WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? Paul Baum Penn State Texas A&M University College Station, Texas, USA April 2, 2014 Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 1 / 56 Let X be a compact C ∞ manifold without boundary. X is not required to be oriented. X is not required to be even dimensional. On X let δ : C ∞ (X, E0 ) −→ C ∞ (X, E1 ) be an elliptic differential (or pseudo-differential) operator. (S(T X ⊕ 1R ), Eσ ) ∈ K0 (·), and Index(DEσ ) = Index(δ). Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 2 / 56 (S(T X ⊕ 1R ), Eσ ) w w Index(δ) = (ch(Eσ ) ∪ Td((S(T X ⊕ 1R )))[(S(T X ⊕ 1R )] and this is the general Atiyah-Singer formula. S(T X ⊕ 1R ) is the unit sphere bundle of T X ⊕ 1R . S(T X ⊕ 1R ) is even dimensional and is — in a natural way — a Spinc manifold. Eσ is the C vector bundle on S(T X ⊕ 1R ) obtained by doing a clutching construction using the symbol σ of δ. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 3 / 56 Minicourse of five lectures: 1. Dirac operatorX 2. Atiyah-Singer revisitedX 3. What is K-homology? 4. Beyond ellipticity 5. The Riemann-Roch theorem The minicourse is based on joint work with Ron Douglas and is dedicated to Ron Douglas. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 4 / 56 K-homology in algebraic geometry Let X be a (possibly singular) projective algebraic variety / C. Grothendieck defined two abelian groups: 0 (X) = Grothendieck group of algebraic vector bundles on X. Kalg K0alg (X) = Grothendieck group of coherent algebraic sheaves on X. 0 (X) = the algebraic geometry K-theory of X (contravariant). Kalg K0alg (X) = the algebraic geometry K-homology of X (covariant). Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 5 / 56 K-homology in topology Problem How can K-homology be taken from algebraic geometry to topology? Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 6 / 56 K-homology is the dual theory to K-theory. There are three ways in which K-homology in topology has been defined: Homotopy Theory K-theory is the cohomology theory and K-homology is the homology theory determined by the Bott (i.e. K-theory) spectrum. This is the spectrum . . . , Z × BU, U, Z × BU, U, . . . K-Cycles K-homology is the group of K-cycles. C ∗ -algebras K-homology is the Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov group KK ∗ (A, C). Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 7 / 56 Let X be a finite CW complex. The three versions of K-homology are isomorphic. Kjhomotopy (X) homotopy theory −→ Kj (X) −→ KK j (C(X), C) ←− K-cycles Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov j = 0, 1 Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 8 / 56 K-homology in topology Problem How can K-homology be taken from algebraic geometry to topology? There are three ways in which this has been done: Homotopy Theory K-homology is the homology theory determined by the Bott spectrum. K-Cycles K-homology is the group of K-cycles. C ∗ -algebras K-homology is the Kasparov group KK ∗ (A, C). Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 9 / 56 Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov K-homology M.F. Atiyah Brown-Douglas-Fillmore G.Kasparov Let X be a finite CW complex. C(X) = {α : X → C | α is continuous} L(H) = {bounded operators T : H → H} Any element in the Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov K-homology group KK 0 (C(X), C) is given by a 5-tuple (H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T ) such that : Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 10 / 56 H0 and H1 are separable Hilbert spaces. ψ0 : C(X) −→ L(H0 ) and ψ1 : C(X) −→ L(H1 ) are unital ∗-homomorphisms. T : H0 −→ H1 is a (bounded) Fredholm operator. For every α ∈ C(X) the commutator T ◦ ψ0 (α) − ψ1 (α) ◦ T ∈ L(H0 , H1 ) is compact. KK 0 (C(X), C) := {(H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T )}/ ∼ Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 11 / 56 KK 0 (C(X), C) := {(H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T )}/ ∼ (H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T ) + (H00 , ψ00 , H10 , ψ10 , T 0 ) = (H0 ⊕ H00 , ψ0 ⊕ ψ00 , H1 ⊕ H10 , ψ1 ⊕ ψ10 , T ⊕ T 0 ) −(H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T ) = (H1 , ψ1 , H0 , ψ0 , T ∗ ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 12 / 56 Let X be a finite CW complex. Any element in the Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov K-homology group KK 1 (C(X), C) is given by a 3-tuple (H, ψ, T ) such that : H is a separable Hilbert space. ψ : C(X) −→ L(H) is a unital ∗-homomorphism. T : H −→ H is a (bounded) self-adjoint Fredholm operator. For every α ∈ C(X) the commutator T ◦ ψ(α) − ψ(α) ◦ T ∈ L(H) is compact. