Microbial locomotion 18.S995 - L13 dunkel@mit.edu Why microbial hydrodynamics ? 5㎛ 10 ㎛ • micro-machines • hydrodynamic propulsion • > 50% global biomass • gut flora, biofilms, ... • global food web • > 50% global carbon fixation 30 ㎛ Whitman et al (1998) PNAS 100 ㎛ ! Guasto et al (2012) Annu Rev Fluid Mech lds Numbers in Biology Reynolds numbers number is dimensionless group that characterizes the ratio o fined as ⇥U L UL Re = = µ density of the medium the organism is moving through; µ is t ; is the kinematic viscosity; U is a characteristic velocity of stic length scale. When we discuss swimming biological organ eatures that are moving through water (or through a fluid with hose of water). This means that the material properties µ and ber is roughly determined by the size of the organism. e characteristic size of the organism and the characteristic sw rule-of-thumb, the characteristic locomotion velocity, U , in bi y U L/second e.g. for people L 1 m and we move at U 1 dunkel@math.mit.edu Turbulence ertial (dynamic) pressure ⇤U 2 and viscous shearing str µU/L can be characterized by the Reynolds number4 Swimming at low Reynolds number R ⌅ U L⇤/µ = U L/⇥. Example: Swimming in water with ⇥ = 10 6 m2 /s • fish/human: L ⌅ 1 m, U ⌅ 1 m/s ⇧ R ⌅ 106 . R • bacteria: L ⌅ 1 µm, U ⌅ 10 µm/s ⇧ R ⌅ 10 U L⇥/ ⇥ 1 Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 5 James Lighthill If the Reynolds number is very small, R ⇥ 1, t NSE (8) can be approximated by the Stokes equation 0 = µ ⌥2 u 0 = ⌥ · u. ⌥p + f , (10 (10 These equations+must still be endowed time-dependent BCs with appropri initial and boundary conditions, such as ,e.g.,6 Edward Purcell u(t, x) = 0, as Shapere & Wilczek PRL p(t, x) = p⇥(1987) , |x| ⇤⌃ . (1 Zero-Re flow E.coli (non-tumbling HCB 437) Drescher, Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) PNAS dunkel@math.mit.edu Bacterial motors movie: V. Kantsler ~20 parts 20 nm Berg (1999) Physics Today source: wiki Chen et al (2011) EMBO Journal dunkel@math.mit.edu Chlamydomonas alga 10 ㎛ ~ 50 beats / sec Goldstein et al (2011) PRL 10 ㎛ speed ~100 μm/s dunkel@math.mit.edu Volvox carteri 200 ㎛ 10 ㎛ Chlamydomonas reinhardtii dunkel@math.mit.edu Stroke Sareh et al (2013) J Roy Soc Interface dunkel@math.mit.edu Volvox carteri beating frequency 25Hz Sareh et al (2013) J Roy Soc Interface dunkel@math.mit.edu Meta-chronal waves Brumley et al (2012) PRL dunkel@math.mit.edu Dogic lab (Brandeis) dunkel@math.mit.edu Volvox carteri somatic cell cilia 200 ㎛ daughter colony Drescher et al (2010) PRL dunkel@math.mit.edu • How can Volvox perform phototaxis? Lecture 17 or 18 dunkel@math.mit.edu ertial (dynamic) pressure ⇤U 2 and viscous shearing str µU/L can be characterized by the Reynolds number4 Swimming at low Reynolds number R ⌅ U L⇤/µ = U L/⇥. Example: Swimming in water with ⇥ = 10 6 m2 /s • fish/human: L ⌅ 1 m, U ⌅ 1 m/s ⇧ R ⌅ 106 . R • bacteria: L ⌅ 1 µm, U ⌅ 10 µm/s ⇧ R ⌅ 10 U L⇥/ ⇥ 1 Geoffrey Ingram Taylor 5 James Lighthill If the Reynolds number is very small, R ⇥ 1, t NSE (8) can be approximated by the Stokes equation 0 = µ ⌥2 u 0 = ⌥ · u. ⌥p + f , (10 (10 These equations+must still be endowed time-dependent BCs with appropri initial and boundary conditions, such as ,e.g.,6 Edward Purcell u(t, x) = 0, as Shapere & Wilczek PRL p(t, x) = p⇥(1987) , |x| ⇤⌃ . (1 Superposition of singularities 2x stokeslet = symmetric dipole stokeslet rotlet -F F r̂ · F p(r) = + p0 2 4⇥r (8⇥µ) 1 vi (r) = [ ij + r̂i r̂j ]Fj r flow ~ r 1 F r 2 ‘pusher’ r 2 B@024@A↵ ⇢G:8<3@820: >=:G38;4B7G:A8:=F0<4 A0;>:4 270;⌦ 14@A ⌃✓ ;; @038CA ⌅⌘ ;; 74867B⌥ E4@4 >@4>0@43 >028⌦ ⇤43 0<3 ⇤::43 5=::=E8<6 -.↵ ⇠:: 4F>4@8;4<BA E4@4 >4@⌦ 5=@;43 0B @==; B4;>4@0BC@4 E8B7 B74 :0A4@ >@=D838<6 B74 =<:G :867B A=C@24↵ *4 5=2CA43 =< 0 >:0<4 ✓ ⇥; 8<A834 B74 270;14@ B= ;8<8;8H4 AC@5024 4⇥42BA 0<3 @42=@343 ;=D84A 0B ✏✓ 5>A ⌃ 0AB20; &⇠⇣ $7=B@=<⌥↵ ⌧027 ;=D84 swimming speed ~ 100 ㎛/sec E0A 0<0:GA43 E8B7 AB0<30@3 0:6=@8B7;A B= B@029 1=B7 24::A 0<3 B@024@A↵ =@ 4027 24:: AE8;;8<6 0:=<6 B74 5=20: >:0<4 5=@ ;=@4 B70< A ⌃⇧ 1=3G :4<6B7A⌥ E4 2=::42B43 B74 1008<AB0<B0<4=CA ㎛ D4:=28BG =5 0:: B@024@A <=@;0:8H43 1G B74 AE8;;4@⇧A A>443 C> B= 0 38AB0<24 =5 ⌘ ↵ '74 @4AC:B⌦ 8<6 ⇣⌅⇣ ⇤ ⌃ D4:=28BG D42B=@A E4@4 18<<43 8<B= 0 ✏⌅✓ ⇥; A?C0@4 6@83 ⌃A7=E< 8< 86↵ ⌘ 14:=E⌥ 0<3 B74 ;40< =5 B74 E4::⌦@4A=:D43 0CAA80< 38AB@81CB8=< 8< 4027 18< E0A B094< 0A 0 :=20: ;40AC@4 =5 B74 ⌅=E ⇤4:3↵ < 1=B7 4F>4@8;4<BA ⇥ E8:: 8<3820B4 B74 AE8;;4@⇧A A>443 E78:4 ⌅⌃⇤⌥ 0<3 ⇧⌃⇤⌥ ⌫ ⌅⌃⇤⌥ ⇥ 0@4 B74 D4:=28BG ⇤4:3 8< B74 :01=@0B=@G 0<3 2=;=D8<6 5@0;4A @4A>42B8D4:G↵ ⇥ ⇠ BG>820: 4F>4@8;4<B0: ⌅=E ⇤4:3 0@=C<3 ⇤ ⇣ ⌘ 8A ⇢⌃ A7=E< 8< 86↵ ⌃0⌥↵ *4 ⇤B B74A4 ⇤4:3A B= 0 AC>4@>=⌦ A8B8=< =5 0 C<85=@; 10296@=C<3 D4:=28BG ⌃⇥ ⌥ 0 &B=94A:4B ⇧ ⌃&B⌥ 0 AB@4AA:4B ⌃AB@⌥ 0<3 0 A=C@24 3=C1:4B ⌃A3⌥ < 0: ⇧ 64 ✓ 74 < 8⌦ Volvox Chlamy swimming PHYSICAL PRL 105, 168101 speed (2010) ~ 50 ㎛/sec PIV ⇧⌅ ⇧ ⌃⇤⌥ ⌫ / ⌦ ⌃ ⌥ ⌃ ⇥ ⌃ /⇤/⇤⌥ ⇥ ⌃ / ⇣⌃ ⌥ ⌥ ⇥ ⇥ /⇤ ⌃ ⌥ ⌥⇤ ⇤ ⇤ ⇣ ⌅ /⇤/⇤ ⇥ ⌃ / / 8A B74 C>E0@3 D4@B820: C<8B E74@4 8A B74 C<8B B4<A=@ ⌃ D42B=@ /⇤ ⌫ ⇤⌥ 0<3 ⇤ 8A ;40AC@43 5@=; B74 24<B4@ =5 B74 =@60<8A; ⌃ ⇥ ⇧ ⇥ ⌥↵ '74 =@84<B0B8=< =5 0:: ;C:B8⌦ >=:4A 8A ⇤F43 B= 14 0:=<6 B74 D4@B820: 0<3 E4 0@4 :45B E8B7 A8F >0@0;4B4@A ⌃⌦ ⇧ ⇧ ⌥ ⌃ ⇧ ⌥⇤ ⇧ ⇥ ⇧ ⇥ ⌥↵ '74 ⇤BA al (2010) PRL 34A2@814 Drescher @4;0@901:GetE4:: B74 4F>4@8;4<B0: ⌅=E 0:;=AB 2 FIG. 4 (color online). Timeand azimuthally-averaged 3D : v 1/r from velocity vectors (blue [dark gray]). The spiraling nea velocity field. A color scheme indicates flow speed magnit 2D : v 1/r model: flagellar thrust is distributed among two Stokes arrows), whose sum balances drag on the cell body (cen separate colors in the inset, compared to results from the ... no dipoles ! flow may be important [30]. We are currently investi Guasto et similar al (2010) PRL whether conclusions hold for the flow field a Results w of itswe “puller” image. d. field Atwalls, distances rfocused <6µ mon theadipole model overestimates the bacterial flow field. (E) Experimentally measured flow to plane 50 µm from the top and bottom tancesurfaces 2 µm parallel to sample the wall. chamber, (F) Best fitand force-dipole model, (G) residual field. Notewhere the Bacterial cell body, of the recorded ∼ 2 and terabytes of flow 4 flowmovie fieldResults ofdata. an E. In coli “pusher” decays much faster, when swims close thecule surface, fortothe length of t theflow mea this data we identified ∼ 10 events when (non-tumbling HCB 437)rarea bacterium achieved by fittin theByTo measured andminisbest-fit force cellsBacterial swam in the for > surfaces. 