Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics Volume 4, Issue 3, Article 51, 2003 THE HARDY-LANDAU-LITTLEWOOD INEQUALITIES WITH LESS SMOOTHNESS CONSTANTIN P. NICULESCU AND CONSTANTIN BUŞE U NIVERSITY OF C RAIOVA , D EPARTMENT OF M ATHEMATICS , C RAIOVA 200585, ROMANIA URL: W EST U NIVERSITY OF T IMISOARA , T IMISOARA 300223, ROMANIA Received 12 March, 2003; accepted 31 March, 2003 Communicated by S.S. Dragomir A BSTRACT. One proves Hardy-Landau-Littlewood type inequalities for functions in the Lipschitz space attached to a C0 -semigroup (or to a C0? -semigroup). Key words and phrases: Landau’s inequalities, C0 -semigroup, Lipschitz function. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 26D10, 47D06; Secondary 26A51. 1. I NTRODUCTION If a function and its second derivative are small, then the first derivative is small too. More precisely, for each p ∈ [1, ∞] and each of the intervals I = R+ or I = R, there is a constant Cp (I) > 0 such that if f : I → R is a twice differentiable function with f, D2 f ∈ Lp (I), then Df ∈ Lp (I) and 1/2 1/2 (1.1) kDf kLP ≤ Cp (I) kf kLp D2 f Lp . We make the convention to denote by Cp (I) the best constant for which the inequality (1.1) holds. ISSN (electronic): 1443-5756 c 2003 Victoria University. All rights reserved. Partially supported by CNCSIS Grant A3/2002. We are indebted to Sever S. Dragomir (Melbourne), Adrian Duma (Craiova) and Petru Jebelean (Timişoara) for many useful conversations which allowed us to improve our work in many respects. 031-03 2 C ONSTANTIN P. N ICULESCU AND C ONSTANTIN B U ŞE The investigation of such inequalities was initiated by E. Landau [17] in 1914. He considered the case p = ∞ and proved that √ C∞ (R+ ) = 2 and C∞ (R) = 2. In 1932, G.H. Hardy and J.E. Littlewood [12] proved (1.1) for p = 2, with best constants √ C2 (R+ ) = 2 and C2 (R) = 1. In 1935, G.H. Hardy, E. Landau and J.E. Littlewood [13] showed that Cp (R+ ) ≤ 2 for p ∈ [1, ∞) √ which yields Cp (R) ≤ 2 for p ∈ [1, ∞). Actually, Cp (R) ≤ 2. See Theorem 1.1 below. In 1939, A.N. Kolmogorov [16] showed that k k/n D f ∞ ≤ C∞ (n, k, R) kf k1−k/n (1.2) kDn f kL∞ L∞ L for functions f on R and 1 ≤ k < n (Dk denotes the kth derivative of f ). As above, C∞ (n, k, R) denote the best constant in (1.2). Their explicit formula was indicated also by A.N. Kolmogorov [16]. An excellent account on inequalities (1.1) (and their relatives) are to be found in the monograph of D. S. Mitrinović, J. E. Pečarić, and A. M. Fink [19]. All these results were extended to C0 -semigroups (subject to different restrictions) by R.R. Kallman and G.-C. Rota [15], E. Hille [14] and Z. Ditzian [5]. We shall consider here the case of stable C0 -semigroups on a Banach space E, i.e. of semigroups (T (t))t≥0 such that sup kT (t)k = M < ∞. t≥0 Theorem 1.1. Let (T (t))t≥0 be a stable C0 -semigroup on E, and let A : Dom(A) ⊂ E → E be its infinitesimal generator. Then for each n = 2, 3, . . . and each integer number k ∈ (0, n) there exists a constant K(n, k) > 0 such that for all f ∈ Dom(An ). √ Moreover, K(2, 1) = 2M in the case of semigroups, and K(2, 1) = M 2 in the case of groups. The other constants K(n, k) can be estimated by recursion. (1.3) ||Ak f || ≤ K(n, k)||An f ||k/n ||f ||1−k/n The aim of this paper is to prove similar inequalities with less smoothness assumptions, i.e. outside Dom (A2 ). See Theorem 2.1 below. The idea is to replace twice differentiability by the membership of the first