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 13 / 56 KK 1 (C(X), C) := {(H, ψ, T )}/ ∼ (H, ψ, T ) + (H0 , ψ 0 , T 0 ) = (H ⊕ H0 , ψ ⊕ ψ 0 , T ⊕ T 0 ) −(H, ψ, T ) = (H, ψ, −T ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 14 / 56 Let X, Y be CW complexes and let f : X → Y be a continuous map. Denote by f \ : C(X) ← C(Y ) the ∗-homomorphism f \ (α) := α ◦ f α ∈ C(Y ) Then f∗ : KK j (C(X), C) → KK j (C(Y ), C) is f∗ (H, ψ, T ) := (H, ψ ◦ f \ , T ) j=1 f∗ (H0 , ψ0 , H1 , ψ1 , T ) := (H0 , ψ0 ◦ f \ , H1 , ψ1 ◦ f \ , T ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? j=0 April 2, 2014 15 / 56 Cycles for K-homology Let X be a CW complex. Definition A K-cycle on X is a triple (M, E, ϕ) such that : 1 M is a compact Spinc manifold without boundary. 2 E is a C vector bundle on M . 3 ϕ : M → X is a continuous map from M to X. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 16 / 56 Set K∗ (X) = {(M, E, ϕ)}/ ∼ where the equivalence relation ∼ is generated by the three elementary steps Bordism Direct sum - disjoint union Vector bundle modification Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 17 / 56 Isomorphism (M, E, ϕ) is isomorphic to (M 0 , E 0 , ϕ0 ) iff ∃ a diffeomorphism ψ : M → M0 preserving the Spinc -structures on M, M 0 and with ψ ∗ (E 0 ) ∼ =E and commutativity in the diagram MA ψ AA AA ϕ AAA X Paul Baum (Penn State) / M0 | | || || ϕ0 | } | WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 18 / 56 Bordism (M0 , E0 , ϕ0 ) is bordant to (M1 , E1 , ϕ1 ) iff ∃ (Ω, E, ϕ) such that: 1 2 3 Ω is a compact Spinc manifold with boundary. E is C vector bundle on Ω. (∂Ω, E|∂Ω , ϕ|∂Ω ) ∼ = (M0 , E0 , ϕ0 ) t (−M1 , E1 , ϕ1 ) −M1 is M1 with the Spinc structure reversed. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 19 / 56 (M0 , E0 , ϕ0 ) (−M1 , E1 , ϕ1 ) X Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 20 / 56 Direct sum - disjoint union Let E, E 0 be two C vector bundles on M (M, E, ϕ) t (M, E 0 , ϕ) ∼ (M, E ⊕ E 0 , ϕ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 21 / 56 Vector bundle modification (M, E, ϕ) Let F be a Spinc vector bundle on M Assume that dimR (Fp ) ≡ 0 mod 2 p∈M for every fiber Fp of F 1R = M × R S(F ⊕ 1R ) := unit sphere bundle of F ⊕ 1R (M, E, ϕ) ∼ (S(F ⊕ 1R ), β ⊗ π ∗ E, ϕ ◦ π) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 22 / 56 S(F ⊕ 1R ) π M This is a fibration with even-dimensional spheres as fibers. F ⊕ 1R is a Spinc vector bundle on M with odd-dimensional fibers. Let Σ be the spinor bundle for F ⊕ 1 Clif fC (Fp ⊕ R) ⊗ Σp → Σp π ∗ Σ = β ∗ ⊕ β− (M, E, ϕ) ∼ (S(F ⊕ 1R ), β ⊗ π ∗ E, ϕ ◦ π) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 23 / 56 {(M, E, ϕ)}/ ∼= K0 (X) ⊕ K1 (X) subgroup of {(M, E, ϕ)}/ ∼ consisting of all (M, E, ϕ) such that Kj (X) = every connected component of M has dimension ≡ j mod 2, j = 0, 1 Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 24 / 56 Addition in Kj (X) is disjoint union. (M, E, ϕ) + (M 0 , E 0 , ϕ0 ) = (M t M 0 , E t E 0 , ϕ t ϕ0 ) Additive inverse of (M, E, ϕ) is obtained by reversing the Spinc structure of M . −(M, E, ϕ) = (−M, E, ϕ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 25 / 56 e ϕ) DEFINITION. (M, E, ϕ) bounds ⇐⇒ ∃ (Ω, E, e with : 1 2 3 4 Ω is a compact Spinc manifold with boundary. e is a C vector bundle on Ω. E ϕ e : Ω → X is a continuous map. e ∂Ω , ϕ| (∂Ω, E| e ∂Ω ) ∼ = (M, E, ϕ) REMARK. (M, E, ϕ) = 0 in K∗ (X) ⇐⇒ (M, E, ϕ) ∼ (M 0 , E 0 , ϕ0 ) where (M 0 , E 0 , ϕ0 ) bounds. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 26 / 56 Let X, Y be CW complexes and let f : X → Y be a continuous map. Then f∗ : Kj (X) → Kj (Y ) is f∗ (M, E, ϕ) := (M, E, f ◦ ϕ) Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 27 / 56 Chern character in K-theory X finite CW complex ch : K j (X) −→ M H j+2l (X; Q) l j = 0, 1 Q ⊗Z K j (X) −→ M H j+2l (X; Q) l is an isomorphism of Q vector spaces. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 28 / 56 Chern character in K-homology X finite CW complex (M, E, ϕ) 7→ ϕ∗ (ch(E) ∪ T d(M ) ∩ [M ]) M ch : Kj (X) −→ Hj+2l (X; Q) l j = 0, 1 Q ⊗Z Kj (X) −→ M Hj+2l (X; Q) l is an isomorphism of Q vector spaces. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 29 / 56 Chern character and module structure X a finite CW complex. K ∗ (X) is a ring and K∗ (X) is a module over this ring. Chern character respects the ring and module structure. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 30 / 56 Theorem (PB and R.Douglas and M.Taylor, PB and N. Higson and T. Schick) Let X be a finite CW complex. Then for j = 0, 1 the natural map of abelian groups Kj (X) → KK j (C(X), C) is an isomorphism. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 31 / 56 For j = 0, 1 the natural map of abelian groups Kj (X) → KK j (C(X), C) is (M, E, ϕ) 7→ ϕ∗ [DE ] where 1 2 3 DE is the Dirac operator of M tensored with E. [DE ] ∈ KK j (C(M ), C) is the element in the Atiyah-BDF-Kasparov K-homology of M determined by DE . ϕ∗ : KK j (C(M ), C) → KK j (C(X), C) is the homomorphism of abelian groups determined by ϕ : M → X. Paul Baum (Penn State) WHAT IS K-HOMOLOGY ? April 2, 2014 32 / 56