1.5 s. tracking decays labeled, n flowfocal fieldplane far from resolve the the at variable locatio fluidcule tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position of the c decays of the flow speed u with flow field created by individual bacteria, we tracked gfp- sion of flu m surfaces. To resolve the minisfield (r >field 8 µm). and labeled, velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, dis non-tumbling E. coli as they swam through a suspenof the cell body (Fig. 1D) illustr walls, we dividual bacteria, tracked gfp- overforce the measured andaverage best-fit dipole we field The the 1C). specific fitting and performing anwe ensemble all tracers, re- (Fig. Howeve sionswam ofdecays fluorescent tracer particles. For measurements farcharacteristic from field displays the 1 dipole length ℓ =o of the flow speed u with distance r from thesurfaces center i as they through a suspensolved the time-averaged flow field in the E. coli swimming he minismeasure walls, we focused on a plane 50 µm from the top and bottom value of F is cons movie dat However, the force dipole flow sig oftothe cell (Fig. 1D) illustrate that the flow down 0.1% of body the mean swimming speed V0 = 22 ± 5 measured ticles. For measurements far from ckedplane gfpcell force bod surfaces of the sample chamber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of 2 and resistive µm/s. As E. colidisplays rotate about their swimming direction, their cells field the characteristic 1/r4 decay oftoa the forceside dipole. measured flow ofswam thel a 50 suspenµmmovie from the top and bottom for the data. In field this in data we dimensions identified ∼is10cylindrically rare events when note that in the b time-averaged flow three fluid trace However, the force dipole flow significantly overestimates the cell1.5body, where the flow magnit far from achieved ber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of cells swam in the focal plane for > s. By tracking the µm behind the ce symmetric.measured Our measurements capture all components of this flow to when the side of the cell body,ofand behind the 4 and veloci didentified bottom for the length the flagellar bun at varia fluid drag on the ∼ 10 rare events fluid tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position cylindrically symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to cell body, where the flow magnitude u(r) is nearly constant and perfo abytes of field (r f achieved by fitting two opposite and velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, the rotation of the cell about its the body axis. The topology of ne for > 1.5fors. By tracking the length of the flagellar bundle. The force dipole fit was solved the nts when the spec the measured flow field (Fig. 1A) is the same as that of a and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reat variable locations along the sw are events, relating their position Bacterial flowdow fiel achieved by1B), fitting two opposite force monopoles (Stokeslets) dipole le plane kingforce the dipole flowtime-averaged (Fig. defined by solved the flow field in the E. coli swimming field (r > 8 µm). From the best and orientation of the bacterium, dipole flow descri at variable locations along the swimming direction to the far value of position µm/s. As plane down to 0.1% of the mean swimming speed V = 22 ± 5 0 the specific fitting routines fi with good and accura h i e average over all tracers, we refield (r > 8 µm). From the best fit, which is insensitive to and resi A E. coli r direction, their time-avera ℓF swimming acterium, µm/s. As 2rotate about their ˆ thisµm approximatio u(r)in= the 3(r̂.coli d) − 1 r̂, routines A= , r̂fitting = length , regions, [ℓ 1 ]= we dipole 1.9 and dip ow field E. swimming 2 the specific fitting and obtain the note tha2 |r| 8πηdimensions |r| is cylindrically s, we retime-averaged flow field in three symmetric a wall. Focusing value F is Fconsistent with opt dipole length 1.9±µm and dipole force = of 0.42 pN. This µm beh mean swimming speed V0 ℓ==22 5 capture symmetric. Our measurements allof components this wimming and applying the cylindrica and resistive force theory calculat fluid dra of Fforce, is consistent with optical trap measurements [45] where F isvalue the dipole ℓ the distance separating the force ut direction, their symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to the = their 22 ±cylindrically 5swimming resulted in a sligh rotati note thatThe in the best fit, the cell and resistive force theory calculations [46]. It is interesting to η the viscosity the fluid, dˆ the orientation vector theof flow field struc the rotation ofisof the cell about itsunit body axis. topology on, pair, their three dimensions cylindrically the measu (swimming direction) the best bacterium, and rbehind the distance surfaces, the note thatflow inofthe fit, 1A) theµm cell drag Stokeslet isfrom 0.1 the measured field (Fig. is the same as that oflocated aof the center the cell ndrically nts capture all components of this force dipo Bacteria vector relative to the center of the dipole. Yet there are some ity of a no-slip sur µm behind the center of the cell body, possibly reflecting the force dipole flow (Fig. 1B), defined by fluid drag on the flagellar bundle tsexcept of this flow due Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) to PNAS Fig. differences 1.Drescher, Averagethe flow fieldazimuthal created by a single freely-swimming bacterium. (A) Experimentally measured flow field far from a surface. Stream lines indicate local direction offl dipole close to the cell body as shown by the residual of outward streamlin fluid drag on the flagellar bundle. flow. (B) Best fit force-dipole model, and (C) residual flow field, obtained by subtracting the best-fit dipole from the experimentally measured field. The presence of the flagella E.coli w due to weak ‘pusher’ dipole Twitching motility Type-IV Pili Twitching motility Pseudomonas Amoeboid locomotion 5.1 Navier-Stokes equations Consider a fluid of conserved mass density %(t, x), governed by continuity equation @t % + r · (%u) = 0, (5.1) where u(t, x) is local flow velocity. According to standard hydrodynamic theory, the dynamics of u is described by the Navier-Stokes equations (NSEs) % [@t u + (u · r)u] = f rp + r · T̂ , (5.2) where p(t, x) the pressure in the fluid, T̂ (t, x) the deviatoric2 ) stress-energy tensor of the fluid, and f (t, x) an external force-density field. A typical example of an external force f , that is also relevant in the biological context, is the gravitational force f = %g, (5.3) where g(t, x) is the gravitational acceleration field. Considering a Cartesian coordinate frame, Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2) can also be rewritten in the component form @t % + ri (%ui ) = 0, % (@t ui + uj @j ui ) = Fi @i p + @j T̂ji . To close the system of equations (5.4), one still needs to (5.4a) (5.4b) that is also relevant in the biological context, is the gravitational force f = %g, (5.3) where g(t, x) is the gravitational acceleration field. Considering a Cartesian coordinate frame, Eqs. (5.1) and (5.2) can also be rewritten in the component form @t % + ri (%ui ) = 0, % (@t ui + uj @j ui ) = Fi @i p + @j T̂ji . (5.4a) (5.4b) To close the system of equations (5.4), one still needs to (i) fix the equation of state p = p[%, . . .], (ii) choose an ansatz the symmetric stress-energy tensor T̂ = (T̂ij [%, u, . . .]), (iii) specify an appropriate set of initial and boundary conditions. 