96 18.87 3.89 0.25 0.00 5/7/96 3/23/96 5/8/96 3/24/96 5/9/96 0.00 5/10/96 3/25/96 13.88 -1.11 0.25 3/26/96 5/11/96 3/27/96 16.65 -1.67 8.89 0.00 5/12/96 4.44 0.00 16.26 0.00 5/13/96 3/28/96 3/29/96 5/14/96 3/30/96 5/15/96 5/16/96 3/31/96 13.21 0.00 5/17/96 4/1/96 14.43 -1.11 4/2/96 15.54 2.22 0.00 0.00 5/18/96 4/3/96 13.32 3.89 0.25 0.00 5/19/96 4/4/96 16.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 5/20/96 0.00 0.00 5/21/96 4/5/96 21.09 1.67 Max.T Min.T °C °C PP mm ET mm 26.64 26.09 4.44 6.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.43 17.21 3.33 14.73 1.27 0.00 0.00 22.20 19.43 14.99 11.66 13.32 -0.56 5.00 -0.56 0.56 2.78 0.00 4.06 0.25 1.52 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.99 0.56 17.21 22.76 8.33 9.44 6.86 0.00 15.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.09 0.56 0.25 0.00 23.31 24.98 24.98 22.76 17.76 0.00 5.00 5.00 6.66 3.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.32 -1.11 0.56 0.00 0.00 1.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.53 22.20 19.98 18.32 19.98 3.33 13.88 11.10 10.55 9.44 0.00 7.87 4.57 3.30 8.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.65 5.00 18.80 0.00 21.09 18.32 17.76 19.98 2.78 144 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data (continued). Date Max.T Min.T PP ET 5/25/96 °C mm °C mm Date 5/22/96 18.87 4.44 17.53 0.00 7/7/96 5/23/96 14.99 5.00 0.00 0.00 7/8/96 5/24/96 16.10 1.67 0.00 0.00 7/9/96 5/25/96 7/10/96 5/26/96 7/11/96 5/27/96 7/12/96 5/28/96 26.09 5.55 0.00 0.00 7/13/96 5/29/96 17.21 2.78 0.00 0.00 7/14/96 5/30/96 19.43 2.22 0.00 0.00 7/15/96 5/31/96 21.09 7.77 0.00 0.00 7/16/96 6/1/96 7/17/96 6/2/96 7/18/96 6/3/96 7/19/96 6/4/96 7/20/96 6/5/96 7/21/96 6/6/96 7/22/96 6/7/96 7/23/96 6/8/96 7/24/96 6/9/96 7/25/96 6/10/96 32.75 5.00 0.00 7/26/96 0.00 6/11/96 26.09 5.00 0.00 0.00 7/27/96 6/12/96 26.64 5.55 0.00 0.00 7/28/96 7.77 6/13/96 29.97 0.00 0.00 7/29/96 6/14/96 24.98 7.22 0.00 0.00 7/30/96 6/15/96 7/31/96 6/16/96 8/1/96 6/17/96 25.53 0.00 0.00 8/2/96 3.89 6/18/96 19.98 1.67 0.00 0.00 8/3/96 6/19/96 22.20 2.22 0.00 0.00 8/4/96 6/20/96 27.20 9.44 0.00 0.00 8/5/96 6/21/96 26.09 5.55 0.00 0.00 8/6/96 6/22/96 8/7/96 6/23/96 8/8/96 6/24/96 8/9/96 6/25/96 24.98 3.89 6.60 0.00 8/10/96 6/26/96 22.20 7.22 0.00 0.00 8/11/96 6/27/96 23.31 12.77 0.00 0.00 8/12/96 6/28/96 21.65 11.66 0.00 0.00 8/13/96 6/29/96 8/14/96 8/15/96 6/30/96 7/1/96 31.64 7.77 0.00 8.99 8/16/96 7/2/96 8/17/96 7/3/96 8/18/96 7/4/96 8/19/96 7/5/96 8/20/96 7/6/96 8/21/96 Max.T Min.T °C °C 35.52 32.75 29.97 32.75 34.41 5.55 12.77 11.10 12.77 13.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.07 3.33 2.91 38.85 34.41 29.97 21.09 21.09 15.54 10.55 9.99 10.55 6.11 0.51 0.00 0.00 2.03 0.00 8.13 7.37 6.63 6.85 6.27 34.41 37.74 37.19 36.63 37.74 6.66 16.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.57 3.92 3.22 2.62 11.17 37.74 35.52 32.75 32.75 30.53 14.43 14.43 13.88 12.21 0.51 7.22 33.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.61 11.57 10.95 10.28 28.31 22.20 29.97 34.41 35.52 7.77 5.00 8.33 9.44 13.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.86 7.16 6.99 6.44 5.62 38.30 34.97 37.19 33.86 8.88 14.43 11.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.13 3.69 2.82 0.18 32.75 26.64 26.64 5.55 7.22 7.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.26 9.74 16.65 16.10 14.99 12.21 PP mm ET mm 11.12 10.39 9.49 145 Table D-1. Medford Station weather data (continued). Date Max.T Min.T PP ET °C °C mm mm 8/22/96 29.42 8.33 0.00 9.33 8/23/96 33.30 9.44 0.00 8.93 8/24/96 8/25/96 8/26/96 36.63 11.66 0.00 7.56 8/27/96 33.30 13.88 3.81 7.45 8/28/96 26.64 10.55 0.00 7.22 8/29/96 31.08 11.10 0.00 6.61 8/30/96 8/31/96 9/1/96 9/2/96 9/3/96 33.86 7.22 0.00 4.78 9/4/96 26.64 7.22 0.00 4.11 9/5/96 20.54 3.89 0.00 3.98 9/6/96 21.09 2.22 0.00 3.37 9/7/96 9/8/96 9/9/96 29.42 5.00 0.00 0.00 9/10/96 30.53 9.44 0.00 11.49 9/11/96 33.86 7.77 0.00 11.08 9/12/96 27.75 7.77 0.00 10.80 9/13/96 22.20 8.88 1.27 10.72 9/14/96 9/15/96 9/16/96 20.54 7.22 12.70 11.22 9/17/96 17.76 7.77 0.25 11.32 9/18/96 17.76 3.33 0.00 11.10 9/19/96 22.20 5.00 0.51 10.69 9/20/96 19.98 3.33 0.00 10.50 9/21/96 9/22/96 9/23/96 22.20 0.00 0.00 9.68 9/24/96 23.31 1.67 0.00 9.46 9/25/96 24.42 1.67 0.00 9.52 9/26/96 24.98 2.78 0.00 9.28 9/27/96 27.20 3.33 0.00 9.06 9/28/96 9/29/96 9/30/96 30.53 4.44 0.00 8.38 Date Max.T Min.T °C °C PP mm ET mm 146 Table D-2. Medford Station groundwater table data. DATE 9/15/95 9/27/95 10/5/95 10/12/95 10/19/95 10/26/95 11/2/95 11/11/95 11/21/95 11/28/95 12/6/95 12/20/95 12/27/95 1/11/96 1/24/96 2/2/96 2/12/96 2/14/96 2/15/96 2/26/96 2/27/96 2/28/96 3/5/96 3/13/96 4/1/96 4/4/96 4/23/96 5/3/96 5/15/96 5/20/96 5/28/96 6/17/96 6/25/96 7/1/96 7/19/96 7/30/96 8/06/96 8/08/96 8/13/96 8/16/96 8/19/96 8/29/96 9/3/96 9/10/96 9/17/96 9/30/96 10/7/96 10/29/96 11/20/96 PA 236 247 256 227 250 260 >270 >270 >270 265 244 196 198 150 113 95 70 70 68 PB 235 244 247 220 240 250 255 260 260 260 244 200 41 42 41 58 63 56 48 56 44 50 61 80 105 152 149 150 203 210 217 242 FL 256 269 280 183 191 236 266 277 297 296 299 262 260 246 215 244 260 278 284 290 290 290 230 245 210 170 136 105 106 100 60 55 59 55 140 140 128 128 124 72 195 150 144 92 60 64 62 40 34 48 MI 228 254 286 75 102 144 140 148 194 201 212 238 185 180 222 227 236 240 240 257 250 262 265 270 220 220 230 240 237 242 246 250 257 264 270>320 275 >270 275 255 157 81 80 78 112 70 67 75 88 88 123 160 165 170 93 114 128 160 170 175 216 216 233 198 240 250 240 245 246 268 280 285 292 223 250 293 301 309 320 244 257 270 315 238 178 207 222 235 246 252 196 251 260 290 250 DATE 12/13/96 12/16/96 1/3/97 1/10/97 1/15/97 2/10/97 2/25/97 3/11/97 3/18/97 5/12/97 PA PB MI 172 180 132 130 135 83 175 173 123 113 260 252 121 181 65 72 60 55 46 60 114 105 85 100 153 70 140 133 211 186 FL 228 231 193 180 181 130 120 100 110 160 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data. 9-7-95 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.2570 1.3009 20-45 1.2618 45-75 1.1045 75-105 105-135 135-165 165-195 1.1006 1.0316 1.1237 S Average 1.2852 1.2942 1.2108 1.1832 1.2015 1.0938 1.0703 1.2711 1.2976 1.2363 1.1439 1.1511 1.0627 1.0970 Theta 0.3998 0.4090 0.3876 0.3553 0.3578 0.3270 0.3390 9-15-95 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3050 0-20 1.3338 20-45 1.2808 45-75 75-105 1.1082 105-135 135-165 165-195 1.0986 1.0567 1.0987 Average 1.3681 1.3396 1.2479 1.1953 1.2159 1.1165 1.1010 1.3366 1.3367 1.2643 1.1518 1.1573 1.0866 1.0998 Theta 0.4226 0.4227 0.3974 0.3581 0.3600 0.3353 0.3400 9-27-95 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3104 0-20 1.2809 20-40 1.2280 40-60 1.1901 60-90 1.2016 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1843 1.0853 1.1278 Average 1.2589 1.2998 1.2983 1.0762 1.0578 0.9757 1.0640 1.0637 1.2847 1.2904 1.2632 1.1332 1.1297 1.0800 1.0746 1.0958 Theta 0.4045 0.4065 0.3970 0.3516 0.3504 0.3330 0.3312 0.3385 9-7-95 MI N 1.3186 1.2984 1.1919 1.2084 1.2147 1.1117 1.0298 S Average 1.3043 1.3739 1.2646 1.2104 1.2058 1.1390 1.1275 1.3115 1.3362 1.2283 1.2094 1.2102 1.1253 1.0786 S Average 1.3236 1.3035 1.2176 1.2024 1.2361 1.1340 1.0419 1.3248 1.3317 1.2722 1.2273 1.2393 1.1367 1.1279 1.3242 1.3176 1.2449 1.2149 1.2377 1.1353 1.0849 1.2817 1.2468 1.2227 1.1494 1.1405 1.1150 S Average 1.0572 1.0132 1.0036 1.0146 0.9644 0.9663 0.9954 1.0198 0.9749 0.9503 0.9731 0.9561 0.9657 0.9806 