A CLOSED-LOOP OTOLITH SYSTEM ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE By Dale W. Hiltner B.S., The Ohio State University, 1978 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology January, 1983 EJ Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1983 Signature of Author Departmegt oferonalics and Astronautics January 13, 1983 Certified by .xlce Prof/iau R./YoungA Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Chairman, Deparoental Graduate Committee Professor-Harol Y. Wachman Aero &'ASSAC'dSErT R437;TAE OF TECHNOLOGY FER 1 0 1'j LIBRARIES Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue MITLibraries Document Services Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://Iibraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. t 2 A Closed-Loop Otolith System Assessment Procedure by Dale William Hiltner Submitted to the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics fulfillment of the on 13 January 1983 in partial requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics ABSTRACT sensitive to changes in the response of the procedure that is A test system to linear accelerations has been developed. The test human otolith in which blindfolded subjects are given a sum of is a closed-loop test direction and directed to sinusoids velocity disturbance in the lateral The test subjective velocity using a joystick controller. null their test procedure has been optimized to provide the best possible data for all was performed using the M.I.T. Man-Vehicle Laboratory subjects. The testing Sled facility. Classical control theory used to analyze the test quasi-linear data. Frequency describing spectrum plots function analysis signals, along with velocity and joystick RMS values, joystick is of the velocity and are used to Bode plots subject. of the velocity nulling performance the measure give the output command relating acceleration input to joystick velocity the subject. transfer function of of four of the subjects tested show very good agreement. The Bode plots The one sigma deviations and data scatter are as low or lower than that of A regression analysis was used to develop a most human subject testing. transfer function model, GHO. The model, with the values obtained from one subject, is 2.02(jw) GHO = (jw + 1.42)(jw2 + 2(0.144)(0.540)jw + (0.540)2) This test procedure astronauts. The results sickness. will be used in the pre-and post-flight testing of Its purpose is to define how humans adapt to weightlessness. will help to more fully understand the causes of space motion Thesis Supervisor: Dr. Laurence R. Young Title: Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics 3 Acknowledgements May the wind always be on your tail be unlimited. and your visibility I like would Man-Vehicle thank to acting Project Manager knowledge whose thanks with go the to and work. am Laboratory Leper Colony, periods. me. L. Finally, of support, to my go to the which of my I am a friends, the of full providing Arrott, thi-s work. member thank-you help for there the members of Stark (357), for Draper their adjustment attitude for the work. Charles needed Many her for subjects to thank like members and for family and all in project, for this to P. Laboratory Sled facility, supportive of me in this who were all grateful comradery and moral thanks Anthony to to me help great I would also patience. especially of the apprentice Special Man-Vehicle Laboratory, I were advice go thanks Man-Vehicle for the M.I.T. Robeck, Linda detail cooperation and Many funding. necessary the providing and project this on work to me allowing for Laboratory, M.I.T. the of Director Young, R. Laurence Prof. standing behind r 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 Chapter 2 6 Introduction 11 Background 2.1 Otolith System Testing for Spacelab 11 2.2 The Otolith System Model 14 2.3 The Closed-Loop Task 16 2.4 Engineering Units Chapter 3 The Experimental . System 19 21 3.1 The M.I.T. 3.1.1 Calibrations 25 3.1.2 The Cart Transfer Function 26 3.2 Sled System Software 27 3.2.1 Disturbance Profile Generation 29 3.2.2 Profile Amplitude Scaling 32 3.2.3 The Digital Joystick Filter 34 3.3 Data Reduction 35 Chapter 4 Sled 21 Test Procedure Development 4.1 General Concepts 4.2 The DHPR02.PRO Series, 39 39 Part I, and High Amplitude Probelms 40 4.2.1 Summary 47 4.3 The DHPRO2.PRO Series, Part II, and Low Amplitude Problems 48 4.3.1 Summary 59 4.4 The H1PR04.PR0 Series and Profile Design Problems 60 r 5 4.4.1 Profile 01 4.4.2 Profiles #3 and 4.4.3 Profile 4.4.4 Summary 75 4.5 Further Population Testing 78 4.5.1 Summary 88 Chapter 5 62 #6 #12 72 90 The Final Experiment 5.1 The Experimental Method 90 5.2 The Formal Test Procedure 92 Chapter 6 Results and Discussion 98 6.1 Results 98 6.2 Discussion of Individual Subject Results 99 6.3 The Transfer Function Model 108 6.4 Remnant Analysis 115 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations 7.1 Conclusions 7.2 Recommendations 120 120 for Further Work 123 Appendix A: Sled System Pictures 125 Appendix B: Profile Generation Programs 129 Appendix C: Response Analysis Programs 146 Appendix D: Test Procedure Checklist 167 D.1 Appendix E: Data Filename Convention Experimental Results E.1 Plot Format Discussion References L 71 167 175 175 211 L. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION to develop a test procedure that is sensitive The purpose of this work is in changes to The test accelerations. are given null test motion a their the of disturbance velocity in the using linear subjects in which blindfolded lateral a to system otolith human a closed-loop test is subjective direction joystick and controller. directed to This type of avoids the magnitude estimation problem of open-loop testing. However, it operator which also experimental involves will pre- testing and will be hardware facility which is in response the more elaborated used was post-flight show changes in exposure previous work learn the of the throughout M.I.T. astronauts. It is subjects, disturbance and flexibility in expected accordingly. respond The current used. generating To these sinusoid, and each frequency. controller signal. the peak magnitude Other variables of the and the pole of The more is of to be used that the processed by This information it is known that avoid this a sum of system used on the Sled velocity disturbance profiles. the frequency of the velocity or acceleration at system are the gain of the joystick filter the digital specific problem, Sled as subjects can then This flexibility involves varying the number of sinusoids, each The sickness. 5,6,7,8, disturbance must not be predictable, human Laboratory information Ref. the 6) work. The test procedure is understand space motion with human by this Man-Vehicle way otolith sinusoids velocity disturbance is has great caused to a weightless environment. will then be used to more fully the acceleration the testing effects upon described in Chapter 3. the brain following From non-linear (Ref. then, is used to filter this joystick to find the proper disturbance 7 response by adjusting these parameters. profile and joystick From previous work in defining otolith 0.05-0.5 the Hz frequency range. testing. The frequencies numbers used to multiply a base the disturbance can be found disturbance or without frequency. frequencies. a flat scaling 4,5,9, obtained is a the are determined by the prime determined The base frequency is with The amplitudes of the disturbance 'frequencies position, by it in This allows no harmonic multiples to interfere using many different by Ref. This was the only range considered throughout disturbance by the desired period. response, system the otolith of good response that was found system techniques. velocity, first, These include or acceleration second or third defining amplitude, order the with filter. This flexibility was heavily used in developing the final test procedure. Very little previous work has been done on otolith testing exclusively. Meiry in 1965 attempted a closed-loop otolith because subjects could not stay within the (Ref. 5) only, and also have an acceleration Thus, This is constant because velocity the otolith motion test but quickly abandoned it physical organs are limits of sensitive to rationalize in this should be undetectable. Classical data that the author is These area of otolith system testing 0.005 g's. limitations Also, the works familiar with do not attempt their disturbance time histories. specific be developed testing to acceleration threshold of approximately make the closed-loop task very difficult as will be shown. on human vestibular the track. With no known background the test procedure had to from the fundamentals. control analysis as theory describing the human operator function techniques are (HO) response is used in the considered to be 8 Fig. The final criteria for determining if 1.01. look at acceptable was obtained from the velocity, acceleration, important result was Bode plot to transfer amplitude the transfer give plots qualitative gives information the on indications of how well signals position, are The most and joystick signal. the the HO which is function of Of output. secondary are frequency response plots (with and without HO control) function various available to joystick input of response but valuable in qualitative terms, the a particular test profile outputs The acceleration of velocity amplitude While frequency commanded velocity, found in is the system. Sled relating importance, shown in A block diagram of the system under consideration is quasi-linear. overall and joystick amplitude. response individual control the HO performed of the HO, the differences and the velocity nulling ta sk. The development experimental initial of the techniques. final Based test on past Computer Based on this experience experience were non-linear no previously known quantitative definition. from system Thus, all felt the is linear final previous qualitative is with the using Sled some simulations were not used in the development phase as most of the tests seen. proceeded were developed and tested. new profiles problems discovered in the first otolith has were generated and tested on several velocity disturbance profiles subjects. procedure tests. reasoning, that this and would procedure Its rather Also, not have on actual by mathematical gives a fully developed profile, real world experience. based has been justification strict the basic model shown the non-linear was determined than by and subjective as it is test with for the effects data statistical calculations. and It based on actual 9 velocity velocity command distrbace + to art artccart cart accele ration dynamics human joys tick Ioperator, s ignal .dynamics Figure 1.01 The Closed-Loop System 10 Thesis Organization Chapter slows how reduction of analysis the used. techniques the human 4 Chapter reveals the steps taken to achieve the final and 7 discuss the experimental final Chapters 1,5,6, It .also discusses previous a is 7 be that Chapters 5,6, and results, the in only the method and results, and discussion procedure. method, 3 software and the narrative test Chapter system. otolith the work. significant discoveries of this For those interested sickness problem and hardware and Sled facility the M.I.T. discusses in detail data will be utilized. procedure the test involving work the space motion 2 discusses in more detail read. Those it is interested more suggested that in the full development process used to obtain the results should read Chapter 2 and 4 also. Those interested reduction calculations in the details of the test should also read Chapter 3. facility and the data CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 Otolith System Testing for Spacelab part of the Scientific and Technical Proposal for Vestibular This work is 1 normal g environment period before held during only a the test the this on a conducted for this step to achieve first as the testing next two of will be week in Table each test will also the done. a astronauts Subsequent return The It tests will be will be available is also desired for Baseline data will be pattern. to earth the post- first will be accomplished testing seen in Table readaptation German 0-1 Spacelab Mission in orbit. 2.1.01. be astronaut of the STS-9 mission. period as also show in the sessions will Six test session. show how the HO response has changed due to and the of to obtain baseline data is flight STS-9. shown time during hours more understand description A brief to be obtained in a reasonable time. eight to turnaround basis as the astronauts obtained for each participating flight used be sickness. result Shuttle period quick results Within then to adapting after accelerations the human This will be done in the five to six month of man. Space limited define how to is background follows. proposal and the scientific The will motion space causes of the linear information This weightlessness. fully to response changes operator purpose Its 1) (Ref. Spacelab. in Experiments 2.1.01. over will This testing the intervening weightlessness In some sled acceleration later tests experiments on the could be performed 12 F07 timetable: - - - - Baseline Data Collection - - - F-180 18-20 April 1983 M.I.T. F-90 28-30 June U.S. F-60 21-22 July F-3 0 31 Aug.-2 September F-15 15-16 September F-8 21-22 September Flight 30 September-8 October L+O 8 October L+1 to L+7 9-15 October L+l 4 22-23 October Sled at Lab Sled at M.I.T. Dryden "f II F = flight L - landing TABLE 2.1.01 Spacelab I Linear Acceleration Sled Test Timetable owl i 13 "bias" environment There two are available theories a constant questionable, is it 1 g system sensitivity secondary theory states its processing on is It in that felt on the to linear motion states that since More reliance is of the would the brain can cancel on purely is then placed on acceleration be the 1 linear the output system otolith accelerations and concentrate space The HO response to linear response that from organ the otolith inhibited by the brain. based not recovery The primary theory acting "bias" vision to determine orientation. therefore explain to model. sickness based on the conflict without and of development conceptualized. easily g the cause of space motion sickness. is this specific conflict is conflict this 1 output organ otolith based on millennia is and otolith lack of a caused by the is between conflict a is sensory perception, the Since brain interpretation corresponding 1 g This conflict organs. otolith the to canal semi-circular sensory perception. system a and tactile, 'visual, there environment weightless a encountering upon that states This theory (Ref.1,2,3) theory. model the conflict is ,ickness space motion of the causes available to define theory currently -- st The and is otolith decreased. The effects in g "bias" acceleration. This would cause an increase in otolith system sensitivity. These measure theories must be changes be able to considered in the response show an increase in developing of the otolith or a decrease the test system. in otolith procedure The procedure must system response. required performance of the HO must not be maximized or minimized with varying sensitivities results otolith obtained. the tests to can be completed The so that and precise 14 2.2 The Otolith System Model work in defining system response otolith the for data ,rhe original model this at subject was oscillated only phase information was obtained due to process loop which in (As testing. stated in The 5) (Ref. a with test information shows is velocity indicated noted or by that this hand desired. this amplitude open-loop No amplitude data, open- problem of velocity nulling of subjects inability to the phase the system otolith acceleration a was an As expected the but amplitude the estimation problem that expected to resolve. the closed-loop task is It with is It meaningless. is information agreement good therefore for more than 40 seconds). to stay within the track limits plot was closed-loop the 1, Chapter the the direction of the the magnitude estimation task was attempted but quickly abandoned due Bode system in which was obtained using a one frequency and indicated joystick. motion 2.2.01. shown in Fig. 1ork has resulted in the Young and Meiry model This 2. in Ref. found is input operated to transfer the subject joystick. Thus, organ output, complete path from the otolith function and it a is is based perceived a model on a output for the the processing of this through information by the brain which outputs a signal to the muscles of the hand, and finally to the response also be used as response of the complete otolith a basis subject of the hand itself. for the closed-loop in the closed-loop system model. task. As such, It is task will be this model can expected that the similar to this Possible differences will be discussed in section 2.3. As is seen from the plots of the otolith system model there is a sharp -I 15 LATERAL SPECIFIC FOACX (TILT ANGLE WVRYT. EARTH) 1.5 ( S + 0.0765 1CRCEv(D TtLT (s+0.191 (S+ .31 AGLI Oft LATERAL ACCELERATION t PERCEIVED S LHEAN VELOCITY 71, 3 CKOUS)RLLN to 0 *90 z 11 -20 - V-LOc1 e 1 STD 1EVIATIO * 40 *70p of 10 'OUmJENCT to INAO/sC) Figure 2.2.01 The Young & Meiry Model (from Ref. 1) 16 0 P-off would it this model of possible control 0. 0 5 -0.5Hz the HO the response be should 0.22 obtained the of range HO Good model. range frequency this over avoid To and also contains range of rad/sec) (1.5 Hz frequency task a octave full This allows a of frequency closed-loop the frequencies. high the at disturbances problems in was chosen. break response to little This means very drop-off. similar show a also follows Assuming the amplitude of the phase at higher frequencies. break the and frequency should be indicated to enhance the results. 2.3 The Closed-Loop Task As for using the main reason previously, stated to resolve the magnitude estimation problem. correct correct response magnitude information. phase the diagram subject but manual for the in the subject the However, This hopefully will mean more as well as correspondingly more contains some 2.3.01. With task closed-loop control. task is the closed-loop the task loop as shown, As in other manual is shown in Fig. not only motion control tasks strategy, HO will generate some extra response, correlated the indicated with in indicates the HO system, control This technique, of the HO response. Also, the HO system and so does not respond only to the disturbance. is not a linear L then becomes a part estimation different techniques can be used to achieve the same desired results. or control task is which must be considered. additional effects A block of the closed-loop the disturbance. block diagram velocity nulling as considered in this or remnant, These of Fig. task. work. aspects 2.3.02. The block The which cannot be linearly of The diagram the HO V=0 shows control summing are point the complete 17 vvelocity cosmmand + velocity disturbance to cart 20 cart acceleration cart 3 dynamics human operator joys velocity command sigal joystick filter human operator dynamics Figure 2.3.01 The Closed-Loop velocity disturbance + cart velocity command cart dyamic +, System cr acceleration G (jQ ) human operator veLocity remnant I+ + command filter Gg (jQ) control V-0 + otolith + strategy system dynamics C 3OW G (jw) human operator Figure 2.3,.02 The Closed-Loop Block Diagram with Details of the Human Operator L 18 The transfer the Thus, 2.3.02. Fig. in shown function for the HO is taken across the human operator block strategy transfer not to define the control in this function obtained throughout upon elaborated be and will important transfer The work. this strategy effects. will contain the control thesis effects are its but function, is thesis The purpose of this otolith system obtained by open-loop testing. the for that not is function transfer This will not effect the desired result, which is to measure HO performance in the closed-loop task, but will the analysis and obseryations of effect the data. Of more minor practical otolith sense is organs constant HO importance in the act limited as closed-loop scientific standpoint but important in a track length accelerometers velocity motion. the from a (Ref. task. 5,9) Without only, of the no output This will cause an Sled. Because will occur difficulties acceleration input the for for deciding the on a control input will then be accomplished by guessing. Also, as noted in Ref. 4, subjects often task. For the indicate closed-loop control input, as himself. This shows improper control the HO that and the wrong direction task, then, should there increase is this of motion could mean sense the ample opportunity his motion wrong instead in initially direction of the open-loop for the a and HO decreasing wrong correct to it. input Also, since the HO cannot exactly match the disturbance due to the limitations of the otolith organs, the HO will never stop his leads to the HO possibly exceeding the limits a run before importance for straightforward the disturbance the data data profile analysis, reduction, and is completely. All this of the Sled track and ending completed. since is motion a one full of This run the is major is of major desired problems for to ( 19 proced -. Overcome in developing a satisfactory test 2.4 Engineering Units 4,5 the otolith system transfer in Ref. input and corresponding perceived velocity or acceleration or acceleration output. Therefore the velocity shown with velocity is function it it only acceleration seems more sense organs otolith physical a viewpoint input the acceleration Therefore, input. the acceleration from correct the Since disturbance. acceleration or functions based on transfer to construct possible is to use used in this is work. The disturbance command described in Chapter 3. to the Sled is a velocity The control of the cart by the HO is of the disturbance command in the feedback loop and is control. The velocity output. HO transfer All function signals will from the have Sled command an are as will added to that therefore a velocity acceleration converted to input and engineering units by the method of Chapter 3; acceleration in m/s 2 In order input and output it to use necessary Bode plot general testing. the Young and Meiry model with this to add shown guideline an integrator. in Fig. This results 2.4.01. to verify the This form of in the transfer be and velocity in transfer function the Bode plots m/s. is function and was used obtained as a from all 20 2.0 G Yfm 1.5 - 1.5(tw (jW)(j 0.076) + + 0.19)(JW + 1.0 0.5 C., 0.0 0 -0.5 ii~ I I I I I -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 .4 -100 4 -200 + 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 I S -300 -360 Figure 2.4.01 The Young & Meiry Model Bode Plot, with Integrator 0.50 1.5) CHAPTER 3 THE EXPERIMENTAL SYSTEM 3.1 The M.I.T. Sled linear acceleration mounted a rail is Sled The M.I.T. Four pillow cart. rails. block bushings are mounted to the cart and slide along two circular The cart is fixed rail while the The total length of different positions held loosely and aligned by the bushings. is other rail for straightness along one rigidly aligned travel of the cart is 4.7 m. A chair for testing is frequencies below 40 Hz, attenuate at vibration which dampers, insulate the chair from the cart frame. a modified automobile racing seat in which subjects are firmly The chair is supported. Lord axes. body three all along which can be put to the cart mounted A lap are and chest belt belt foam pads are wedged between attached to the chair of the subject the shoulders and rigid and the outside chair supports. Two types of head restraints were used in the testing. Both One was to foam padding contained open-faced, firmly support containing no the structure sides and back in development restraint was used in the restraint contained an attachment subject's eyes in the occular torsion experiments. down in front of the generated by the cart in which white noise is A cable subject's motion. initial which face Speakers and is used front of testing. to take This effectively of the head. the face. This The other head pictures of the attachment dropped sealed it from wind are mounted in both head restraints generated to mask some of the cart motion noise. attached to both sides of the cart is wound around a pulley at 22 cable is 625 lbs. of tension to improve the dynamic response of the held at controller The the allowing generator PWM (Pulse a is of velocity maximum acceleration of the cart m/s 10.0 is 2 give the cart the chair position, near the controller the 7 Hz. a ten-turn shaft, and an accelerometer head of the velocity, low to and the bandwidth is position potentiometer is mounted on the motor on a by the analog controller, In addition to the tachometer utilized i s mounted With this signal applied to the controller. current voltage current a as functions to be proportional cart the controller Width Modulation) controller The feedback. tachometer uses magnet permanent DC (Fig. 3.1.01) The motor is controlled by an analog velocity torque motor. that horsepower 3.5 a by driven cart. The winch drum is controller. The the other. structure and a winch drum at support the rail one end of subject. and acceleration These transducers signals which are then digitally stored. Two types of the cart. The joysticks first joystick mounted horizontally potentiometer volts with full were used by was to The joystick centering joystick similar spring used to was a toothed towards the subject. this wheel of the wheel. rotation the which it is stick wheel with for most type removed of the found on from the the axis A one turn position gives an output of ±0.54 (The ±15 volt system power supply is testing radio is deflection was ±0.17 volts. used to generate the controller gain. a control axis used joystick position cue to influence the subject. with full the velocity of This joystick was used in the initial used to power the joystick.) only. consists of and aligned mounted subjects to control for testing standard two-axis transmitters. control allowing The output of this This voltage is The no joystick important as Both joysticks were mounted on cart FI rai mtor cable- Fig. 3.1.01 The M.I.T. Sled Ccmponents winch 24 for the arm or hand was also mounted to the boards ,,pport also was voltage output joystick The .,sition. in A frame. cart the to attached firmly be to joysticks the This allowed the subject. supports in front of boards which were placed between the cart a :onvenie-t A (Appendix recorded. contains pictures of the Sled hardware.) cords available "panic near mounted are track when the button" thumb any time activated at limit switch switch which during a run. also The stops the system the to cart given a Subjects are activated. is Shock system. the contain which ends rail the switches These stops the frame which probe on the cart a are activated by ends. near the rail structures support the Sled mounted on Limit switches are features on the Sled are numerous. safety The hardware and can be conductor also has access to test two switches which can stop the system. The Sled system minicomputer program is and a is the the stored velocity stationed Digital PDP System velocity commands These test conductor digital (LPS). to the to run the cart. voltage used its command to determine the cart, which is data file A digital-to-analog velocity command output is final 11/34 A fortran commands are stored in a the analog the joystick is If Analog-to-digital the 3.2. used to generate cart controller. remotely Laboratory Peripheral calculate section and accessed by controlled by a Digital used to discussed in converter is cart to the scaled and added to velocity command. converters are used to convert the analog output signals before they are recorded. The sled system is room as the A sled. controlled by a Sled control panel mounted in the same This panel interacts with the minicomputer. This allows 25 test the and ,,ystick to conductor to storage data be command velocity stored enabled or the set file, check disabled, and do other operations. value of any signal output, stopped at any time any run digital the The system can also be This gives the test conductor full from this panel. control of the system during the tests. 