1. Convert the decimal number to Binary and Hexadecimal values

CSE 241 Digital Systems Homework 1
Due: Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 2:00pm
1. Convert the decimal number to Binary and Hexadecimal values
a. 567
b. 23.275
2. Express the following numbers in Decimal
a. (1110.11)b b. (9BAC.B)16
3. Perform subtraction by 2’s complementing the subtrahend and adding. Assume the numbers to
be of 8 bits
a. (1000 1101)b - (1 1010)b b. (1 0011)b - (1000 1110)b
4. Problem 1.28
5. Minimize the following Boolean expression to minimum number of literals
a. (x+y’+z’)(x’y+z)
b. w’xy + wx’y’ + wxy + w’xy’
6. Problem 2.12 However use the following 16 bit values for A and B given in Hex A = (F0F0)16 and B
= (0F)16
7. Complement the following function using DeMorgan’s theorem. f = ((A+B’C’)’C+ A’B’C + A)’