N S Average 1.1354 1.1299 1.1082 1.0743 0.9594 0.9787 1.1533 1.0772 1.0468 1.0550 1.0212 1.1443 1.1035 1.0775 1.0647 0.9903 0.9865 0.9977 0.9826 0.9850 S Average 1.1750 1.1875 1.1539 1.1573 1.0848 1.0247 1.0342 1.0325 1.1838 1.1679 1.1150 1.1143 1.0407 1.0093 1.0176 1.0327 Theta 0.3120 0.2963 0.2877 0.2957 0.2898 0.2931 0.2983 9-15-95 9-15-95 MI N 9-27-95 MI N 1.3156 1.3372 Theta 0.4139 0.4225 0.3848 0.3782 0.3785 0.3489 0.3326 9-7-95 PB N 0.9825 0.9365 0.8969 0.9316 0.9477 0.9652 0.9658 PB S Average 1.3078 1.2952 1.2187 1.2041 1.2234 1.1939 1.0828 1.0708 1.3117 1.3162 1.2502 1.2254 1.2231 1.1717 1.1116 1.0929 Theta 0.4183 0.4160 0.3906 0.3801 0.3881 0.3524 0.3347 Theta 0.4139 0.4155 0.3925 0.3838 0.3830 0.3651 0.3441 0.3375 0.9722 9-27-95 PB N 1.1927 1.1483 1.0761 1.0712 0.9966 0.9938 1.0011 1.0328 Theta 0.3555 0.3412 0.3322 0.3277 0.3017 0.2990 0.2999 Theta 0.3693 0.3637 0.3453 0.3450 0.3193 0.3083 0.3113 0.3165 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 10-04-95 10-04-95 MI FL Average Theta N S Depth (cm) N 1.2453 1.2599 0.3907 1.2816 1.2089 0-20 1.2661 1.2728 0.4003 1.2786 20-40 1.2669 1.2455 1.2599 0.3959 1.2244 1.2954 40-60 1.2242 1.1357 0.3525 1.1976 1.0738 60-90 0.3476 1.2265 1.1218 1.0511 1.1924 90-120 1.1477 1.0689 0.3291 1.1615 0.9762 120-150 1.1454 1.0780 0.3323 1.1000 1.0561 150-180 1.1009 0.3404 1.1089 1.0708 1.1311 180-210 1.1962 1.2231 1.1927 1.0796 1.0753 Average 1.2620 1.2713 1.2263 1.2102 1.2248 1.1702 1.1125 1.0921 Theta 0.3966 0.3998 0.3841 0.3785 0.3836 0.3645 0.3444 0.3373 1.3799 1.3402 1.2458 1.2209 1.1979 1.1544 1.1054 1.1898 Average 1.3403 1.3601 1.3312 1.3281 1.1010 1.1094 1.0344 1.2052 1.1225 1.3357 1.2869 1.1610 1.1537 1.0944 1.1553 1.1561 Theta 0.4309 0.4223 0.4053 0.3613 0.3588 0.3381 0.3593 0.3596 N S Average 1.4047 1.3899 1.3063 1.2732 1.2739 1.2144 1.2028 1.1620 1.3671 1.3298 1.2455 1.2226 1.2821 1.2191 1.0965 1.1789 1.3859 1.3598 1.2759 1.2479 1.2780 1.2168 1.1497 1.1704 Theta 0.4399 0.4308 0.4014 0.3917 0.4022 0.3808 0.3574 0.3646 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3213 0-20 1.3164 20-40 1.2345 40-60 1.1850 60-90 1.1894 90-120 1.1484 1.0975 1.1208 S 1.2872 1.2979 1.2935 1.0650 1.0424 0.9741 1.0559 1.0818 Average 1.3043 1.3071 1.2640 1.1250 1.1159 1.0612 1.0767 1.1013 Theta 0.4114 0.4123 0.3973 0.3487 0.3456 0.3265 0.3319 0.3405 1.2834 1.2913 1.2679 1.2583 1.2547 1.1411 1.1455 1.1169 S 1.0802 Average 1.0903 1.0906 1.0221 1.0526 0.9843 1.0059 1.0046 1.0434 1.0850 1.0587 1.0663 1.0238 0.9804 1.0235 0.9759 1.0878 1.0404 1.0595 1.0040 0.9931 1.0141 1.0097 N S Average 1.1716 1.1748 1.1428 1.1636 1.0225 1.0139 1.0169 1.0598 1.1472 1.1283 1.1148 1.1254 1.0894 1.0409 1.0392 1.0344 1.1594 1.1516 1.1288 1.1445 1.0560 1.0274 1.0280 1.0471 S 1.0947 1.1016 Average 1.0788 1.0917 1.0580 1.0160 1.0186 1.1068 1.1106 1.0305 1.0090 1.0126 1.0071 Theta 0.3366 0.3358 0.3192 0.3259 0.3065 0.3027 0.3100 0.3085 Theta 0.3607 0.3580 0.3501 0.3556 0.3246 0.3147 0.3149 0.3215 10-19-95 PB 10-19-95 MI N N 1.1003 10-12-95 PB MI 10-19-95 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.2641 1.2765 1.2072 10-12-95 10-12-95 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 10-04-95 PB S Average 1.2958 1.2917 1.2108 1.1817 1.2452 1.1919 1.0678 1.2896 1.2915 1.2394 1.2200 1.2499 1.1665 1.1067 1.0940 1.0710 Theta 0.4062 0.4069 0.3887 0.3819 0.3924 0.3632 0.3423 0.3379 N 1.1453 1.1447 1.1348 1.1294 1.0030 1.0019 1.0065 1.0422 0.9720 1.1200 1.1231 Theta 0.3470 0.3481 0.3424 0.3437 0.3157 0.3082 0.3095 0.3076 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 10-26-95 MI 10-26-95 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3208 1.3030 20-40 1.2420 40-60 1.2104 60-90 1.2082 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1523 1.1012 1.1365 S Average 1.2752 1.2885 1.2954 1.0704 1.0560 0.9725 1.0779 1.0708 1.2980 1.2957 1.2687 1.1404 1.1321 1.0624 1.0895 1.1037 Theta 0,4092 0.4084 0.3989 0.3541 0.3512 0.3269 0.3364 0.3413 Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3152 1.3009 20-40 1.2414 40-60 1.2018 60-90 1.2202 90-120 1.1635 1.1052 1.1338 S Average 1.2660 1.2967 1.2906 1.2988 1.2677 1.1332 1.1345 1.0706 1.0888 1.0959 Average 1.2774 1.2972 1.2173 1.1959 1.2686 1.1919 1.0692 1.0765 1.2658 1.2901 1.2384 1.2276 1.2624 1.1863 1.1183 1.0950 1.2941 1.0645 1.0488 0.9777 1.0724 1.0581 N S 0.3521 0.3298 0.3361 0.3386 1.2341 1.2757 1.2470 1.2642 1.2702 1.2023 1.1568 1.1221 1.2639 1.2869 1.2167 1.2028 1.2739 1.2042 1.0730 1.0719 Theta 0.4038 0.4067 0.3980 0.3532 0.3524 0.3298 0.3326 0.3393 11-11-95 MI N 1.2489 1.2595 1.2546 1.2553 1.2684 1.1878 1.1527 1.1054 Theta 0.4066 0.4094 0.3986 0.3516 11-11-95 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3148 0-20 1.3034 20-40 1.2442 40-60 1.2058 60-90 1.2205 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 S 1.2543 1.2830 1.2596 1.2594 1.2563 1.1807 1.1673 1.1135 Theta 0.3979 0.4064 0.3884 0.3846 0.3967 0.3702 0.3464 0.3383 11-02-95 MI 11-02-95 FL 120-150 150-180 180-210 N 1.1623 1.1028 1.1197 Average 1.2503 1.2782 1.2879 1.0696 1.0504 0.9789 1.0548 1.0761 1.2825 1.2908 1.2660 1.1377 1.1355 1.0706 1.0788 1.0979 Average 1.2490 1.2813 1.2319 1.2335 1.2721 1.2033 1.1149 1.0970 S Average 1.2970 1.2941 1.2334 1.2030 1.2602 1.2033 1.0747 1.0887 1.2729 1.2768 1.2440 1.2292 1.2643 1.1956 1.1137 1.0970 10-26-95 PB N 1.1474 1.1440 1.1403 1.1382 1.0087 1.0100 1.0130 1.0499 0.3921 0.4033 0.3861 0.3866 0.4001 0.3761 0.3452 0.3390 11-02-95 PB N 1.1512 1.1381 1.1396 1.1476 1.0038 1.0156 1.0145 1.0446 Theta 0.4004 0.4018 0.3903 0.3851 0.3974 0.3734 0.3448 0.3390 11-11-95 PB N 1.1386 1.1268 1.1289 1.1469 0.9998 1.0156 1.0136 1.0478 Theta S Average 1.0963 1.1046 1.0758 1.0984 1.0765 1.0370 1.0299 0.9722 1.1218 1.1243 1.1081 1.1183 1.0426 1.0235 1.0215 1.0111 S Average 1.0795 1.0922 1.0767 1.0933 1.0768 1.0313 1.0404 0.9866 1.1153 1.1151 1.1081 1.1204 1.0403 1.0235 1.0274 1.0156 S Average 1.0687 1.0817 1.0610 1.0782 1.0697 1.0309 1.0377 0.9809 1.1037 1.1043 1.0950 1.1126 1.0348 1.0233 1.0256 1.0144 Theta 0.3476 0.3485 0.3428 0.3464 0.3200 0.3133 0.3126 0.3090 Theta 0.3454 0.3453 0.3429 0.3472 0.3192 0.3133 0.3147 0.3106 Theta 0.3413 0.3415 0.3383 0.3444 0.3172 0.3132 0.3141 0.3101 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). Depth (cm) N 1.3276 0-20 20-40 1.3036 40-60 1.2413 1.2022 60-90 90-120 1.2140 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1546 1.1025 1.1249 S Average 1.2369 1.2862 1.2875 1.0601 1.0611 0.9702 1.0608 1.2823 1.2949 1.2644 1.1312 1.1375 1.0624 1.0817 1.0945 1.0641 N S Average 0.3531 0.3269 0.3336 0.3381 1.2309 1.2587 1.2393 1.2520 1.2537 1.1858 1.1603 1.1113 1.3032 1.2844 1.2287 1.2062 1.2498 1.1988 1.0772 1.0786 1.2670 1.2716 1.2340 1.2291 1.2518 1.1923 1.1188 1.0949 Theta 0.4080 0.4056 0.3982 0.3542 0.3495 0.3290 0.3336 0.3420 11-21-95 MI N 1.2563 1.2591 1.2526 1.2597 1.2597 1.1771 1.1628 1.1094 Theta 0.4037 0.4081 0.3974 0.3509 11-21-95 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3235 0-20 1.3039 20-40 40-60 1.2336 1.2089 60-90 1.2043 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1773 1.1030 1.1396 S Average 1.2660 1.2719 1.2994 1.0725 1.0501 1.2948 1.2879 1.2665 1.1407 1.1272 1.0686 1.0817 1.1057 0.9599 L0604 1.0718 12-06-95 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3880 1.3351 20-40 1.2400 40-60 1.2040 60-90 1.2041 90-120 1.1592 120-150 1.0945 150-180 180-210 Theta 0.3984 0.3999 0.3868 0.3851 