2 ‘deviatoric’:= without hydrostatic stress (pressure); a ‘full’ stress-energy tensor ˆ may be defined by ˆij := p ij + T̂ij . Simplifications In the case of a homogeneous fluid with @t % = 0 and 3 r% = 0, (5.5) the associated flow is incompressible (isochoric) r · u = 0. (5.6) A Newtonian fluid is a fluid that can, by definition, be described by T̂ij := (r · u) ij + µ (@i uj + @j ui ). (5.7) where the first coefficient of viscosity (related to bulk viscosity), and µ is the second coefficient of viscosity (shear viscosity). Thus, for an incompressible Newtonian fluid, the Navier-Stokes system (5.4) simplifies to 0 = r · u, % [@t u + (u · r)u] = rp + µr2 u + f . (5.8a) (5.8b) Dynamic viscosity The SI physical unit of dynamic viscosity µ is the Pascal⇥second [µ] = 1 Pa · s = 1 kg/(m · s) (5.9) If a fluid with a viscosity µ = 1 Pa · s is placed between two plates, and one plate is pushed where the first coefficient of viscosity (related to bulk viscosity), and µ is the second coefficient of viscosity (shear viscosity). Thus, for an incompressible Newtonian fluid, the Navier-Stokes system (5.4) simplifies to 0 = r · u, % [@t u + (u · r)u] = rp + µr2 u + f . (5.8a) (5.8b) Dynamic viscosity The SI physical unit of dynamic viscosity µ is the Pascal⇥second [µ] = 1 Pa · s = 1 kg/(m · s) (5.9) If a fluid with a viscosity µ = 1 Pa · s is placed between two plates, and one plate is pushed sideways with a shear stress of one pascal, it moves a distance equal to the thickness of the layer between the plates in one second. The dynamic viscosity of water (T = 20 C) is µ = 1.0020 ⇥ 10 3 Pa · s. Kinematic viscosity Below we will be interested in comparing viscous and inertial forces. Their ratio is characterized by the kinematic viscosity ⌫, defined as µ ⌫= , % [⌫] = m2 /s The kinematic viscosity of water with mass density % = 1 g/cm3 is ⌫ = 10 1 mm2 /s = 1 cSt. 3 (5.10) 6 m2 /s = By virtue of the conservation law (5.1), a homogeneous material is always incompressible, but in general the converse is not true. 5.2 5.2.1 Stokes equations 5.2 Stokes equations Motivation Motivation Consider5.2.1 an object of characteristic length L, moving at absolute velocity U = |U | through (relativeConsider to) an incompressible, homogeneous Newtonian of constant viscosity and an object of characteristic length L, movingfluid at absolute velocity U = |U |µthrough constant(relative density to) %. The object can be homogeneous imagined as Newtonian a moving boundary (condition), which an incompressible, fluid of constant viscosity µ and 2 density object canThe be imagined as a inertial moving boundary which induces aconstant flow field u(t, %. x) The in the fluid. ratio of the (dynamic)(condition), pressure %U induces a flowstress field u(t, x) can in the The ratioby of the inertial (dynamic) and viscous shearing µU/L befluid. characterized Reynolds number4pressure %U 2 4 and viscous shearing stress µU/L can be characterized by the Reynolds number 2 R= |%(@t u + (u · r)u)| %U /L U L% UL 2 ' = = |%(@2t u + (u · r)u)| %U /L U L% .U L 2 |µr u| µU/L µ ⌫= R= ' = . |µr2 u| µU/L2 µ ⌫ (5.11) (5.11) For example, when considering swimming in water (⌫ = 10 6 m2 /s), one finds for fish or For example, when considering swimming in water (⌫ = 10 6 m2 /s), one finds for fish or humans: humans: L ' 1 m, U ' 1 m/s ) R ' 106 , 6 whereas whereas for bacteria: for bacteria: L ' 1 m, U ' 1 m/s L ' 1 µm, ' 10U µm/s L 'U 1 µm, ' 10 µm/s ) ) R ' 10 , 10'510 . 5. ) R 'R If the Reynolds numbernumber is veryissmall, R ⌧ 1, NSEsNSEs (5.8)(5.8) can can be approxIf the Reynolds very small, R the ⌧ 1,nonlinear the nonlinear be approx5 imated by the linear equations imated by theStokes linear Stokes equations 5 0 = 0r = · u,r · u, 2 =2 uµ rrp u +rp 0 = 0µ r f. + f. (5.12a) (5.12a) (5.12b) (5.12b) four equations determine the unknown four unknown functions (u, p). However, The fourThe equations (5.12) (5.12) determine the four functions (u, p). However, to to such solutions, these equations stillendowed be endowed appropriate uniquelyuniquely identify identify such solutions, these equations must must still be withwith appropriate initial and boundary conditions, for example initial and boundary conditions, such assuch for as example ( ( u(t, x)u(t, = 0,x) = 0, as ! 1. (5.13) |x| !|x|1. (5.13) p(t, x) = p1 , as p(t, x) = p1 , Note that, by neglecting the explicit time-dependent inertial terms in NSEs, the time- Note that, by neglecting the explicit time-dependent inertial terms in NSEs, the timedependence of the flow is determined exclusively and instanteneously by the motion of the 5.2.2 Special solutions 5.2.2 Special solutions Oseen solution Consider the Stokes equations (5.12) for a point-force Oseen solution Consider the Stokes equations (5.12) for a point-force f (x) = F (x). f (x) = F (x). In this case, the solution with standard boundary conditions (5.13) reads66 In this case, the solution with standard boundary conditions (5.13) reads F j xj F ui (x) = Gij (x) Fj , p(x) = j xj 3 + p1 , ui (x) = Gij (x) Fj , p(x) = 4⇡|x|3 + p1 , 4⇡|x| where tensor wherethe theGreens Greensfunction function G Gijij isis given given by by the the Oseen Oseen tensor ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 11 x x xiixjj , GGij (x) = + ij , ij (x) = 8⇡µ |x| ij + |x|22 8⇡µ |x| |x| which whichhas hasthe theinverse inverse GGjk11(x) = 8⇡µ|x| jk (x) = 8⇡µ|x| asascan canbe beseen seenfrom from GGijijGGjkjk11 = = = = = = = = ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ jk jk ◆ ◆ x xkk xjj x , 2 , 2 2|x| 2|x| ◆✓ xiixj + ij ij + jk |x|2 xxiixkk xi xk + ik ik 2|x| |x|2 2|x|22 xxiixkk xi xk + ik ik 2|x|22 2|x|2 2|x| ik.. ik (5.14) (5.14) (5.15a) (5.15a) (5.15b) (5.15b) (5.16) (5.16) ◆ ◆ xjj xkk 2|x|22 2|x| xiixjj xxjjxxkk 2|x|22 |x|22 2|x| (5.17) (5.17) Stokessolution solution(1851) (1851) Consider Consider aa sphere sphere of radius a, which Stokes which at at time time tt isislocated locatedatatthe the origin,X(t) X(t)==0,0,and and moves moves at at velocity velocity U U (t). The corresponding origin, corresponding solution solution ofof the theStokes Stokes 77 equationwith withstandard standardboundary boundary conditions conditions (5.13) (5.13) reads equation reads 2|x|2 = 2|x|2 ik . (5.17) Stokes solution (1851) Consider a sphere of radius a, which at time t is located at the origin, X(t) = 0, and moves at velocity U (t). The corresponding solution of the Stokes equation with standard boundary conditions (5.13) reads7 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 3 a xj xi 1 a3 xj xi ui (t, x) = Uj + 3 2 , (5.18a) ji + ji 4 |x| |x|2 4 |x|3 |x| 3 Uj x j p(t, x) = µa + p1 . (5.18b) 2 |x|3 If the particle is located at X(t), one has to replace xi by xi Eqs. (5.18). Parameterizing the surface of the sphere by Xi (t) on the rhs. of a = a sin ✓ cos ex + a sin ✓ sin ey + a cos ✓ ez = ai ei 6 7 Proof by insertion. Proof by insertion. 