3.1-1 The Calibrations D/A converters +100. volts. The A/D which gives a gain of used in the converters sled system have have 12 2048 counts/volt. bits and 12 bits a range and a of range of ±1.0 volts Voltage dividers of 0.1 volts/volt are used to scale the output signals before they are converted by the A/D. This value and the calibrations of the individual transducers have resulted in the following calibrations used to convert the stored digital values to engineering units: M/s 2/count Acceleration 0.01 Velocity 0.002722 Position 0.001895 m/count Commanded Velocity 0.003998 m/s/count Joystick Velocity Command 0.003998/JSCALE m/s/count m/s/count The position calibration was found directly by a system calibration position potentiometer. accelerometer the calibration. tachometer the theoretical The acceleration was found using the The velocity calibration was found by measuring output and the motor RPM. cart calibration of the velocity, in m/s, Knowing the drum diameter, in m, can then be found by velocity=(RPM) ('r) (diameter) (1/60) to give the required calibration data. The command calibration was found by 26 tachometer and the then are is also a commanded calibration is JSCALE, which break that the and added therefore the same of is filter is were a not as used factor the in to required software section the The factor, 3.2 the This is of 3.14 rad/sec so The calibration.) find scale 10.54 rad/sec. frequency they command. velocity noted in (As far fram the maximum disturbance filter calibrations for the except joystick digital the stored the to in section 3.2. is explained frequency sufficiently values of the joystick signal are stored before scaled and filtered velocity The found. camnanded by the joystick follows this same path as it ,elocity. The count found velocity was the be could data calibration command calibration velocity Using the output. the measuring and controller the into signal voltage known a ,,jecting and A/D calibrations final D/A in engineering units/count. In order to determine the proper JSCALE value it was decided to scale the commanded maximum joystick velocity, as to some described in percentage of 4.5. section the maximum Using the commanded previously the following equation was used to find the correct calibrations, defined velocity JSCALE: JSCALE=(Voltmax )(P %)(2 04 8 )(0.00 where Volt maximum is commanded the maximum velocity of output 39 9 8 of the profile )/(Vmax) the in joystick: m/s. and Vmax is the results in the This maximum commanded velocity being equal to the desired percentage, P, of the maximum joystick commanded velocity. 3.1.2 Cart Transfer Function 27 mass. runs without HO control. 140 lb. described techniques This plot shows that the cart simple dilferentiator in the model data low frequencies it for the system is more useful for model were used as required in all the A output. as the acceleration function can be approximated by a of 1.12. the at with used transfer with a gain were 3.3 section in shown in Fig. is the results The standard subject were considered. velocity command as the input and the cart Bode plot of and an One run with no was used. profile test final The Subject and one run with a reduction model In order to verify the model, data was taken for a few assumed cart diata techniques graph using bond found was reference this in developed The 12. Ref. in described been have dynamics system cart The Although there is some scatter is felt that the any further work. further work. It is more simplified This plot and also seen that the additional mass of the subject had little effect on the results. This gives assurances that the analog controller is performing satisfactorily with the varying subject mass. It is noted that this model differs from that of Ref. 12. 3.2 Sled System Software All functions of the Sled are controlled by a single program called CART. Individual codes. functions The hierarchy are of accessed from the the CART program is CART program explained by in Ref. two letter 13,14 and will only be described as necessary here. It is noted that the software has been designed to be "user friendly" and has great flexibility in its current capability and potential for future growth. All program parameters, which are used extensively in the software descriptions, are denoted by 28 0 C C C 140 lb. subject no subject 1.0 0.5 z 0.0 I'kJ § -0. 5 -t- -1.5 -2.0 + frequency (Hz) 0.05 I 0.0 0.10 +200 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.50 I 4-% - 100 + 0.13 0 n r-I CM rl mwLU C - +300 +360 -L. Figure The Cart Transfer Function Bode Plot 29 capital letters. to the controller. The sa.ple to determine if software decelerates however, so are switches hardware the often is limited, the cart deceleration The cart. the stops before reached so the If limits. the track the cart could reach at every checked are position and velocity cart and prevent an overvoltage velocity to on the commanded checks are made system software. cart in the also been incorporated features have Safety is stopped. These are the principle software safety features. 3.2.1 Disturbance Profile Generation In order to drive files have commands to as be described control panel The the contains file first sum of or profiles, sines. Each profile the These and profiles, is velocity run protocol accessing by described in file it is section the 3.1. Ref. 13,14 this work velocity are their generation defined protocol two files file generally files is set by a different made up of a series from signal discrete Groups of these profiles are then assigned to Each is with a sum of sinusoids section. next files. profile by command in the of parameters. protocol cart created. determined velocity called the called of profiles. using the further describe are of A Sled the file system. I All profiles used to run the cart in sum sinusoids velocity commands. These profiles are defined by v(t) = ZA sin(jInT+p ) where v(t) is the velocity time history at the ith disturbance frequency, e in in m/s: rad/sec A. is the peak amplitude : T is the sampling rate 30 The program used to The profile run time, profile. sum of a parameters Ten SO command. the generate are profile sinusoids is accessed by of sines is input as variable TRUN. It is a sum generate to needed in seconds, is time = nT. and t n is the consecutive sample number: seconds/sample; i used to determine the fundamental or base frequency in rad/sec by b = The frequency fundamental conductor profile for is the profile numbers and harmonics 2'r/TRUN is also input purposes. illustrative in This Hz. The number of used by is the test sinusoids used in the as variable NSINES. The disturbance frequencies used in are determined by the h numbers stored in a data file. Prime input one even the of number, if frequencies can be desired, affect each used without having the The other. disturbance frequencies are determinei by W. = h ib The FLAT frequencies input of parameter either position, constant velocity profile A sets the peak velocity, amplitudes at or acceleration the velocity amplitudes, the disturbance constant. For a Ai, are set to = 1.0 For a constant position profile the velocity amplitudes are set to Ai = W For a constant acceleration profile the velocity amplitudes are set to A = 1.0/wi The FILTER and FPOLE input parameters can also be used to further scale the 31 the before ,pitudes are checks limit This made. be will in discussed section 3.2.2. variation frequency The phase angle. each of by adjusted is sinusoid the input DEL This is done to give more flexibility and allow each sinusiod to have a different point. starting The phase found angle for each sine is by 9 = i*DEL i=0,1,....NSINES-1 DEL is chosen so that no phase angle is duplicated. With all can amplitudes in FPOS, parameters chosen the sines are completely these m, now and be the further input acceleration length limit is checked first. give the position. adjusted the input limit, FACC, by track in The sum of sines velocity defined. length The g's. The limit, track is integrated to With the input sampling time, T, the maximum and minimum position of the run are found using position(t) If the maximum position = Z(Ai/wi)sin(w nT+Pi-7) excursion exceeds the FPOS limit then the amnlitudes are scaled by Ai = Ai(FPOS/(posmax - Posm)) Using these newly defined amplitudes the maximum absolute acceleration, in g's, is found by acceleration(t) = ZAoW sin(winT+(9+70)/9.81 If this scaled by acceleration exceeds the FACC limit the amplitudes are further 32 At this the first then first zero crossing, at a time to. The phase angles are checked to find the iq then calculated by finding the position at starting position = pos(t 0 ) - t 0 and then finding (posmax - posn)/2.0 within the cart travel This centers the profile that position The starting small. is velocity commanded by the profile insures This point. at this start will profile so the then adiusteel is velocity The defined. completely is profile the point I) A. (FACC/laccma = A limits. This completes the profile generation phase. Two more steps are then used to store protocol the profile file. in a data file, and assign this data file to a can then be used When these steps are complete the profile generation program programmed to run the cart. The profile computers. explanation Appendix of their B use. has contains Only been the the program VAX commanded velocity and the histogram values. calculating each nT previously defined. of multiples of acceleration The values 0.005 output g ani counted. two listings and calculates different the The histogram data is command of these on value points are The maximum range and the number of points in each range is using the then filed value of a brief maximum found by equation into ranges each 0.005 g then determined. 3.2.2 Profile Amplitude Scaling As stated frequencies 6.1 in can the previous be scaled by section the using the amplitudes FILTER of the disturbance and FPOLE variables. These 33 Parameters and order the define pole location of low pass a The filter. method used to define this scaling will now be developed. The velocity command is written as v(t) = ZAisin(winT+oi) When filtering is used the are adjusted so that the power scaled according to spectral density of the velocity is f Ai, amplitudes, W. imax Dv (w)dw=(K/(FPOLE+j w)FI LTER) 2 imi n The amplitudes at each frequency are then chosen to be imax 1/2A = AI f DV(V)dw=Ai imin where g(w) is the indefinite are chosen to For interior between imax) imin) - integral of f@vv(w)dw and the W imax and Wimin be the geometric points ( means between disturbance the disturbance frequencies these frequencies. frequencies are found by The lowest disturbance Wimax = (uiWi+i) 0.5, and Wimin = (Wjw-1)0.5 Wimin frequency, frequency,wl, is w 0 , is the geometric next lowest disturbance frequency, w W1 = Solving for w found 2 by mean assuming of the that lowest wo . Thusly , w, can be found by' W0 2)0.5 then gives W0 = (12 2 Similarly the highest Wimax Frequency, WNSINES+1, WNSINES+1 NSINES-1 the is found by lowest and the 34 Trhe chosen is value K fran 0.0, pijtudes, to be 1.0. This gives: WImax d 2 11/2A = 1.0 = 2 f O1min velocity the of variance the specifying by WNSINESmax - vv(c)+dw++04vv()dw WNSINESmin W NSINESmax vv Mdw Kf 1min so NSINESmax , F-1.0/ *1min vv(w)dw - 1.0/[g(wNSINES+1- Te final equation for the filtered - amplitudes can now be written as Ai = Ai 2 SgWNSINES+1) integrals The indefinite ~ g(WO and will not be elaborated are readily calculated upon here. 3.2.3 The Digital Joystick Filter As stated in section 3.1 the joystick added to the stored velocity cammand. is used. where Y(n) is iovstick signal: - the digital is filter (1-a)Y(n-1)+(a/JSCALE)U(n) filtered output: U(n) is the in the CART program. input, filter In analog form this Y(s) = (K/(1.0/T+s))U(s) T is or raw a can be varied by represented by where is order low pass filter and n is the sample number. JSCALE and using the JO command it before filtered first A digital The software implementation of this Y(n) is signal the time constant. Comoaring the two forms gives filter is 35 T= T/ln(1.0-a) K = 1.0/JSCALE, JSCALE variable X.5is seen the was profile -a never and at a =0.1 set of the Filter shown in is As filter. and of a in determining the success an important oarameter JSCALE is 4, ,haoter the gain of the pole to vary the is used the a variable is used to vary profile the throughout varied ievel onment. the a=0.1 With stripcharts of joystick was it which would operates a the the easily he with that increase To overshoot. seen sec margin compared to T=0.95 this would decrease similar as the to pilot of the HO. no Also, the human time constant sec. It would not be desirable which gives a oscillations. the cart is There is of the tests and sensory time safety to increase resonance For these no system sufficient no reason quite acceptable. the response this lower would From delay visible the safety margin and possibly cause induced response by noticed 0.20 constant time had response cart sec. deflection full during velocity cart the T=0.095 is constant time equivalent T as effects to decrease T, reasons a was not varied. 3.3 Data Reduction A data file is enabled. is The The 5 outputs The data samples each for every run during which the data storage flag A/D's used available points of created are for this grouped channel process the data directly to convert the work into per block. output signals have 8 channels. are found in channels blocks The PDP of 256 noints 1,2,3,4, which 11/34 minicomputer from the stored data files. is and 6. gives 32 used to To reduce this data each channel is accessed individually and stored in a file. done by storing every is This + desired channel * point of the 3 th to original data File. The data is then concatenated to produce 1024 points be used to (FT) algorithm. run the Fast Fourier Transform The total number of data points of each output of each run is Found by run time/sampling rate = TRUN/0.01 The number of noints for each concatenation is then found by N = TRUN/(0.01)A1024) From the ensemble <ietermined. deviations Any of N the which are deviation standard more two than coded into directly the standard This new 1024 points are and the RMS, are calculated. STD, the 'recuencv distribution. When all are determined. printed out as REJECT. square root of the mean squared error, AVG, With the concatenation runs. noints N and average then stored in an array of 1024 points. standard deviation, nrocessed an of the discarded points is found the averaqe, 1; was points from the average are discarded and a new average is The percentage average is of all of channels comnlete, A simple fortran stored find This allows the data to be files obtained data used to FFT proqram obtained from Ref. PDP-11/34 minicomputer. from the an FFT is during the test Two programs are run sequentially to obtain the Final results. The first amplitude and phase obtained fram the FFT are the bias values. The subsecuent values are associated with a frequency, f(I) = (I-1/1024)*(1.0/TRUN) f, defined by 37 the here I is array bias the are values is The I-1 factor values as stated. position. array needed since run time, The first is TRUN, This insures rate. 1024 times the sampling specified to be a multiple of the The by the FFT. that the disturbance frequencies can be exactly reproduced remnant phases, points parts should be averaged and then the amplitude 8 there shows that The computation. a is difference negligible and log(GAIN) phases of the disturbance the between the real and imaginary not precisely correct, is Although this frequencies. the all of frequencies and amplitudes, the averaging by found are values and frequencies and phase between transfer determined, the Ref. of two methods are function then determined by FAMPJ( N+1) log(GAIN(N) )=log , phase(N)=PHASEJ(N+1)-PHASEA(N+1)+180 AMPA(N+1) where the joystick amplitude: is AMPJ phase angle: the joystick PHASEJ is The 180 deg. correction is the acceleration is AMPA the acceleration PHASEA is amplitude: phase angle. added since the subject opposes the cart motion. All count values are converted to engineering units with the calibrations of section 3.1 before entering the FFT program. created with this data. that the An The desired plots of the correct for explanation is plots are then in contained Appendix E. It is noted means that the ouput is high amplitude values mind when with looking at the engineering FFT does not the not scaled in a meaningful way. seen in the these units plots, frequency time This To keep this FFT has been This only affects used. This results in the spectrum plots. the designation notation. run the in placed frequency in plot 38 data scaling the as canceled are factors when the are ratios amplitude phase data. ta ken for the GAIN and tie track limits for was desired Since it was effort little This however. to work with only completed expended was runs were incomplete. the concatenated no FFT information was obtained. run time) the full used for the initial incomplete testing for runs. the A procedure program was data points for a these since most of and STD values were computed from only AVG, for points runs and STD values of all AVG, The RMS, 1024 analyzing on written to calculate the RMS, run, the subject did not stay within (i.e. For runs that are not completed; further all runs. There a is few precentage points of error between the two methods of computation but it not of significance Listings provided in of all the Appendix C. and output samples, L for this is work. programs Brief used to reduce descriptions of their are included. data use, in this work along with are input CHAPTER 4 TEST PROCEDURE DEVELOPMENT 4.1 General Concepts and post-flight pre- the of background The testing has been developed in Chapters 1 and 2. cause decrease a otolith it 1, in Chapter stated in sensitivity at This sensitivity. otolith the less to that adapting expected is sensitive end. Also, the as will weightlessness increases Any test there Therefore, subjects. among the sensitivity could be some variation of otolith system One key factor of this test astronauts. participating to be used on all is it is that otolith closed-loop range of procedure must then have two major goals: 1) yielding an accurate description of the HO response, 2) yielding this for a wide range of otolith description sensitivities. As mentioned in Chapter data analysis felt that with little will be needs to be the test available, results confidence which should be in it question in the procedure be helpful standard Because FFT routine for for due to short of this subjects is runs. it completing for error means that the test not is runs in control with varying so difficult Finally it gives straightforward manner itself. The data analysis can also be performed with a delay. limited duration and should offer good chances Further, might without This also means that some margin otolith sensitivities. that performed procedure practice. period will be of 2 the test when in a more runs are completed. This eliminates the 40 of problems therefore of major practical reSults. The run completion rate is system was desired to Initially a computer simulation of the closed-loop idea this the development thrust of was continued until a 4.2 The DHPR02.PRO Series, task was as a that suggested a long as in the the next profiles. fit the previous and High Amplitude Problems 1, Part track Also, that Lessons results. development now follows. experience with the closed-loop of Ref. are shown in Fig. smaller within the track limits. was too found subject in the tests profile to generate this was the authors initial As stated previously nulling profile The main simulation. were applied to determine A description of this criteria. linear was then based on experimental learned from one set of tests This seen were very non- The effects was abandoned. so would not have been evident in a linear and With the first system parameters. help determine the general ranges of the however, importance procedure. developing a test testing, consistent more gives runs and incomplete analysis with FFT length it author's 4.2.01. be was felt experience used The parameters used S. This initial to help experience subjects that a run time of fatigue became a remain 184.32 sec. factor after about 120 sec. Using this experience seven profiles were created. calculation was used to scale the amplitudes as this variables required to generate the profiles. to a range of 1.97-2.38 m while the The velocity lessened the number of The track corresponding flat length was lowered maximum accelerations ranged from 0.120-0.204 g. Various numbers and distributions of frequencies I 41 SUM OF SINES PROFILE 184.32 SEC 1. DURATION OF PROFILE: PARAMETERS OF SINUSOIDS: 25 2. NUMDER OF SINUSOIDS: 0.0054 HZ 3. FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY* 0 (-1,P;oV;+1tA) 4. EQUAL AMPLITUDE DOMAIN: DEG 247. 5. SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE: PARAMETERS OF SHAPING FUNCTION: 6. ORDER OF FILTER: 2 0.28 HZ 7. POLE: PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTs: 3.60 M 8. LENGTH OF TRACK 0.41 G 9. ALLOWED ACCELERATION 0.015 SEC 10. TIME INCREMENr: RESULTING IN FREO CHZ3 0.016 0.027 0.033 0.060 0.07t 0. 092 0.103 0.125 0.157 0.168 0.201 0.222 0.233 0.255 0.288 0.331 0.396 0.450 0.548 0.613 0.743 0.808 0.884 0.982 1.080 THE SUM OF SINUSOIDS: AMP ACCEL AMP CG3 CM/SJ 0.08 0.001 0.09 0.002 0.11 0.003 0.004 0.11 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.006 0.006 0.10 0.12 0.009 0.010 0.10 0.09 0.010 0.10 0.012 0.07 0.010 0.06 0.010 0.08 0.013 0.08 0.015 0.08 0.018 0.07 0.018 0.06 0.019 0.05 0.019 0.04 0.018 0.04 0.017 0.02 0.013 0.02 0.013 0.013 0.02 0.02 0.012 MAXIMUM ACCELERATION IN SIGNAL: PERCENT USAGE OF TRACK: 100.00% 0.00 STARTING POSITION: PHASE CDEGJ 0. 247. 134. 21. 268. 156. 43. 290. 177. 64. 311. 198. 85. 332. 220. 107. 355. 242. 130. 17. 265. 153. 40. 288. 176. 0.140 G Figure 4.2.01 Profile Parameters of Ref. 8 I 42 INFUI PARAMETERS TRUN- 102.400 NSINESj 11 FFRkU- 0.009766 FLAr : 0 247.000 DELFILTERx 0 FPOLE0.310 FFlS-- 3.5t FACCz 0.300 0.010 TLOOP ROFILE DESCRIPTION 0.:'04 MAX ACCEL1.1460 VELMAA1-FeCKz t7.50 USEAGE U POSITICN=-0.363 ST ARrtIG 0.1881 SCALE= FREU. (HZ) 0.0488 0. 107 A 0.It60 0.1855 0. 2246 0.2$37 0.3027 0.3613 0.4004 0 . 4 i90 0. 176 AMPi (M/S) 0.13 0.13 ) .13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 ?MP2 (i) 0 4 1O 0.019 0.019 0 . 024 0.02" 0.030 0.033 0.038 0.043 PHASE (DEG) 0. 247. 134. 21. 26. 155. 43. 290. 177. 64. 311. Figure 4.2.02 DHPRO2.PRO Profile #6 Parameters 43 varying of effects the eliminate to Five 4.2.02. tested. were subjects the of One value. this DEL=247 was used The same of these variables. the eF-cts used to test ,ere profiles head open-faced The is _,,ownin Fig. restraint was used and subjects were asked to close their eyes during the runs. A blindfold was not used. The results of tests subjects often lost common to make were track the initial control qualitatively. Very seen were as follows: of their direction This was probably ended a run. most illuminating The main effects completed. few runs were 1) these of motion and it in the wrong direction. Often this the cart caused by the vibration of giving a velocity cue without an acceleration was cue during approximate constant velocity motion. 2)- There was no tendency to end all It is 3) noted in Ref. 5 that runs at the same for angular motion this is Control was sensitive and HO induced oscillations Often high decrease frequency oscillations their response range of the joystick. were end of the track. not the case. were not uncommon. injected by the subject to time and to attempt to find the zero input Also, the high input accelerations at the higher frequencies probably contributed to the HO induced oscillations. Bode plots Fig. 4.2.03. plot shows drop were in relatively large L general with flat. signifies a amount each completed run. A typical plot is shown in (Appendix E contains a discussion of the plot formats.) the gain found for higher There large of trends is number of HO induced expected by the Young and Meiry model. frequencies much data direction oscillations is clear, scatter, reversals. but the especially phase in observed during test The remains phase, This corresponds The which with the runs. This 44 With this 11tig as will be shown. to a _te of these gain plots owever, also is runs were few It the time history data. (or error, since joystick signals), this time. I was placed in analyzing was desired to have a time domain measurement of this. is stored command value the following. the data is problem at plant inverse the to tendency. this suggests more effort completed RMS data was used for and go performance The nearness close go attempt was made to further investigate this Since very 6. Chapter in frequency with model should tend not clear which transfer function is dyramcs so it Meiry and Young the the Bode plots (log(GAIN)/log(freq.,rad/sec)) slope of -1 phase the of flatness the high remnant velocity little and remnant joystick plant dynamics as suggested toord the inverse d high a means generally ,,tiity velocity, acceleration, The RMS errors of command the disturbance plus that of position, and joystick signals were calculated. These were then divided by the corresponding value of the no subject case, except for those of the joystick. for ratios The resulting one subject are shown in Table 4.2.01. It is difficult position general other to corelate and acceleration trends. and time as with The error completed expected. the ratios different show the and velocity runs. There This indicates near the 1.0, RMS the errors most ratios is was velocity seen, scatter seem nulling consistency subject was checked as repeatability is among and run. the track run, The indicated no with each corelation during the entire value. each to corelate not as much The overall poor control is neutral for that an HO reaching not necessarily caused by poor control crucial mistakes. ratios with run limits is but by a few suggested by the ratios being Since the little individual corelation runs of of each a requirement for the procedure. It 45 2.0 C 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 z C., 0 0 1 0.0 Ca I I 10C U C -0.5 a 0 -- -1.0 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 100 I 0.10 0.20 0.30 | 0 0.50 0 0 0 0 + 0 0 0 -300 0.40 + 0 -200 0.15 I 0 0 -360 Figure 4.2.03 Bode Plot. Subject JL DHPRO2.PRO Profile #7 0 L 46 ACC . RMS RAT10 DURAT ION (sec.) PR FILE COMMAND RMS RATIO POS 1T ION RMS RATIO VELOCITY RMS RATIO o05 1 0.911 1.43 1.03 3.19 30.72 006 1 0.70 1.39 0.89 1.78 15.36 007 1 0.77 0.73 0.82 2.08 10.24 0.98 2.52 1.09 2.60 15.36 DAT FILE 010 008 2 1.12 1.05 0.97 2.25 33.28 009 2 1.10 0.80 1.00 2.60 74.29 011 3 1.29 1.24 1.15 2.67 23.04 012 3 1.22 0.48 0.85 2.88 15.36 013 4 1.24 0.66 1.38 2.70 38.40 014 4 1.52 0.98 1.19 3.30 15.36 015 5 1.30 1.31 0.78 2.50 10.24 016 5 1.26 0.65 1.33 2.33 2.56 017 5 1.86 1.05 1.08 3.47 10.24 018 5 1.52 1.14 1.04 2.33 23.04 019 6 1.45 1.99 0.98 2.84 33.28 021 6 1.32 1.61 0.93 2.51 43.52 022 7 1.41 1.22 0.88 2.61 79.36 023 7 1.44 1.13 0.79 2.57 38.40 024 7 1.34 1.09 0.80 2.22 81.92 TABLE 4.2.01 RMS Ratios. Subject DH, DHPRO2.PRO. 4.7A found that runs 2,6,5 oth general The ratios. the all , 3lues Of the most lack of were 7 ,and the corelation and consistency on based consistent, amplitude subjec: performance will be shown to improve with the lower prOf iles. 4.2.1 Summary information was obtained. During all but one of were given to the subject five given last it is these runs. maximum all major factor was the 1.53 m/s. velocity of any profile velocity profiles. of This amplitudes over the with for profiles system. was total much The higher of than experience noise too face could also be of poor run large. Another gave the a maximum largest for needed out the could always be sensed not mask lowest maximum the lower difficulty with to the poor performance. also pointed could the generally JSCALE=2.0 control and contributed The cart motion white hands and the the consistency were were that the joystick. allowed but testing The familiarity the for noise and vibration which did not hamper the perceptible. run was given This high sensitivity caused increased the already difficult cues of the first which velocity reasons main the gain of initial of disturbance velocity This corresponding and One was some gained sessions the runs #2 and #5 were probably consistent due to their low Profiles rate completion Often the that practice was the main factor felt profiles. the test useful #6 and #7 were the most consistent and were usually acceleration the order. subject the until profiles Since system. of times more or in numerical some testing this with completed were runs few Although many non-otolith through the cart subjects performance all sensed, of the cart especially but were noise. at the Wind higher L 48 Subjects were required to wear long sleeves to eliminate this Velocities. cues e as much as possible. Accelerations could also be sensed by tactile ich were clear since the subjects were firmly , 1 ints out some of the problems of this type of testing. to eliminate felt the that cues from non-otolith all system otolith provides the is not possible It it Nevertheless, subject. the This strapped to the chair. motion predominant is sensing response. A list follows: results of qualified 1)Subjects needed to be proficient with the joystick and have knowledge of the disturbance before successful more practice is runs could be expected. This means needed. 