Contact No: +33-06 61 14 11 17 Skype ID: sivachandiran

Present address
Dr. Sivachandiran LOGANATHAN,
Post-doctoral Researcher,
GREMI, Université d'Orléans
14 rue d'Issoudun
B.P. 6744, 45067 ORLEANS.
Contact No: +33-06 61 14 11 17
Skype ID: sivachandiran
Seeking a faculty position in your esteemed University.
Research Interests
Heterogeneous catalysis
Non Thermal Plasma for Energy and
Environmental applications
Application of FTIR, GS-MS and SIFT-MS
Air quality and air treatment
Research Experience
09.2014 – Present
Postdoctoral Researcher GREMI, Université d'Orléans, France.
Effluent treatment using Plasma-Catalytic reactor: fundamental study
12.2013 – 08.2014
12.2010 – 11.2013
12.2009 – 11.2010
Postdoctoral Researcher in Mines Douai, France.
Evaluation of the safety assessment of Photocatalytic Indoor Air Treatment
Systems. Mines Douai, France.
Doctoral Researcher in Mines Douai, France.
A leader in research lab developments, and involved in lab activities such
as offering a chemistry lab practical course (48 hr) for undergraduate students.
Developed a homemade BET setup for catalyst surface area measurements, and
also involved in developing an analytical protocol for GC-MS and gas phase FTIR
Junior Research Fellow in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Hyderabad,
Project title: Abatement of air pollutants using non-thermal plasma
dielectric barrier discharge. Sponsored by Council of Scientific & Industrial
Research (CSIR), India.
12.2008 – 11.2009
07.2007 – 11.2008
Junior Research Fellow in National Institute of Technology Trichy (NITT),
Project title: Abatement of air pollutants using non-thermal plasma dielectric
barrier discharge. Sponsored by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
(CSIR), India.
Research Officer, SANMAR Speciality Chemicals Limited, Chennai, India.
Total Synthesis and Characterization of Organic Drugs.
Research Expertise and Skills
Identifying experimental problems and resolving them independently.
Preparation of catalysts and sorbents: textural characterizations by TGA/DTA, SEM/TEM, BET,
trans-FTIR, DRIFTS, UV-Vis and XRD techniques.
Expertise in gas analysis: FTIR, SIFT-MS, GC-MS.
Preparation of organic intermediates and drugs by using highly sensitive catalyst, and
characterization by GC-MS, HPLC, NMR (1H & 13C) techniques.
Chemical engineering: development of a robust and cost effective Non-Thermal plasma catalyst
packed bed reactor for air cleaning process containing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and
inorganic pollutants (COx and NOx).
Hands on experience on indoor air monitoring: Auto sampler, determination of air exchange
rate, quantification of traces of carbonyl compounds in the indoor.
12.2010 – 11.2013
Ph.D., Title: Regeneration of Inorganic Sorbents: Investigation of Adsorbed
VOCs Oxidation using Non Thermal Plasma Surface Discharge.
06.2005 - 05.2007
LPP, École Polytechnique, Université Paris Sud XI, CNRS, Palaiseau, France. &
Département Chimie et Environnement, Mines Douai, France.
M.Sc., Chemistry, Madras University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
06.2002 - 05.2005
B.Sc., Chemistry, Madras University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
Academic Distinctions and Fellowships
Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) sponsored by CSIR-India (2008 -2010).
Qualified Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE-India) 2008 with 94.55 percentile. All
India rank: 350.
Achieved school first in 10th Public Examination.
Journal publications
1. F. Thevenet, L. Sivachandiran, O. Guaitella, C. Barakat, A. Rousseau, Plasma-catalyst coupling for
VOC removal and indoor air treatment: a review, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 47 (2014)
224011. IMPACT FACTOR 2.523
2. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Regeneration of IPA Saturated MnXOY Surface:
Comparison of Thermal, Ozonolysis and Non-Thermal Plasma Treatments, Chemical Engineering
Journal, 246 (2014) 184-195. IMPACT FACTOR: 3.473
3. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Non-Thermal Plasma Assisted Regeneration of
Acetone Adsorbed TiO2 Surface, Plasma Chemistry & Plasma Processing 33 (2013) 855-871.
4. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau, Investigation of NO and NO2 Adsorption
Mechanism on TiO2 at Room Temperature, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 142– 143 (2013)
196– 204. IMPACT FACTOR: 5.825
5. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau, Isopropanol Saturated TiO2 Surface
Regeneration by Non-Thermal Plasma: Influence of Air Relative Humidity, Chemical Engineering
Journal 214 (2013) 17–26. IMPACT FACTOR: 3.473
6. L. Sivachandiran, J. Karuppiah, Ch. Subrahmanyam, DBD Plasma Reactor for Oxidative
Decomposition of Chlorobenzene, International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering, 10
(2012) A62. IMPACT FACTOR: 0.739
7. J. Karuppiah, E. Linga Reddy, L. Sivachandiran, R. Karvembu, Ch. Subrahmanyam, Nonthermal
Plasma Assisted Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dilute Benzene, Journal of Chemical Science 124
(2012) 841–845. IMPACT FACTOR: 1.298
8. J. Karuppiah, L. Sivachandiran, R. Karvembu, Ch. Subrahmanyam, Catalytic Plasma Reactor for
Abatement of Dilute Nitrobenzene, Chinese Journal of Catalysis 32 (2011) 795–799. IMPACT
FACTOR: 1.304
9. J. Karuppiah, L. Sivachandiran, R. Karvembu, Ch. Subrahmanyam, Catalytic Non thermal Plasma
Reactor for The Abatement of Low Concentrations of Isopropanol, Chemical Engineering Journal.
165 (2010) 194–199. IMPACT FACTOR: 3.473
Articles submitted for publication
1. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, D. Bianchi, Evidence for NO2 adsorption Mechanism
on TiO2 at room temperature: In-Situ Transmission Fourier Transform Infrared Study, Applied
Catalysis B: Environmental.
2. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Non Thermal Plasma Assisted Catalytic Removal of
IPA at ppb level by MnO2 Packed Bed Reactor: Comparison of System Energy Efficiency, Journal
of Hazardous Materials.
3. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, D. Bianchi, Investigation of NTP Driven Adsorbed IPA
and Acetone Conversion on TiO2: Application of In-Situ Transmission FTIR Spectroscopy, Applied
Catalysis B: Environmental.
4. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Isopropanol Saturated MnO2 Surface Regeneration:
Influence of Non Thermal Plasma Input Power, Chemical Engineering Journal.
Conference Presentations
1. L. Sivachandiran, Non-Thermal Plasma-Catalyst Coupling for Indoor Air Treatment, Central
University of Tamil Nadu (CUTN), India, 23-January, 2014 (Invited talk).
2. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Aging of TiO2 Surface: Quantitative Assessment of
NO and NO2 Adsorption Mechanisms, 3es Journees Europeennes de Photocalyse (JEP), 25-27,
September, 2013, Slovenie.
3. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, A. Rousseau, Non Thermal Plasma Assisted Catalytic Removal of
IPA at ppb level by MnO2 Packed Bed Reactor: Comparison of System Efficiency, 19th
International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP) September 9-13, 2013, Paris, France.
4. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau, Investigation of NO and NO2 Adsorption
Mechanisms on TiO2 at Room Temperature: Influence of Concentration, XIth European
Congress on Catalysis, September 1-6, 2013, Lyon, France.
5. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau, D. Bianchi, Influence of Non Thermal
Plasma on Sorbents Regeneration: Application of FT-IR on Sorbent Surface and Downstream
Analysis. 5th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS), Presqu'île de Giens, May13 to 16, 2012, France.
6. F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, L. Sivachandiran, O. Guaitella, A. Rousseau. Combination of FTIR
Spectroscopy and GC-FID+MS to Elucidate Toluene Reactivity Induced by Non-Thermal
Plasma at ppb level. 5th International Workshop on Plasma Spectroscopy (IPS), Presqu'île de
Giens, May 13-16, 2012, France.
7. L. Sivachandiran, F. Thevenet, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau, Non Thermal Plasma Surface Discharge
Assisted Regeneration of CO and CO2 Adsorbed TiO2: Effect of Humidity, The 18th
International Colloquium on Plasma Processes (CIP) July-4 to 8, 2011, Nantes, France.
8. F. Thevenet, L. Sivachandiran, P. Gravejat, A. Rousseau. Regeneration of Inorganic Sorbent
Surface: Investigation of adsorbed VOC Oxidation using Surface Discharge, PPOMP,
November 25-28, 2011, Kottayam, India. (Invited talk).