76 https://www.boundless.com/physics/ 2|x|2 = 2|x|2 ik . (5.17) Stokes solution (1851) Consider a sphere of radius a, which at time t is located at the origin, X(t) = 0, and moves at velocity U (t). The corresponding solution of the Stokes equation with standard boundary conditions (5.13) reads7 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 3 a xj xi 1 a3 xj xi ui (t, x) = Uj + 3 2 , (5.18a) ji + ji 4 |x| |x|2 4 |x|3 |x| 3 Uj x j p(t, x) = µa + p1 . (5.18b) 2 |x|3 If the particle is located at X(t), one has to replace xi by xi Eqs. (5.18). Parameterizing the surface of the sphere by Xi (t) on the rhs. of a = a sin ✓ cos ex + a sin ✓ sin ey + a cos ✓ ez = ai ei 6 7 Proof by insertion. Proof by insertion. where ✓ 2 [0, ⇡], 76 2 [0, 2⇡), one finds that on this boundary u(t, a(✓, )) = U , 3µ p(t, a(✓, )) = Uj aj (✓, ) + p1 , 2 a2 (5.19a) (5.19b) corresponding to a no-slip boundary condition on the sphere’s surface. The O(a/|x|)contribution in (5.18a) coincides with the Oseen result (5.15), if we identify F = 6⇡ µa U . (5.20) The prefactor = 6⇡ µa is the well-known Stokes drag coefficient for a sphere. The O[(a/|x|)3 ]-part in (5.18a) corresponds to the finite-size correction, and defining the Stokes tensor by ✓ ◆ 2 1 a xj xi Sij = Gij + 3 , (5.21) ji 24⇡µ |x|3 |x|2 2|x|2 = 2|x|2 ik . (5.17) Stokes solution (1851) Consider a sphere of radius a, which at time t is located at the origin, X(t) = 0, and moves at velocity U (t). The corresponding solution of the Stokes equation with standard boundary conditions (5.13) reads7 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 3 a xj xi 1 a3 xj xi ui (t, x) = Uj + 3 2 , (5.18a) ji + ji 2 |x|this 4 |x|3 |x| where ✓ 2 [0, ⇡], 2 [0, 2⇡), one4 |x| finds that on boundary 3 Uj x j p(t, x) = u(t, µa 3 )) + p= (5.18b) 1. U , (5.19a) 2 a(✓, |x| 3µ p(t, a(✓, )) = Uj aj (✓, ) + p1 , (5.19b) If the particle is located at X(t), one has2to a2 replace xi by xi Xi (t) on the rhs. of Eqs. (5.18). Parameterizing the surface of the sphere by corresponding to a no-slip boundary condition on the sphere’s surface. The O(a/|x|)contribution in (5.18a) the Oseen identify a = acoincides sin ✓ cos with ex + a sin ✓ sinresult ey +(5.15), a cos ✓ifewe z = ai e i 6 7 Proof by insertion. Proof by insertion. F = 6⇡ µa U . (5.20) The prefactor = 6⇡ µa is the well-known Stokes drag coefficient for a sphere. The O[(a/|x|)3 ]-part in (5.18a) corresponds 76 to the finite-size correction, and defining the Stokes tensor by ✓ ◆ 1 a2 xj xi Sij = Gij + 3 2 , (5.21) ji 24⇡µ |x|3 |x| we may rewrite (5.18a) as8 ui (t, x) = Sij Fj . 5.3 (5.22) Golestanian’s swimmer model This part is copied (with very minor adaptations) from the article of Golestanian and Ajdari [GA07], for their excellent discussion is difficult, if not impossible, to improve. 5.3.1 Three-sphere swimmer: simplified analysis ui (t, x) = Sij Fj . 5.3 (5.22) Golestanian’s swimmer model This part is copied (with very minor adaptations) from the article of Golestanian and Ajdari [GA07], for their excellent discussion is difficult, if not impossible, to improve. 5.3.1 Three-sphere swimmer: simplified analysis As a minimal model of a low Reynolds number swimmer, consider three spheres of radii ai (i = 1, 2, 3) that are separated by two arms of lengths L1 and L2 . Each sphere exerts a force Fi on, and experiences a force Fi from, the fluid that we assume to be along the swimmer axis. In the limit ai /Lj ⌧ 1, we can use the Oseen tensor (5.15) to relate the forces and the velocities as (5.23a) v2 (5.23b) v3 8 F1 F2 F3 + + , 6⇡µa1 4⇡µL1 4⇡µ(L1 + L2 ) F1 F2 F3 = + + , 4⇡µL1 6⇡µa2 4⇡µL2 F1 F2 F3 = + + . 4⇡µ(L1 + L2 ) 4⇡µL2 6⇡µa3 v1 = For arbitrary sphere positions X(t), replace x ! x (5.23c) X(t). 77 other ‘minimal’ swimmer ui (t, x) = Sij Fj . 5.3 (5.22) Golestanian’s swimmer model This part is copied (with very minor adaptations) from the article of Golestanian and Ajdari [GA07], for their excellent discussion is difficult, if not impossible, to improve. 5.3.1 Three-sphere swimmer: simplified analysis As a minimal model of a low Reynolds number swimmer, consider three spheres of radii ai (i = 1, 2, 3) that are separated by two arms of lengths L1 and L2 . Each sphere exerts a force Fi on, and experiences a force Fi from, the fluid that we assume to be along the swimmer axis. In the limit ai /Lj ⌧ 1, we can use the Oseen tensor (5.15) to relate the forces and the velocities as (5.23a) v2 (5.23b) v3 8 F1 F2 F3 + + , 6⇡µa1 4⇡µL1 4⇡µ(L1 + L2 ) F1 F2 F3 = + + , 4⇡µL1 6⇡µa2 4⇡µL2 F1 F2 F3 = + + . 4⇡µ(L1 + L2 ) 4⇡µL2 6⇡µa3 v1 = For arbitrary sphere positions X(t), replace x ! x (5.23c) X(t). Note that in this simple one dimensional case, the tensorial structure of the hydrodynamic Green’s function (Oseen tensor) does not enter the calculations as all the forces and velocities are parallel to each other and to the position vectors. The swimming velocity of the Swim-speed 77 namely whole object is the mean translational velocity, 1 V0 = (v1 + v2 + v3 ). 3 (5.24) We are seeking to study autonomous net swimming, which requires the whole system to be force-free (i.e. constraint there are no external forces acting on the spheres). This means that the Force-free above equations are subject to the constraint F1 + F2 + F3 = 0. (5.25) Eliminating F2 using Eq. (5.25), we can calculate the swimming velocity from Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), (5.23c), and (5.24) as V = (v1 + v2 + v3 ). 3 (5.24) We are seeking to study autonomous net swimming, which requires the whole system to be force-free (i.e. there are no external forces acting on the spheres). This means that the above equations are subject to the constraint F1 + F2 + F3 = 0. (5.25) Eliminating F2 using Eq. (5.25), we can calculate the swimming velocity from Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), (5.23c), and (5.24) as ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 1 1 1 3 1 1 F1 V0 = + + 3 a a2 2 L1 + L2 L 2 6⇡µ ✓ 1 ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 1 1 1 3 1 1 F3 + , (5.26) 3 a3 a2 2 L1 + L2 L 1 6⇡µ where the subscript 0 denotes the force-free condition. To close the system of equations, we should either prescribe the forces (stresses) acting across each linker, or alternatively the opening and closing motion of each arm as a function of time. We choose to prescribe the motion of the arms connecting the three spheres, and assume that the velocities L̇1 = v2 L̇2 = v3 v1 , v2 , (5.27a) (5.27b) are known functions. We then use Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), (5.23c), and (5.25) to solve for F1 and F3 as a function of L̇1 and L̇2 . Putting the resulting expressions for F1 and F3 back in Eq. (5.26), and keeping only terms in the leading order in ai /Lj consistent with our original scheme, we find the average swimming velocity to the leading order. 5.3.2 Swimming velocity The above calculations yield a lengthy expression summarized in Eq. (B.1) of the Appendix. This result (B.1) is suitable for numerical studies of swimming cycles with arbitrarily large and F3 as a function of L̇1 and L̇2 . Putting the resulting expressions for F1 and F3 back in Eq. (5.26), and keeping only terms in the leading order in ai /Lj consistent with our original scheme, we find the average swimming velocity to the leading order. 5.3.2 Swimming velocity The above calculations yield a lengthy expression summarized in Eq. (B.1) of the Appendix. This result (B.1) is suitable for numerical studies of swimming cycles with arbitrarily large deformations. For the simple case where all the spheres have the same radii, namely a = a1 = a2 = a3 , Eq. (5.26) simplifies to " ! !