Experimental Designs stat/engl 332 Outline • Aspects of experimental design: - treatment, response, randomization, covariates • Analysis of results Designing Which design is ‘best’? Experiments Male 80 Thu OR 0 10 M 20 40 20 0 Thu Fri Sat Day Sun Gender F Female Male 30 40 60 50 Female Male Thu Fri Sat Day Sun Fri Day Sat Sun What is an experiment? • Actively control the variation. By controlling all sources of variability, we are able to assess cause-and-effect in a designed experiment. • Manipulate an explanatory variable and observe a response. Then the change in the response can be attributed to the explanatory variable. • In an observational study we just observe - in an experiment we control the variables. Terminology • Experimental units - who or what the experiment is performed on, eg People - Subjects, “participants”. • Factors – Explanatory variable. Need at least one factor for every experiment. • Levels (different values of a Factor) Need at least two levels for each factor Terminology • Treatment – The combination of factors and levels given to experimental units. Each experimental unit receives one treatment. • Response Variable – experimental units’ response to the treatment. Could measure more than one response variable. Three principles of Experimental Design • Control: Only aspect that affects response is treatment. Make everything as equal as possible for experimental units. Only difference in treatment of units is the TREATMENT. • Randomization: Treatments are applied to units randomly. Controls for unseen factors. Units do not pick the treatment they receive. Three principles of Experimental Design • Replication: Within the experiment, each treatment is given to more than one unit. Entire experiment should be repeated on a different group of units. Example: 2d or 3d pie? • Question: Is it easier for readers to interpret a 2D pie chart, or a 3D pie chart? • Hypothesis: Readers will better interpret the values from a 2D pie chart. • Factor: Type of pie chart (levels: 2D, 3D) • Response: Percentages reported from each category. Example: 2d or 3d pie? • Experimental units: Subjects available to complete the study. (how do we get them?) • Randomization: The subjects will be randomly divided into two groups and assigned to report on one of the two charts. • Control: Each subject will have 10s to respond. Each will have a view of the chart at the same distance and same angle. Let’s do that! Everyone gets a Everyone gets a number … number 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 7 Check the of Check themake-up make-up the two groups of the groups Number Gender Major Yrs ISU #Pets Number Gender Major Yrs ISU #Pets 1 M ACC 3 0 7 M GR.DES 2 1 2 M ARCH 5 0 8 F STU.ART 3 1 3 M T.COM 3 2 9 M LIB 5 0 10 M ACC 5 0 4 M ACC 5 0 11 F T.COM 3 0 5 F ECON 2 0 12 M ACC 5 0 6 F ACC 4 0 13 M HCI 6 1 8 Random assignment • If your number is 6 or less close your eyes • If your number is 7 or higher keep your eyes open Write down the proportions for each color ALS$Ice$Bucket$Challenge$ Movember$ Komen$Race$for$the$Cure$ Ride$to$End$AIDS$ Jump$Rope$for$Heart$ Out$of$Darkness$Overnight$Walk$ Step$out:$Walk$to$Stop$Diabetes$ Firght$for$Air$Climb$ • If your number is 6 or less open your eyes (and keep them open) • If your number is 7 or higher close your eyes Write down the proportions for each color ALS$Ice$Bucket$Challenge$ ALS$Ice$Bucket$Challenge$ Movember$ Movember$ Komen$Race$for$the$Cure$ Komen$Race$for$the$Cure$ Ride$to$End$AIDS$ Ride$to$End$AIDS$ Jump$Rope$for$Heart$ Jump$Rope$for$Heart$ Out$of$Darkness$Overnight$Walk$ Out$of$Darkness$Overnight$Walk$ Step$out:$Walk$to$Stop$Diabetes$ Step$out:$Walk$to$Stop$Diabetes$ Firght$for$Air$Climb$ Firght$for$Air$Climb$ Record the data ID ALS 1 Movem Komen Ride to ber Race end Jump Rope Out of Darkne Step out Fight for Air Design! 2d 2 2d 3 2d 4 2d 5 2d 6 2d 7 3d 8 3d 9 3d 10 3d 11 3d 12 3d Truth 48.9 23.2 20.9 6.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 — Blinding • Subjects should not know which treatment they receive. Could inadvertently influence response. • Researchers in contact with subjects should not know which treatment subject receives. Could influence way subjects are treated. • Experiment should have both blindings. Called double-blind. Confounding Variables • Instructor wants to determine effect of teaching style on student’s attitude about class. • Example: • Factor – Teaching style (1) Animated (spring semester) (2) Laid-back (fall semester) • Response – student attitudes about course. • Teaching style is confounded with semester. No way to tease apart whether difference in student response is due to semester or to teaching style. Process • Determine a question of interest • Define the treatments, and response variable • How will you measure the response? • Identify the subjects, and a scheme for assigning subjects randomly to treatment group • Example Example • Compute difference between reported percentage and BRIEF ARTICLE percentage for each subject. Compute difference between reported percentage truea percentage fordifferences each subject Make dot plot of the for each of the treatm •and groups. THE AUTHOR (dottplot or boxplot by treatment) ••Visualize! Calculate mean and standard deviation for each treatm • Calculate group. mean and standard deviation by treatment x̄ x̄ 1 2 Compute the test statistic: • Compute the test statistic • s s 2 1 n1 ! + 2 2 n2 the statistical significance (table or ••Determine Determine the statistical significance, by (1) “scramblin permutation test) treatment labels, many times (2) computing the test stat each, (3) counting the proportion of times the real test s Example Example 8 8 6 6 4 Difference Difference 4 2 2 0 -2 0 -4 -2 -6 2D -4 3D Treatment -6 2D 3D Treatment • Visually not much difference between 2D and 3D times. Example Mean SD 2D 3D 1.10 0.49 3.10 2.25 20 times and compare the test statistics for the random samples with the real data. • The test statistic for the real data is within the range of those observed for random data. 0.4 0.2 • There is no statistically 0.0 tstat • Test statistic=0.40 • We’ll scramble the labels -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 scrambled type true significant difference between the accuracy in reading % from 2D or 3D pie charts. 19 Examining the response Examining the response • Compute summary statistics for the response separately for each treatment, and make plots. Treatment 2 Mean 183.1 138.2 201.0 SD 12.1 9.3 200 3 14.9 Response 1 220 180 160 140 Means plotted (as dots, point Treatment estimates), and intervals extend out 2 SD. Treatment 2 is significantly different from treatments 1,3 because the intervals do NOT overlap. 120 1 2 3 What if there are differences? • Average response is different between treatment groups. • The difference could be due to treatment, or it could be due to random variation. • Differences are statistically significant if the differences are large enough not to be due to random variation.