differential to the Lipschitz class. In the simplest case our result is equivalent with the following fact: Let f : R → Rn be a differentiable bounded function, whose derivative is Lipschitz. Then Df is bounded and (1.4) kDf k2L∞ ≤ 2 kf kL∞ · kDf kLip . See Section 3 for details. An important question concerning the above inequalities is their significance. One possible physical interpretation of the inequality studied by Landau is as follows: Suppose that a mass m particle moves along a curve r = r(t), t ≥ 0, under the presence of a continuous force F, according to Newton’s Law of motion, mr̈ = F. If the entire evolution takes place in a ball BR (0), then the kinetic energy of the particle, m kṙk2 E= , 2 J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(3) Art. 51, 2003 H ARDY-L ANDAU -L ITTLEWOOD I NEQUALITIES 3 satisfies an estimate of the form 2R kFkL∞ , if the temporal interval is R+ E≤ R kFkL∞ , if the temporal interval is R, which relates the level of energy and the size of ambient space where motion took place. The same inequality of Landau reveals an obstruction concerning the extension properties of smooth functions outside a given compact interval I. Does there exist a constant C > 0 such that for each function f ∈ C 2 (I) there is a corresponding function F ∈ C 2 (R) such that F =f on I and sup |Dk F (x)| ≤ C sup |Dk f (x)| for k = 0, 1, 2 ? x∈R x∈I By assuming a positive answer, an immediate consequence would be the relation 0 2 2 00 sup|f (x)| ≤ 2C sup|f (x)| sup|f (x)| . x∈I x∈I x∈I Or, simple examples (such as that one at the end of section 3 below) show the impossibility of such a universal estimate. A recent paper by G. Ramm [21] describes still another obstruction derived from (1.1), concerning the stable approximation of f 0 . 2. TAYLOR ’ S F ORMULA AND THE E XTENSION OF THE H ARDY-L ANDAU -L ITTLEWOOD I NEQUALITY Throughout this section we shall deal with σ(E, X)-continuous semigroups of linear operators on a Banach space E, where X is a (norm) closed subspace of E ? which satisfies the following three technical conditions: S1) kxk = sup{|x? (x)|; x? ∈ X, kx? k = 1}. S2) The σ(E, X)-closed convex hull of every σ(E, X)-compact subset of E is σ(E, X)compact as well. S3) The σ(X, E)-closed convex hull of every σ(X, E)-compact subset of X is σ(X, E)compact as well. For example, these conditions are verified when X is the dual space of E or its predual (if any), so that our approach will include both the case of C0 -semigroups and of C0? -semigroups. See [3], Section 3.1.2, for details. (A, Dom(A)) will always denote the generator of such a semigroup T = (T (t))t≥0 . The Lipschitz space of order α ∈ (0, 1] attached to A is defined as the set Λα (A) of all x ∈ E such that kT (s)x − xk < ∞. kxkΛα = sup sα s>0 This terminology is (partly) motivated by the case of A = d/dt , with domain Dom(A) = {f ∈ L∞ (R); f is absolutely continuous and f 0 ∈ L∞ (R)}, which generates the C0? -semigroup of translations on L∞ (R) : T (t) f (s) = f (s + t), for every f ∈ L∞ (R). In this case, the elements of Λα (A) are the usual Lipschitz mappings f : R → C of order α (which are essentially bounded). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(3) Art. 51, 2003 4 C ONSTANTIN P. N ICULESCU AND C ONSTANTIN B U ŞE Coming back to the general case, notice that Z t (2.1) T (t)x = x + tAx + (T (s) − I)Ax ds, for x ∈ Dom(A) and t > 0 0 (possibly, in the weak? sense, if the given semigroup is C0? -continuous). In the classical approach, the remainder is estimated via “higher derivatives”, i.e. via A2 . In the framework of semigroups, we need the inequality Z t α+1 (T (s) − I)Ax ds ≤ t α + 1 kAxkΛα , 0 which works for every x ∈ Dom(A) with Ax ∈ Λα (A) and every t > 0. Then, from Taylor’s formula (2.1), we can infer immediately the relation (1 + kT (t)k) kxk tα + kAxkΛα , t α+1 for every x ∈ Dom(A) with Ax ∈ Λα (A) and every t > 0. Taking in the right-hand side the infimum over t > 0, we arrive at the following generalization of the Hardy-Landau-Littlewood inequality: kAxk ≤ Theorem 2.1. If (A, Dom(A)) is the generator of a C0 -(or of a C0? -) semigroup (T (t))t≥0 such that sup kT (t)k ≤ M < ∞, t≥0 then 1/(1+α) kAxk ≤ Msg (A) kxkα/(1+α) · kAxkΛα , α for every x ∈ Dom(A) with Ax ∈ Λ (A), where " 1/(1+α) α/(1+α) # α 1 1 + α Msg (A) = (1 + M )α/(1+α) + · . 1+α 1+α α In the case of (C0 - or C0? -continuous) groups of isometries, again by Taylor’s formula (2.1), Z 0 (2.2) T (−t)x = x − tAx + (T (s) − I)Axds, for x ∈ Dom(A) and t > 0 −t so that subtracting (2.2) from (2.1) we get (kT (t)k + kT (−t)k) kxk tα + kAxkΛα 2t α+1 which leads to a better constant in the Hardy-Landau-Littlewood inequality, more precisely, the bound Msg should be replaced by " 1/(1+α) α/(1+α) # α 1 1 + α Mg (A) = M α/(1+α) + · . 1+α 1+α α kAxk ≤ The problem of finding the best constants in the Hardy-Landau-Littlewood inequality is left open. Notice that even the best values of Cp (I), for 1 < p < ∞, are still unknown; an interesting conjecture concerning this particular case appeared in a paper by J.A. Goldstein and F. Räbiger [9], but only a little progress has been made since then. See [7]. The generalization of Taylor’s formula for higher order of differentiability is straightforward (and it allows us to extend A.N. Kolmogorov’s interpolating inequalities to the case of semigroups). J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(3) Art. 51, 2003 H ARDY-L ANDAU -L ITTLEWOOD I NEQUALITIES 5 Theorem 2.1 outlined the Sobolev-Lipschitz space of order 1 + α, W Λα (A) = {x ∈ Dom(A); Ax ∈ Λα (A)} . which can be endowed with the norm kxkW Λα = kxkW 1 + kAxkΛα . Clearly, Dom(A2 ) ⊂ W Λ1 (A) ⊂ D(A) and the following example shows that the above inclusions can be strict. Let X = C0 (R+ ) be the Banach space of all continuous functions f : R+ → R such that limt→∞ f (t) = 0 (endowed with the sup-norm). The generator of the translation semigroup on X is d A= with Dom(A) = {f ∈ X; f differentiable and f 0 ∈ X}. dt See [20]. Then we have Dom(A2 ) = {f ∈ Dom(A); f 00 ∈ X} and W Λ1 (A) = {f ∈ Dom(A); f 0 is a Lipschitz function}. 3. T HE I NEQUALITIES OF H ADAMARD When I is R+ or R, the following result (essentially due to J. Hadamard [11]) is a straightford ward consequence of Theorem 2 above, applied to the semigroup generated by dx on L∞ Rn (I) : Theorem 3.1. Let I be an interval and let f : I → Rn be a differentiable bounded function, whose derivative is Lipschitz, of order 1. Then f 0 is bounded and q 4 kf kL∞ `(I) 0 + kf kLip , if `(I) ≤ 4 kf kL∞ / kf 0 kLip `(I) 4 q q 0 kf kL∞ ≤ 2 kf kL∞ · kf 0 kLip , if `(I) ≥ 4 kf kL∞ / kf 0 kLip and I 6= R q 2 kf kL∞ · kf 0 kLip , if I = R. Furthermore, these inequalities are sharp. Here `(I) denotes the length of I. Proof. Of course, Theorem 3.1 admits a direct argument. Notice first that we can restrict ourselves to the case of real functions. According to our hypotheses, f 0 satisfies on I an