# a L̇2 L̇1 L̇1 L̇2 +2 , (5.28) V0 = 6 L1 + L2 L2 L1 plus terms that average to zero over a full swimming cycle. Equation (5.28) is also valid 78 plus terms that average to zero over a full swimming cycle. Equation (5.28) is also valid for arbitrarily large deformations. for arbitrarily large deformations. We can also consider relatively small deformations and perform an expansion of the We can also consider relatively small deformations and perform an expansion of the swimming velocity to the leading order. Using swimming velocity to the leading order. Using L1 L1 L2 L2 = = = = `1 + u1 (t), `1 + u1 (t), `2 + u2 (t), `2 + u2 (t), (5.29) (5.29) (5.30) (5.30) in Eq. (B.1), and expanding to the leading order in ui /`j , we find the average swimming in Eq. (B.1), and expanding to the leading order in ui /`j , we find the average swimming velocity velocityasas K K (u1 u̇2 u̇1 u2 ), VV0 = (5.31) u̇1 u2 ), (5.31) 0 = 2 (u1 u̇2 2 where where 33aa1 aa2 aa3 11 11 11 1 2 3 K (5.32) K == (a1 + a2 + a3 )22 `22 + + `22 (`1 + `2 )22 .. (5.32) (a1 + a2 + a3 ) `11 `22 (`1 + `2 ) InInthe full cycle. cycle. Note Note theabove aboveresult, result,the theaveraging averaging isis performed performed by by time time integration integration over over aa full that because they they are are full full thatterms termsproportional proportionalto touu11u̇u̇11,,uu22u̇u̇22,, and and uu11u̇u̇22+ +u̇u̇11uu22 are are eliminated eliminated because time shows that that the the timederivatives derivativesand andthey they average average out out to to zero zero in in aa cycle. cycle. Equation Equation (5.31) (5.31) shows swimmer can achieve higher velocities if it can maximize this area by introducing sufficient phase di↵erence between the two deformation cycles (see below). 5.3.3 Harmonic deformations As a simple explicit example, consider harmonic deformations of the two arms, with identical frequencies ! and a mismatch in phases, u1 (t) = d1 cos(!t + '1 ), u2 (t) = d2 cos(!t + '2 ). (5.33) (5.34) The average swimming velocity from Eq. (5.31) reads V0 = K d1 d2 ! sin('1 2 '2 ). (5.35) This result shows that the maximum velocity is obtained when the phase di↵erence is ⇡/2, which supports the picture of maximizing the area covered by the trajectory of the swimming cycle in the parameter space of the deformations. A phase di↵erence of 0 or ⇡, for example, will create closed trajectories with zero area, or just lines. 79 5.3.4 Force-velocity relation and stall force The e↵ect of an external force or load on the efficiency the swimmer can be easily studied 5.3.4 Force-velocity relation and stall offorce within the linear theory of Stokes hydrodynamics. When the swimmer is under the e↵ect of external an external force load on the efficiency of the swimmer can be easily studied ofThe an e↵ect applied force F ,orEq. (5.25) should be changed as within the linear theory of Stokes hydrodynamics. When the swimmer is under the e↵ect + F3 = (5.36) 1 + F2should of an applied external force F , Eq. F(5.25) beF.changed as Following through the calculations ofF1Sec. + F25.3.1 + F3above, = F. we find that the following changes (5.36) take place in Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23b), (5.23c), and (5.24): Following through the calculations of Sec. 5.3.1 above, we find that the following changes F take place in Eqs. (5.23a), (5.23c), v1 7! (5.23b), v1 , and (5.24): (5.37) 4⇡µL1 F F , v1 7! v1 (5.37) v2 7! v2 (5.38) 4⇡µL1, 6⇡µa2 F F , v2 7! v2 (5.38) v3 7! v3 (5.39) 6⇡µa2 , 4⇡µL2 ✓F ◆ v3 7! v3 1 (5.39) 1, 1 1 4⇡µL V 7! V + + (5.40) 2 ◆ F. 31 ✓6⇡µa 4⇡µL 4⇡µL 2 1 2 1 1 1 V ! 7 V + + F. (5.40) These lead to the changes 3 6⇡µa2 4⇡µL1 4⇡µL2 ✓ ◆ 1 1 These lead to the changes L̇1 7! L̇1 ✓ (5.41) ◆ F, 6⇡µa 4⇡µL 1 2 1 1◆ ✓ L̇1 7! L̇1 (5.41) 1 2 4⇡µL 1 1 F, 6⇡µa L̇2 7! L̇2 ✓ (5.42) ◆ F, 4⇡µL 6⇡µa 1 2 1 2 L̇2 7! L̇2 F, (5.42) 4⇡µL 6⇡µa in Eq. (B.1), which together with correction coming from2 Eq. (5.40) leads to the average 2 swimming velocity in Eq. (B.1), which together with correction coming from Eq. (5.40) leads to the average F swimming velocity V (F ) = V0 + , (5.43) 18⇡µa F R V (F ) = V0 + , (5.43) to the leading order, where aR is an e↵ective (renormalized) hydrodynamic radius for the 18⇡µaR 1 three-sphere swimmer. To the zeroth order, we have a = the for general R 1 + a2 + a3 ) for to the leading order, where aR is an e↵ective (renormalized)3 (a hydrodynamic radius the 1 case and thereswimmer. are a large number of order, correction terms at higher wegeneral should three-sphere To the zeroth we have aR = (a + a2orders + a3 ) that for the 3 1 keep order to be in our perturbation reporting caseinand there areconsistent a large number of correction theory. terms atInstead higheroforders that the we lengthy should L̇2 7! L̇2 (5.40) F, + 4⇡µL u+2 (t) (5.42) + ' F, = dF. (5.41) cos(!t ). 2 2 6⇡µa 4⇡µL 22 11 2 6⇡µa 4⇡µL 2 2 ✓ ◆ 1 1 These lead to the changes L̇ ! 7 L̇ F, (5.42) 2 Eq.✓(5.40) 2 (5.43) ◆ h together with correction coming from leads to the average , The average swimming velocity from Eq. (5.31) reads 4⇡µL21 6⇡µa21 µaR L̇1 7! L̇1 F, (5.41) 6⇡µa2 from 4⇡µL in Eq. (B.1), which together with correction coming Eq. (5.40) leads to the average 1 ✓ ◆ K F malized) swimming hydrodynamic radius for the velocity 1 1 V (F ) = V0 + , (5.43) V = d d '2 ). 1 L̇ ! 7 L̇ F, 0 1 2 ! sin('1 (5.42) 2 2 F e aR = 3 (a1 + a2 + a3 ) for the general 18⇡µa R 2 2 V (F ) = V0 +4⇡µL2 6⇡µa , (5.43) 18⇡µa R erms at higher that(renormalized) we should r, where aR in is Eq. anorders e↵ective hydrodynamic radius theto the average (B.1), which together with correction coming from Eq. (5.40)for leads to the leading This order, where aR shows is an e↵ective (renormalized) hydrodynamic radius for the result that the maximum velocity is obtained when the 1 swimming velocity heory. Instead of reporting the lengthy 1 mer. To the zeroth order, we have a = (a + a + a ) for the general R order, 2 a 3 (a1 + a2 + a3 ) for the general three-sphere swimmer. To the zeroth 3 1we have R = F 3of maximizing the area covered by t ⇡/2, which supports the picture V (F ) = V + , (5.43) pression for a = a = a = a, which 0 a large number of2 correction terms ofatcorrection higher terms orders should 1 there case and are a3large number higher we orders that we should 18⇡µaRat that swimming cycle inInstead the parameter space of the deformations. A phase keep order to be consistenttheory. in our perturbation theory. Instead of reporting the lengthy consistent intoinour perturbation of reporting the lengthy the leading order, where aR is an e↵ective (renormalized) hydrodynamic radius for the expression for for the general case, will we provide theclosed expression for1 a1 = a2 = a3 =zero a, which example, create trajectories with area, or just line swimmer. To the zeroth order, we have a = (a + a + a ) for the general R 1 2 3 general ◆ case, we provide the expression for a = a = a = a, which 2 three-sphere 33 1 2 1 1 readscase a and there 1 are a large number of correction terms at higher orders that we should .consistent (5.44) ✓ ◆2 2 keep in order to be in our perturbation theory. the lengthy a 1 1 Instead a of reporting 1 L1 L 2 2 (L11+ = L2 )1 + 1 ✓+ 1 + 1◆ .a = a, (5.44) 2 expression for the general case, we provide the expression for a = a = which 2 1 2 3 aR 1 a L 2 (L1 + L2 ) 1 1 1 a1 1L2 L11 + L2 2a L1 1L2 reads which have been expected based + could + The + .have been (5.44) 2 force-velocity relation given in