0.3930 0.3722 0.3466 0.3383 11-13-95 PB N 1.1329 1.1334 1.1326 1.1381 0.9982 1.0058 1.0106 1.0437 Theta 0.4020 0.4003 0.3870 0.3857 0.3964 0.3732 0.3455 0.3400 11-21-95 PB N 1.1289 1.1393 1.1242 1.1259 1.0101 1.0105 1.0099 1.0423 11-13-95 MI 11-13-95 FL 1.1363 S Average 1.3831 1.3714 1.3308 1.1123 1.0777 1.3855 1.3533 1.2854 0.9838 1.0728 1.0730 1.1581 1.1409 1.0715 1.0836 1.1047 Theta 0.4397 0.4285 0.4048 0.3603 0.3543 0.3301 0.3343 0.3416 12-06-95 MI N 1.4559 1.3866 1.3127 1.2563 1.2641 1.1803 1.1509 1.1031 S Average 1.2985 1.2863 1.2162 1.2020 1.2630 1.2126 1.0687 1.0903 1.2774 1.2727 1.2344 1.2309 1.2614 1.1949 1.1157 1.0999 S Average 1.3817 1.3317 1.2660 1.2327 1.2657 1.2074 1.0861 1.0811 1.4188 1.3591 1.2893 1.2445 1.2649 1.1938 1.1185 1.0921 Theta 0.4513 0.4305 0.4061 0.3905 0.3976 0.3728 0.3465 0.3373 12-06-95 PB N 1.1876 1.1873 1.1612 1.1586 1.0271 1.0116 1.0219 1.0582 S Average 1.0725 1.0697 1.0588 1.0949 1.0579 1.0232 1.0243 1.1027 1.1016 1.0957 1.1165 1.0280 1.0145 1.0175 1.0098 0.9758 Average 1.0787 1.0869 1.0635 1.0743 1.0593 1.0287 1.0335 0.9779 1.1038 1.1131 1.0938 1.1001 1.0347 1.0196 1.0217 1.0101 S Average 1.2525 1.1976 1.1659 1.1765 1.0952 1.0425 1.0457 1.0568 1.2200 1.1924 1.1635 1.1675 1.0611 1.0270 1.0338 1.0575 Theta 0.3410 0.3406 0.3385 0.3458 0.3149 0.3101 0.3112 0.3085 Theta 0.3413 0.3446 0.3379 0.3401 0.3172 0.3119 0.3127 0.3086 Theta 0.3819 0.3723 0.3622 0.3636 0.3264 0.3145 0.3169 0.3252 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 12-27-95 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3695 0-20 1.3395 20-40 1.3214 40-60 1.2231 60-90 1.2131 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1747 1.1033 1.1361 S 1.3259 1.3397 1.3380 1.0918 1.0666 0.9777 1.0755 1.2078 Average 1.3477 1.3396 1.3297 1.1574 1.1398 1.0762 1.0894 1.1719 Theta 0.4265 0.4237 0.4202 0.3601 0.3539 0.3317 0.3363 0.3651 1-11-96 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3953 0-20 20-40 1.3574 1.3239 40-60 1.2670 60-90 1.2211 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1794 1.1064 1.1636 S 1.3852 1.3757 1.3263 1.1125 1.0935 1.0376 1.1982 1.2952 Average 1.3902 1.3665 1.3251 1.1898 1.1573 1.1085 1.1523 1.2294 Theta 0.4414 0.4331 0.4186 0.3714 0.3600 0.3430 0.3583 0.3852 12-27-95 MI N S 1.3234 1.3433 1.3214 1.3216 1.2992 1.3090 1.2804 1.2880 1.2737 1.2756 1.2070 1.1911 1.1608 1.0837 1.0979 1.1431 1-11-96 MI N 1.4294 1.3666 1.3252 1.2951 1.2821 1.2103 1.1745 1.1873 2-02-96 2-02-96 FL MI N 1.4206 1.3676 1.3163 1.3021 1.2804 1.2227 1.1981 1.1786 Depth (cm) N 1.3980 0-20 1.3568 20-40 1.3458 40-60 1.3138 60-90 1.2795 90-120 1.2751 120-150 1.1718 150-180 1.2049 180-210 S Average 1.3959 1.3670 1.3412 1.1035 1.2260 1.0590 1.1954 1.3306 1.3970 1.3619 1.3435 1.2087 1.2528 1.1671 1.1836 1.2678 Theta 0.4437 0.4315 0.4251 0.3780 0.3934 0.3634 0.3692 0.3986 Average 1.3334 1.3215 1.3041 1.2842 1.2746 1.1990 1.1223 1.1205 S Average 1.3763 1.3508 1.3027 1.2932 1.2861 1.2111 1.0750 1.0650 1.4028 1.3587 1.3139 1.2942 1.2841 1.2107 1.1248 1.1261 Theta 0.4215 0.4174 0.4113 0.4043 0.4010 0.3746 0.3478 0.3472 Theta 0.4458 0.4303 0.4147 0.4078 0.4043 0.3787 0.3487 0.3491 12-27-95 PB N 1.1760 1.1588 1.1542 1.1560 1.0156 1.0100 1.0339 1.0738 1-11-96 PB N 1.1826 1.1833 1.1739 1.1768 1.0214 1.0132 1.0523 1.0752 S Average 1.1385 1.1381 1.1544 1.1681 1.0959 1.0357 1.0583 1.1145 1.1572 1.1484 1.1543 1.1620 1.0557 1.0228 1.0461 1.0941 S Average 1.2370 1.2102 1.1082 1.1711 1.0888 1.1594 1.2098 1.1967 1.1755 1.1822 1.0648 1.0921 1.0705 1.1173 S Average 1.2391 1.2112 1.1978 1.2191 1.1907 1.1863 1.1888 1.0953 1.1771 1.1877 Theta 0.3600 0.3569 0.3590 0.3617 0.3246 0.3131 0.3212 0.3380 Theta 0.3784 0.3738 0.3664 0.3687 0.3277 0.3373 0.3297 0.3461 2-02-96 S Average Theta 1.3757 1.3510 1.3158 1.3043 1.2959 1.2344 1.1745 1.2375 1.3982 1.3593 1.3161 1.3032 1.2882 1.2286 1.1863 1.2081 0.4441 0.4306 0.4155 0.4110 0.4057 0.3849 0.3702 0.3778 PB N 1.1990 1.1702 1.1747 1.1711 1.0251 1.0450 1.0558 1.0973 1.2064 1.1655 1.1723 1.0964 water 1.1087 1.0761 1.0973 Theta 0.3816 0.3717 0.3701 0.3710 0.3384 0.3430 0.3317 0.3391 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 2-14-96 2-14-96 MI FL N Theta Average S Depth (cm) N 1.3462 0.4363 1.3758 1.3657 1.3858 0-20 1.3624 0.4334 1.3674 1.3672 1.3675 20-40 1.3234 0.4238 1.3400 1.3439 1.3360 40-60 1.2891 0.3828 1.2225 1.1191 1.3259 60-90 1.2792 0.4001 1.2720 1.2233 1.3206 90-120 1.2223 0.3570 1.1487 1.0317 1.2657 120-150 1.1857 0.3688 1.1823 1.1566 1.2080 150-180 1.1691 0.3611 1.1604 1.1134 1.2074 180-210 Depth (cm) N 1.3917 0-20 1.3593 20-40 1.3567 40-60 1.3192 60-90 1.3272 90-120 1.2753 1.1688 1.1947 S Average 1.3675 1.3628 1.3347 1.1294 1.2160 1.0476 1.1987 1.1381 1.3796 1.3611 1.3457 1.2243 1.2716 1.1615 1.1838 1.1664 Theta 0.4377 0.4312 0.4258 0.3834 0.3999 0.3615 0.3693 0.3632 Average 1.3709 1.3391 1.3170 1.3211 1.2857 1.2285 1.1927 1.2030 1.3586 1.3508 1.3202 1.3051 1.2825 1.2254 1.1892 1.1861 Theta 0.4303 0.4276 0.4169 0.4116 0.4037 0.3838 0.3712 0.3701 MI N 1.4050 1.3646 1.3289 1.3108 1.2889 1.2372 1.2140 1.1694 S Average 1.3894 1.3496 1.3201 1.3104 1.2930 1.2444 1.2051 1.2211 1.3972 1.3571 1.3245 1.3106 1.2910 1.2408 1.2096 1.1953 Theta 0.4438 0.4298 0.4184 0.4136 0.4067 0.3892 0.3783 0.3733 3-13-96 MI 3-13-96 FL Depth (cm) N 1.3879 0-20 1.3548 20-40 1.3489 40-60 1.3311 60-90 1.3161 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 S 2-28-96 2-28-96 FL 120-150 150-180 180-210 2-14-96 1.2604 1.1915 1.1875 S Average 1.3524 1.3382 1.3400 1.1792 1.2089 1.3702 1.3465 1.3445 1.2552 1.2625 1.1528 1.1960 1.0451 1.2005 1.1607 1.1741 Theta 0.4344 0.4261 0.4254 0.3942 0.3968 0.3584 0.3735 0.3659 N 1.3381 1.3302 1.3374 1.2974 1.2924 1.2211 1.2094 1.1636 S Average 1.3542 1.3412 1.3258 1.3029 1.2936 1.2226 1.2006 1.2251 1.3462 1.3357 1.3316 1.3002 1.2930 1.2219 1.2050 1.1944 Theta 0.4260 0.4223 0.4209 0.4099 0.4074 0.3826 0.3767 0.3730 PB N 1.1864 1.1799 1.1794 1.1860 1.0175 1.0656 1.0444 1.0642 S Average 1.1810 1.2116 1.1962 1.1999 1.1648 1.1735 1.1044 1.0620 1.1837 1.1958 1.1878 1.1930 1.0912 1.1196 1.0744 1.0631 2-28-96 PB N S Average 1.1801 1.1753 1.1822 1.1642 1.0281 1.0693 1.0625 1.0570 1.2176 1.2403 1.2161 1.2065 1.1470 1.1664 1.1094 1.0471 1.1989 1.2078 1.1992 1.1854 1.0876 1.1179 1.0860 1.0521 3-13-96 PB N S Average 1.1952 1.1753 1.1764 1.1568 1.0370 1.0528 1.0593 1.0824 1.1854 1.2053 1.1986 1.1907 1.1644 1.1744 1.0975 1.0706 1.1903 1.1903 1.1875 1.1738 1.1007 1.1136 1.0784 1.0765 Theta 0.3692 0.3735 0.3707 0.3725 0.3369 0.3468 0.3311 0.3271 Theta 0.3745 0.3777 0.3746 0.3698 0.3357 0.3463 0.3351 0.3233 Theta 0.3716 0.3716 0.3706 0.3658 0.3403 0.3448 0.3325 0.3318 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 4-04-96 4-04-96 MI FL N S Average Theta Depth (cm) N 1.3984 1.3544 1.3764 0.4365 1.3560 0-20 1.3556 1.3499 0.4273 1.3665 20-40 1.3442 0.4274 1.3435 40-60 1.3493 1.3511 1.3502 1.2227 0.3828 1.3079 60-90 1.3204 1.1249 1.2855 1.2206 1.2768 0.4018 90-120 1.3330 0.3575 1.2330 1.2563 1.0438 1.1501 120-150 1.1985 1.1936 0.3727 1.2061 150-180 1.1886 0.3627 1.1597 1.1915 1.1384 1.1650 180-210 4-23-96 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3814 1.3489 20-40 1.3308 40-60 1.3201 60-90 1.3225 90-120 1.2652 120-150 1.1841 150-180 180-210 1.1855 PB S Average 1.3647 1.3377 1.3055 1.2880 1.2965 1.2324 1.2202 1.2197 1.3604 1.3521 1.3245 1.2980 1.2910 1.2327 1.2132 1.1897 Theta 0.4309 0.4281 0.4184 0.4091 