Document 10702864

Vol. 37, No. 05
College of Journalism and Communications
Nov. 29, 2004
Kelly, Lamme, Felton
contribute to first public
relations encyclopedia
Kathleen Kelly, Meg Lamme, Jack
Felton, and
student Danny
Shipka contributed to the
Encyclopedia of
Public Relations,
the first of its
kind, published
earlier this
month by Sage
and edited by
Kathy Kelly
Robert Heath.
Bill McKeen and Tom Wolfe during the author’s visit to Gainesville in March 2000.
Kelly served on the editorial board.
She wrote
Wolfe acknowledges journalism chair
“Fund Raising”
In his new novel, I am Charlotte Simmons, Tom Wolfe thanks the
and “PhilanJournalism Department chair:
thropy,” and co“To Bill McKeen, journalism chairman, author of Highway 61, and a
authored eight
man with entree to the hotspots of undergraduate life, including ‘The
other entries: one
Swamp,’ a football stadium with a city throbbing beneath the grandwith Heath, one
with Shipka and
McKeen, who wrote the literary biography Tom Wolfe, has given
six with former
interviews to US News & World Report and
Meg Lamme
graduate stuNewsday about helping Wolfe research college life
dents at the University of Louisiana,
in Gainesville. Newsday also interviewed McKeen’s
daughter, Sarah, about taking the famous author to
Lamme contriba dinner party at her sorority house, Alpha Delta Pi.
uted an entry on
Jean Chance also spent time with Wolfe during
Lee K. Jaffe, head
his week in Gainesville.
of public relations
Jean Chance
for the Port Authority of New York in
the decades leading
Public Relations holds tribute to Jack Felton
to creation of the
Jack Felton
World Trade Center
The Department of Public Relations Advisory Council will hold a
tribute dinner to Jack Felton Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the Hilton UF
Conference Center.
Faculty who wish to attend should fill out a response form by
the open line
Nov. 29, 2004
Faculty present papers
at NCA Conference
Chance discusses
access legislation
Lynda Lee Kaid presented five papers earlier this
month at the National Communication Association
(NCA) Conference in Chicago:
• “Political Information Efficacy and Young Voters,”
which received a Top Paper award from the Political
Communication Division.
• “Specific Event Agenda Setting”
• “The Effects of VideoStyle, WebStyle, and
Lynda Kaid
NewsStyle in Male and Female Candidate Communication”
• “Political Advertising,” which was presented as part of a panel on Political Communication Research in the New Millennium, organized to honor
the publication of the new Handbook of Political Communication Research (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004), which Kaid edited.
• “Political Advertising and Responses of Young
Voters: Comparison of Traditional Television
and Internet Messages,” co-authored with
Monica Postelnicu.
Kaid also participated in a panel, “Dialogue
on Research in Political Communication: A
Campaign 2004 Debriefing.”
Spiro Kiousis presented “Before and After:
Examining the Precursors and Outcomes of
Jennifer Robinson presented “Strategic
Spiro Kiousis
Communication of Environmental Activist
Groups and Corporations during a Corporate Campaign,” co-authored with
Bruce Berger of the University of Alabama.
Sandra Chance recently discussed “Access in an Age of Terrorism” at the national Legislative
Research Librarians’ professional
development seminar in Tallahassee. National Conference of State
Legislatures members also attended.
She focused on recent legislative
and administrative changes to
freedom of information laws and
the challenges these new restrictions pose to gathering, storing,
retrieving and understanding information.
Williams’s civil rights piece
accepted by radio journal
Julian Williams’ “Black Radio and Civil Rights:
Birmingham 1956-1963” was accepted for publication
in the Spring 2005 issue of the Journal of Radio Studies.
Gazette: The International
Journal for Communication
Studies recently accepted “The
Development of Cable Television
in East Asian Countries: A Comparative Analysis of Determinants”
by doctoral student Goro Oba
and Sylvia Chan-Olmsted.
Sylvia Chan-Olmsted
class heads to
Peg Hall recently took her
class, Public
Relations and
to Washington, D.C.
They visited
the National
Center for
Peg Hall
Statistics at the
Urban Institute, the United Nations
Foundation and other places.
Julian Williams
Dec. 2-3: Public Relations
Advisory Council
Dec. 8: Classes end
Dec. 9-10: Reading Days
Dec. 11-17: Exams
Dec. 18: Commencement
Dec. 20: Grades due
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve
the open line
Nov. 29, 2004
Jim Murry’s widow, Linda McCoy Murray presents a couple of her husband’s books
to librarian Patrick Reakes in the Neuharth Library on Nov. 23. Journalism student
Jeff Lippman just won a $5,000 scholarship from the Jim Murray Foundation. Murry,
the Pulitzer Prize winning Los Angeles Times sports columnist, was a founder at Sports
Cingular experience
for Uvote2004 students
Led by Lynda Lee Kaid,
Uvote2004 students Jessica Lokaj,
Abby Hendren, Jennifer Ambler,
Monica Postelnicu, Drew Bagley,
Camilla Hostrup Larsen, Kristen
Landreville and Sarah Urriste
recently participated in Cingular
Wireless’ Election Connection
They shot photos with their
camera phone, and text messaged a
brief story or caption to a mobile
Web log,
the open line
seeks submissions
the open line is usually
published on the Monday following
a payday, except during the summer
and holiday periods. It can be
accessed on the Web at
Deadline for submitting news (to
the Dean’s Office) is the Wednesday
before the Monday of publication.
Boaz Dvir serves as editor, and
Olivia Jeffries coordinates
Please send all news items to Thank you.