Eq. (5.43), which could expected based a L 1 L 2 L1 + L2 2 L1 L 2 2 (L✓1 + L2 )◆2 79 1 1 1 yields 1 a stall1 force a 1 1 a 1 on linearity of hydrodynamics, = + + + . (5.44) 2 a a L L L + L 2 L L 2 (L + L ) ty relation given in Eq. (5.43), which have been expected R 1 2 could 1 2 1 2 1based 2 F = 18⇡µa V . (5.45) s R 0 V0 . (5.45) The force-velocity relation given in Eq. (5.43), which could have been expected based odynamics, yields a stall force Using the zerothof order expression yields for thea stall hydrodynamic radius, one can see that this is on linearity hydrodynamics, force namic radius, can see that this is equal toone the Stokes force exerted on spheres moving with a velocity V0 . Fs = 18⇡µaR V0 . theFthree (5.45) 18⇡µaR V0 . (5.45) s = es moving with a velocity V . VL̇17!7!V L̇1 4⇡µL 6⇡µa 3 0 80 hydrodynamic rder expression hydrodynamic radius, one can see that is that Usingfor the the zeroth order expression for the radius, onethis can see equal the three Stokes force exerted on the three movingVwith a velocity V0 . force exerted ontothe spheres moving withspheres a velocity 0. 80 80 this is 5.3.5 Power consumption and efficiency Because we know the instantaneous values for the velocities and the forces, we can easily calculate Power the powerconsumption consumption in and the motion of the spheres through the viscous fluid. 5.3.5 efficiency The rate of power consumption at any time is given as Because we know the instantaneous values for the velocities and the forces, we can easily P = F1 v1 +inF2the v2 +motion F3 v3 =ofF1the ( L̇spheres (L̇2 ), (5.46) calculate the power consumption the viscous fluid. 1 ) + F3 through The rate of power consumption at any time is given as where the second expression is the result of enforcing the force-free constrain of Eq. (5.25). = F1 vand + aF3function v3 = F1 ( ofL̇L̇ F3 (L̇ L̇22,),one finds for a1 (5.46) Using the expressionsPfor and = a2 = 1 + FF 23v2as 1 )1 + a3 = a where the second expression is theresult of enforcing the force-free constrain of Eq. (5.25). 1 a of L̇1a and L̇22, one finds for a1 = a2 = Using the expressions for F1 and F3 as aa function P = 4⇡µa 1 + + L̇1 + a3 = a L 1 2 L2 L1 + L2 1 a a a 2 1+ a + a 4⇡µa 1 a L̇ 22 + P = 4⇡µa 1 + 2 L1 L2+ L1 + L2 L̇1 + L 1 2 L2 L1 + L2 1 a 1 a 5 a 1 a a a 4⇡µa 1 + (5.47) 2 L̇1 L̇2 . 4⇡µa 1 + + L̇ + 2 L 2 L 2 L + L 2 2 2 L1 1 L2 2 L1 + L12 1 a 1 a 5 a as We can now define a Lighthill 4⇡µa 1hydrodynamic efficiency + L̇1 L̇2 . (5.47) 2 L 1 2 L2 2 L1 + L 2 2 18⇡µaR V0 µL ⌘ , (5.48) We can now define a Lighthill hydrodynamic efficiency as P 2 for which we find to the leading order 18⇡µaR V0 µL ⌘ , P 2 2 9 aR K (u1 u̇2 u̇1 u2 ) for which we find to the leading µL =order , 8 a C1 u̇21 + C2 u̇22 + C3 u̇1 u̇2 where µL = 9 aR K 2 (u1 u̇2 2 u̇1 u2 ) 2 (5.48) (5.49a) 2 , (5.49a) Using the expressions for F1 and F3 as a function of L1 and L2 , one finds for a1 = a2 = the second expression is the result of enforcing the force-free constrain of Eq. (5.25). a3 = where a Using the expressions for F1 and F3 as a function of L̇1 and L̇2 , one finds for a1 = a2 = a3 = a 1 a a a P = 4⇡µa 1 + + L̇21 + La1 12 L L1a + L2 2 a2 P = 4⇡µa 1 + + L̇ + 1L1a 2 La2 L1 + aL2 1 2 4⇡µa 1 +a + a L̇2 + 1 a 4⇡µa 1 2 L1 + L2 + L1 + L2L̇22 + 12 La1 L12 a L1 + 5 L2 a 4⇡µa 1 L̇1 L̇2 . (5.47) 1 a 1 a +5 a 2 L2+ 2 L1 + L2L̇1 L̇2 . 4⇡µa 1 2 L1 (5.47) 2 L1 2 L2 2 L1 + L 2 We can now define a Lighthill hydrodynamic efficiency as We can now define a Lighthill hydrodynamic efficiency as 22 18⇡µa 18⇡µaRRVV0 0 µµLL ⌘ ⌘ ,, PP (5.48)(5.48) for which we find leadingorder order for which we find to to thethe leading 2 2 9 aR K 2 (u1 u̇2 u̇1 u2 ) 2 K (u1 u̇2 u̇1 u2 ) , µ L = 9 aR µL = 8 a C1 u̇21 + C2 u̇22 + C3 u̇1 u̇2 , 2 2 8 a C1 u̇1 + C2 u̇2 + C3 u̇1 u̇2 (5.49a) (5.49a) where where a `a1 C1 = 1 + 1 a C2 = 1 ` 1 12 `a1 C2 = 1 1 a C3 = 1 2 ` 1 12 `a1 C1 = 1 + C3 = 1 1a a + , 1 a a 2 `2 `1 + `2 + a , a +2 `2+ `1 + `, 2 `2a `1 + a`2 +1 a+ 5 a , `2 + `1 + `2 . 21`2a 2 5`1 + `a2 + (5.49b) (5.49b) (5.49c) (5.49c) (5.49d) . (5.49d) It is interesting to note that for harmonic a single frequency, Eq. (5.49a) 2 `deformations 2 `2 2with `1 + `2 1 is independent of the frequency and scales like a2 d2 /`4 , which reflects the generally low It is interesting to efficiency note thatoffor withIna single frequency, Eq. to (5.49a) hydrodynamic lowharmonic Reynolds deformations number swimmers. this case, it is possible 5.4 5.4 Dimensionality Dimensionality 5.4 Dimensionality We We saw saw above above that, that, in in 3D, 3D, the the fundamental fundamental solution solution to the Stokes equations for a point We above that, in 3D,by the fundamental solution to the Stokes equations for a point force at isis given the Oseen forcesaw at the the origin origin given by the Oseen solution solution force at the origin is given by the Oseen solution Fjjxjj uuii(x) p(x) (x) = =G Gijij(x) (x) FFjj ,, p(x) = F x 33 + p1 , (5.50a) j j 4⇡|x| ui (x) = Gij (x) Fj , p(x) = + p1 , (5.50a) 4⇡|x|3 where where ✓ ✓ ◆ where xiixjj ◆ 11 ✓ Gijij(x) (x) = = (5.50b) G , ij + x x22 ij 1 |x| i j 8⇡µ |x| 8⇡µ |x| Gij (x) = , (5.50b) ij + 8⇡µ |x| |x|2 interesting to to compare compare this this result result with with corresponding corresponding 2D solution ItIt isis interesting It is interesting to compare this result with corresponding 2D solution Fjxxj F (x) = = JJijij(x)F (x)Fjj ,, = Fj xj 22 + @1 (5.51a) uuii(x) pp = x = (x, y) 1, j j 2⇡|x| 2⇡|x| ui (x) = Jij (x)Fj , p= + @1 , x = (x, y) (5.51a) 2⇡|x|2 where where ✓ ◆ where ✓ 1 |x|◆ xii xj 1 |x| ✓ J (x) = ln + x x22 (5.51b) Jijij(x) = 1 ij ln |x| ij i j 4⇡µ a |x| a + Jij (x) = 4⇡µ (5.51b) ij ln 4⇡µ a |x|2 with aa being being an an arbitrary arbitrary constant constant fixed fixed by by some some intermediate flow normalization condiwith with being an(5.51) arbitrary constant fixed by some intermediate flow normalization condition. a Note that (5.51) decays much more more slowly slowly than (5.50), implying that hydrodynamic tion. Note that decays much than tion. Note that (5.51) decays much slowlystronger than (5.50), that hydrodynamic interactions in 2D 2D freestanding filmsmore are much much stronger than implying in 3D bulk solutions. interactions in freestanding films are interactions 2D(5.51) freestanding films are much than in 3D bulk we solutions. To verify verifyin that (5.51) indeed solution of stronger the 2D Stokes equations, first note that To that isis indeed aa solution of the To verify that (5.51) is indeed a solution of the 2D Stokes equations, we first note that generally generally generally xjj 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 @ |x| = @ (x x ) = x (x x ) = (5.52a) j j i i j i i @j |x| = @j (xi xi ) = xj (xi xi ) xj |x| 1/2 1/2 @j |x| = @j (xi xi ) = xj (xi xi ) = (5.52a) x |x| j n n/2 (n+2)/2 j |x| n = = @@jj(x (xiixxii)) n/2 = = nx nxjj(x (xiixxii)) (n+2)/2 = = n n xn+2 (5.52b) @@jj|x| .. (5.52b) n+2 j |x| n n/2 (n+2)/2 |x| @j |x| = @j (xi xi ) = nxj (xi xi ) = n n+2 . (5.52b) |x| From this, this, we we find find From From this, we find ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ F F x x F x x Fjjxjjxii = Fjj ✓ xjjxii ◆ ii = F 2 2 (5.53) ij @@iipp = 2 = 2 (5.53) F 2 F x x4 F 2 ij