estimate of the form |f 0 (t) − f 0 (s)| ≤ kf 0 kLip |t − s| where kf 0 kLip = kf 0 kΛ1 is the best constant for which this relation holds. As Z t 0 f (t) = f (a) + f (a)(t − a) + [f 0 (t) − f 0 (a)] dt, a we have Z t |f (t) − f (a) − f 0 (a)(t − a)| ≤ [f 0 (t) − f 0 (a)]dt a ≤ J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(3) Art. 51, 2003 1 0 kf kLip |t − a|2 2 6 C ONSTANTIN P. N ICULESCU AND C ONSTANTIN B U ŞE for every t, a ∈ I, t 6= a. The integrability is meant here in the sense of Henstock-Kurzveil [2], [10]. Consequently, |f (t) − f (a)| 1 0 + kf kLip |t − a| |t − a| 2 2 kf kL∞ 1 0 ≤ + kf kLip |t − a| |t − a| 2 |f 0 (a)| ≤ for every t, a ∈ I, t 6= a. Now, the problem is how much room is left to t. In the worse case, q i.e., when I is bounded and `(I) ≤ 4 kf kL∞ / kf 0 kLip , the infimum over t in the right side 4 kf kL∞ `(I) + kf 0 kLip . `(I) 4 q If I is unbounded, then the infimum is at most 2 kf kL∞ kf 0 kLip , or even q 2 kf kL∞ kf 0 kLip , hand is for I = R). In order to prove that the bounds indicated in Theorem 3.1 above are sharp it suffices to exhibit some appropriate examples. The critical case is that of bounded intervals, because for half-lines, as well as for R, the sharpness is already covered by Landau’s work. Restricting to the case of I = [0, 1], we shall consider the following example, borrowed from [4]. Let a ∈ [0, 4]. The function a at2 fa (t) = − + 2+ t − 1, t ∈ I = [0, 1] 2 2 verifies kfa kL∞ = 1, kfa0 kL∞ = 2 + a/2 and kfa0 kLip = a. As `(I) = 1, the relation given by Theorem 3.1 becomes a 2·1 1 2+ ≤ + a. 2 1 2 On the other hand, no estimate of the form q kf 0 kL∞ ≤ C kf kL∞ kf 0 kLip can work for all functions f ∈ C 2 (I), because, taking into account the case of the functions fa , we are led to a 2 2+ ≤ Ca for every a ∈ [0, 4] 2 a fact which contradicts the finiteness of C. 4. T HE C ASE OF N ONLINEAR S EMIGROUPS We shall discuss here the case of one of the most popular nonlinear semigroup of contractions, precisely, that generated by the p-Laplacian (p ∈ (2, ∞)), Au = ∆p u = div |∇u|p−2 · ∇u , (p ∈ (2, ∞)) acting on H = L2 (Ω) and having as its domain Dom(A) = u ∈ W01,p (Ω); ∆p u ∈ H . Here Ω denotes a bounded open subset of RN , with sufficiently smooth boundary. Put V = W01,p (Ω) and denote by j : V → H and j 0 : H → V 0 the canonical embeddings. J. Inequal. Pure and Appl. Math., 4(3) Art. 51, 2003 H ARDY-L ANDAU -L ITTLEWOOD I NEQUALITIES 7 Clearly, A is a dissipative operator. It is also maximal dissipative i.e., the image of IH − A equals H. In fact, let f ∈ H. Since A is dissipative, hemicontinuous and coercive as an operator from V into V 0 , it follows that Im A = V 0 , so that Im(j 0 j − A) = V 0 . Therefore the equation u − Au = f has a unique solution u ∈ V. This shows that u ∈ Dom(A) i.e., A is maximal dissipative and thus it generates a nonlinear semigroup of contractions on H. See [1]. Suppose there exists a positive constant C such that ||Ax||2H ≤ C||A2 x||H · ||x||H for every x ∈ Dom(A2 ). As ||Ax||V 0 = ||x||p−1 V , it would follow that 2(p−1) ||x||V ≤ C1 ||A2 x||H · ||x||H ≤ C2 ||A2 x||H · ||x||V i.e., ||x||2p−3 ≤ C2 ||A2 x||H for every x ∈ Dom(A2 ). Letting x = εy, where ε > 0 and V y ∈ Dom(A2 ), y 6= 0, we are led to 2 ε2p−3 ||y||2p−3 ≤ C2 ε(p−1) ||A2 y||H V 2 i.e., to ||y||2p−3 ≤ C2 ε(p−2) ||A2 y||H , which constitutes a contradiction for y fixed and ε small V enough. R EFERENCES [1] V. 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