2) Profiles needed to be of lower amplitude and use less track length if subjects were expected to stay within the track limits. 3) The joystick gain was too sensitive to precisely control the disturbance. 4) The maximum number of disturbance range desired should be used as this frequencies within the frequency gives the largest number of data points in the frequency spectrum. 5) The ability suggested that of subjects to complete runs was less would be needed to determine a successful With profiles the knowledge was created. for subject fatigue, This more information about the profiles in future testing 4.3 The DHPR02.PRO Series, than expected. Part II, gained Shorter which some from profile. and Low Amplitude Problems the first run times were profiles a second set of used to reduce possibilities subjects had noticed. The maximum possible 49 rer of t~e. The were frequencies run maximum range, m 1.01-1.26 a to with which varied profile, each lowered was length track for used 0.102 g, and maximum velocity to a 0.456-0.534 m/s range. acceleration to A JSCALE of 3.3 was used which gave a maximum joystick commanded velocity of shown in Fig. 4.3.01. 0.928 m/s. A typical profile is Four subjects were tested. All bear. could one of these before to the given null were subjects profiles was set noise Masking runs. the during to the and practice The order eyes their close level highest profile was taken. data was used head restraint subjects were asked used but were no blindfolds and Again the open-faced subject runs with were the profiles given in was varied. The run the lower that completion the more on his frequency motion joystick. This profile This was mainly due to the subject than his cues rather otolith was also felt It caused disturbance the internal while and described plots set. trying is in Fig. the to motion the find first The zero to and tactile the RMS control velocity since most values were below finished 4.3.02 runs shows a were similar typical plot. 1.0. to track with a high to of the search injection ratios wheel out the control seemed to (Table 4.3.01) those The plot set but profile position in an attempt sign of 4.5. first along the the was done section control of than the subjects would often drift "walking" disturbance Bode of was generally better Control was noticed that indicate better A amplitude lower disturbance. strategy increased. cues as a higher level of concentration was required to detect the external low were greatly amplitudes and range of motion of the profiles. concentrate it rates of the first shows the expected ~1 50 INFUr PARAMETERS TRUN 91.920 NS1NFS- 12 FFREU- 0.012:10 FLAI: 0 DELt 217.000 0 FILTER= 0.310 FPOLEFPOS - 2.00 FACC- 0.150 TLOOP - 0.010 ROFILE DESCRIPTION MAX ACCEL: 0.102 0.4900 VELMAX: Z USEAGE UF fRACK - 63.19 STAPTIH4 POSITIO0 -- 0.163 SCALE- 0.1124 FREU. (H7) 0.0610 0. 0854 0.1099 0.1343 0.1387 0.207:; 0.2319 0.2808 0.3040 0.3784 0. 1517 0. 5005 AMPi AIiP2 (M/S) 0.08 0.Ae 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08 'O. 08 - (6 ) 0.003 0.004 0.006 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.018 0.019 0.023 0.026 PHASE (DEG) 0. 247. 13S. 269. 156. 43. 290. 172. 65. 31:. 199. Figure 4.3.01 DHPRO2.PRO Proflie #12 Parameters 51 less than previously seen. rendS and the data scatter is not significantly runs and low velocity RMS 1n t,,-expected, as it showed that ccrlete s did problem a is This data. consistent give always not low of ,pl itude profiles. to lie in the wheel A possible cause of part of the data scatter was felt Oystick. any Without zero in in high The lack of positive control higher remnant. and a the data put This extra motion caused more frequency control to help sense their motion. scatter to tended subjects reference caused by the wide range of rotation of the wheel was also a factor. Because of these problems another joystick was developed for use on the sled. the type found in model This joystick is shown in Appendix A and is aircraft radio control transnitters. The zeroing spring was removed so this extra control would knowledge of better exact cue influence the HO. Subjects generally have the input position when using this joystick but not is It knowledge. not felt that this gives a more effective control without adding additional motion cues. The range of joystick deflection is 40 degrees. The controller for the U.S. Laboratory Sled, which will be used for most of the pre- and post-flight testing, degree range. This further wheel. felt that this is It is supports use of is also a joystick with a 41 this joystick instead of the the best type of joystick to use in this testing. The joystick voltage output was less than that of the wheel joystick so it was necessary to change JSCALE=3.3 for the wheel. deflection of the JSCALE. The new Comparing voltage joystick then resulted value found was based ranges gave JSCALE=1.5. in the same velocity as on Full full 52 2.0 - 1.51C 1.0 - 0 0 0.0 0 *1* 0 I I I 0 0 0 0 I 00 -1.0 0 0 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 0.10 0.15 II I 0.20 I 0.30 I 0.40 I 0.50 0 1 100 + 0 -200 + 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -300 -360 Figure 4.3.02 Bode Plot. Subject DH DHPRO2.PRO Profile #12 j 0 000 53 DURAT ION (sec.) DATA FILE PR FILE COMMAND RMS RATIO POS IT ION RMS RATIO VE LOC IT Y RMS RATIO ACCELERAT ION RMS RATIO 03 11 1.08 0.886 0.795 0.863 74.24 04 11 1.40 1.29 0.780 0.779 20.48 06 11 1.07 1.77 0.675 0.759 -43.52 16 11 1.05 1.53 0.605 0.659 48.64 07 12 1.08 1.36 0.682 0.890 *81.92 08 12 1.06 1.07 0.723 0.994 *81.92 09 13 1.02 1.15 0.700 0.872 *71.68 10 13 1.73 0.747 0.546 1.063 7.68 11 13 1.02 1.35 0.711 0.900 *71.68 12 14 1.08 1.45 0.790 0.890 51.20 13 14 1.16 0.844 0.811 0.992 *61.44 14 14 1.29 1.65 0.768 0.914 23.04 15 14 1.05 2.35 0.682 0.805 *61.44 * Completed runs. TABLE 4.3.01 RMS Ratios. Subject DH, DHPRO2.PRO. 54 wheel. deflection of the *12 between run time and number of disturbance was decided results of completion rate Individual Bode variances showed was with similar plots and one little subject felt was too disturbance scatter in scatter. was of the control the sensitive. masked. the phase equation would give full scatter was indifferent. using the The run wheel to previous joystick. plots. However, #12 they could be averaged and determined. The resulting Bode plot data. section It any gave better caused more 3,5,6,7,8. control, but that the so much control that the and more directional activity gain based on was then decided to adjust the this specific profile. 3.1.1 part of Ref. was easy to put in It HO the least over The deviations (plotted) were comparable joystick This calibration and system shifts L when of the testing that the maximum velocity of the similar ideas showed the form of the Young and Meiry model and the average points relatively control new that deviations to those seen in the results The these to showed sigma studies would not be population the completed runs were of profile since all clearly testing and large had been found. successful profile done until a The subject the principle would be The author some of the other profiles. would also be given using practice it More testing. further in this of Because frequencies. profile this on concentrate to good compromise was a run completion and in success some had profile occurred. testing further for philosophy in change a time this At ias used with sensitive of the control With P=90% to this velocity known, find JSCALE. possible while disturbance with in joystick voltage output. some It still This giving margin for was hoped that 55 t After 5 practice runs the next 3 ests on the author were encouraging. did was easier not mask the disturbance and it input by as the was comfortable Control completed. were scatter. data control and much less in better would result subject the to input velocity commands tiear zero. however, Data analysis was also encouraging, ,as performing actually velocity and joystick plot E. The plot joystick that indicating control the HO was there is The velocity plot shows that somewhat erratic. This shows that of the data. than Bode plots The average those of disturbance of plots A typical in Appendix low was remnant joystick the some velocity nulling, the RMS velocity ratio It velocity nulling performance. of the overall velocity activity The individual to responding runs. discussed is plot the that clearly spectrum completed three 4.3.04. This type of shows the HO with little This suggests that the Bode plot data will be precise. injection. indicator the for To see if frequency task, nulling made were Fig. in shown is the were (Table 4.3.02) 1.0 which caused some concern. greater than the RMS velocity ratios the level, show less as it scatter is is although it is not an accurate rather an indication includes the remnant effects. than for most of the previous Bode plot of the three runs shows phase variances lower previous test. Fig. 4.3.03 shows this plot. The gain variances are similar but the average points are less scattered as may be expected the from low joystick remnants. Also, there is a flatness in the gain at the low frequencies and some low phase at low frequencies which is suggested in the Young and Meiry model. of the better P=90% criteria. data These results obtained with the lower are a major indicator joystick gain derived with the 56 2.0 C " 1.0 - C z C., I 1* 0.0 .L C' 'r I I'i IY I C -0.5 -- 0O -1.0 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 -I 100 + 4' m A -200 - 0.10 { { 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0 0 o~{o -300 -360 Figure 4.3.03 Bode Plot. Subject DH, DHPRO2.PRO Profile #12, JSCALE=2.56 - -N-mh-ft..mw 57 25 NO, 20+ 15 1 s \O 10 5 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 25 fl O\ I 20 ~a. ~0 0 0. Q..0O0, 00.- 0.>3-- \OQ 15 10 4 i -J 5 0 0 E 0.03 0.'05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.'50 0.'60 frequency (Hz) Figure 4.3.04 Frequency Spectrum. Subject DH, DHPRO2.PRO Profile #12, JSCALE=2.56 MMMEMMUMENIM 58 JSCALE = 1.5 RMS JOYSTICK DATA FILE RMS VELOCITY RATIO 11 1.26 0.201 16 1.34 0.164 11 1.34 0.162 18 0.685 0.162 23 0.730 0.162 JSCALE = 2.56 DATA FILE RMS VELOCITY RATIO RMS JOYSTICK 01 1.64 0.176 02 1.63 0.212 03 1.57 0.164 TABLE 4.3.02 RMS Data. Subject DH, Profile #12 d DHPRO2.PRO 59 v7elocity ratios Since the RMS higher caused was too gain joystick that the suqgests remnant also It control for precise high much was result. as a scattered these the JSCALE=2.56 for which the the use of This data helps confirm high joystick remnant. the was plot data Bode average The .ase' that less than was nulling the velocity and for three of joystick the that showed plots These runs. co1pleted for the previous 1.0 were made frequency spectrum plots (Table 4.3.02), test, were also greater than p=90% criterium for finding JSCALE. 4.3.1 Summary HO were low too to difficult control in increase by decreased, many performance orders as expected, disturbance. in increase The acceleration amplitudes used. show an an see of it This would requirements. procedure test the fulfill to with performance amplitudes the magnitude. HO were if in low control to so have an HO's would be very difficult result low the already have would Also, the requirements of the that was felt it However, procedure. the final test desired for #12 were the type of results obtained for profile The results It would be disturbance low to that precise more sensitivity were to sense the already low input amplitudes which would be difficult to separate from the remnant. Another problem with this the acceleration accelerations difficult are to justify that the HO is inputs below at the the the result supposedly is profile seen by looking at disturbance known not able to sense. dynamics of the hardware used to determine this Many frequencies. threshold of the transfer the magnitudes of of 0.005 g. of Thus, these it is function data with an input (It should be noted that the threshold were probably not 60 .. good as the Sled dynamics, since it is a more modern system. or that of an threshold for an acceleration disturbance of a sinusoid form, additional felt that acceleration would it intricacies and assume form, the 0.005 g threshold as valid.) higher amplitudes on the order of 0.015 g at to problems any avoid with the threshold. these avoid to controversial less be the was This that should be used frequencies all possible was felt It was it However, would probably be different. the Also, next direction test procedure taken. While require 1) these profiles were deemed unusable nts they were very educational. for the Some major points discovered were: Lower amplitudes of the disturbance result in more complete runs, They also cause the HO to concentrate more which expected. insure that the otolith system is as should help the major contributor to the HO response. 2) RMS velocity ratios are an overall activity measure and not necessarily a measure of the velocity nulling task. 3) The velocity frequency spectrum gives a clear view of the performance of the velocity nulling task. The joystick frequency clear view of the control remnant which spectrum gives a should be low for precise results. (See 4) desired to have about 3 complete runs to use in the data analysis. It is section 6.4) This helps show the subject's consistency. 4.4 The H1PRO4.PRO Series and Profile Design Problems. As stated in the last it was felt that section the amplitudes of profile the data was questionable due to this. *12 were low and It was therefore 61 The run times of 81.92 and 92.16 seconds were primarily used utilized. A ,ith only used to and error design mode that in the trial WSStoo slow to be used effectively minicomputer PDP-11/34 necessary as the was This was used. program on the generation a profile to meet these conditions the profile computer To design amplitudes be about 0.015 g. all at desired that the acceleration few a track the and frequency, disturbance each at amplitudes acceleration and velocity the were interest of outputs main The suitable was profile a if determine checked. runs second 102.4 length, maximum velocity, and maximum acceleration. set were on the types other used through varying Usually these degrees. The acceleration DEL DEL. values profile of was profile, DEL=37 gave that velocity and DEL The amplitudes range, restricted as changes output or 33 the all minimum was the the to DEL=337 then step set was velocity by with considered in the output parameters to to steps of 30 desired the be the best Often the fine tune varied greatly The input variables were then adjusted as necessary until Output parameters were found. only cycle to up and scaling used. decreased the parameters. profile or 333 scaling were upon decided program distribution, and acceleration parameters these frequency. DEL for the frequency variation promising the values were or With often. most was variable possible and flat with or Flat velocity, scaling was chosen. the or second order filtering, without first with starting usually since past profiles had shown these values to be Next range. proper limits Then, was determined. acceleration, length and maximum track 2.0 and 0.15 respectively, in t'e distribution and frequency time run desired the First was straightforward. for a profile The technique used to search a with the desired 62 o.Wbe information series that yielded the most useful of this e five profiles 4.4.01-.08 Fig. examined. and the associated show the profiles of velocity and acceleration toqram data, as well as the time histories from runs with no subject. #1 44.1 Profile that had 0.015 was developed in an attempt to obtain a profile profile #1 q at each disturbance frequency. amplitude flat The 0.015 g profile was not set up since it of this profile was already A that the maximum velocity was felt too high and it was used. scaling higher would be significantly for the 0.015 g case. The run completion rate of this is show that there a time period where there is acceleration direction. enough of The acceleration This profile spectrum in for the vibration but not sense Also, away and reach- the track limits. and acceleration velocity acceleration difficult. confusion causes Subjects then tend to apply some low amplitude control which causes them to drift number the 50-55 second slow change in velocity with an associated low HO since he can sense the velocity through the cart its at a part of the profile This lack of acceleration activity. The time time history plots. be seen in the histogram data and the profile history plots The causes can was discouraging. profile input to histogram data the reversals result makes as the low do not give the profile which subject suggests this of input more control 17% of the profile command points are below the 0.005 g threshold. has both too much velocity and emphasis on acceleration the low frequency amplitudes. The end high of the maximum 63 INPUT PARAMETERS TRUN 92.160 NSlNESs 12 FFREO- 0.010850 FLAt' 1 DEL- 107,000 Fit t0 0.080 FFULE FFUS-- '.'0 FACC- 0.200 TLt(I)Pz 0.010 PROFILE DESCRIPTION MAX ACCEL- 0.140 0.8095 'JELAAX % UFLAGE OF IkACK?-100.00 STAkrING POSITIONz 0.734 SCALE= 0.1333 FREO. (HZ) AMPI AMP2 (M/S) 0.33 0.18 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.0651 0.11Y4 0.1411 0.1845 0 . 2062 0.2496 0.3117 0.3364 0.4666 0.5100 (DEG) 3. 0.014 113. 0.014 221. 330. 78. 188. 298. 46. 156. 265. 373. 123. 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.014 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.4449 PHASE 0.014 0.06 0.4015 (G) 0,014 HISTOGRAM DATA ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC AC C ACC ACC AC L BIN= bu 114BI 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 14114- 0.030 14 1N 14IM= 0. 03 0.040 BIN= bBININt ACC ACC ACC ACC ACt: ACC ACC ACC ACt: ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC 0. 04: 0 .050 0.055 AC:C 14 1" 9 IN- 0.060 0.065 F4 It 0.070 BIN= BINS Bi I N " 0.075 0.080 6 1 m--. 0,085 BIN0.090 HIN. 0.095 0.100 41fNa 0105 SIN- 0.110 I IN 0.115 b IN- 0.120 0.125 0.130 ACC 9 1N - 0.1 1). ACC 14 N- 0.140 ACIC 14IN- 0. 145 ACC k4I?4- 0.150 ACC ACC AL C POINTS= A,' POINTS ACC POINTS= ACC POINTS- ACC ArC AC: ACC ACC ACC ACCE ACC A C C. ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC POINTS= PnINTSz; PU INT SPOINTS POINTS= POINTS- 1742 1327 1196 1024 831 600 455 373 286 176 POINTS, 208 POINTS 168 - POINTSz POINTS'POINTS= POINTSPO114 T; POINTS'z POINTSa ACC PUINTSu ACC POINTS& A(CC POINTS ACC P[INiSz ACC POINTS= ACC POINTSACC PnINTSz ACC FO I NT S ACC P01 NT S -ACC POINTSACC PUINTSz 141 179 133 78 59 49 27 43 15 19 27 6 8 8 22 5 0 Figure 4.4.01 H1PRO4.PRO PRofile #1 Parameters TI I II velocity 0.056 a/s/division time 1.0 sec./division t acceleration 0.020 &/division ~Th1L 111 j1 1}1 41 H1PRO4.PRO Profile 91 TI +- 0 - 4 j # -A k KrIh 'It IT I LI ILL L LI I DTUh ACCUCHART -+ -. + 0-4- ii b + - TIA [HL bil lit a) ii Figure 4.4.02 H1PRO4.PRO Profile #1 Time History 91L-* Od9d (D FtA C) I-A - 0 - 1 . 0 00w 0 .. 0 T 323232zz 0 000 0 W 33 000000000 - -a. 0 00 0 T 0000 000 z 00 M 0) 0e 0) 00G ' o 000 T 00000T 0) 0) 0) 3 ) 0) 0) 0 COOOOOCOOO z2 3233 Z 3323z2332332 00T 00T 0-) 0) 0) 00000000000 0 0 It :. CC *- 0' ) I: - 0 0) 0' ) U) (l -- 4 -4 -4 -4 U) S l -4 e- 4' 00 0 -4 -4 J (.4 ( Ea 4 0 LA 4 (0 b 0 0) J - - ' 4 N OOC . j '& 4. " I .! -4 I1J 4.1 M ()wn U) U) U U) -4 -4-4 0 0' LA 4.410 0 0) '4 4)40 J 0 s Iw -4 -4 -- 4-4 -4 O 000000 000 0 0" I0 " 0 .8. -44 . 0 no 0 0 0 4 44 b w N* 0.o4 b 4 0 " w . O 000 0 =e- 0e C0 0C 0- c- = 0- O M 0 4-L zz zzz zz zzzxz " " " -4 -4 1 U) (l '.1 U) U) U ,, 4. .; ! -4-4 -4 4J - I .. W 0' 00 CA 4J (.4 1 U) I --4-4 C O 0-c 0- 0- 0OCa Cc 0s 0- 0.. zzzzzx zzz z z O 0 M. mp 0 0 e- - A 0 t) J 0 LA 4 b .0or000I 0 0 L" 0 LA 0 LA 0 4 0001-1000A"0000U OUl - 0es LA . . 'pee. & 00000O n n - -I n 00 r n n 0n000000000000 m n t n 0 0 0 Ono n 0 n n n n 0 C) ) 11 -1 17 n n r r o n n 00 . 0r - ro 0i 1- 0, 0- 0 IA 0a i 0 4 O1 0.t 0 4. 2332 -': 3 T t 000e 0 o or 'X S0 q" 4. 0. 3 OrM 00O One, O Jb 000000000 O0 O . .4 w- . .A .0 b . . . . . . 000000000000- -4 L1 LAi LAe '. '4 0 0 . . .. M0 . p- 0 N 0d . . 4 0 . LA .W . 0- -V O11- 0 0. o0 o'.4 " .b '4 0. '. 4 ; 000 2 I .0 ('(4 . . -b .I . .4. x 14 W C) 4J 0 4 b- N 014a 3 *'C 4.. N C L4 N -; " '1 - t0- 47IM ) flr . 00 - C.0 P14 1 4 1 O n -4, 0 3 IM 0 D4 t,!o 3 r) Co. .. 44 Z~ 4 S-4 LO l ;4 C x 0 C So O0 - -04. ~0 -4 - . :7:- 0 0 -r ( . 0 Lot 4 r, z 0 04 . -. 4 7,-0~- -.; Z- :.OT 0 Li 0 * . -n 3> :1 '1 3 3 41 Ln 0'i I 66 vAkAMETERS INFUT 92.160 TRUN> NSIU1' 12 FFRE) 0.010850 FL1f 0 DEL I 217.000 FILFER1 0.100 FFOLEFF ] : 1.80 FACC 0.200 1LimPs 0.010 PROFILK DESCRIPTION MA ACCELz 0.134 .IELMAX- 0.A6e9 t'-AGE OF IRACK -100.00 STAIr ING POSITION--0.Z64 028 SCALE FRE.. AMPI (HZ) 0 .0651 0. 11 Y4 0.1411 0. 1H45 0.2062 0.i496 0.3117 0 . 33.64 0. 4015 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.07 0. 0 0.04 0. 05 0.4666 0. 100 ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC AC1 ACC ACC ACC AMP2 0.16 0.4449 HISTOGRAM (M/S) 0.19 (U) 0.008 0.012 0.010 0.012 0.012 0.016 0.01 0.014 0.017 0.013 0.013 PHASE (IEG) 1. 248. 135. 23. 270. 157. 45. 292. 179. 67. 314. 201. 0.*015 DATA BINt- 0.005 0.010 BIN:: 0.015 PIN= 0.020 0.025 0.030 BINr 0.035 BIN0.040 81N BIN= 0.045 DINBIN -- 0.050 BIN= B - 0. O IN 0.060 0.065 BINS 0.070 0.075 BIN' 01080 BINDINZ 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 S4iis 0.105 BINS 0.110 BINS 0.115 SIN=- 0.120 81W'. 0. 125 0.130 0.135 BINS 0.140 bIN1 kilNa 0.145 8I?- 0.150 ACC AC C ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC L CC ALC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC AC C ACC F 01N TS POINTS- ACC POINS- POiNTSPOINTS' PUINTSa P01 NT S" POINTS-POINTS POINTSPOINTS POINTS= POIN TS POINTS POINrsz POINT= POINTS POINTS= ACC POINTS' ACC POINTS* ALC FOINr sACC POINTS= ACC POINTSACC POINTS* AUCC POINTS: ACC POI NT S a ACC POINTSz ACC POINTS= ACC POINTSa ACC POINTS2 1377 1424 1243 1110 871 558 515 433 300 245 243 133 10 146 170 53 42 59 12 12 13 16 19 28 9 12 23 0 0 0 Figure 4.4.04 HlPRO4.PRO Profile #6 Parameters J \'\ IW time 1.0 aec./diviaian 1T1 1TFT dIvi] IL A lIIPRO4.PRO Profile velocity 0.056 ii{~ #3 ./s/division time 1.0 sec./division acceleration 0.020 ~Hifll t jut[- g/division ITV TilL K4KI[ T ~i#. F igiire 4.4.05 H1IR04.PR(O ProfiIc #3 and #6 T ime Iistoii.-s *W I I 68 INPUT PARAMETERS 81.920 TRIJN- N9 (P 12 FFPLU-- 0.012210 FL0C - 0 ,EL t04.000 F Il I L K I 0.200 FF0Lt. 2.00 0.200 FII FACC 1 Lit.E PRUFILE mA. 0, 610 DESCRIPTION ACCEL- 0.123 0.4337 JELMA4N uw-ccE OF TFACh=100.00 sTrkrLiN Pi3 9ITIONz 0.044 0 CA FRE(I. 2 2 AMP2 (HZ) 0.0410 0 ;.,4 0. 1.99 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0 .1143 0.12;7 0.2075 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.08 0.'140 0.3t8 4 0.09 0.4217 0.5005 1-HASE 0.07 (DEG) 1. 105. 208. 312. 0.009 0.012 0.01: 0.015 0.021 0.022 0.020 0.025 0.023 0.11 0.2319 0.2808 (G) 0.004 0.007 0.008 5-4. 159. 263. 7. 111. 215. 319. 63. HISTOGRAM DATA ACC AC C ACC ACC ACC ACC ACL ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC BIHlIN ElIN BIN= 141 N 14IN Ft T BIN BIN= 0.050 E4IN ACC ACC AC C ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 01*:5 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 NINa BINI4N 14IN- 0.05 0.060 0.065 0.070 0.075 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 4.100 0. 105 BIN= 0.110 F IIN'. 0.111 BIN7 0.120 I4INa- 0.12". 81 Nz 0.130 F.IN' 0. 135 DIN- 0.140 0.145 0. 150 ACEC P) 011N4Tc 'A4CC POINTS ALC POINTSACC POINTSACC POINTS ACC POINTSACC POINTSz ACC POINTS-ACEC P 1N TS-, ACC PnINTS" ACC POINTSPOINTS-AC C O1INT S ACC ACC PnINTS- POINTS- ACC ACC P0INTS I NT S ACC PO ACC P0INTS NT a ACC POI PO INr-s- ACC POINTSACC PoIN rs ACC POINT sa ACC ACC F 0 [Nr S ACC ACC POINTS- ACC ACC ACC POINTS= POINTS POINTSa POINTS= POINTSm 809 882 1029 1191 654 378 360 387 383 272 302 276 281 247 194 165 47 69 38 26 25 34 42 61 40 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4.4.06 HlPRO4.PRO Profile #11 Parameters (D rt 0n (D Oj r, O~~~~~~ +++ +~O~DO . CC 0 Li -- LI J a- '-0 IL1Q0 10 Li 0 n -4 -4 -4 - -4 -4 -4 i "i i C) OO cn n on) WT T ' 2 ) 'T'i '3 r) '7 ,f " 1 r " 3 3 2 w33w33I233 32 w32 0 -4 W -4 - 4p d "00A LA - - -4 - ++ -. - - w+ - - n n nn r. -"+-w - -+4 fJ - 0 0 Li 0 LI 0 II 'J -4 -! : SI -- 4 I' ( . -4 ('3 4--4 000 I- (I3 C ( 0 -e t 4 I I. 3-4 2 1. it -4 -4 z z -"-'3 rJ rJ tJ t f) EA G V1L4 W - CI 0 LI CA D LA" 40' - iJ 4 C3 03 "- 0 NI N A 0 CD .6- 0 UL 4 -4 A C -- NINI s - (J 0 0 LI C4 - -4 0000O0 D bOD D~,D D D D mOO~no OO ) M nOr. e- n n n n n n n F7 n n 7-70 OOOO - 'in n C. n) if --4 C) L' Li in 0000 ; W W O N S N -TI '0- W1 J tJ 1 J . .. . -. 0 0- 11 clo -,W a] . . T 1- 6- 6 0- 0 0 0 0 -b w 0 w '-34LA ! J 0 OD 0 W0 -0 PJ 0i J 0-v 0 1l4 0w 6 PJ OOOOOOOOOOOO- 000000000 If 000000000000- 0 0 000 0 L4. tOD t& 4 4 4.M0 M ' 0 no- ).3-' 00000 000000000000 "J b 0 r, -! '7T30 : 7 n n0 n'I ) r2 Ii22222 www C-) ()() On r, T r.z . 3 p, n OoOOCOOOOOOO 00000000000 0.. 0..00.0. .- s. . 00000004000 0 044 030 " N 0' 0' L' L A b W LA 0 Li 0 LaO LA 0 JII 0 LI Q 0 <> Li 0 . o; LA CJ (J10' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C-4 4IJ -4 ooocooOCCOMOODCOO 0 0S 0 - ni 'inO O 'in fi F. ' Ic i tl on T 'r (c w " T, e C.' T f") '7 322 22 n C- .: 0000000 '7 C nnn X 00 '-Jo 00 -73 0 0tJ 01 -C .f-, :' a- (J f-,m :9 con S -1 r . rS. :;X C:'r,rM. :-M. :a =I x 0 r) --4 0 3 tn -3 m 0 C i.m mn ;f '-. 0- , -4 C O L -'0 Ii 3,1 fi 0 0.. o * fnLm '1 '13 -0 r-- r - 7, 00 e C' -0 0 0C 0' . 0J 0 C 0 '.3 I- -3 rn w -TVIM velocity 0.056 m/s/diviuion time 1.0 sec./division ~1 acceleration 0.020 Sldivioo A A velo 0.P 05 Profil ,IIIII THI11TIIh II II1T Iflh1 TF[TTH1ITT io2 Cl ') ' velocity 0.056 a/s/division LI LIII'!Li ') / I k: C' 4 . I I 6 LL A-L' - GO time 1.0 sec./division accle 1 in 0. ~u;v I I I [TiTlE H'I ii I II~ f~ I Figure 4.4.08 H1PRO4.PRO Profile #11 and #12 Time Histories ilI Lowering to the low run completion rate. velocity worsen only would HO the procedure. final test #3 and #6 4.4.2 Profiles Profiles filter less amplitude profiles can not be used for the flat In conclusion, performance. mean an eien the amplitude would which reversals acceleration and contributed command points below threshold and of accleration percentage ,reater may also have (JSCALE-1.63) seIocity and associated high gain #3 and #6 scaling. Due were to set up using constant the results of velocity amplitudes were increased at the lower frequencies. profile velocity and #1 the first order acceleration and the higher frequencies and lowered at Profile #3's amplitudes are higher to try to stay away from the threshold. The maximum velocity and associated joystick gain are high as a result. velocity limitation of about 0.66 elaborated upon here it lower limit of the m/s with P=95%, amplitudes were determined by a maximum Profile #6's m/s. (From some testing was decided that joystick which was gain. used the desire threshold amplitudes, remnant.) 