x x2 @j |x| n = @j (xi xi ) n/2 = nxj (xi xi ) (n+2)/2 = n xj xi |x|2 ◆ xj . |x|n+2 (5.52b) From this, we find @i p = Fi 2⇡|x|2 2 F j xj xi Fj = 2⇡|x|4 2⇡|x|2 ✓ ij 2 (5.53) and @k Jij 1 = @k 4⇡µ 1 = 4⇡µ 1 = 4⇡µ ✓ ◆ |x| xi xj + ij ln a |x|2 ✓ ◆ 1 xi xj @k |x| + @k ij |x| |x|2 ✓ xk xj xi + + ij ik jk |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 xi xj xk 2 |x|4 ◆ . (5.54) 82 To check the incompressibility condition, note that ✓ 1 xi xj @i Jij = + + ij ii 4⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 ✓ 1 xj xj xj = + 2 + 4⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 = 0, xi xi xj xi ji |x|2 2|x|4 ◆ xj 2 2 |x| ◆ (5.55) which confirms that the solution (5.51) satisfies the incompressibility condition r · u = 0. Moreover, we find for the Laplacian @k xk xj xi xi xj xk @k @k Jij = + + 2 ij ik jk 4⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 |x|4 ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ 1 xk xj xi xi xj xk 1 xj xj xj xj (5.55) = 0, + 2 + 2 2 2 2 2 4⇡µ |x| |x| |x| |x| = solution 0, which confirms that the (5.51) satisfies the incompressibility condition r · u(5.55) = 0. Moreover, we find for the Laplacian which confirms that the solution (5.51) satisfies the incompressibility condition r · u = 0. @k for thexLaplacian xj xi xi xj xk Moreover, we find k @k @k Jij = + + 2 ij ik jk 4⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 |x|4 ◆ xj ✓ xi ◆ xi xj xk✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ @k xk✓ 1 x x x x x x @k @k Jij = + k ik 2 + jk j2 2 i i j k ij 2 4 = 4⇡µ @ + @ + @ 2@ |x| |x| |x| |x| ij k ik k jk k k 4⇡µ ✓ |x|2 ◆ ✓ |x|2 ◆ ✓ |x|2 ◆ ✓ |x|4 ◆ ✓ ◆ ✓ 1 xk xj✓ x◆i xi xj xk ◆ 1 xi xk = + jk @x 2@k ik k xkik @k jk ij @k kk 2 x+ k j xk 2 2 4 2 4|x| + jk = 4⇡µ |x| 2 4 + |x| |x|2 4 ij ik 4⇡µ |x| ◆ |x| ◆ |x| ◆ ✓ |x|2 ✓ |x|2 ✓ |x|2 ✓ ◆ 1 xk xk xj xk xi xk kk jk ik x x x x x x x x x x 2 + 2 + 2 = i jk k i j k k jk ij ik j 2 k ik i j kk2 4 4 4⇡µ 2 |x|4 + |x|4 4 + |x| |x| |x|2 |x|4 4 6 |x| |x| |x| ✓ |x| ◆ ✓ik xj xk xi jk◆xk ✓ xi xj kk ◆ ✓ ◆ xi xj xk xk 1 2 + 1 xi xj 2 + ij 4 xj4xi ij 4 4 6 = 2 + 2 + 2 |x| |x| |x| ij |x| 2 4⇡µ |x|2 ◆ ✓ |x|2 |x|4 ◆ ✓ |x|2 |x|4 ◆ ✓ |x| ✓ 2 ◆j xi 1 1 x xi xj ij ij x x x x x x x x = 2 + 2 + 2 j i i j i j i j ij 2+ +2 2 4 |x|42 4 |x|4 4⇡µ 2 |x| |x| |x|2 |x|4 4 4 |x| |x| |x| ◆ ✓ |x| ✓ xj xi xi◆ x xx xx 1 x+j xi j + 2 i j 4 i j 2 ij 4 = (5.56) |x|42 |x| |x|4 |x|4 2 4 2⇡µ ✓ |x| |x| ◆ 1 xj xi ij = 2 4 (5.56) 2 Hence, by comparing with (5.53), 2⇡µ |x| |x| we see that indeed Hence, by comparing with indeed @i p (5.53), + µ@k @we = that @i p + µ@k @k Jij Fj = 0. k ui see (5.57) µ@k @2D = @i p + µ@k @khas Jij Fjbeen = 0. confirmed experimentally (5.57) The di↵erence between @3D i p +and k ui hydrodynamics for Chlamydomonas algae [GJG10, DGM+ 10]. The di↵erence between 3D and 2D hydrodynamics has been confirmed experimentally for Chlamydomonas algae [GJG10, DGM+ 10]. 5.5 Force dipole and dimensionality In the absence must satisfy the force-free constraint. 5.5 Forceof external dipoleforces, andmicroswimmers dimensionality 5.5 Force dipole and dimensionality for Chlamydomonas algae [GJG10, DGM+ 10]. In the absence of external forces, microswimmers must satisfy the force-free constraint. This realization is aand force-dipole flow, which provides a very good approximation 5.5simplest Force dipole dimensionality for the mean flow field generated by an individual bacterium [DDC+ 11] but not so much absence of +external forInanthealga [DGM 10]. forces, microswimmers must satisfy the force-free constraint. This simplest realization is a force-dipole flow, which provides a very good approximation To construct a force dipole, consider two opposite point-forces F + = F = F ex + for the mean flow field +generated by an individual bacterium [DDC 11] but not so much located x = ±`ex . Due to linearity of the Stokes equations the total flow at for an at algapositions [DGM+ 10]. To construct a force dipole, consider two opposite point-forces F + = F = F ex located at positions x+ = ±`ex . Due to linearity of the Stokes equations the total flow at 83 some point x is given by 83 ui (x) = ⇥ = = [ ij (x ij (x ij (x x+ ) Fj+ + x+ ) `ex ) ij (x x ) Fj ⇤ + x ) Fj ij (x + ij (x + `ex )] Fj where ij = Jij in 2D and ij = Gij in 3D. If |x| `, we can Taylor expand ` = 0, and find to leading order ⇥ + ⇤ ui (x) ' [ ij (x) xk @k ij (x) xk @k ij (x) Fj+ ij (x)] + = 2x+ k [@k ij (x)] Fj (5.58) ij near (5.59) 2D case Using our above result for @k Jij , and writing x+ = `n and F + = F n with |n| = 1, we find in 2D ✓ ◆ x+ x x x x x x k j i i j k + k ui (x) = + + 2 F ij ik jk j 2⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 |x|4 ✓ ◆ F` xk nk xj nj xi nk xi xj xk nj = ni + n + n n 2 i k k 2⇡µ |x|2 |x|2 |x|2 |x|4 and, hence, + algae [GJG10, DGM 10]. In for theChlamydomonas absence of external forces, microswimmers must satisfy the force-free constraint. This simplest realization is a force-dipole flow, which provides a very good approximation for5.5 the mean flow dipole field generated by an individual bacterium [DDC+ 11] but not so much Force and dimensionality for an alga [DGM+ 10]. + InTo theconstruct absence ofaexternal forces, microswimmers satisfypoint-forces the force-free F constraint. force dipole, consider twomust opposite = F = F ex This simplest realization force-dipole flow, which provides a very good approximation located at positions x+ is=a±`e equations the total flow at x . Due to linearity of the Stokes + for the mean flow field generated by an individual bacterium [DDC 11] but not so much some point x is is given given by + some point for an alga x[DGM 10]. by + To construct a force dipole, consider two opposite = F = F ex + point-forces F + 83 + + u (x) = (x x ) F + (x x ) F ij (xlinearity x )F + Stokes x ⇤) Fj jthe total flow at located at positions x+u=ii(x) ±`ex= . Due⇥ijij to ofj jthe ij (x equations ⇥ (x x++ ) = = x ) ijij(x = [[ ijij(x (x 83`e `exx)) = ⇤) F++ x x ) Fj j ++ (x + `e )] F ij x ij (x + `ex )] F j (x ijij(x j (5.58) (5.58) where ijij = = JJijij in in 2D 2D and and ijij = =G Gijij in in 3D. 3D. IfIf |x| |x| `,`, we wecan canTaylor Taylorexpand expand ijijnear near where = 0, 0, and and find find to to leading leading order order `` = ⇥⇥ ++ ⇤ ⇤ ++ (x) ' ' [[ ijij(x) (x) (x)] xxk@@kk ijij(x) (x) xxk@@k k ijij(x) (x) FFj j uuii(x) ijij(x)] k k + ++ = 2x 2x+ [@ (x)] F (5.59) k ij = [@ (x)] F (5.59) k k ij jj k 2D case Using Using our our above above result result for for @@kkJJijij,, and and writing writing xx++ ==`n `nand andFF++==FFnnwith with |n| = 1, we find find in in 2D 2D ✓✓ ◆◆ + + x x x x x x x xkk xkk xj j xi i xi xi j xj k k ++ (x) = = + + 2 F uii(x) + + 2 F ij ik jk ij ik jk j j 2⇡µ |x|22 |x|22 |x|2 2 |x|4 4 2⇡µ |x| |x| |x| |x| ✓ ✓ ◆◆ FF`` xxkknnkk xxjjnnj j xxi i nnk x kx ix jx kn ix jx kn jj = = nnii 22 ++nni i 22 ++nnkknnkk 2 2 22 2⇡µ |x| |x| |x| |x|4 4 2⇡µ |x| |x| |x| |x| and, hence, where x̂ = x/|x|. x/|x|. ⇤⇤ FF`` ⇥⇥ 22 u(x) 2(n u(x) = = 2(n· ·x̂) x) 11 x̂x̂ 2⇡µ|x| 2⇡µ|x| (5.60) (5.60) where x̂ = x/|x|. 