Biological motors 18.S995 - L06 lds Numbers in Biology Reynolds numbers number is dimensionless group that characterizes the ratio o fined as ⇥U L UL Re = = µ density of the medium the organism is moving through; µ is t ; is the kinematic viscosity; U is a characteristic velocity of stic length scale. When we discuss swimming biological organ eatures that are moving through water (or through a fluid with hose of water). This means that the material properties µ and ber is roughly determined by the size of the organism. e characteristic size of the organism and the characteristic sw rule-of-thumb, the characteristic locomotion velocity, U , in bi y U L/second e.g. for people L 1 m and we move at U 1 E.coli (non-tumbling HCB 437) Drescher, Dunkel, Ganguly, Cisneros, Goldstein (2011) PNAS Bacterial motors movie: V. Kantsler ~20 parts 20 nm Berg (1999) Physics Today source: wiki Chen et al (2011) EMBO Journal Torque-speed relation 200 nm fluorescent bead attached to a flagellar motor 26 steps per revolution 30x slower than real time 2400 frames per second position resolution ~5 nm Berry group, Oxford Volvox carteri somatic cell cilia 200 ㎛ daughter colony Drescher et al (2010) PRL Chlamydomonas alga 10 ㎛ ~ 50 beats / sec Goldstein et al (2011) PRL 10 ㎛ speed ~100 μm/s Chlamy 9+2 Merchant et al (2007) Science Eukaryotic motors Sketch: dynein molecule carrying cargo down a microtubule Yildiz lab, Berkeley Microtubule filament “tracks” Dogic Lab, Brandeis Drosophila oocyte Physical parameters (e.g. bending rigidity) from fluctuation analysis Goldstein lab, PNAS 2012 unlike dyneins (most) kinesins walk towards plus end of microtubule 25nm 0). Based showed oncluded for kinen asym- chnique, Accuraking the accuracy NA, the step is rescence a totalope. The is a dif280 nm, ponds to ted with plied the lks in a alternatcements, (11). s experiwith a ch head Fig. 1B) d as the e immoent conglutamic cond homer with ines and 43C and B). Subthe hoof fluo- (13). The dye’s position was monitored as the kinesin moved on microtubules that were immobilized on a coverslip (13). Three different conposition time. aHowever, if the observed structs versus were used: homodimer with glutamic 17-nm steps arise from the convolution of twohoacid mutated to cysteine (E215C), a second sequential 17 nm, nm. . .), thenwith a modimersteps with (i.e., T324C, and 0a heterodimer dwell-time of the number of steps one head histogram lacking solvent-exposed cysteines and versus step-time duration will be the convolution the other head containing cysteines at S43C and of T324C, two exponential (11).(Fig. This1B). yields which areprocesses 2 nm apart Sub2 exp(–kt), thestoichiometric dwell time probability, P(t ) $ tk labeling was used for the howhich is zero at t $ 0, quantal rises initially, andofthen modimers, and single bleaching fluofalls, when k is the stepping rate constant. rescence confirmed that only a single dye In was contrast, if the 17-nm steps arise from a single present on each kinesin analyzed (fig. S1B). The process, then the dwell-time histogram would heterodimer was labeled with an excess ofbe dye and both single- and double-quantal bleaching was observed (13). In the absence of ATP, kinesins were stationary. In the presence of 340 nM ATP, discrete steps were observed for the three different kinesin constructs (Fig. 2). A total of 354 steps from 35 kinesins were observed. We typically collected 4000 photons per 0.33-s image. Traces from relatively bright kinesins ("5000 photons per image) are shown in Fig. 2; a histogram of 143 steps from 26 molecules is shown in Fig. 3A. The precision of step-size determination was 1.5 to 3 nm, based on measurement of the distance between the average positions of the PSF centers before and after a step (11, 14). The average step size derived from the step-size histogram (Fig. 3A) is 17.3 # 3.3 nm. We did not observe 8.3-nm steps or odd multiples of 8.3 nm. These data therefore strongly support a hand-over-hand mechanism and not an inchworm mechanism. The hand-over-hand mechanism predicts that these 17-nm steps alternate with 0-nm steps, which are not directly observable in a graph of REPORTS tional human kinesin, were mutated to cysteines for fluorescent dye labeling as described in the text. The bound nucleotide (adenosine diphosphate) is shown as a space-filling model in cyan. This figure was made with MolMol (22). Kinesin walks hand-over-hand expected to yield an exponential decay (the Poisson-distributed rate). The dwell-time histogram