0.005 g. The for a should be the practical This allows a maximum velocity of instead higher velocity with the same joystick between JSCALE=2.0 which will not be higher of P=90% to sensitivity. maximum achieve This is velocity, to a 0.66 slightly a compromise stay away from and the desire for precise HO control without a high histograms show a decrease in the number of points below The time histories show more zero crossings as expected. Run completion rates with these profiles were low also. that the emphasis on the lower to be able to control the profile frequencies was still effectively. This signifies too great for subjects One run of each profile was 72 The also. frequency joystick The At frequencies. high is so low that it These low at low phase gain and profile. test desired for the final which is consistent data, give more input amplitudes higher that theory the support results HO. the of characteristic is that frequencies show the flat tend to The plots amplitudes. frequency joystick disturbance from the difficult to separate the joystick remnant is the amplitude velocity disturbance the frequencies these scatter low except at low remnant shows a spectrum showed #3 scatter and profile little shows very Bode plot shown in Fig.,.02. #6 are for profile and plots though, completed, 4.4.3 Profile #12 Profile #12 was set up as a limiting case test. the previously 0.62 successful and JSCALE-2.13 greatest using a amplitudes case acceleration DHPR02.PRO profile may be at the to possible at the low frequencies so it #11 has some velocity first order but has less single point. filtering zero crossings possible. It have the #12 The histogram data (The greatest #12 flat amplitudes limiting case.) included here of profile of It represents the close to profile is an increase of frequencies. also a and is zero crossings. The time histories is just criterion. high considered is to a maximum velocity #12 P-95% scaling possible It Profile in maximum to illustrate a show the maximum number of shows a low number of points below 0.005 g as expected. The run previous show that begining completion runs. the No rates runs maximum and after the for profile of profile #11 velocity activity midpoint of the #12 were intermediate were completed. of run. compared to The time histories profile #12 Those for profile occurs #11 at the occur 73 2.0 1.5 C 1.0 IN C 0.5 z 0.0 .1. -0.5 t L~ I 0 00 C - i 1~ I - 0 0 00 0 II 0 00 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 0.10 0.15 i i 0.20 0.30 0.40 I 0 00 100 - 0 0 01 Ca CU 0 00 0. -200 4- -300 -360 Figure Bode Plot. Subject DH, HlPRO4.PRO Profile #6 L. 00 0.50 74 r 60 S50 40 44 30 9 > 20 \0-Oh. 46 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 35 -, (U U 30 . (U 25 0 0-10 20 U (U (.J 15 0-,-o (U 0 ""$ 10 010 5 0 . 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 frequency ( 0.20 0.30 0.40 Hz) Figure Frequency Spectrum. Subject DH H1PRO4.PRO Profile #6 0.50 0.60 75 ,Fore lelocitv activity to react to the highest amplitudes This means center of the track. velocity activity. awareness to expect. what of the begining at velocity maximum the was not allowed to drift that the subject also have This may of the thereby improve his the but debatable is point This the subject with to acquaint run and maximum first period before the served a chance near the still of the disturbance while during a low activity ends near the track gave the subiect run of the the beqinning near having the maximum that was felt It rate. differences in the run completion to the to contribute felt is and it profiles, the two between disference major the is This run. the of end the near and midpoint the idea was useful in other ways as will be shown. Typical scatter. the but plots The that predominant the the a shows to can not amplitudes at high Bode the high respond to adequately in the Young and Meiry model. the This is in general, caused frequency control the higher frequencies. off in gain associated with the otolith is This shows much plot large and remnant frequencies. disturbance subject HO The,02. Fig. frectuency spectrum shows a low remnant, spectrum the at of difficulty felt ioystick velocity oscillations in shown are profile due to flat the by motion. system at high frequencies In conclusion, amplitude It has that the dropas shown velocity profiles do not meet the test requirements. 4.4.4 Summary The main points illustrated 1) Flat amplitude profiles the low frequencies. by these profiles are: have input amplitudes that This causes a is are too high at lack of acceleration cues to the HO. 76 2.0 C 1.0 - C~4 C 0.5 C - z 0.0 0 I I I I - - -II C' 0 0 00 -0.5-- -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.10 0.05 0.0 0.15 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.50 a 0 0 -100 t 0 0 C6 0 0 0 OO -200 + -300 -360 Figure Bode Plot. Subject DH, H1PRO4.PRO Profile #12 j 00 I 77 60I 50 Ii 9 40 \ \/ I Q 30 O\- 20 0 10 0 0.03 0.10 0.05 O.S 0:20 0.30 0.50 0.60 0.40 frequency (Hz) 351 ~J2 30 +1 25 20 / P-1 + 0/ 0 y -)a 0 10-- 5 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 frequency (Hz) Figure Frequency Spectrum. Subject DH HlPRO4.PRO Profile #12 0.50 0.60 78 2) ,,,h frequency end of the spectrum. This causes poor HO performance due response at otolith o the poor 3) The intermediate the too high at have input amplitudes that are Flat velocity profiles higher frequencies. rate, scaled case shown gave a low run completion This is scatter. but data with little the type of compromise profile, that is in terms of input amplitudes at high and low frequencies, desired for the final profile. 4.5 Further Population Testing decided was it point this At examine the responses seen in more detail. data best so far their with and studies that population #3 and #6 had given the Profiles acceleration JSCALE-2.03 4.4.2. This maximum velocity was to comply with the JSCALE=2.0 The resulting is profile to slightly reduced Profile #6 similar times to was The max velocity of profile #6 #12. those of profile JSCALE-1..97. maximum velocity points occurred at since its above well amplitudes threshold they were the best choice to use in further testing. was favored to begin should 0.66 m/s with 0.65 m/s with limitation stated in the section shown in Fig. 4.5.01,.02. It was felt that in this further testing the suggested veloctiy limitations should be fully complied with to provide more coherency with the previous testing. Using previous Subjects were was used. was explained. desired, it. experience, They were but once they felt A pair of opaque a more procedural seated in the cart method of conducting and the velocity nulling task told to use any cues and any control comfortable with their goggles were then tests put on technique the subject strategy not to change and kept on 79 INPUT PARAMETERS TRUN- 92.160 NSTIES- 12 FFREU- 0.010850 0 FLAI VEL-- 247.000 FILTEFR= I FFOLE 0.100 1,75 FPflS. FACC- 0.200 0.010 TLOOF PROFILE DESCRIPTION MA): ACCEL' 0.131 0.,4j12 VELi'iX % USEAGE OF lK(h=100.00 PnitioN -0.548 START- SCALE- 0. 419 FREQ. (H7) AMPI AMF2 0.19 0.15 0.11 0.10 PHASE (b) 0.2062 0. :496 0.3147 0.3364 0.4015 0.06 0.4449 0.05 0.4666 0.04 0,008 0.012 0.010 0.012 0.011 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.017 0.013 0.012 0.5100 0.05 0.01z 0.0651 0. 1 1V 0.1411 0. 140 0.09 0.10 0.07 0. 06 14EG) 1. 248. 135. 23. 270. 157. 45. 292. 179. 67. 314. 201. HISTOGRAM DATA ACC BI'IN= ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC BIN7 P T K-- 0.005 0.010 0.015 0 . 020 B IN= 0. 025 ?IN ACC. BIN= 0.030 0.0 35 ACC )4IN- 0.040 ACtC 0 04' E4IN ACC PIN= 0.050 ACC EIN- 0. 'i: ACC 14 IN= 0.060 ACC SIN= 0.065 ACC YIN. 0.070 ACC bINS 0.075 ACC 0.080 ACC BINACC 0.090 ACC: PINS 0.095 ACC PIN= 0. 155 ACC BIN" 0.160 ACC 1IN- 0. 16S 0.170 ACC 0.175 ACC Ft N x ACC 0.180 ACC PIN 0.185 ACC B IN 0. 190 ACV PIN= 0, 195 ACC BIN- 0.200 ACC N IN- 0. 205 ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC POI NTS= POINTSPOI RT F POINTS POINTS vI01 NT S ACC F 01 NT S P0 I NT S - ACC P(II\TS Act P0I NT'; FA 1NT'. ACC POIN TSACC AC: ACC IN T 5 POINTS POINTS= F'O ACC POINTS ACC FO 114 T cPOINTS - ACC POINTSo ACC ACC POINTS1 POIHTSz AIC. CCFO I NT S ACC, FUI;NTS= ACC ACC Fn I NT A(CC F( I ITS' FOINT3= PC0IN T S FOINTS' ACt PO INT S AC C F'(jI N T S ACC ACC 1425 1155 1259 1120 8164 542 523 424 :23 176 129 14 I 36 39 7 33 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4.5.01 HlPRO4.PRO Profile #17 Parameters j 11IPRO4.PRO Profile 017 V 4city '0.056 m/s/division time 1.0 sec./division -4-r + * + + acceleration 0.020 a/divtsion '.~ - - A+ - jPT~lIKH1 T' Figure 4.5.02 H1PRO4.PRO Profile #17 Time History ~ 17411W 81 nira a 11 runs. -rilosed The head restraint for was used this and all urther testing. They were then given the null profile run (no disturbance Put) and asked to practice with the joystick until they felt comfortable profile was then run with no oth the subject control input. sensitivity. This A practice profile practice was then run with subject control maximum level of until the subject started completing runs or reached his The performance. data profile was then profile was then run with control until stored for data profile runs only. run with used in the data reduction. data Data wa s 3 runs were completed. The joystick voltage range was checked every one or two runs to check for drift. after The control. no runs were completed All Velocity and joystick frequency spectra, velocity RMS ratio and joystick RMS were obtained for each run. and Bode data was obtained from the average of the completed runs. Most of the reasoning used in this refined procedure is self-explanatory but some points should be made. Subjects were told to use any possible cues so they would not try to avoid cues and so lose concentration on their Subjects were allowed to ride through the profiles without otolith cues. any control so they could be familiarized with the amplitudes and frequency range of the disturbance and the associated motion cues. Often during a run there was confusion as to what was the disturbance control so this helped alleviate this problem. Only and what was the HO three data runs were taken to lessen the amount of data analysis required and to keep the test time limited blindfolded to roughly so the one hour. All runs were done with the subject subject was only concentrating on the cues used in the data runs and not on extraneous cues from other senses. Four subjects were tested. The rate of completion was not as high as 82 were mixed, however. Fig. 4.5.03-06 runs were completed more or three The results and run completion was secondary. rpts was the top priority show typical For two plots. were plots Bode the and gave good that profile a that was felt It expected. was this desired but subjects to similar subject previous plots. The one sigma deviations for one of these subjects, knowing high the when and occurred, this the author had the most experience of any two subjects the run completion rate For the other of the subjects tested. were profile, the with familiar disturbances velocity Also, control. greatly helped his low and deviations author's the intimately was author The low. remarkably but data, previous to similar were , was low and the data scatter was high. velocity The joystick RMS maintaining errors ratios are are. (Table precise acceleration frequency RMS cues control and velocities. the full the not consistent 4.5.01) and This is associated the as was noted during some due difficulty to in subject some runs these suggests probably This would allow track length, for runs, still in too few the low slowly wander while the difficulty controlling to but still over yielding effective overall velocity nulling but a higher velocity RMS ratio. strategy observed during the tests Upon closer examination of the control with the most Subject MS was is disturbance by noting one With this 4.5.03,04. amplitude scattered by of data were these subjects technique the inputing some and noting the response. if the motion is the control and his using The two subjects seen. types of control were subjects two distinct of these injection data technique. shown is subject attempts to determine high frequency The control increased or control position decreased. As of is is in Fig. what the significant then adjusted seen from the pmw-- 83 2.0 - 1.I- 1.0± c.J 0.5 - I I 0.0 I I I- 0 C -L.0 - 0 0 0 00 0 0 -2.0 frequency (Hz) -100 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.0 I Ca 0.30 0 0 . 0.50 i 0 0 0.40 I i 0 +1 o.:o I 0 0 0 -200 - 0 -300 - -360 0 0 K - Figure 4.5.03 Bode Plot. Subject MS, HlPRO4.PRO PRofile #17 (average of two runs, deviations not shown) 84 60 50 40 - 7O 30 7/- 0 > 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 I 0.20 I 0.30 -4 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 30 20 *00 10 44 0 0 0.03 I 0.05 I 0.10 0.15 0.40 frequency (Hz) Figure 4.5.04 Frequency Spectrum. Subject MS, HlPRO4.PRO Profile #17 0.50 0.60 i 85 2.0 - 1.5 C 1.0 0.5 z I 0.0 i Y 0 I - C -0.5 -- -1.0 -2.5 -2.0 - frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.10 0.0 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 -100 + { I C. -200 0.50 I I + -300 -360 Figure 4.5.05 Bode Plot. Subject DH, HlPRO4.PRO PRofile #17 I- 86 60-. 50 C C6 40 30 20 N010 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 -50 '0 0-~~ N N 40 I ,o 30 O0N 20 O-R 10 '-- - 0 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure 4.5.06 Frequency Spectrum. Subject DH, HlPRO4.PRO Profile #17 0.40 0.50 0.60 i 87 DATA FILE RMS VELOCITY RATIO RMS JOYSTICK AA 03 3.63 0.346 MS 04 1.19 0.173 11 3.06 0.241 02 0.790 0.221 03 1.22 0.223 05 2.01 0.242 05 1.01 0.191 08 0.642 0.180 12 1.76 0.207 SUBJECT MM DH TABLE 4.5.01 RMS Data. H1PRO4.PRO Profile #17 88 plots remnants high in results control of type this of and velocity joystick and also does not have much effect on the disturbance velocity. DH Subiects is technique used wait to Some control. MM and minimal for a more during subject DH the although these differences in satisfying and the acceleration Bode the are desirable reversals. As show the frequencies result as it same of is showed that the not a is then the acceleration seen It is general the This with responding The primary cue is much more consistent. plots break before control. injection may also be used but it control results reactionary disturbance the significant amount of the control. sensed passive, gain the in the data also noticed trends, plots. for that there This transfer are was functions could detect differences in subject performance. 4.5.1 Summary The conclusions of this 1) For data with little should try testing are as follows: scatter and overall better velocity nulling the HO to REACT to the disturbance and not attempt to search out the disturbance. 2) This profile still has input amplitudes that are too high at the lower frequencie s. 3) The data for the reacting subjects was similar in quality to that for other HO experiments. Individual differences could also be seen which is an indication of the effectiveness of the profile and the closed-loop test. 4) Practice and knowledge of the profile performance and the quality of the data. a can greatly improve the subjects 89 5) The test It run completion rate. too still high, too in resulting disturbance the few control to distinguish effectiveness higher amplitudes length and at maximum between question the more lower velocity the number of low frequency disturbance very low frequency point at that a profile with scale was desirable. this As is it velocity Also, while was frequencies. the makes difficult. frequencies Another in This resulted 0.065 Hz with the next at 0.11 the it is remnant and order maintaining necessary seen of the high frequencies. two and constraints the spectrum disturbance and the remnant will often mesh at difficult cues. acceleration the high frequencies. frequency velocity the low frequencies the amplitudes at that was felt problem was the low velocity amplitude at from One was the low some major problems with this profile. There were still were sound. procedure and data analysis procedure are basically to the limit to get track the in only one Hz. It was felt more evenly distributed frequencies on the log(rad/sec) Another profile was needed. CHAPTER 5 THE FINAL EXPERIMENT 5.1) All The Experimental of the lessons velocity amplitudes the previous this testing were used to determine the data had been obtained from a very low amplitude profile, of requirements. and were of Consistent final profile. flat Method DHPRO2.PRO were profile Flat acceleration #12. profile too to low profiles However, the fulfill yielded the test input procedure low run completion not favorable due to the portions of the profile that rates had minimal acceleration disturbances and few zero-crossings. Profiles with acceleration very consistent Bode plots. the amplitudes at low amplitudes However, frequencies a high run completion some inconsistency and it low high amplitudes at the frequencies. was felt low This rate. is the 0.008-0.017 these profiles too much. increased amplitudes to 0.004-0.031 and in A were flat g still range gave emphasizing velocity profile with g gave a high number of zero crossings The Bode plots from this that the results frequencies and particularly would corresponding important since profile showed suffer due to the emphasis better on the velocity nulling generally occurrs at the low frequencies. This also points out the need for more low frequency points than had been used in the previous test. As is In so often the case in engineering work a compromise was needed. generating amplitudes at a final the low profile the desire frequencies and raise An average range between H1PR04.PRO profiles was them at to lower the input the high frequencies. #17 and #12 was felt to yield 91 the best values of input acceleration had second run time should be used as it that the 81.92 It was also felt g. This range was 0.06-0.24 amplitudes. given the desired track length of about 2 m and a maximum velocity of about 0.65 m/s while allowing more low frequency points. the maintaining amplitudes had to be amplitudes had given 0.005-0.021 was felt g. to be results poorer 0.63 m/s giving than that for in while velocity limits. The input higher input this the The lowest amplitude as situation The past. final is still are profiles not below amplitudes threshold so it The maximum velocity has also been lowered JSCALE-2.13, to allow of profile the requirements seen the range of acceleration As is acceptable. amplitude maximum resolve to lowered shown in Fig. 5.1.01-.03. is and length track input these obtain to impossible was It slightly less The 4.5. section joystick sensitivity emphasis of overall to the input amplitudes have been shifted to the higher frequencies as desired. A frequency determined by an even number multiplying included to prevent other with DEL=103 In degrees. order to its of the run. Profile but 4.5, is on chosen almost a the mirror occurrence to be the the run when image the of data profile all was halves. one with DEL=253 and the one profile for As is 5.1.03) seen profile #2 the midpoint and after the beginning obtaining #1 is about 180 degrees out of phase with this activity A further advantage of profile of at maximum velocity activity chose (Fig. data the time histories were checked. has frequency from being made up of two identical the profile found to meet these conditions, were Two profiles the base the of profile maximum with profile #2. velocity #1 the Using being are converging of section #2 profile activity, was the practice profile. #2, and similar profiles, sinusoids theory is to zero that at the end amplitude, the 92 is disturbance there should low. This means that the HO' s control a bias not be FFT data reduction. #1, and is a more in the joystick data input will be low so could influence the that This should result in cleaner data than with profile reason valid for chosing #2 profile to be the data with the last profile. 5.2) The Formal Test Procedure The same basic test procedure used for population was used for these population tests. profile was made in the instruction given has been described in However, to the subject. section 4.5, but its tests a major modification The basic test procedure main features will be repeated here. The enclosed testing. The velocity, do this instruction and given motion sense of motion joystick to the stopped, subjects must sense their should sense their should then not be this is changed input position. many to This explanation used for maintain all zero To seems to occur during acceleration changes and acceleration. until the subject. That subjects For the cleanest data is, they sense should input. their sensed the joystick Above all, by inputing high subjects and are motion and respond with a joystick input. If no acceleration is out the disturbance noted with to subjects acceleration before responding with a control changing again. the zero REACT controller by REACTING to the disturbance. should be the primary motion cue to the subjects to restraint or keep their The clearest this head clearly This input acceleration should be moved subjects should not try to frequency control. should be avoided as it should be told to the subjects and their This is leads search a tendency to poor data. control technique 93 INP(lT PAkAMETERS TRUN91.920 NSINES= IFFREU-- 0.012210 FLAf= 0 LEL- 103.000 FIt I R 1 0.150 FPOLEFF0 :. I FACC- 0.200 TLUP 0.010 PROFILE UESCRIPTION MAX ACCEL- 0.117 0.- 285 ')ELMAX; UFEAGE OF TRACK-100.00 STr<RTIHG POSITION- 0.1: CtLz 0.2551 FREQ. AMPI (H7) 0.0610 0 .0854 0.1099 0.1343 0. 1:87 0. 20 / 0. 2319 0. 2O d 0 . 3:40 0. 3Y06 0. 417 0.500 AMP2 (M/S) 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.11 (G) 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.010 PHASE 0.012 0. 0 1:; 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.014 0.020 0.021 0.019 0.021 0.020 (DEG) 2. 106. 210. 314. -;7. 162. 266. 11. 116. 220. 325. 70. HISTOGRAM DATA ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC 0,005 0.010 0.015 B IN:; 0. 020 e IN= 0. 025 Et IN- 0.030 14IN= ACC 0. 0351 ACC HIN- 0.040 0. 045 BMN0.050 14 LN BIN=_ 0 . 055 ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC 0.060 941 Fl = 0. 065 H IN ACC ACC PIN= AC C HINbINS ACC E, IN= ACLC BIN: ACC 1 NACC 0.070 0. 07r 0.080 0.085 0.090 0.095 0.100 0. 10r ACC 1IN 0.110 ACC 0. 11 BN ACC 0 . 120 ACC MIN" 0.125 ACC PIN- 0.130 ACC 0.135 9 IN0.140 ACC P IN' ACC 0. VACC 0.150 ACC P0IN TS? 15 ACC F 01 NT S-. 1034 ACC POINTS1095 848 ACC P1)INrSACC P 11 NT S 698 ACC P0 I NT S 5vs ACC 10 11NT S 509 ACC POINTS463 344 ACC FO I N T S 344 A CC POINTS 307 ACC PlNTS 193 ACC POINTS 217 ACC POINTS173 ACC POINTS:. 177 ACC POINTS= 114 ACC POINTS-107 ACC POINTS= 31 ACC POINTSrACC POINTS-t 25 28 Al: C POINTS 46 ACC POINTSs 37 ACC POINTSACC POIN 14 AC C POINTS18 ACC POINTS0 ACC POINTSz 0 ACC POINTS= 0 ACC POINTS= 0 ACC Pn1NT50 0 ACC POINTS= Figure 5.1.01 HlPR05.PRO Profile #2 Parameters ix ul Iw w x 4C c' c L 0 O 0 I'i 0 IA 2 C U' Li. - t.a C-- Zt I- ,- _U o _" 0 10 0O 0 CA 00 L, - C . -C :7 Ci.iL . _ L i . U -hi -) -- -L i-- 2: L Ln U0 L m i 10 i O C . (410F- O M 00-0 r) 00 u- ! WaO *LU 0 .G wO'4 .I baJ C -- w 000 0 W 4 I - Ml- 00 0 00 CI 11Cl 4 -000000000000 (f 0 0O4 0 0 t, -1 =000000000000 -, C-. (L X w LL. 1. -4 W O 1 (I 4 i N). 0 i 0. 0 n -O 0 ' V 00 .4139. 000 3.4 VII- .40 hi4 M4O 4 -l .0 0000 .4C) C N i 9M t! 0 0M OCl 0 -0 4 4 C, 0 .4 C' ri C I I .4C U) .M t,.; -0 I4 L )C -0fU)U ft . L-1" -cfM h0 bi0 * e~~~~ wIdb ' (m 0 U)!IU . - N ae 0 Li0 hi0 I f 0 0m 4 4 4 u is V -I M U4) in O C. U CU CU . O - -*OO Ci. Ci. 0 LI LI L U 4 - u U U CU U CU U CU 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -t4 4 4 4 C 4 4 4 U CU 2 0 Lit U U u Li .L ui U)I £. U) U) I Li0 L U U U U L -- - - ;OOOO n U)J/U) S4 iN VI 1) .)f4-9 U) LI U Li U Li C. C U 2 life.en 0 hi 0 V) Li0 ek.1 0 hi .4 CL U CC CU CU C p UI: u u -. u UL:U - ) ( tj i .i-, Ohi 2 2 2 z 2 fkZ LL 6L tL z I I - - I COM COM 00CC t.C 0000 eii. OOOC aCL OOOOOOOOOOOO II CA9 O. mv4 90 -0O C 0 V 0JOi U) ,I CC i I LI QJ LI LI Li C ULII U i LI .. 2 '2 U U U _ _ C u 2 U I 44444444444444444444444444444 .60 U CU 0 :, 'i "1 4 4 4 4 4 -- U CU U CU C ui u WI,u 4 U CU F- 4Z0 a) r--4 4-4 0 C- P-4 CI W-A J4 IPHO'5.PR) Profile 01 .I II (i/ii- !i1, 11 velocity 0.056 */a/division VHH -V IIPROS.PRO Profile #2 %10 ii -l-I velocity 0.056 m/s/division I --I l .1111I 1- -i time 1.0 sec./division acceleration 0.020 g/division LL1 t fil Figure 5.1.03 H1PR05.PRO Profile #1 and #2 Time Histories .losely necessary. repeated if once motion profile or start completing stored or 5 for runs are data is The data profile completed. runs only, runs the and enabled then level ride through the data then run with subject control This completes the test but all to familiarize maximum performance their then given a Subjects are runs. profile without control. until 4 subjects reach run until practice is joystick The disturbance. the through ride done This is practice profile with the joystick disabled. the given a are subjects given is instruction this them with should be to REACT to the disturbance The explanation monitored. should be session. logged on the Data is run data sheets. The data analysis is all completed runs. be calculated plots. The started by determining frequency The velocity RMS ratio and the joystick RMS should also to provide additional information To chose criteria The should below or about joystick remnant remnant. be less the with oscillations. be used as a 10 units. control guide. The joystick amplitudes at should the that contained be roughly value subject can be stated. remnant should be subject. of the no curves of The velocity subject velocity should This will vary depending upon to perform the velocity nulling All low, should be 25-30% or less frequencies. that the and RMS data frequency amplitudes with control than the amplitude with no of the remnant in the best runs the following joystick disturbance The velocity disturbance capability definite to three best runs are then chosen from these plots and used to determine the Bode plots. the spectrum plots for should be The RMS data should be consistent task so no smooth with no erratic for the three chosen runs , but this is of secondary importance. If the frequency plots and RMS data do nOt conform the data criteria, the above to further not be used in should analysiS. This lists A formal test procedure checklist is shown in Appendix D. the important for acceptable steps required covers the entire It results. This checklist spectrum from setting up the Sled system to plotting data. it should be emphasized the instruction testing. future should be used in all to the data should runs in improvement It subject. not while participants, will yield performing desirable clear the procedure is to the subject to Practice all can occur. involved These also important and is are are the will their results. sure that two critical no procedure that must be monitored closely. some subjects will give desirable results others due to until made be of This should be discussed with subject/test performance subject expected that variance, should be made during the practice runs. subjective elements of the test It is important part a very that try to REACT to the disturbance. conductor dialogue all not. skill It is felt at operating However,, that most of with little the astronaut complex man-machine subjects who have the task should not be used in the final analysis. difficulty systems, in CHAPTER 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Results 6-1) subjects were Five 6 0 wever, but all in subjects performance. of velocity zero-crossings. it tended to subjects to needed the for low mask the the major is acceleration determine velocity clearly. major goals of this The plotted change in the proper sense shows little ignored RMS scatter of the tests data is shown for most are of gain and phase at RMS data for Either change in for the much practice was or changes more readily, since shown formats. it could it not be is felt subjects. low frequencies, Also, subjects. The sensed that the velocity and joystick is which also are shown in As the one sigma deviations are There is seen the data The general a flatness or peak high frequencies. desired.. Table 6.1.01 tend to For most of remnants were low, E, 6.1.01. and a drop-off at velocity ratios level of velocity nulling performance. Appendix subject experiments. shown. show differences which is all in Two typical plots in Table trends seen in previous testing are also plots this difficult was vibration hampered the testing, as low or lower than those of other human Individual velocity portion work have been accomplished. results 6.1.01,.02. input. the acceleration was As it subject, control contains an explanation of the plot Fig. acceleration. the to cue acceleration Although this the hampered was of such a magnitude and frequency that It subject to the the low This vibration occurred at 5. Chapter in vibration unwanted an test first the described the procedure with tested show shows the the relative the subjects tested the and the data snooth. Under these 99 condition s, subjects, however. individual among inconsistency some is there performance general indicate can ration RMS that noted is It levels. velocity the activity, shows the level of joystick The joystick RMS as always. Fig. with 6.1.03 acceptable explained in encouraging. runs. shows a Fig. Bode plot of the average values of the four subjects data. (Subject next section.) the An acceptable 6.1.04 LR did The not have valid consistency data between range of values can encompass shows the average values of all subject DH. The consistency of this data is as the will be subjects all of is the valid the significant tests for also encouraging. 