0.4067 0.3864 0.3795 0.3713 4-23-96 MI S Average 1.3390 1.3475 1.3203 1.1334 1.2140 1.0301 1.2011 1.1409 1.3602 1.3482 1.3256 1.2268 1.2683 1.1477 1.1926 1.1632 Theta 0.4309 0.4267 0.4188 0.3843 0.3988 0.3567 0.3724 0.3621 N S Average 1.2521 1.3187 1.3237 1.3170 1.2989 1.2155 1.2099 1.1670 1.3449 1.3250 1.3198 1.2970 1.2882 1.2223 1.2352 1.2235 1.2985 1.3219 1.3218 1.3070 1.2936 1.2189 1.2226 1.1953 Theta 0.4093 0.4175 0.4175 0.4123 0.4076 0.3815 0.3828 0.3733 1.1873 1.1700 Average 1.3205 1.3210 1.3287 1.1009 1.1404 1.0473 1.2027 1.1569 1.3334 1.3304 1.3334 1.2079 1.2318 1.1602 1.1950 1.1635 Theta 0.4215 0.4205 0.4215 0.3777 0.3860 0.3610 0.3732 0.3622 S 1.1952 1.2059 1.1657 1.1708 1.0266 1.0528 1.0552 1.0722 1.1884 1.2202 Average 1.1918 1.2231 1.2042 1.1550 1.1702 1.0998 1.0653 1.2131 1.1944 1.1875 1.0908 1.1115 1.0775 1.0688 S Average 1.1209 1.1756 1.2114 1.1921 1.1588 1.1696 1.0867 1.0721 1.1638 1.1805 1.1978 1.1741 1.0943 1.1094 1.0728 1.0680 S Average 1.0960 1.1705 1.1788 1.1884 1.1613 1.1644 1.0924 1.0514 1.1364 1.1803 1.1751 1.1789 1.0913 1.1092 1.0722 Theta 0.3721 0.3795 0.3730 0.3706 0.3368 0.3440 0.3322 0.3291 PB N 1.2066 1.1853 1.1841 1.1560 1.0298 1.0492 1.0588 1.0638 Theta 0.3623 0.3681 0.3742 0.3659 0.3380 0.3433 0.3305 0.3288 5-03-96 PB MI Depth (cm) N 1.3462 0-20 1.3398 20-40 1.3380 40-60 1.3149 60-90 1.3232 90-120 1.2731 120-150 N 4-23-96 5-03-96 5-03-96 FL 150-180 180-210 4-04-96 N S Average 1.2077 1.2985 1.3165 1.3089 1.2783 1.2079 1.1971 1.1630 1.3302 1.3310 1.3196 1.2917 1.2941 1.2282 1.2185 1.2185 1.2690 1.3148 1.3181 1.3003 1.2862 1.2181 1.2078 1.1908 Theta 0.3990 0.4150 0.4162 0.4100 0.4050 0.3812 0.3777 0.3717 N 1.1767 1.1901 1.1714 1.1693 1.0213 1.0540 1.0519 1.0667 1.0591 Theta 0.3527 0.3681 0.3662 0.3676 0.3370 0.3432 0.3303 0.3257 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 5-28-96 5-28-96 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3710 20-40 1.3203 1.2974 40-60 1.3003 60-90 1.3224 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.2621 1.1853 1.1851 S Average 1.3409 1.3285 1.3205 1.0744 1.0887 1.3560 1.3244 1.3090 1.1874 1.2056 1.1199 1.1882 1.1771 0.9777 1.1910 1.1690 Theta 0.4294 0.4184 0.4130 0.3705 0.3769 0.3470 0.3708 0.3669 5-28-96 S Average 1.3455 1.3189 1.2814 1.2742 1.2684 1.2176 1.1355 1.2203 1.3117 1.3128 1.2986 1.2765 1.2779 1.2203 1.1727 1.1918 Theta 0.4139 0.4143 0.4094 0.4016 0.4021 0.3820 0.3654 0.3721 Depth (cm) N 1.1241 0-20 1.1752 20-40 1.2340 40-60 1.2666 60-90 1.3120 90-120 1.2457 120-150 1.1325 150-180 1.1884 180-210 6-25-96 FL Depth (cm) N 0-20 1.3712 1.3350 20-40 1.3174 40-60 1.2819 60-90 1.3050 90-120 1.2273 120-150 1.1675 150-180 1.1759 S Average 1.1011 1.2602 1.2839 1.0870 1.0677 1.1126 1.2177 1.2590 1.1768 1.1899 1.1067 1.1040 1.1768 0.9677 1.0755 1.1651 Theta 0.3444 0.3811 0.3955 0.3668 0.3714 0.3424 0.3414 0.3668 MI N 1.1305 1.2042 1.2369 1.2455 1.2699 1.2006 1.1523 1.1543 S Average 1.1610 1.2374 1.2703 1.2579 1.2691 1.1864 1.0851 1.1016 1.1458 1.2208 1.2536 1.2517 1.2695 1.1935 1.1187 1.1280 Theta 0.3560 0.3822 0.3937 0.3930 0.3992 0.3727 0.3466 0.3498 Average 1.3555 1.3369 1.3389 1.1060 1.0936 1.0445 1.1900 1.1672 1.3634 1.3360 1.3282 1.1940 1.1993 1.1359 1.1788 1.1716 Theta 0.4320 0.4224 0.4197 0.3728 0.3747 0.3526 0.3675 0.3650 MI N 1.1621 1.1475 1.1467 1.2155 1.2578 1.1830 1.1540 1.1388 S Average 1.1278 1.1433 1.1380 1.1552 1.1087 1.1491 1.1033 1.0572 1.1505 1.1586 1.1487 1.1545 1.0671 1.1030 1.0855 1.0641 S Average 0.9788 1.0149 1.0358 1.0979 1.0824 1.0249 1.0704 1.0570 1.0394 1.0600 1.0838 1.1258 1.0451 1.0352 1.0541 1.0591 S Average 1.1268 1.0534 1.0193 1.0787 1.0658 1.0456 1.0400 1.0817 1.1697 1.1186 1.0951 1.1201 1.0441 1.0267 1.0324 1.0719 Theta 0.3577 0.3605 0.3570 0.3590 0.3285 0.3411 0.3349 0.3275 PB N 1.0999 1.1050 1.1317 1.1536 1.0077 1.0454 1.0377 1.0612 Theta 0.3188 0.3260 0.3343 0.3490 0.3208 0.3174 0.3240 0.3257 6-25-96 6-25-96 S PB N 1.1732 1.1739 1.1593 1.1537 1.0254 1.0568 1.0676 1.0710 6-17-96 6-17-96 6-17-96 FL 180-210 MI N 1.2778 1.3066 1.3158 1.2787 1.2873 1.2229 1.2099 1.1633 S Average 1.3351 1.2889 1.2908 1.2661 1.2594 1.2027 1.0882 1.0946 1.2486 1.2182 1.2188 1.2408 1.2586 1.1929 1.1211 1.1167 Theta 0.3919 0.3813 0.3815 0.3892 0.3954 0.3724 0.3474 0.3459 PB N 1.2126 1.1838 1.1709 1.1615 1.0223 1.0078 1.0247 1.0621 Theta 0.3644 0.3465 0.3383 0.3470 0.3205 0.3144 0.3164 0.3302 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 7-19-96 FL Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 N 1.2743 1.2657 1.2821 1.2832 1.2681 1.2266 1.1138 1.1362 7-30-96 FL Depth N 0-20 1.4015 20-40 1.3639 40-60 1.3515 1.3081 60-90 90-120 1.3000 120-150 1.2117 150-180 1.1125 180-210 1.1538 MN 1.3171 1.3015 1.2532 1.2880 1.2528 MS 1.2367 1.2969 1.2451 1.2300 S Average 1.2808 1.3100 1.3051 1.0837 1.0680 1.2772 1.2935 1.2714 1.2212 1.1963 1,1031 1.0924 1.1368 0.9796 1.0709 1.1374 MN 1.4180 1.3752 1.3392 1.3153 1.3255 MS 1.3576 1.3344 1.3175 1.3053 S Average 1.3734 1.3728 1.3439 1.1604 1.2103 1.0480 1.1889 1.1889 1.3876 1.3616 1.3380 1.2723 1.2786 1.1299 1.1507 1.1714 7-19-96 Theta 0.4019 0.4076 0.3999 0.3824 0.3736 0.3411 0.3373 0.3529 Theta 0.4405 0.4314 0.4231 0.4002 0.4024 0.3504 0.3577 0.3649 8-06-96 FL Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 N 1.3589 1.3490 1.3142 1.2833 1.2675 1.2169 1.1421 1.1804 MN 1.3737 1.3424 1.3256 1.3104 1.3082 MS 1.3147 1.3335 1.3066 1.2902 Average 1.3374 1.3528 1.3361 1.0842 1.0829 1.0311 1.1963 1.2020 1.3462 1.3444 1.3206 1.2420 1.2195 1.1240 1.1692 1.1912 Theta 0.4260 0.4254 0.4171 0.3896 0.3818 0.3484 0.3642 0.3719 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 7-30-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-06-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1874 1.1268 1.0518 1.0209 0.9613 NN 1.1940 1.1572 1.0647 1.0121 0.9513 NN 1.0577 1.0764 1.0456 1.0169 0.9455 N 1.3360 1.3338 1.2908 1.2708 1.2390 1.1758 1.1556 1.1793 MS 1.3309 1.3396 1.3289 1.3115 1.3035 S Average 1.3510 1.3295 1.2960 1.2215 1.2378 1.1932 1.0633 1.1094 1.3393 1.3343 1.3052 1.2679 1.2601 1.1845 1.1095 1.1444 N 1.4118 1.3612 1.3122 1.2856 1.2447 1.2009 1.1945 MS 1.3913 1.3423 1.3594 1.3254 1.3469 S Average 1.3740 1.3270 1.3263 1.2033 1.2297 1.2212 1.0867 1.3924 1.3435 1.3326 1.2714 1.2738 1.2111 1.1406 N 1.2648 1.2780 1.2573 1.2291 1.2480 1.2006 1.1568 MS 1.3172 1.3218 1.3261 1.3189 1.3581 S Average 1.2548 1.2834 1.2778 1.1972 1.2219 1.1996 1.0881 1.2789 1.2944 1.2871 1.2484 1.2760 1.2001 1.1225 Theta 0.4236 0.4218 0.4117 0.3987 0.3959 0.3695 0.3433 0.3555 Theta 0.4421 0.4251 0.4213 0.3999 0.4007 0.3788 0.3542 Theta 0.4025 0.4079 0.4053 0.3918 0.4015 0.3750 0.3479 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued) 8-08-96 FL Depth N 0-20 1.3457 20-40 1.3230 1.2930 40-60 60-90 1.2667 90-120 1.2903 120-150 1.2372 150-180 1.1257 180-210 1.1824 MS MN 1.3569 1.2859 1.3606 1.3118 1.3141 1.2863 1.3103 1.2854 1.3074 S Average 1.3181 1.3306 1.3196 1.0930 1.0755 1.3267 1.3315 1.3033 1.2389 1.2244 1.1084 1.1523 1.1829 0.9796 1.1789 1.1833 8-08-96 Theta 0.4192 0.4209 0.4110 0.3885 0.3835 0.3430 0.3583 0.3690 8-13-96 FL Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 N 1.2897 1.2769 1.2453 1.2438 1.2742 1.2179 1.1289 1.1361 MN 1.3052 1.3158 1.3014 1.2776 1.2886 MS 1.2343 1.3041 1.2803 1.2386 Average 1.2680 1.3032 1.3001 1.0793 1.0829 0.9646 1.0730 1.1194 1.2743 1.3000 1.2818 1.2098 1.2152 1.0913 1.1010 1.1278 Theta 0.4009 