of 347 steps for E215C and T324C (Fig. 3B) is well fit by the above convolution function (with k $ 1.14 # 0.03 steps per s), and not by the single-step decaying function. The rise near t $ 0 is not due to instrument artifacts: An exponential process for myosin V stepping (with dyes located to show every step) at very similar rates yields the expected monotonic decay with the same instrument (11). We also have immo- Fig. 1. (A) Examples of two alternative classes of mechanisms for processive movement by kinesin. The hand-over-hand model (left) predicts that a dye on the head of kinesin will move alternately 16.6 nm, 0 nm, 16.6 nm, whereas the inchworm mechanism (right) predicts uniform 8.3-nm steps. The inchworm model was adapted with slight modification from (9). (B) The positions of S43 (red), E215 (green), and T324 (blue) on the rat kinesin crystal structure [from (6), Protein Data Base 2KIN]. These residues, whose numbers correspond to conventional human kinesin, were mutated to cysteines for fluorescent dye labeling as described in the Fig. 2. Position versus time for kinesin motility. The blue and green traces are from E215C nucleotide homodimer text. kinesin;The the bound red trace, from the heterodimer S43C-T324C kinesin. The numbers (adenosine is correspond to the step sizediphosphate) # %&. The uncertainties were calculated as described (11). Red lines shownpositions as a space-filling in between steps (plateau) and when the step occurs represent average of each model duration cyan. This figure was made with (jumps) based on data analysis. MolMol (22). Yildiz et al (2005) Science SCIENCE VOL 303 30 JANUARY 2004 67 0). Based showed oncluded for kinen asym- chnique, Accuraking the accuracy NA, the step is rescence a totalope. The is a dif280 nm, ponds to ted with plied the lks in a alternatcements, (11). s experiwith a ch head Fig. 1B) d as the e immoent conglutamic cond homer with ines and 43C and B). Subthe hoof fluo- nucleotides (15, 16), and a two-headed bound not Rrotating E P O R T Sthe stalk (20), implying it too is species inferred to exist during thean exponential likely decay asymmetric. Such a mechanism has expected to yield (the position versushas time.been However, if the observed Poisson-distributed dwell-time histo17-nm steps arise from based the convolution two catalytic cycle on a ofkinetic analysis (17)rate). The rather stringent biophysical constraints (9), gram of 347 steps for E215C and T324C (Fig. sequential steps (i.e., 17 nm, 0 nm. . .), then a and on fluorescence polarization measurements implications for how the rear head 3B) is well fit by the above including convolution function dwell-time histogram of the number of steps (with kHowever, $ 1.14 # 0.03 steps per s), and by front head. Hoenger et al. (10) versus step-time duration will concentration be the convolution (18). at saturating ATP passes bynotthe the single-step decaying function. The rise near of two exponential processes (11). This yields 2 bound with one or two whether or not kinesin is have artifacts: postulated a model where the rear head t $ 0 is not due to instrument An the dwell time probability, P(t ) $ tk exp(–kt), which is zero at t $ 0, rises initially, and then exponential process V stepping heads while waiting for ATP during motility hasfor myosin passes the(with front head in such a manner that falls, when k is the stepping rate constant. In dyes located to show every step) at very similar been unclear. If only one head is bound, then the monotonic the neck-linker wraps and unwraps around contrast, if the 17-nm steps arise from a single rates yields the expected decay with process, dwell-timealternate histogram would be the16.6x same instrument have immostep then sizethewould between and x,(11). We thealsostalk with alternating steps to minimize Kinesin walks hand-over-hand Fig. 3. The step sizes of an individual head of a kinesin dimer and dwell-time analysis support a hand-over-hand mechanism. (A) The kinesin step-size histogram from 124 steps of 22 molecules of E215C, 12 steps of 3 molecules of T324C, and 7 steps of one S43CT324C heterodimer. The average step size is 17.3 ! 3.3 nm (n $ 143, "# $ 0.27 nm). The black solid line is a Gaussian fit. (B) The dwell-time histogram of 347 steps from 33 kinesin molecules, including 317 steps from 29 molecules of E215C and 30 steps from 4 molecules of T324C, at 340 nM ATP. The black line is a best-fit curve to the convolution function tk2exp(–kt), with k $ 1.14 ! 