6.2) Discussion of Individual Subject Results The results first of subject MS are shown in Fig. subject tested with done poorly subject MS control injection had the disturbance his spectrum plots a The velocity the velocity joystick disturbance velocity nulling. remnant. The improving. clear With this results RMS These shows acceptable nulling data three between wa s Runs 07, is also not included consistent scatter in the for to the disturbance the being yielded the best the these the frequency effective, separation in log(GAIN), The 4 to at 30-40% of and 09 due he used joystick somewhat 08, Chapter instruction improved. runs were used to generate deviations and the with the remnant has been This was the because and amplitude/remnant 02 noted testing testing, seperation frequency As have greatly disturbance. Run procedure. previous amplitudes and the remnant, disturbance. 50-90% of show final in the technique. REACT to frequency the E6.1.01,.08-.11. and high three the best velocity runs and Bode plot. The plot 0.0-0.25 log units, 100 n 2.0 1.5 1.0 'Of 0.5 lof 0.0 6 *1 6 . I~ nc x I , I 0 -0.5 0 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 0.05 0.0 -100 *1 { -+ A OD -200 0.10 + frequency (Hz) 0.15 0.20 I ~ 0.30 I 0.40 I 0.50 I Q o } -300 -360 Figure 6.1.01 Bode Plot. Subject DH, Final Profile Average of Runs 15,21,22 I 101 60 U 3 t. 50 'a. GD 40 2 O- hal I - 30 GD hal 20 0 -0-, GD 10 - 0 ----0.03 GD 0.05 0.10 0.15 frequency (Hz) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 60 I 50 'I. GD 40 2 hal a- I GD 30 (00' N , -n C GD 0 *19 10 0 7 I | - -0.03 0.05 . 0.10 MOMM-00- 0.15 I 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure 6.1.02 -- U Frequency Spectrum. Subject DH, Run 15, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 102 2.0 O A - o Subject o 0 Subject MS Subject HK JH Subject DH 1.0 - 03 A6 03 0.3 2 C., 0.0 to I 0 Sa03 I Q- 0 ,0 ~010 i I 0.5 -- I 0 -l.0 -2.0 - 0.05 .1 0.0 0.10 I I A aO CI -100 - 0 8 (I -200 I 0.30 I 0.40 0.50 I I A6 0 0 0 U) frequency (Hz) 0.15 0.20 00 0 A 0 8 0 0 a 0 03 8 + - 300 -360 Figure 6.1.03 Summary Bode Plot, All Subjects, Final Profile 103 A o o 2.0 1.5 - 0 DHPR02.PRO Profile 412, JSCALE-1.5 DHPROZ.PRO Profile #12, JSCALE-2.56 HlPR04.PRO Profile #17 Final Profile 1.0 1 0.5 - 0 2 C., C I Q 0.0 A -o.5 0 0 J30 a -1.0 -2.0 I a + frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 0.15 0.10 .9 I 0 0.30 0.40 I a 0 0 W-100- I 0.20 0O 00 A C 0 0 j SI -200 -- -300 -360 Figure 6.1.04 Summary Bode Plot, Subject DH 0.50 104 RMS VELOCITY RATIO RMS JOYSTICK SUBJECT DATA FILE mS 02 2.33* 0.206 07 1.56 0.210 08 1.29 0.216 09 1.11 0.189 02 3.51 0.294 03 2.47 0.304 06 1.24 0.284 03 0.885* 0.242 06 0.627 0.253 08 0.979 0.245 09 0.720 0.251 12 1.39* 0.190 15 0.870 0.170 21 0.699 0.175 22 0.735 0.195 23 0.777* 0.160 03 0.697 0.215 09 0.702 0.206 12 0.812 0.213 15 0.716* 0.212 18 0.759* 0.205 LR JR DH MM * Not used for Bode plots. TABLE 6.1.01 RMS Data. H1PR05.PRO Profile #2. 105 ,requencies, and a break at low zero gain at also an approximately is There deg. 0.0-50.0 ad phase, of These are the characteristics about 0.2 Hz. this subject which will be quantified further in section 6.3. sbject MM was tested twice with this The vibration was also The run completion rate not prevalant during was not stored. the data Unfortunately testing. first ,,as 100% during the procedure. this test. This gives strong support to the fulfillment of the test requirements, however. Subject MM had always given never used the control injection data (FIg. to is readily generate frequencies spectrum seen. the Bode than for plots As subject show is seen, MS. This velocity the higher data. disturbance values. frequencies. The data log(GAIN) is and Runs 03,09, there is is a also nulling at and in 50% of gain at the the the high frequencies, shown as a drop-off of his 12 were used higher shown had low frequency disturbance being 70-100% in gain at the The phase data also follows the same trends as the gain scatter and This in past testing The overall high quality E6.1.02,.12-.16) values. The nulling is not effective at of results technique. plot. which acceptable and deviations are quite acceptable, 50 deg. joystick activity, phase. The RMS data at roughly 0.3 shows roughly the same level of but much lower velocity activity than subject MS. This is as suggested by the plots. Subject JH experiments had of large Ref. amplitude/remnant (Fig. a The seperation E6.1.03,.17-.20) subject remnant, 8. amount of experience data shows a that is is joystick the highest The velocity remnant and the nulling as a the best is sled disturbance seen at low, seen at subject low in the frequency frequencies. approximating the nolow frequencies, being 106 plot Bode the in reflected frequencies. This is at low seen gain which seems 80-100%, The phase data is to be a general characteristic of the HO. seen at low disturbance. highest the high frequencies, poor at The nulling is frequencies. shows which the 25% of about at remnant the into down pushed also the lowest RMS shows the next to the highest The joystick The values, reflecting the high joystick disturbance frequency amplitudes. RmS velocity ratios are some of the lowest seen, as expected. Subject DH had the most experience with the type of testing of this work. The data shows average joystick disturbance frequency amplitude/remnant seperation, 25-30% of the disturbance, but there is some fluctuation in the disturbance joystick frequency remnant is amplitude the values. lowest observed (Fig. being at E6.1.04,.21-.25) or below The 10 units. The velocity nulling is effective through the mid-frequency range, being about 60-100% of the disturbance. This results in the flatness in gain and phase through this same frequency range seen in the Bode plot. The RMS data shows the lowest joystick values, which is due to the low remnant. ratios are also some of the lowest seen. felt to have in the has caused the subject then, disturbance, is resulted while clearly an encouraging result lowest The velocity The experience of the subject was remnants observed. to be able to sense The experience, and respond only to the showing his specific level of performance. and shows that practice leads to better This data and not to the best velocity nulling performance. The DH stumary 6.1.04,E6.1.07) All Bode the It is noted that all shows individual #12, for DHPR02.PRO profile #2. plot tests some encouraging show acceptable JSCALE=1.5 and the phase of tests results. agreement (Fig. except H1PRO5.PRO profile used a P=90 or 95% JSCALE criterion except 107 #12 JSCALE=1.5 test. tor the profile before 1 it g(GAIN). the is scaled The JSCALE=1.5 DlpRO 2 .PRO 23 log(2.56/1.5)Q0. is a If data. JSCALE=2.56 #12, profile of correction would then agree it data applied to the JSCALE=1.5 as the same profile from the was obtained data the of magnitude the effects directly JSCALE stored is the joystick voltage Since with all the other data. The JSCALE=1.5 data does have the most scatter, H1PRO5.PRO the lowest log(GAIN) tests. of all It sensitive. The frequency phase, and too gain being joystick in shows a difference 02 data profile the by was caused which however, low suspected is that caused by the cart vibration problems as noted in Chapter agreement different of the supports the validity tests is still the least 5. The overall which of the closed-loop test. experience with the Sled, as student tested. this was her She also second The plots Only three runs were completed during her testing. session. was mainly though, acceptable, Subject LR was the only female and non-graduate had this test show high remnant activity of joystick and velocity. (Fig. E6.1.05,.26-.28) The is control trends, general frequencies, The but is the high by joystick disturbance the plot of Fig. The data scatter, The Bode plots particularly does be will shown remnant. As frequency amplitude/remnant to yield valid results. sufficient much frequencies. at 80 deg. shows the highest joystick and velocity activity, suggested better there the low and some larger than desirable deviations, data RMS at only effective 6.1.03,E6.1.06. Thusly, show steady improvement, data may be obtained. so in high in phase. which is 6.4, the separation is not is not included in shown as an illustration though, the section in the Bode data The data is show the future test only. sessions 108 The Transfer Function Model 6.3) function model A transfer desired so that is A BMDP non-linear regression analysis the HO responses can be quantified. was desired to model. However, not allow used as tried to fit this model a this determine to used program the the two with real Rather, allows the poles a poles, 2 to become all the variations simple as possible. seen in in as numerical order nd the was originally Meiry Young and problems which Various would be the It structures were sufficiently HO responses, does must be system equation complex. in attempts to define a structure that include 16) (Ref. model. BMDP program contains restriction. seen in the characteristics general while being as The final structure .used was as follows: K(jw + a) (jw + b)(jw The following limits 2 2' + 2cn jW + W ) n n were placed on the parameters: min max K 0.0 100.0 a 0.0 25.0 b 0.0 25.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 100.0 parameter Wn The HO response data was converted to GAIN (rad/sec) before units inputing.them GAIN data was used in the fit. Fig. 6.3.01-.04,E6.3.01-.04 against the Bode plots. As is to (amplitude ratio) and frequency the regression analysis. Only the No phase data was used in the analysis. show the models seen the gain fits and their curves ploted are very precise but the 109 are poor. Orresponding phase fits No frequencies. ain the models in a resulting the zero has been placed at This is differentiator. young and Meiry model by the reflects of the accuracy zero at high the corresponding therefore data Also, not does model. conform to a minimum phase system with this On all without a The fit. better a yield would than at frequencies of about the data. to to conform adjustment, simple phase other adjustment, the low needed at is adjustment tvore phase the phase curve needed for would be 50 deg. but subject DH a shift For all the 0.0076 the lead limit term as rad/sec. value of suggested 0.0, in the That the zero is 0.0 the regression analysis and also the problems of trying to define the system over a narrow range of frequencies. The pole shows individual placed at pole some structure the limit is variation not each of 25 needed. approximately for -1.0 and is subject. rad/sec. This is the main factor seen In two (log(GAIN)/log(freq. , gain, In the disturbance frequencies, pole remains at approximately range of magnitude of this the pole has the been for these cases the frequency rad/sec)). also caused the K, the cases This suggests that in the high in determining The slopes large which are pole has values of these cases to be larger than necessary. 0.383-3.145 25.0. The rad/sec, the K values should therefore be lowered by a factor of 25.0. The corrected values are shown in brackets. For subject integrator. needed. slope the pole This implies that This is of DH due to the approximately has for this flatness -2.0 been placed at 0.0 resulting in an case neither the pole nor zero are in gain at the low frequencies and the (log(GAIN)/log(freq., rad/sec)) at the high I1 19.95jw (jw + 25.0)(Jw 2 + 2(0.553)(0.5 4 7 )jw + 1.5 0 [0.7981 r 2.0 0.547 ) 1.0 0 0.5 T4m.m4L I = C, on 0.0 I I~ %d T I I 0 -0.5 - -1.0 tm -2.0 -+frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 1 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 . -100 + .-0 -200 + -300 w -360- Figure 6.3.01 Model and Curve Fit. Subject MS 0.50 111 (0.7961 2.0 T 1.5 0 19.891w (jw + 25.0)(jw + 2(0.141)(0.517)jw + 0.5172) 1.0 '.4 0.3 z I 0.0 - ___ - - -- I I i I - 0 -0.5 - -1 .0 + i & I -,** I -1.5 -2.01 frequency (Hz) 0:05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.0 It 4' -100 + 4' 4' 4' a. -zoo + -300 -360 Figure 6.3.02 Model and Curve Fit. Subject MM 0.50 - EIa I 112 2.0 - 2 (jw + 1.42)(jw 0 1.0 .0 21w + 2(0.144)(0.540)jW-+ 0.540 ) - '.4 0 0.5 2 4 I 0.0 I -0.5 t I aT ON I - I- ~ ~~ I.W 0 -2.0 -f- frequency (iz) 0.05 0.0 I 0.10 I 0.15 I 0.20 I 0.30 0.40 -100 + V In G6 -zoo -- -300 -360 Figure 6.3.03 Model and Curve Fit. Subject JH 0.50 I 113 2.0 1.30LL (jw + 0.0)(jw + 2(0.524)(1.022)jw + 1.022 ) 1.5 0 1.0 C~4 0 0.5 z ci 0.0 1 .6 0 II 1 I 0 I -0.5 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 frequency (Nz) 0.05 0.0 ci cJ Q 0.10 I 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 I -100 + 41 41 a. Ii -200 -- -300 -360 - Figure 6.3.04 Model and Curve Fit. Subject DH 0.50 -- 114 would then be a The resulting model frequencies. the that shows Tjnjs accurately rad/sec. 1.42 at pole has been precisely placed the JH, cse for subject nd order system. In the 2 and frequency slope is between -1.0 high -2.0 (log(GAIN)/log( freq. , rad/sec)). nulling the wn less, been has emphasizes low the is peak very effective, nulling has been does not seem performance. and does the plot. cases roughly frequency performance. the The DH) which for model velocity subject MS as it trend, this follow not the This may show the limitations of ( plots show 25-30% of the the than 0.5, much lower is that the there velocity disturbance in the However, responses, In (Compare this way K corresponds K can be subjects DH and- MS, in shows modifications the C values and low ' for cases with similar zero defines the low frequency task performance K values and the task velocity nulling than subject MS. Subject MM had much better are different. levels. below to be a corelation between all Their K values are the same but their low shows no peak, on. (subjects MMJH) region of There (subject these For peak. reasonance frequency For cases where the regression analysis. a break much too should from looking at seems it is the effective. most task One The wn precisely defines the break frequency For cases where the low frequency log(GAIN) of the response. (=0.5 or , and ( are K, performance, the reflecting of terms in importance, most of values The frequency needed for the to the values, yielding similar of velocity nulling level varying used to determine and of The K, the ( , and w response define the And the pole disturbance. high frequency performance In summary, subjects MM and JH.) response. range freguency responses at the higher 115 frequencies of the disturbance. Remnant Analysis 6.4) No remnant correction has been applied to the data in this Ref. Ref. 7 results jai is found a shown in Fig. is 6.4.01 parameters are also function based on the with the joystick The analysis of labeled. power spectrum of these is the the power linear GcI acceleration: power of of the is joystick the joystick interpolation: 2 1//2/1 - /1- = Okk by required in in found is criteria this too large to This function is: parameters. where; The shown. is will be shown here. system under consideration remnant of developement full result Only the final 7. The The results. yield valid the joystick remnant if can be used to determine a criteria However, work. remnant OA output, at is including the disturbance the power of the remnant: frequencies, the disturbance the power of the cart dynamics taken from the plot of Chapter 3. The limiting behavior of this jai function is based on the remnant power: 1/2 as => |al as = => This says that to be valid, a L _ 1 al => (O/XX/ AA/2GHO typical 1.0/Gc = inverse plant dynamics for the transfer the joystick test run function of the HO as defined remnant must be low. was used to find How low is specific 0.0 C in this work not suggested, values for the so above 116 I cart velocity disturbance velocity command cartca dynamics ra acceleration Gc (j) ~A A) human operator velocity command ecMantcotl filter G (jW ) V-0 otolith systemi strategy Gyn(m i) (Cs human operator Figure 6.4.01 The Closed-Loop System with Remnant Analysis Parameters Labeled 117 from subject DH, H1PR05.PRO profile *2, run 22 was used qua tions. The data it 35 a showed shows The table to have are seen joystick of 25-30% amplitudes the quality of the determining In considered as a amplitude/remnant ratios in this of the data. which confirms the validity frequency checked if This frequencies. however. The Possibly, any point remnants were may quality of the above remnant a for most introduced have overall low with the some data analysis frequencies to in this obtained the results of the of guideline In this work, the velocity and joystick the 10 25-30% discarded. used. Ref. of joystick and of considered remnant high was work All frequency except those of subject LR, the be can data. work have joystick disturbance range, frequency is type of experiment this joystick the Therefore frequency disturbance disturbance the and GAIN values have a maximum difference of The resulting Jal acceptable. points other all joystick the A 12% error in the GAIN data of quite For frequencies. disturbance is remnant amplitudes. 12%. the at amplitudes the joystick about 80% of value of remnant a joystick the other The two points noted and the GAIN. there is no major difference between lal Ialand as for all but two points As is seen, needed in the calculation. parameters GAIN as well function the transfer in Table 6.4.01. shown is The data separation. anpiitude/remnant frequency disturbance joystick of range middle remnant spectra were entire the unwanted error appears to be shoud be done was at a run few acceptable, for all runs and bad points discarded in the future. As described previously, function should approximate if the joystick remnant the is inverse plant dynamics. high the HO transfer However, if the HO 118 I FREQ. (Rz) JOYSTICK REMNAT JOYSTICK ACC. AMPLITUDE AMPLITUDE |GI IIal GAIN o.061 13.69 37.49 24.86 0.575 1.48 1.51 1.89 0.085 7.15 25.65 25.77 0.390 0.961 0.995 3.54 0.110 5.14 43.84 21.15 0.637 2.08 2.07 -0.53 0.134 9.81 18.52 32.50 1.07 0.511 0.570 11.55 0.159 12.14 38.50 33.26 1.13 1.21 1.16 4.14 0.207 11.99 40.59 32.38 1.28 1.36 1.25 -7.93 0.232 11.95 25.79 31.11 1.78 1.01 0.829 17.59* 0.281 8.43 30.59 64.89 1.96 0.469 0.471 0.43 0.354 12.13 29.54 86.10 2.36 0.332 0.343 3.31 0.391 12.96 19.15 104.47 3.19 0.147 0.183 24.49* 0.452 6.73 24.83 114.89 3.30 0.212 0.216 1.89 0.500 6.61 15.82 116.64 3.29 0.126 0.136 7.94 * Out of tolerance points. TABLE 6.4.01 Remnant Analysis. Subject DH, H1PR05.PRO Profile #2, Run 22. PPPPP__119 function ansfer I Lfective inverse dynamics plant transfer closed-loop The nulling. velocity tt mean can function of the except for the is: neglecting the filter, stem, the approximates -GHOGcl Acceleration G cl 0 GcGHO 1. If the opposite HO matches sign, HO inverse the result Gd The the has = 1/2 Disturbance plant dynamics exactly, is: => therefore Acceleration = 1/2 Disturbance effectively nulled 50% of the acceleration or aproximately 50% of the disturbance velocity. is very adaptable, it him to approximate high and shows the that dynamics. the HO however, is the not unlikely that his inverse cart velocity nulling is the In when from the joystick then, is dynamics. should inverse remnant is it is plant low, the most important if the inverse difficult is cart to separate dynamics. the data criteria the remnant remnant analysis also approach type of testing the the Since the HO strategy would cause However, not effective, function with this function remnant analysis, data quality. transfer short, transfer that HO control disturbance is It is clear, accurate. The for determining the CHAPTER 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1) Conclusions The requirements of test the procedure have been by fulfilled the procedure developed in this work. It is felt that the test procedure is the best that can be obtained using the simplest disturbance profiles reduction techniques for most procedure the of also astronauts participating clearly the procedure that sensitivity The procedure and data scatter subject testing. results of all varying profiles work is in this different shows suggested as will be able to of levels subjects. Therefore, performance with different that expected to yield near 100% completion rates is It rates for most subjects. any also yields very accurate are at of the valid results subjects is is for shown compared also shown. an accurate test results. task in differences otolith testing. sigma deviation or below those of other human results Consistency This proves that method. nulling The a high probability The one individual together. 5. Chapter velocity there is reveal in may occur between the pre- and post-flight This completion run yields high The procedure possible. and data as of well response with used the closed-loop test This response consistency the as is the most encouraging result discovered in this work. The major effort that this of this consistency the test work has been to optimize could be obtained as as possible. readily factor in the success of the procedure has been restricting profile to a maximum velocity of approximately 0.63 procedure so A major the disturbance m/s and a track length 121 to roughly 2.0 and varying levels of margin for error This allows some m. Another major rate. yielding a high run completion performance while still factor has been scaling the joystick gain to the maximum velocity using the p?95% criterion. (Chapter 3) This gives a quantitative value for the lowest practical sensitivity of the joystick control for any profile. most important has factor been the disturbance frequencies. been to tailored significantly the helped the scaling With this capabilities the run velocity amplitudes at the of Perhaps the scaling, the disturbance of human the completion rate operator. and the has profile This quality has of the results. These are the most important factors discovered in the development of the profile itself. but factors that the It is felt described that a successful above are. profile is Therefore, not unique, there are many possibilities for further work with similar profiles. A final major instruction to following this factor the in subject No would REACT to to filtering keep was the the results has disturbance. used as in With been the subjects This improvement but in the subjects performance the procedure add a below of have been improved. This was a major discovery washout desired to success instruction the results not only shows in the data, sessions. the during the test for obtaining consistent data. the procedure development simple as possible. threshold velocity to the cart if as it was A desirable washout it was moving toward the track center and subtract this same velocity if it was moving away from the the track center. track. oscillations was often It would when seen This would tend to help keep the cart be the cart during especially is near the testing the useful track and usually at during limits. led the center periods of of small This type of motion to a short run. It is 122 increase in the maximum felt that a washout would not allow more than a 15% frequency below velocity or a disturbance requirements destroy the and the then be needed analysis would A non-linear analysis. tend to This would disturbance sines of sum in these Larger changes amplitudes. washout the of quasi-linearity function describing larger require would 0.03 Hz. which would be much more difficult to use and interpret. The procedure reveals differences in subject response which is These differences are difficult Due problems to numerical to quantify with the model used, a simpler transfer function poles could not be obtained, as noted in Chapter 6. with task to compare performance. the parameter The model primarily due non-complex data, it was values of the models with the associated parameters comparison to task performance in all The models also do not however. Although the structure used yielded models with excellent agreement to the log(GAIN) difficult desirable. do cases, not show a simple direct which would be desirable. show good agreement with the phase data. to the emphasis on the low frequency peak, This is seen in the Bode plot log(GAIN) data, which adds more phase lead. Since such peaks were not clearly by shown until the influence performance. testing it phase less Also, is variance, by the for the it excessive is suspected that cart vibration to find a model which will using however, it only is the GAIN the best data. data not a minimum phase system. vibration, should resolve this they are caused on the subjects frequency range used in this sanll disturbance show good log(GAIN) Since the log(GAIN) and showed to use for modeling purposes. the peaks are not valid and therefore the HO is the cart of difficult agreement Either the final testing, Further should not be emphasized, population testing, discrepancy. or without 123 That the phase stated that data shows more constant velocity motion. often unsure could direction and magnitude reversals there was confusion. have little influence would have on on Subjects often used vibration, has been data, between small control due to their but were reversals but the these inputs to Such inputs would of the profile. data, the phase and sensed, clearly be the GAIN much influence It Subjects usually acceleration During the motion during these parts their determine suprising. in testing. noise cart the through direction. their of not This often occurred motion, their sense is as accelerometers and would not sense a organs act the otolith could variance low amplitudes, due to their but sign reversals. It is probably this effect which results in more phase variance. 