Learning Contract 1. Title of self-managed learning project: _____________________________ 2. Learner Name: _______________________________ 3. List of Modules you will study Module Title 1 2 3 4 5 NOTE: If you change your mind about which elective module to study, you can just change the contract later. 4. Describe what you expect to learn from studying the modules you listed above. Be specific, list the language skills you think you will practice and the cultural and historical knowledge you think you will get. 5. Deliverables – List each of the deliverables (presentations, papers, etc.) listed in the modules you are going to study. Then, check them off as you hand them in during the course. Deliverable Completion check I declare that I will do my best to study the modules listed above and to complete all deliverables. Learner signature Teacher signature Copyright Jacob E. Larsen 2008