0.03 s–1 and coefficient of determination r 2 $ 0.984. Fig. 1. (A) Examples of two alternative classes of mechanisms for processive movement by kinesin. The hand-over-hand model (left) predicts that a dye on the head of kinesin will move alternately 16.6 nm, 0 nm, 16.6 nm, whereas the inchworm mechanism (right) predicts uniform 8.3-nm steps. The inchworm model was adapted with slight modification from (9). (B) The positions of S43 (red), E215 (green), and T324 (blue) on the rat kinesin crystal structure [from (6), Protein Data Base 2KIN]. These residues, whose numbers correspond to conventional human kinesin, were mutated to cysteines for fluorescent dye labeling as described in the text. The bound nucleotide (adenosine diphosphate) is shown as a space-filling model in cyan. This figure was made with MolMol (22). Yildiz et al (2005) Science Intracellular transport Chara corralina wiki Muscular contractions: Actin + Myosin G-Actin (globular) F-Actin helical filament Actin-Myosin F-Actin helical filament Myosin Actin-Myosin F-Actin Myosin helical filament myosin-II myosin-V step size of the stalk while domain does not move. For attached to the light chain the inchworm model presize of 37 nm, whereas the el predicts alternating steps x, where x is the in-plane from the midpoint of the and 30 ms, respectively. FIONA. A single fluorescent molecule forms a diffraction-limited image of width % &/2 N.A., or % 250 nm for visible light, spots displayed single quantal bleaching, inwhere N.A. is the of numerical aperture of the dicative of a single molecule. Step sizes were collection lens. The center thelabeled image, analyzed only forofsingly myosins. which, under appropriate conditions, In the absence of ATP, thecorrefluorescent spots were immobile. addition of !300 sponds to the position of theThedye, can be nM ATP led to discernable steps, and the average steplocated to arbitrarily precision by col-ATP conpinghigh rate increased with increasing total, we observed 49 different lecting a sufficientcentration. numberIn of photons. Our BR-labeled myosin V molecules and detected method for determining the center relies on 552 total steps. We observed three different RESEARCH ARTICLES Myosin walks hand-over-hand dels, we have developed a escence imaging technique populations of myosin V molecules, exhibiting either uniform 74-nm steps, alternating 52- and and Hand over hand Inchworm 23-nm (52-23) steps, or alternating 42- and 33del nm (42-33) steps. Uniform 37-nm steps were Catalytic Cargo binding domain . A domain not observed. Light chain domain n is Specifically we detected 365 steps from 38 74 nm x myosin V’s, each of which stepped ! 74 nm flu37(Fig. nm 3; Movie 37 nm S1). Thirty-two of these moleexcules were bright enough to yield a osin signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) " 10 for a total of ain, 231 steps. A histogram of these steps showed that 37 nm — 2x 37size nmis 73.8 # 5.3 nm (mean # SD), with of the step 74 nm ons an excellent fit to a normal distribution (r 2 $ 37 nm 37 nm 0.994, %2r$ 1.67) (Fig. 3). We also detected six atic molecules that took a total of 92 alternating 52-23 posteps (Fig. 4), and six other molecules that took a vertotal of 69 alternating 42-33 steps (Fig. 5). The ear 37 nm + 2x 37 size nm data shows three very histogram of the step fordistinct peaks for both the 52-23 and 42-33 data sets. For the 52-23 data, the averages of these ead peaks37are 4.1nm nm, 23.1 # 3.4 nm, and talk nm51.7 # 37 37 nm 37 nm 73.6 # 5.3 nm (mean # SD). For the 42-33 data, the the averages are 42.4 # 2.9 nm, 32.8 # 2.1 nm, ing and 74.1 # 2.2 nm. The peak centered around 74 the dye is a different distance from the stalk in the forward versuswith rear lightVchain nm is consistent myosin molecules taking mmetry in the myosin V structure, then x is the average distance dye two steps (e.g., 52ofnmthe & 23 nm from $ 75 nm) within 0.5 or 1 and s, which be fully resolved worm model, all parts of the myosin move 37-nm forward, onecould headnotalways because of the 0.5-s time resolution. The percentermission from (32). age of such missed steps is consistent with a probability distribution corresponding to exponentially distributed dwell times with an average NCE VOL 300 27 JUNE 2003 2061 '1 step rate of 0.3 s (Fig. 6). When the myosin V was labeled with a Cy3calmodulin, the observed step sizes were consistent with those measured with BR (Figs. 3 and 5). This acts as a control to ensure that the stepping characteristics we see are not specific to a particular