7.2) Recommendations for Further Work The most testing. in this important A larger work are recommendation subject sample is valid. This will is the need for further needed to confirm that also help determine population the trends seen the effects of the cart vibration. Another model structure for all direct performance better phase fit structure should be investigated. A subject responses would be desirable. indication may also more A more simple and from the model parameters is be obtained by a different consistent also desired. model A structure. Possibly both the GAIN and the phase data could be used in the modeling to achieve this. A washout would be to filter should also be investigated. increase the run completion rate. The If this main result desired occurred perhaps the 124 effects of a higher maximum velocity and/or a This would help investigated. range could be lower disturbance to more frequency fully define the low frequency response. Since response the in cart dynamics work, this would be interesting HO response. It clearly different hopefully reveal this particular to would it have is not been felt that clearly should this see what effects varying be desirable to use seperated a cart be task. the investigated. HO It dynamics had on the system with than the HO response discovered in this more clearly the capabilitiy form cart dynamics work. -This would and adaptability of the HO in 125 I APPENDIX A SLED SYSTEM PICTURES The following pictures show the various head restraint configurations used in the testing. Figure A.1 Seated Subject with Open-Faced Head Restraint Used in Initial Tests and joystick 126 I Figure A.2 Seated Subject with Enclosed Head Restraint 127 Figure A.3 Seated Subject with Wheel Joystick Used in Initial Tests 128 Figure A.4 Seated Subject with Joystick Controller 129 APPENDIX B PROFILE GENERATION PROGRAMS work are generation program used in this the profile The two versions of The hierarchy is as follows: listed. Program Subroutines Data Files Page QSOS.FUN SUMSIN.FUN,POWER.FUN PRIMES.DAT 131-139 DSOS.FOR SUMSIN.FOR, FPOWER.FOR PRIMES.DAT, DSOS.DAT AMPAG.DAT 140-145 Program QSOS.FFUN command. It is is a CART program subroutine accessed used with the PDP 11/34 minicomputer. by the Program DSOS.DAT SO is used on the VAX computer and is a simplified copy of QSOS.FUN. (DSOS.DAT is also a subroutine, as a simple command program (not listed) is used to run it.) Both programs are the is user Program QSOS.FUN data separate file. inputs and outputs same except friendly. for Only their input and displayed formats. the prime numbers are input from a The program prompts the user are output in a for all other inputs. The self-explanatory format. A sample input and output is shown. Program DSOS.FOR uses inputs from separate files. prime numbers parameter as inputs. in the The QSOS.FUN program program. prompts the PRIMES.DAT DSOS.DAT user contains the contains to determine if all other single or multiple DEL frequencies are to be used. The multiple DEL frequencies must be set in the program arbitrary amplitudes determine if itself. It will be histogram data also prompts used as contained is required. The the user in file to determine AMPAG.DAT, and if to input aand output parameters 130 ,re by displayed their variable names as described in 3. Chapter as in QSOS.FUN. profile amplitudes and frequencies are then displayed and output is also program example. shown for the same example run used for the The Input QSOS.FUN I 131 0001 0002 0003 o004 0005 0006 0007 0009 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 CART SYSTEM V03 INTEGER FUNCTION QSOS (TRUNSTPOSTLOOPRSINESTO) C C Sets parameters for sum of sinusoids Profile. C Author: A.P. Arrott C Adapted from RANDOM.SUB (Arrott,4-Maw-79) C Reauired subprograms: (which shares COMMON BLOCK/FILCOM/) C FUNCTION POWER FUNCTION SUMSIN C FUNCTION ACCEPT C FUNCTION IACCEP C C C C DECLARATIONS C =i=""U" C INTEGER PCODEPRIME(50),FLAMPA LOGICAL ANSWERYES REAL LVEL REAL W(50),WT(50),BOXW(51),COSAMP(50),COSPHI(50) C INTEGER ZNSINEZTOFLAT INTEGER FILTER REAL TL(5) REAL KCMD REAL AMP(50),WDELT(50),PHI(50)PAMPAG(50) C COMMON/GLOBAL/ TRACKtGMAXDECMAXTL KCMD COMMON/UNITS/ COMMON/SOS/ AMPWDELTPHIZTRUNZSTPOSZTLOOPZNSINEZTO, + DELPHIPOSLIMACCLIMFLAT COMMON/FILCOM/ FILTERPPOLE C DATA PI/3.14159/,YES/'Y'/,INFLAG/0/ DATA PRIME/3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,61,73,83, + 101,113v137,149,163,181e199,233,263,293,317,353,383,421,457, + 499,547,587,619,661,691,739,787,823,863,911,947997,1051, + 1091,1163,1193/ C OSOS=4 0017 0018 FLAMPA-0 C C 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 -?A 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 Convert phase angles from Phase at t=TO-TLOOP to Phase at t=0. DO 112 I=1,ZNSINE PHI(I)=PHI(I)+(ZTO/ZTLOOP-1)*WDELT(I) 112 C Convert amplitudes from */s to cart command units. DO 114 I=1,ZNSINE AMP(I)-AMP(I)/KCMD 114 C Previous parameters C TRUN=ZTRUN 3TFOS=ZSTPOS TLOOP-ZTLOOP NSINES-ZNSINE TO-ZTO C Cmmmmmmmmmmmimminininminmmin OBTAIN PRIME NUMBER SERIES C C C CALL TTYOUT('SUse prime number table T READ(5,116) ANSWER FORMAT(A1) 116 IF(ANSWER.NE.YES) GOTO 120 CALL ASSIGN(4,'PRIMES.DAT') READ(4,117) NPRIME FORMAT(15) 117 DO 118 I-lNPRIME READ(4,117) IPRIME PRIME(I)=IPRIME 118 D0 119 I-NPRIME+1,50 PRIME(I)=0 119 CALL CLOSE(4) WRITE(7,1195) PRIME FORMAT(2X,5I5) 1195 C S') 132 C C C 120 DISPLAY TABLE OF PARAMETERS WRITE(7.121) TRUNNSINES,1./TRUNFLAT,360.*DELPHI/(2.*PI), FILTERPOLE/(2.*PI),POSLIM*2.,ACCLIM/9.812,TLOOPFLAMPA FORMAT ('0============== ===================================='/ + SUM OF SINES PROFILE'// + 1. DURATION OF PROFILE: ',F7.2,' SEC'/ PARAMETERS OF SINUSOIDS:'/ + + 2. NUMBER OF SINUSOIDS: 'pI6,/ 3. FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY: ',F9.4,' HZ'/ + 4. EQUAL AMPLITUDE DOMAIN:'#16,' (-1,P00,Vl+1,A)'/ + + 5. SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE:',F7.0,' DEG'/ PARAMETERS OF SHAPING FUNCTION:'/ + + 6. ORDER OF FILTER: ',I69/ 7. POLE: + ',F9.2,' HZ'/ PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS:'/ + + 8. LENGTH OF TRACK: 'tF9.2,' M'/ 9. ALLOWED ACCELERATION: + ',F9.2,' G'/ 10. TIME INCREMENT: ',F1O.3,' SEC'/ + ' ARBITRARY ACCELERATION AMPLITUDE:'/ + ' 11. ARBITRARY AMP FLAG: 'p16,' (OPNOP1PYES)'/) IF (INFLAG.EQ.0) GO TO 650 WRITE(7,122) FORMAT ('0 RESULTING IN THE SUM OF SINUSOIDS:'/ + FREG AMP ACCEL AMP PHASE'/ + ' CHZ3 CM/S CG3 CDEG') + 121 0046 4 00 8 0049 122 C C 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 U C GENERATE FREQUENCY TABLE C -----------------------C 200 CONTINUE C C FIRST METHOD: USE PRIME NUMBERS STORED IN FILE, 'PRIMES.TAS' C C CALCULATE HARMONIC FREQUENCIES FUNDAn2.*PI/TRUN I FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY DO 220 J-lNSINES W(J)-PRIME(J)*FUNDA HARMONIC FREQUENCIIES WDELT(J)-W(J)*TLOOP ! INCREMENT OF SINE0 ARGUMENT FOR W(J) 220 CONTINUE GO TO 230 C C SECOND METHOD: DETERMINE EQUAL SPACING OF LN(PRIMES) C (ALLOWS INDEPENDENT SETTING OF HIGHLOWs C AND NO. OF FREQUENCIES IN SIGNAL) C C ** TO BE DEVELOPED ** C GENEATEnAMPLITUDET=ALE C C GENERATE AMPLITUDE TABLE C ==n====n=n===n===n==n==a C C USE ARBITRARY ACCELERATION AMPLITUDES FROM FILE 'AMPAG.DAT' 230 IF(FLAMPA.EQ.0)GO TO 240 CALL ASSIGN(10,'AMPAG.DAT') READ(10,*)(AMPAG(I),InlNSINES) DO 232 I=1,NSINES 232 AMP(I)-AMPAG(I)*9.81/W(I) GO TO 260 C C 240 CONTINUE IF(FLAT) 241P242,243 C 241 DO 2415 J-lNSINES EQUAL AMPLITUDES OF POSITION 2415 AMP(J)-W(J) GO TO 244 C 242 DO 2425 J=1.NSINES EQUAL AMPLITUDES OF VELOCITY 2425 AMP(J)-l. GO TO 244 C 243 DO 2435 J-lNSINES I EQUAL AMPLITUDES OF ACCELERATION 2435 AMP(J)-l./W(J) C 244 CONTINUE C 133 IF(FILTER.EO.O) GO TO 260 IF(NSINES.EQ.1) GO TO 260 0075 0077 C C C C C 0079 0080 S H A P I N G F U (acapted N C T IO N from LN#-RUN bv G.L.Zacherias) CALCULATE FICTITIOUS END FREQUENCIES WOW(1)*W(1)/W(2) W(NSINES+1)-W(NSINES)*W(NSINES)/W(NSINES-1) C C 0081 Q082 0083 0084 0085 0086 CALCULATE BOX FREQUENCIES DO 245 J=NSINES+1e2,-1 BOXW(J)=SQRT(W(J-1)*W(J)) 245 BOXW(1)-SORT(WO*W(1)) C C CALCULATE AMPLITUDES GAIN-2./(POWER(BOXW(NSINES+))-POWER(BOXW(1))) DO 248 J-1,NSINES 248 AMP(J)-AMP(J)*SORT(GAIN*(POWER(BOXW(J+1))-POWER(BOXW(J)))) C uin==min=== C C GENERATE PHASE ARRAY C 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0100 0101 0103 0105 0106 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 = = = = C CONTINUE 260 C C FIRST METHOD: CONSTANT PHASE DIFFERENCE PHI(1)-0. DO 264 J-2,NSINES PHI(J)-PHI(J-1)+DELPHI PHI(J)=AMOD(PHI(J),2.*PI) I REMAINDER FUNCTION 264 CONTINUE (ADJUSTS PHASES > 2*PI) GO TO 400 C C SECOND METHOD: SET PHASES INDIVIDUALLY C ** TO BE DEVELOPED S$ C C C m= =mmmmmm C FIND FIRST ZERO CROSSING (THEREBY ESTABLISHING THE C =--=-----==--minuin -BEGINNING OF THE SIGNAL) C 400 CONTINUE C C GENERATE VELOCITY SIGNAL C INITIALIZE TO-0. DO 420 J-1pNSINES 420 WT(J)u-WDELT(J) LVEL-SUMSIN(NSINESAMPWTWDELT.PHI) VALUE AT T=0 C (ALGORITHM IGNORES POSSIBILITY THAT T-0 IS C A ZERO CROSSING) C ITERATE TO=TO+TLOOP 430 VEL=SUMSIN(NSINESAMPWTWDELTPHI) C COMPARE VALUE WITH VALUE OF PREVIOUS ITERATION C IF (VEL.GE.0.AND.LVEL.LE.0.) GO TO 440 IF (VEL.LE.0.AND.LVEL.GE.O.) GO TO 440 LVEL-VEL I ZERO CROSSING NOT FOUND: UPDATE 'LVEL'; IF (TO.GT.TRUN) GO TO 434 I CHECK FOR END OF SIGNAL, GO TO 430 1 AND ITERATE AGAIN. C C ERROR: NO ZERO CROSSING FOUND IN SIGNAL 434 WRITE(7p435) 435 FORMAT (' -=n>ErrorCOSOSJ Unable to find zero crossing of', + ' signal.') GOTO 120 C C ZERO CROSSING DETECTED 440 CONTINUE C 134 C CI C C C DETERMINE SIGNAL SCALE FACTOR *m m m m m m m m m m mm=="==="" GENERATE POSITION PROFILE INITIALIZE DO 520 JilNSINES START SIGNAL AT TO WT(J)mT0*W(J)-WDELT(J) ! INTEGRATION COEFFICIENT COSAMP(J)=AMP(J)/W(J) INTEGRATION PHASE (1/4 CYCLE LAG) COSPHI(J)=PHI(J)-.5*PI CONTINUE 520 NSTEPS-TRUN/TLOOP POSMAX-0. POSMINNO. ITERATE C DO 540 IT-ItNSTEPS POS=SUMSIN(NSINESCOSAMPWTWDELTCOSPHI) C FIND MAX/MIN C IF(POS.GT.POSMAX) POSMAX-POS IF(POS.LT.POSMIN) POSMINwPOS 540 CONTINUE C SCALE SIGNAL TO LENGTH OF TRACK C PSF-POSLIM*2./(POSMAX-POSMIN) POSITION SCALE FACTOR C GENERATE ACCELERATION PROFILE C C INITIALIZE DO 570 J=1rNSINES C 0113 0114 0115 0116 0117 0118 0119 0120 0121 0122 0123 0125 0127 0128 0129 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 WT(J)=TO*W(J)-UDELT(J) 570 C 0136 0137 COSAMP(J)-PSF*AMP(J)*W(J) DERIVATIVE COEFFICIENT DERIVATIVE PHASE (1/4 CYCLE LEAD) COSPHI(J)-PHI(J)+.5*PI CONTINUE ACCMAX-O. ACCMIN0. ITERATE DO 580 ITMlrNSTEPS ACC*SUMSIN(NSINESCOSAMPWTWDELTCOSPHI) C C 0139 0140 0142 0143 0145 0146 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 FIND MAX/MIN ACCELERATION ACCMAX=ACC IF (ACC.GT.ACCMAX) IF (ACC.LT.ACCMIN) ACCMIN=ACC 580 CONTINUE C C DETERMINE ACCELERATION SCALE FACTOR IF (ABS(ACCMIN).GT.ACCMAX) ACCMAX-ACCMIN ASF-ACCLIM/ACCMAX IF (ACCMAX.LE.ACCLIM) ASF-1. C C CALCULATE SIGNAL SCALE FACTOR AND SCALE AMPLITUDES PERCENT USAGE OF TRACK USAGE-ASF*100. ! SIGNAL SCALE FACTOR SCALE-PSF*ASF DO 590 J=1,NSINES AMP(J)-SCALE*AMP(J) 590 ! MAXIMUM ACCELERATION IN SIGNAL ACCMAX-ASF*ACCMAX C C CALCULATE STARTING POSITION DO 594 J-1lNSINES WT(J)-TO*W(J)-WDELT(J) COSAMP(J)-AMP(J)/W(J) !CHANGED + TO - DWH 25/AUG/82 COSPHI(J)-PHI(J)-.5*PI 594 CONTINUE STPOS-SUMSIN(NSINESCOSAMPWTWDELTCOSPHI) -(POSMAX+POSMIN)*.5*SCALE + C =mumm==nain C C DISPLAY SIGMAL CHARACTERISTICS in===m=mn=m C C 600 C C 0160 0161 0162 0163 CONTINUE DISPLAY FREQUENCIESP AMPLITUDES, AND PHASES OF SINUSOIDS DO 620 Ja1,NSINES WRITE(79611) W(J)/(2.*Pl), AMP(J)v AMP(J)*W(J)/9.Slp + W(J)*TO+360.*PHI(J)/(2.*Pl) 611 FORMAT(Fi1.3,F1I.2,F1X.3@F11.0) 620 CONTINUE C 133 I DISPLAY OTHER SIGNAL CHARACTERISTICS WRITE(7,631) ACCMAX/9.81 I CONVERT TO UNITS OF GRAV.ACC. FORMAT('OMAXIMUM ACCELERATION IN SIGNAL:'.F7.3,' G') 631 WRITE(7,635) USAGE PERCENT USAGE OF TRACK FORMAT(' PERCENT USAGE OF TRACK:'pF7.2r'%') 635 WRITE(7,637) STPOSTO*100/TRUN C C63 7 FORMAT(' INITIAL POSITION:'PF5.2y' FT [SIGNAL SHIFT:',F6.2,'%J') + C C WRITE(7,638) STPOS FORMAT(' STARTING POSITION:',F7.2) 638 WRITE(7,6383) SCALESCALE*POSMAXPSCALE*POSMIN C SCALE:' PF5.2p 'PMAX: ' vF6.2, 'PMIN: ' ,F6.2) C63 83 FORMAT(' WRITE(7.6385) SCALE*(POSMIN+POSMAX)*.5,SCALE*(POSMAX-POSMIN)*.5 C C63 85 FORMAT(' AVG:',F7.2r'TRACK USED:',F7.2) WRITE(7,639) FORMAT(' inm==uu -mummmmmm=min==f== m=inuinuinuamin==n=m==' 639 C C C INTERACTIVE PARAMETER CHANGES C C 640 WRITE(7,641) FORMAT('SOK? ') 641 READ(5,643) ANSWER FORMAT(A1) 643 IF (ANSWER.EO.YES) GO TO 750 C CHANGE PARAMETERS C INFLAG-1 650 WRXTE(7,651) FORMAT('$ PARAMETER *') 651 READ(5.653PERR=650) PCODE FORMAT(19) 653 IF (PCODE.EQ.0) GO TO 120 ! REDISPLAY SIGNAL PARAMETERS IF (PCODE.LT.1.OR.PCODE.GT.15) GO TO 650 660 GO TO (701p702r703r704p705v706t707p708v709v710,711712, + 713.714P715) PCODE C DURATION OF RUN C 701 WRITE(7,7011) TRUN 7011 FORMAT('$DURATION OF RUN:',F5.0,' SEC. ENTER NEW VALUE: ' READ(5p7013,ERR=701) TEMP 7013 FORMAT(F15.6) IF (ACCEPT(TEMP,1.,10000.)) 660P650,7016 7016 TRUN-TEMP W(1)=2.*PI/TRUN W(NSINES)-PRIME(NSINES)*W(1) GO TO 650 C C NUMBER OF SINES 702 WRITE(7P7021) NSINES 7021 FORMAT('$NUMBER OF SINUSOIDS:',I5,' ENTER NEW VALUE: ') READ(5.7023,ERR-702) ITEMP 7023 FORMAT(I9) IF (IACCEP(ITEMP,1,50)) 660,650.7026 7026 NSINES=ITEMP W(NSINES)mPRIME(NSINES)*W(1) GO TO 650 C C FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY 703 WRITE(7P7031) W(1)/(2.*PI) 7031 FORMAT('SFUNDAMENTAL FREOUENCY:',F7.4,' HZ. ENTER NEW VALUE: ') READ(597013,ERR-703) TEMP IF (ACCEPT(TEMP..0001,1.)) 660#650.7036 7036 W(1)-TEMP*2.*PI TRUNai./TEMP W(NSINES)-PRIME(NSINES)*W(1) GO TO 650 C C EQUAL AMPLITUDE DOMAIN 704 WRITE(7,7041) FLAT 7041 FORMAT('SPOS-1,VELO0,ACC=+1, NOW-',I2,' ENTER NEW VALUE: ') READ(5.7023 .ERR-704) ITEMP IF (IACCEP(ITEMP,-1,j)) 660,7046,7046 7046 FLAT-ITEMP GO TO 650 C C 0164 0165 0166 0167 0168 0169 0170 0171 0172 0173 0174 0175 0176 0178 0179 0180 0181 0182 0183 0185 0187 018 0189 0190 0191 0192 0193 0194 0195 0196 0197 0198 0199 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 0205 0206 0207 0208 0209 0210 0211 0212 0:13 0214 0215 0216 0217 0218 J 136 0219 ~220 0223 0224 0225 0226 0227 ~229 0229 0230 0231 0232 0233 0234 0235 0236 0237 0-138 0239 0240 0241 0242 0243 0244 0245 0246 0247 0248 0249 0250 0251 0253 0 Te 4 0255 0256 0259 0259 0260 0261 0262 0263 0264 0265 0266 0267 0268 0269 0270 0271 0272 0273 0274 0275 0276 0277 0278 )279 jIsoS SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLES C WRITE(7,7051) DELPHI*360./(2.*PI) 705 7051 FORMAT('$SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE:',F5.0,' DEG. ENTER NEW VALUE: READ(5,7013,ERR-705) TEMP 660,650,7056 IF (ACCEPT(TEMP,0.,36000.)) DELPHI=TEMP*2.*PI/360. 7056 GO TO 650 C ORDER OF FILTER C WRITE(7P7061) FILTER 706 ENTER NEW VALUE: ') FORMAT('SORDER OF FILTER:'PI59' 7061 READ(5,7023,ERR-706) ITEMP 660,7066,7066 IF (IACCEP(ITEMP,1,3)) FILTER-ITEMP 7066 GO TO 650 C POLE OF FILTER C 707 WRITE(7P7071) POLE/(2.*PI) 7071 FORMAT('SPOLE OF FILTER:'rF5.2p' ENTER NEW VALUE: READ(5,7013,ERR-707) TEMP IF (ACCEFT(TEMP,.001,10.)) 660,650.7076 7076 POLE=TEMP*2.*PI GO TO 650 C LENGTH OF TRACK C 708 WRITE(7,7081) POSLIM*2. 7081 FORMAT('$LENGTH OF TRACK:'F5.2.' M. ENTER NEW VALUE: READ(5,7013PERR-708) TEMP IF (ACCEPT(TEMP,1.,15.)) 660,650,7086 POSLIM=TEMP*.5 7086 GO TO 650 C MAXIMUM ALLOWED ACCELERATION C 709 WRITE(7,7091) ACCLIM/9.812 7091 FORMAT('SALLOWED ACCELERATION:'tF5.39'. ENTER NEW VALUE: READ(5,7013,ERRu709) TEMP IF (ACCEPT(TEMP9.001,1.)) 660#650,7096 7096 ACCLIM-TEMP*9.812 GO TO 650 C TIME INCREMENT C 710 WRITE(7,7101) TLOOP 7101 FORMAT('STIME INCREMENT: ',F5.3,' SEC ENTER NEW VALUE: TEMP READ(5,7013,ERR-70) IF (4CCEPT(TEMP,.001,.500)) 660,6507106 7106 TLOOP-TEMP GO TO 650 C C ARBITRARY ACCELERATION AMPLITUDE FLAG WRITE(7p7111) FLAMPA 711 ENTER NEW VALUE: FORMAT('SARBITRARY ACCEL AMP FLAG:'15p' 7111 ITEMP READ(5,7023,ERR=711) IF (IACCEP(ITEMP,0,1))660,7116,7116 7116 FLAMPA-ITEMP GO TO 650 CONTINUE 712 CONTINUE 713 CONTINUE 714 CONTINUE 715 GO TO 650 C ! Float no. of sines. RSINES=NSINES 750 Convert from Phase ansies at t=0 to phase angles at twTO-TLOOP C 00 755 I-1pNSINES PHI(I)-PHI(I)+(TO/TLOOP-1)*WDELT(I) 755 Convert amplitudes from m/s to cart command units. C DO 760 IilNSINES 760 AMP(I)-KCMD*AMP(I) C WRITE(7p762)KCMD FORMAT(5Xp'KCMD-',F10.4) 762 C Save parameter values. C ZTRUN-TRUN ZSTPOS-STPOS ZTLOOP=TLOOP ZNSINE=NSINES ZTO=TO C RETURN END ' ' ') ' ' ' 137 1, 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0067 CART SYSTEM V03 FUNCTION SUMSIN (NA.WTWDELTPHI) C C AUTHOR: ARROTT C CREATION DATE: 18-JAN-79 C C PURPOSE: ITERATES SUM OF SINES SIGNAL C NUMEER OF SINES IN SUM. N: C ARRAY OF SINE AMPLITUDES. A: C ARRAY OF PRODUCTS OF SINE FREQUENCIES AND CURRENT TIME. WT: C (IN RADIANS) C WDELT: ARRAY OF PRODUCTS OF SINE FREQUENCIES AND ITERATION C INTERVAL. C ARRAY OF PHASE ANGLES PHI: C C C DIMENSION A(50),WT(5O),WDELT(50),PHI(50) SUMSIN=0. DO 1 J=IFN WT(J)=WT(.J)+WDELr(J) SUMSIN'3UMSIN+A(J)*SIN(WT(J)+PHI(J)) CONIINUE I 000 CUMSIN END FUNCTION POWER (W) )0O01 C C C C C C C C C Used in calculation of amplitudes of discrete freauencies in the snapins function alsorithm in suoprosram QSOS.FUN Author: G.L.Zacharias (orisinallw FUNCTION PWR in LNKRUN Prouram). Adapted bw Arrott for use bw module RANDOM.SUB in the SLED Prosram. Adaptation date: 10-Jan-79 No chanses necesidrw for use bw module QSOS.FUN in CART Prosram. INTEGER FILTER COMMON/FILCOM/FILTERPPOLE 0002 0003 C 0004 0005 TEMP=(ATAN(W/POLE))/POLE GO TO (1,2v3) FILTER C C ()006 0007 1 C C 000A .2 0009 0010 Coil 0012 )013 0014 C C 3 FIRST ORDER FILTER FOWER=TEMP RETURN SECOND ORDER FILTER FP=POLE*POLE -OWER='W/(F*+W*W)+TEMP)/(2.*PP) RETURN THIRD ORDER FILTER FF=POLE*POLE PI=PP+W*W FOWER=-(W*W*W/(PI*PI)-(5.*W/PI+3*TEMP)*.5)/(4.4PP*PP) RETURN C -015 FPOWEF% END 138 PRIMES.DAT 12 5 7 9 11 13 17 19 23 37 41 AMPAG.DAT 0.08,,0.10,0.10,0.130.13,0.12,0.13,0.11,0.11,0.13 RUN H1CAR7 CART CONTROLLER V04.7 (9-NOV-81) CART -SO Use Prime number table v YES 13 11 9 5 7 17 19 23 29 32 0 0 37 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUM OF SINES 16:26:06 06-JAN-83 PROFILE 184.32 SEC 1. DURATION OF PROFILE: PARAMETERS OF SINUSOIDS: 25 2. NUMBER OF GINUSOIDS: 0.0054 HZ 3. FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY: 4. EQUAL AMPLITUDE DOMAIN: 0 (-1,Pio.VI+1,A DEG 247. 5. SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE: PARAMETERS OF SHAPING FUNCTION: 2 6. ORDER OF FILTER: 7. POLE: 0.31 HZ PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS: 4.00 M B. LENGTH OF TRACK: 0.41 G 9. ALLOWED ACCELERATIONS 10. TIME INCREMENT: 0.015 SEC ARBITRARY ACCELERATION AMPLITUDE: 11. ARBITRARY AMP FLAG: 0 (0,NOIYES) PARAMETER $1 DURATION OF RUN: 184. SEC. PARAMETER 02 25 NUMBER OF SINUSOIDS: PARAMETER 03 FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY: 0.0122 HZ. PARAMETER #5 SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE: 247. DEG. PARAMETER 06 2 ORDER OF FILTER: PARAMETER $7 POLE OF FILTER: 0.31 PARAMETER #8 LENGTH OF TRACK: 4.00 M. PARAMETER #9 ALLOWED ACCELERATION:0.408, PARAMETER 010 TIME INCREMENT: 0.015 SEC PARAMETER $ ) ENTER NEW VALUE: 81.92 ENTER NEW VALUE: 12 ENTER NEW VALUE: 0.0122 ENTER NEW VALUE: 253. ENTER NEW VALUE: 1 ENTER NEW VALUE: 0.16 : ENTER NEW VALUE: 2.05 ENTER NEW VALUE: 0.20 ENTER NEW VALUE: .010 139 SUM OF SINES PROFILE DURATION OF PROFILE: 81.92 SEC PARAMETERS OF SINUSOIDS: 12 Z. NUMBER OF SINUSOIDS: 0.0122 HZ 3, FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCY: 0 (-1,P;OV;+1.A) 4. EQUAL AMPLITUDE DOMAIN: DEG 253. 5. SUCCESSIVE PHASE ANGLE: PARAMETERS OF SHAPING FUNCTION: 1 6. ORDER OF FILTER: 0.1# HZ 7. POLE: PHYSICAL CONSTRAINTS: 2.05 m 8. LENGTH OF TRACK? 0.20 G 9. ALLOWED ACCELERATION: 0.010 SEC 10. TIME INCREMENT: ARBITRARY ACCELERATION AMPLITUDE? 0 (0rNO11,YES) 11. ARBITRARY AMP FLAG: RESULTING IN THE SUM OF SINUSOIDS: FREO AMP ACCEL AMP CHZ3 CM/S3 EG3 0.061 0.005 0.12 0.085 0.13 0.007 0.110 0.12 0.008 0.134 0.11 0.009 0.159 0.12 0.012 0.208 0.11 0.015 0.232 0.10 0.014 0.281 0.11 0.019 0.354 0.09 0.021 0.391 0.07 0.019 0.452 0.07 0.021 0.500 0.020 0.06 MAXIMUM ACCELERATION IN SIGNAL: PERCENT USAGE OF TRACK: 100.oo% -0.24 STARTING POSITION: OK' YES PHASE EDEG3 0. 253. 147. 40. 293. 186. 79. 332. 226. 119. 12. 265. 0.113 G I 140 1000I SUPRUUTINE DSS C 00v 000 0005 P' !'ile CProfile senervtion for VAX. true CART wrugrem subruutxine C Cuiod 0006 C 0007 0008 C 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 C SET 0017 001 0019 0020 500 0021 0022 10 0023 0024 0025 )0 C SET 0026 0027 C C INPUT 0031 212 FORMAT(5Xt'SET 0032 0033 0034 213 READ(5r213)A1 FORMAT(I4) 0035 214 ACCELERATION AMPLITUDES ARBITRARILY AND EITHEk CHECKS WRITE(:9212) ACCEL AMPS PER AMPAG.IBAT' (lzY/O-N)') WRITE(5P214) FORMAT(SX''MULTIPLE DEL FREQUENCIES' READ(5,215)A2 FORMAT(14) WRITE(5.110) FORMAT(5X,'CALCULA1E HISTOGRAM DATA? READ(5,112)IBC FORMAT(I4) 0036 215 110 112 (1=YES/0=NO)') (YES*1/NOv0)') C IF(A2.EO.0)GO TO 501 C C SET DEL FREQUENCIES FOR MULTIPLE RUNS C DO 900 III:-1.12 DEL=(III-1)*30.0+13.0 WRITE(7,499) FORMAT(IXt'INPUT 501 499 PARAMETERS',/) WRITE(7.502)TRUNNSINESFFREOFLATtELFILTERrPOLE FFOSFACCTLOOF 02 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 Hiltner St-pt-82 OSOS.FUN REAL LVELTL(5) KCMDAMF(50) ,WFELT(50),PHI(50) REhL W('O) WT(50) BOXW('51) COSAliP(50) COSFHI (50) REAL AMPAk50) NSINEZTOFLATFILTER INTEGER PCODE.FRIME(50)o. 1 INTEGER AlA ,E IB,NBINNABIN(4I) COMMON AMPWDELTPHITLOOFNSINESNSTEPSTRUN COMMON/FILCOM/F[LTERPPOLE DATA PI/3.14159/ PRIME NUMBERS CALL ASSIGN(4#'PRIMES.DAT') READ(4.500)NPRIME ORMAT(I5) DO 10 IlzIpNFRIME REAt(4.500)IPRIME PRIME(Il)mIPRIME DO :0 12!NPRIME+1,50 PRIME(I2)=O.0 OTHER INPUT PARAMETERS CALL ASSIGN(6,'DSOS.DAT',0) READC6,*)TRUNNSINESFFREQFLATDELFILTERFPOLEFPOSFACCT-LOOP 0028 0029 0030 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 W. v/,'Xv'HS IES-'13 / 5Xv'FFRE ) ',F9. 6 /, ',oF8. 5X,'FLAT=',I2,/,5X,'EL-',F8.3,/,5X,'F!LTEFv',I3., 5X,'FPOLE -',F9.3,/,5X,'FPOS=',F6.2,/.5X,'FACC='.F6.3./ FORMAT((v,'rkUN + + + 5Xt'TLO0PS',F6.3) C DELPmIrDEL*2.0*PI/360.0 POI.E FPOLES2.0PI POSLIM=FPOSSO.5 ACCLIM=FACC19.812 C FIND HARMONIC FREOUENCIES FUNUA,.0*PI,'TRUN DO 30 13&INSINES W(I3)-tPRIME(I3)%FUNDA 30 WDELT(I3)zW(I3)*1LOOP CONTINUE C C SET ACCELERATION AMPLITUDES AkBITRAFILY 240 CALL ASSIGN(10,'AMPAG.DAT',0) READ(10.1)(AMPA(I) .I-l.NSINES) CALL CLOSE(10) 1F(A1.FU.0)GU 1' DO 220 220 I-IiNSINES AMP(I)=AMPA'I)*9.81/W(I) GO TO 260 C C GENERATE AMPLITUDE TABLE 240 IF(FLAT)241,242.243 241 DO2415 I1-1.NSINES 2415 AMP(I1)=W(I1) GO TO 244 141 0082 242 ,083 2425 0084 o085 243 0086 0087 7435 0088 C 244 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 009w 0096 0097 0098 0(99 ,1o0 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 0108 0109 0110 0111 0112 0113 0114 0115 0110 011 0118 0119 0120 01-1 0122 0123 0124 01:5 0126 0127 0128 01:9 0130 0131 0132 0133 0134 0135 0136 0137 0138 0139 0140 0141 0142 0143 0144 0145 0146 0147 0148 0149 0150 0151 0152 0153 0154 0155 0156 0157 0158 0159 0160 DO 2425 12=1,NSINES AMP(12)r1.3 60 TO 244 110 2435 1:'.1,NSINES AMPiI3)-1.0/W(I3) IF(FILTER.EO.0)GO TO .'60 IF(NSINES.EQ.1)GO TO 260 C C SHAPING FUNCTION C C CALCULATE FlUTICTIOUS LND FREOUENCIES C WO-W(1)*W( )/W(2) W(NSINES+1) W(MSINES)*W(NSINES)/W(NSINES-1) C C CALCULATE BOX FREQUENCIES DU 245 J=NSINES+192,-l BOXW(J)=SORT(W(J-1)tW(J)) 245 (1)) BOXW(l)-S0RT(W0*14 C C CALCULATE AMPLITUDES GAIN=2.0/(FFOWER(BOXW(NSINES+l))-FPOWER(BOXW(1))) 00 248 Jet#NSINES AMP(J)zAMP(J)*SORT(GAIN(FPOWER(BOXW(J+1))-FPOWER(BOXW(J)))) 248 C C CO?TINUE 260 C CONSTANT PHASE DIFFERENCE PHI(1)-0 DO 264 J-2PNSINES PH 'J)=PHI(J-L)+DELPHI PHI(J>=AMOD(PHI(J)#2.0%PI) CONTINUE 264 C GENERATE VELOCITY SIGNAL To=o.0 DO 420 J-1,NSINES WT(J)t--d!ELT(J) LVEL SUMSIN(NSINESAMF,WT WDELT PHI) TO'TOfTLOOP 430 VEL=SUMSIN(NSINESAMPWTWnELTPPHI) IF(VEL.GE.O.ANDLJEL.LE.0)G3 TO 440 IF(VEL.LE.0.AND.LJEL.GE.0)GO TO 140 LVEL'VEL IF(TO.GT.TRUN)GO TO 434 GO 0 430 WRITE(7,135) 434 FORMAT('NO ZERO CROSSING FOUND. IERMINATE 435 GO TO 99999 C FIND MAX. MIN VELOCITY NSTEPS=TRUN/TLOOP 440 420 VELMAX=0.0 445 450 VELMIN0.0 DO 445 14=19NSINES WT(J) T0*14(J)-WDELT(J) DO 450 I'a1,NSTEPS VEL- SUMSIH(NSINESAMPIT,WDELTPPHI) IF(VEL.GT.VELMAX)VELMAX=VEL IF(VEL.LT.VELMIN)VELMIm2k.EL CONTINUE IF(ABS(VELMIN).GT.VELMAX)VELMAX=-VEL IN C C GENERATE POSITION PROFILE DO 520 Jm1,NSINES WT(J) T0*W(J)-WDELT(J) COSAMP(J)=AMP(J)/W(J) COSPHI(J)=PHI(J)-0.5*PI CONTINUE 520 C FIND MAX AND MIN POSITION NSTF.PS=TRUN/TLOOP POSMAX 0.0 POSMIN-0.0 DO 540 IT l,NSTEPS POS SUMSIM(NSINESCOSAMPWTWDELTCOSPHI) IF(POS.GT.FOSMAX)F0SMAX=FOS IF(POS.LT.POSMIN)POSMIN'FOS CONTINUE 540 C SCALE SIGNAL TO LENGTH OF TRACK PSFuPOSLIM*2.0/(POSMAX-POSMIN) NGRAN. 142 01 C GENERATE ACCELEXATInN DO 570 PROFILE JlNSINES WT(J)-TO*W(J)-W0ELT(J) 016COSAMF(J)=PSF*AMP(.) *(J) 013 015COSPHI(J)-PHI(J)+O.Z*PI CONTINUE 570 016 C FIND MAX AND MIN ACCELERATION 0t67 ACCMAXmO.0 168 ACCMINH0.0 0169 DO 580 IT-1,NSTEPS 0170 f) ACC SUMSIN(NSINE;,COSAMP ,IJTWDELTPCOSP IF(ACC.GT.ACCMAX)ACCMA'=ACC 01:2 IF(ACC.LI.ACCMIN)ACCMIN=ACC 013 CONTINUE 580 C DETERMINE A(CELERATION SCALE FACTOR 0175 .iT.ACCMAX)ACCMAXz-ACCMIN I/IF(AS(ACCMIN) ASFACCLIM/ACCMAX 0177 IF(ACCMAX.LE.ACCLIM)ASF 1.0 0179 C CALCULATE SIGNAL SCALE FACTOR AND SCALE AMPLITUDES 0179 USAGEASF*100.0 0180 SCALE=PSF*ASF 0181 DO 590 J-lvNSINES 0182 AMPF(J)zSCALEVAMF(J) 590 0183 ACCMAXmASFAACCMAX 0184 C CALCULATE STARTING POSITION Ol8 DO 594 J 1,NSINES 0186 WT(J)101W(J)-WDELT(J) 0187 COSAMP(J)TAMP(J),W(J) 0188 COSPHI (J)rPHI(J)-0.59PI 0189 CONTINUE 594 0190 STPOS=SUMSIN(NSINESCOSAMPWT ,WDELTCOSPHI) 0191 - (POSMA:(+PO-I1*)0).5*3CALE 0192+ 0193 C HISTOGRAM DATA CALCULAlION IF(IC.EQ.0)GO TO 831 0194 DO 1 0 J-19NSINES 0195 TC*W(J)-WDELT(J) WT(J) 0196 COSAMP(J,2AMP(J)9WfJ) 0197 COSPHI(J-PHI(J)+0.5*I 0198 CONTINUE 120 0199 ACC-0.0 0200 DO 124 Ir1l41 0201 NABIN(I)=0 124 0202 DO 122 I-1.NSTEPS 0203 ACCrSUMSIN(NSIMES.COSAMPtATWDELTCOSFHI) 0204 VACC=AbS(ACC/9.81)/0.005 0205 NBIM=VACC+1 0206 NAIN(NbIN)rNAbIN(N8IN)+1 0207 CONTINUE 122 0208 C 0209 C DISPLAY OUTPUT 0210 WRITE(7,829) 0211 FORMAT(XX,/,'PROFILE DESCRIPTION',/) 829 0212 831 WRITE(7,830)ACCMAX/9.81,VELMAX*SCALEUSAGE,3TFOSSCALE 0213 FORMAT(5X,'MAX ACCEL:',F6.3,/,5X,'VELMAX ',FS.I,/, 830 0214 SEAGE OF TRACK' .F6.2,/, 5X,'% + 0215 5X#'STARTING POSITIONz',F6.3#/, + 0216 +X,'SCALE:':F7.4/) 4 0217 WRITE(7#800) 0218 (G) Y r'APF2 (M/S)' (HZ)',3X,'AMP1 FORMAT(1XF'FREO. 0219 800 2X,'PHASE (DEG)') + 0220 DO 620 JwINSINES 0221 WRI rE(7,810)W(J)/(2.0*PI) ,AMP(J) #AMP(J)*W(J)/9.81, 0222 W(J)*TO+360.0*PHI(J)/(2.0*FI) + 0223 FORMAT(1X F11.4v.X.F11.293XF11 .393XvFI1.0) 810 0224 CONTINUE 620 0225 C 0226 C OUTPUT HISTOGRAM VALUES 0227 IF(IBC.EQ.0)GO TO 899 0228 02:9 WRITE(7,11') 0:30 117 FORMATt..1X,'HISTOGRAM DATA',/) 0231 DO 116 1-1,11 0232 VBINrl*0.005 0233 WRITE(7.1IS)V9INNABIN(I) 0234 118 FORMAT(tX,'ACC EIN-',F6.3v.S '# ACC POINTS:',16) 0235 116 CONTINUE 0236 899 IF(A2.E.0)GO TO 99999 C 0237 0238 900 CONTINUE 0239 C 0240 99999 RETURN 0241 END 143 C Calculate% sua of tiriusoids. F oe SUMSIN.FUN ir C CART Prouram. Stored b- Dale W. Hiltrer/ SEPT-82 C REAL A(50),WT(50),WrELT(50)dNHI(50) SUMSIN 0.0 DO 10 11-1,N 4 0005 0007 0008 WT(Ii)zWT(II)+WDELT(II) SUMSINmSUMSIN+A(I1)*SIN(WT(11)+PHI( 1)) 0009 0010 0011 0012"END 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 001, 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 10 CONTINUE FUNCTION FPOWER(W) C C Calculates filter Ce'lxtudes form as*ritudt C sc3lin in Fr). Fr POWR.FUN ii CART C Prucraf. Stoved b%; Dale W. Hiltner/ OCT-82 INTEGER FILTER COMMON/FILCOM/FILTERPOLE C TEMP=(ATAN(W/POLE))/POLE GO TO (1'2,3)FILTER C C FIRST ORDER FILTER 1 FPOWER-TEMP GO TO Y999 C C SECOND ORDER FILTER 2 PP-POLEPFOLE FFOWER (W/ (PP+WtW GO TO 9999 C C THIRD ORDER FILTER 3 FP=POLE*FOLE +TEMP ) / 2.F03r) PI=FP+W*W FPOWE=- 0025 0026 0027 SUM'IN(NAWrWDEI.TPmI) FUNCTION C 3 00 W*W*W/(FI*PI)-(5.O*W/FI+3*TEMP)*0.5)/(4.0*P*PP) GO TO 9999 C 9999 END 144 IMES .DAT 5 7 9 ii j3 19 23 29 32 37 41 DS09.DAT ei .9-.1t12#0.01221 POP253.Op I P . 1692.05PO.20,0.010 AWPAG.DAT,0.10,0 *13.0.13.O.120.13, SET ACCEL AMPS PER AMPAG.DAT' (1 Y/0 N) 0 MULTIPLE DEL FREQUFNCIFS? (1YFS/0-NO) DATA? (VI i1/NO-0) 0 CALCULATE wISTOGRAM INPUT PARAMETERS 81.920 12 0.012210 TRUNNSINES= FFREOFLAT- 0 2S3.000 DEL FIlTER1 FPOLE0.160 2.n05 FFfi% FACC- 0.Z0O 0.010 TLQ0lPROFILE DESCRIPTION MAX ACCEL - 0.113 0.6290 VELMAX X USEAGE OF TkACKsl00.00 STARTING POSITION -',236 0.2502 SCALE FREG. (HZ) 0.0610 0.0(454 0.1099 0.1343 0. lJ87 0.2075 0.2319 0.2808 0.3540 AMPI 0.4017 0.07 0.07 0.5005 0.06 0.3906 AhFM2 (M/S) 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.09 PMASE (CS) 0.005 0.00/ 253. 0.008 0.009 0.012 0.015 0.014 0.019 I i7. 40. 293. 1(46. 0.021 79. 332. 226. 0.019 0.021 0.020 12. 265. 119. HISTOGRAM DATA AcC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC ACC FINe 11INEt IN BIN= DIN'BIN= 14IN: BINS 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 I I I I I I S (0EG) 0. ACC POINTS= ACC POINTS- ACC ACC POI NTSm POINTS- ACC OI NT S ACC POINTS ACC POI ACl POINTS=z NTS:- 862 1059 1048 808 684 551 579 426 - -- 0 o 4 'i T of -4 0L e -4 I)--d-0 LA 0 CM 4D CP 0 0 0 C (() is46 . m,.HoIif )C O 'A 0 -4 -, -- 4 4&.Ca 0 k. em -4 .. ' --4 -4 -4 i U- 11lCflWUIW -4 0 C. C *-* -- " tJ Lta (A (A tJ 0L - 0 .d- A LA aso -- 4 -4 0 - j 4 Q 0. "s U 0. 0 "i j 0 (eA tj 0 tJ S 'a! Is A Ln L ) U LA3flWU)U) o1 2m2 LA LII 000000C LA o Li 0 LA 0 CA 0 LA -- 00 0 C WJO> 0000000 Q o LA X 0 0 X 4 0 0- 000030300000ooo 0* o ' I) o . - - N 1 0 IdIf If !X T U 2 --1 - -- -1 - - - - n w)0 m m 0030000000 )V -4-4 -4 -4 -4 -4 -U) 1( ) 333333000 - a 1; 9 VX W n)00000 L e- & a - w - b LA 0 -4-- - v 'I i tN 'p 0 C' IA 0, LI 0 00043000000000 i in u-) tn u) -4 0 Z ?1.1 W W r - -. - - C> > C <> C, Ic <> 1= C> 4 If If .. s a, u)in Ll 0 0~~~~~~~ LA 0 LA 0 -4 - ----- In 00 -14 ~ 2of 0 ) 5 - CO- 3 0 00000 H2If I 2 - W W o r 146 APPENDIX C DATA REDUCTION PROGRAMS as Their hierarchy is The programs used in the data reduction are listed. follows: H1PIKY.DHF H1CNDY.DHF 148-151 H1CY.DHF H1FFTC.DHF, H1TRFY.DHF H1TY.DHF, H1NFC.DHF 152-159 H1PIKP.DHF H1CNDP.DHF, H1SUM.DHF and 6 into separate of calibrations The units. 