0.4099 0.4035 0.3784 0.3803 0.3370 0.3404 0.3497 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-13-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.0407 1.0370 1.0283 1.0092 0.9495 NN 1.1084 0.9884 1.0195 1.0165 0.9524 N 1.2244 MS 1.2998 1.3200 1.3038 1.2983 1.3407 S Average 1.1796 1.2444 1.2609 1.2042 1.2197 1.1974 1.0650 1.2346 1.2752 1.2683 1.2431 1.2627 1.1872 1.1134 N 1.3126 1.2936 1.2708 1.2329 1.2336 1.1848 1.1608 1.1255 MS 1.3493 1.3145 1.3145 1.2822 1.2824 S Average 1.3160 1.2976 1.2693 1.1911 1.2183 1.1946 1.0732 1.0893 1.3260 1.3019 1.2849 1.2354 1.2448 1.1897 1.1170 1.1074 N 1.3213 1.3103 1.2792 1.2562 1.2369 1.1804 1.1593 1.1057 MS 1.3457 1.3281 1.3222 1.2948 1.2930 S Average 1.3267 1.3141 1.2608 1.1912 1.2214 1.1877 1.0721 1.0823 1.3312 1.3175 1.2874 1.2474 1.2504 1.1841 1.1157 1.0940 1.2611 1.2403 1.2267 1.2277 1.1770 1.1618 Theta 0.3870 0.4012 0.3988 0.3900 0.3968 0.3705 0.3447 Theta 0.4189 0.4105 0.4046 0.3873 0.3906 0.3713 0.3460 0.3426 8-16-96 8-16-96 FL Depth 0-20 MI Depth 0-20 MI N 1.2271 1.2221 20-40 1.1980 40-60 60-90 1.2216 1.2556 90-120 120-150 1.2172 150-180 1.1208 180-210 1.1237 MN MS 1.2778 1.1925 1.3187 1.2926 1.2926 1.2497 1.2602 1.2300 1.2774 Average 1.2290 1.2771 1.3099 1.0838 1.0802 1.9876 1.0763 1.0951 1.2316 1.2776 1.2626 1.1989 1.2044 1.6024 1.0986 1.1094 Theta 0.3860 0.4020 0.3968 0.3746 0.3765 0.5155 0.3395 0.3433 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1430 1.1160 1.0839 0.9988 0.9434 Theta 0.4208 0.4160 0.4055 0.3915 0.3926 0.3694 0.3455 0.3379 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 8-19-96 FL Depth N MN MS 0-20 1.1815 1.2520 1.1598 20-40 1.1822 1.2917 1.2769 40-60 1.1731 1.2787 1.2269 1.2122 1.2555 1.2051 60-90 90-120 1.2436 1.2648 120-150 1.2019 150-180 1.1281 180-210 1.1209 8-19-96 MI S Average 1.2033 1.2583 1.3163 1.0698 1.0554 0.9741 1.0719 1.1079 1.1992 1.2523 1.2488 1.1857 1.1879 1.0880 1.1000 1.1144 Theta 0.3746 0.3932 0.3920 0.3699 0.3707 0.3358 0.3400 0.3450 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 Theta 0.4292 0.4245 0.4200 0.3954 0.3954 0.3493 0.3606 0.3593 8-27-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-29-96 FL N MN MS Depth 0-20 1.3677 1.3834 1.3252 20-40 1.3558 1.3406 1.3272 40-60 1.3424 1.3467 1.2910 60-90 1.2947 1.3186 1.3018 1.2652 1.2978 90-120 120-150 1.2141 150-180 1.1238 180-210 1.1675 S Average 1.3450 1.3443 1.3360 1.1192 1.2132 1.0392 1.1942 1.1428 1.3553 1.3420 1.3290 1.2586 1.2587 1.1267 1.1590 1.1552 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.0573 1.0442 1.0561 1.0127 0.9471 NN 1.1493 1.1187 1.0622 1.0045 0.9424 N 1.2619 1.2487 1.2154 1.2092 1.2051 1.1572 1.1499 1.1218 MS S Average 1.3451 1.3124 1.3056 1.2850 1.2740 1.2714 1.2621 1.2585 1.1955 1.2107 1.1942 1.0869 1.0702 1.2928 1.2744 1.2598 1.2299 1.2299 1.1757 1.1184 1.0960 N 1.3339 1.3171 1.3168 1.2650 1.2239 1.1685 1.1633 1.1056 MS 1.3740 1.3164 1.3398 1.2972 1.2950 S Average 1.3625 1.3334 1.2684 1.1884 1.2201 1.1904 1.0872 1.0835 1.3568 1.3223 1.3083 1.2502 1.2463 1.1795 1.1253 1.0946 N 1.3202 1.3023 1.2991 1.2677 1.2070 1.1568 1.1615 1.1120 MS 1.3728 1.3434 1.3240 1.2894 1.2848 S Average Theta 1.3290 1.3118 1.2626 1.1792 1.2183 1.1830 1.0678 1.0835 1.3407 1.3192 1.2952 1.2454 1.2367 1.1699 1.1147 1.0978 0.4241 0.4166 0.4082 0.3908 0.3878 0.3644 0.3451 0.3392 Theta 0.4073 0.4009 0.3958 0.3854 0.3854 0.3665 0.3464 0.3386 Theta 0.4297 0.4176 0.4128 0.3925 0.3911 0.3678 0.3488 0.3381 9-03-96 9-03-96 FL Depth 0-20 NN N 1.3336 1.3160 1.3017 1.2608 1.2870 1.1920 1.1069 1.1332 MN 1.3464 1.3396 1.3262 1.2983 1.2788 MS 1.2794 1.3205 1.2736 1.2861 S Average 1.3034 1.3281 1.3145 1.0851 1.0750 1.3157 1.3261 1.3040 1.2326 1.2136 1.0850 1.0779 1.1278 0.9779 1.0489 1.1224 Theta 0.4153 0.4190 0.4113 0.3863 0.3797 0.3348 0.3323 0.3497 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.0036 1.0004 1.0122 1.0009 0.9441 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 9-10-96 FL N MN MS Depth 0-20 1.2714 1.2638 1.2091 1.2808 1.2936 1.2972 20-40 1.2440 1.2852 1.2651 40-60 1.2420 1.2596 1.2390 60-90 1.2545 1.2688 90-120 120-150 1.2004 150-180 1.0921 180-210 1.1316 9-17-96 FL MN MS N Depth 0-20 1.2891 1.2661 1.1593 1.2099 1.2868 1.2508 20-40 40-60 1.2170 1.2569 1.2374 1.2185 1.2556 1.2140 60-90 1.2509 1.2688 90-120 120-150 1.2039 150-180 1.1065 180-210 1.1210 S Average 1.2616 1.2818 1.3000 1.0679 1.0646 0.9811 1.0584 1.1065 1.2515 1.2884 1.2736 1.2021 1.1960 1.0908 1.0753 1.1191 S 1.2432 1.2644 1.2879 1.0664 1.0709 0.9732 1.0676 1.1000 Average 1.2394 1.2530 1.2498 1.1886 1.1969 1.0886 1.0871 1.1105 Theta 0.3929 0.4058 0.4006 0.3757 0.3735 0.3368 0.3314 0.3467 9-10-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 Theta 0.3887 0.3934 0.3923 0.3710 0.3738 0.3360 0.3355 0.3437 9-17-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 9-30-96 FL Depth 0-20 N MN 1.3028 1.2824 1.3245 1.3250 1.3103 1.2777 1.0827 1.2721 1.0727 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 0.9798 150-180 1.1810 180-210 1.1144 MS 1.3400 1.3212 1.3111 1.3086 1.2805 Average 1.3387 1.3429 1.2900 1.2361 1.2170 1.1797 1.1172 1.1356 1.3160 1.3284 1.2973 1.2249 1.1901 1.0798 1.1491 1.1250 Theta 0.4154 0.4198 0.4089 0.3836 0.3715 0.3329 0.:3.5"7-2 0.3488 9-30-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 0.9598 0.9938 1.0001 0.9939 0.9365 NN 1.0125 0.9692 0.9872 0.9688 0.9413 NN 0.9340 0.9386 0.9740 0.9884 0.9464 N 1.2929 1.2590 1.2293 1.1822 1.1736 1.1410 1.1648 1.1062 MS 1.3735 1.3312 1.3151 1.2748 1.2932 S Average 1.3289 1.3143 1.2446 1.1689 1.1880 1.1853 1.0548 1.0861 1.3318 1.3015 1.2630 1.2086 1.2183 1.1632 1.1098 1.0962 N 1.2130 1.1812 1.1658 1.1345 1.1274 1.1358 1.1419 1.1098 MS 1.3504 1.3227 1.2946 1.2792 1.2468 S Average 1.2824 N 1.1478 1.1446 1.0994 1.0605 1.1038 1.0989 1.1436 1.0851 MS 1.3092 1.2971 1.2771 1.2547 1.2336 1.2837 1.2223 1.2285 1.1812 1.2027 1.1882 1.0755 1.0744 1.2421 1.2296 1.1983 1.1923 1.1620 1.1087 1.0921 S Average 1.2269 1.2358 1.2369 1.1756 1.1852 1.1781 1.0672 1.0777 1.2280 1.2258 1.2045 1.1636 1.1742 1.1385 1.1054 1.0814 Theta 0.4210 0.4104 0.3969 0.3780 0.3813 0.3621 0.3434 0.3387 Theta 0.4037 0.3896 0.3853 0.3743 0.3723 0.3617 0.3431 0.3373 Theta 0.3847 0.3840 0.3765 0.3622 0.3659 0.3535 0.3419 0.3335 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 10-29-96 FL Average S MS N MN Depth 1.3495 1.3502 0-20 1.3681 1.3666 1.3165 1.3392 1.3478 20-40 1.3464 1.3373 1.3252 1.2323 1.3146 1.2919 1.3175 1.2891 40-60 1.1064 1.2067 1.1861 1.2841 1.2501 60-90 1.0805 1.1941 90-120 1.2228 1.2790 0.9712 1.0651 120-150 1.1590 1.0678 1.0856 150-180 1.1034 180-210 12-16-96 FL Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1260 MS N MN 1.3767 1.4026 1.3386 1.3603 1.3650 1.3295 1.3611 1.3389 1.3171 1.3143 1.3183 1.3024 1.2257 1.3255 1.1635 1.0908 1.1428 1-16-97 FL MS MN N Depth 1.3610 1.3672 1.3102 0-20 1.3455 1.3550 1.3255 20-40 1.3456 1.3472 1.3234 40-60 1.3181 1.3434 1.3057 60-90 1.3157 1.3652 90-120 120-150 1.2397 150-180 1.1899 180-210 1.1923 1.1001 1.1131 Theta 0.4274 0.4235 0.4060 0.3773 0.3729 0.3278 0.3350 0.3446 S Average Theta 1.3941 1.3726 1.3461 1.1171 1.0626 0.9671 1.1646 1.1736 1.3780 1.3569 1.3408 1.2630 1.2046 1.0653 1.1277 1.1582 0.4371 0.4297 0.4241 0.3969 0.3765 0.3279 0.3497 0.3603 S Average 1.3418 1.3467 1.3241 1.0950 1.0690 1.3451 1.3432 1.3351 1.2656 1.2500 1.1095 1.1880 1.2493 0.9792 1.1861 1.3063 Theta 0.4256 0.4249 0.4221 0.3978 0.3924 