dye. In particular, BR, which is attached by two points to the light chain, is highly polarized on the 0.5-s time scale (6), whereas Cy3, a monofunctional dye, is expected to have signifi- These results strongly support a hand-overhand model and are not consistent with an inchworm model. The hand-over-hand model predicts the dye will take alternating steps equal to the stalk-step-size # 2x, and we interpret the uniform 74-nm steps arising from a dye attached to a light chain near the catalytic domain (stalkstep-size $ 37 nm; x $ 18.5 nm), perhaps on the first light chain. Using the same model, we interpret the 52-23 steps arising from a dye 6.5 to 7 nm from the midpoint in the direction of motion, probably corresponding to a dye on the fifth light chain, and the 42-33 steps arising from a dye 2 to 2.5 nm from the midpoint, probably corresponding to a dye on the sixth light chain (Fig. 1). The hand-over-hand model predicts that for a dye very close to, or on, one catalytic domain, the steps will alternate between 74 nm and 0 nm (74-0) (Fig. 1). The 0-nm steps Fig. 3. Stepping traces of three different myosin V molecules displaying 74-nm steps and histogram (inset) of a total of 32 myosin V’s taking 231 steps. Calculation of the standard deviation of step sizes can be found (14). Traces are for BR-labeled myosin V unless noted as Cy3 Myosin V. Lower right trace, see Movie S1. Yildiz et al (2003) Science Bacteria-driven motor Di Leonardo (2010) PNAS Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet generic model of a micro-motor Basic ingredients for rectification • • • • some form of noise (not necessarily thermal) some form of nonlinear interaction potential spatial symmetry breaking non-equilibrium (broken detailed balance) due to presence of external bias, periodic forcing, memory, etc. Eukaryotic motors Sketch: dynein molecule carrying cargo down a microtubule Yildiz lab, Berkeley thermal equilibrium. Generally speaking, the combination of broken spatial symmetry and non-equilibrium driving is sufficient for generating stationary currents by means of a ratchet e↵ect. Most biological micro-motors operate in the low Reynolds number regime, where inertia is negligible. A minimal model can therefore be formulated in terms of an over-damped Ito-SDE p 0 dX(t) = U (X) dt + F (t)dt + 2D(t) ⇤ dB(t). (1.116) 19 For further reading, we refer to the review articles [HM09, Rei02]. 25 thermal equilibrium. Generally speaking, the combination of broken spatial symmetry and non-equilibrium driving is sufficient for generating stationary currents by means of a ratchet e↵ect. Most biological micro-motors operate in the low Reynolds number regime, where inertia is negligible. A minimal model can therefore be formulated in terms of an over-damped Ito-SDE p 0 dX(t) = U (X) dt + F (t)dt + 2D(t) ⇤ dB(t). (1.116) 19 For further reading, we refer to the review articles [HM09, Rei02]. Here, U is a periodic potential 25 U (x) = U (x + L) (1.117a) with broken reflection symmetry, i.e., there is no x such that U ( x) = U (x + x). (1.117b) 1 U = U0 [sin(2⇡x/L) + sin(4⇡x/L)]. 4 (1.117c) A typical example is The function F (t) is a deterministic driving force, and the noise amplitude D(t) can be time-dependent as well. The corresponding FPE for the associated PDF p(t, x) reads @t p = @x j , j(t, x) = {[U 0 F (t)]p + D(t)@x p}, and we assume that p is normalized to the total number of particles, i.e. (1.118) 66 P. Reimann / Physics Reports 361 (2002) 57 – 265 2 V(x)/V 0 1 0 -1 -2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 x /L Fig. 2.2. Typical example of a ratchet-potential V (x), periodic in space with period L and with broken spatial symmetry. Plotted is the example from (2.3) in dimensionless units. microscopic degrees of freedom of the environment. As discussed in detail in Sections A.1 and A.2 of Appendix A, our assumption that the environment is an equilibrium heat bath with temperature T and that its e!ect on the system can be modeled by means of the phenomenological ansatz appearing on the right-hand side of (2.1) completely "xes [66,77–97] all statistical properties of the #uctuations A typical example is U = U0 [sin(2⇡x/L) + 1 sin(4⇡x/L)]. 