3 Chapter H1PIKP.DHF Up to data files All (If the last not used.) engineering points contained block in the data Individual units. The used beyond statistics file the same to them 2,3,4, so the the engineering statistics.) its finding performs generate with the from out the then prints It convert to used these files, to 1,2,3,4, 1024 points of channels A sample run is used is and therefore filenames, one run. 30 not then accesses the desired response results. Program be reduction data are output in count units statistics must is data position H1CY.DHF Program (The files. the the 8192 points of channels and outputs the of each channel statistics in used into 1024 points. and 6 stored in the run data file 160-166 H1RATK.DAT program first accesses and concatenates It process. the is H1PIKY.DHF Program files. Page Data File Subroutines Program FFT, and outputs shown. for statistcs first same three session, test of groups in letters data their can be processed in in full blocks are used in the calculations. file is are output HlRATK.DAT block is the data in this not full, as with stores the H1PIKY.DHF, position, but in velocity, 147 acceleration, and command RMS values from the no subject runs, or any other baseline values desired. These values ,atios which are ouput in summary form. sre then used to produce A sample input and output is the RMS shown. 148 0001 FROGRAM HlPIKY C C C C C C C C C C Aut-iior: Jen-Kuang Huang/Dale, W. Hiltner Creation Date: 22-APR-62/SEPT-82 Pick ui sled data(5 channels, 256 word record, 385 blocks) Current1w assumes input data file is 10240 ticks lons, with data points Per time tick Proaram writes out a data point for everv tick, for one specified --'> can run HICY to reduce data. channel of data DIMENSION INEUF(256),IOBUF(256) REAL JSCALETRUN INTEGER 0UT1(10240) INTEGER PRFILE(30) LOGICAL*i ZFILE(10),FILEP(3),FILEN(120),FILEE(4) COMMON/CM1/IBRII9 COMMON/CM2/JSCALETRUN DATA FILEE/'.','C','V'9'4'/ 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 000.7 0008 0009 C WRITE(79100) 100 FORMAr(' Pick 0010 u input/output sled data. Channels lv2,3,4,6.'q/, Per channel ') Currentlw accepts ma-imum of 10240 samples 0011 C C WRITE(79121) 121 FORMAT(/,2X,'ENTER JSCALE FACTORPRUN TIME TRUN') READ(5,123)JSCALETRUN 123 FORMAT(F6.2,F9.4) 0012 0013 0014 0015 C 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 WRITE(7,102) 101 102 FORMAT(/,2X,'ENTER INPUT FILE 6 LETTER CODE (XXXXXX.CV4)') READ(5,120)((FILEP(I)tI=1,3),(FILEN(I),I=1,3)) 120 FORMAT(3A1t3A1) C WRITE(7,122) C 122 FORMAT(/,2Xr'ENTER #FILES TO BE REDUCED') READ(5,124)NFILE C FORMAT(I2) C 124 WRITE(7,126) C FORMAT(/.2X,'ENTER PR FILE 0, DATA FILE NUMBER. C 126 ONE SET PER LINE') + C DO 127 I7=1,NFILE C READ(5128)PRFILE(17),(FILEN(I),I=(I7-1)*3+1,(I7-1)*3+3) C FORMAT(I3w3A1) C 128 CONTINUE C 127 NFILE=1 INC=O C DO 710 17=1,NFILE INF=I7 DO 720 00Z I2=1,3 7Z0 ZFILE(I2)=FILEP(I2) DO 740 14-1,3 IN-3+14 0026 0027 0028 INC=INC+1 0029 740 ZFILE(IN)-FILEN(INC) Do 760 I6=1,4 0030 0031 IE=6+I6 0032 760 ZFILE(IE)-FILEE(16) C C CALL ASSIGN(1,ZFILE,10) DEFINE FILE 1 (0,256PUrNREC) 0033 0034 C WRITE(7v770)(ZFILE(I),I-1,10) 770 FORMAT('0',2X,'CURRENT FILE',3X,1OAL) DO 600 19=1,6 0035 0036 0037 C C C DEFINE FILE 1 (0,256PUvNREC) IF(I9.E0.5)GO TO 600 119=19 0038 0040 C P.- 149 I DO 130 K=,10240 130 OUT1(K)u2048 NREC-2 Jul,384 DO IO READ(1'NRECEND-200) ISAVE=32*(J-1) DO 140 1=1,32 0041 0042 0043 0(44 )045 0046 0047 0049 0050- OUT1(ISAVE+I)=INBUF(I1) 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE 0051 C C 0052 0053 0055 0056 0058 0059 200 IBR=INT((J-2)/9.)+1 200 IBR-INT((J-1)/8.0) IF(II9.GT.1)GO TO 220 WRITE(7,210) J-1,IBR 210 FORMAT(2X,14i' Records(256 words/record) a> 'PI2t' C C CALL H1CNDY TO CONCATENATE DATA C 220 CALL H1CNDY(OUT1) C 600 CONTINUE C CALL CLOSE(1) C 710 CONTINUE 0060 C 0061 HiP1K Y INBUF 11=8*(1-1)+19 ()048 0057 Initialization END Records') . ..... ..... I150 SUBROUTINE HICNDY(OUT1) )001 C C C C C C C C C C C Author: Jen-Kuans HuanS/Dale W. Hiltner Creation Date: 8-JUN-82/ SEPT-82 Concatenates sled data(l channel, 256 word record' up to 48 blocks) Method: Window filter (Window: two standard deviation) Currentlw assumes input data file has max 12288 ticks long, with data points Per time tick Program writes out 1024 data pointse for two channels of data ==> can run HICY to output final results. INTEGER OUT(1024) INTEGER OUTI(10240) REAL JSCALEPTRUN COMMON/CM1/IBRII9 COMMON/CM2/JSCALETRUN 0002 0003 Q004 o005 0006 C IF(II9.GT.1)GO TO 120 0007 0009 WRITE(7P100) 100 FORMAT(' Sled data concatenation. Channels 1,2,3,4,6.',/, + Currentlw accepts maximum of 10240(256*40) samples 0010 C 120 INTVLE-INT(256*IBR/1024+0.) IF(II9.GT.1)GO TO 130 WRITE(7,116) INTVLE 116 FORMAT(2X,'Pick up one Point from everv WRITE(79125) 125 FORMAT(' ') 0011 0012 0014 0015 0016 0017 C 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 NRECIl 130 IR-0 SUMS0. RMSE-0. C C PERFORM WINDOW FILTERING C DO 190 L-1,1024 TSUM10. TSUM2-0. TRMSE0. 0026 IAm0 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0042 0044 0045 0046 IC=INTVLE*(L-1) 00 170 M-IINTVLE P1-OUT1(IC+M)-2048 TSUM1-TSUM1+OUT1(IC+M)-2048 TRMSE=TRMSE+Pl*Pl 170 CONTINUE TAVG-TSUMI/INTVLE TRMS-SORT(TRMSE/INTVLE) TSTD-SORT(TRMS**2-TAVG**2) ULIM-TAVG+TSTD*2 LLIM=TAVG-TSTD*2 DO 180 NlIINTVLE P1.OUT1(IC+N)-2048 IF(P1.GT.ULIM) GOTO 180 IF(P1.LT.LLIM) GOTO 180 TSUM2-TSUM2+0UT1(IC+N)-2048 IA*IA+1 180 CONTINUE OUT(L)-INT(2048+TSUM2/IA) 0047 C 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 OUT(L)=2048+TSUM2/IA IR-IR+INTVLE-IA 190 CONTINUE C C FIND STATISTICS FOR 1024 POINTS C DO 305 I.1,1024 P1=OUT(I)-2048 SUMuSUM+OUT(I)-2048 RMSE-RMSE+P1*P1 305 CONTINUE AVG-SUM/1024 RMS=SORT(RMSE/1024) STD=SURT(RMS**2-AVG**2) RPC=IR*100./INTVLE/1024. C GO TO(510,520,530,540,550,560)II9 'I2,' Points.') ' 1'1 C C OUTPUT 1024 POINTS TO RESPECTIVE FILES 0060 510 0061 GO TO 307 WRITE(7,525) 520 0062 WRITE(7P515) C CALL ASSIGN(2,'H1TMPV.DAT') DEFINE FILE 2 (1,2048YUIREC2) WRITE(2'1)OUT CALL CLOSE(2) 0063 0064 0065 0066 C TO 307 CALL ASSIGN(2,'H1TMPA.DAT') DEFINE FILE 2 (1,2048,UIREC2) WRITE(2'1)OUT CALL CLOSE(2) G0 0067 0068 0069 530 0070 0071 C WRITE(7p535) GO TO 307 0072 0073 0074 540 WRITE(7,545) C CALL ASSIGN(2r'H1TMPC.DAT') DEFINE FILE 2 (1,2048,UvIREC2) WRITE(2'1)OUT CALL CLOSE(2) 0075 0076 0077 0078 C 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 GO TO 307 550 WRITE(7,555) GO TO 9999 560 CALL ASSIGN(2,'H1TMPJ.DAT') DEFINE FILE 2 (1,2048eUIREC2) WRITE(2'1)OUT CALL CLOSE(2) WRITE(7,565) C 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 HICNDY 307 WRITE(7,309) RPCRMS9AVGSTD 309 FORMAT(IOXF1O.2,5X,3(F9.4v2X)) C C OUTPUT STATISTICS C WRITE(7.570) 570 FORMAT(' ' C 515 FORMAT(' POSITION'6X,'REJECT(%)'t3X,'RMS'7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') 525 FORMAT(' VELOCITY' 6Xv'REJECT(%)' 3X,'RMS',7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') 535 FORMAT(' ACCEL 'p6X#'REJECT(%)'t3X,'RMS'v7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') 545 FORMAT(' COMMAND ',6Xt'REJECT(%)' 3X,'RMS' 7X'AVG',7X,'STD') 555 FORMAT(' !! ERROR !! 119*5. EXIT CONDTD') 565 FORMAT(' JOYSTICK'v6X,'REJECT(%)',3X,'RMS' 7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') C 9999 RETURN 400 END 152 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 (33 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 '060 0061 PROGRAM HICY C C C Written bw Dale W. Hiltner. Sept-82 C Computes FFT from files created bw H1PKIY and C outputs response results. C C INTEGER IIR(1024) REAL A1RJSCALETRUN 4 REAL AMP1(60),PHASE1(60),AI1R(102 ) COMPLEX A1C(1024) COMMON/CM2/JSCALETRUN C C C WRITE(7,02) 02 FORMAT(5X,'INPUT JSCALEPRUN TIME TRUN') READ(7,04)JSCALETRUN 04 FORMAT(F9.4,F9.4) C CALL CLOSE(S) CALL CLOSE(6) CALL CLOSE(7) CALL CLOSE(S) C 11-1 900 GO TO (l0.20,30,40,50)II C C RRAD IN 1024 DATA POINTS AND SCALE PER CALIBRATION BEFORE GOING C TO FFT. THEN STORE FIRST 60 AMPLITUDE AND PHASE VALUES C IN ANOTHER FILE. C 10 DEFINE FILE I (1,2048,UPIREC1) CALL ASSIGN (1,'H1TMPA.DAT') READ(1'1)I1R Do 12 I-1,1024 12 AI1R(I)=I1R(I)*0.01 GO TO 100 210 CALL CLOSE(1) CALL ASSIGN(5,'H1OUTA.DAT') WRITE(5,*)(AMP1(I),In1,60) WRITE(5t*)(PHASE1(I),I1,60) CALL CLOSE(5) 112 GO TO 900 C 20 DEFINE FILE 2 (192048,UIREC2) CALL ASSIGN(2,'HITMPJ.DAT') READ(2'1)I1R DO 22 I=1,1024 22 AI1R(I)-I1R(I)*0.003998/JSCALE GO TO 100 220 CALL CLOSE(2) CALL ASSIGN(6,'H1OUTJ.DAT') WRITE(6,*)(AMP1(I)vIil60) WRITE(6r*)(PHASE1(I)I=1,60) CALL CLOSE(6) 11-3 GO TO 900 C 30 DEFINE FILE 3 (1,2048,UIREC3) CALL ASSIGN(3,'H1TMPV.DAT') READ(3'1)I1R DO 32 1=1,1024 32 AI1R(I)=I1R(I)*0.002722 GO TO 100 230 CALL CLOSE(3) CALL ASSIGN(7u'H1OUTV.DAT') WRITE(7,*)(AMP1(I),I-1960) WRITE(7,*)(PHASE1(I)I=1,60) CALL CLOSE(7) 11-4 GO TO 900 C 40 DEFINE FILE 4 (1,2048,UvIREC4) CALL ASSIGN(4,'H1TMPC.DAT') READ(4'1)I1R DO 42 I-1I1024 42 AI1R(I)1I1R(I)*0.003999 GO TO 100 I53 0062 240 0063 0064 0065 0066 CALL CLOSE(4) CALL ASSIGN(8.'H1OUTC.DAT') WRITE(8,*)(AMP1(I),I=1i60) WRITE(8B*)(PHASE1(I)I =1,60) CALL CLOSE(S) 0067 11-5 0068 GO TO 900 C 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 HICY 100 DO 110 I1=1,1024 A1R=AI1R(I1) A1C(I1)=CMFLX(A1R,0.0) 110 CONTINUE C C CALL FFT SUBROUTINE C CALL H1FTCY(A1C,10,1024) C C CALCULATE AMPLITUDE AND PHASE FROM FFT OUTPUTS C DO 120 12-1,60 AMP1(I2)=SORT(REAL(A1C(12+1))**2+AIMAG(AC(1I2+1))**2) PHASE1(12)=ATAN2(REAL(A1C(I2+1)),AIMAG(A1C(I2+1)))*57.29577949 120 CONTINUE C GO TO (210,220,230,240)II C C CALL HITRFY TO CALCULATE AND OUTPUT RESPONSE RESULTS C 50 CALL H1TRFY C C C C STOP 9999 END 154 I 0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 H1FTCY SUBROUTINE H1FTCY(A.MN) C C C Fortran FFT subroutine. Stored bw Dale W. Hiltner C C COMPLEX A(N)pUpW9T INTEGER NM C C N=2**M NV2=N/2 NM1=N-1 J-1 DO 7 I=1rNM1 IF(I.GE.J)GO TO 5 T=A(J) A(J)-A(I) A(I)=T 5 K-NV2 6 IF(K.GE.J)GO TO 7 J-J-K K-K/- GO TO 6 7 J-J+K PI=3.141593 DO 20 La=,M LEa2**L LE1-LE/2 U=(1.0,0.0) !653589793 W-CMPLX(COS(PI/LE1),SIN(PI/LE1)) DO 20 J=I1,LE1 DO 10 I=JNLE IPmI+LE1 T=A(IP)*U A(IP)=A(I)-T 10 A(I)=A(I)+T 20 U-U*W RETURN END 16-sePt-82 155 0001 SUBROUTINE H1TRFY C C C C C C C C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 Author: Date: Jen-Kuano Huanv/Dale W. Hiltner 14-Mar-82/AUG-82 Accesses Phase and amplitude output from HiCY and outputs transfer function and freauencu spectrum data. REAL PHASE(60),FREO(60),FREOR(60),LFREQR(60) REAL GAINDB(60),LGAIN(60) REAL AMPA(60),AMF'J(60),AMPV(60),AMPC(60) REAL PHASEA(60),PHASEJ(60),PHASEV(60) PHASEC(60) REAL JSCALETRUNNFC(25) COMMON/CM2/JSCALETRUN C C ACCESS DATA FILES C 0008 CALL ASSIGN(5,'H1OUTA.DAT') 0009 READ(5,*)(AMPA(I),I=1,60) 0010 READ(5,*)(PHASEA(I),Im1#60) 0011 CALL CLOSE(5) C 0012 CALL ASSIGN(6,'HlOUTJ.DAT') 0013 READ(6,*)(AMPJ(I),I:1,60) 0014 READ(6,*)(PHASEJ(I),I=1,60) 0015 CALL CLOSE(6) C 0016 CALL ASSIGN(7#'H1OUTV.DAT') 0017 READ(7,*)(AMPV(I),I=1,60) 0018 READ(7,*)(PHASEV(I),I=1,60) 0019 CALL CLOSE(7) C 0020 CALL ASSIGN(8t'H1OUTC.DAT') 0021 READ(8,*)(AMPC(I),I=1,60) o022 READ(8,*)(PHASEC(I),I-1,60) 0023 CALL CLOSE(8) C C 0024 DO 5 I=1,60 C C COMPUTE TRANSFER FUNCTION DATA C 0025 IF(AMPJ(I).EO.0.)GO TO 11 0027 IF(AMPA(I).EO.0.0)GO TO 11 C 0029 GAINDB(I)=20.*AL6O10(AMPJ(I)/AMPA(I)) 0030 GO TO 12 0031 11 GAINDB(I)-0.0 0032 12 LGAIN(I)-GAINDB(I)/20.0 0033 PHASE(I)=PHASEJ(I)-PHASEA(I)+180.0 0034 IF(PHASE(I).LT.-360.0)PHASE(I)-PHASE(I)+360.0 o036 IF(PHASE(I).GT.O.0)PHASE(I)=PHASE(I)-360.0 0038 FRE0(I)-I/TRUN 0039 FREOR(I)=I/TRUN*6.2832 0040 LFRER(I)=ALOG10(FRER(I)) 0041 5 CONTINUE C C OUTPUT TRANSFER FUNCTION DATA C 0042 WRITE(7,220) 0043 220 FORMAT(//,5X,'N',2Xu'NF',4X,'FREOH' 4X'FREOR',4X,'LOG F',BX, + 'GAINDB',7X,'LGAIN',8X,'PHASE',/) 0044 WRITE(7P230)(IIFREQ(I),FREOR(I),LFREQR(I), + GAINDD(I) LGAIN(I)PPHASE(I),I=1,45) 0045 230 FORMAT(2XP2I4,2XF7.3,2XF7.3,2XF7.3,3F12. ) 3 C 156 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 HITRFY C C CALL HiTY FOR DATA REORDRING C CALL H1TY(AMPAAMPA) CALL H1TY(AMPJAMPJ) CALL HlTY(AMPVAMPV) CALL H1TY(AMPCAMPC) CALL H1TY(PHASEAPMASEA) CALL H1TY(PHASEJPHASEJ) CALL H1TY(PHASEVPHASEV) CALL H1TY(PHASECPHASEC) C CALL H1NFC(NFCPNFC) C C C OUTPUT FREQUENCY SPECTRUM DATA C WRITE(7p260) 260 FORMAT(//,5X,'I',3X,'NF',7X,'INAMPACC',8X,'INPHS',5X, + 'OUTAMPJOY',7X.'OUTPHS',4X,'VELAMP'P1OX,'VELPHS',4X, + 'COMAMP'v10Xp'COMPHS',/) WRITE(7,270)(INFC(I).AMPA(I),PHASEA(I), + AMPJ(I),PHASEJ(I), + AMPV(I),PHASEV(I), + AMPC(I)PHASEC(I)rI=1,25) 270 FORMAT(4X, 122XF5 .,1X,3X.E12.5t2XF9.4,3X.E12.5,2XF9.4, + 3XE12 .5,2X.F9.4.3XEl12.5,2X,F9.4) C C C RETURN END & 157 SUBROUTINE HITY(AINAOUT) C C C Output reorderinS. Remnant averase calculations C C REAL AIN(60),AOUT(60) C 0001 0002 C AOUT(1)=(AIN(1)+AIN(2)+AIN(3)+AIN(4))/4.0 DO 20 1=2#10 20 AOUT(I)=AIN(I+3) 0003 0004 0005 C AOUT(11)=(AIN(14)+AIN(15)+AIN(16))/3.0 DO 40 I.12,14 40 AOUT(I)=AIN(I+5) 0006 0007 0008 C AOUT(15)=(AIN(20)+AIN(21)+AIN(22))/3.0 AOUT(16)-AIN(23) AOUT(17)=(AIN(24)+AIN(25)+AINt(26)+AIN(27)+AIN(28))/5.0 AOUT(18)=AXN(29) AOUT(19)=(AIN(30)+AIN(31))/2.0 AOUT(20)-AIN(32) AOUT(21)=(AIN(33)+AIN(34)+AIN(35)+AIN(36))/4.0 AOUT(22)=AIN(37) AOUT(23)=(AIN(38)+AIN(39)+AIN(40))/3.0 AOUT(24)=AIN(41) AOUT(25)=(AIN(42)+AIN(43)+AIN(44))/3.0 RETURN END 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 HITY 0001 SUBROUTINE H1NFC(A1,A) C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 HINFC C C Set up N values for freouencw C C REAL A(25),A1(25) A(1)=2.5 DO 10 I=2,10 10 A(I)=I+3.0 A(11)=15.0 A(12)=17.0 A(13)-18.0 A(14)=19.0 A(15)=21.0 A(16)=23.0 A(17)-26.0 A(18)=29.0 A(19)=30.5 A(20)=32.0 A(21)-34.5 A(22)-37.0 A(23)-39.0 A(24)=41.0 A(25)=43.0 RETURN END spectrum output. 158 .RUN H1PIKY Pick up input/output sled data. Channels 1,2,3,4,6. Current1w accepts maximum of 10240 samples per channel ENTER JSCALE FACTORRUN TIME TRUN ENTER INPUT FILE 6 LETTER CODE (XXXXXX.CV4) H11506 HlI506.CV4 CURRENT FILE 256 Records(256 words/record) a> 32 Records Sled data concatenation. Channels 1,2,3v4,6. Currentiw accepts maximum of 10240(256*40) samples Pick up one point from everw 8 points. POSITION REJECT(%) 5.54 RMS 366.2113 AVG -73.0781 STD 358.8458 VELOCITY REJECT(%) 6.51 RMS 98.9566 AVG -23.1777 STO 96.2039 ACCEL REJECT(%) 6.97 RMS 58.4783 AVG -4.1484 STD 58.3310 COMMAND REJECT(%) 0.78 RMS 49.0192 AVG 4.6982 STD 48.7935 JOYSTICK REJECT(%) 3.76 RMS 85.1156 AVG 13.8730 STD 83.9774 STOP -- .RUN HICY INPUT JSCALEPRUN TIME TRUN 2.1V81.92 N NF FREGH FREOR LOG F 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0.077 0.153 0.230 0.307 0.383 0.460 0.537 0.614 0.690 0.767 15 15 16 17 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 0.012 0.024 0.037 0.049 0.061 0.073 0.085 0.098 0.110 0.122 0.134 0.146 0.159 0.171 0.183 0.195 0.208 0.220 0.232 0.244 0.2-6 0.269 0.281 0.293 0.305 0.317 0.330 0.342 0.354 0.366 0.378 0.391 0.403 0.415 0.427 0.439 0.452 0.464 0.476 0.488 -1.115 -0.814 -0.638 -0.513 -0.416 -0.337 -0.270 -0.212 -0.161 -0.115 -0.074 -0.036 -0.001 0.031 0.061 0.089 0.115 0.140 0.164 0.186 0.207 0.227 0.247 0.265 0.283 0.300 0.316 0.332 0.347 0.362 0.376 0.390 0.403 0.416 0.429 0.441 0.453 0.465 0.476 0.487 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 0.844 0.920 0.997 1.074 1.150 1.227 1.304 1.381 1.457 1.534 1.611 1.687 1.764 1.841 1.917 1.994 2.071 2.148 2.224 2.301 2.378 2.454 2.531 2.608 2.684 2.761 2.838 2.915 2.991 3.068 GAINDB 11.859 13.306 10.653 9.321 4.831 -9.560 9.920 0.476 0.173 1.763 -1.527 -11.614 -3.277 -0.039 5.334 -6.209 -5.477 6.256 -7.620 -0.286 -1.779 -13.788 -8.311 -11.249 -21.572 -6.288 -12.571 -10.857 -17.166 -3.425 -7.832 -11.362 -8.445 -5.589 -7.037 -3.497 -17.499 -9.906 -10.603 -6.041 LGAIN 0.593 0.665 0.533 0.466 0.242 -0.478 0.496 0.024 0.009 0.088 -0.076 -0.581 -0.164 -0.002 0.267 -0.310 -0.274 0.313 -0.381 -0.014 -0.099 -0.689 -0.416 -0.562 -1.079 -0.314 -0.629 -0.543 -0.858 -0.171 -0.392 -0.568 -0.422 -0.279 -0.352 -0.175 -0.875 -0.495 -0.530 -0.302 PHASE -2.409 -185.733 -309.691 -112.378 -20.619 -123.847 -11.427 -275.422 -104.327 -207.855 -91.992 -196.790 -111.106 39.861 -155.023 -255.527 -110.918 -194.005 -149.175 -256.559 -202.910 -261.260 -123.637 -270.350 -241.995 -254.745 -237.121 -235.816 -122.504 110.388 -271.848 -158.459 80.213 111.461 -309.420 -238.041 -169.986 -225.813 -259.397 -245.417 I 159 I~ 41 42 41 42 0.500 0.513 43 43 0.525 44 45 44 43 0.537 0.549 I NF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 STOP 3.375 0.498 0.508 0.518 0.528 3.451 0.538 3.145 3.221 3.298 INAMPACC 2.5 0.66695E+01 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 1.2.0 13.0 15.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 26.0 29.0 30.5 32.0 34.5 37.0 39.0 41.0 43.0 0.24067E+02 0.91114E+01 0.10824E+02 0.93956E+01 0.22955E+02 0.73120E+01 0.25363E+02 0.59945E+01 0.40620E+02 0.83275E+01 0.48100E+02 0.28506E+01 0.59440E+02 0.81336E+01 0.73136E+02 0.11571E+02 0.91271E+02 0.96311E+01 0.79010E+02 0.13236E+02 0.12468E+03 0.17577E+02 0.10299E+03 0.12054E+02 INPHS 60. 2222 79.6106 -132.0222 -49.6864 -81.6831 -79. 9227 92.6190 159.1630 109.0695 73.7615 -78.1470 -11.5155 -8s.1315 -104.3898 87.9839 154.6477 -J9.7801 61.6987 9.3120 -15.8167 -39.2202 -115.5391 20.0071 153.1838 3.8769 -- COMAMP 0.22681E+02 0.40994E+02 0.38364E+01 0.35627E+02 0.86879E+01 0.38705E+02 0.82803E+01 0.36411E+02 0.19444E+01 0.39206E+02 0.58240E+01 0.34272E+02 0,42274E+01 0.36801E+02 0.43229E+01 0.36560E+02 0.30703E+01 0.37374E+02 0.44440E+01 0.31863E+02 0.54566E+01 0.37331E+02 0.56506E+01 0.31416E+02 0.33353E+01 COMPHS -4.2415 -19.7886 -85.9229 -98.2199 -179.0743 -178.6416 64.8018 84.6310 126.5418 -10.1903 -28.3612 -107, 2774 -106. 7055 170.1163 18. 0284 71.6213 47.1517 -25.5031 97.1317 -100.3662 40.1723 161.9321 -59.5094 71.4905 57.9965 -15.469 -7.248 -11.626 -12.079 -13.509 OUTAMPJOY 0.25057E+02 -0. 773 -0 . 362 -0.581 -0.604 -0.675 -167.939 96.345 -106.323 -243.301 -212.177 OUTPHS 0.99246E+01 0.23416E+02 -2. 3307 -121.0087 -75.8689 110.8866 -177.1055 -4.2493 0.89580E+01 64.7642 0.21273E+02 0.15742E+01 0.27855E+02 0.64369E+01 0.25604E+02 0.58582E+01 0.24722E+02 0.42859E+01 0.28091E+02 0.33207E+01 0.12648E+02 0.46275E+01 0.21360E+02 -112.8292 91.2791 142.6557 -21.7099 0.41973E+02 0.30311E+01 0.33915E+02 VELAMP VELPHS 0.16548E+02 0.16966E+02 0.76074E+01 -11.7246 148.8168 128 . 5295 0.21012E+02 74.9835 71.1522 0.43357E+01 0.,24299E+02 0.11401E+02 27.7408 0.44437E+01 -3.3412 -127.4970 -94.0382 8.6655 166.0A47 3.4708 81.9786 -66.0477 -12.4083 -21.2059 -148.9891 -8.2254 119.1949 108. 5822 0.23776E+02 -114.4484 5.7247 0.22982E+02 0.64904E+01 51.8331 0.16629E+02 0.63231E+01 0.17352E+02 -105.5256 0.60775E+01 0.24003E+02 0.40758E+01 0.22157E+02 0.45189E+01 0.13312E+02 57.5666 0.87842E+01 0.22678E+02 -102.1369 -73.5648 0.71245E+01 0.12970E+02 -43.5354 165.2443 99.4505 0.64729E+01 0.32483E+02 -3.0979 151.7377 0.49632E+01 -14.3616 0.52098E+01 0.15809E+02 0.58476E+01 88.7080 -60.4718 -23.7358 Z3. 4820 -115.4404 -25. 7926 160 FORTRAN Iv 0001 vo:.:-: PROGRAM C C C C C C C C C C C Sun 03-Jan-82 17:22:30 PAGE 001 H1PIKP Author: Jen-Kuans Huang/Dale W. Hiltner Creation Date: 22-APR-82/ Sept-82 Pictlup sled data(5 channelsr 256 word record, 385 blocks) is 10240 ticks long. Currentlv assumes input data file Points in full Program finds RMS ratios, AVG. STD for all with one program run. block.s. Can access groups of files number. Uses H1SUM.DHF to output data bw channel This program is a variant of H1PIKY.DHF DIMENSION INBUF(256),IOBUF(256) REAL DURT(30),JSCALE REAL POSR(30),FOSS(30),POSA(30)vPOSRAT(30) REAL VELR(30).VELS(30),VELA(30)tVELRAT(30) REAL ACCR(30),ACCS(30).ACCA(30),ACCRAT(30) REAL COMR(30),COMS(30),COMA(30),COMRAT(30) REAL JOYR(30)rJOYS(30),JOYA(30) INTEGER OUT1(10240),PRFILE(30) LOGICAL*1 ZFILE(10),FILEP(3),FILEN(120),FILEE(4) COMM0N/CM1/OUT ,IBRII9,JSCALEFPRFILE COMMON/SUMP/POSRPOSSPOSAPOSRAT COMMON/SUMV/VELRVELS.VELAVELRAT COMMON/SUMA/ACCRvACCSACCAPACCRAT COMMON/SUMC/COMR.COMSCOMACOMRAT COMMON/SUMJ/JOYRPJOYSPJOYA COMMON/WFILE/FILEPFILEN.FILEE COMMON/CFILE/NFILEINF.DURT DATA FILEE/'.'v'C','V'.'4'/ 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 001:2 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 C WRITE(79100) 100 FORMAT(' Pick up input/output sled data. Channels lv2,3,4v6.'r/. + ' Currentl accepts maximum of 10240 samples per channel ') 0020 0021 C C 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 0051 0052 0053 0054 0055 0056 WRITE(7,121) 121 FORMAT(/,2X.'ENTER READ(5,123)JSCALE 123 FORMAT(F6.2) JSCALE FACTOR') C C ENTER MULTIPLE FILES C WRITE(7.102) 101 102 FORMAT(/,2Xr'ENTER INPUT FILE 3 LETTER CODE') READ(5. 120)(FILEP(I)rI.1,3) 120 FORMAT(3A1) WRITE(7.122) 122 FORMAT(/v2X,'ENTER #FILES TO BE REDUCED') READ(5.124)NFILE 124 FORMAT(12) WRITE(7,126) 126 FORMAT(/92X,'ENTER PR FILE Or DATA FILE NUMBER. + ONE SET PER LINE') DO 127 17=1NFILE READ(5,128)PRFILE(17).(FILEN(I).IU(17-1)*3+lv(17-1)*3+3) 128 FORMAT(I393A1) 127 CONTINUE INC=O C DO 710 17-1tNFILE INF17 DO 720 12w1,3 720 ZFILE(12)-FILEP(12) DO 740 14u1.3 IN-3+14 INC.INC+1 740 ZFILE(IN)=FILEN(INC) DO 760 16-1P4 IE=6+16 760 ZFILE(IE)-FILEE(I6) C C CALL ASSIGN(1,ZFILE.10) DEFINE FILE 1 (OP2569UPNREC) C WRITE(7,770)(ZFILE(I),I-1.10) 770 FORMAT('O'.2Xr'CURRENT FILE',3X.10A1) DO 600 19.1,6 C i 161 0057 0059 IF(19.EG.5)GO TO 600 119-19 C 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 DO 130 K-1v10240 130 OUT1(K)-2048 NREC=2 DO 150 J-1,384 READ(1'NREC#ENDu200) INBUF ISAVE=32*(J-1) DO 140 I.1,32 9 Initialization Il=e*(1-1)+I9 OUT1(ISAVE+I)=INBUF(II) 140 CONTINUE 150 CONTINUE C C 200 IBR-INT((J-2)/8.)+1 0071 200 IBR=INT((J-1)/S.0) 0072 0074 0075 IF(119.GT.1)GO TO 220 WRITE(7P210) J-1,IBR 210 FORMAT(2XI4r' Records(256 words/record) 0076 => ',12r' Records') C C CALL H1CNDP TO CALCULATE STATISTICS C 220 CALL H1CNDP C 0077 600 CONTINUE C 0078 0079 CALL CLOSE(1) DURT(INF)mIBR*256*0.01 C 0080 0081 710 CONTINUE C C CALL H1SUM TO OUTPUT STATISTICS BY CHANNEL NUMBER C CALL HISUM C 0082 END HIPLKP I 162 0001 SUBROUTINE HlCNDP C C C C C C C C C C Author: Jen-Kuans Huans/ Dale W. Hiltner Creation Date: 8-JUN-a2/ SEPT-82 Prosram finds RMS ratios# AVG, STD of 256*ibr Points. The no-subject RMS values are stored in file HlRATK.DAT This is the maximum number of Points contained in all full blocks of the file. This Prosram is a variant of HlCNDY.DHF C DIMENSION INBUF(256) REAL POSR(30),POSS(30),POSA(30)POSRAT(30) REAL VELR(30)eVELS(30),VELA(30)OVELRAT(30) REAL ACCR(30).ACCS(30),ACCA(30).ACCRAT(30) REAL COMR(30),COMS(30),CMA(30),COMRAT(30) REAL JOYR(30),JOYS(30),JOYA(30)tDURT(30),JSCALc LOGICAL*1 FILEP(3),FILEN(120),FILEE(4) INTEGER OUT1(10240),PRFILE(30) COMMON/SUMP/POSRPPOSSPOSAPOSRAT COMMON/SUMV/VELRVELS.VELAVELRAT COMMON/SUMA/ACCRACCSACCAACCRAT COMMON/SUMC/COMRCOMSPCOMACOMRAT COMMON/SUMJ/JOYRJOYSJOYA COMMON/CFILE/NFILEINFPDURT COMMON/CM1/ OUT1,IBR,1I9,JSCALEPRFILE 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0021 0022 0023 0024 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0030 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 ATK(17#4) C C FILE H1RATK.DHF CONTAINS ALL THE NO-SUBJECT RMS VALJES C CALL ASSIGN(10,'H1RATK.DAT'P'NC') DO 10 In1,17 DO 20 JIn,4 20 RATK(IJ)=O.0 10 CONTINUE C READ(IOv*)((RATK(IJ),J=I,4) ,II,7) READ(10,*)((RATK(IJ),J=1,4),Ia10,17) C IF(II9.GT.1)GO TO 120 WRITE(7,100) 100 FORMAT(' Sled data reduction. Channels 1,2,3,4,6.',/, + Current1w accepts maximum of 10240(256*40) samples C NPNTS=IBR*256 DURT(INF)=NPNTSO0.01 IPR-PRFILE(INF) C WRITE(7,116)NPNTS 116 FORMAT(2X,'Analwsis of '15,' Points.') WRITE(7,125) 125 FORMAT(' ') C 120 SUM0. RMSE0. C C CALCULATE STATISTICS USING 2*VARIUANCE WINDOW FILTER C DO 305 I-1NPNTS Pl=OUTI(I)-2048 SUM=SUM+OUT1(I)-2048 RMSE=RMSE+P1*Pl 305 CONTINUE AVGUSUM/NPNTS RMS-SORT(RMSE/NPNTS) STDaSORT(RMS**2-AVG**2) C 0045 0046 0047 0048 0049 0050 00I1 0052 C SCALE AND STORE VALUES IN FILES TO BE OUTPUT C NUMBER BY HlSUM.DHF C GO TO(510,520,530,540,550o,60)II9 510 RMS-RMS*0.002 STD=STD*0.002 AVG=AVG*0.002 WRITE(7,515) POSR(INF)-RMS FOSS(INF)=STD POSA(INF)-AVG C PER CHANNEL ') 163 0053 0054 0055 0056 0057 0058 0059 0060 0061 0062 0063 0064 0065 0066 0067 0068 0069 0070 0071 0072 0073 0074 0075 0076 0077 0078 0079 0080 0081 0082 0083 0084 0085 0086 0087 0088 0089 0090 0091 0092 0093 0094 0095 0096 0097 0098 0099 0100 0101 0102 0103 0104 H1CNDP POSRAT(INF)-POSR(INF)/RATK(IPRI) GO TO 307 520 RMS=RMS*0.002722 STDSTD*0.002722 AVG=AVG*0.002722 WRITE(7,525) VELR(INF)-RMS VELS(INF)-STD VELA(INF)=AVG VELRAT(INF)-VELR(INF)/RATK(IPR,2i) GO TO 307 530 RMS=RMS*0.01 STD=STD*0.01 AVG-AVG*0.01 WRITE(7v535) ACCR(INF)-RMS ACCS(INF)=STD ACCA(INF)=AVG ACCRAT(INF)-ACCR(INF)/RATK(IPR,3) GO TO 307 540 RMS-RMS*0.003998 STD=STD*0.003998 AVG-AVG*0.003998 WRITE(7,545) COMR(INF)-RMS COMS(INF)-STD COMA(INF)=AVG COMRAT(INF)-COMR(INF)/RATK(IPR,4) GO TO 307 550 WRITE(7,555) GO TO 9999 560 RMS-RKS$0.003998/JSCALE STD=STD*0.003998/JSCALE AVGAVG* .003998/JSCALE WRITE(7,565) JOYR(INF)=RMS JOYS(INF)=STD JOYA(INF)=AVG GO TO 307 C C OUTPUT STATISTICS FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL RUN C 307 WRITE(7,309)RMSAVGrSTD 309 FORMAT(15XF8.4v2XFB.4u2XFB.4) C WRITE(7,570) 570 FORMAT(' ') C 515 FORMAT(' POSITION',9Xv'RMS'p7X,'AVG'7X,'STD') 525 FORMAT(' VELOCITY',9X,'RMS',7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') 535 FORMAT(' ACCEL 'v9XP'RMS',7XP'AVG',7X,'STD') 545 FORMAT(' COMMAND ',9X,'RMS'p7X#'AVG'p7X,'STD') 555 FORMAT(' !! ERROR !! 119-5. EXIT H1CNDP') 565 FORMAT(' JOYSTICK' 9X,'RMS',7X,'AVG',7X,'STD') C CALL CLOSE(10) 9999 RETURN 400 END 164 0001 SUBROUTINE HISUM C C C C C C C C C 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012 0013 0014 0015 0016 0017 0018 0019 0020 0022 0023 0024 0025 0026 0027 0028 0029 0030 0031 0032 0033 0034 0035 0036 0037 0038 0039 0040 0041 0042 0043 0044 0045 0046 0047 0048 HlSUM Written bw Dale W. Hiltner / Sept-82 Uses files senerated bu H1CNDP.DHF and outputs RMS ratio, AVG, STD values bw channel content. This provides a ouick summary of a test session. POSR(30),POSS(30),POSA(30),POSRAT(30) REAL VELR(30),VELS(30),VELA(30),VELRAT(30) REAL ACCR(30),ACCS(30),ACCA(30),ACCRAT(30) REAL COMR(30),COMS(30),COMA(30),COMRAT(30) REAL JOYR(30),JOYS(30),JOYA(30),DURT(30) LOGICAL*1 FILEP(3),FILEN(120),FILEE(4) COMMON/SUMP/POSRPFOSSPOSAPOSRAT COMMON/SUMV/VELRVELSVELAtVELRAT COMMON/SUMA/ACCRACCSACCA.ACCRAT COMMON/SUMC/COMRCOMSCOMA.COMRAT COMMON/SUMJ/JOYRJOYSJOYA COMMON/WFILE/FILEPFILENFILEE COMMON/CFILE/NFILEINFDURT REAL C C SUMMARY OF DATA FROM HIPIKP C WRITE(7,600) 600 FORMAT('O','HIPIKP DATA ANALYSIS SUMMARY') C WRITE(7t610)(FILEP(I),-I1,3) (FILEE(I)v.1-14) 610 FORMAT('0',5X,'DATA FILE',2Xu3A1.'XXX'r4A1) C C OUTPUT ALL DATA BY CHANNEL CONTENT C DO 710 11-1,5 C IF(Il.EQ.5)GO TO 500 WRITE(7,720) 720 FORMAT('0',4X,'CHANNEL',3X,'FILE *'q7X.'RMS'r7Xr'RMSRAT',4X, + 'STD',7XP'AVG',6X'DURATION') C GO TO (100v200u300,400,500)I1 C 100 DO 120 12-1,NFILE 120 WRITE(7,130)(FILEN(I),I-(12-1)*3+1,(12-1)*3+3), + POSR(12),POSRAT(12),POSS(I2),POSA(I2),DURT(12) 130 FORMAT(5X,'POSITION'2X,3A1,7X,5(FB.4,2X)) GO TO 710 C 200 DO 220 12-1,NFILE 220 WRITE(7.230)(FILEN(I),I=(I2-1)*3+1,(12-1)*3+3), VELR(12),VELRAT(12)PVELS(I2),VELA(I2).DURT(12) + 230 FORMAT(5X,'VELOCITY',2X,3A1,7X,5(F8.4,2X)) GO TO 710 C 300 DO 320 12=1rNFILE 320 WRITE(7,330)(FILEN(I),XI(12-1)*3+1,(12-1)*3+3), + ACCR(12),ACCRAT(12),ACCS(I2),ACCA(I2),DURT(12) 330 FORMAT(5X,'ACCEL ',2X,3A1'7X,5(F8.4,2X)) GO TO 710 C 400 DO 420 12-1,NFILE 420 WRITE(7,430)(FILEN(I),I-(12-1)*3+l,(I2-1)*3+3), + COMR(I2)PCOMRAT(12).COMS(I2).COMA(12),DURT(12) 430 FORMAT(5Xr'COMMAND 'r2X.3A1.7X,5(F8.4,2X)) GO TO 710 C 500 WRITE(7,510) 510 FORMAT('0',4X,'CHANNEL',3X,'FILE *',7X,'RMS',7X,'STD',7X, + 'AVG' 6X,'DURATION') DO 520 12-1rNFILE 520 WRITE(7.530)(FILEN(I),Iu(I2-1)*3+1.(12-1)*3+3)t + JOYR(I2),JOYS( 12),JOYA(12),DURT( 12) 530 FORMAT(5X,'JOYSTICK',2X,3A1.7X,4(FB.4,2X)) C 710 CONTINUE C RETURN C C END 165 HIRATK.DAT 0.5373.0.5436,1.2651.0.5944 0.8623.0.4777,0.9994v0.3959 1.0367.0.5045,1.1612,0.4583 0.5432, .4749,1.0417,0.3381 0.7032.0.4888,1.0931.0.2770 0.435990.464691.0182,0.2993 0.7495,0.5704.1.1825,0.3077,1.0 0.7937,0.5897.1.2313,0.1538 0.742690.5662, 1.2086,0.1870 0.673190.5557,1.1438,0.1869 0.5999,0.5690,1.1520,0.1700 1.0452,0,6367.0.6537,0.1790 0.3347F0.6107,0.7184.0.1949 0.o214,0.6289r0.6776,0.1632/ RUN H1PIKP Pick up input/output sled data. Channels 1.2.3,4,6. Currentlw accepts ma.:imum of 10240 samples per channel ENTER JSCALE FACTOR 3.3 ENTER INPUT FILE 3 LETTER CODE H1H ENTER *FILES TO PE REDUCED 3 ENTER PR FILE *. 