0.3433 0.3707 0.3922 10-29-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 12-16-96 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1-16-97 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1493 1.0811 0.9782 0.9788 0.9440 NN 1.2088 1.1596 1.1633 1.1557 0.9916 NN 1.1673 1.1623 1.1675 1.1484 1.0294 S 1.3151 1.2731 1.1569 1.1439 1.1867 1.1310 1.0753 1.0622 Average MS 1.3654 1.3647 1.3425 1.3185 1.3324 S Average 1.3724 1.3563 1.3336 1.3048 1.2522 1.1687 1.0679 1.0970 1.3618 1.3607 1.3358 1.3099 1.2688 1.1531 1.1142 1.1149 MS 1.3399 1.3236 S Average 1.3490 1.3360 1.3241 1.3034 1.2915 1.2151 1.1078 1.2392 1.3359 1.3265 1.3239 1.3156 1.3070 1.2105 1.1466 1.2030 N 1.2904 1.2482 1.0582 1.0356 1.0988 1.0846 1.1210 1.0729 MS N 1.3475 1.3612 1.3313 1.3065 1.2219 1.1374 1.1604 1.1327 N 1.3188 1.3198 1.3084 1.3014 1.2975 1.2058 1.1853 1.1668 1.3531 1.2788 1.2662 1.2205 1.1884 1.3391 1.3421 1.3320 1.3195 1.2667 1.1604 1.1333 1.1580 1.1078 1.0982 1.0676 Theta 0.4167 0.3982 0.3611 0.3517 0.3603 0.3427 0.3394 0.3287 Theta 0.4314 0.4311 0.4224 0.4133 0.3990 0.3585 0.3450 0.3452 Theta 0.4224 0.4191 0.4182 0.4153 0.4123 0.3786 0.3563 0.3760 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 3-18-97 FL Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 N 1.3716 1.3600 1.3382 1.3200 1.3258 1.2488 1.1710 1.1839 MN 1.3762 1.3741 1.3556 1.3410 1.3647 MS 1.3094 1.3370 1.3203 1.3390 S Average 1.3399 1.3389 1.3378 1.1210 1.1964 1.0342 1.1920 1.3841 1.3493 1.3525 1.3380 1.2803 1.2956 1.1415 1.1815 1.2840 3-18-97 Theta 0.4271 0.4282 0.4231 0.4030 0.4083 0.3545 0.3685 0.4043 MI Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1952 1.1820 1.1550 1.1518 1.1066 N 1.3322 1.3587 1.3453 1.3198 1.2991 1.2182 1.2050 1.1686 MS 1.3714 1.3499 1.3510 1.3476 1.3515 S Average 1.3625 1.3445 1.3297 1.2936 1.2958 1.2297 1.2424 1.2419 1.3554 1.3510 1.3420 1.3203 1.3155 1.2240 1.2237 1.2053 Theta 0.4292 0.4277 0.4245 0.4170 0.4153 0.3833 0.3832 0.3768 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 7-19-96 7-19-96 PA PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 0.9384 0.9144 0.9563 1.0413 0.9952 W 1.0856 1.0763 1.0957 1.1202 1.0409 Average 1.0120 0.9954 1.0260 1.0808 1.0181 Theta 0.3093 0.3035 0.3142 0.3333 0.3114 N 1.1316 1.0698 1.1485 1.1801 1.1667 1.0711 1.1261 0.9961 1.0286 1.0247 1.0480 MS 0.9728 0.9150 0.9081 0.9691 1.0303 1.0837 S Average 0.9437 0.9556 0.9577 0.9817 1.0523 1.0168 1.0214 1.0643 1.0542 1.0473 1.0258 1.0480 1.0237 1.0295 1.0268 Theta 0.3234 0.3110 0.3126 0.3275 0.3240 0.3216 0.3141 0.3219 PB E 1.2457 1.1822 1.1832 1.1669 1.1060 W 1.2123 1.2073 1.2040 1.1738 1.0796 Average 1.2290 1.1948 1.1936 1.1704 1.0928 Theta 0.3851 0.3731 0.3727 0.3646 0.3375 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.3606 1.3225 1.3039 1.2710 1.2010 N 1.1881 1.1860 1.1729 1.1729 1.0280 1.0233 1.0667 MS 1.2221 NN 1.2360 1.2664 N 1.1506 1.1649 1.1722 1.1646 MS 1.0509 1.1071 1.1150 1.1347 1.1171 1.1851 1.1785 1.1498 1.1646 S Average 1.2570 1.2381 1.1759 1.1967 1.1732 1.1720 1.1189 1.2224 1.2031 1.1758 1.1731 1.1219 1.0977 1.0928 S Average 1.0970 1.0994 1.1040 1.1285 1.0799 1.0299 1.0649 1.0995 1.1238 1.1304 1.1426 1.0704 1.0300 1.0440 Theta 0.3828 0.3760 0.3665 0.3656 0.3477 0.3392 0.3375 8-06-96 8-06-96 PB PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1612 1.1269 7-30-96 7-30-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 1.0595 1.0960 1.1143 1.1563 1.0800 W 1.1265 1.1558 1.1763 1.1548 1.0755 Average 1.0930 1.1259 1.1453 1.1556 1.0778 Theta 0.3376 0.3491 0.3558 0.3594 0.3323 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.2531 1.2552 1.0141 1.0301 1.0231 Theta 0.3398 0.3483 0.3506 0.3549 0.3297 0.3156 0.3205 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 8-08-96 PA E W Average Theta Depth 1.0104 1.1104 1.0604 0.3262 0-20 20-40 1.0642 1.1385 1.1014 0.3405 40-60 1.1073 1.1547 1.1310 0.3508 1.1587 1.1557 1.1616 0.3605 60-90 0.3260 1.0626 1.0572 1.0599 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-13-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 NN 1.2188 1.2650 1.2607 1.2462 N 1.1451 1.1461 1.1621 1.1572 1.0117 1.0103 1.0354 MS 1.0336 1.0655 1.0915 1.1233 1.1096 S Average 1.0619 1.0887 1.0750 1.1197 1.0692 1.0399 1.0437 1.0802 1.1001 1.1095 1.1334 1.0635 Average 1.1286 1.0251 1.0396 Theta 0.3331 0.3401 0.3433 0.3517 0.3273 0.3139 0.3189 8-13-96 PB E 1.1006 1.0653 1.0796 1.1404 1.0355 1.0908 W 1.1484 1.1645 1.1527 1.1603 1.0676 1.1431 Average 1.1245 1.1149 1.1162 1.1504 1.0516 1.1170 Theta 0.3486 0.3452 0.3457 0.3576 0.3231 0.3459 180-210 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1570 1.2139 1.2219 1.2137 1.1671 N 1.1867 1.1752 1.1625 1.1633 1.0111 1.0263 1.0188 1.0531 MS 1.0052 1.0206 1.0297 1.1098 1.0889 1.0884 S N 1.1568 1.1601 1.1556 1.1563 1.0074 1.0246 MS 1.0690 1.1294 1.0864 1.0864 1.0775 1.0875 S Average 1.1728 1.1694 1.1610 1.1687 1.1001 1.0644 1.0458 1.0299 1.1334 1.1634 1.1498 1.1526 1.0855 1.0445 1.0315 1.0446 1.1656 1.1758 1.1488 1.1503 1.0843 1.0471 1.0496 1.0122 1.1464 1.1407 1.1593 1.0879 1.0367 1.0342 1.0327 Theta 0.3500 0.3562 0.3542 0.3607 0.3358 0.3179 0.3170 0.3165 8-16-96 8-16-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-08-96 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 1.0381 1.0289 1.0507 1.1240 1.0424 1.0843 W Average 1.1429 1.1476 1.1255 1.1433 1.0656 1.1403 1.0905 1.0883 1.0881 1.1337 1.0540 1.1123 Theta 0.3367 0.3359 0.3359 0.3518 0.3240 0.3443 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1350 1.1945 1.1961 1.1988 1.1569 11 .Vn .1 /in4 1.0593 Theta 0.3517 0.3621 0.3574 0.3584 0.3349 0.3206 0.3161 0.3207 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 8-19-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 0.9809 1.0006 1.0267 1.1249 1.0292 1.0950 W 1.1179 1.1250 1.1582 1.1282 1.0516 1.1243 Average 1.0494 1.0628 1.0925 1.1266 1.0404 1.1097 Theta 0.3224 0.3270 0.3374 0.3493 0.3192 0.3434 8-27-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 8-19-96 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.1203 1.1747 1.1837 1.2089 1.1478 N 1.1610 1.1459 1.1456 1.1372 1.0045 1.0187 1.0213 1.0438 MS 1.0692 1.1097 1.1221 1.1152 1.0864 1.0869 N S Average 1.1318 1.1373 1.1307 1.1335 1.0846 1.0363 1.0467 0.9853 1.1206 1.1419 1.1455 1.1487 1.0808 1.0275 1.0340 1.0146 MS 0.9706 1.0100 1.0084 1.0550 1.0572 1.0807 S Average 1.0152 1.0327 1.0294 1.0651 1.0692 1.0353 1.0310 1.0020 1.0530 1.0784 1.0784 1.1145 1.0699 1.0222 1.0243 1.0304 MS 1.0541 1.0878 1.0952 1.1174 1.1085 1.0912 S Average 1.0869 1.0705 1.1000 1.0920 1.1237 1.0975 1.0651 Theta 0.3472 0.3547 0.3559 0.3570 0.3333 0.3147 0.3170 0.3102 8-27-96 PB E 0.9544 0.9659 1.0077 1.0786 1.0133 1.0761 W 1.0905 1.0840 1.1080 1.1020 1.0532 1.1455 Average 1.0225 1.0250 1.0579 1.0903 1.0333 1.1108 Theta 0.3129 0.3138 0.3253 0.3366 0.3167 0.3438 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 9-03-96 9-03-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 PB Depth 0-20 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN E W 0.9361 0.9543 1.0510 1.0531 1.0797 1.1188 1.0456 1.1330 0.9806 1.0510 1.0107 1.0986 Average 0.9936 1.0037 1.0302 1.0849 1.0282 1.1158 Theta 0.3028 0.3064 0.3156 0.3347 0.3149 0.3455 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.0820 1.1353 1.1630 1.1952 1.1561 1.1441 1.1356 1.1129 1.1427 0.9972 1.0090 1.0176 1.0587 NN 1.2689 1.2531 1.2430 1.2378 1.1740 N 1.1775 1.1793 1.1748 