4 (1.117c) The function F (t) is a deterministic driving force, and the noise amplitude D(t) can be time-dependent as well. The corresponding FPE for the associated PDF p(t, x) reads @t p = @x j , {[U 0 j(t, x) = F (t)]p + D(t)@x p}, and we assume that p is normalized to the total number of particles, i.e. Z L NL (t) = dx p(t, x) (1.118) (1.119) 0 gives the number of particles in [0, L]. The quantity of interest is the mean particle velocity vL per period defined by Z L 1 vL (t) := dx j(t, x). (1.120) NL (t) 0 Inserting the expression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) that Z L 1 vL = dx [F (t) U 0 (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) NL (t) 0 1.6.1 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet As a first example, assume that F = const. and D = const. This case can be considered as a (very) simple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar microtubule, with the constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. We would like to determine the mean transport velocity v for this model. vL = 1.6.1 NL (t) dx [F (t) U 0 (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) 0 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet As a first example, assume that F = const. and D = const. This case can be considered as a (very) simple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar microtubule, with the constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. We would like to determine the mean transport velocity vL for this model. To evaluate Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, noting that a stationary solution p1 (x) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield a constant current-density j1 , i.e., [(@x )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.122) 26 P. Reimann / Physics Reports 361 (2002) 5 4 2 3 2 1 <x> eff (x) 1 . 0 V j1 = 0 -1 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -4 -6 -4 x Fig. 2.3. Typical example of an e!ective potential from (2.35) “tilted to ample from (2.3) in dimensionless units (see Section A.4 in Appendix A P. Reimann / Physics Reports 361 (2002) 57 – 265 73 Ve! (x) = sin(2!x) + 0:25 sin(4!x) + x. 2 4 vL = 1.6.1 NL (t) dx [F (t) U 0 (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) 0 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet As a first example, assume that F = const. and D = const. This case can be considered as a (very) simple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar microtubule, with the constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. We would like to determine the mean transport velocity vL for this model. To evaluate Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, noting that a stationary solution p1 (x) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield a constant current-density j1 , i.e., j1 = where [(@x )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.122) 26 (x) = U (x) xF (1.123) is the full e↵ective potential acting on the walker. By comparing with (1.85), one finds that the desired constant-current solution is given by Z x+L 1 p1 (x) = e (x)/D dy e (y)/D . (1.124) Z x This solution is spatially periodic, as can be seen from Z x+2L 1 [U (x+L) (x+L)F ]/D p1 (x + L) = e dy e[U (y) yF ]/D Z x+L Z x+L 1 [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D = e dz e[U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D Z x Z x+L 1 gives the number of particles in [0, L]. The quantity of interest is the mean particle velocity as a (very) simple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar e that p is normalized to period the total number vL per defined by of particles, i.e. constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. We would like to Z L Z L 1transport velocity vL for this model. NL (t) = dx p(t, x) (1.119) vL (t) := dx j(t, x). (1.120) N (t) 0 L To evaluate Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, noti 0 Constant current solution solution p1 (x)solutions of the corresponding (1.118) must yield a constan ber of particles in [0, L]. Thethe quantity of interest is the particleperiodic velocity Inserting expression for j, we findmean for spatially with p(t, x) = p(t,FPE x + L) defined by i.e., that where Z L Z L 1 1 0 j1 = (1.121) [(@x )p vL = dx [F (t) U(1.120) (x)] vL (t) := dx j(t, x). 1 + D@x p1 ] (x) = U (x) xFp(t, x). (1.123) N (t) N (t) L where L 0 0 isfind thefor full e↵ective potential acting By comparing with (1.85), one 26 finds xpression for j, we spatially periodic solutions with on p(t, the x) =walker. p(t, x + L) 1.6.1 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet (x) = U (x) xF (1.123) that the desired constant-current solution is given by As Za Lfirst example, assume that F = const. and D = const. This case can be considered Z x+L By comparing with (1.85), one finds 1 is the e↵ective potential actingor1on the walking walker. 