3D case To compute the dipole flow field in 3D, we need to compute the partial derivatives of the Oseen tensor Gij (x) = 1 (1 + x̂i x̂j ) , 8⇡µ|x| x̂k = xk . |x| (5.61) Defining the orthogonal projector (⇧ik ) for x̂k by ⇧ik := x̂i x̂k , ik (5.62) we have xk = x̂k , |x| xk xi ⇧ik ik = = , 3 |x| |x| |x| 1 = (x̂i ⇧nk + x̂k ⇧ni ) , |x| @k |x| = @k x̂i @n ⇧ik and from this we find (5.63a) (5.63b) (5.63c) 84 x̂k Gij + (⇧ik x̂j + ⇧jk x̂i ) |x| |x|2 = x̂k ij + x̂j ik + x̂i jk 3x̂k x̂i x̂j . |x|2 @k Gij = (5.64) Inserting this expression into (5.59), we obtain the far-field dipole flow in 3D F` ⇥ 2 u(x) = 3(n · x̂) 4⇡µ|x|2 ⇤ 1 x̂. (5.65) As shown in Ref. [DDC+ 11], Eq. (5.65) agrees well with the mean flow-field of a bacterium. Upon comparing Eqs. (5.60) and (5.65), it becomes evident that hydrodynamic inter- Results w of itswe “puller” image. d. field Atwalls, distances rfocused <6µ mon theadipole model overestimates the bacterial flow field. (E) Experimentally measured flow to plane 50 µm from the top and bottom tancesurfaces 2 µm parallel to sample the wall. chamber, (F) Best fitand force-dipole model, (G) residual field. Notewhere the Bacterial cell body, of the recorded ∼ 2 and terabytes of flow 4 flowmovie fieldResults ofdata. an E. In coli “pusher” decays much faster, when swims close thecule surface, fortothe length of t theflow mea this data we identified ∼ 10 events when (non-tumbling HCB 437)rarea bacterium achieved by fittin theByTo measured andminisbest-fit force cellsBacterial swam in the for > surfaces. 1.5 s. tracking decays labeled, n flowfocal fieldplane far from resolve the the at variable locatio fluidcule tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position of the c decays of the flow speed u with flow field created by individual bacteria, we tracked gfp- sion of flu m surfaces. To resolve the minisfield (r >field 8 µm). and labeled, velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, dis non-tumbling E. coli as they swam through a suspenof the cell body (Fig. 1D) illustr walls, we dividual bacteria, tracked gfp- overforce the measured andaverage best-fit dipole we field The the 1C). specific fitting and performing anwe ensemble all tracers, re- (Fig. Howeve sionswam ofdecays fluorescent tracer particles. For measurements farcharacteristic from field displays the 1 dipole length ℓ =o of the flow speed u with distance r from thesurfaces center i as they through a suspensolved the time-averaged flow field in the E. coli swimming he minismeasure walls, we focused on a plane 50 µm from the top and bottom value of F is cons movie dat However, the force dipole flow sig oftothe cell (Fig. 1D) illustrate that the flow down 0.1% of body the mean swimming speed V0 = 22 ± 5 measured ticles. For measurements far from ckedplane gfpcell force bod surfaces of the sample chamber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of 2 and resistive µm/s. As E. colidisplays rotate about their swimming direction, their cells field the characteristic 1/r4 decay oftoa the forceside dipole. measured flow ofswam thel a 50 suspenµmmovie from the top and bottom for the data. In field this in data we dimensions identified ∼is10cylindrically rare events when note that in the b time-averaged flow three fluid trace However, the force dipole flow significantly overestimates the cell1.5body, where the flow magnit far from achieved ber, and recorded ∼ 2 terabytes of cells swam in the focal plane for > s. By tracking the µm behind the ce symmetric.measured Our measurements capture all components of this flow to when the side of the cell body,ofand behind the 4 and veloci didentified bottom for the length the flagellar bun at varia fluid drag on the ∼ 10 rare events fluid tracers in each of the rare events, relating their position cylindrically symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to cell body, where the flow magnitude u(r) is nearly constant and perfo abytes of field (r f achieved by fitting two opposite and velocity to the position and orientation of the bacterium, the rotation of the cell about its the body axis. The topology of ne for > 1.5fors. By tracking the length of the flagellar bundle. The force dipole fit was solved the nts when the spec the measured flow field (Fig. 1A) is the same as that of a and performing an ensemble average over all tracers, we reat variable locations along the sw are events, relating their position Bacterial flowdow fiel achieved by1B), fitting two opposite force monopoles (Stokeslets) dipole le plane kingforce the dipole flowtime-averaged (Fig. defined by solved the flow field in the E. coli swimming field (r > 8 µm). From the best and orientation of the bacterium, dipole flow descri at variable locations along the swimming direction to the far value of position µm/s. As plane down to 0.1% of the mean swimming speed V = 22 ± 5 0 the specific fitting routines fi with good and accura h i e average over all tracers, we refield (r > 8 µm). From the best fit, which is insensitive to and resi A E. coli r direction, their time-avera ℓF swimming acterium, µm/s. As 2rotate about their ˆ thisµm approximatio u(r)in= the 3(r̂.coli d) − 1 r̂, routines A= , r̂fitting = length , regions, [ℓ 1 ]= we dipole 1.9 and dip ow field E. swimming 2 the specific fitting and obtain the note tha2 |r| 8πηdimensions |r| is cylindrically s, we retime-averaged flow field in three symmetric a wall. Focusing value F is Fconsistent with opt dipole length 1.9±µm and dipole force = of 0.42 pN. This µm beh mean swimming speed V0 ℓ==22 5 capture symmetric. Our measurements allof components this wimming and applying the cylindrica and resistive force theory calculat fluid dra of Fforce, is consistent with optical trap measurements [45] where F isvalue the dipole ℓ the distance separating the force ut direction, their symmetric flow, except the azimuthal flow due to the = their 22 ±cylindrically 5swimming resulted in a sligh rotati note thatThe in the best fit, the cell and resistive force theory calculations [46]. It is interesting to η the viscosity the fluid, dˆ the orientation vector theof flow field struc the rotation ofisof the cell about itsunit body axis. topology on, pair, their three dimensions cylindrically the measu (swimming direction) the best bacterium, and rbehind the distance surfaces, the note thatflow inofthe fit, 1A) theµm cell drag Stokeslet isfrom 0.1 the measured field (Fig. is the same as that oflocated aof the center the cell ndrically nts capture all components of this force dipo Bacteria vector relative to the center of the dipole. Yet there are some ity of a no-slip sur µm behind the center of the cell body, possibly reflecting the force dipole flow (Fig. 1B), defined by fluid drag on the flagellar bundle tsexcept of this flow due Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) to PNAS Fig. differences 1.Drescher, Averagethe flow fieldazimuthal created by a single freely-swimming bacterium. (A) Experimentally measured flow field far from a surface. Stream lines indicate local direction offl dipole close to the cell body as shown by the residual of outward streamlin fluid drag on the flagellar bundle. flow. (B) Best fit force-dipole model, and (C) residual flow field, obtained by subtracting the best-fit dipole from the experimentally measured field. The presence of the flagella E.coli w due to weak ‘pusher’ dipole