1.1723 0.9997 1.0180 1.0321 1.0368 1.1121 1.0887 1.1300 1.0864 1.0390 1.0459 0.9823 0.5230 0.4912 Theta 0.3236 0.3325 0.3325 0.3451 0.3295 0.3128 0.3136 0.3157 Theta 0.3297 0.3400 0.3372 0.3483 0.3391 0.3278 0.1385 0.1274 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 9-10-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 9-17-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 0.9154 0.9397 0.9664 1.0420 0.9845 1.0829 W 1.0121 1.0359 1.0370 1.0939 1.0520 1.1202 Average 0.9638 0.9878 1.0017 1.0680 1.0183 1.1016 Theta 0.2924 0.3008 0.3057 0.3288 0.3115 0.3406 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1686 1.2233 1.2043 1.2284 1.1523 S Average 1.0216 1.0361 1.0477 1.0584 1.0704 1.0418 1.0296 0.9969 1.0569 1.0651 1.0694 1.0935 1.0541 1.0517 0.6835 0.6789 S Average 1.0454 1.0105 1.0335 1.0381 1.0330 1.0276 1.0333 0.9846 1.0632 1.0416 1.0515 1.0774 1.0295 1.0352 0.6801 MS S Average 0.9404 0.9477 0.9485 0.9569 0.9692 0.9865 1.0106 1.0195 1.0704 1.0029 1.0418 1.0096 1.0242 0.9797 1.0179 1.0391 1.0440 1.0728 1.0472 1.0059 1.0174 1.0147 N 1.1332 1.1531 1.1368 1.1393 1.0098 1.0087 1.0209 1.0397 MS 1.0160 1.0061 1.0236 1.0828 1.0822 1.1046 N 1.1498 1.1401 1.1319 1.1346 0.9917 1.0023 1.0071 1.0508 MS 0.9945 0.9741 0.9892 N 1.0941 1.1056 1.0983 1.1022 Theta 0.3250 0.3278 0.3293 0.3378 0.3240 0.3232 0.1946 0.1930 9-17-96 PB E 0.9632 0.9295 0.9668 1.0106 0.9798 1.0962 W 1.0528 1.0290 1.0362 1.0749 1.0279 1.1285 Average 1.0080 0.9793 1.0015 1.0428 1.0039 1.1124 Theta 0.3079 0.2979 0.3056 0.3200 0.3064 0.3443 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.1670 1.1821 1.1925 1.1877 1.1430 1.0595 1.0637 1.0757 0.6785 Theta 0.3272 0.3196 0.3231 0.3321 0.3154 0.3174 0.1934 0.1928 9-30-96 9-30-96 PA Depth 9-10-96 PB Depth 0-20 E 0.9069 0.9180 0.9327 0.9920 0.9413 1.0829 W 0.9471 0.9539 0.9826 1.0456 1.0334 1.1294 Average 0.9270 0.9360 0.9577 1.0188 0.9874 1.1062 Theta 0.2796 0.2827 0.2903 0.3117 0.3007 0.3422 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.0802 1.1338 1.1427 1.1756 1.1348 0.9927 1.0022 1.0106 1.0496 Theta 0.3114 0.3187 0.3205 0.3305 0.3216 0.3072 0.3112 0.3102 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 10-29-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 12-16-96 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1-16-97 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 1.0255 0.9648 0.9352 0.9704 0.9263 1.0620 E 1.1621 1.1986 1.1777 1.1792 1.1192 1.1186 W 1.1148 1.0101 0.9170 0.9766 1.0113 1.1129 W 1.1884 1.1795 1.1822 1.1664 1.1246 1.1855 Average 1.0702 0.9875 0.9261 0.9735 0.9688 1.0875 Average 1.1753 1.1891 1.1800 1.1728 1.1219 1.1521 Theta 0.3296 0.3007 0.2793 0.2958 0.2942 0.3356 Theta 0.3663 0.3711 0.3679 0.3654 0.3477 0.3582 10-29-96 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 12-16-96 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 S Average 1.1104 1.0507 0.9695 0.9838 1.0016 0.9951 1.0251 1.1188 1.0506 1.0105 1.0080 0.9836 MS 1.1168 1.1852 1.1673 1.1673 1.1472 S Average 1.1944 1.2039 1.1884 1.1792 1.1065 1.1663 1.1108 1.0688 1.1623 1.1891 1.1745 1.1670 1.0886 1.0922 1.0724 1.0659 MS 1.1111 1.1583 1.1832 1.1434 1.1654 S Average 1.1764 1.1689 1.1702 1.1702 1.1495 1.1574 1.1050 1.0840 1.1521 1.1649 1.1757 1.1548 1.1152 1.0982 1.0727 1.0793 N 1.1600 1.1403 1.1197 1.0909 0.9752 0.9920 1.0226 MS 1.0861 0.9609 0.9424 0.9493 0.9740 NN 1.3501 1.3180 1.3162 1.2971 1.2523 N 1.1756 1.1781 1.1678 1.1545 1.0122 1.0181 1.0340 1.0630 NN N 1.1689 1.1675 1.1736 1.1509 1.0308 1.0390 1.0404 1.0746 NN 1.2821 1.2226 1.1214 1.1330 1.1275 0.9936 1.0239 Theta 0.3466 0.3228 0.3088 0.3079 0.2994 0.3028 0.3134 Theta 0.3618 0.3711 0.3660 0.3634 0.3361 0.3373 0.3304 0.3281 1-16-97 PB E 1.1126 1.1558 1.1626 1.1852 1.0973 1.1257 W 1.1728 1.1806 1.1997 1.1617 1.1215 1.1867 Average 1.1427 1.1682 1.1812 1.1735 1.1094 1.1562 Theta 0.3549 0.3638 0.3684 0.3657 0.3433 0.3596 Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 1.3381 1.2933 1.3365 1.3007 Theta 0.3582 0.3627 0.3664 0.3592 0.3453 0.3394 0.3305 0.3328 Table D-3. Medford Station soil water data (continued). 3-18-97 PA Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 E 1.1454 1.2034 1.1729 1.1589 1.0930 1.1551 W 1.1879 1.2070 1.1979 1.1589 1.1242 Average 1.1667 1.2052 1.1854 1.1589 1.1086 Theta 0.3633 0.3768 0.3698 0.3606 0.3430 3-18-97 PB Depth 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-90 90-120 120-150 150-180 180-210 NN 1.3392 1.3475 1.3369 1.3148 N 1.1919 1.1803 1.1887 1.1682 1.0333 1.0537 1.0678 1.0709 MS 1.1495 1.1947 1.1858 1.1649 1.1590 S Average 1.2019 1.2242 1.1763 1.1804 1.1616 1.1588 1.0693 1.0912 1.1811 1.1997 1.1836 1.1712 1.1180 1.1063 1.0686 1.0811 Theta 0.3683 0.3748 0.3692 0.3649 0.3463 0.3422 0.3290 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station: V (ml) MIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0.13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 252 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 250 0.12 1120 0.11 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 MIS 2 3 1 1 MIM 2 0 3 3 0 Well 2 0 2 0 1 8-8-95 PBS PBN Date Br ((4 /m1) 1 Well Rb (p.g /m1) Blue dye(pg /ml) 8-26-95 V (m1) Br ((ps /m1) Rb (lig /ml) Blue dye(vg /ml) 9-17-95 V (m1) Br ((jig /ml) Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(pg /ml) 10-5-95 V (ml) Br ((.4 /m1) Rb (pg /ml) 0.15 0.21 Blue dye(pg /ml) 11-3-95 V (mL) Br (ppm) Rb (ppm) Blue dye(ppm) 11-28-95 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (11g /m1) Blue dye(pg /ml) 155 1.27 125 57 75 1.63 90 2.64 150 1.08 2.72 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 0.42 225 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 0.29 0 0 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): 3 0.085 0.023 0.012 50 2.35 0.052 70 12-20-95 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /ml) 0 1-24-96 V (m1) Br ((pg /ml) 2700 1350 3500 10.71 3.01 12.41 Rb (pg /m1) 0.001 0.003 flood 25.17 0 800 9.91 MIM MIN Well PBS 225 3.75 PBN Date 255 795 5.17 2.46 0.221 0.004 460 3.92 0.281 1520 125 0 0.68 0.017 Well MIS 180 65 0.66 0.012 0.92 0.022 0 0 25 375 700 1500 1.98 1.13 0.59 50 0.63 0.005 0.165 0.004 0 0.003 flood flood flood flood flood flood flood 1.84 5.06 5.51 7.58 1.18 mix= 0.006 mix= 0.004 flood flood flood flood flood flood flood 6.28 6.47 9.9 1.91 mix= 2.77 0.009 mix= 0.009 flood flood flood flood flood flood flood flood 11.54 2.28 0.002 0.06 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.004 19800 27500 26500 22600 3500 5150 11.18 21 0.007 0.01 1520 2000 1.61 2.47 3.86 0.025 0.004 0.004 1.3 750 0.66 0.002 4000 8.69 0.003 0.001 flood flood flood flood flood flood flood 25.46 24.88 14.25 14.65 19.85 5.73 1.85 1.71 0.6 0.89 0.005 Blue dye(pg /ml) 2-27-96 V (ml) Br ((pg /ml) Rb (pg /m1) 1.29 1.04 1.42 Blue dye(pg /ml) 4-4-96 flood V (ml) flood 19.43 flood 18.92 19.07 Br ((pg /m1) Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /ml) mix= 0.012 flood flood flood 5-20-96 V (ml) flood flood flood flood flood 13.82 15.92 18.56 6.44 3.03 mix= 0.009 0.013 flood flood flood flood 3.95 Br Wig /ml) 0.005 Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1)0.09 5-29-96 V (ml) Br ((4 /m1) Rb /m1) Blue dye(pg /ml) 12500 2.74 3.51 0.008 0.005 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.004 0.06 0.002 0.06 0.006 0.06 15000 15000 24300 20300 28500 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.05 0.05 43500 16300 7.49 3.16 0.004 0.05 7.21 49000 48000 47000 0.002 0.003 0.05 0.05 1.67 2.2 2.22 mix= 0.006 0.008 0.05 2.04 0.04 2.69 0.06 2.27 0.06 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): Date 7-1-96 PBN V (m1) 800 26.64 0.004 Br ((lig /m1) Rb (jig /ml) Blue dye(pg /m0 0.04 7-25-96 V (m1) 0 0.004 0.09 730 23.41 0.005 0.04 0.005 0.06 0 0 0 1000 23.5 1200 14.14 PBS 1150 Well 1600 7000 55.45 Br (( /m1) 0.004 Rb (lig /m1) Blue dye(p.g /m1)0.58 2500 52.11 0.005 0.41 2500 63.64 Br ((vtg /m1) 0.006 Rb (p.g /ml) Blue dye(p.g /m1)0.61 2700 66.47 0.007 V (m1) 0 2000 48.77 0.004 0.22 0.04 0.05 0 0 650 960 22.42 13.06 11500 2000 3000 48.4 0.004 0.05 39.54 50.31 0.003 0.007 Br ((.1.g /ml) Rb ( /ml) Blue dye([tg /ml) 0 Well MIS 0 170 0 0 13.8 9.48 2400 7.32 3000 11.31 0.004 0.004 0 0 0 0 0 0 1600 14.45 0 0 0 680 0 0 0 0 0 8.34 8.90 0.004 8.80 1975 1830 0 3700 37.45 0.009 0.13 33.92 29.54 0.69 0.007 0.005 0.005 110 11.61 375 12.87 0.007 0.006 0.71 63.39 0.006 0.44 0.10 0.11 12.1 12.