0 as afull (very) for x). kinesin dynein along a(y)/D polar microtubule, with the vL = dx [Fsimple (t) Umodel (x)] p(t, (1.121) (x)/D p1 (x) = e dy e . (1.124) NL (t) that the0 desired solution is given by constant force Fconstant-current 0 accounting for Zthe polarity. xWe would like to determine the mean transport velocity vL for this model. Z x+L ted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet 1 evaluateis Eq. (1.121), we focusason thebelong-time limit, noting that a stationary (x)/D (y)/D ThisTo solution spatially periodic, can seen from p (x) = e dy e . current-density j , (1.124) 1 solution p (x) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield a constant 1 1 Z mple, assume that F = const. and D = const. This case can be considered x Z x+2L i.e., or dynein walking along a polar 1 microtubule, mple model for kinesin with]/D the [U (x+L) (x+L)F p (x + L) = e dy e[U (y) yF ]/D 1 This solution is spatially periodic, as can be seen from F 0 accounting for the polarity. We wouldj like determine the mean Z to [(@ (1.122) 1 = x )p1 + D@x p1 ] x+L Z city vL for this model. Zx+L x+2L [U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D 1 [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D 1noting te Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, that a(x+L)F stationary [U (x+L) ]/D = e dz edy e[U (y) yF ]/D p1 (x + L) = e 26 Z ) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield a constant current-density Zjx1 ,x+L Z x+L 1 [U (x) (x+L)F ]/DZ x+L [U (z) (z+L)F ]/D = 1 e[U (x) (x+L)F ]/D dz e[U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D = dz e Ze x j1 = [(@x )p1 + D@x p1 ] (1.122) Z x = p1 (x), (1.125) Z x+L 1 [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D = e dz e[U (z) (z+L)F ]/D 26 Z where we have used the coordinate transformation L 2 [x, x + L] after the first x z = y line. Inserting p1 (x) into=Eq.p1 (1.121) (x), gives (1.125) Z L 1 where we have used vthe =coordinate transformation dx (@x ) p1 z = y L 2 [x, x + L] after the first L line. Inserting p1 (x) into Eq. N (1.121) gives L 0 Z L Z x+L 1Z L (x)/D (y)/D = dx (@ ) e dy e x 1ZN L dx 0 (@x ) p1 x vL = Z x+L NL Z L [Usolution (x) (x+L)F ]/D [U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D(1.118) must yield a constan p (x) of the corresponding FPE 1 = e dz e ber of particles in [0, L]. The quantity of interest is the mean particle velocity Inserting the expression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) Z x defined by i.e., that Z x+L Z L 1Z L [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D [U (z) (z+L)F ]/D 1 1 = e dz e 0 j1 = (1.121) [(@x )p1 + D@x p1 ] vL = dx [F (t) U(1.120) (x)] p(t, x). vL (t) := dx j(t, x). Z NL (t) 0 NL (t) 0 x = p (x), xpression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions1 with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) 1.6.1 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet 26 (1.125) where have usedassume the coordinate transformation = ycase L x + L] after the first As we example, that F = const. and D = const.zThis can2be[x, considered Za Lfirst 0 into a (very) forEq. kinesin or dynein walking along a polar microtubule, with the line.1asInserting p1 (x) (1.121) gives vL = dx [Fsimple (t) Umodel (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) NL (t) 0 constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. We would like to determine the mean transport velocity vL for this model.Z L 1 ted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet To evaluate Eq. (1.121), we focus on vL = dxthe (@xlong-time ) p1 limit, noting that a stationary NL FPE p1 (x) of D the=corresponding (1.118) must yield a constant current-density j1 , 0 can mple, assume thatsolution F = const. and const. This case be considered Z Z x+L L i.e., 1 microtubule, with the mple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar (x)/D (y)/D dx (@ ) e dy e x F 0 accounting for the polarity. like determine the mean j1 = to (1.122) ZN L [(@0x )p1 + D@x p1 ] x city vL for this model. Z L Z x+L ⇥ ⇤ D noting that a stationary te Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, (y)/D 26@x e (x)/D = dx dy e . ) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield aZN constant current-density j1 , L 0 x We = would Integrating can be simplified to(1.122) j1 = [(@x by )p1parts, + D@x pthis 1] Z L Z x+L D 26 vL = dx e (x)/D @x dy e (y)/D ZNL 0 x Z L ⇥ (x+L)/D ⇤ D (x)/D (x)/D = dx e e e ZNL 0 Z L D = dx 1 e[ (x+L) (x)]/D ZNL 0 Z L D = dx 1 e F [(x+L) x]/D ZNL 0 DL = 1 e F L/D , ZNL (1.126) (1.127) Z [Usolution (x) (x+L)F ]/D [U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D(1.118) must yield a constan x+L p (x) of the corresponding FPE 1 = e dz e ber of particles in [0, L]. The quantity of interest is the mean particle velocity Inserting the expression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions Z x+L with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) Z x 1 i.e., defined by that = e [U (x) (x+L)F ]/DZ x+L dz e[U (z+L) (z+L)F ]/D Z L 1ZZL [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D x [U (z) (z+L)F ]/D 1 1 = e dz e 0 Z j1 = (1.121) [(@x )p1 + D@x p1 ] vL = dx [F (t) U(1.120) (x)] p(t, x). vL (t) := dx j(t, x). x+L Z 1 NL (t) 0 NL (t) 0 [U (x) (x+L)F ]/D x [U (z) (z+L)F ]/D = e dz e = p1Z(x), xpression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) x 1.6.1 26 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet = p1 (x), (1.125) (1.125) where have usedassume the coordinate transformation = ycase L x + L] after the first As we example, that F = const. and D = const.zThis can2be[x, considered Za Lfirst 0 into asInserting a (very) model forEq. kinesin or dynein walking along azpolar with the after the first we[Fsimple have the coordinate transformation = ymicrotubule, L 2 [x, x + L] line.1where p1 (x) (1.121) gives vL = dx (t) Uused (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) NL (t) 0 constant force F p10(x) accounting the polarity. line. Inserting into Eq.for(1.121) gives We would like to determine the mean transport velocity vL for this model.Z L 1 Z on ted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchet L the To evaluate Eq. (1.121), we focus vL = dx (@xlong-time ) p1 limit, noting that a stationary 1 NL FPE p1 (x) of D the=corresponding (1.118) a constant current-density j1 , vconst. dxbe(@considered ) pyield 0 can L = This xmust 1 mple, assume thatsolution F = const. and case Z Z x+L N L 0L i.e., 1 microtubule, with the mple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar Z Z (x)/D (y)/D L x+L dx (@ ) e dy e 1 x F 0 accounting for the polarity. like determine the mean (x)/D = to D@ = j1 dx+(@ dy e (y)/D(1.122) ZN x x p)1e] L [(@0x )p1 x city vL for this model. ZN Z LL 0 Z x+Lx ⇥ ⇤ Z Z x+L D noting that te Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time limit, a⇥ stationary L (x)/D (y)/D ⇤ 26@x e D = dx dy e . (x)/D (y)/D ) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield=aZN constant current-density j1 , dx @ e dy e . x L 0 x ZN We = would L 0 (1.126) (1.126) x Integrating this can be simplified toto by parts, j1Integrating = [(@x by )p1parts, + D@ x p1 ] this can be simplified (1.122) Z ZL L ZZ x+L x+L DD 26 (x)/D (y)/D (x)/D vL vL= = dxdxe e @@xx dy dy e (y)/D ZN ZN L L0 0 xx Z ZL L ⇥⇥ (x+L)/D ⇤⇤ DD (x)/D (x+L)/D (x)/D (x)/D (x)/D == dxdxe e ee e ZN ZN L L0 0 Z ZL L D D (x+L) (x)]/D (x)]/D = dx 1 1 e[e[ (x+L) = dx ZN ZN L L0Z0 Z LL D F [(x+L) x]/D D F [(x+L) x]/D = dx 1 e = dx 1 e ZN L 0 ZNL 0 DL F L/D = DL 1 eF L/D , = 1 e , ZN ZNL L (1.127) (1.127) =solution dx corresponding ewith p(t, x) = p(t, e FPE e yield a constan (x)/D p1 (x)solutions of the (1.118) must ber of particles in [0, L]. Thethe quantity of interest is the particleperiodic velocity Inserting expression for j, we findmean for spatially x + L) x 0 defined by i.e., ZNL that Z L L 0 x Z L Z L D 1 [ j (x+L) 1 0 [(@x(x)]/D )p1 + D@x p1 ] = 1 e vL = dx [F (t) U(1.120) (x)] p(t,dx x). vL (t) := dx j(t, x). 1 = (1.121) NL (t) 0 NL (t) 0 ZNL 0 Z L) xpression for j, we find for spatially periodic solutions with p(t, x) = p(t, x + L 26 1.6.1 Tilted Smoluchowski-Feynman D ratchet F [(x+L) x]/D = dx 1 e As Za Lfirst example, assume that F = const. ZN and D = const. This case can be considered L 0 1as a (very) L x+L 0 simple model for kinesin or dynein walking along a polar microtubule, with the vL = dx [F (t) U (x)] p(t, x). (1.121) NL (t) DL We would likeF to 0 constant force F 0 accounting for the polarity. determine the mean (x)/D L/D 1 e , transport velocity vL for this model. L = x ZN L ted Smoluchowski-Feynman ratchetwe focus on the To evaluate Eq. (1.121), long-time limit, L noting 0 that a stationary x p1 (x) of D the=corresponding FPEcan (1.118) must yield a constant current-density j1 , mple, assume thatsolution F = const. and const. This case be considered L i.e., can be expressed as microtubule, with the mple model forwhere kinesin N or dynein walking along a polar = dx @ e ZN dy Integrating by parts, this can be simplified to Z Z D v = dx e @ dy ZN Z ⇥ D (x)/D (x+L)/D 27 F 0 accounting for the polarity. We wouldj like to determine the mean dx e (1.122) e = Z [(@ = )p Z+ D@ p ] city v for this model. 