Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences DEGREE CURRICULUM SHEET | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Arts - English GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Area/Course Written Composition 6 credits at or above COMP 1500 Open Written Communication Open Written Communication Mathematics 6 credits at or above MATH 1040 Open Math Open Math Arts & Humanities 6 credits in HIST, ARTS, PHIL, HUMN, LITR, THEA, FILM, MUSC, DANC, WRIT, foreign language LITR 2010 British Literature I LITR 2011 British Literaure II Social & Behavioral Sciences 6 credits in PSYC, SOCL, ANTH, ECN, COMM, GEOG, GEST, INST, POLS Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Science 6 credits in BIOL, MBIO, CHEM, SCIE, ENVS, PHYS MAJOR Credits Frequency 3 3 FW FW 3 3 3 3 3 3 Open Science 3 Open Science 3 Total General Education Credits 30 FW FW Course LITR 2020 American Literature I LITR 2021 American Literature II LITR 2030 World Literature I LITR 2031 World Literature II LITR 3060 History and Structure of the English Language LITR 4050 Literary Criticism and Theory LITR 4760 Major Authors Any "Popular Literature and Culture" Course LITR 2110 Detective Fiction LITR 2120 Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature LITR 2130 Contemporary Memoir Any Two "Literary Area Studies" Courses LITR 3510 Irish Literature LITR 3520 African-American Literature LITR 3530 Caribbean Literature LITR 3540 Latin American Literature Any Two 'Literary Genres" Courses LITR 3620 Studies in Poetry LITR 3630 Studies in the Novel LITR 3640 Studies in Drama Total Major Credits Frequency FW FW FW FW F F W 3 3 3 F W F 3 3 3 3 WO FO FE WE 3 3 3 WO FO WE 36 MAJOR ELECTIVES Course OPEN ELECTIVES Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Credits Frequency Select any 3000/4000 Level LITR course OR any of the following: take 17 elective courses 51 FILM 3050Literature and Film 3 FO Total Open Electives Credits 51 HUMN 3400 The Beat Generation HUMN 3610 The Harlem Renaissance HUMN 3800 Mexican Cult of Death in Myth and Literature HUMN 4310 The Vampire 3 3 3 3 FE WO FO WE NOTE: The Bachelor of Arts degree requires at least 24 credits of coursework from the following disciplines: ARTS, DANC, FILM, HIST, HUMN, LITR, MUSC, PHIL, and THEA, as well as an intermediate degree of competency in a foreign language (generally, Total Major Electives Credits a minimum of 6 credits or another demonstration of competency). Frequency Key: F-Every Fall; W-Every Winter; FO - Odd Year Fall; FE - Even Year Fall; WO - Odd Year Winter; WE - Even Year Winter 3 TOTAL CREDITS 120 last modified 8.2014 Farquhar College of Arts and Sciences SAMPLE FOUR YEAR CURRICULUM | 2015 CATALOG Bachelor of Arts - English Freshman Year Fall Open Written Communication Open Math Open Social & Behavioral Sciences Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Fall Open Social & Behavioral Sciences LITR 2010 British Literature I LITR 2020 American Literature I Open Popular Literature and Culture Open Elective Total Credits Fall LITR 2030 World Literature I LITR 3060 History and Structure of the English Lang. Open Literary Area Studies Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Fall LITR 4050 Literary Criticism and Theory Open Literary Genres Open Elective Open Elective Open Elective Total Credits Winter Credits 3 Open Written Communication 3 Open Math 3 Open Science 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Sophomore Year Winter Credits 3 Open Science 3 LITR 2011 British Literaure II 3 LITR 2021 American Literature II 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Junior Year Winter Credits 3 LITR 2031 World Literature II 3 Open Literary Area Studies 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Senior Year Winter Credits 3 LITR 4760 Major Authors 3 Open Literary Genres 3 Open Major Elective 3 Open Elective 3 Open Elective 15 Total Credits Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 15 TOTAL CREDITS: 120 last modified 8.2014