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1500 0 710 2.85 0.006 1.52 0.03 0.33 0 1 0 0 0 145 20.13 0.006 0.99 0 0 0 0 15.08 0.005 2.25 0 0 4.73 0.007 2.89 Br ((ttg /m1) /m1) Rb Blue dye(pg /m1) 8-27-96 V (m1) MIM 0 3.09 0.006 0.04 0.005 0.005 7-31-96 V (m1) 8-20-96 V (ml) 0 14.64 8.4 0.006 0.003 Br ((lig /m1) Rb ( /ml) Blue dye([1g /m1) 8-7-96 MIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9.34 0.005 0.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): Date 9-4-96 PBN V (ml) 0 0 Well PBS 0 0 0 0 0 0.009 0.66 Blue dye(lig /m1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 MIM 275 0 13.93 0.007 0.93 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 190 105 11.61 17.45 0 0 0.008 Blue dye(ag /m1) 1.92 0 0 0 0 0 0 Well 0 8.07 0.005 0.39 315 0 7.14 0.005 0.24 0 0 30 0 11.57 0.65 0 0 2200 400 260 36.05 29.76 30.46 4.91 0.222 0.084 Rb (.1g /m1) MIS 310 0 9.02 0.004 0.15 0 10.15 Rb (.1g /m1) 10-31-96 V (ml) Br ((ttg /m1) 0 12.18 Br ((pg /ml) Rb (pg /ml) 10-7-96 V (ml) Br ((4, /m1) MIN 0 Blue dye(tg /ml) 11-20-96 V (m1) Br ((4 /m1) Rb Gig /ml) Blue dye(lig /m1)0.93 12-16-96 V (m1) Br (( /m1) 44.37 19500 7400 6600 57.69 57.48 61.91 5.21 0.89 0.20 48.06 38800 39.81 25000 11600 8000 44.5 47.69 45.54 3.7 0.74 0.82 0.14 15100 8400 47.62 47.25 0.83 10000 7100 45.19 Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1)0.73 13400 11000 15000 7600 32.35 31.73 32.97 Br ((.tg /m1) Rb (lig /ml) 0.56 0.42 Blue dye(ig /m1)0.51 1-15-97 V (m1) 0.15 0.12 0.16 0.14 0.08 0.07 0 1.40 0.86 75 7.85 175 16.8 3.14 0.23 350 790 19.18 25.59 610 20.01 850 400 18.82 22.37 290 22.45 2000 490 2.79 2.47 1.53 0.07 0.05 0.02 0.23 3000 3800 32.47 2600 28.82 930 22.8 575 13.01 26.69 410 26.18 2900 425 850 15.35 15.06 14.27 2.54 1.6 1.32 1.01 0.05 0.07 0.01 0.13 3.05 11500 6000 6600 28.39 32.22 29.05 19.1 0.08 0 0 0.29 0.31 19.48 13.73 0.30 0.16 0.31 2.67 355 14.88 4.96 0.27 0.20 0.97 0.48 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): 1 8-8-95 8-26-95 FLM FLN Date FLS Well 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5000 4900 6900 6000 5000 1.12 1.16 1.12 6000 0.37 100 490 0.85 1025 0 600 0.33 0 260 0.64 850 0.65 350 0.34 8000 0.33 4000 0 0 sealed 46700 39500 0.33 0.31 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /m1) 22400 1.14 4550 0.87 6600 0.68 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) 0 0 0 0.76 1.11 Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /ml) 9-17-95 2100 0.94 0 V (ml) Br ((Ag /m1) Rb (p.g /ml) Blue dye(pg /mI) 0 0 (nil) Br Wig /m1) Rb (pg /m1) 20000 0.27 0 0 0 0 0 sealed 16500 0.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 sealed 7950 0 V (m1) Br ((pg /m1) 0 0 0.31 Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /mI) 10-5-95 1 1-3-95 V 0 0 Blue dye(pg /ml) 11-28-95 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(lig /ml) Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): Date 12-20-95 FLN V (ml) Br ((p.g /m1) 0 0 0 0 330 0.53 0.005 320 0.65 0.004 340 0.98 0.006 360 0.46 0.004 800 0.56 0.005 1500 0.85 0.005 sealed flood 5.66 flood 3.59 mix= flood 3.47 0.002 flood 5.66 flood flood flood 9.73 8.13 0.005 flood 3.39 mix= flood 3.73 0.003 flood flood 10.06 12.27 mix= flood 4.06 0.004 0.11 flood 4.04 0.006 0.12 flood 10.29 0.004 0.05 flood Br ((pg /m1) Rb (lig /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1) flood 6.91 0.005 0.06 V (m1) 18000 10300 10000 31600 V (m1) Br ((lig /m1) Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1) 2-27-96 sealed 0.056 415 0.63 0.004 1.2 Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /ml) 1-24-96 FLM 42 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (pg /m1) mix= FLS 18900 13.02 0.003 26100 Well 11690 18.27 0.005 13000 10.19 0.005 2.92 0.002 mix= flood 4.45 0.004 4.54 0.007 flood 4.86 mix= flood 4.76 0.002 flood 4.73 0.005 0.09 flood 4.23 0.004 0.06 46500 30000 10.96 0.003 flood 5.43 Blue dye(pg /ml) 4-4-96 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (lig /m1) flood 6.91 flood 9.53 0.004 flood flood 0.004 0.05 flood 9.98 0.004 0.05 35900 60600 sealed 5.7 0.012 Blue dye(pg /ml) 5-20-96 5-29-96 V (m1) Br ((p.g /m1) Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(pg /ml) 12.09 6.04 0.009 0.11 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): Date 7-1-96 7-25-96 7-31-96 8-7-96 8-20-96 V (ml) Br ((ug /m1) Rb (lig /ml) Blue dye(pg /m1) 20300 6.39 0.004 0.05 FLN 2500 4.55 0.005 0.05 V (ml) Br ((lig /m1) Rb (lig /m1) Blue dye(tig /m1) 0 0 V (m1) 0 Br ((iig /m1) Rb (lig /m1) Blue dye(p.g /m1) 7200 14.97 0.004 0.17 V (ml) Br ((,ig /m1) Rb (gig /ml) Blue dye(pg /m1) 55500 22.04 0.004 0.10 3500 V (m1) 0 4.71 0.003 0.10 6000 4.69 0.003 0.06 FLM 6500 7.02 0.003 0.06 0 0 0 2600 0.11 2700 22.04 0.005 0.05 0 0 19.5 0.006 Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(lig /m1) V (ml) Br ((lig /ml) /ml) Rb Blue dye(lig /ml) sealed 325 8.55 sealed 10000 3.27 0.006 2000 4.32 0.004 0 0 sealed 11000 10.07 0.006 0.13 8000 15000 19.04 7000 0 21.4 0.006 0.75 Br ((lig /m1) 8-27-96 0 0 0 0.006 0.76 6500 52.43 0.003 0.66 7100 46.56 0.005 0 0 0 12900 57.65 4.12 0.004 0.04 6300 8.84 0.004 0.10 0.004 155 Well FLS 25000 3.68 0.002 0.04 sealed 0.004 0.14 0.61 sealed 7000 18.02 0.004 0.26 15400 13.48 0.005 0.31 17.25 0.003 0.17 65.95 0.008 10.4 0 48.06 0.004 3.14 Table D-4. Volume and chemical concentration of percolate collected in PCAPS at the Medford Station (continued): Date 9-4-96 10-7-96 10-31-96 11-20-96 0.003 0.14 11.94 0.005 0.28 6100 24.82 0.001 0.29 FLM 7000 22.66 0.007 0.23 0 0 0 0 V (ml) Br ((1g /m1) Rb (pg /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1) 33900 FLN 2000 17.25 16.71 0.008 0.19 V (ml) Br ((pg /m1) Rb (Rg /m1) Blue dye(pg /m1) 0 V (ml) Br ((pg /ml) Rb (p.g /ml) Blue dye(pg /m1) 0 V (ml) Br ((ug /m1) 0 2000 7500 25.02 0.005 0.22 sealed 100 17.32 sealed 0 0 0 0 1-15-97 sealed 5100 4.64 Well 5500 11.61 0.004 0.20 6950 5.63 0.004 0.23 24.43 0.009 2.88 14.49 0.011 2.36 0 0.26 0 0 0 0 0 Rb (ug /ml) Blue dye(ug /m1) 12-16-96 11450 5.5 0.008 0.29 0.007 0.39 0 FLS 13050 12.77 0.004 0.27 sealed 7400 7200 10.45 17.6 17.88 0.22 0.24 0.84 100 160 Br ((p.g /m1) Rb (ug /m1) 34.93 35.47 10500 17.36 14500 19.03 17.76 Blue dye(pg /m1) 0.14 0.13 0.18 0.21 0.76 1100 V (m1) 0 0 0 0 V (m1) 100 125 225 145 Br ((vtg /m1) 22.71 16.7 36.02 580 34.4 30.07 8650 17.29 3200 33.87 17.69 16.64 Rb (pg /ml) Blue dye(ug /m1) 0.13 0.09 0.08 0.01 0.05 0.04 0.15 0.13 1.04