1 ZN = noting that dx26a stationary dy e L 0 . (1.128) te Eq. (1.121), we focus on the long-time N limit, Z current-density j , Z ) of the corresponding FPE (1.118) must yield a constant L D [ (x+L) (x)]/D We thus obtain the final result = dx 1 e j = [(@ )p + D@ p ] (1.122) ZN 1 Le 0 v = DL R , (1.129) R 26 Z dx dy e L D F [(x+L) x]/D = dx 1 e which holds for arbitrary periodic potentials U (x). Note that there is no net-current at ZNL 0 equilibrium F = 0. DL F L/D = 1 e , 1.6.2 Temperature ratchet ZNL L 1 L x L 1 x+Lx 1 L 0 1 x 1 x [ (x) (y)]/D 1 x 1 F L/D L L 0 x+L x [ (x) (y)]/D As we have seen in the preceding sections, the combination of noise and nonlinear dynamics can yield surprising transport e↵ects. Another example is the so-called temperatureratchet, which can be captured by the minimal SDE model p 27 Tilted Feynman-Smoluchowski ratchet P. Reimann / Physics Reports 361 (2002) 57 – 265 73 4 2 3 2 <x> 1 . 0 V eff (x) 1 0 -1 -2 -1 -3 -2 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 -4 -6 -4 -2 0 x 2 4 6 F Fig. 2.3. Typical example of an e!ective potential from (2.35) “tilted to the left”, i.e. F¡0. Plotted is the example from (2.3) in dimensionless units (see Section A.4 in Appendix A) with L = V0 = 1 and F = −1, i.e. Ve! (x) = sin(2!x) + 0:25 sin(4!x) + x. Fig. 2.4. Steady state current ⟨ẋ⟩ from (2.37) versus force F for the tilted Smoluchowski–Feynman ratchet dynamics (2.5), (2.34) with the potential (2.3) in dimensionless units (see Section A.4 in Appendix A) with " = L = V0 = kB = 1 and T = 0:5. Note the broken point-symmetry. st 0 x which holds for arbitrary periodic potentials U (x). Note that there is no net-current at equilibrium F = 0. 1.6.2 Temperature ratchet As we have seen in the preceding sections, the combination of noise and nonlinear dynamics can yield surprising transport e↵ects. Another example is the so-called temperatureratchet, which can be captured by the minimal SDE model p 0 dX(t) = [F U (X)] dt + 2D(t) dB(t), (1.130a) where D(t) = D(t + T ) is now a time-dependent noise amplitude, such as for instance D(t) = D̄ {1 + A sign[sin(2⇡t/T )]} , (1.130b) where |A| < 1. Such a temporally varying noise strength can be realized by heating and cooling the ratchet system periodically. Transport can be quantified in terms of the combined spatio-temporal average Z Z L 1 t+T hẊi := ds dx j(t, x) T t 0 Z t+T Z L 1 = ds dx [F U 0 (x)] p(t, x). (1.131) T t 0 This choice is motivated by the fact that the equations of motions are periodic in space and time, which suggests an asymptotically oscillating solution p(t, x) = p(t, x + L) = p(t + T, L) = p(t + T, x + L) for the probability density. Equation (1.130) has been studied numerically (see slide and Sec. 2.6 in Ref. [Rei02]), and was found to predict an counterintuitive e↵ect: In the presence of a small load force, optimally tuned periodic thermal pumping allows particles to climb up-hill (see slides for an illustration). can be solved numerically Time-dependent temperature P. Reimann / Physics Reports 361 (2002) 57 – 265 77 0.04 <x> 0.02 . 0 -0.02 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 F Fig. 2.5. Average particle current ⟨ẋ⟩ versus force F for the temperature ratchet dynamics (2.3), (2.34), (2.47), (2.50) in dimensionless units (see Section A.4 in Appendix A). Parameter values are ! = L = T = kB = 1, V0 = 1=2", T! = 0:5, A = 0:8. The time- and ensemble-averaged current (2.53) has been obtained by numerically evolving the Fokker–Planck equation (2.52) until transients have died out. Fig. 2.6. The basic working mechanism of the temperature ratchet (2.34), (2.47), (2.50). The "gure illustrates how Brownian particles, initially concentrated at x0 (lower panel), spread out when the temperature is switched to a very high value (upper panel). When the temperature jumps back to its initial low value, most particles get captured again in the basin of attraction of x0 , but also substantially in that of x0 + L (hatched area). A net current of particles to the right, i.e. ⟨ẋ⟩¿0 results. Note that practically the same mechanism is at work when the temperature is kept "xed and instead the potential is turned “on” and “o# ” (on–o# ratchet, see Section 4.2). A conversion (recti"cation) of random $uctuations into useful work as exempli"ed above is called