119404 12,407 13,409 DATA FILE NUMBER. ONE SET PER LINE CURRENT FILE H1H404.CV4 64 Records(256 words/record) -> 8 Records Sled data reduction. Channels 1,2.3.4,6. Currentlw accepts maximum of 10240(256*40) samples Analysis of 2048 points. POSITION AVG 0.7592 STD 0.6883 0.4600 AVG -0.1152 STD 0.4453 ACCEL RMS 0.9594 AVG -0.0310 STD 0.9589 COMMAND RMS 0.2142 AVG 0.1147 STD 0.1809 JOYSTICK RMS 0.1397 AVG 0.0845 0.1112 VELOCITY RMS 1.0248 RMS STD H1H407.CV4 CURRENT FILE 256 Records(256 words/record) - 32 Records Sled data reduction. Channels 1,2,3,4,6. Currently accepts maximum of 10240(256*40) samples Analvsis of 8192 points. -OSITION RMS 1.0107 AVG 0.1444 STD 1.0003 VELOCITY RMS 0.3862 AVG -0.0353 STD 0.3846 ACCEL RMS 1.0753 AVG -0.0524 STD 1.0740 0.2026 AVG -0.0156 STD 0.2020 RMS 0.1356 AVG -0.0090 STD 0.1353 COMMAND JOYSTICK RMS 166 CURRENT FILE H1H409.CV4 224 Records(256 woros/record)= 28 Records Sled data reduction. Channels 1,2,3,4v6. Current1w accepts ma-xmum of 10240(256*40) samPluS Analsis of 7168 points. POSITION RMS 0.7708 AVG -0.6053 STD 0.4773 VELOCITY RMS 0.3891 AVG -0.0532 STD 0.3855 ACCEL RMS 0.9971 AVG -0.0661 STD 0.9949 COMMAND RMS 0.1915 AVG 0.0196 0.1905 RMS 0.1303 AVG 0.0168 STD 0.1292 JOYSTICK H1FIKP DATA ANALYSIS SUMMARY DATA FILE STOP STD HIHXXX.CV4 CHANNEL POSITION POSITION POSITION FILE 0 404 407 409 RMS 1.0248 1.0107 0.7708 RMSRAT 1.2911 1.3610 1.1452 STD 0.6883 1.0003 0.4773 AVG 0.7592 0.1444 -0.6053 DURATION 20.4800 81.9200 71.6800 CHANNEL VELOCITY VELOCITY VELOCITY FILE 404 407 409 * RMS 0.4600 0.3862 0.3891 RMSRAT 0.7800 0.6822 0.7002 STD 0.4453 0.3846 0.3855 AVG -0.1152 -0.0353 -0.0532 DURATION 20.4800 81.9200 71.6800 CHANNEL ACCEL ACCEL ACCEL FILE 404 407 409 * RMS 0.9594 1.0753 0.9971 RMSRAT 0.7792 0.8897 0.8717 STD 0.9589 1.0740 0.9949 AVG -0.0310 -0.0524 -0.0661 20.4800 81.9200 71.6800 CHANNEL COMMAND COMMAND COMMAND FILE 404 407 409 # RMS 0.2142 0.2026 0.1915 RMSRAT 1.3926 1.0833 1.0245 STD 0.1809 0.2020 0.1905 AVG 0.1147 -0.0156 0.0196 DURATION 20.4800 81.9200 71.6800 CHANNEL JOYSTICK JOYSTICK JOYSTICK FILE 404 407 409 # RMS 0.1397 0.1356 0.1303 STD 0.1112 0.1353 0.1292 -- AVG 0.0845 -0.0090 0.0168 DURATION 20.4800 81.9200 71.6800 DURATION 167 Appendix D Test Procedure Checklist The formal General Test Procedure Checklist is listed on pages 169-170. The Sled Checklist, which covers the Sled start-up and shutdown procedures, is listed on pages 171-173. The Test Procedure Checklist is a step-by-step instruction lists all subject list that the steps testing described in should be used to procedure, the used obtain and checklist. the the It to conduct final data is the tests results of reduction recommended properly. this work. The are both procedure, that this It checklist be adhered to in all further testing. The log sheet form used during the testing of this work is 174. In shown on page This form was found to be invaluable during the analysis of the data. addition to providing various response a trends of log the of all the subjects. tests, It is form be used to take vigorous notes during all and data, should be difficulties, conductor noted on the irregularities, or subject log or regarding helped recommended testing. sheets. that this performance the log practice should include observations subjects reveal All runs, COMMENTS pertinent the it any of the test and the test proceedings. D.1 Data Filename Convention The data filenames are defined by the test following convention: A filename consists of plus The characters three character numbers. is the first three letter of the conductor a series begin subject's according of three with H1, last name and to the characters the (key third subject 168 initial). the first indicate numbers begin with the test session number The three session, the run 2 for numbers. the The second, run etc...), numbers sequential order during the test session. are followed by automatically "cart version 4" test run no. subject' s la st initial [subj ect te-st no. two An illustration follows. H1 H 3 04 .CV4 -- rTT file name qualifier (a 1 for which set in 169 Test Procedure Checklist 1. Start-Up Procedure: Follow Sled General Checklist through for all standard procedures. Add the following changes. 1.1 1.2 1.3 PR, and JO. (Data filename, shoulder pads 1.4 Seat subject in chair and adjust head restraint height, seatbelt and goggles. 1.5 Attach joystick with voltmeter wired in and set to +2.0v. joystick calibration is within +/- .17v. Put masking noise level at maximum (as long as subject is comfortable.) 1.6 2. Check AA1 cable (joystick command). RUN H1CAR7 and set program parameters DA, protocol file, and JSCALE) Explain the task to the subject. section seven Check that Standard Run Pocedure: Use to conduct each run. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Enable sled, push START. SEND protocol file number command. Notify subject when program has STARTED. Notify subject when sled is MOVING to home position. 2.5 When digital display on the sled control panel reads 333, 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 start stopwatch and turn on masking noise. Fill in Data Sheet with RANGE, STOP, DURATION and any other observations. Check that the subject is comfortable, record any comments. If there will be more than a few moments between runs, press STOP. If sled has triggered limit switch, press STOP, disable sled, and switch while holding down START, and press push sled off of limit STOP. 2.10 3. Check joystick calibration. Test Procedure 3.1 Explain RIDE ONLY to the subject. 3.2 3.3 Disable joystick and data storage. Run practice profile. 3.4 Explain PRACTICE RUN to the subject. 3.5 3.6 Check joystick calibration, enable joystick control. Run practice profile as per standard run procedures. 3.7 Continue sequence (calibration check, profile run) until subject does not improve performance or starts completing runs. Explain DATA RUN to subject and inform subject of RIDE ONLY. 3.8 Disable joystick. 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 Run data file, RIDE ONLY. Check joystick calibration, enable joystick. Notify subject of DATA RUN. Run data profile. Continue sequence (calibration check, data run) until 4-5 completed runs have been stored in the computer. 170 4. Power Shutdown Procedure: 5. Data Reduction 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.4 5.4.1 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.5.5 5.5.6 Follow Sled General Checklist. Delete generated files as file space allows if NOT COMPLETE. LIST saved files. RUN H1PIKY for each complete data file. Inputs: JSCALE, RUN TIME, FILE NAME. RUN HICY immediately after running H1PIKY. Inputs: JSCALE, RUN TIME. Plot results. Plot velocity Frequency Spectrum on graph with no-subject data already plotted. Plot joystick frequency spectrum. Pick three "best" runs to make BODE plot. Record velocity RMS RATIO, joystick RMS. Find average, variance of Log(GAIN) and phase. Plot Bode plot. .1 171 Sled General Checklist PRE-EXPERIMENT 1.00 Power On 1.1 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: sled disabled. 1.2 240 VOLT MAIN POWER BOX: main power on. 1.3 CART:Remove covers from rails. 1.4 SLED POWER SWITCH:Press START. 2.00 Mechanical Safety Checks 2.1 CART:Before moving the sled make sure that everything on the sled is secured. 2.2 CART:Check to see that the subject's panic button is in working order. 2.3 SLED POWER SWITCH:Press START. 2.4 CART:Check to see that the limit switches at both ends of the track are working: manually slide the sled over left limit switch, press START (on sled power switch), slide sled o-ver right limit switch, and press START (on sled power switch) again. 2.5 CART:Inspect the umbilical cable attached to the back of the sled to make sure that everything is in working order. 3.00 Wiring 3.1 SLED CONTROL PANEL:Check cables to make sure they are in the proper configurations. 3.1.1 CABLE-Dl (cart position) 3.1.2 CABLE-D2 (cart velocity) 3.1.3 CABLE-D3 (cart acceleration) 3.1.4 CABLE-Dll (velocity comnand signal) 3.1.5 CABLE-Cli ("SEND" signal) 3.1.6 CABLE-C12 ("ABORT" signal) 4.00 Power Check 4.1 SLED POWER SWITCH:Make sure that the Sled Power Switch "STOP" has been pressed before going to computer room. 5.00 Computer Program 5.1 Make sure that the computer is free by checking that the last user has logged out in the log book. 5.2 Log in the log book. 5.3 PDP 11/34 CONTROL PANEL:Boot the computer: press and hold down "CONTROL" and then press "BOOT". 5.4 KEYBOARD: type DPO (return). 5.5 KEYBOARD: enter date and time when prompted by computer. 5.6 KEYBOARD: run cart-control program by typing RUN AICART (return). 5.7 PATCH PANEL CABINET:make sure that the sled patch panel is in the patch panel holder. 5.8 PATCH PANEL CABINET: "Sled General" cables 1,2,7 and 8 are in their respective 1,2,7,8 receptors on the back of the patch panel cabinet. 5.9 CABINET 2: check that the green digital input/output cables in back of the cabinet are hooked to the digital input/output receptors. 5.10 KEYBOARD: set cart program parameters. 5.11 KEYBOARD: load protocol file in cart control program. 5.12 KEYBOARD: issue "REMOTE" command to computer. 5.13 Post signs indicating a "REMOTE OPERATED EXPERIMENT IN PROGRESS". 6.00 Cart Preparation 6.1 SLED CONTROL PANEL: verify blinking minus sign on digital LED display. If not there, return to computer room, check program status and wiring configurations. 6.2 Make sure all personnel are clear of the sled area. 6.3 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: enable sled controller. 6.4 SLED CONTROL PANEL: press START. 6.5 SLED CONTROL PANEL: if you are using a NEW protocol file, run each entry with the sled EMPTY. If you are using an OLD file, run ONE example of each type of profile (e.g. sine, step, etc.) with the sled EMPTY. 6.6 SLED POWER SWITCH:push STOP (i.e. put the brake on.) 7.00 Subject Preparation 7.1 Log experiment in SLED log book. 7.2 Explain to the subject the experiment and any risks involved. 7.3 Have subject read and sign "Informed Consent Form". 7.4 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: sled disabled. 7.5 SLED POWER SWITCH: press sled power STOP. 7.6 Have subject enter the sled, making sure that he/she does not step on the rails or the chair frame. 7.7 CART: demonstrate panic button and give to the subject. 7.8 SUBJECT/CART: adjust head restraint height, foot rests and shoulder pads. biteboards, 7.9 CART: complete specialized instrumentation (e.g. electrodes, camera focus, etc.). 7.10 SUBJECT/CART: tighten seat belt. 7.11 SUBJECT/CART: tighten chest straps (optional). 7.12 SUBJECT/CART: tighten and adjust forehead and chin straps. 7.13 SUBJECT/CART/SLED CONTROL PANEL: determine masking noise level. 7.14 SUBJECT: check to make sure that the subject is comfortable. 7.15 CART: lower hood. 7.16 CART: attach cowl. 7.17 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: turn ventilation fan on. EXPERIMENT 8.00 Consult respective protocol for individual experiment. POST-EXPERIMENT 9.00 Subject egress 9.1 SLED CONTROL PANEL: sled power off. 9.2 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: sled disabled. 9.3 CART: cowl off. 9.4 CART: raise hood. 9.5 CART/SUBJECT: disconnect specialized instrumentation. 173 9.6 SUBJECT: remove restraints. 9.7 SUBJECT: subject egress, again with no stepping on rails or chair frame. 10.00 Shutting Down 10.1 CART: lower and secure hood and all items on the cart. 10.2 SLED ELECTRONICS CABINET: disable sled (with sled power START). 10.3 CART: move sled manually to home position. 10.4 CART: place covers on rail. 10.5 SLED CONTROL PANEL: send control to computer terminal ("2000" command). 10.6 240 V MAIN POWER BOX: main power OFF. 174 ACLOSAP TEST DATA SHEET DATE: SUBJECT: CONDUCTOR: PROTOCOL FILE: JSCALE: DATA FILE: DATA FILE PR FILE # MISC.: STOP TIME - RANGE -I - I COMMENTS -M 175 APPENDIX E THE EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The plotted results The Bode plots are spectrum plots. Bessel's corrected followed by the frequency first shown are presented in the next pages. one sigma deviations have been calculated and plotted for all points of the Bode plots. If no deviation shown, is deviation the of the meaning of these plots An explanation symbol. is within the point follows. E.1 Plot Format Discussion The Bode plot relates It represents the transfer the acceleration input, function in m/s 2 , of the Human Operator to the joystick (HO). commanded velocity, in m/s. The GAIN is calculated from the amplitude of the joystick velocity divided by the amplitude of the acceleration. These amplitudes are obtained GAIN is DB/20. not directly plotted from the FFT output at in units of log(GAIN), DB was not used in the plots meaningful for the type the frequencies. The which may also be stated as units of as it of work is or GAIN, in Hz. by which The log(GAIN) felt that in involved frequencies have been plotted on a linear are labled disturbance the this factor of 20 is thesis. scale of log(freq., rad/sec) but section of the Bode plot shows the the input acceleration The factor, has been increased by the HO to obtain the output joystick velocity command. The phase data of the Bode plot joystick deg. is joystick velocity command minus then added signal, to this since it is calculated the phase angle value to correct opposes from the phase angle of the of for the acceleration. the acceleration. the negative 180 sign of the The resulting phase is 176 I 177 then that for the HO, and not that for the HO transfer function block the closed-loop block diagram. The phase angles are taken directly FFT output. The phase section of the Bode plot in from the shows the lead or lag the HO has applied to the acceleration disturbance in order to obtain the joystick The command. velocity of capabilities HO the and log(GAIN) to the to respond data phase show together disturbance acceleration the in attempting to perform the velocity nulling task. The frequency obtained directly spectrum the cart, subject. the The frequencies. remnant obtained and after is found the first subject profile subject solid found line by data are introduced occur mainly averaging needed the amplitudes of all the frequency frequencies. disturbance as it to reduce the cause noise the of in number remnant. The amplitude data The end remnant (It The of noted that is true the test remnant. acceleration data points to system, before the disturbance sines signal. system itself, however, non-zero the disturbance the generated by a sum of is input to the the and subject and amplitudes profile. is obtained from the Sled from sguares show the frequencies. disturbance amplitudes without a at frequencies which shows the limitations profile three would have no remnant, probably remnant the the the amplitudes the disturbance by averaging Since the no subject data errors averaging represents joystick the connects and last and This shows the disturbance connects line velocity the disturbance case. from the FFT between points are no no the In the velocity plot, from running dashed The data show from the FFT. amplitudes obtained in plots and These and the Thusly, the signal 1024. errors should be considered as a rough reference value for the zero amplitude level.) The circles show the velocity amplitudes obtained from the FFT from runs 178 with subject the disturbance As in the the Comparing performed subject no subject amplitudes frequency amplitudes. remnant the control. and line connects the shows how effectively lines task. nulling dashed line connects solid the two dashed velocity the case the the amplitudes Ideally obtained with subject control should be much lower than the amplitudes of the no very effective subject Comparing the to the case, two meaning velocity. should be about control the the shows how exclusively solid lines disturbance velocity nulling by the HO. Ideally same the of the no frequency joystick spectrum shows the subject case, subject . meaning that the HO was responding only to the disturbance. The responded obtained with remnant remnant as the subject of amplitudes the joystick velocity command obtained directly from the FFT. Since there is no joystick output for the no subject case only the As for the velocity plot the dashed subject control case can be shown. lines the amplitudes connect at the disturbance frequencies and the solid line connects the remnant amplitudes. The frequency disturbance velocity or output, velocity nulling task. responded to the remnant. Ideally, the amplitudes level of show control The remnant amplitudes disturbance, as similarly the joystick amplitudes at the the HO show used disturbance needed for accurate frequency data. the to indicated perform by the the disturbance amplitude/remnant joystick how exclusively should be high, and the remnant amplitudes should be low. joystick of level the the HO velocity frequencies This gives a wide separation, which is (Chapter 6) M 179 2.0 C C~4 1.0 0.5 + z Cd 0.0 %1. 0 T TI~ I FT IT Y IT IT I i i o -0.5 I 0 0 -1.0 -2.0 -tfrequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 I -300 - -360 -L Figure E6.1.01 I I 0.20 I 0.30 - 0.40 0.50 aI a I { + { cc + 0.15 0 -100 + -200 0.10 Bode Plot. Subject MS, Final Profile Average of Runs 07,08,09 180 2.0 0 - 1.0 IN 0 0.5 z 13 CA C 1 0.0 0 I 1 I I b I - .1 II y 0 -0.5 + -1.0 -l.5 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.0 GO Ii I -100 - -200 ± -300 - -360 - 0.10 i 0.15 I 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 I - - - + a' C A 0. Figure E6.1.02 Bode Plot. Subject MM, Final Profile Average of Runs 03,09,12 181 2.0 -r 1.5 1.0 0 0 Ce4 SI 0.0 1T I 4 i Y -0.5 0 -1.0 -1.5 - -2.0 -tfrequency (Hz) 0.05 0.10 0.0 cc -100 cJ 4- 4' U' a. -200 - { { 0 0.15 0.20 I 0.30 I 0.40 0.50 I 0 -300 - -360 1 Figure E6.1.03 Bode Plot. Subject JH, Final Profile Average of Runs 06,08,09 182 2.0 -r 1.5 I . 0 -f 0 z 0.5 00 I6 0.0 6 II h. J) 1I' Ic~ I 0 -0.5 - 0 -1.0 -1.5 -2.01 frequency (Hz) 0.05 10 0.0 -I -100 -1- 0.10 0.15 0.20 I { 0.30 I 0.40 I 0.50 I Q C6 -200 - -300 - -360 .L Figure E6.1.04 Bode Plot. Subject DH, Final Profile Average of Runs 15,21,22 183 2.0 1.5 -1 0 1.0 CN 0 0.5t I19 z U aQ 0 0.0 I I -P I1 -0.5 -1.0-I- - I I - I {+ 0 -2.0- frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.10 00 0.15 I 0.0 -V -100 + 4, m to I 0.20 0.30 { -200 + -360 0.50 { C. -300 0.40 I - - Figure E6.1.05 Bode Plot. Subject LR, Final Profile Average of Runs 02,03,06 I 184 o 2.0 MS Subject HK Subject JH o Subject DH 1.5 0 Subject A O 1.0 - C3 0.5 - .A &0 0 z C., CI 0 .0 0.0 I 1 0a I 0 -0.5 00 -1.0 -- -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.0 'a -100 *0 0.40 0.30 0.50 I - 13 I -~ 0 0 U U) Cu A C 3 C. -200 0.20 0 0 0 A 0 03 8 + 300 -4- -360 Figure E6.1.G6 Summary Bode Plot, 'All Subjects, Final Profile i 185 2.0 1.5 0 a DHPR02.PRO Profile o DHPR02.PRO Profile O HlPRO4.PRO Profile #17 o Final Profile #12, #12, JSCALE-1.5 JSCALE-2.56 1.0 CN 0 0.5 -tU . 0.0 0 0 -- . -T 0 -0.5 A -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.10 0.05 0.0 -1 100 -1- 0.20 0.30 0.40 46 0 0 0 A 0, 02 (0 009 0. -200 0. 50 I I 0 00 0 0.15 -t- -300 -360 Figure E6.1.07 Summary Bode Plot, Subject DH 186 Ca 60 - U ~a. 50 - C' 40 -+ 'a a Ca U 0 ..... 0- 1 20 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 Ca U 50 t. U. Ca 0. S a, 40 30 U Ca A 20 0 10 0 I 0.03 0.05 I 0.10 0.15 I 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.08 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MS Run 02, Final Profile I 0.40 I I 0.50 0.60 I 187 60 T ci E sot ci 40 -[ 02- -1%, F.-t- , Z3-cl" - 0. a 301 ci N U 0 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 frequency 0.20 0.30 0.50 0.60 0.40 (Hz) - 60 (30 . 40 30 /c z:o , '0 10 - 0 i ii 0.03 0.05 i i i 0.10 0.15 0.20 i i 0.30 0.40 i 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.09 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MS Run 07, Final Profile I I 60 a 50 40 a 30 a 20 ... O -- 0-01. NO - - I- - - O\ -(\ O- 100 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 frequency 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 (Hz) 60 50 - .~40 / - 30 - 0 / 0 10 -0 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.10 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MS Run 08, Final Profile I ~- 189 60 I- 50 - 40 L..~ " 30 - ** -C ~ 0-0 0 00-' "110 .01 10 ........ 0 0.03 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 - 50 La 40 - 30 - 0C ci Ole I 0- -0 . 0.10 0.15 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.11 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MS Run 09, Final Profile 190 (U 60 U 'a- 50 'I. 4' U 40 N- 30 (U K - U 0 /- '1 C- - -- 0 - 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 - 50- 40 0N- - -- - 100 10 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.12 LIgIL Frequency Spectrum, Subject MM Run 03, Final Profile - 191 60 S I- so ~I. .407 I (U U 0 30 -N 20 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 U Lu. La. 50 / 40 0----0 4.' 0. U (U 30 U 20 - 10 - OI (U 0 -9 0 0.03 0.05 Figure E6.1.13 0.15 0.10 frequency (Hz) 0.20 0.30 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MM Run 09, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 I mme II 111ml 1ma --mi 192 60 Cu S E~. La. 50 Lb Ii £ 40 30 C- Cu C.' -000, 0 0-o" Ci 0 L- 0.03 0.05 0.10 Cu 0.20 0.15 frequency 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.60 (Hz) 60 / U 50 40 Cu - N / 0 ~ 0 30 - p U 20 Cu 'C 0 10 - 0 --- ________________________________________________ 0.03 0.05 L i 0.10 ~ 0.15 I - 0.20 - I 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.14 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MM Run 12, Final Profile I 0.40 C I I 0.50 0.60 I 60 T 50 + a 40 -t- 1% f I 30 - C.' 20 - 0 "*% [3--ca- .. Z-CII 0-0 de 060"'. ,C( 10 - r.. C( ........ ...... ........... ..... 0)3 ... ........... ..... 0 0.03 0.05 i 0.10 0. 5 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (H:) / / 60 / U 50 'a. 40 a 30 4I \ C.' '0 Cn V /0 0 0 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.15 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MM Run 15, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 194 60 91 E 50 T- 40 0-~ - 30 f-f. 20 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 U E 50 40 - 30 30 1 \I'- O'\ 10 i 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.16 Frequency Spectrum, Subject MM Run 18, Final Profile 195 I 60 50 40 I*.,. 30 ~>f 'I. U 0 20+ 10 0 p 0--cl- , -a 0I i 0.03 i 0.05 i 0.10 i i 0.15 0.20 i0 0.30 0 00 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 U U '4 so 'I. U 40 0. 30 U U 0....0 /0 \I /I U U ~~4 0 10 0 i 0.03 i 0.05 I 0.10 I 0.15 i 0.20 i 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.17 Frequency Spectrum, Subject JH Run 03, Final Profile I 0.40 I I 0.50 0.60 Ow- 196 a 60 S 50 La. 4, 40 0I - .~. N. 0--C2.- 30 z OV 4, 20+ 0 9 w 4, 10 - wi 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) a 60 U t. 50 - 0/ a 40 - .00 0. aa 30 -r cJ 20 4, 0 10 j 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.18 ws Frequency Spectrum, Subject JH Run 06, Final Profile I 197 60 -r WI U -1- 50 'd. 40--4 30 -+ U -C3- / WI 0- 08 R 0 10 + 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) A0n W / 50 / 40 --O'OL' N -c-K 0 0 30 0 10 - 0 p p 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.19 p I 0.30 Frequency Spectrum, Subject JH Run 08, Final Profile 0.40 a 0.50 0.60 198 60 50 'I. 41 40 0. 30 U C... ,a 43 U 0 I--- 0 + 0/-O 10 I 0 0.03 - 0.10 0.05 0.15 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) U, 60 0.1 U 11-1 0 N% 'So/ / R 50 'I. 41 / ./ 'I 0. I 43 \ 40 30 U 43 0 -4, 10 + 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0. 0 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.20 Frequency Spectrum, Subject JH Run 09, Final Profile M---- 199 I 60 U t 50 'J. 40- C - - -M... U 1%. i 30 - a-0-, "'. Z-a' - *O *110 O' 0 I~~4 CY, 01 1000 10 - 0 P 0.03 0.05 0.10 IF 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 U 50 ~a. U C. U U 40 A 30 0010O 0 AO U 0 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.21 Frequency Spectrum, Subject DH Run 12, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 200 I 60 U U 50 'I. U 40 U 30 t-- 4' U 20- a U 10- NOW@* 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) A6 . -50 40 S30 000 I4' N, - 01 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.22 Frequency Spectrum, Subject DH Run 15, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 201 a, 60 U 50 'LI a, 40 C- -- ~~ %-,a -C: - , z-o.". I C. a 30 U 20 0 -o-%.-o-. a, 10 0 0- Oi 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 frequency 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 (Hz) 60 a, -I. U t.50 'I. a, 40 ) 0rol 0. a 30 \/ U 20 a, '.1 0 -9 10-- 0 --0.03 0.0 0.05 . 0.10 0.15 0. 0.20 i 0.30 i 0.40 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.23 Frequency Spectrum, Subject DH Run 21, Final Profile i --.L- .0 0.50 0.60 202 6L I I 50 40 1%. ( .00 ZI-Ell * 30 A 20 -CI?-9 .-' --() '*01 \ N I-k O Cy' 10 --0.03 0.05 0.15 0.i0 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 S U 50 La. S 40 \ 30 / \ -4 U C / so- -o S U 20 0 S 0 0 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.24 Frequency Spectrum, Subject DH Run 22, Final Profile 0.40 0.50 0.60 203 60 50 40 30 p0--- - 20 II 10 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 'A U so t. ~a. 'I 0. U 40 30 5~ \\/0 U) 10 0 ,0 / 0 o - I 0.03 I 0.05 I 0.10 I 0.15 I 0.20 I 0.30 I 0.40 I I 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.25 Frequency Spectrum, Subject DH Run 23, Final Profile I 204 60 - I 9- 50 'I. 41 40 I 'U 30 c.J 20 a 0--- * / a) 10 0 i 0.03 i i i ps 0.05 0.10 0.13 0.20 i 0.30 - 0.40 i -. I0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 '9 U / 50 'a. 4' \, 40 'a £ 'U 30 20 '9 0 10 1 0 I 0.03 i 0.05 i 0.10 0.15 frequency Figure E6.1.26 0.20 I 0.30 (Hz) Frequency Spectrum, Subject LR Run 02, Final Profile i I i 0.40 0.50 0.60 -444T 205 60 - 50 - ~fl 6 'I. L.. Ii 6 C., 0 30 - 20 - 7 10 K -0 <] - 0 0.03 0.05 0.15 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.30 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) 60 U, U C- 50 p / 40 C. I I6 0 -4 30 'U C., 20 U' 0 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 03 0 0 .30 0.40 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.27 Frequency Spectrum, Subject LR Run 03, Final Profile 0.50 0.60 206 60 - I 'I. 50 ~a. I C 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 0 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 frequency (Hz) U, 60 U 50 ~1. z C. I C 40 30 \C),\ r.j U, 0 10 + 0 I p I I 0.03 0.05 0.10 0.15 I 0.20 I I 0.30 0.40 frequency (Hz) Figure E6.1.28 OLn Frequency Spectrum. Subject LR Run 06, Final Profile I 0.50 0.60 207 (0. 7981 19.95jw Z.0 7 (jw + 25.0)(jw + 2(0.553)(0.547)jw + 0.547 ) I.0 1 0.5± C. I 0.0 I w 7---Q- 1~ - I I -P , , -L.O -2.0 frequency 0.05 a r 1U -. 4' 0.10 0.1.5 (Hz) 0.z0 0.30 0.40 -r -100- a a a a. -200 - -300 -360 Figure E6.3.01 Model and Curve Fit. Subject MS 0.50 208 2.0 (jw + 0 (0.7961 19.891w 25.0)(jw2 + 2(0.141)(0.517)jw + 0.517 2 1.0 = 0 0.5 " z U 0 0.0 -2.0 I + 0.0 10 I 05 \T frequency (Hz) 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 -100 + C6 -200 -- -300 -360 Figure E6.3.02 Model and Curve Fit. Subject MM 0.50 209 2.0 2.021w (jw + 1.42)(jw + 2(0.1 44 )(0.540)jw-+ 0.540) S 1.0 ' . 0.5- 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 - -2.0 0.50. frequency 10 0.is (Rz) 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.0 -100 -200 -300 -360 Figure E6.3.03 Model and Curve Fit. Subject JH 0.50 | 210 2.0 1.301w (jw + 0.0)(jw 2 2 + 2(0.524)(1.022)jw + 1.022) I.., 0.5 -0.0 -0.5--1.0--l.5 - -2.0 frequency (Hz) 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.0- ,a -zoo-- 200 -300 -360 - Figure E6.3.04 Model and Curve Fit. Subject DH 0.50 211 References 1. Young, L.R., Experiments et al., in Oman, Charles Sensory Oman, "A Heuristic "Space Paper L.R. Meiry, and 6. Arrott, Zacharias, Cues", 8. Vestibular 1968. 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